Review - what is it and how to write it correctly. General drafting plan and examples of reviews. Approximate plan and sample of writing a competent review Brief review

It's not just showbiz critics who are allowed to write reviews that smash or glorify a work of art. In the scientific world, there are other types of reviews that contain competent, reasoned judgments about the work of students and students. After reading this article, you will learn what a review is and how to write it correctly. Among other things, we will present review plans and examples of their preparation.

What is it - review

Approximate plan for reviewing a thesis

  1. Title of work, full name of the student, course, group
  2. Evaluation of the problem, the subject of research, its practical significance.
  3. Correspondence of the theme of the work with the purpose and objectives of the study.
  4. Objective analysis: structure, content, research methods.
  5. Compliance of the findings with the purpose of the study.
  6. Advantages and disadvantages of work.
  7. Final assessment and recommendations of the reviewer.

Approximate plan for a review of a scientific work

1. Title, author's data: full name, position.
2. Description of 1-2 main ideas.
3. The degree of novelty, relevance and significance of the statement.
4. Assessment of compliance with the requirements for the logic of presentation, design, terminology.
5. Justified comments, recommendations for corrections, additions to the material.
6. Data of the reviewer: full name, position, scientific title, signature.

Peculiarities of peer review

Peer review is the process of conducting an objective analysis of a scientific, artistic or literary work.

Reviewing a scientific work includes the following steps:

1. Fair, unbiased analysis:

  • sequence of presentation;
  • style and form of project writing;
  • research methods;
  • literacy of the content of the work;
  • the degree of fulfillment of the assigned tasks.

2. Bug detection:

  • actual;
  • grammatical;
  • stylistic;
  • punctuation.

4. Reasoned evaluation of the work.

The main components of a competently and correctly written review are objectivity, impartiality and reliability. The following tips will help you write a decent review.

  1. The review should not contain unfounded and unsubstantiated facts.
  2. It should cover all the main points. The review is not considered complete if, for example, the relevance of the work is not considered in it.
  3. The review should not contain tables, figures or graphs - only text.
  4. When compiling a review, you should choose a few main theses, and not be distracted by minor details and overload the text with them.
  5. The content of the review should be written in a scientific style and, at the same time, understandable to a wide range of people. Avoiding jargon and colloquial language is highly recommended.
  6. The reviewer is obliged to express and justify his own opinion correctly and respectfully, regardless of whether he supports the ideas and conclusions of the author of the scientific project or not.
  7. Do not go into long and abstract reasoning. The review should be concise, the judgments in it should be logical, and the facts should be confirmed.

An example of a WRC review:

Weaknesses of scientific work

Since the review reveals various kinds of errors or inaccuracies, it will not be superfluous to have an accurate idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat exactly the reviewer pays attention to in the first place.

  • the theme of the project is not fully disclosed;
  • not all the issues stated in the work are covered;
  • not all tasks of the project have been solved;
  • lack of logical conclusions in the studies;
  • the presence of errors in the calculations;
  • use of a small bibliography;
  • lack of graphs, figures or tables.

Making a review

The review can be typed on a computer or written by hand. The standard volume of this document varies from 1 to 2 A4 sheets.

The generally accepted rules for filing a review in electronic form are as follows:

  • font - Times New Roman;
  • size - 12 or 14;
  • line spacing - from 1 to 1.5 cm;
  • align text to the width of the page.

An example of a review:

The most important thing when writing a review is to correctly and briefly express your opinion on the work you have read, highlighting its advantages and disadvantages. By following the described recommendations and adhering to the generally accepted template, you will certainly write a high-quality, adequate review.

Article review. Review sample.

The review should include the following information:

1. Full title of the article, position and full name. the author of the article. Example:

REVIEW of the article “Control Functions in Teaching a Foreign Language (FL) to Students of Technical Specialties” by Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of St. Petersburg State Pedagogical University Tatiana Vasilyevna (Kushnareva T.V.), published in the journal “Philological Sciences. Issues of theory and practice” for 2013, No. 4, pp. 32-41.

2. A brief description of the problem to which the article is devoted. Example:

Article by T.V. Kushnareva is devoted to the definition of the main functions and rules of education and the importance of their observance when organizing the control of knowledge, skills and abilities in foreign language of students of technical specialties at the university.

3. The degree of relevance of the article. Example:

The relevance of this article is not in doubt, since testing and assessing the knowledge, skills and abilities of students of technical specialties (TS) at the university is not only an important, but also a necessary part of the educational process, and mastering the method of testing knowledge is one of the problematic tasks, standing in front of the teacher today.

The author has carried out serious work to determine the functions of feedback or control in teaching foreign language to students of technical specialties. It is also important that T.V. Kushnareva writes about the need to change the role of the teacher in the process of teaching foreign language to TS students, since today the teacher at the university ceases to be the main source of information - he should rather direct the learning, and not manage the process of transferring the language information necessary to students in an authoritarian style.

5. Key article orientation. Example:

Article by T.V. Kushnareva "Control functions in teaching a foreign language to students of technical specialties" calls for thinking about the effectiveness of oral and written dialogue with students and ways to check the level of knowledge they have gained in the classroom in foreign language by questioning, testing, preparing scientific reports for lectures or free (but within the framework of the studied subject) topic.

6. Conclusions made by the reviewer after reading the article. Example:

The article may be useful not only for teachers of higher educational institutions, but also for secondary educational institutions of a technical profile - technical schools, colleges, and schools. It will also seem interesting to students studying a foreign language at a university. Students can learn from the article important information for themselves about various forms of control over the assimilation of the studied material and even help the teacher of foreign languages ​​in the future to choose from the presented means the most effective for themselves.

7. Grade, date, some data about the reviewer, the student's signature under the review. Example:

Article by T.V. Kushnareva "Functions of control in teaching a foreign language to students of technical specialties" deserves the highest praise, since the author in it does not present the problems of mastering a foreign language abstracted from studies, but the living practice of real teaching a foreign language at a university based on eighteen years of experience in conducting classes with students of different courses and faculties of higher education.

September 9, 2013 Reviewer - Stepanov N.I., 4th year student of group 4334 of the Faculty of Information Technology and Management of St. Petersburg State Pedagogical University.

The relevance of this study is...

As the main points of the methodology used by the author ...

The article analyzes the main approaches...

The article identifies and discloses the main problems ...

Important in the article is the consideration ...

This article demonstrates...

That is why this paper focuses on...

The positive side of the job is...

On a positive note,...

The material of the article is based on a detailed analysis...

It should be emphasized that...

The article focuses on...

Of particular interest is the...

Deserves special attention...

The practical significance of this article lies in ...

The proposed approach to studying the problem...

The original concept discussed in the article...

The work under review is a serious and interesting article on a rather rare topic...

It should be noted that this article reveals a number of interesting aspects ...

The article contains a certain concept, the essence of which ...

The theoretical significance of this article lies in ...

The work under review is distinguished by the novelty and evidence of a number of ideas...

The sources cited in this article reflect the modern point of view on the problem under study, the essence of which ...

The article is made at a high scientific level, contains a number of conclusions of practical interest for…

Review - a brief review of the work done by the graduate, where the reviewer indicates the relevance of the topic, the structure of the diploma, gives a brief description of each section, notes the advantages, disadvantages, comments and gives certain recommendations. In this article, we will consider a review sample, tell you how to format it correctly and what should be in the content of a review.

As a rule, there are no special requirements for the design of a review of the WRC, but still, it is advisable to adhere to certain rules.

The WRC review is drawn up on a maximum of two pages of A4 format and is printed in Times New Roman font with a size of at least 12 pt.

The review of the WRC should contain:

  1. Work theme.
  2. Introduction, which presents the relevance of the study, the purpose and structure of highly qualified work.
  3. The main part, which briefly describes the sections of the diploma.
  4. Conclusion. Here you can write conclusions, positive and negative aspects of the work.
  5. Signature, seal of the reviewer and his position.

Thesis writing style

It is necessary to pay attention not only to the content of the review, but also to the style of writing. You should not write a review in a journalistic, colloquial or official business style. Only the scientific style is taken into account, which reflects only the specifics of the topic.

The simpler the review is written, the easier the commission perceives the information, and the future assessment of the student already depends on this.

What should a WRC review contain?

A review of scientific papers is written on a separate form, which is issued to the student at the department. If there is no form, then it can be written on an A4 sheet in any form, but only in a scientific style. First, at the very top of the form, the topic of the thesis is written.

Relevance of the topic

After the title of the topic, the reviewer sets out the relevance of the study in about 2-3 sentences. It talks about the relevance of the study and how the author is going to solve the problems raised.

Purpose of the study

In this section, it is written what the purpose of the work is, whether the content corresponds to the target setting. It is desirable that the goal be described briefly, in a maximum of 2 sentences.

Diploma structure

In this part, all sections, paragraphs and subparagraphs of the work are indicated. That is, the reviewer writes how many chapters and paragraphs are in the student's work, how much literature is used, how many applications are added.

The content of the work

After the structure, each part of the work is summarized from introduction to conclusion. The reviewer describes what causes the relevance and what problems are identified in the work. Then he proceeds to a brief description of the sections, where he describes their significance in the work. Indicates the number of figures, diagrams, charts, and tables.

Advantages of work

Here, the reviewer evaluates the author's competence in this topic, indicates what results the student introduced into the practical activities of the work, whether he correctly issued a diploma, what was new in the study, what was taken into account during development, and what is the peculiarity of the work.

Work Disadvantages

The reviewer must also write the negative aspects of the work, if any, as well as point out typos and inaccuracies, perhaps the references to sources are incorrectly given in the text material or there are errors in the work. The reviewer describes all these shortcomings at the very bottom of the form.

Even if there are no significant shortcomings, it is advisable not to ignore this item. As a rule, each student will find shortcomings, albeit minor ones. However, at the same time, you should not focus too much on the shortcomings, as the commission may lower the overall score for the work.

The overall mark is set on the basis of all parts of the thesis. The reviewer draws attention to the logical sequence of information, to the design of the work and the use of terminology, and then sums up.

Examples of WRC reviews

No time to write your review? We suggest that you familiarize yourself with ready-made examples, where feedback on the thesis is written in stages - it's free!

Example 1


for the thesis of the 5th year student (s)

ARGO - Academy for the Development of Humanitarian Education of the city of Kremenchuk

Student (ka) - Dear Svetlana Nikolaevna

department pedagogy and psychology

Faculty psychological science


The thesis contains 86 sheets of A4 format, and there are also applications that reveal the topic of the work in more detail. The content of the thesis is holistic, it reveals all the points, it is clear that the student has conducted a deep and high-quality research. The volume and design of the thesis correspond to the stated requirements.


The graduation project is devoted to solving such actual problems:

Adolescence - the growth of aggression and their most often overestimated or underestimated self-esteem. These are serious problems, since they concern not only the teenager himself, but the whole society. Indeed, over the past few years, crime among adolescents has increased, which leads to bodily harm. In addition, every day more and more began to occur group raids on people. This suggests that teenagers have become too aggressive and let off "steam" with the help of civilians. That is why this topic is relevant today and it is necessary to urgently solve the problems posed.

Purpose of the study is to conduct a comparative analysis of the level of self-esteem and manifestations of aggression in adolescents who study in secondary schools and colleges. The author admits that the place of study affects adolescents and therefore aggression, adolescent behavior, their self-esteem, depending on the place of study, are very different.

The structure of the thesis:

The thesis consists of two sections, and each of them has 3 points. Conclusions, list of references (38 items) and applications (16 items).

In the introduction, the relevance of the study is determined, the main problems of adolescents are presented, the goal is correctly formulated, the subject and object of the study are identified.

The first chapter is devoted to theoretical studies of the problem of behavioral disorders in adolescence. The psychological features of adolescence, the causes and forms of manifestation of aggressive behavior of children are considered.

The second chapter presents experimental studies of the problem of aggressive behavior in adolescence. The author proposed a diagnostic experiment and carried out a correctional program to reduce aggression, and with low self-esteem, the author proposed methods to increase self-esteem to a normal level.

From the conclusion it became clear that the student approached the work and experimental methods seriously and responsibly. She suggested that some teenagers take simple tests that are in the annexes to the thesis.

Positive aspects of the graduation project:

The conclusions confirm the practical significance of the study results. Therefore, the work ended logically, where the author demonstrated his competence in the research.

The results of the author were implemented by teachers in practical activities and at this stage the positive aspects of the student's work became noticeable, as the teenagers with whom experiments and tests were carried out gradually began to change for the better.

Negative aspects of the graduation project:

The work revealed minor spelling and stylistic errors. There are also inaccuracies in the bibliography and some references.

The final qualified work meets the stated requirements and deserves the highest score "excellent".

Example 2

In the thesis of the student (s) full name on the topic (topic name), the object and subject were investigated ...

The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that ... ..

The project has developed fascinating techniques that will help in ....

The thesis deals with issues such as...

The student's project (s) consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and 10 appendices.

The introduction briefly talks about new methods, and also notes: the goal, objectives, subject and object of research.

In the first chapter, student (ka) FIO noted (a) such theoretical features ...

The second chapter is devoted to the practical part, where the following is noted ...

Based on the two chapters, the conclusion about ...

After reading the graduation project, the reviewer concluded that there are some inaccuracies in the author's work ...

There are interesting proposals in the student’s project that are worth paying attention to…

The student analyzed 15 sources and showed good knowledge in the theoretical and practical parts in the work.

Reviewer: F. I. O. academic degree (position) at the department

Date: "____" ______201_ Signature: ________________

Example 3

The diploma of the student (s) full name describes an important topic (topic name), which is quite relevant today, since ...

The first chapter deals with theory, where such problems and questions are explored ...

And in the third chapter, current problems and prospects of the company (name of the enterprise) are explored. However, the student not only identified problems, but also gave an assessment of the current level of information security...

The positive aspects of this work include…

There are also some minor shortcomings in the work. For example, the author did not go deep enough into the first chapter...

The pros and cons of the work have been identified, and now we can conclude that, in general, the author completed the work in accordance with all the requirements of GOST. The student (ka) presented (a) the work with a logical sequence, all chapter titles are fully consistent with the text. Therefore, I believe that the author deserves an “excellent” rating and the work can be allowed for protection.

Reviewer: F. I. O. academic degree (position) at the department

Date: "____" ______201_ Signature: ________________

Example 4

The student (ka) full name wrote her thesis work on 90 sheets of A4 format, which does not include applications, there are 7 applications in the project that confirm the project indicators. In terms of content, the work is built structurally, with a logical sequence, which proves the knowledge of the topic by the author.

It can be seen that the student (ka) conducted (a) deep research and made (a) capacious conclusions. Each part of the project was considered using the necessary professional terminology. The author processed (a) the required amount of material, which included not only scientific literature, but also educational literature, in order to fully reveal the topic and conducted a study at a high level. Plus, the student revealed original methods of economic efficiency of the enterprise.

Already from the first chapter it is clear that the author has an excellent level of knowledge of the theory, and she was able to formulate her own conclusions. The student took as a basis not only scientific literature, which described the opinions of various scientists in the field of this topic, but also educational literature, from which theoretical issues were considered.

In the second chapter, the author explored the practical part of the work and also presented a complete and in-depth analysis of not only Russian, but also foreign scientists. The student also conducted statistics on the activities of several enterprises over the past 3 years, thanks to which the author identified significant problems that became the basis for the development of this study.

In the third chapter, the student spoke about specific ways to eliminate problems and made comprehensive suggestions on how to optimize the business at this enterprise. The practical recommendations were checked by the management and it turned out that the organization can really have really high performance if the recommendations are followed.

As such, the reviewer failed to identify shortcomings, but the work lacks illustrations, graphs or diagrams. Also, the style of presentation is different in each chapter, however, these minuses do not affect the quality of the project. Therefore, the student can be given the highest mark of “excellent”.

Reviewer: F. I. O. academic degree (position) at the department

Date: "____" ______201_ Signature: ________________

Example 5

The theme of the graduation project is relevant today and therefore the author considered such issues ...

The work contains 80 pages of A4 typewritten text, as well as appendices, illustrations and diagrams, and they confirm ...

The project consists of the following parts: introduction (occupies 1.5 A4 sheets), two chapters (theory and practice), each of which contains three paragraphs, conclusion (occupies 2 A4 sheets) and a list of references.

The introduction consists of the purpose, task, subject and object of research.

The first chapter contains three paragraphs, where only the theoretical part is considered. Here the author skillfully and competently formulates his opinion on the problem that is being investigated. It can be seen from the written that the student is fluent in theory on this topic.

I would like to note the positive aspects of the author's work, for example, the student perfectly studied the problem and suggested an alternative for the development of the enterprise.

However, the project also revealed shortcomings: incorrect expressions that cannot be considered from a legal point of view, but this provision does not affect the quality of the graduation project.

In general, the work was done quite well, and in this regard, the author was allowed to defend his diploma, as the student earned a high mark of “excellent” for his work.

Reviewer: F. I. O. academic degree (position) at the department

Date: "____" ______201_ Signature: ________________

Example 6

The final qualified work of the student (s) full name on the topic (topic name) is relevant today, since these problems concern almost every organization. The author has written three chapters that are devoted exclusively to the research topic.

The author processed 25 sources, which include both scientific and educational material. The student presented the work in an exclusively scientific style, and the volume of the project is 95 A4 pages, where applications are not included. However, there are enough applications (10 figures and 5 tables) to confirm all your work on the graduation project.

In the first chapter, the student presented and analyzed the theory over the past three years. The author has deeply studied and revealed the concepts and main aspects on this topic.

The student devoted the second chapter to the peculiarities of the economic characteristics of the enterprise over the past few years. The author also conducted a deep and complete analysis of the company and identified significant problems.

In this final qualified work, the author showed himself to be an excellent specialist in this field, was able to formulate his point of view.

Still, shortcomings in the work were also revealed: the author avoided scientific terminology, which is unacceptable for a specialist. However, the student explained everything in his own words, which is important for people who do not understand anything in terminology. Therefore, the work of the author can be admitted to the defense and is rated “excellent”.

Reviewer: F. I. O. academic degree (position) at the department

Date: "____" ______201_ Signature: ________________

The review of the final qualification work is an important component of the project, therefore, its writing should be approached responsibly. Try to write a review in more detail so that the commission does not have any questions in the future.

How to write a review for a WRC (thesis) correctly - 6 examples updated: September 2, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

For many university students, graduate students and researchers, the issue of writing various papers is quite problematic. In particular, it can be difficult to take into account all the requirements and competently write a review of the publication. Today I decided to post information about how to write a review of a scientific article, an example of which can be seen below.

What is a review

Before publishing an article in a serious publication, a review is required. At the same time, peer review is considered one of the most important parts in the selection and approval of works. In addition, it improves the quality of published articles.

To publish an article in a journal from the VAK List, at least two reviews are required. A number of publications that are preparing to submit documents to be included in this list have the same requirements. However, such reviews are also required for other purposes in the framework of higher education and the submission of scientific publications. This applies to both humanitarian and technical specialties, and introduces difficulties for both students, for example, undergraduates, and researchers.

Some people think the term “peer review” is intricate, but it can be described quite simply: the article is checked for consistency and authenticity of the content, as well as for compliance with the design requirements. However, such a simple procedure is associated with the subjective discretion of the reviewers. Therefore, you need to know exactly how to properly draw up a document, and what it should contain.

A review is a special document that is compiled by a reviewer.. The latter may be a scholar with a degree who understands the content of the publication, and also works in the same field, specializes in the same discipline as the author.

The reviewer provides a brief analysis of the publication, evaluation. All this is done according to specific criteria. They also evaluate the volume, annotation, the choice of keywords in different languages. They also look at how well the references are written, how the bibliography is framed.

Varieties of reviews

Depending on the purpose of compilation, the document can be written by different reviewers. It comes in the following varieties:

  1. Internal review compiled by the supervisor. The teacher's signature certifies the university or the institution where the author is studying or working.
  2. External review– for this purpose, editors of journals or members of the editorial board are appointed as reviewers. One way or another, the document should be compiled by specialists with authority and a scientific degree. A number of organizations require the person who will write it to have published publications in specialized journals over the past few years (usually for three years).

Sample drafting plan

There are two options for a plan on how to write a review of an article. The first option can be called simplified, and the second one is already somewhat more complicated and more detailed. If you are interested in a simpler plan that allows you to understand how to write a review competently, then it includes the following points:

  1. Introduction about the subject of research.
  2. Personal impressions about reading, the main aspects that shape the course of publication.
  3. Degree of importance the problem that is being highlighted.
  4. findings.

This plan is better students and novice reviewers who do not have enough experience to write criticisms.

The expanded plan would look like this:

  1. Intelligence about the article in question.
  2. Degree of importance problems and their updating.
  3. Indication of the main aspect under consideration in the publication (a brief analysis of the content is possible).
  4. Custom Arguments and impressions from the study.
  5. Constructive criticism and negative sides.
  6. findings.


The question of volume is ambiguous, since this nuance will largely depend on the specific topic and scientific discipline. Usually a review takes up to three and a half thousand printed characters. This corresponds to approximately 1.5 pages of 12 point Word text.

To give your review a stylistic finish, be sure to use special phrases and thematic expressions that emphasize your professionalism and knowledge of the subject and discipline.

Concise Dictionary of Phrases

If you want to write a good review, use the following words and sentences, which can be inserted into the text:

  1. In the article of the author or in the work ...
  2. Scientific research is devoted to the following problem ...
  3. An important aspect of the article, in which the author achieved a positive result ...
  4. Summing up the results of the entire study or its separate part ...
  5. You can point out the imperfection of the article in that ...

In the last paragraph, it is important to say not only about the shortcomings, but also about the positive aspects of the publication.

Add the following phrase: “However, it is impossible not to say about … ”

What should a reviewer be guided by?

If you want to do everything right, adhere to special rules for compiling a document. In this case, your review will be accepted in a specialized publication. When writing a review, pay attention to the following requirements:

  1. Describing the importance of the topic in modern conditions and its relevance, do it as concisely as possible.
  2. Pointing to the main aspect, choose the thesis that you consider the main, without additional and secondary nuances.
  3. When retelling the content, remember to point out the findings of the study and focus on successful thesis of the author.
  4. Pointing out the negative sides, write exclusively on topic without citing additional sources.
  5. In the closing phrases talk about the positives.
  6. Mandatory tell me about dates and exact facts, but without compromising the clarity and brevity of the document.

As additional requirements for which feedback should be made, you can use the following:

  1. Point out the originality of the publication.
  2. List the main shortcomings and your criticisms.
  3. Tell about your personal impressions while reading a scientific work, but do it with arguments.
  4. Be impartial and try to be objective.
  5. It is also recommended to personally communicate with the author.

If you comply with the above requirements, your review will be accepted for publication in a magazine or for posting on a website, etc.

What is not allowed when writing a review

In addition to the mandatory items, there are also certain points that should never appear in the text, namely:

  1. Never do not write swear words or radical appeals with a violent nature.
  2. Do not simply retell the text research, as readers can do it, but never critics and people with special training.
  3. Not allowed to turn on personal opinion without argument.
  4. Do not write lengthy abstract reasoning.
  5. Always express thoughts clearly and do not pay too much attention to the nuances that can be counted secondary.
  6. The unpreparedness of the reviewer, the presence spelling and factual errors.
  7. Do not write exclusively in a negative spirit, point out the positives as well.
  8. Don't write about personal tastes and preferences.

Pay attention to these points, and you will not be accused of illiteracy or bias.

Writing a review is easy: criteria for content

When writing to begin with, indicate the overall rating of the article. It will consist of several criteria, each of which can be assessed as “sufficient”, “weak”, “insufficient” and included in the text. The criteria will be as follows:

  1. Problematic. The study should be devoted to a particular issue and indicate its essence, point to solutions.
  2. Relevance. The article should correspond to modern scientific and social realities.
  3. Scientific. The author must consider the subject of research from the point of view of a scientist, even if it is in itself applied and technical.
  4. Novelty. The results and conclusions reached by the author must have scientific novelty. It may also consist in the application of new methods that have not previously been used when considering a particular topic.
  5. Completeness. Research must be holistic. So, the author needs to start with setting goals and goals, and complete the text with their solution.
  6. Validity. The result must be substantiated using certain tools - specific methods, experiments, mathematical modeling, etc.
  7. Structured. The article should have a clear and understandable structure, which in publications corresponds to the presence of sections and subsections. They can be devoted to relevance, analysis of facts and theories, problem statement, discussion in scientific circles and literature, conclusion, etc.
  8. Characteristics of the formulations. The provisions of the publication should be formulated as clear, concise phrases and strictly define the essence of the contribution of the research to science and the development of the discipline.
  9. Clarity. Articles should be written in a language that will be understandable to average specialists in a particular field. The use of generally accepted terms is required.
  10. Compactness. Scientific work should not be excessively voluminous. The size of the text is regulated by the content of clear, verified information in it.

After evaluating these criteria, substantive comments can also be included. For more tips, check out the following video:

Review example

Today, a ready-made sample document can be downloaded for free. Here is an example of a short review of a publication in the field of psychology. Recall that this is only an approximate example, and you can (and most likely even should!) Include additional sub-clauses depending on the specific topic. So the text might be:

  1. Review of the article “Psychological Aspects of Education in School Institutions” by Natalya Vasilievna Lapushkina, post-graduate student of the Department of Psychology of the Pedagogical University.
  2. The article discusses the main psychological aspects that are aimed at improving the academic performance and learning ability of children at school, conducts a behavioral analysis of specific groups of schoolchildren by age.
  3. The relevance of the problem under study is beyond doubt, because the current level of schooling lags far behind the realities of the time, and to a large extent this depends on the illiterate approach of teachers to students.
  4. The author did a deep work and provided recommendations regarding the normalization of the psychological climate in educational institutions. There is a conclusion that the psychological knowledge of teachers is insufficient, and teachers are unwilling to seek contact with children.
  5. The scientific article fully complies with a number of requirements and can be recommended for publication.
  6. Full name of the reviewer, other personal information, signature and seal.
Fig.1 Sample review of a scientific article. Click to view in full size...


Writing a review is a problematic procedure, since it can be difficult not only for undergraduate or graduate students, but also for serious scientists, to clearly articulate their opinion on a study and express it in a few pages. Such documents are compiled both for approval of the publication of the article, and for internal use in the defense of diplomas, term papers, for the implementation of student projects, and also simply as training for university students.

The writing process can be made much easier if you follow a specific plan and write your own assessment, according to the criteria. The finished sample also helps to determine the wording.

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What is the difference between a review and a dissertation review?

Feedback on the thesis written by the supervisor and an external reviewer in the form of a review.

Thesis review is a brief description of the diploma by the head and the recommended grade.

Diploma review should be written in concise language and occupy 1-2 sheets of printed text.

Feedback on diploma is written in the form of a brief assessment of the content of the thesis, with a volume of about 1.5-2 pages A4.

The main difference between the review and review of the thesis is the structure of the presentation of the material. The diploma review is more focused on describing the content, while the diploma review has an analytical focus.

The content of the thesis review

Structurally dissertation review Includes an introduction, main body and conclusion. The introductory part of the review begins with the data of the author of the thesis.

The main part, which is devoted to the analysis of individual elements of the diploma and the identification of the advantages and disadvantages of the diploma, occupies most of the diploma reviews.

The conclusion is the shortest part. The conclusion of the review contains only a conclusion on the diploma: admitted or not to the defense and assessment. Final part dissertation reviews ends with the signature of the reviewer.

The structure of the review for the thesis includes a brief conclusion on the whole work, an assessment of the relevance of the topic, a brief description of the focus of the study, followed by an assessment of the content of the diploma. Feedback on diploma should end with a short summary.

Feedback on the thesis should contain in its title the full name of the author and the topic of the diploma. The title of the review should stand out from the rest of the text.

A short summary that starts review for a diploma, should contain a general assessment of the thesis in terms of content, volume and other regulatory requirements in the author's specialty. Undoubtedly, the conclusion must be positive. The evaluation of the relevance of the topic includes the opinion of the author of the review on how much this topic is in demand today, as well as its role within the scope of the study. A brief description of the direction of the research can be formulated as a description of the very essence of the studied phenomenon, category or object of research, or in the form of an assessment of the importance of the problems of the thesis.

Feedback on the thesis has as its main purpose to evaluate the content of the diploma, therefore this part should occupy the largest volume within the review. It is desirable to make an assessment in accordance with the chapters of the thesis. After that, it is necessary to complete the review on the thesis with a conclusion, clearly indicating the value of the study.

Samples of reviews for the thesis

Below are three sample of reviews for the thesis. The last review is the most detailed review with a detailed analysis of the content of the thesis. Such reviews and reviews are usually written for diplomas with the recommended grade "excellent".

After samples of reviews for the thesis, 8 examples of reviews and reviews for diplomas in various specialties are given.

The thesis of the full name is dedicated to ...

The relevance of the topic of the thesis is predetermined by the value that is due to ...

Diploma work FIO structurally consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references.

The introduction notes the purpose and objectives of the thesis, the subject of research, theoretical and methodological problems of the thesis.

The subject of the first chapter is the question of...

The second chapter deals with...

The conclusion about the complex nature of...

The following proposals of the author are of interest:

Theoretical and normative sources on the topic of the thesis are used to a sufficient extent. In addition to the mandatory sources, individual articles were analyzed...

Disadvantages of the thesis are...

Assessing the thesis work of the full name in general, it should be noted that it meets the basic requirements and can be admitted to the defense, deserving a positive assessment.

Reviewer: ...

Sample essay review

The full name diploma is devoted to an important topic, the relevance of which is beyond doubt, since ...

This circumstance makes it possible to recognize the structure of the thesis as appropriate.

The theoretical basis of the thesis research was...

The full name diploma structurally consists of ...

In the introduction, the relevance of the research topic, the purpose and objectives of the thesis, the provisions submitted for defense are noted.

The first chapter deals with theoretical questions on the topic ...

The second chapter includes...

As shortcomings of the thesis, it should be noted the insufficient number of the author's own conclusions. There are some grammatical errors and inaccuracies.

Assessing the full name diploma as a whole, it should be noted that it meets all the necessary requirements.

Reviewer: ...

Sample essay review

The thesis of the full name is written on a topic that is currently relevant ...

The relevance of this topic is confirmed by many reasons. The questions considered in the thesis are relevant in connection with ...

The diploma work is written on the basis of the current legislation and the works of scientists, authoritative in the field under study.

The diploma consists of two chapters, in turn divided into three paragraphs each, as well as an introduction, conclusion and list of references. The diploma is issued in accordance with accepted standards.

The introduction substantiates the relevance of the study, the goals and objectives of the work, as well as the provisions submitted for defense.

The first chapter deals with...

The first paragraph includes the main definitions concerning...

Already in the second paragraph, practical examples are given ...

The third paragraph is an addition to the previous ones and contains ...

The second chapter of the thesis contains a study ...

The division of the second chapter into paragraphs on individual research issues adopted by the author is not the best solution, which is a drawback of the thesis. However, the author coped well with the structure of the thesis proposed by him.

The second chapter of the diploma contains a large number of practical materials and their analysis.

The practical significance of this work lies in ...

In general, the full name disclosed the topic of the thesis in sufficient detail and fully, which contributed to a positive review.

The disadvantages of the thesis work include a small number of fundamental works of scientists used as the basis of the work.

Thesis review

students Ivanova Marina Aleksandrovna

Improving the system of remuneration in the organization

The relevance of the study is determined by its focus on the process of improving the remuneration system in the organization, because salary is one of the main factors of personnel motivation.

The advantages of the thesis include the very fact of the analysis of the wage fund, as well as the ratio of growth in labor productivity and wages.

The problems of personnel turnover were objectively considered, shortcomings in the system of remuneration of employees were identified, which became the basis for the development of measures to improve the system of remuneration of personnel.

The proposed methods are aimed at increasing labor productivity in the organization, reducing staff turnover, which is very important in the field of construction.

When writing a graduation research Ivanova M.A. various research methods were used, the necessary calculations were made and the necessary conclusions were drawn.

Ivanova M.A. demonstrated good analytical skills, the ability to analyze and systematize the collected information, as well as to draw independent conclusions, suggestions and generalizations.

The work of Ivanova M.A. is an up-to-date study, the results of which can be used to improve the payment system at SU DSK LLC.

The selected issues are disclosed fully and comprehensively, the developed recommendations and proposals are of great practical importance, their implementation will help increase labor productivity and reduce staff turnover in the organization.

Diploma work of Ivanova M.A. complies with the requirements of GOST for graduation theses, and can be recommended for defense with an "excellent" rating.

Thesis reviewer:

Thesis review

students Vostorgova Albina Alekseevna

Powers of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation

The presented diploma work of 67 pages consists of an introduction, main part, conclusion, list of references and 7 appendices.

The thesis is done on a very topical topic. Since this study consists in the fact that in the new social conditions, a specific area that regulates relations that develop in the process of constitutional proceedings, the application of the constitution, as well as guarantees of compliance with fundamental principles and rights in the field of constitutional law, are of particular importance. In the context of rapidly changing modern legislation, when the relevance of similar works (based mainly on current legislation) is rapidly declining, the historical and theoretical approach of the author to the coverage of the topic of the work seems to be very reasonable.

The author has done a large amount of work on the study of the legislation of the Russian Federation, which regulates relations in the field of constitutional legal proceedings. The powers and competence of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation are considered. A comparative description of the new Federal Constitutional Law of the Russian Federation "On the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation" and the inactive legislation on the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation is carried out. The problem of the application of its powers by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in the implementation of constitutional proceedings has been studied. A complete and comprehensive study of the problem of the activities of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, violations of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as the Federal Law "On the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation" was carried out. In addition, the problem of the influence of state bodies, in particular the President of the Russian Federation, on the activities and powers of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation is partially touched upon. This allowed the author to identify the causes of violations of the activities of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, ways to eliminate them, and note the trends in the positive development of the activities of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, as well as analyze what the improvement in the powers of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation has been at the present time.

The most interesting, from my point of view, is chapter 3, paragraph 3.1, devoted to limiting the powers of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. It clearly describes what powers the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation has lost at the moment and what prerequisites contributed to this.

Some of the shortcomings of the work include some expressions that are not always legal terms. However, this does not reduce the overall extremely favorable impression of the thesis. She meets the qualification requirements, can be admitted to the defense and deserves a high positive assessment.

Thesis reviewer:

Date: "____" _______________201

Thesis review

student Alekseev Oleg Semenovich

Currency regulation and currency control in the Russian Federation

The severity of the problem of the illegal export of Russian capital prompted the President and the Government of the Russian Federation to take measures aimed at strengthening control over the flow of export foreign exchange earnings into the country and its export abroad. To this end, the law of the Russian Federation "On currency regulation and currency control" was recently amended and supplemented accordingly.

Therefore, I believe that the study undertaken by the author is very relevant. Graduation thesis is a comprehensive approach to the study of scientific and practical materials on the legal regulation of the foreign exchange market and foreign exchange transactions in Russia.

Structure of the work: introduction, three chapters, conclusion, list of references.

The content of the work. First of all, the author focused on the concepts of the foreign exchange market and its objects - currency and currency values, rightly noting the imperfection of the legal definition of foreign exchange operations, as well as the lack of such a classification as current operations and operations related to the movement of capital. The subjects of the foreign exchange market - the concepts of a resident and a non-resident are considered, the features of their status are determined. The author emphasizes currency transactions with such objects as securities.

In the second chapter of the work, transactions with foreign currency are studied, the procedure for organizing settlements with foreign currency and the legal regulation of current foreign exchange transactions are considered.

The third chapter is devoted to the issues of legal liability for violation of modern currency legislation. Separately, administrative and criminal liability, as well as civil and legal consequences of illegal transactions with foreign currency are considered.

Advantages of the work: the work submitted for review shows independence in approaches to the study of the material, a good level of theoretical preparation, knowledge of the literature, etc. The author was able to structure the extensive theoretical material and isolate the main points from it.

The final qualifying work is written at a good scientific level and is distinguished by the logic of construction. The results obtained in this work allow us to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the legal regulation of foreign exchange transactions in the Russian Federation.

Based on the foregoing, I believe that the final qualifying work of student Oleg Semenovich Alekseev fully complies with the requirements for such tasks and deserves an "excellent" rating, and if it is successfully defended, the author can be recommended the qualification "Lawyer" in the specialty "Jurisprudence".

Thesis reviewer:

Date: "____" _______________201

Thesis review

The thesis on the topic "Analysis of the financial activity of an enterprise (on the example of Inavtoservice LLC)" was completed by the student in full and in accordance with the requirements.

Ensuring the effective functioning of the enterprise requires economically competent management of its activities, which is largely determined by the ability to analyze it. The analysis of financial and economic activity is an indispensable element of both financial management at an enterprise and economic relations with its partners, with the financial and credit system, with tax authorities, etc.

Currently, the market economy in the Russian Federation is gaining momentum. Along with it, competition is gaining strength as the main mechanism for regulating the economic process, increasing the independence of enterprises, their economic and legal responsibility. The importance of the financial stability of business entities is sharply increasing. All this significantly increases the role of analyzing their financial condition: the availability, placement and use of funds.

The basis of information support for the analysis of the financial condition is the financial statements, which should contain the data necessary for: making informed management decisions in the field of investment policy; assessment of the dynamics of changes in the profit of the enterprise; evaluation of the use of available resources of the enterprise.

The above circumstances fully affect a specific section of economic analysis at enterprises - analysis and assessment of the solvency and financial stability of an enterprise, which determines the relevance of the chosen topic of the thesis.

In the thesis work of the student Regarov I.L. reflects the analysis and assessment of the solvency and financial stability of the enterprise. The development of recommendations for improving the financial and economic activities of the enterprise is noted.

The work under review includes: an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, and appendices that present the company's financial statements.

The first chapter discusses in detail the theoretical foundations of the analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise. According to these sources of information, the main of which is the financial statements of the organization, the methodology for analyzing the financial condition of the enterprise is considered. The description of the theoretical aspects on this topic is presented correctly, using literary and electronic sources.

In the second chapter Regarov I.L. pays attention to the issue of preliminary characteristics of the financial condition of INAVTOSERVICE LLC: analyzes the composition and structure of the company's funds and sources of their formation, analysis of the composition and structure of current assets by risk, analysis of receivables.

The third chapter is devoted to an internal in-depth analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise, where the author presents an analysis of the liquidity of the balance sheet and solvency of the enterprise, an analysis of the turnover of the enterprise's assets and a general analysis of the financial stability of the enterprise. In the paper, the author considers measures to improve the financial position of INAVTOSERVICE LLC.

In conclusion, general conclusions are given on the qualification work and proposals that can be adopted by the management of the enterprise.

The diploma work says that the student has a good command of normative and methodological materials, is able to analyze statistical data and apply the information received for practical purposes.

The work is written in an economically literate language using factual data, graphic material and specialized literature, correctly formatted, the topic is fully disclosed, the calculation procedure, final figures and the results of comparing the obtained data with standard values ​​are available.

Along with the positive aspects outlined in the thesis, it should be noted that it would be more effective to clearly formulate the concept of performance efficiency and conclusions for each of the chapters. However, these shortcomings do not detract from the creative approach.

Degree work Regarova I.L. is an independent study, has theoretical and practical value, meets the requirements for the thesis. The student deserves the appropriate qualification "economist" and an excellent mark, subject to a successful defense.

Thesis reviewer:

Feedback on the thesis

student Regarov Ivan Leonidovich

Analysis of the financial activity of the enterprise

The thesis on the topic "Analysis of the financial activity of an enterprise (on the example of LLC "Inavtoservis")" in content and volume meets the requirements for graduation theses in the specialty "Finance and Credit".

The topic of this thesis is very relevant, because in the conditions of market relations, one of the tasks of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise is analysis and evaluation. Since the assessment of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise is characterized by a set of indicators that reflect the process of formation and use of its financial resources, then in a market economy it reflects the final results of the enterprise. The analysis of financial and economic activity is an indispensable element of both financial management at an enterprise and economic relations with its partners, with the financial and credit system, and with tax authorities.

A comprehensive analysis of financial and economic activities is the scientific basis for making managerial decisions in business. To substantiate them, it is necessary to identify and predict existing and potential problems, production and financial risks, to determine the impact of decisions made on the level of risks and income of a business entity. Therefore, the possession of a methodology for a comprehensive analysis of financial and economic activities by managers of all levels is an integral part of their professional training.

Financial analysis is the calculation, interpretation and evaluation of a set of financial indicators that characterize various aspects of the company's activities.

The purpose of this work is to analyze the financial activities of LLC "Inavtoservis".

In this thesis, an analysis of the financial activities of LLC "Inavtoservis" was carried out, measures were developed that would improve the financial condition of the enterprise. Thus, the purpose of this work is fulfilled.

The thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters of the main content, which successfully complement each other, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.

In the first chapter of this thesis, the concept of "analysis" is introduced, its role in managing the activities of an enterprise is described, its content, types, purpose, tasks, principles are considered, its main methods, techniques are highlighted, and indicators characterizing financial and economic activity are studied.

The second chapter gives a preliminary description of the financial condition of the enterprise under study according to the balance sheet.

The third chapter provides an internal in-depth analysis of the liquidity, solvency and financial stability of Inavtoservice LLC.

Based on the results of the analysis, it was revealed that there are reserves for increasing profits at Inavtoservice LLC by increasing sales.

Head Antonov V.D.

Feedback on the graduation project

student Vitanov Arkady Sergeevich

Analysis of activities and increase in the profitability of a trading enterprise

The graduation project was completed in accordance with the guidelines in full. The theme of the project corresponds to the profile of the specialty and is quite relevant. The diploma student solves the following issues: development and comprehensive justification of measures to bring a grocery store out of the crisis, justification of methods for maintaining a competitive market economy.

In the graduation project, the current state of the market economy is considered. An analysis of the development of the microdistrict and the competitors available in it was carried out. The consequences of the economic crisis of August 1998 were also studied, directions for accounting and neutralizing its consequences were developed.

A feasibility study was carried out for the lease of part of the retail space. An original marketing strategy has been developed. Calculation of expected revenues, financial results. Technical and organizational measures have been developed to implement the developed solutions, taking into account the conditions of life safety and ensuring proper environmental friendliness.

In general, the content and volume of the project fully correspond to the task and the profile of the specialty, characterize the sufficient theoretical preparation of the performer, and meet the requirements. The method of competition developed in the project is of practical importance. The graphic part is made qualitatively and fully reflects the content of the explanatory note. The diploma project deserves high marks, and Vitanov Arkady Sergeevich is awarded the qualification "Manager".

Head Tulaykin V.N.

Feedback on the thesis

students Cherkina Anna Anatolyevna

Directions of investment cooperation in the development of foreign economic activity of Russian companies

"Directions of investment cooperation in the development of foreign economic activity of Russian companies" was completed in accordance with the Program of the State Educational Standard within the framework of the specialty "World Economy". In terms of structure, content and design, this thesis meets the requirements. The diploma work is done on a topical topic.

The work consists of introduction, three chapters, conclusion and appendices. The introduction shows the relevance of this topic. In the first chapter, the author, using various literary sources, examines the essence and significance of foreign investment for the world economy, as well as the direction of investment cooperation. In the second chapter, the author conducts an economic analysis of the economic activities of a particular enterprise. In the third chapter, the author calculates an investment project for the enterprise under study and analyzes the significance of foreign investment for the real sector of the economy. In the final part of the work, the author sums up the study of the topic, formulates conclusions and suggestions. The work is illustrated with graphic material, comparative characteristics, tables, graphs and diagrams.

Student Cherkina A.A. conscientiously reacted to the implementation of the thesis, showed the ability to independently analyze economic and statistical indicators, draw reasoned conclusions and suggestions.

The diploma work meets the requirements and can be admitted to the defense.

Head Senchenkova O.B.

Feedback on the thesis

students Argonianova Oksana Andreevna

Assessment of the creditworthiness of individuals

The problem of increasing the creditworthiness of individuals in the difficult conditions of the financial crisis becomes very important, as the risk of default increases. This leads to the need for banks to improve the system for assessing the creditworthiness of borrowers. Therefore, the relevance of the chosen topic of the thesis is beyond doubt.

The thesis consists of an introduction, three interrelated chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, and applications.

The author's recommendations for improving the methodology for assessing the creditworthiness of individual borrowers are quite specific and follow from the study. Particularly noteworthy are such proposals of the author as automating the process of assessing the creditworthiness of borrowers and reconciling the passport data provided by the borrower, information on income and real estate with the data of the Pension Fund, the Bureau of Technical Inventory, the Passport and Visa Service, Credit Bureaus and the State Road Safety Inspectorate.

The work is framed in accordance with the established requirements, contains analytical tables and figures that increase the clarity of the text material.

The theme of the final qualifying work is disclosed quite deeply and fully. The purpose and tasks of the work have been achieved. The work has the character of a completed study, which allows us to evaluate it as "excellent".

Head Stepanov S.A.

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