Who lives with Presnyakov. Vladimir Presnyakov: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Vladimir Presnyakov once again became a father

Vladimir Vladimirovich Presnyakov (March 29, 1968) is a Russian performer, songwriter, pop singer and actor.

Childhood and youth

Vladimir Vladimirovich was born on March 29 in Yekaterinburg, in a creative family. Both of his parents were singers and in the past participated in such a sensational group as VIA "Gems". According to the singer himself, it was they who helped him decide on his future career and make the right choice in favor of the musical field.

“Like many children, I was fond of everything at once. I went to a music school, a boxing section, choreographic dances and even vocals. It’s hard to imagine how I managed to do all this, nevertheless, I liked everything equally. Therefore, when one day, already at a more mature age, I was asked about my future profession, it was difficult to answer unequivocally ... ".

Despite the fact that the boy had creative abilities from an early age, he began to compose songs and try to perform them only at the age of eleven.

“It was more of a forced decision. I participated in one of the school productions, where a song was desperately needed ... But no one in the class, of course, except me, was gifted. We tried to compose collectively - a day or two ... All the same, nonsense came out. In the end, I sat down and just wrote about what I felt - everyone liked it.

A year later, famous parents give the creatively gifted teenager to the church choir. In their opinion, this place was much more cultural and educational than the many studios and circles where children were taught to sing only incoherent and sometimes even stupid modern songs.

Indeed, Vladimir himself admitted more than once that the church choir not only helped him develop his vocal abilities, but also sufficiently motivated and disciplined him. In the future, this helped him more than once in his career as a singer and actor.

Later career

At the age of 15, Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. accidentally met Laima Vaikule at an event. Seeing who his parents are, she immediately becomes interested in the boy himself.

Hearing his vocal abilities and seeing good artistry, Lyme invites the young talent to take part in her restaurant variety show. Of course, this proposal cannot be called “the best”, but this was the first step of the novice singer on the way to fame, success and popularity.

For half a year, Presnyakov participates in the Vaikule team, after which the singer arranges for him at the Sveshnikov School, where he begins to become a professional artist. Having not completed his education in one educational institution, Vladimir goes to the school named after the October Revolution, where he suddenly goes to the conductor-choir department.

Since 1989, real success has come to Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. He becomes the fourth in the list of famous domestic performers. His albums, such as "Dad, you yourself were so" (1989), "Love" (1991), "Castle from the rain" (1994), "Open door" (2001) and others are copied in hundreds of copies and become more and more more popular in Russian cities.

Excellent vocal abilities, a beautiful voice and, of course, a charming appearance allow Presnyakov to become one of the Russian sex symbols of our time, bringing him even greater fame.

At the same time, Vladimir Presnyakov is trying to master films. The debut becomes a tape called "Above the Rainbow", where the singer had to play a small episodic role.

As the main character, he starred in the movie "She with a broom, he is in a black hat", and this picture becomes his first successful work in the film industry.

Later, such films appeared with the participation of Presnyakov Jr., such as "The Island of Lost Ships" (1989), "Promised Heaven" (1991), "The Newest Adventures of Pinocchio" (1997), "Upside Down" (2001), "New Year's SMS -ka" (2011) and many others.

Personal life

In 1986, Vladimir Presnyakov met his first future wife, Kristina Orbakaite, who at that time, like himself, was just starting her career in the music field. A strong bond develops between young people, which leads to marriage and the birth of their son Nikita in 1991. However, by 1996, the couple filed for divorce, but nevertheless maintain a good relationship for the sake of their son.

In 2001, Presnyakov, according to press reports, marries a second time to model Elena Lenskaya. But the singer himself denies this and declares that "... too busy with a career to think at the moment about his personal life and a full-fledged family."

In 2005, Vladimir Presnyakov appears at one of the events with singer Natalya Podolskaya. It soon becomes known that young people have been dating for a long time and plan to get married in the near future. The official wedding takes place after 5 years, and after the same period, Vladimir again becomes the happy father of his son Artemy.

0 March 29, 2012, 09:00

The representative of the musical dynasty has a huge track record: a pop singer, composer, arranger and actor. And who else could become a talented son of musicians - Vladimir and Elena Presnyakov, soloists of VIA "Gems"?

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the singer's soulful falsetto and his silky long hair conquered more than one woman's heart. Today the artist turns 44 years old, with which we congratulate him!

Vladimir Vladimirovich Presnyakov was born in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg) on ​​March 29, 1968. From childhood, the boy was surrounded by music, and at the age of 12, Volodya began to earn money on his own - he sang in the choir of the Yelokhov Church in Moscow.

After that, for several years he worked in a restaurant with Laima Vaikule, and then performed with the rock group Cruise. Educated at the Choir School. Sveshnikov, and then entered the conductor-choir department of the school. October revolution.

Longtime friends Laima Vaikule and Vladimir Presnyakov

By the age of 20, Presnyakov became a star of the national stage. His album "Dad, you yourself were like that" blew up the charts of those times. Vladimir achieved great success in the acting field. He starred in the film "Above the Rainbow", the musical comedy "She with a broom, he in a black hat" and took part in the voice acting of "Island of Lost Ships". In the late 1980s, Presnyakov Jr. formed his own group "Captain", and from 1987 to 1994 he worked at the Song Theater.

Group "Captain"

Vladimir lived for a long time with the same "star" girl, like himself, -. All the gossips of the country enthusiastically discussed the details of their romance. As a result of this early civil marriage with the daughter of a prima donna, on May 21, 1991, the first-born artist Nikita was born in London.

Vladimir with his first mother-in-law Alla Borisovna

And the guy all went to his parents, except that he doesn’t sing, but he masters the cinema quite successfully. Nikita starred in such high-grossing domestic films as "Yolki" and "Yolki-2", where not just anyone, but a sex symbol of the Russian stage became his partner.

Nikita Presnyakov with fiancee Aida

However, back to the birthday boy. After parting with Orbakaite, on August 17, 2001, Presnyakov married fashion designer Elena Lenskaya, with whom he had previously been in a civil marriage. However, this relationship ended a few years later.

In terms of career, Vladimir remained faithful to music, only occasionally trying himself in other areas. For example, in 2003, he starred in the popular TV show "The Last Hero-3", winning it. And in 2011, the singer again marked himself in the cinema with an episodic role in the comedy "".

On the set of "All Inclusive"

Around the same time, a new love came into his life - a graduate of the "Star Factory" Natalya Podolskaya. Since 2005, lovers have been living together, and in 2010 they celebrated. Three years before the celebration, the couple had already managed to go down the aisle in Las Vegas, but in Russia this marriage is not considered legal, so Vladimir and Natalya exchanged vows again, for real.

With current wife Natalia Podolskaya

Name: Vladimir Presnyakov

Age: 51 years old

Place of Birth: Yekaterinburg

Growth: 184 cm

The weight: 80 kg

Activity: singer, composer, actor

Marital status: married to Natalia Podolskaya

Vladimir Presnyakov - biography

The boy came to the world of music from the harsh city of Yekaterinburg. Volodya's family is very musical. The father directed the pop ensemble, the mother was the soloist there. The musicians successfully toured, were incredibly popular. Parents never had any doubts about what the biography of their child would be. But soon my father was forbidden to play music because of the imitation of Western culture. The young Presnyakov family with a child lived with Elena's parents. They lived in cramped conditions, but little Volodya wrote songs from the age of four, and later began to study the piano.

The boy was noisy, bright and not always distinguished by obedience. Life began to improve, a communal room appeared, the ensemble "Gems", life in Moscow. The kid was already seven years old, it was necessary to determine the child in school. Volodya was sent to a boarding school in his native city. But soon the parents were forced to take their son to them. Too much trouble with his behavior and poor studies brought the boy to the teachers.


The biography of the musician and singer Presnyakov Jr. began at the age of eleven. During this period, his first real song was born. The guy had long decided that he would study music, for which he entered the Sveshnikov Choir School. Parents were frequent guests of this educational institution, as the guy started smoking, skipped classes and behaved badly.

Teachers were looking for a reason to expel a student from the number of students. The reason was found, the forbidden magazine "Burda" was found on the guy. The teachers achieved the desired result, but the period of his expulsion coincided with a tour in the rock group Cruise. From the age of 15, he already performed in a variety show with Laima Vaikule.


Volodya's high voice was not from birth, the boy fell ill with pneumonia. After the illness, the singer acquired a unique individual high timbre. The biography of the future star began to truly become stellar after Presnyakov Jr. performed a couple of songs in the film "Above the Rainbow" instead of the main character.

Vladimir tried himself as an actor, one of the films had a long title, it was a fairy tale. The musician continued to compose songs, was personally acquainted with many composers, created his own group. And since 1987, the singer began working with the Song Theater, which was directed by Alla Pugacheva.

Success, songs

For a very long time Presnyakov Jr. was one of the best performers of the "Singers of the Year". The sports complex "Olympic" in 1995 gathered a huge number of spectators for the concert of Presnyakov, Jr. "Castle from the Rain". The singer received the Golden Gramophone Award, his songs became real hits. The end of the nineties came, the artist's popularity declined, but the musician did not crave fame as an end in itself, so he did not worry about the departed popularity.

Music still became the main thing for Vladimir, he continued to participate in concert activities, took part in the "Last Hero" and won. The fact that Presnyakov Jr. did not abandon his musical practice contributed to the creation of another hit together with Leonid Agutin and the receipt of the next Golden Gramophone.

Vladimir Presnyakov - biography of personal life

Presnyakov's relationship with the girls began at the age of 18. That's right, but he chose a girl who was only 15 years old. This choice fell on the daughter of Alla Borisovna Pugacheva Kristina Orbakaite. Parents waited 1 year, and the young people got married.

Christina did not like everything in their relationship, especially since they lived either with the parents of a young husband, or with Pugacheva. The couple earned their own money, periodically refusing parental assistance and guardianship. The young had a son, Nikita, all together they lived for 10 years. The stellar young family broke up, but they maintained an excellent relationship and participated together in the upbringing of the child.

Vladimir's next wife, fashion designer Elena Lenskaya, became the reason for divorce. But this marriage also lasted almost ten years. The current wife of the singer is Natalya Podolskaya. When they first met in 2005, Natasha was a member of the Star Factory television show. The lovers did not immediately get married, and then played a rehearsal wedding in Las Vegas. They were united by many things: they sang songs in a duet, shot videos, went on tour together.

The time has come when civil spouses are ripe for official relations, the wedding was real. Ten years have passed since they met, but only recently in 2015, baby Artemy was born in the family. Now Presnyakov, the youngest, began to look solid, now there is no longer the usual long hair. Stylish haircut gave a special charm and attractiveness to the musician. The kid gave dad and mom a second wind in creativity, the duet still creates joint clips.

Pop singer, composer and arranger Vladimir Vladimirovich Presnyakov was born on March 29, 1968 in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg).

His father, Vladimir Presnyakov Sr., was the leader of the vocal and instrumental ensemble (VIA) "What the Guitars Sing About", where his mother, Elena Kobzeva, was the soloist. Since 1975, parents have become soloists of the popular VIA "Gems".

From the age of 12, he sang spiritual works in the choir of the Yelokhovskaya Church in Moscow. From the age of 13 he went on stage in a concert of the Cruise group, performing his own songs Cat, Red Book, Old Fairy Tale, and also sang a duet with the group's soloist Alexander Monin.

Fame came to Vladimir Presnyakov after the release of the film "Above the Rainbow" (1986), in which he sang all the songs of the protagonist in falsetto (Dmitry Maryanov played his role). The songs "Zurbagan", "The roadside grass is sleeping" have gained great popularity among teenagers.

Later, Presnyakov sang vocals and played small roles in the films "She with a broom, he is in a black hat" (1988), "The Island of Lost Ships" (1988), "8 ½ dollars" (1999), "Upside down" ( 2003), etc.

In 1987-1994, Vladimir Presnyakov worked at the Alla Pugacheva Song Theater.

His first solo performance with his own program with the group "Captain" took place on September 8, 1988 in Tallinn.

In 1990, he performed with a large solo program "Farewell to Childhood" in the Moscow sports complex "Olympic".

In May 1990, for his first disc, "Dad, you yourself were like that," Presnyakov received the Golden Key prize as a singer and as an artist whose audio recordings were sold in Russia in the largest circulation. He became the first Russian musician to receive this international music award.

In the early 1990s, the singer released the albums Love (1991) and Best of Hits (1993).

His next album "Castle from the Rain" (1994) with the hits "A Stewardess Named Zhanna" and "Girlfriend Masha" was a great success.

In 1995, three collections of the best songs of Vladimir Presnyakov were released - "Zurbagan", "Wanderer" and "Zhanka".

In the same year, his concert program "Castle from the Rain" was awarded the "Star" award and recognized as the best show of the year.

Later, Presnyakov released the albums Slyunki (1996), Live Collection (1998), Open Door (2001), Love on Audio (2002).

The main event of 2004 in the singer's work was his solo concert in the Kremlin Palace in Moscow called "Back to the Future".

In 2006, for the song "Airports", performed in a duet with Leonid Agutin, Presnyakov received the "Golden Gramophone".

In 2009, he released a non-commercial album, which he recorded together with the group Mahler and I.

In 2011, his album "Unreal Love" was released, and in 2012 - "Be a part of yours", recorded together with Natalia Podolskaya, Leonid Agutin and Anzhelika Varum.

Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. - a representative of the Russian musical Presnyakov dynasty - showed an interest in music at an early age. Already at the age of three, he tried out his father's saxophone, and at the age of eleven he wrote his first song. Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. received his first fees for musical activity at the age of 12 for his performance in the choir of the Elokhov Church.

The future musician was born in Sverdlovsk in the family of musicians Elena and Vladimir Presnyakov. They got married at the age of twenty and performed together in the ensemble "What Guitars Sing About". Later they were called to the Gems group, and the family moved to Moscow.

First, Elena and Vladimir left their little son in the care of their grandmother. Despite the fact that the boy grew up as a bully, the future artist always dealt with music with pleasure. Already at the age of 13, Presnyakov Jr. traveled all over Russia with the popular Cruise group, performing songs of his own composition in the concert program. At 15, he began a solo career in the restaurant variety show Laima Vaikule. After Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. also appeared in films at the age of 18, it became clear to everyone that a new star had lit up in the Soviet sky.

Further more. We can say that the entire last decade of the past twentieth century passed under the star of Presnyakov Jr. A huge number of his songs became hits. The first album, "Dad, you yourself were like that," was scattered in innumerable copies.

In 1986, Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. begins to live with Kristina Orbakaite in a civil marriage. Together they were for ten years, the son Nikita appeared in marriage. The peak of the artist's popularity also falls on the same period. The musician gave his first solo concert on September 8, 1988 in Tallinn. In February 1990, 100,000 spectators gathered at the Olimpiysky concert. Quarrels in the Presnyakov-Orbakaite family began after Christina decided to actively pursue her career as a singer. Vladimir was categorically against it. The last straw was the betrayal of Presnyakov. According to unconfirmed information, Vladimir started an affair with Igor Sarukhanov's wife Lena Lenskaya, with whom he later married after breaking up with Christina. However, the lovers did not live long - only 4 years. Lena Lenskaya said in an interview that one of the problems in their relationship is that Vladimir "continues to love Kristina Orbakaite." “Moreover, he will always love Christina. She is very close to him. Christina did a lot for him. She was part of his soul, lived his life, ”said Lena Lenskaya. At the moment, Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. lives with Natalya Podolskaya, whom he met in 2005 on the set of the Big Races program.

At the end of 2002, Vladimir Presnyakov takes part in the Last Hero project and becomes the winner. Vladimir has been actively involved in sports all his life, which helped him win the show against worthy competitors.


  • When Vladimir was 12 years old, he sang in the church choir at the Yelokhovskaya Church in Moscow.
  • Vladimir's favorite hobby is diving and skiing
  • Vladimir is a devout person and observes all Orthodox fasts

1989 - Golden Key Award in Monte Carlo in the nomination "Artist whose audio recordings have sold millions of copies around the world"

1992 - Singer of the Year according to "Soundtrack"

1993 - Singer of the Year according to "Soundtrack"

1995 - Star Award for the best show of the year "Rain Castle"

1996 - Golden Gramophone for the song "Masha"

2003 - Victory in the TV show "The Last Hero - 3"

2006 - Golden Gramophone for the song "Airports" (together with Leonid Agutin)

1985 - Above the Rainbow

1987 - She is with a broom, he is in a black hat

1988 - Island of Lost Ships

1988 - Street

1991 - Promised Heaven

1992 - Julia

1994 - Trust me

1996 - Old songs about the main thing

1997 - The latest adventures of Pinocchio

1997 - Old songs about the main thing 2

1997 - Road, dear, dear

1998 - Military field romance

1998 - Old songs about the main thing 3

1999 - Eight and a half dollars

2003 - Upside down

2005 - 9th company

2008 - Military field romance

2011 - New Year's sms

1989 - You say

1989 - Dad, you yourself were like that

1991 - Love

1993 - Best Of Hits

1994 - Rain Castle

1995 - Wanderer

1996 - Zhanka

1996 - Zurbagan

1996 - Drooling

2001 - Open door

2002 - Love on Audio

2005 - Maleria

2011 - Unreal love

2012 - Be a part of yours (together with Leonid Agutin, Anzhelika Varum and Natalia Podolskaya)

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