Sesame kozinak for breastfeeding. Is it possible for a nursing mother to eat raw and roasted sunflower, pumpkin, sesame seeds, and kozinaki while breastfeeding? Can a nursing mother have pumpkin seeds?

The benefits and harms of seeds for a pregnant woman.

The period of breastfeeding a child is quite difficult for young mothers, because you need to limit yourself to what just recently you ate for pleasure. Most often, the body requires such simple things as sweets, fruits and seeds. Of course, it will not be news to anyone that eating sweets and most fruits is strictly prohibited, because such products can harm the baby. But regarding seeds, this is an open question.

Let's figure out whether it is possible to pamper yourself with these favorite delicacies while breastfeeding and what benefits and harm they can bring to the baby's body.

Can breastfeeding women eat raw and roasted sunflower seeds?

Pregnancy is the most crucial moment in the life of every girl and woman. While carrying a baby future mom limits herself to many things that she could previously afford. Many, due to inexperience or ignorance, believe that after giving birth some of the restrictions can be ignored, however, it is after childbirth that the most interesting things begin, because the period of breastfeeding lies ahead.

Grandmothers, girlfriends and other advisers often assure new mothers that it is not at all necessary to adhere to a certain diet while breastfeeding, but such opinions are very wrong and should not be listened to.

First, let's talk a little about the beneficial properties of these seeds and try to understand whether they can cause harm to the newborn body.

  • Our favorite delicacy is a storehouse of useful elements and vitamins that our body needs for normal functioning.
  • The seeds contain a lot of vitamin E, which provides our skin with beauty and elasticity. This vitamin also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Vitamin B. Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamins of this group. This vitamin is also responsible for the condition of the skin, and also ensures the normal functioning of our nervous system. A deficiency of this vitamin in the body can manifest itself skin diseases and insomnia.
  • Vitamin A, which is also present in the product, has a beneficial effect not only on the skin, making it elastic and firm, but also on vision.
  • Vitamin D, which is also found in seeds, has a beneficial effect on the development of the baby.
  • Microelements such as fluorine and selenium are very important for our body, and seeds contain more than enough of them. In addition to the fact that we need a sufficient number of them for normal condition our skin, they play vital role for our bones. These microelements provide bones with strength.
  • Zinc, potassium, magnesium, iodine - these substances are responsible for general human immunity and the performance of our heart. Magnesium and zinc are especially important for women after childbirth, as they speed up the process of restoring the body depleted by pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Sunflower seeds can also improve lactation. That is why sometimes I advise mothers who have problems with breastfeeding to include not a large number of this delicacy.
  • In addition, the very process of eating seeds perfectly calms the nervous system of a young mother. It is important not to get carried away in this process and not to eat too many seeds, because this is fraught with consequences.

Now let's figure out what harm seeds can cause to a newborn body:

  • It is important to know that, despite all the usefulness of this product, sometimes its inclusion in the diet is strictly prohibited. Seeds can cause allergies in a child. Therefore, if you have just decided to include seeds in your diet, then start eating them in very small portions. It is important to notice any changes in the baby’s health. If a rash, pimples appear anywhere, or the child begins to behave restlessly, stop eating the seeds.
  • Abuse of treats can “give” you and your baby trouble in the form of constipation and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, even if the child reacts well to the seeds, still eat them little by little.
  • Seeds can cause such an unpleasant phenomenon as colic in a newborn.
  • In addition to these disadvantages, the seeds are very fatty and high-calorie product. It just seems that 100 g of seeds is not a lot, in fact, you should remember that constant use of this product can contribute to weight gain.
  • Of course, it is important to clarify the point that you can eat only the most ordinary seeds, without any additives. For example, salted seeds can give milk a very bad taste, and this risks the baby refusing to breastfeed.
  • Also, everyone knows very well that sunflower kernels, like other plants in principle, greatly damage teeth. Therefore, it is best to “click” the seeds with your hands.
  • Regarding what form is best to eat seeds when breastfeeding– fried or cheese: it is best to eat dried seeds. Dried seeds retain a maximum of useful substances, but in fried sunflower seeds very little usefulness.

Here are some more tips on which seeds will be healthier and safer during breastfeeding:

  1. Give preference to fresh seeds. Fresh in the sense of new. It is best if the seeds you will eat are collected this season.
  2. Do not buy shelled seeds. Yes, indeed, for some people, purified kernels are great option, since there is no need to waste time on cleaning, but you can immediately start using it and enjoy it. However, you should know that with prolonged contact with air, the seeds lose some of their beneficial properties.
  3. Do not be lazy to wash the seeds before further preparation. Despite the fact that we have repeatedly talked about the need to peel seeds with your hands, most people still do and will do this with their mouths. So, it’s not difficult to guess that the peel contains a huge number of different microbes and bacteria, which during the process of cleaning the seeds will easily enter your body, and then into the baby’s body. Is this what you need? Of course not.
  4. You can dry the seeds in the oven, but forget to even think about adding oil to it. Many people mistakenly think that frying and drying seeds requires oil, but the seeds are quite oily and do not need it.

Can breastfeeding women eat raw and roasted pumpkin seeds?

Pumpkin seeds are in no way inferior to the favorite sunflower seeds. They are also very useful for our body and contribute to the rapid recovery of a woman after childbirth.

  • Pumpkin seeds are rich in protein, oils and carbohydrates. This product also contains a huge amount of other equally useful microelements and vitamins.
  • The huge amount of zinc contained in this delicacy contributes to the normal development of the baby’s body.
  • Despite their calorie content, seeds do not interfere with work gastrointestinal tract and liver, of course, if we are talking about their moderate use.
  • Pumpkin seeds are the least allergenic. This fact is important when choosing seeds during breastfeeding.
  • It is also worth mentioning that this delicacy helps reduce cholesterol levels in human blood and also normalizes blood pressure.
  • By regularly consuming this product, our bones become stronger and stronger.
  • The vitamins contained in the seeds significantly improve human immunity. The body, receiving the required amount of what it needs nutrients, becomes less susceptible to various kinds of diseases.
  • Pumpkin seeds have antiviral properties. Thanks to some substances that they contain, fungal and viral infections are eliminated much faster and more effectively.
  • Few people know, but this delicacy is an excellent remedy for fighting worms. Don't be surprised, this is true. The seeds contain a substance called cucurbitin. This substance is capable of destroying worms, which is why it is recommended to eat this delicacy from time to time.

  • Pumpkin seeds perfectly strengthen the cardiovascular system. Magnesium and potassium have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and this in turn reduces the risk of heart attacks, strokes and other diseases of this system.
  • Fiber, which is more than abundant in seeds, normalizes the functioning of the stomach.
  • Pumpkin seeds help to escape from toxicosis and nausea during motion sickness in transport. So the benefits of this product are noticeable not only after childbirth, but also during pregnancy.
  • Now let's talk about the form in which new mothers can eat pumpkin seeds. You should definitely avoid eating them fried. After heat treatment, almost all beneficial substances disappear. Therefore, it is best to eat slightly dried white seeds.
  • Remember that excessive consumption of this product can cause stomach upset and this affects not only you, but also your baby. You should also refrain from eating seeds if you suffer from gastritis, peptic ulcers and obvious excess weight.
  • Doctors say that if the expectant mother ate seeds during pregnancy, then the baby’s body after birth will be accustomed to such a delicacy and, accordingly, the seeds should not harm him. But there are always exceptions, so monitor your baby’s reaction after you use the product.
  • Experts do not prohibit the inclusion of pumpkin seeds in the diet of a nursing mother, because the benefits from them are truly enormous. However, it is recommended to eat this product at least a month after giving birth.

Can breastfeeding women eat sesame seeds?

Sesame is a healthy product for both a nursing mother and her newborn baby. Based on the fact that sesame seeds very small, they are most often used as an additive to other foods, for example, in salads. This product Not only is it not prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but it is also necessary. Let's figure out what is so healthy about sesame seeds, and how much of them can be consumed by a nursing woman.

We can safely say that sesame seeds are not only useful for a young mother and baby, but also necessary, because they contain a huge amount of vitamins and microelements that restore the body’s strength and provide good immunity. Let us immediately pay attention to such a substance in the composition of sesame seeds as niacin. You can write more than one article about this vitamin, but all because niacin plays a vital role in our body:

  1. This substance contributes to the normal functioning of the digestive system and takes part in the process of breaking down food into fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
  2. Niacin significantly lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, is able to dilate blood vessels and normalize blood circulation.
  3. Niacin also improves the condition of the skin, making it firm and elastic.
  4. The vitamin has a positive effect on the nervous system of the body and acts as a mild sedative.

As you can see, the presence of even this vitamin in sesame already makes the seeds extremely useful and necessary not only for an adult body, but also for a newborn.

  • Calcium, which is also present in the seeds, helps restore the health of bones, nails and hair.
  • Copper has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and improves general state body.
  • Sesame seeds also contain sufficient human body the amount of zinc, phosphorus, potassium, iron and manganese.
  • The presence of vitamins A, B, C, D and PP in sesame is also good news. Vitamin A helps improve visual function and skin. Vitamin B is responsible for healthy skin, hair, nervous system. Vitamin C is known for improving human immunity. Our body needs vitamin D for the normal absorption of phosphorus and calcium. And vitamin PP is responsible for the proper functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
  • The oil released from sesame seeds has a beneficial effect on hormonal background for a young mother and strengthens her nervous system, as well as the baby’s nervous system.

So, the question of whether a woman who is breastfeeding can eat sesame seeds is probably settled. Not only is it not prohibited to use sesame while breastfeeding, it is even recommended to use it. And now some tips on how best to introduce this product into your diet:

  1. You need to start eating seeds in very small quantities. Initially, limit yourself to half a teaspoon. Eat the seeds in the morning so that during the day you have the opportunity to observe the reaction of both your body and the child’s body.
  2. Include foods consistently in your diet. There is no need to experiment and try to eat several new types of food at once. The baby's body can react extremely negatively.
  3. If after the first use of sesame the child’s reaction is normal, nothing bothers him, and there are no changes, then you can safely continue to eat this product.
  4. Eat sesame seeds in the same amount approximately once every 2 days. After 2-3 weeks, you can start eating seeds every day in the same amount or increase it to 1 tsp.
  5. When eating seeds, take your time to swallow them. Remember, all the beneficial substances are in the seed, so chew the product thoroughly.

It is important that you understand that a baby can have an allergic reaction even to such a useful product. Therefore, carefully monitor your child’s well-being after you start consuming sesame seeds and in case of any negative changes in the newborn’s behavior, immediately stop taking the product.

Can breastfeeding women eat kozinaki?

Despite the fact that kozinaki, as a rule, consists of various seeds, they are still a sweetness, and this should cause increased attention and alertness in a nursing mother.

  • Let’s say right away that it is recommended to add such a product to your diet at least 3 months after giving birth and not earlier. All young breastfeeding mothers should take this as a starting point.
  • Indeed, all the components that make up kozinaki are very useful in themselves. These include various seeds, nuts, and honey. However, such a combination of products can be harmful for a child’s body.
  • Please note that honey and peanuts can cause the most harm, because these two products are very strong allergens.

If you really want to treat yourself to this delicacy, we recommend following these tips:

  1. Give preference to kozinaki with sesame seeds. This type of treat is the safest for the baby. You already know about the beneficial properties of sesame grains, so you can analyze this advice yourself.
  2. It’s also nice if the sweet contains walnuts. Nuts have a great effect on the functioning of the heart and nervous system. However, we again draw your attention to the fact that such products must be consumed extremely carefully and in adequate quantities.
  3. When starting to introduce treats into your diet, do it very gradually. First, eat a very small piece and watch how your baby reacts.
  4. You should not buy kozinaki with hazelnuts, peanuts and almonds, as they can cause allergies in your baby.
  5. Even if your child tolerated this innovation normally, you should not abuse it. It is enough to eat 50-70 g of kozinak per day, and the weekly dose should not exceed 150-200 g.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to eat raw and roasted sunflower, pumpkin, sesame seeds, and kozinaki during the first month of breastfeeding?

In the first month of his life, the baby is most vulnerable; his body is not yet completely accustomed to the new conditions of existence, and therefore it is better for the young mother to postpone experiments with food during this period.

  • First, pay attention to the very important point, which we already mentioned earlier. If during pregnancy you ate various seeds, then a month after giving birth you can again include them in your diet. At the same time, of course, monitor the baby’s behavior. But if the body did not receive such food at the time of bearing the child, then there is no need to experiment; it is better to postpone it for at least 3 months.
  • As we said earlier, you should forget about kozinaki for at least 2.5-3 months. It's not worth the risk here.
  • Sesame seeds have an advantage over all other seeds. It’s probably worth starting with them.
  • If you decide to include this or that product in your diet, then do it wisely. Eat very little in the morning so that you can monitor your baby’s reaction during the day.
  • Take short breaks of 2-3 days between your “experiments” to understand for sure whether you can eat this product or not.
  • Even if the child’s body reacts normally to new products, do not abuse them, because what is in excess is always bad.

Breastfeeding is always a very important and rather difficult period in the life of any mother, because at this time a nursing woman limits herself to almost any food that she previously ate in the desired quantities.

Sunflower seeds are a favorite delicacy for most people, which is probably why the question of whether a nursing mother can eat them is very relevant. Today's information will help all young mothers to avoid mistakes when breastfeeding and thereby maintain the health of the baby. When faced with a choice whether to eat something or not, first of all, be guided by the interests of the child, because his health is the most important thing in your life.

Video: Can pregnant women eat seeds?

During lactation, most existing confectionery products, without which not a single meal is complete, are prohibited for nursing mothers.

Can sesame seeds be harmful to a newborn baby while breastfeeding and what restrictions should a nursing mother adhere to regarding this product? From what period is it better to introduce such a delicacy into the menu? You will find answers to all these questions in this article.

Sesame kozinaki is prepared using honey or sugar. Honey is healthier in its own way valuable properties, but is a more allergenic product than sugar.

Included sesame kozinaki contains vitamins A, B, E and PP, minerals and trace elements such as calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, iodine, as well as essential oils, fiber, polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Despite the fact that this delicacy belongs to the category of sweets, it has many beneficial properties. These include:

  • Saturation of the body with valuable substances that are beneficial for both mother and child during breastfeeding.
  • Improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to the fiber contained in the composition, the body digests and assimilates food more easily. The risk of constipation is reduced.
  • Cleansing the body of waste and toxins.
  • Normalization of blood pressure.
  • Improving lipid metabolism and the condition of body cells.
  • Reducing the risk of clogged milk ducts during breastfeeding.

Among negative consequences The use of sesame kozinaki is distinguished:

  • Deterioration of oral health. Residues of this food on the teeth with insufficient hygiene threaten the appearance of caries. In addition, chewing on such hard foods can lead to the destruction of tooth enamel and tooth loss.
  • This product is high in calories due to its high fat content. This will help the baby gain weight, however, this will also be reflected in the extra centimeters on the mother’s figure.
  • Ingredients in sesame kozinaki can cause allergic reactions in infants. That is why it is important to follow all the rules for including them in the diet of a nursing woman.

How to start using kozinaki while breastfeeding

It is better to eat such food for the first time in the morning, starting with a small piece. It is not recommended to eat kozinaki on an empty stomach. It is imperative to monitor the baby’s reaction for 2 to 3 days.

If the child’s well-being has not worsened, you can gradually increase the portion.

You should know that the maximum daily dose is no more than 60 g of the product, while the permissible amount per week is no more than 200 g of the product.

Homemade or store-bought: what to choose for breastfeeding

Sesame kozinaki during breastfeeding can only be safe if they are made from high-quality raw materials. With store-bought products it is almost impossible to track this.

In order to protect your baby as much as possible from possible negative consequences, when choosing store-bought kozinaki, it is important to pay attention to:

  • The product contains no flavors, dyes or preservatives, since the use of such additives in food during breastfeeding can seriously harm the health of a newborn baby;
  • Packaging integrity;
  • The appearance of the product itself (kozinak should be uniform in color, without plaque or streaks);
  • Date of manufacture and expiration date of the product.

It is much safer to prepare sesame kozinaki yourself. This is the only way to be sure that the product uses high-quality ingredients. There are a considerable number of options for preparing sesame kozinaki. Here is the easiest and fastest recipe to prepare.

Recipe for sesame kozinaki for nursing mothers

Required Ingredients

  • Sesame seeds – 300 g;
  • Sugar – 200 g;
  • Butter – 30 g.

Cooking process

  • Fry the sesame seeds in a dry frying pan over low heat until they change color, stirring constantly.
  • Melt butter in a frying pan and add sugar.
  • Now add sesame seeds and mix everything quickly.
  • Place the resulting mixture on parchment paper. Cover the top with another sheet of the same paper.
  • Roll out using a rolling pin. The layer should be 1 - 2 cm in height.
  • Before the mass hardens, you need to cut it with a knife into portioned pieces of any desired shape.

Sesame kozinaki during breastfeeding is a tasty and healthy treat. This pastry can be consumed, subject to all rules, already 3 months after birth. If the child tolerates this dish well, it will help improve the functioning of the digestive system of mother and baby, as well as cleanse the body of toxins.

Kozinaki is not a prohibited product when breastfeeding, but in order to minimize the likelihood of unwanted reactions in the baby, you should not only introduce them into the diet correctly and in a timely manner, but also choose a sweet with the right ingredients.

First of all, you should make sure that your mother has no allergic reactions to the components of kozinaki - seeds, sesame, caramel. If there were no such manifestations before or during pregnancy, you can eat kozinaki, following the following tips:

  • It is not recommended to introduce this sweetness before the baby reaches three months of age;
  • when choosing kozinaki, leave your choice on sweets made from sunflower or sesame seeds, and made on the basis of sugar syrup;
  • You should avoid peanut, almond, hazelnut sweets, as well as those filled with honey caramel. The reason for this choice is an increased allergic reaction to such components, as well as the fact that honey does not tolerate heat treatment (it not only loses beneficial features, but also becomes toxic);
  • in the morning, not on an empty stomach, eat a small piece of dessert. After this, it is recommended to adhere to all the rules for monitoring the baby when introducing a new product;
  • The daily quantitative limit is 50-80 grams, and the weekly limit is 200 grams. Kozinaki.

When purchasing these sweets, you need to pay attention to the packaging, it should not be damaged, as well as the production date and expiration date. If the packaging is transparent, carefully examine the surface of the kozinaki - there should be no whitish coating on it (a sign of old age), dirty stains (poorly cleaned components) and foreign color inclusions or uneven caramel color - this indicates the presence of dyes in melted sugar.

Kozinaki is a healthy and tasty snack that is loved by many. It is based on seeds, nuts, rice and other products with a valuable composition. Breastfeeding women are often interested in the question of whether it is possible to take kozinaki while breastfeeding in the first month, since the breastfeeding diet is very complex and restrictive. Today we will talk about this useful product and we’ll figure out how to eat it correctly during breastfeeding.

Is it possible to eat kozinaki during breastfeeding?

Kozinaki is a tasty and healthy delicacy. Sugar and molasses are used as a sweetener. In addition, spices can be added to kozinaki. Since a nursing mother needs to adhere to the safest menu possible, which cannot cause allergies or other adverse reactions, the possibility of consuming kozinaki depends on its composition. So, honey, some dried fruits, peanuts are strong allergens and you need to be especially careful with them. But there is no categorical ban even on these products; it is important to introduce them correctly into the diet. Therefore, if you are interested, you can pay attention to kozinaki.

Kozinaki homemade especially useful during breastfeeding.

The benefits of kozinaki during breastfeeding

As already mentioned, the basis of the product is nuts, seeds and rice. The remaining components may change, so the list of beneficial properties of kozinaki may be supplemented. They are rich in vitamins, minerals and other useful substances, including vitamins B, E, PP, calcium, potassium, magnesium. The product contains a lot of fiber that is beneficial for the body. This composition provides the following beneficial properties of kozinaki:

  • getting rid of cholesterol;
  • removal of toxins;
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improving the functioning of joints;
  • prevention of mastitis;
  • strengthening bone tissue;
  • improving brain function;
  • strengthening vascular walls;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • improving lactation and increasing the nutritional value of breast milk;
  • normalization of the nervous system;
  • normalization of pressure;
  • improving the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, etc.

Possible harm to nursing mothers and babies

Most often, the use of kozinaki is not accompanied by negative reactions. But we must remember that all the substances from the food that the mother eats are passed on to the baby through the milk. Since the baby’s body adapts to the conditions for a long time external environment, and organs continue to form, he may react incorrectly to food. This may manifest itself as colic, bowel problems or allergies. If you follow the rules for introducing new foods into your mother’s diet, the risk of such reactions is minimal.

Honey is a sweet product that is a strong allergen. It is forbidden to eat it until the baby is 3 months old. In addition, it can provoke the development of caries in the mother if the rules of oral hygiene are not followed. Peanuts are also a strong allergen. If you or your baby has an allergic reaction to these products, choose kozinaki with a different composition.

A mother or child may have an individual intolerance to some component of the product. We should not forget that kozinaki is very high in calories, so those who are losing weight or obese people are not recommended to eat them. In addition, the product can provoke strong surges in sugar, which should be taken into account by people suffering from diabetes.

Kozinaki can have a wide variety of composition. The main thing is that they do not contain chemical additives.

The natural components of kozinaki can affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in the most in different ways: weaken, strengthen, cause swelling. Therefore, people with gastrointestinal diseases, especially in the acute phase, should refrain from consuming kozinaki. It should also be taken into account that kozinaki industrial production may contain chemical additives that are harmful to the health of mother and baby.

In the first month after birth

Since the baby’s body in the first month is especially sensitive to the introduction of new products into the mother’s diet, it is better to postpone kozinaki until later. late date. If the composition contains products that are classified as allergens, it is prohibited to eat them for up to 3 months. The components of the product are quite difficult to digest. This is another reason to put off kozinaki at least until the baby is one month old. Starting from the second month, you can already eat kozinaki in small quantities. It is recommended that before trying kozinaki, you introduce its components into the menu. Try a small piece for the first time. If for several days you have not noticed any reaction in the form of a rash, itching, swelling, problems with bowel movements, etc. in your baby, you can gradually increase the dosage.

Selection and use

The choice of kozinaki during breastfeeding should be taken with the utmost responsibility. First of all, pay attention to the composition. Choose components that are familiar to you. If you never eat peanuts, the breastfeeding period is not at all suitable for dating. Try to avoid strong allergens, such as honey. Pay attention to the spices and glaze. It is better to choose a product with the simplest composition to minimize risks. Also, avoid chemical additives, fragrances, dyes, etc.

Choose a packaged product. It is better if it is in a transparent package so that you can see if there is any mold, strange stains, accumulations of sugar and peel residues. Don't forget to look at the expiration date.

The norms and characteristics of use depend on the composition and individual characteristics of the nursing woman. It is advisable to consult a doctor before introducing it into your diet. General recommendations for use are given in the table.

Types of kozinaki

Since there is no exact recipe for kozinaki, it may contain various components. The following types of product are distinguished:

  • with peanuts;
  • from sunflower;
  • with hazelnuts;
  • sesame;
  • with, dried fruits, etc.

From sunflower seeds


Peanut kozinaki is a healthy and tasty product that belongs to products with high level allergenicity. They need to be carefully introduced into your menu during breastfeeding. It contains a large amount of antioxidants. Nuts are good for work immune system. Regular consumption has a good effect on mood, helping to get rid of depression. They contain a lot of plant protein, which is an excellent substitute for animal protein. Peanuts saturate the body with useful substances, help quickly recover after childbirth and normalize hormonal levels.

With the birth of a child, the life of new parents changes dramatically, especially for nursing mothers. They should pay close attention not only to the baby, but also carefully monitor their diet. Healthy unsalted food and restriction in the consumption of many foods are a serious test for many mothers, especially lovers of sweets. Pediatricians' permission to use kozinaki while breastfeeding is a real salvation and healthy treat for them.

What do the experts think?

To the question “Can a woman eat kozinaki while breastfeeding?”, experts answer unequivocally: “Yes!” They allow Eastern sweets in limited quantities and with gradual introduction into the diet in order to reduce the risk of developing allergies in infants.

Mother's milk carries the vitamins and minerals necessary for the baby's growth and development. Experts advise eating treats in small quantities after childbirth if they were included in the pregnant woman’s menu and are somewhat familiar to the baby. You should also make sure that the mother's body accepts the ingredients in the product well.

An important role is given to the quality of kozinaki and the implementation of basic recommendations for their use.

What is the product?

Kozinaki means “chopped walnuts”. This is a traditional Georgian delicacy made from slightly dried crushed nut kernels, doused with melted honey.

Oriental sweetness is tasty and nutritious, because nuts and honey do not contain synthetic additives, flour, starch or pure sugar.

Historically, the product was prepared only from walnuts, but then it was diversified with other types (peanuts and sesame, hazelnuts and almonds), as well as seeds and puffed corn or rice. This did not affect its properties.

When choosing sweets, mothers should carefully study the composition and purchase only natural kozinaki. Often, unscrupulous manufacturers use melted sugar instead of honey, add substances that enhance aroma, taste, color, as well as preservatives and thickeners that increase shelf life. This product is dangerous and contraindicated for use while breastfeeding.

Beneficial properties of kozinaki during breastfeeding

Benefit Georgian delicacy defined by a chemical structure rich in phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, iodine, potassium and calcium, as well as vitamins A, B, E, K and PP.

The main constant component of kozinaki is honey - a powerful antioxidant that renews the body. The bee product strengthens vascular walls, improves joint mobility, and stimulates brain activity. However, honey should be consumed with caution, as it can cause severe allergies.

Depending on the components that accompany the beekeeping product, the structure of useful substances will change slightly. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

With sunflower seeds

The high content of calciferol prevents rickets and strengthens the baby’s skeletal system. Tocopherol improves the epidermis, the quality of hair and nails. Retinol enhances the functions of the immune system, has a calming effect and improves the quality of milk. The vegetable protein contained in sunflower seeds is indispensable during lactation. Useful microelements (zinc, magnesium and calcium) stimulate the body's defenses.

With sesame

Due to the unique and balanced composition of the seed, this type of kozinaki is the most beneficial for the baby and mother:

  • Niacin, participating in protein metabolism, converts sugar and fats into energy, normalizes cholesterol, and cleanses the walls of blood vessels.
  • Vitamin E eliminates skin pigmentation that appears during pregnancy;
  • rich vitamin B group (1,2, 5,6,9) normalizes digestion, activates brain activity, removes toxins, protects against viruses; B9 stimulates the growth and development of the newborn;
  • calcium strengthens the musculoskeletal system.

Sesame sweets enhance lactation and improve breast milk, are useful for the prevention of mastopathy. Relieves constipation, having a mild laxative effect.

With nuts

For nursing mothers, sweets with walnut, which has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, normalizing blood pressure. Constant intake of kozinaki nourishes the body with energy, strengthens muscles, and cleanses the liver. Do not forget that nuts are a milk stimulant. When consumed in moderation, they will increase milk production and increase its fat content.

Negative impact

Unfortunately, this ointment has its own fly in the ointment: it should be taken into account possible harm, which carries the product:

  • Honey is a strong allergen, so you should start eating kozinaki with a small piece and at the same time monitor the baby’s reaction. If no external or internal changes (for example, indigestion) have occurred, you can eat the treat in moderation. In case of individual intolerance to the components, sweets are contraindicated;
  • Frozen honey makes kozinaki very hard, which, when bitten, threatens to damage tooth enamel. Manufacturers often leave behind pieces of shell or husk, which, if they come into contact with a tooth, can break it. Be careful and attentive when consuming Georgian delicacy;
  • The product produced by bees and sweet syrup remaining on the teeth contribute to the development of caries. It is recommended to brush your teeth after eating sweets.

When consuming kozinaki, monitor the child’s condition. The slightest negative changes in his behavior indicate the exclusion of the product from the diet.

Rules for eating Georgian delicacies

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The first and most important condition is testing the mother for an allergic reaction to the ingredients of the product. If intolerance to the components is not recorded, then you can enjoy kozinaki even while breastfeeding, not forgetting to follow some recommendations:

  1. It is worth introducing sweets into the diet of a nursing mother when the baby reaches 3 months, since by this time his digestive system adapts to new conditions;
  2. Start with a small portion and monitor your baby's reaction. With absence side effects gradually increase the dose;
  3. Opt for sesame and sunflower delicacies made with sugar syrup. With their regular use, lactation increases;
  4. Introduce kozinaki into your morning diet, preferably immediately after breakfast;
  5. Remember that the daily portion is no more than 80 g, the weekly norm is about 200 g;
  6. When purchasing a product, monitor the integrity of the packaging and the absence of whitish stains, uneven distribution of frozen syrup, and color. Consider the expiration date and production date of the oriental delicacy.

In the absence of contraindications and reasonable use of kozinaki, the mother’s body, weakened after childbirth, will be saturated with useful substances, receive a boost of energy and a surge vitality, very necessary for her during this period. By following the above rules, the mother will not harm the infant.

How to cook kozinaki yourself?

A delicacy consisting only of natural ingredients is considered healthy. If you do not trust the quality of a product purchased in a store, you can prepare it yourself at home, since the components included in the composition are always available. Use proven recipes, thanks to which you will get not only tasty, but also natural sweets.

From raisins and oat flakes

Heat over low heat, stirring, mixture of 3 tbsp. l. honey, 80 g sugar, cube butter until thick. Pour the finished caramel syrup over a pinch of washed raisins and 250 g of flakes poured into the mold. Mix thoroughly and refrigerate.

From sesame

The cooking principle is the same as in the previous recipe. The composition of the ingredients is as follows: 200 g of pre-lightly fried sesame seeds, 3 tbsp. l. bee product and 50 g granulated sugar.

From walnuts

Add a little water to the sugar and melt in a water bath. As soon as the mixture becomes viscous and stretchy, add the roasted nuts. The mixture, frozen in the refrigerator, is ready for use.

Homemade sweets in moderate amount absolutely harmless for mother and baby.

Enjoy every second of communication with your baby, while not forgetting about his and your health. Use only natural products, if in doubt, seek advice from specialists.

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