Chicken wings kfc recipe. Super recipe for wings like in KFS

Delicate fillings, enticing aromas and mind-blowing combinations of spices do their job, winning more and more hearts. But it’s no secret that you shouldn’t abuse such food, and the prices for it in our country are not so economical.

There is only one way out - learn to cook your favorite foods yourself. By the way, this is not such a troublesome matter. In this article we will look at one of the most popular fast food dishes - strips, like in KFC. The fast food chain's recipe is theoretically a proprietary secret and is designed for professional equipment, but you can easily master it and implement it in your own kitchen.

What are strips

This word is of English origin and literally means “stripes.” Strips, like those at KFC, the recipe for which we recommend in this article, are meat cut into oblong pieces - this fully justifies the name of the dish. Form strips slightly larger than your finger, then they will be convenient to fry and eat.

Tasty but safe

Food in fast food restaurants is high in calories, big amount spices and expressive breading. Frankly speaking, all this is not good for health. But we're not going to prepare strips every day, like KFC?

Restaurant recipes can be adapted to your taste - and this is also important. For example, replace synthetic seasonings with natural ones: curry, paprika, aromatic herbs. The quality of the oil will also not cause you any concern, because by preparing such a snack at home, you will be sure that it was used only once.


How to choose meat that will produce the same strips as those at KFC? The recipes used by chefs contain breast, a tender, lean meat. Theoretically, you can cut strips from the thighs, but, firstly, the dish will turn out even fattier, and secondly, dense meat from the breast holds its shape much better and does not disintegrate during frying.

The secret of breading

There are many ways to make crispy crust. It is generally accepted that only flour is used in KFS. But since the recipe has long ceased to be secret and went to the people, it has undergone many improvements. If you like a crispy crust, you can use not only flour, but also other ingredients:

  • cereals;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • crumbled chips.

This guarantees good result, and you will get wonderful crispy strips, just like at KFC.

The recipe with cereal also contains flour, but it is needed for the batter. To prepare it, beat a couple of eggs, add half a glass of milk and the same amount of flour. Add a spoonful of paprika (sweet, not hot), add salt and continue whisking. When the batter reaches the consistency of sour cream, add the meat cut into strips into it. This amount is enough for one large breast.

In a separate bowl, mix 2/3 cup of cereal and half a cup of flour. Dredge the strips and then fry in hot oil.

You can prepare strips, like in KFC, the recipe of which contains breadcrumbs, pieces of chips or just flour, in exactly the same way.


You should understand that you will need a lot of oil, and it is better to fry in a deep frying pan. On average, you will use about 500 ml of oil for the indicated amount of products.

If you have a splash guard, you can use that. But you shouldn’t cover it with a regular lid.

Fry the strips for 2-3 minutes on each side. During this time, the chicken will be completely cooked in the hot oil.

After frying, KFC chicken strips, the recipe of which is as close as possible to the original, must be freed of excess fat. You can simply place them on paper towels or napkins.


Of course, such a delicacy can become a complete addition to a side dish. But usually crispy chicken strips are served as an appetizer. Before serving, simply place the strips on a platter in a single layer or mound, like at KFC. The recipe also regulates the presence of sauce. It is desirable that it be light and refreshing, and not greasy. Mayonnaise, for example, will increase the calorie content of a dish to the limit. But ketchup will work well. Do you like it spicy? Serve the strips with jalapeno sauce, chili, adjika or mustard mashed with herbs. This appetizer goes surprisingly well with soy sauce.

Do you know what KFC is? This is an abbreviation for the International Network Catering, which specializes in cooking original dishes from chicken. The signature dish of the American company is pieces of chicken carcass, fried using special breading, seasonings and spices.

The secret of the legendary recipe has been kept at KFC since 1940, but recently, thanks to one of American newspapers, the secret became public knowledge. Gourmets have the opportunity to cook wonderful chicken dish at home.

A little history

The name of the trading company, which owns a chain of restaurants around the world, sounds like “Kentucky Fried Chicken” in Russian. In terms of popularity and volume of trade turnover, the international chain ranks second in the world after the McDonald's line of fast food restaurants. The corporation's signature dish is chicken pieces fried in a special coating of 11 herbs and spices. The company's popular slogan is the statement that chain restaurants cook according to best recipe, which is considered a trade secret.

The founder of the company, which began its history sometime before 1940, was entrepreneur Harland Sanders. His tireless activity and entrepreneurial flair made the chicken dish the main competitor to the famous hamburgers, the symbol of fast food.

It took Sanders just 35 minutes to cook the fried chicken pieces in an iron skillet. To reduce the procedure time, the entrepreneur purchased a pressure cooker, which significantly reduced the frying time. By improving the composition of the breading mixture, the cook created his own signature recipe, which long years was kept secret.

Subsequently, the fast food chain was sold several times to come under the wing of PepsiCo, which worked to improve production, assortment and increase sales. The chain of restaurants is scattered across many countries of the world, including the countries of the post-Soviet space.

The main feature of the menu is a pressure-fried piece of chicken, always on the bone. The signature dish is sold in cardboard buckets in individual or family portions. This is the best appetizer and noble treat; under the crispy crust, the poultry meat becomes even more tender, and now you can prepare the dish yourself, because the secret of the recipe has been revealed.

KFC's original cooking method

  1. The bird carcass is cut into 9 parts. What happens - two pieces of legs and wings, thighs, keel (1 piece), breast with part of the spine (2 pieces)
  2. Hand-marinated chicken is dredged in wheat flour with added seasonings. The process takes 2-4 minutes
  3. The product must be prepared under pressure and fried at a temperature of 185°C. The frying process takes only 7 minutes
  4. Then the finished dish cools for five minutes, after which it should be reheated in the oven. Now you can enjoy tender meat with a taste of bait
  5. An hour and a half is allotted for consuming the product. According to the company, after this time the dish must be discarded

Recipe and secret composition of breading

What you need to prepare four servings of wonderful chicken:

  • flour - two cups
  • salt - two thirds tablespoons
  • dry thyme leaves, as well as basil - half a tablespoon each
  • dry oregano leaves - a third of a tablespoon
  • one tablespoon each of dried celery, black pepper (ground), mustard (dry), ginger (ground)
  • paprika - four tablespoons
  • garlic salt – two tablespoons
  • ground white pepper - three tablespoons
  • low-fat cream - one cup
  • one egg, you need to beat it
  • canola – rapeseed oil for deep frying

How to cook chicken according to the legendary recipe?

A measured set of spices is mixed together with flour in a large bowl. In a separate smaller container, the egg is combined with cream. The marinade should be at room temperature; it is used to soak chicken pieces. After 20-30 minutes, remove the chicken, allowing the excess creamy dressing to drain off. Portioned pieces of chicken carcass are rolled on all sides in flour breading with spices. Each piece should be completely covered with the mixture; you can simply shake off any excess.

In order for the meat to be soaked in the wonderful marinade, the recipe specifies to set the soaked pieces aside for 20 minutes, then place them on a wire rack. During this time, you should prepare a container for deep frying, it can be a thick-walled, high cauldron-type pan, Cast-iron pan with a high side. The vessel is filled with 6-7 centimeters of oil, heated at maximum heat until the temperature of the fat reaches 175°C, and a kitchen thermometer is used to control.

After heating the deep fat, turn the heat to medium and fry the chicken pieces until they are golden brown. The process takes 15-20 minutes, during which each piece should be turned over once. Place the finished strips (large pieces of chicken under a crispy crust) on a plate covered with a paper towel. Mustard, sweet and sour or cheese sauce will be an appetizing addition to the dish.

Tender chicken cooked like in KFS

Not only children, but also adults sometimes like to visit the KFC chain of establishments to enjoy one of the cooking options for their favorite chicken, as well as others delicious dishes. It’s not difficult to prepare spicy chicken at home using a recipe from KFC chefs. The pieces of meat turn out juicy on the inside, and the crust on the outside will delight you with a pleasant crunch and delicious aroma.

What ingredients are included in the recipe for the famous dish:

  • chicken meat - 2 kg, it can be fillet, legs, even wings
  • wheat flour in the amount of 10 tablespoons
  • one teaspoon each of turmeric and chili pepper
  • about two tablespoons of paprika
  • Italian herbs - two tablespoons
  • one tablespoon of any poultry seasoning
  • starch - two tablespoons, but with a slide
  • oil (vegetable) for frying, water, salt
  • 5-6 tablespoons oat or corn flakes

An improved recipe with such components is suitable for preparing any part of a chicken carcass. However, when choosing wings, it is better to cut them at the fold. It is worth getting rid of the non-meat part of the wings (where there is only skin), as it burns quickly.

To prepare the batter, you will need a deep bowl; combine flour (4 tablespoons) and all the starch in it. Stir, adding salt (tbsp.) and all the seasonings, a little water. Portioned pieces of poultry are soaked in a thoroughly mixed mixture for 20-30 minutes to prepare the breading.

The secret to getting a particularly crispy crust ready-made dish when adding flakes, they can be oatmeal, you can opt for corn flakes, but unsweetened. The prepared flakes should be crushed in a mortar, flour (6 tablespoons) should be added to them, then mixed well.

Now you can take out the marinated chicken pieces, dip them in the breading mixture and fry them in a deep frying pan or saucepan. It is important to preheat the vegetable oil for deep frying. Fry the chicken for just 4 minutes until it is golden brown. There should be enough oil for the pieces to float freely in it. Wonderful strips are laid out on a napkin to remove any remaining fat. This chicken is very similar to a dish from KFC, although it is not super spicy, but the situation can be corrected with a super hot addition of chili.

Everyone is familiar with the taste of KFC's signature hot wings, which also come at a price to match. By following this recipe, you can prepare the same delicious crispy wings as at KFC, only at home and on your own. At the same time, you will be sure that no harmful impurities or seasonings were added to this particular chicken, because everything will be prepared by your own hands. In just a few simple steps You can surprise your family and friends with fragrant, crispy, hot wings according to a homemade recipe.

Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Total time: 35 minutes
Exit: 12 pcs.

Ingredients for KFC wings

  • Chicken wings - 400 g
  • Eggs – 1 pc.
  • Corn flakes – 8 tbsp.
  • Breadcrumbs – 3 tbsp.
  • Flour – 4 tbsp.
  • Salt – 1 incomplete tsp.
  • Paprika – 1 tsp.
  • Red pepper – 1/2 tsp.
  • Little sunflower for frying

Step-by-step recipe for KFC wings

Wash and dry the wings, divide them into three parts along the folds. We will also fry the ends, but separately - they take less time to cook.

Place the wings in a bowl and marinate: add salt, paprika, red pepper, stir so that the spices are evenly distributed. Leave to marinate for 20-30 minutes.

Preparing the breading. Cut a sheet of parchment paper, place it on a cutting board and sprinkle cornflakes on half the sheet. Cover with the other half and crush into fine crumbs with a hammer.

Add 3 tbsp to the resulting crumbs. breadcrumbs.

Pour the flour into a bowl and carefully roll the wing in it.

After flour, dip the wing into a slightly beaten egg with a fork.

Final stage– breading on all sides.

Repeat with all the pieces and place them on a hard surface.

Heat well in a frying pan sunflower oil– the amount depends on the diameter of the frying pan, but the oil should almost completely cover the wings. The degree of heating can be checked using a wooden stick (by back side wooden spatula, for example), lowering it into the oil - if bubbles appear around it, then the oil has warmed up. Place the wings and fry on high fire 3 minutes on each side. Adjust the time yourself, since the hotter the oil is, the faster the wings fry; the second portion may fry faster.

Place the finished KFC wings on a paper towel to drain. excess fat. Bon appetit!

Category - ,

Anyone who has visited KFC has at least once wondered what the recipe for these unusually spicy hot wings is. AND for a long time It was believed that Colonel Sanders kept this recipe secret. In the history of fast food, this fact even got its name - “Colonel Sanders' secret.” Exactly this fact made the creator famous, and his restaurant chain one of the most popular in the world. It is believed that original recipe spicy wings are unknown to this day, but there are many ways to prepare this delicious dish, which are more or less close to the original.


For lovers of everything spicy, wings - perfect option which will bring you a lot of pleasure. In this case, you should choose the most suitable and affordable recipe, because there are a huge number of them on the Internet, culinary textbooks and various canteens. Each person can independently choose the ideal combination of ingredients during cooking, taste buds help, as they say. But there is a standard recipe, based on which you, thanks to your preferences and the ability to improvise, can make those very tasty wings. Perhaps you will be able to find exactly that secret recipe for the dish.

The standard recipe includes only 8 ingredients.

  • wings – 10 pcs.;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • milk – 300 ml;
  • flour – 5 tbsp. l.;
  • chips – 150 gr.;
  • ground black pepper – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • ground red pepper – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • chili - on the edge of a knife (if there is sauce, then 2-3 drops).

Many people use sugar-free cereal instead of chips, but chips are the easiest way to add extra flavor to your wings.

Those who want to add spiciness - the use of paprika will help with this, someone prefers ordinary potatoes without flavoring additives, and for some, a flight of fancy will produce something more extravagant or piquant, then you can use others unusual species chips.


Speaking in simple language, KFC wings are breaded meat, which can be spicy or regular. Depending on the choice of breading, the cooking recipe and the proportions of the ingredients used change.

  • Mix ground black and red peppers with flour in one container. Usually about two tablespoons of seasonings are added to 5 tablespoons of flour, but here it all depends on personal preference. If you want it spicier, you should add more red pepper; if you want the taste to be softer, then black pepper, but it is always recommended to use chili in small quantities, otherwise you can burn your mucous membranes and harm your stomach.
  • In another container, mix eggs and milk; usually no spices are added there, but you can throw in a pinch of salt for taste.
  • Pour chips or, if someone wants, sugar-free cereal into the third container. Then crush them well until crumbs form, for example, with a masher or by first crumpling a pack of chips. However, the best assistant in this case is a blender, which will greatly simplify the task.
  • To prepare the wings for the cooking process, you need to rinse and dry them well. Then you should cut them into 3 parts in the joint area, but do not forget that the smallest part is not needed - there is practically no meat, so you can use them as you wish. But the two remaining parts will be needed later.

  • Dip the remaining parts of the wing in flour with spices, then transfer the resulting pieces to a bowl with egg and milk, then back to the first container. Once again, roll the pieces in flour and transfer them to the egg with milk, and then roll them in chip crumbs. We do this procedure with all the wings. You can hold it once in each bowl, but if you do it twice, the batter will soak in better, and the taste of the dish after cooking will be more intense.
  • There are two ways to fry chicken wings: fry in a frying pan, for which you need to generously pour the pieces with oil so that half a wing is under it, heat and fry the wings for 3-5 minutes on each side, or boil them. In the latter case, you need to pour enough oil into the pan, wait until it warms up, and throw the wings in there.
  • Thus, it is possible to obtain technology from FSC by simply boiling the product in oil.
  • Place the finished wings on a napkin so that it absorbs excess fat, and after some time has passed (usually 10-20 minutes is enough), the dish can be served.

Chicken wings are often served with various sauces, depending on your taste. You can make the sauce yourself at home using your favorite recipe, or you can simply buy it. But the second method is more expensive, just like buying wings from KFC.

Calorie content

To understand the need to give up going to KFC in favor of making homemade wings, you should understand in advance that this is still fast food, and such food is not the healthiest. Eating spicy wings often leads to problems with the stomach or oral cavity, and one of the main negative aspects is the calorie content of the dish in question (Table 1).

Table 1. Calorie content of ingredients

It is worth noting that portions at KFC weigh from 81 grams (3 wings). At the same time, the calorie content per 100 grams of finished wings is 380 kcal. Based on this data, you can decide in advance whether you need another trip to KFC or you can cook everything at home, or maybe you should give up wings altogether.

An important point After cooking spicy chicken wings like KFC, eat them hot.

In this case, they will still be elastic, juicy and will remind you of the taste of your favorite chicken from a fast food restaurant. After some time, the wings will become softer, moister, and even heating will not restore their former taste. This also happens with KFC wings if you leave them overnight or just eat them a few hours after cooking. The main thing is to remember that you can eat deliciously not only in food courts or restaurants, but also at home. Delight yourself and your loved ones with a variety of dishes and remember: the simpler, the tastier and healthier.

For the recipe for making chicken wings, just like at KFC, watch the video below.

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