Leonid Agutin spoke about the girl who changed his life. Leonid Agutin showed a picture with an illegitimate daughter They wrote that Yuri Ignatievich had his leg amputated ...

Some two weeks later, on July 16, 2016, the "barefoot boy" Russian stage will celebrate his 48th birthday. Over the years, dozens of popularly beloved hits have come out from the pen of the singer and composer Leonid Agutin. Their author won the love and adoration of hundreds of thousands of fans different ages. And with all this, he still manages to remain a fairly closed person. But the admirers of his work were always interested in his relatives - the wife and daughter of Agutin. What and how is happening in the star family? Let's try to figure it out.

Who are you people?

For a long time, the Agutin-Varum family duet remained a kind of mystery even for the most talented and corrosive workers of pen and paper, keyboard and mouse. A certain (not small) number of people continue to believe that they are not husband and wife at all. Like, they organized a creative tandem. And the rumors about them family life just in time - they perfectly support interest in the work of Leonid Agutin and Anzhelika Varum. A lot of rumors and gossip circulate around their relatives. Senior Varum - Yuri - once very famous composer. He lived in Miami for many years, he was not going to return to Russia.

Such different girls

Agutin's daughters also became a source of various, far from always true information. Lisa, the common heiress of Agutin and Varum, lived with her grandfather across the ocean. There was a period when information appeared in the press that she was seriously ill, so her parents took her abroad. Another daughter of Leonid - the blonde Polina - is a little older than Lisa. Her birth was due to a rather short relationship between Agutin and the ballerina Maria Vorobyeva. famous father stopped hiding this daughter just a few years ago. But now she often appears "in the light" with her father.

Joyful impressions of grandfather

Senior Agutin - Nikolai Petrovich is the grandfather of two charming granddaughters of his son Leonid. He never speaks to curious journalists in any problematic topics- either about the relationship between family members, or about some problems that can happen. With much greater passion and interest, he shares with the workers of the pen joyful events. For example, how Agutin's daughters, Lisa and Polina, came to visit him. Four years ago, they spent some time together, such a friendly and happy team. And they all had fun together.

And Varum Liza at that time had not been in Moscow for almost ten years. The eldest Polina was with them for only a few days at that time, and then flew away to France, home. But even this a short time remembered for a long time: grandfather and granddaughters attended a Depeche Mode concert. Everyone was delighted. Nikolai Petrovich admires the musical abilities of both girls. Despite their young age, Polina has a large number of her records, and Lisa created her own group in Miami. She composes, sings and plays on her own. Grandpa is proud of them.

What are the girls up to?

For the first time, half-sisters met about four years ago, in Paris. Of course, easy communication did not improve immediately. But then they could not be separated from each other. The daughter of Agutin and Varum, whose photo periodically appears on the pages of glossy publications, is practically an American. In that distant country, everything is dear and familiar to her. Even with her sister she chats in English. True, the Russian grandfather diligently prevented this in the family circle, defending the idea that here they should speak only in their native language.

Agutin's daughter Polina is a polyglot. She already knows five languages ​​and does not leave the dream of learning a sixth one - Japanese. Mastering new knowledge does not cause her any discomfort: the girl is very capable and diligent. Polina dreams of becoming a manager or a linguist. Even looked after a college. The daughter of Agutin and Varum, Liza, is still devoting herself to music. But this is not her only hobby. She still draws beautifully, which Nikolai Petrovich Agutin is immensely proud of.

Already adults, or still children?

They have many common interests - music, films, books. Despite this, Agutin's daughters are completely different. Polina is far ahead of her "passport" age. If any of her friends-friends do not know how old she really is, I am sure that she is much more than twenty.

At the same time, the daughter of Agutin and Varum Liza is a little infantile. The photo of this girl does not often flash in periodicals, but one day she rightfully appeared there. Her dad had a concert in Miami a few years ago. Leonid invited his daughter to perform with him on the same stage. She agreed. She, without any teenage clamp and embarrassment, worked out the time allotted to her. Lisa did not worry at all, and the star father, standing backstage during her performance, on the contrary, was terribly worried.

It is not yet known whether the daughter of Agutin and Varum (whose photo appeared in the press after certain events) will be a singer or musician, but so far she receives great pleasure from one lesson and another.

Mom's surname

As strange as it may seem, none of the girls bear the name of the star dad. The youngest is worried She is not going to return to Russia yet, and her relatives do not put any pressure on her. In this family there is a strict rule: everyone can choose that life path what he likes. The daughter of Agutin and Varum Lisa, whose photo was an infrequent guest on the glossy pages, does not dare to move to Moscow. After all, in America she has all the hobbies, many friends and studies.

The eldest girl, Polina, comes to Russia much more often. After all, here she had her grandmother and grandfather on the line of her mother. They, in fact, raised her. It was in their house that the father used to visit the girl. At first, Polina studied in Moscow, and later changed Russia to Italy, leaving with her mother for Nice. Her parent married an Italian. Now they have a common son.

Agutin never promised to marry the ballerina Maria Vorobyeva, which he confessed to her parents when his passion became pregnant. They didn't insist. The main thing is that the daughter will give them a grandson or granddaughter. The theater was on vacation at the time, and the main troupe was on tour. So nothing prevented the birth of Polina. The surname of the girl is Vorobyova, like her mother. Nobody interferes with her communication with her father, whom Polina loves very much.

Easier Varum than Agutina

For many years, the official guardian of Lisa, the daughter of Leonid Agutin, whose photo is not yet a frequent guest on the pages of glossy publications, was her American grandfather Yuri Varum. As a rule, it was he who acted as an escort on all long trips of his beloved granddaughter. A few years ago, he underwent surgery: due to progressive diabetes, his leg was taken away. But Lyubov, his wife, assured curious journalists that thanks to good local (in Miami) doctors, this did not affect his well-being. On the contrary, the grandparents were worried about another fact: once they read in the newspaper that Lisa had autism, and in another publication that she had joined some kind of sect. They were outraged by this. After all, the girl is absolutely healthy, active, and the fact that she changes her hair color too often and puts on bright makeup was attributed to her youth.

When Lisa was born, Angelica and Leonid often went on tour, so for this time they brought their daughter to their grandparents. The young parents categorically refused to invite the nanny and governess. While they were working, Lyubov and Yuri Varum raised little Lisa. Later, when the granddaughter grew up, and they took her abroad with them, they decided, in order to avoid all sorts of legal confusion and incidents, to leave her the surname Varum. It was easier for them. Parents thought to give the girl, but they were told that according to the law it was impossible. They abandoned this idea. And what difference does it make whether the child bears the name of the mother or the father? The main thing is that he is healthy, right?

Polina Leonidovna Vorobieva is the illegitimate daughter of singer Leonid Agutin. Previously, no information appeared on the network about the girl, because she was born, while Leonid Agutin was already dating Angelica Varum. The mother of the singer Leonid Agutin revealed the details of the family life of the famous son.

AT recent times the personal life of Leonid Agutin is discussed. The public became aware of the second daughter of the singer. Fans immediately became curious if Angelica Varum knew about her husband's illegitimate child, how the singer reacted to provocative information.

Leonid Agutin daughter Polina Leonidovna Vorobyova: the singer has a second family

Leonid Agutin is not too willing to talk about his personal life. Recently, his mother, Lyudmila Shkolnikova, revealed the secrets of her son's family. In his youth, Leonid Agutin was in a classic love triangle.

The singer was in love with two girls at once, and could not decide which of them was his destiny. One of Agutin's lovers is Angelica (Maria) Varum, and the second is Maria Vorobyeva. The singer's friends emphasized the comical nature of the situation, allegedly Agutin specifically chose girls with the same names. After some time, the ballerina Maria Vorobyova became pregnant.

But Agutin was in no hurry to legitimize his relationship with the girl. Why, there is no official answer to this question. Even Leonid's mother offers two theories why her son chose Angelica Varum. No one knows whether the feelings between Vorobyeva and Agutin cooled down or the singer needed the protection of his father Varum, which is why Angelica defeated her rival.

However, the marriage of Angelica Varum and Leonid Agutin did not break up for long years and did not crack. So the feelings in the relationship play leading role. Soon Varum gave birth to Leonid's daughter. Today, both daughters of Agutin are already quite old. The eldest, from Maria Vorobyeva, Polina is already 14 years old, and the youngest is 12.

Angelica Varum from the very beginning knows about the existence of her husband's illegitimate daughter. Moreover, Leonid often visits eldest daughter, gives her gifts and paternal attention. Both sisters, daughters of Leonid, maintain good family relations.

Leonid Agutin daughter Polina Leonidovna Vorobyova: biography of the singer

Leonid Agutin inherited his musical talent from his father. FROM early childhood Leonid felt that he wanted to become an artist. Music occupied a large place in his life. AT school years Agutin devoted about thirty percent of his personal time to music lessons. Upon completion of school, Leonid served in the army. But even there he continued to make music.

After the service, Agutin received a non-musical education. He entered the Moscow State University culture, to the "Director of theatrical mass performances".

In 1994, Agutin released his first hit "Barefoot Boy". Popularity quickly flared up around the singer, but just as quickly faded away. For some time, the singer unsuccessfully tried to conquer the audience with his music. light streak in the career of a musician came after her marriage to Angelica Varum.

More recently, the Internet began to spread the news that the daughter of Agutin and Varum has autism. Journalists did not skimp on expressing their own opinion on this matter, sparing no star family, and accusing the girl's parents of having provoked the development of a terrible diagnosis. But is it really so? And why even the most loyal fans believed that Varum's daughter had autism.

Family relationships. Why is the rumor so believable

The star couple has been the favorite of the yellow press for more than a decade. What has not been written about her. In the news there were statements about divorce, infidelity, and even fictitious marriage. Faith in the couple's sincere feelings was also undermined by Leonid's antics. However, wisdom and the desire to keep the family more often prevailed. And now we can talk about the couple as one of the strongest in the domestic show business.

But now the press has become bored of discussing the relationship between Angelica and Leonid, and they set about their daughter. Sensational headlines in the newspapers with information that Agutina and Varum's daughter suffers from autism far from home become even more terrible from accusations of the girl's parents of provoking the onset of the disease. Rumors were born for a reason, as many fans of the couple believe. Firstly, the daughter does not live with mom and dad, but in America. Moreover, the girl got used to separation from birth. Immediately after the birth of Lisa, the parents had tours. And literally from the first months of her life she learned to live without them.

As the star couple herself says, they saw their daughter a maximum of several times a month, which greatly upset them. But the artist belongs to the stage. Therefore, Angelica and Leonid did not hope for more frequent visits.
Therefore, the appearance of accusations from the fans is logical that Angelika Varum, the daughter of autism, overlooked in the early stages of the course. Now, the singer is simply trying to hide information about her daughter's condition. For this, according to one version, the girl went to live in Miami with Yuri Varum.

Video - Daughter of Agutin and Varum Lisa sings with a guitar

What happens in reality

The fact that the daughter of Agutin and Varum Lisa has autism is not commented on by the couple themselves. But, Varum and Agutin do not stop showing off their child. Lisa successfully study in America. And, unlike many children of stars, she understands that her education is not free. She appreciates the work of her parents, so she is not capricious.

Leonid said that his daughter is engaged in rock music. Her hobby is serious, and in the future it is able to generate income. Therefore, when Lisa ordered an expensive guitar for her birthday, her parents did not refuse her request. In all other respects, the girl grows without pretensions.

Also, as a refutation of the fact that the daughter of Agutin and Varum, Liza, has suffered from autism since childhood, there are stories from teachers and peers about her energy and sociability. According to Agutin, the girl has a real talent as a writer, as her teacher told him about. Therefore, parents are aimed at developing this talent of the girl.

Recall that Leonid is not the first daughter. From previous marriage he also has a daughter, Polina, who is not much older than Lisa. She lives with her mother in France, and when she first met Lisa, there was some tension between the girls. But, when the completely natural embarrassment passed, they began to communicate actively, and now they are in an excellent relationship. Therefore, not everyone believes that the daughter of Agutin and Varum suffers from autism and leads a somewhat limited lifestyle due to her illness.

The only reason why the girl could be suspected of fighting such mental illness, is the fact that she is extremely reluctant to contact journalists. And if most young girls only rejoice at the increased attention, then Lisa, on the contrary, goes away from him. Perhaps that is why rumors spread that Varum's daughter had autism.

Video - The daughter of Angelica Varum and Leonid Agutin gave the first interview in Russia

Leonid Agutin shared a photo with his newborn daughter in honor of Children's Day.

At one time, the news that Leonid Agutin had another daughter "on the side" was a real sensation. But, since no scandals followed, because everyone (and Angelica Varum and her parents) knew from the very beginning that the singer had a child from a previous relationship, the public calmed down and “accepted” the girl into a star family.

Today, on Children's Day, Agutin published a picture with the newborn Polina. She is not even a month old in the photo. It can be seen that the girl still cannot even hold her head, and the happy young Agutin, smiling, looks at her. Still would! After all, she became the first child of a 27-year-old musician.

They say that with the mother of Polina, the ballerina Maria Vorobyeva, Agutin met at the same time as Angelica Varum. Friends even laughed at how he settled comfortably, because both of his chosen ones are called Mashami (Maria is the real name of Angelica Varum). As it was in fact, the singer decided not to tell. But Agutin's father said that Angelica knew about Polina from the very beginning and never interfered with their communication. Two years later, she also gave birth to her husband's daughter, who was named Elizabeth. Her baby photo Leonid also published on his personal blog.

Later, when both girls grew up, Leonid introduced them. The girls have become friends and communicate as often as they can. Lisa lives in America, Polina first lived with her mother and stepfather in Italy, then moved with her parents to France.

« They used to communicate via Skype, but they met for the first time in the summer of 2012 in Paris, where we all spent an unforgettable five days together, - Agutin said - When my daughters met, I was in seventh heaven with happiness. I remember sitting, watching the girls and smiling like a fool ... At first they looked at each other, “grew”, and I was just in a blissful mood: I always dreamed that they would become friends».

« It was very interesting to watch how the girls got closer, - said Varum, who was present when the sisters met. - Polka is mobile, emotional, Lisa is softer, and at first she was stunned by the energy of her sister ...»

Polina Leonidovna Vorobieva is the illegitimate daughter of singer Leonid Agutin. Previously, no information appeared on the network about the girl, because she was born, while Leonid Agutin was already dating Angelica Varum. The mother of the singer Leonid Agutin revealed the details of the family life of the famous son.

Recently, the personal life of Leonid Agutin has been discussed. The public became aware of the second daughter of the singer. Fans immediately became curious if Angelica Varum knew about her husband's illegitimate child, how the singer reacted to provocative information.

Leonid Agutin daughter Polina Leonidovna Vorobyova: the singer has a second family

Leonid Agutin is not too willing to talk about his personal life. Recently, his mother, Lyudmila Shkolnikova, revealed the secrets of her son's family. In his youth, Leonid Agutin was in a classic love triangle.

The singer was in love with two girls at once, and could not decide which of them was his destiny. One of Agutin's lovers is Angelica (Maria) Varum, and the second is Maria Vorobyeva. The singer's friends emphasized the comical nature of the situation, allegedly Agutin specifically chose girls with the same names. After some time, the ballerina Maria Vorobyova became pregnant.

But Agutin was in no hurry to legitimize his relationship with the girl. Why, there is no official answer to this question. Even Leonid's mother offers two theories why her son chose Angelica Varum. No one knows whether the feelings between Vorobyeva and Agutin cooled down or the singer needed the protection of his father Varum, which is why Angelica defeated her rival.

However, the marriage of Angelica Varum and Leonid Agutin did not break up over the years and did not crack. So feelings play a major role in relationships, according to Wordyou. Soon Varum gave birth to Leonid's daughter. Today, both daughters of Agutin are already quite old. The eldest, from Maria Vorobyeva, Polina is already 14 years old, and the youngest is 12.

Angelica Varum from the very beginning knows about the existence of her husband's illegitimate daughter. Moreover, Leonid often visits his eldest daughter, gives her gifts and paternal attention. Both sisters, daughters of Leonid, maintain good family relations.

Leonid Agutin daughter Polina Leonidovna Vorobyova: biography of the singer

Leonid Agutin inherited his musical talent from his father. From early childhood, Leonid felt that he wanted to become an artist. Music occupied a large place in his life. In his school years, Agutin devoted about thirty percent of his personal time to music lessons. Upon completion of school, Leonid served in the army. But even there he continued to make music.

After the service, Agutin received a non-musical education. He entered the Moscow State University of Culture, at the "Director of theatrical mass performances."

In 1994, Agutin released his first hit "Barefoot Boy". Popularity quickly flared up around the singer, but just as quickly faded away. For some time, the singer unsuccessfully tried to conquer the audience with his music. A bright streak in the career of a musician came after marrying Angelika Varum.

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