Borisova's face is close-up. Shameless video of masturbation given by Borisova. And now you're running some kind of show

Dana Borisova: “I enlarged my breasts! ... And I came up with a new style - sexy pop, "the star admitted in an interview.

Thanks to Dana, the program about the army was enthusiastically watched even by those who were hiding from this army in a madhouse. Now we look at Dana with delight and find out what other joys she will bring us in the near future.

We haven't seen each other for ten years. What have you been doing all this time and what is your biggest project right now?

Right now, my six-year-old daughter is number one. I devoted myself completely to her, and launched myself. I had thirty extra pounds and a big depression about it. Therefore, I turned to the best Russian nutritionists, and now everything is fine with my figure again. Plus, I had a boob job!

- Do you want to tell everyone about it?

- Certainly. After all, about the chest is always interesting to everyone. After feeding, it was two rags, and now she is beautiful again. And if before they looked into my eyes, now they are lower. So I decided to sing. I'm working with vocal teachers, recording a new video. It's called Hold Me! There will be a decent version and an indecent one for the Internet. And I came up with a new style - sexy pop.

- What is it?

This is the style I came up with.

- Understandably. What's the point? People are very inert, and most still imagine you in a vest and in the army. Few people remember that you have been busy with something else for a long time. Why do you need to start all over again and try to break through yourself on the stage, where there is gigantic competition and many have already achieved a lot there? Wouldn't it be better to return to the image that the audience loves so much?

- I just want to prove to everyone that I can do something else. Although yes, I really loved the "Army Store". I led him for eleven years. After him there were many projects: "The Last Hero", "City of Women", "Domino Principle", "This Morning" on NTV, and "Business Morning" on RBC. But, judging by the reviews, most of all people loved the Army Store. They still come up to me, thank you. He somehow made everyone happy, and everyone remembers him. For a while I did not want to talk about it, but now I remember it as the best project in my life.

- So, maybe revive it?

No. Let all good things end.

Well, why? Better let it start again. Especially now, when we have practically declared war on half of the globe and we desperately need to raise the morale of the population. Are you ready to participate in this?

- Well, of course ready! And in what? Although this is a surprise proposal for me. But I am ready to lift my spirits, travel to military units, inspire. Although I would not like a war in Europe, so I will inspire everyone for peace.

- And now you're doing some kind of show?

Yes. This is a reality show about blondes that runs in Kazakhstan.

I didn't know there were a lot of blondes there.

They are not all real. It's called "Blondes in the Pen." They are locked in the house, and the fittest survives.

But in Kazakhstan, it’s strictly with morality and you can’t run around naked or fuck under cameras, like in our country. How do you then attract the viewer?

- Hell. Now I understand why you want to do something else.

Yes. For example, I was offered to star in a porn film for a million dollars. I refused. I need two million.

In the British edition of The Sun, candid pictures of Russian TV presenter Dana Borisova appeared. According to the authors of the article dedicated to the famous blonde, these frames were obtained from the star's computer using an illegal method. The hackers hacked into the system, wiped some of the data and took the provocative photos to put them on the Internet.

In the pictures, which were at the disposal of a foreign site, Dana poses on the bed in a tiny thong and no bra, covering her chest with hair. According to the British tabloid, Borisova blamed her ex-husband Andrei Tishchenko for everything, the marriage with which did not last even a year. Probably, the frames that were at the disposal of the publication were received at a time when she had problems with the mail. In August, the celebrity shared her sadness with fans.

"Who wants my box? There are megabytes of business correspondence, photos of my daughter ... Well, a few photos of me without a bathing suit from my honeymoon, but nothing is visible on them! Only a fleeting thought flashed through, which came with the help of logic: could it be my ex-husband, ”said the TV presenter.

After these events, Borisova secured her account by setting a new, more secure password. The star claims that the data from her mailbox has disappeared more than once, and since she has not studied what is stored in the mail archives for a long time, she is not particularly surprised by such pictures in a foreign publication.

By the way, Dana was never shy about showing off her figure without clothes, so she posed for men's magazines in exclusive photo shoots more than once. The sexy forms of the star of the "Army Store" could not leave anyone indifferent. In the same Playboy issue that British journalists wrote about, a woman posed in underwear and a protective military jacket, sitting on a tank. Foreigners were delighted with this picture of the Russian TV presenter. The shot was taken in 1997 at the beginning of Dana's career. 21-year-old Borisova graced the cover of the magazine, the circulation of which was sold with resounding success.

“Before, men looked me in the eye, but now it’s getting lower and lower ... And I would be happy to discuss the problems of the starving children of Africa and the size of our GDP! Well, for some reason, no one wants to discuss this with me, ”Borisova admitted in an interview,

You think it's easy to be a boyfriend Dana Borisova? No matter how. For example, Dana Borisova believes that a man must definitely earn more than her and have his own housing, where he will lead her - it is desirable that it be a country house. So, if you are a simple engineer, doctor or manager, then look away Dana Borisova unfortunately not worth it. Dana Borisova often mistaken with the choice of men or they were mistaken, laying eyes on her? This lady did not have a long-term relationship. As soon as she began to give interviews about her happy family life, how the connection with her beloved collapsed along incomprehensible to us, but most likely obvious to herself. Dana Borisova, reasons.

Can't name Dan Borisov an absolutely stupid person, but, frankly, I am amazed, this lady is original, witty, her humor is interesting, she often argues sensibly, but everything that concerns her attitude to men and money depresses me. I never just post photos of stars on my blog, I read their interviews, watch projects, films, TV shows with their participation. Sometimes you read one interview - and it seems that the star is adequate, then you read the second, third, and the new knowledge I received about a certain person of interest to me, like beads are strung on top of each other, you get a necklace. But beads will not work out of one bead, and, in general, my judgments are not groundless. Behind Dana Borisova I have been watching for a long time, I notice everything that happens to this bright young lady, and, frankly, I am very sorry for this girl, because everything in her life could have turned out differently if she had not been so thirsty for a good, beautiful life, if she could have fallen in love a man not for expensive gifts: cars, jewelry, trips, but simply as a person, as a person, to abstract from all these handouts. Here is what I read in one of the interviews Dana Borisova. A certain little man began to look after her, she immediately did not like him externally, but on the fourth day of their acquaintance he gave her a brand new range rover, mom Are given expensive jewelry, daughter Polina filled up with gifts, and all! Dana Borisova she looked at the boyfriend with completely different eyes, now he no longer seemed to her just an ugly friend, there was warmth in her eyes, as a result - she allowed him to follow her.

Men have Dana Borisova there was a lot, in every relationship she rushed into a pool with her head, becoming older, she became more restrained, but she did not stop making mistakes in people.

Started her career Dana Borisova in a programme "Army Store", many watched this program, thanks to a pleasant presenter. With time Dana Borisova began to conduct other programs: "Domino Principle", "This morning", talk show "You suit us"(by the way, it is on this program Dana Borisova picked up another boyfriend, who in the end turned out to be, in her words, a petty gigolo).

Recently Dana Borisova very unhappy, she was disappointed in life, became withdrawn, she developed phobias, and after the scandalous release of the program "Let them talk" with Andrey Malakhov, it became clear (from the words of the mother Are given) that the TV presenter suffers from addiction and urgently needs treatment. Dana Borisova unlocked it as best she could, but eventually flew out to rehab in Thailand paid for the clinic "First" channel.

In this photo you see Dan Borisov with her ex-husband Andrey Tishchenko. The marriage of these two lasted only 8 months. By the way, Andrey Dan taken away from the family, because it seemed to her that once in eight years Andrei and his wife, the model, did not have children, that something was wrong between them, which means that they need to act - to urgently remove the man from such an inferior family.

And in this wedding photo you see Dan Borisov, her daughter Polina, ex-husband Andrey Tishchenko. The young people planned to live the rest of their lives together, but in fact, eight months was enough for them ...

Take a look at this photo Dana Borisova very often she used foundation too abundantly, she chooses the wrong tone and unevenly distributes the product over her face.

And here is this photo Dana Borisova very strange. She probably dressed up like that for some show, and after filming she decided to drink tea with lemon in a cafe.

Take a look at this photo Dana Borisova This is what she looked like when she was young. As you can see, she slightly corrected her nose and modified the dumplings a little, well, she changed her girlfriends accordingly.

On this photo Dana Borisova and her daughter Pauline. To celebrate your child's birthday Dana Borisova spares no money, no time, no fantasy!

And in these photos Dana Borisova very young, young, she was like that when she led the program "Army Store".

On this photo Dana Borisova with her first civil husband Maxim Aksyonov, he meets her from the hospital. was born Pauline!

The name of TV presenter Dana Borisova is increasingly associated with something scandalous. The whole country discussed her lawsuit with her ex-husband, the conflict with her mother, the loss of her daughter, who was taken by her father, drug treatment in Thailand and anorexia. But it turned out, it's just flowers!


Berries are their own - Dana's lovely Persians can be appreciated by watching the video. A video has appeared on the network in which a girl, surprisingly similar to Dana Borisova, is engaged in self-satisfaction - stroking her breasts, pulling her nipples and moaning slightly. Apparently out of pleasure. How this private shameless video got into the VKontakte social network, who filmed a girl who looked like two drops of water on Dana, on the phone, and why this intimate activity had to be captured at all, is a big question.

It is not yet possible to know the reaction of Dana herself to this video. The fact is that, as a site, Borisova has not been in touch for a long time.

Journalists tried many times to contact the beauty. But her phone is turned off, and on the instant text messaging service WhatsApp, messages, although delivered, remain unanswered. For all this time, Dana wrote a single phrase to the correspondent of the site: "My mother tried and now I ******", after which she disappeared. It is possible that in the rehabilitation center where Dana was sent at the expense of Channel One, patients are forbidden to use gadgets - answer calls, write messages and make posts on social networks.

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