Lidia Nevzorova is a professional photographer. Her work is impressive. Here are some of her works - photographs of horses, in which the master conveyed the greatness and beauty of these animals. The wife of Alexander Nevzorov: “We started when I was still at school

Lydia Nevzorova is the wife of Alexander Nevzorov, a well-known journalist and publicist in Russia and abroad. An outstanding and extraordinary personality. For all her apparent fragility, this amazingly beautiful woman has a strong character and an extraordinary mind.

Lidia Alekseevna Nevzorova is a professional hippophotographer, hippologist, author of several scientific books and many journalistic materials, creator and undisputed leader of the Horse Revolution movement, horse educator, colleague of her husband and mentor Alexander Nevzorov, the only photo chronicler of the Nevzorov Haute Ecole School.

Lydia Nevzorova: biography

Lydia, nee Lidia Alekseevna Maslova, was born in 1973 on March 29 in Leningrad. Her father, a fairly well-known artist, from early childhood tried to instill in his daughter a love of painting and gave her a brilliant art education. But, not finding enough talent and desire in herself to paint, she became a designer and interior designer, in which she later succeeded very well. This occupation was her second passion, after horses, and took more than ten years of her life. During this time, Lydia has created many wonderful projects. But the most significant of them in terms of their uniqueness are, of course, the family stable and the arena film pavilion.

It is worth talking about the arena separately, since this project is unique in that it provides for a system of natural lighting. The structure of the horse's eye is such that it is impossible to work with the lighting devices necessary for filming without causing tangible harm to the health of the horse. And the arena of Lidia Nevzorova allows shooting in natural light without harming the horse's eyesight.

Lydia and Alexander Glebovich: the history of acquaintance

When Lydia Nevzorova was little, she dreamed that she would live outside the city in a big house and she would have many animals. She thought that she would marry late.

At first I wanted to make a career, to achieve something, but everything turned out a little differently.

She was an eighteen-year-old art student when she went out of town to her dacha to paint autumn landscapes. It was for this fascinating occupation that Alexander Nevzorov found her, who traveled around the neighborhood on his Arab-Budenov named Perst.

The fragile blond girl immediately liked Alexander. In his usual manner of speaking directly, without wasting time, he then categorically told Lydia that they would have a stormy romance, but he did not promise to marry her. I must say that Alexander at that time was well over thirty, and he was 15 years older than Lydia.

Unusual wedding of the Nevzorovs

That same evening, Lydia's dad, a man of strict rules, accidentally saw on TV in some program about a children's holiday, how Alexander Glebovich gently holds his beloved daughter by the hand. Dad threw a scandal, and Nevzorov, having assured the parent of his most serious intentions towards his daughter, promised to marry Lydia immediately.

Alexander Glebovich, in one of his interviews, told how he once arranged a kind of strength test for his future young wife. He took the girl away for a few days to his dacha in Aleksandrovka and left her there with two puppies to take care of. The dacha was beautiful, but very neglected. It took a lot of effort to put the house and garden in order. There were no amenities, no electricity, no water. But the girl coped with everything.

Lydia had to apply to the registry office not with her fiancé, but with his assistant, since Alexander Nevzorov spent all the time preparing the next release of the 600 Seconds program.

There was no such thing as a wedding. On one of the working days, they simply came to the registry office on the embankment of St. Petersburg and signed. Alexander then was very friendly with the helicopter pilots, and they, unexpectedly for the young, having learned from somewhere about the time of registration, arranged flowers right in front of the wedding building.

Lydia: the beginning of family life

Lydia Nevzorova and Alexander Nevzorov began their family life in Spartan conditions. For a girl accustomed to a comfortable life, it was a difficult period. Alexander Glebovich left for work at 6 o'clock in the morning, and returned around midnight. And Lydia was left alone with endless everyday difficulties and disorder. She recalls that the house in which she and her husband had to live was almost cardboard. Of the electricity, only one light bulb worked there. The young woman was absolutely happy when a gas cylinder appeared in the house. Before this wonderful event, she had to go to a neighbor to cook food for herself and her husband. The neighbor was an enterprising person, and let Lydia cook for gingerbread, which he, in all likelihood, was very fond of. In the process of cooking, the young wife managed to watch her husband's then-famous "600 seconds" on her neighbor's TV.

Hippology - the science of horses

Alexander Nevzorov's passion for horses was transferred to Lydia and began to occupy a significant part of her life. The lack of knowledge of hippology and the impossibility of obtaining it in Russia pushed Lidia Nevzorova to study this science in England.

She graduated summa cum laude from Suffolk Equine College in Newmarket and went on to study horses at Harper Adams University's Warwick Equine College.


While Lydia was studying hippology in England, Nevzorov created the Nevzorov Haute Ecole Higher School of Horse Education. The main point in this institution is that the work with the animal is carried out without any means of coercion. The school is working to fully develop the natural talent of the horse, as well as to develop his physical and mental abilities as much as possible.

Journal "Start"

In 2007, in order to inform people about the activities of the School and the Nevzorov Haute Ecole Research Center, a professional hippological journal of the same name was created. Lidia Nevzorova becomes the editor of this journal. At the same time, she leads the ruble "Horse Management" in it.

After some time of the magazine's work, it becomes clear that the entire amount of information that Lydia and Alexander would like to convey to people does not fit on its pages. Then the publishing house of the Research Center Nevzorov Haute Ecole publishes the books "Horse Management", "Ungulology" and many others.

Books written by Lydia Nevzorova

All books written by Lydia are published by Nevzorov Haute Ecole:

  1. "What veterinarians are silent about. Laminitis."
  2. Levadas and shelters.
  3. "A Treatise on the Feeding of Horses".
  4. "Theory and practice of school clearing".
  5. "How to achieve balance". This book is in the NHE: Horse Management series.
  6. "Everything you didn't want to know about forging."
  7. "Hippophotography. Theory and practice". This book was written in collaboration with Alexander Nevzorov, Sofia Spartantseva, Tatyana Batalina.
  8. "All about blankets."
  9. "How to equip a stable" (in pdf).

Lidia Nevzorova launched the Nevzorov Haute Ecole Equine Anthology electronic edition in English in 2009, and already in 2010 this work is published in French.

Lydia hippophotographer

The girl never thought that one day she would return to the world of art again, but it happened. But it wasn't a painting.

Once, Lydia and Alexander Nevzorov invited another eminent photographer to shoot their horses. The master worked, and Lydia was spinning nearby and filmed too, but with an ordinary “soap box”.

When the photos were printed, it turned out that the photos that Lydia took were much better than those brought by a professional. The same thing happened when the next photographer was invited, then the next.

Finally, they stopped inviting photographers to shoot horses. Since then, only Lydia has taken all the photos for their projects, because she understands horses and is not afraid of them. Nevzorova knows the anatomy of their movements and character, she feels at what point in time the horse will turn in this way and not otherwise, and from what angle it is better to shoot in order to most successfully show the animal.

Now the photo of Lydia Nevzorova is filled with most of the materials that are published by the School. Her works have been exhibited at many exhibitions, published countless times in Russian and foreign print media.

Alexander Alexandrovich Nevzorov Jr.

The greatest happiness of Lydia Nevzorova is their son Alexander with Alexander Glebovich. The boy was born in 2007. From a very early age, it became clear that his character was “Nevzorovsky”: hooligan and domineering. Lydia jokes that before only her husband commanded her, and now her son is also growing up as a commander.

Sometimes in an interview, Lydia Nevzorova mentions that she has a terrible character, and she very often has to step on her throat in order to be close to her beloved man, whom she considers not just her husband, but also her mentor, and relations with whom are endless cherishes.

Immediately after the wedding with Lydia, the famous provocateur moved his mother-in-law to him, next to whom he is still happy

St. Petersburg TV journalist Alexander Nevzorov, author and host of the famous post-perestroika program 600 Seconds, has turned 60. Alexander Glebovich and now confirms the reputation of a daring and arrogant cynic. But at the same time, he masterfully bypasses issues of private life. To find out what he is like in everyday life, we called his wife Lydia, who, by the way, celebrated her 45th birthday this year.

- Alexander Glebovich He told us that he doesn't like celebrating his birthdays. Are you and your 11-year-old son Sasha also forbidden to have holidays?

The husband does not consider birthday his merit and a reason to give him gifts. And I agree with him. Sasha and I have been together for 27 years, and I'm used to the fact that he does not need to look for excuses for fun. He just feels good when friends gather at any time of the year. And they bring him anatomical books or skulls with bones, various sculptures. My husband loves me very much and makes me happy for no reason. As for the son, we present gifts to him on the day of his birth and entertain him in every possible way. Although Sasha Jr. also understands that the merit here is not his, but mine.

- Who is in your husband's inner circle?

- Sergey Shnurov, Alexander Sokurov, doctor Kurpatov. At this age, it is already difficult to find time for new friends, so their small list is not expanding. And with these people Sasha is interested, he can rely on them in difficult times.


- What do Nevzorov and Shnur have in common?!

The spirit of innovation and rebellion, the ability to convey their thoughts to the public. Both are leaders. The husband is generally interested in personalities who know how to shape the consciousness of people, their views on life.

- From the first marriageNevzorova - 37-summer daughter Polina. She and her husbandpopular actor Sergey Gorobchenko,five children.Why does your husband not communicate with Polya, or Sergei, or with his grandchildren?

There is no meaning in flesh and blood. The most important thing is spiritual closeness. And it arises between people with common interests. Relationships develop or do not develop regardless of blood ties. And sometimes, at some point, people disperse. Do not force yourself to communicate if the relationship does not work out.

- Means,he did not invest something in his daughter, since he was not interested in her.And how does he raise his son so that after years he will remain by his side?

Polina's husband was just a wonderful father. But when people grow up, they develop their own life and point of view on different issues. There is nothing negative in this situation. We have no quarrels and scandals with Polina and her family. Everything is fine.


- Let's now talk about your relationship with Alexander Glebovich. How parents looked at the fact that 18-year-old daughter married a bully of the then television,who is 15 years older than her?

Sasha was then 33, he had just divorced ( with an actress Alexandra Yakovleva, star films "Crew" and "Magicians". -I. G. ) and was the most enviable groom in the country. I was very lucky that he chose me, which, by the way, was absolutely not interested in peers. Sasha is a storehouse of knowledge, it was simply impossible not to fall in love. And age didn't matter. Even now everything suits me: I will always be young and beautiful for my husband. 15 years is an ideal difference if a man takes care of himself, is healthy and strong. Yes, dad was against my relationship with Nevzorov. But Sasha made an offer on the second day of their acquaintance. It became immediately clear that this is a man you can rely on. As soon as we found housing, he immediately registered my mother and grandmother with him. Mom, by the way, still lives with us, and this does not cause any problems. Sasha is a great family man, son-in-law, husband.

- How did you meet?

I was in school, and one day we accidentally crossed paths at an art exhibition. I loved to draw Lydia's father - well-known artist in St. Petersburg Alexey Maslov. - I. G. ). Then we ran into Sasha at the door of the store. He looked me up and down and walked on. The next meeting happened when I was painting landscapes outside the city, and he went around the neighborhood on his horse ... And when I became an adult, I was able to officially marry Sasha, and we met forever.

- I have a lot of bad qualities: I am power-hungry, cunning, impudent, cruel, cunning. But the only thing I have is courage. And meaningless most often, - Nevzorov liked to repeat. Image: © RIA Novosti

cruel children

- The son was born only 16 years later.Did you think about children anymore? Or is this topic uninteresting to Nevzorov?

I didn’t think about the second child: I don’t have enough time for anything. I am against large families: a child must be loved, managed to grow up, educate. My husband is also sober about such things. If I had had children before him, or I would not have been able to give birth, he would have loved me no less. And at the beginning of our relationship, I did not want children, but I was able to graduate from several educational institutions, including two colleges in England, and worked a lot. And suddenly I realized that I was already 34, the age was right, and with my mind I decided to give birth. When she was waiting for Sasha Jr., she continued to study and write a book about horses. The contractions had already begun, three in the morning, it was time to go to the hospital, and I was still writing something. And only then she woke up her husband and said that it was time to take me to the doctors.

We love our son very much, Sasha puts all his strength into him, gives him all his free time. We decided that our son would be educated at home. I always knew that I would never send him to school. She didn't want strangers to beat out of him the desire to be free. We give Sasha freedom of creativity and interests. It is clear that freedom is not “drink beer and smoke”, but the opportunity to develop without pressure. A pledge of interest in life, the desire to develop, to burn with one's work.

- But what about the ability to communicate in a team, friends, finally?

I am against child socialization. And the son has friends - children from our circle. And these are not the friends that the class and artificially formed society imposes. It's just that a child spends much more time adapting to society than learning. Children are very cruel. Sasha does not get up at seven in the morning and does not trudge sleepy and unhappy to school to listen to six lessons that will be immediately forgotten. He does not cram poetry Pushkin for the sake of evaluation, but reads interesting books. Teaches Italian and English. My husband and I can afford it, while we take our son to sports clubs and circles. Check out Sasha's Instagram. He certainly does not look like an unhappy child deprived of social communication.

The star of the Soviet blockbuster "Crew" Alexander Yakovlev was the second wife of Alexander. Image:

Fight for the family

- At one time a lot was written about your husband's illness: he lost a lot of weight,he says,oncology.

These are rumors. Sasha himself decided to lose weight. I fed him all my life, and he just wanted to change his image - he threw off 20 kg. The process of losing weight is not easy for the body, often bruises under the eyes appear. But the result was worth it. Now my husband looks great. Many girls ask me: "How to marry such a smart, beautiful and famous and, most importantly, keep"? And many more write to Nevzorov himself: "If you get divorced, then call immediately." But I manage all his social media accounts, so I myself receive these messages. I understand that there are many people who want to take my place. In my opinion, it is not necessary to force him to report, check his pockets and delve into the phone. I never did this, while Sasha always spent the night at home. And you still need to constantly develop. There is always a risk that a smart and educated man will leave for another - young and beautiful. How our story will turn out is hard to say. Therefore, I can not swear. Life is a struggle, and for a woman it is a struggle for her family.

- Is it easy for you to be Nevzorov's wife, his shadow?

It suits me just to be a wife. Although there is a good profession ( painters hippologist -horse specialist. -I. G. ), I took place, my works, books are in demand, they are sold in the West. But I understand who is next to me, and I'm not going to compete with him. Now I have pushed back my ambitions and spend all my energy on Sasha, helping him as a director, manager. I have always worked with him - operator, photographer, assistant. Plus, I lead social networks, shoot videos, edit. Nevzorov's popularity is no less now than in the days of "600 seconds".

For our today's readers, we have prepared a biography of an interesting personality whose activities are known in many parts of the world. We present to your attention Alexander Nevzorov - director, publicist, video blogger and hippologist.

Until recently, he was engaged in reporting activities, and also hosted the famous television program, which became the most rated. On top of that, it is worth noting that Alexander is a participant in hostilities, and then took the place of a deputy of the State Duma.

Many who follow his activities note that he is a vivid example of a nonconformist who does not support the state law and order.

Before talking about the achievements of a particular person, some people will be interested in knowing the external data of an idol. Therefore, if you are just that, let's imagine height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Nevzorov - this is exactly the question that various admirers of his works can ask. So, the approximate height is a little over 180 centimeters, and the weight is 78 kilograms.

In the summer of 2018, Alexander Nevzorov will celebrate his 60th birthday. Photos in youth and now are easy to find on the Internet and compare what age-related changes have affected the journalist for all time.

Biography and personal life of Alexander Nevzorov

The biography and personal life of Alexander Nevzorov is exactly what new fans are interested in before studying the works. He was born in August 1958, in the city of Leningrad. It is noteworthy that the boy "peeped" his future activities in his family. Mother Galina worked as a journalist. Alexander never talks about his father - he does not remember him.

At school, in addition to basic subjects, the boy additionally studied French. Also, as a young man, he began to sing in an Orthodox church. After school, he studies at a literary institute. At the same time, he managed to avoid the army by pretending to be mentally ill. In the period of 80-90s, he changed a huge number of professions, among which was a loader, a secretary, a screenwriter, and even a stuntman.

A career on television was given a start in 1983. The first job is a correspondent for news releases, and after 4 years, Alexander begins to broadcast “600 seconds”. A little later, his photographs adorned Soviet calendars, along with other famous residents of Leningrad.

Popularity also brings negative consequences - in the 90s, a journalist was attacked - he received a gunshot wound. In 1991, the first documentary film, Nashi, was filmed. It talked about the Lithuanian government, which supported secession from the USSR.

Around the same period, he worked on the jury of the Cannes Film Festival. He was admitted to the State Duma, but almost did not appear in it and did not vote for the adoption of laws.

In 1995, the documentary film "Criminal Russia" was released - here, Alexander played himself. Also, the picture "Hell" was released, which told about the horrors of the Chechen wars. "Purgatory" by Nevzorov also adheres to these frameworks.

At the beginning of the millennium, he became interested in horses. He founded his own school, where he taught people hippology - this included the treatment of animals, and history, and so on. In 2004, a feature film was released on this topic. Two years later, a documentary was filmed that helps in raising horses.

In 2012, Nevzorov becomes a confidant of the head of state. He himself notes that his religious views did not interfere with this. Since the beginning of the 2000s, the journalist has taken a clear position, where he opposes Orthodoxy and its widespread planting.

Alexander's first romantic relationship began in the 80s. Then, Natalya became the chosen one, whom the journalist later married. A daughter was born, but soon the marriage broke up. The next chosen one was Lydia, after some time, they got married and still live in a happy family. Also, there were rumors about another marriage, but the actress, who was credited with this, said that this was not true.

Family and children of Alexander Nevzorov

The family and children of Alexander Nevzorov are also of interest to fans, and not surprisingly, there is something to tell here. The future journalist himself was brought up in an incomplete family - grandmother and mother. Mom, by the way, was a journalist. Her father worked in the MGB and fought against terrorist organizations in Lithuania, which at that moment was part of the USSR. Nevzorov says that he did not see his father, so there is no information about him.

Now, the journalist has two children. However, when he broke up with his first wife, he stopped helping his daughter, and almost did not participate in her upbringing. We will tell you more about children below.

The son of Alexander Nevzorov - Alexander

The son of Alexander Nevzorov - Alexander was born in 2007. At that time, the journalist was married to Lydia. By the way, Alexander is still in this marriage. Now the boy is already 11 years old, and the parents are fully involved in the upbringing of their son.

Those who follow the person of Alexander have already begun to wonder if the family will influence the choice of a future profession. The parents themselves say that no matter what path the son chooses, they will support him. Their job is to help and advise him. It is known that Nevzorov Jr. receives a good school education, and at the same time begins to study foreign languages.

Daughter of Alexander Nevzorov - Polina

The daughter of Alexander Nevzorov, Polina, is the firstborn in the family of a journalist. She was born at the time when he was in his first marriage. However, after the divorce, he stopped all communication with his wife and daughter.

At the moment, it is known that Polina married Russian actor Sergei Gorobchenko. The wedding took place in 2007. It is difficult to talk about the grandchildren of a famous journalist, because little information about the daughter. Some publications talk about five children - it's hard to judge. And Alexander himself is unlikely to be one of the first to know about the replenishment - the daughter and father do not even maintain friendly relations.

The ex-wife of Alexander Nevzorov - Natalya Nevzorova

The ex-wife of Alexander Nevzorov, Natalya Nevzorova, met her future husband when they both got into the church choir. Along with this, the woman is a research assistant in the manuscript department of the Russian National Library. Sympathy arose almost simultaneously, and both at once.

In the mid-80s, young people got married, and a little later, their daughter Polina was born. But the marriage was not long - acquaintances say that it was not initially strong enough. Some attribute this to her husband's constant business trips. One day, he just filed for divorce and stopped all communication with his family.

Wife of Alexander Nevzorov - Lydia Nevzorova

The wife of Alexander Nevzorov, Lydia Nevzorova, was born in 1973, and as you have already calculated, she is 16 years younger than her husband. But the age difference did not affect the relationship or official marriage. At that time, Lydia painted pictures and, like her future husband, was fond of horses. Of course, common interests attracted young people, and love at first sight arose.

The journalist says that he is glad to meet his wife. Also, according to numerous photographs, we can say that both spouses are happy, they are raising their son Sasha. In addition to family affairs, the couple continues to engage in hippology and run their own school.

Alexander Nevzorov is ill with lung cancer

A few years ago, a famous publicist changed in appearance, and this was noticeable even in the style of clothing. Many began to talk about the disease, in particular, that Alexander Nevzorov had lung cancer.

Journalists began to create controversial articles where they compared the appearance of a man and give various arguments. The publicist himself did not comment on the various statements. Over time, various headlines, such as "Nevzorov Alexander Glebovich has cancer" faded into "no" and were no longer published. Now we can say that the journalist is not his own health, and continues to engage in his activities.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexander Nevzorov

Many famous people start pages on social networks to communicate with fans, advertise their own activities, and so on. Our today's hero is no exception, and his official pages are easy to find using the Internet.

Along with this, Instagram and Wikipedia of Alexander Nevzorov are becoming more and more popular. The social network has a large number of subscribers who follow the life of a journalist - photos are often published there with the family. On Wikipedia, anyone can find basic information about the life, work and work of Nevzorov.

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