The best translator into Belarusian. Russian-Belarusian online translator and dictionary

Did you know that the Belarusian language (Belarusian language) is included in the list world heritage UNESCO as one of the most beautiful languages peace? The language is truly very beautiful, melodic and unforgettable. I am especially fascinated by the names different months in Belarusian language. See for yourself.

January - Studzen

Winter has fully come into its own. The weather is getting cold, and even icy.

February - Lyuty

The coldest month of the year. Epiphany frosts occur in February. Fierce cold.

March - Sakavik

The weather is starting to change. Thawed patches appear and the snow melts. The sun is warming up White light and nature is gaining juice.

April - Krasavik

Nature is finally waking up. Grass covers meadows and fields with a green blanket. The trees are starting to put on their summer clothes. beauty)))

May - May

The weather in May is very changeable. Either rain or sun. It's warm, it's cold. Toil weather)))

June - Cherven

Since ancient times, it was believed that in June, dyes appeared in the first ripened fruits. worms. Hence the name.

July - Lipen

Beginning of flowering linden trees

August - Zhniven

The harvest is ripe. The time has passed to collect it, that is, the time harvest.

September - Verasen

Bloomed this month heather

October - Kastrychnik

In October, when processing flax (flax is processed precisely in October), castritsa rose into the air. I could be wrong:)

November - Listapad

Here I think everything is clear without further ado. Very golden. Leaf fall at it's peak

December - Snezhan

It's winter time. Fields are covered snowy blanket

So what do you think? Isn't it wonderful???

Did you know that the Belarusian language (Belarusian language) is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List as one of the most beautiful languages ​​in the world? The language is truly very beautiful, melodic and unforgettable. I am especially fascinated by the names of the different months in Belarusian language. Look...


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Word- or Logos is the sacred sound, the first element in the process of material manifestation. The word has creative power. Quetzalcoatl and Huracan created the world by pronouncing the word Earth. The Savior is the Word incarnate. In Hinduism and Buddhism, the Word is... ... Dictionary of symbols


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    1 translation

    translation; translation

    I translation, -du husband.

    postal transfer - pashtovy transfer

    transfer to another job - transfer to another job

    II (into another language) pereklad, -du husband. III husband. (waste) translation, -du husband. , durham waste, marnavanne, -nnya Wed

    transfer of money - transfer (durham waste, marnavanne) penny

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    TRANSLATION 1- TRANSLATION 1, a, m. Ozhegov’s Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

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  • Theater art. L`art du theater + DVD. Bernard S. (translation by N.A. Shemarova), Bernard S. (translation by N.A. Shemarova). The book The Art of Theater contains advice and memories of the great French theater actress Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923). There are many conflicting opinions regarding her talent and...

 Online translators have recently expanded their capabilities and now allow translation into the Belarusian language as well. The translation is also done very quickly - just insert the text in Russian into the online translator, and in a moment you will receive a ready-made translation into Belarusian.

It is interesting that the quality of translation from Russian into Belarusian is almost always very good. After all, the Russian and Belarusian languages ​​are very similar to each other, and it was not difficult for the developers of such systems to achieve good quality machine translation.

You can try translation from Russian into Belarusian using an online translator on this page. It is completely free and available to any Internet user. Try modern technology today.

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Russian-Belarusian online translator ImTranslator

You can translate from Russian to Belarusian using this online translator. After you enter the text to be translated into Belarusian into the translator, it is sent to a translation server hosted on the Internet. The system translates into Belarusian and returns the finished result.

In one go you can translate from Russian to Belarusian text maximum length of 500 characters. What to do if your text to be translated is longer than 500 characters? It is enough to divide the text into several parts and translate these parts one by one.

The finished translation result can be immediately printed or sent via e-mail. Of course, you can also simply transfer it to your text editor.

[+] Expand the translator ImTranslator [+]

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Russian-Belarusian online translator

Translator of texts from Russian to Belarusian from the site The text to be translated must be no more than 500 characters.

How to translate from Russian to Belarusian online?

Despite the fact that the Russian and Belarusian languages ​​are very similar to each other, it will not be easy to translate from Russian into Belarusian without knowing one of these languages. There are some differences between the two languages. What should you do if you need to perform such a translation? What to do if you need a quick translation into Belarusian?

You can contact a translation agency or a qualified translator, pay money and wait for results. This great option, because in this case you will receive a high-quality translation from Russian into Belarusian. The only negative is the time it takes to complete such a transfer, which can take several days.

Or you can simply use a free Russian-Belarusian online translator and get the finished translation result in just a few seconds. This option seems optimal. But in this case there is one minus - this low quality translation results. Of course, it cannot be compared with the quality of professional translation, but for simple tasks it will be quite sufficient.

Now, if you need to translate text from Russian into Belarusian, you have a choice: contact professional translators or use a free alternative - machine translation systems, online translators. If the quality of the translation is crucial for you, then choose the first option, but if the translation is needed simply to convey the general meaning of the text, and you do not want to pay money for translation services, the second option will suit you.

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Together with Russian and Ukrainian, the Belarusian language forms a subgroup of East Slavic languages. On a par with Russian is state language. According to the 2009 census, about 5 million Belarusians and 200 thousand representatives of other nationalities consider this language their native language, that is, slightly more than 53% of the country’s population. Another million Belarusians and 270 thousand people of other nationalities call Belarusian a second language. Unfortunately, the Belarusian language is falling out of everyday use, since most speakers do not use it to communicate at home. A comparison with the 1999 census is instructive – then two-thirds of the republic’s citizens said Belarusian was their native language. Recent studies have shown that only 6 percent of Belarusians regularly use their national language, and one in five ethnic Belarusians never speak Belarusian.

In fact, the language of communication in the Republic of Belarus is Russian. A widespread language called “Trasyanka” combines Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian and Polish words with Belarusian ones phonetic features. The literary form of the language can still be heard among the city's intelligentsia, although the vast majority of city residents speak Russian.

History of the Belarusian language

The Belarusian language was formed under the influence of the dialects of several ancient tribes (Dregovichi, Krivichi, Radimichi, Balts). Slavists believe that the separation of the Russian and Belarusian languages ​​occurred approximately in the 14th century. By this period, there already existed in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania written language, called Old Belarusian in modern linguistics. Status official language The principalities retained this language until the end of the 17th century. There are written monuments of that time in the form of state statutes, wills, confirmations of belonging to the nobility, etc. Francis Skaryna, Simon Budny and others translated the Holy Scriptures and European literature into the Old Belarusian language.

In the second half of the 16th century, after the signing of the Union of Lublin, the Belarusian language lost its significance as the state language and was replaced by Polish, and with the division of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - by the Russian language. Since that time, there has been a decline in the development of the Western Russian language, and it gradually becomes a means of communication among peasants.

Thanks to folklore, which turns into orally from generation to generation, the Belarusian language has been preserved despite the pressure of Russian and Polish languages. The second half of the 19th century was marked by the appearance of works in literary Belarusian language. We can say that the Belarusian language was created anew on the basis of dialects.

Until the 20th century, the Belarusian language was considered a dialect of the Russian language, along with dialects. In 1905, official permission was issued to publish periodicals in the Belarusian language, but the modern Belarusian language gained recognition and distribution after the 1917 revolution. In 1918, a grammar textbook was published, written by Bronislaw Tarashkevich, a teacher at St. Petersburg University. A few years later, the language received official status in the Belarusian SSR along with Polish, Russian and Yiddish, as evidenced by the inscriptions in four languages ​​on the coat of arms of the republic. After short period Belarusization in 1928, the process of introducing the language into all spheres of life was suspended, which was explained by the fight against bourgeois nationalism.

The state's interest in the national language was restored only at the end of the 1980s. During the years of perestroika, the Belarusian intelligentsia created societies in defense of the language, and in 1990 the next wave of Belarusization began. The language became the only state language; document circulation in the country had to be conducted in it. However, the 1995 referendum showed that more than 83% of the population want Russian to be the state language in the republic. In modern Belarus, the majority of city residents use Russian in communication, while Belarusian and “trosyanka” remained in use among very elderly people and in rural areas. According to the classification, the Belarusian language is classified as vulnerable.

  • In 2011, the National Assembly of Belarus decided to reject the requirement for mandatory duplication of all documents in Russian and Belarusian, citing unnecessary financial expenses.
  • In 2013, the inscriptions on public transport tickets were replaced with Russian ones, as passengers complained that they did not understand the names of the months in Belarusian.
  • Officially, the Belarusian and Russian languages ​​have state status in the republic, but it is almost impossible to hear Belarusian on the street; even in villages only old people speak it. At the same time, Belarusians speak with great tenderness about their national language.
  • The Belarusian language is equally similar to Polish and Russian, but the number of matches with Ukrainian reaches 98%.
  • One of the first European bibles was printed by Belarusian Francis Skaryna.

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