The magic of a pin. The pin will protect you from the evil eye. Slavic charms for protection. Spell on a pin on a candle against the evil eye. What kind of pin should it be?

A strong amulet against any magical influence - a pin against the evil eye. But how to wear such a talisman correctly? Make the pin cease to be a simple decoration, but become reliable protection from magic, quite simply.

Evil eye pin - how to wear it correctly

Many people know that a pin can be used as a talisman against the evil eye and damage. However, not everyone knows where to place magical talisman and what are the rules that allow you to increase the power of a protective amulet.

Once you've bought a new pin and placed it on your clothing, you can't re-pin it. Therefore, immediately select the correct place where the pin will be attached.

First of all, remember that the pin is always pinned with the point down. If you fasten the amulet in a different way, it will not protect against the evil eye and damage. Under no circumstances should the enchanted item be moved from one item of clothing to another. It’s better to immediately arm yourself with several charmed pins, which you attach to different things.

In order for the protective power of the talisman to increase, you can use beads different colors. When making a talisman, pay attention to who it will be intended for, and depending on this, use a bead of the desired color.

  • Green is suitable for children.
  • For a partner - red.
  • For a family member - blue.
  • For friends - yellow.

Do not use black beads under any circumstances. It is believed that they attract negative energy like a magnet. Pins can only be attached to items made from natural fabric. People believe that the amulet will not work if it is pinned to synthetics.

If the amulet is pinned to a woman’s clothing, you should refrain from attaching it to trousers. It is believed that this is still more of an element men's wardrobe, so the protection will not be activated.

People believe that the best place for placing the amulet - this is the left side. Place the pin near your heart to be more likely to protect yourself from negative influences.

Remember, many people make the mistake of hiding their hairpins under their clothes. There is no need to do this. The pin should be positioned so that everyone can see it. This is done so that the eyes of the person you meet immediately fall on the pin. In this case, if he is planning something evil, most of the negativity will instantly transfer to the amulet.

Since the pin needs to attract attention, you can use a bright and eye-catching decoration that will definitely attract attention.

There is a lot of debate as to whether pins made from precious metals will be more effective. For example, there is an opinion that gold is a special magical metal that can increase the full power of a talisman.

However, most sorcerers still believe that this is not so, and claim that gold and ordinary pins, correctly charmed and pinned, have the same effect.

You can also use a pin to protect a room from damage and the evil eye. To do this, you need to pin the pin to the curtain correctly. It is important that it is not visible. Such a talisman will protect against negative energy a person who comes to your house, various negative programs, but is powerless against the power of the linings.

If you want to use a pin to secure a room, you can also place it in the doorway.

N Regardless of where you pin the magic attribute, you should initially.

Although many people consider this part of the ritual to be insignificant, it is not. There are many ways to spell a pin before pinning it. There are spells for fire, water, knots, rowan, and onions. Choose the most suitable one and correctly describe the product.

If you want to use a pin, but can’t decide where to attach the amulet, you can use the decorations that you have in your home.

For example, you can attach a safety pin to the wind catcher if it is located near front door. The wind catcher itself will attract the attention of every person who enters the room, and the pin, in turn, will absorb all the negativity that could be brought by this person.

A pin is a reliable protection against the evil eye and damage, but even such a talisman is short-lived. The more often you are exposed to magical attacks from outside, the more often you need to change the decoration. On average, a repeat ritual is performed every two months. This usually applies to metal attributes.

The more negativity the jewelry has absorbed, the blacker the needle point will be. In addition, the decoration may come unfastened, break, or become deformed on its own. In this case, you must immediately remove it, bury it as far as possible from the house and, preferably on the same day, charm yourself with a new talisman.

If you use a silver or gold jewelry pin, it is unlikely to turn black, but you still need to remove the negative from them regularly. At least once every two months, perform such a small cleansing ritual.

On a full moon, take the amulet, remove all the beads from it and lower the pin into the flow cold water. Let her lie in it for a couple of hours. After this, the decoration is placed in a container with clean spring water. You should also put a few silver coins in this container. The pin must be cleaned within three days.

After this time, the decoration is taken out and placed in a container with salt. It should lie there for at least a day. Next, the salt is poured outside the house or buried. Now you can use the product again.

There is a situation in which you will have to get rid of a gold or silver talisman. This must be done if the amulet is bent. This suggests that the attack was very strong. It is possible that you have been attacked energy vampire. In this case, the precious metal product is also buried and a new amulet is made.

How to make a talisman against the evil eye from a pin
Amulets made from the most common everyday items can provide excellent protection from negativity. You just need to wear them correctly and be able to speak. For example, a pin, an ancient piece of clothing that was worn by the Sumerians in the 4th millennium BC. Also, from ancient times there have been spells and customs that help make this ordinary object a powerful amulet.

Many people believe that the more valuable the material from which a pin is made, the stronger it is. magical properties, but that's not true. Whether it is gold, silver or ordinary metal - special significance does not have. The only thing is that the more it shines, the more it distracts the attention of the person who, wittingly or unwittingly, is trying to put the evil eye on you.

Pins perfectly protect against the evil eye, but it is well known that this message of negative energy is not always done intentionally. In a crowd on the street or in an office at work, someone could easily, because of their internal complexes, for example, become envious, or quite deliberately wish mentally evil, then the pin will perfectly deflect a negative energy blow, but for this you need to “prepare” it.

In order for this amulet to protect, certain actions must be taken. It is better to carry out this ritual on Tuesday, during the waxing phase of the moon. You need to take a white candle and a new safety pin. Moreover, it is better to purchase it on Friday evening. Heat the sharp tip a little in a candle flame.

Next you need to say the spell 3 times. Each time after pronouncing the words, put a drop of wax into the eye of the pin. That is, there should be 3 drops in total. A cooled pin can be pinned to clothing.

The plot should be like this:

To my guardian angel
Protection and benefits to the donor,
I am sending prayers and requests,
Hide from an unkind glance,
Shut up from the evil message.

Protective properties are lost over time

If you use an ordinary iron pin, then after some time you will have to replace it with a new one and perform the ritual again. The tip will serve as such an indicator for you - if it has become fairly blackened and oxidized, then the amulet has fulfilled its function, protecting you from the evil eye.

If the pin is made of precious metal, then it is necessary to periodically remove accumulated foreign negative energy from it, usually every 1-3 months. Remember that gold or silver does not turn black, so you will not see the moment when you need to do this. Just clean it regularly and say it again every time, otherwise its protective properties will disappear.

To remove negative energy, follow these steps:

During the full moon, remove the pin and rinse thoroughly under running water. Dry and leave overnight, covering it with regular salt. Spent salt cannot be used for food, just flush it down the toilet or bury it in the ground outside.
How to properly pin and wear an evil eye pin

According to legends handed down from our grandmothers or residents of small towns and villages, where ancient traditions have been preserved much better, it is better to pin a pin against the evil eye, head down, on the inside of clothing. Moreover, the clothes should be from natural materials. It was recommended to fasten it closer to the hem and be sure to periodically check whether the tip of the needle has darkened - if it has darkened, then the pin needs to be urgently replaced.

But time changes everything and now it’s worth paying attention to the recommendations that have become popular in Lately. According to them, it is better to attach the pin to the outside of the clothing and closer to the heart, so that it is clearly visible. The negative message in this situation falls on her, and a charmed pin can perfectly reflect it or distract it with its shine and significantly weaken the energy attack. Just be very careful - it should not be unbuttoned.

Since ancient times, an ordinary pin has been considered the most reliable and simple talisman. It seems like an ordinary simple pin, what could be simpler. But no - not everything is as simple as we would like. A thing familiar in everyday life and in sewing production carries with it many beliefs, signs and superstitions.

Talisman pin is one of the castle-type talismans that collects negative energy, damage or the evil eye. If you were outside in a metro store during the day or just strolling leisurely along the sidewalk, then your energy field was exposed to the gaze of those around you, someone was jealous, someone was cursing, and someone whispered in the wake of the fact that you may be well dressed or have a good figure. The pin is designed to collect all this negativity. The good thing about a pin is that it costs a penny and protects its owner no worse than expensive amulets. For example, if a gold chain with a pendant, after absorbing a sufficient amount of negativity, must be cleaned and illuminated again, then the pin will simply go to the trash heap and be replaced with a new one, since simplicity and cheapness are not the least important thing for many people, then for them the choice can always be fall precisely on amulets made of pins.

How to use a pin as a talisman

Buy a new pin, or better yet, buy a dozen of the most common and inexpensive ones. Place them in a glass of water and throw in two or three spoons of good stone table salt. Leave them to stand for an hour, then take them out, rinse them under running water and wrap them in a handkerchief or piece of cloth. Attach a pin to the wrong side of the clothing, the location does not matter, attach it where you will not spoil the clothing with punctures, the main thing is that the metal does not contact the body, otherwise you will not understand why it turned black from the evil eye or from sweat. Can be attached to the inside pocket of a jacket or trousers. Be careful in any case, magic is, first of all, rationality and understanding of the knowledge you use. Knowledge without understanding is nothing more than a waste of time. Never fasten pins in the chest and abdomen area as you can get hurt or prick yourself if the pin comes undone. The pin will work regardless of where it is attached, forget all the nonsense that you have lamented or heard. Instead of a pin, there may even be a piece of wire pierced through clothing. Damage or the evil eye is primarily energy and it will always be the first to settle on the metal. Therefore, you should not wear other people’s jewelry, watches and chains, because the negativity that accumulates there can spread to the owner of this jewelry.

Once you notice that the pin is rusty or blackened, you need to throw it away and replace it with a new one.

The pin can be cast with a spell to enhance the effect

They walked four, both to the east, and attached a pin to the northwest. One came up and both said, in a loud whisper, the pin is sharp, but why are you pricking yourself? Three more people came up, one with a beard, the other with an overgrown one, they said so to him and disappeared into the fog and cast a spell on a pin. Now it is magnetic and protective against evil eye damage. The four returned at dawn early at night from the west side and pinned their dress and pants. Keep, protect, I won’t let anyone through unnecessarily, don’t take it off when it gets dark, put it away. Castle spell words and your ears are from a donkey.

The first mention of a pin in the idea that is associated in our general understanding came to us from Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Much later, the product will be called beautifully - a classic safety pin.

However, even then, even before our era, people made gold, copper and silver pins that they used in everyday life. Archaeologists to this day find similar products, on the surface of which there are traces of original patterns and ornaments. Usually the applied symbols and patterns are associated with legends and the history of the local epic.

The applied images, according to scientists, once again become evidence that the pin has long played the role of not only a fastening element, decoration, but was perceived as something sacred, the meaning of which has been partially lost over time. centuries-old history humanity.

What is a pin against the evil eye and damage?

Today, people still constantly use pins, attaching them to their clothes not only as a beautiful decoration, but also as a talisman to protect against the evil eye and damage. It is difficult to say where this belief came from, but this particular product is considered a strong obstacle to the effects of negative energy.

Superstitious people believe that it is a pin that can absorb and imprison in a closed elliptical space all the negativity directed at its owner. In this case, the “sealed blackness” will not find a way out. As soon as the product absorbs the maximum possible negative energy, it must be cleaned or replaced with a new amulet.

How to charm a pin against the evil eye and damage

A person’s negative thoughts towards others are reflected in anger and envy. Communication under such influence ends with a strong aftertaste on the soul, a deterioration in mood, and even the overall well-being of the body deteriorates. The common people simply called this phenomenon the evil eye or damage. However, even scientists recognize such an influence and study such influences, attributing the phenomenon to the field of psychotherapy and psychology.

To protect yourself from such influence from other people, you need to wear a pin on your clothes. However, before attaching the thing, you need to speak, using a special spell.

In fact, amulets pins act effectively and without much witchcraft, but experts recommend additionally charming the product in order to give it even greater power.

To speak correctly, you need to perform some step-by-step sacrament over the thing:

  1. you need to make or buy a future amulet exclusively on Friday afternoon;
  2. as soon as the Moon enters the “growing” phase, place the product on the table under the rays of the heavenly sanctuary and read a prayer;
  3. after reading the plot, they attach the little thing to Right place and make sure that no strangers touch it.

It is important to note that the amulet will work if you believe in it. A little thing conspired for the sake of fun will not bring the desired results. It turns out that the supernatural abilities of the object will be activated in any case, but the effectiveness depends on the person’s faith, the strength of the negative energy, and the energy field of the person at whom the evil is directed.

Methods of performing conspiracies

The methods of pin spells against the evil eye and damage may differ significantly. Most often they are associated with water, smoke, and fire.

When planning to cast a charm-pin, you need to think in advance what ritual you want to perform.

  • Using a fire spell, light a wax candle, as soon as drops of melted wax begin to fall down, they are directed directly to the area of ​​​​the circle located on opposite side from the pin lock. While the drops are dripping, they read a prayer.
  • Using water, fill a small clay or copper bowl with life-giving moisture and place an open pin in it for three days. Every day, early at dawn and after sunset, the chosen spell is read over the bowl.
  • A handful of dry spruce and pine needles are placed in a small saucepan or basin and set on fire with a match. As soon as smoke begins to rise above it, move the selected product, as if fumigating it, and read the hex in parallel.

It is believed that for a correct spell, it is not necessary to read prayers or a spell over the product. It is entirely acceptable to pronounce a talismanic request formulated in your own words. The pin is told that what comes from the heart, after which the product must be immediately pinned correctly on clothing and worn as it should be.

How to properly pin a pin against the evil eye

The product chosen for protection must be worn correctly, only then will the amulet be able to work properly full force. Pin the amulet with inside clothes, away from prying eyes. Place it so that the item is located approximately opposite the heart, and the clasp is directed upward.

Such amulets should be attached to the clothes of small children with extreme caution. To avoid causing injury if the lock is accidentally opened, the pin is attached to the inner seams of the sleeve, down to the seam of the dress or coat. It is not necessary to hide amulets made of precious metals from the eyes of strangers; a “strong” object will provide protection in any case.

How to wear an evil eye pin correctly

Using a pin as a talisman against the evil eye, you need to visually evaluate it from time to time. A simple, inexpensive product is inspected and in case of changes appearance thrown away and replaced with a new one.

The gold jewelry is attached to the chest, on top of the clothes, so that everyone can see it. As soon as a precious metal begins to change shade, it is cleaned, always rinsing with water, and the product itself is left uncovered for about a day. Then you can hang it in place.

Anti-evil eye pin for children and newborns

To protect your child from the evil eye, you should fasten a charmed pin to his clothes. It is foolish to think that the more expensive the product, the stronger the amulet will be; absolutely any pin will do, but it is best to use an amulet made of ordinary metal.

The fact is that when the pin catches a negative flow of energy, it will direct it along its curved body. The more bad things are “caught,” the sooner the thing will lose its original appearance, begin to fade, and then completely rust. Having been filled with bad energy to the maximum, the looped metal will most likely unfasten imperceptibly and leave its owner; in return, you will need to attach a new pin, reading the appropriate prayer over it.

Never pick up such products from the ground, despite the fact that they attract and cause interest. Most likely this is someone’s amulet filled with bad energy.

You can, of course, attach a more expensive item, for example, a gold pin, but such items are most often used not for children, but for rituals to protect the newlyweds during the wedding ritual.

Is it possible to do it yourself?

Superstitious people most often use it to protect themselves from the evil eye. classic version safety pin. However, when performing various rituals on the product to give greater strength, they additionally wind threads onto the product, put on beads, and, as it were, decorate it. However, remember that using black shades of beads and threads is extremely undesirable. The item should be bright and attractive.

So-called personalized pins are widespread. The letters of the name are attached in the form of an inscription fixed on a thread. A pin on which a person’s name is inscribed has increased protection, and if it is also made into a talisman against the evil eye and damage, it will act doubly stronger. Particularly valuable in this regard are copper and silver things that are attached only inside clothing, protecting them from prying eyes.

In fact, when opening pages on the Internet, you can see a lot of similar amulets that people make on their own. Horseshoes, crosses, hearts, keys, Eiffel Tower figures, other amulets, amulets, and talismans are attached to an ordinary safety pin. Each symbol carries something special, first of all, of course, it decorates the product, helping to enclose negative negative energy in a looped space, protecting its owner!

Today, it is quite possible to order and buy a pin against the eye and damage from “knowledgeable” specialists. However, people experienced in this matter advise not to trust anyone with this. Everyone can easily make such a talisman on their own, and if you believe in its miraculous powers, the product will bring its owner highly effective protection from evil envious people!


An ordinary safety pin not only serves as a reliable fastener and elegant decoration, but has also been used in witchcraft since ancient times. The pin spell is an old grandmother’s remedy for, magical influence, capable of attracting good luck and luck, helping in many areas of human life.

The pin, as a magical attribute, is used for two main purposes:

  • as talisman, attracting good into the life of the performer;
  • as amulets, protecting the performer from negativity in any of its manifestations.

How exactly the pin will affect its owner depends on the spell cast on it. If a person’s life has hit a rough patch, troubles pour in as if from a cornucopia, plans are completely ruined and everything falls out of hand - a protective plot is read on the pin. And vice versa: if the performer wants to extend the established white streak, enhance luck and luck, and become the favorite of fortune, you should use magic words that will give this simple accessory the function of a talisman.

What is the reason for the use of pins in magic? First of all, it's hers oblong shape And material of manufacture(metal), thanks to which the pin acts as a good conductor of energy - both good and bad. Secondly, this small sizes accessories that significantly expand the scope of its application. Third, versatility— there are many rituals and pin spells: they all serve a specific purpose.

The magic spell on a pin is also good because its implementation does not depend on a certain lunar phase and days of the week (there are only a few rituals tied to a specific time). Most of Pin rituals are easy to perform and require the bare minimum of magical knowledge. Therefore, the pin spell does not require turning to to an experienced magician and can be done independently by anyone.

Protective spell on a pin to neutralize negativity

A protective spell on a pin (evil eye, damage, envy, evil, etc.) was used back in the days of our ancestors. It still does not lose its relevance.

You can choose any charm charm for a pin (fortunately, a large variety of them allows you to do this), but in order for it to work properly, some conditions should be taken into account:

  • concentration on the final goal- protection from energy attacks. The easiest way to do this is with visualization: imagine possible views negative that may be sent to you, of people who are the source of this evil, defensive abilities magic amulet;
  • The pin must be completely new. An accessory will become a powerful protective shield only when it does not contain any extraneous information and can fully reveal its potential and absorb all the negativity directed at a person. Therefore, be sure to take a new pin, do not use an old one;
  • the internal mood of the performer. Protective spells must be read in a calm state. You should also postpone the ritual if the person is sick or simply not feeling well.

I will give below several strong and centuries-tested amulets, read on a pin. Let them become your reliable protection from evil.

Protective rituals and pin spells

Quick spells for a pin against the evil eye and damage

Conspiracy One

Open the pin, place it in the palm of your left hand and, looking at the accessory, read the spell:

Pin the pin to your clothes from the inside out, with the sharp end down.

Conspiracy two

Attach a pin, point down, to the inside of the garment with the words:

Spell on a pin on a candle against the evil eye

Prepare wax candle, matches And new pin. Light a candle with a match, wait until the wax begins to melt, drop a few drops of it onto the end of the pin opposite the point (eye) with the words:

Also pin the amulet on the wrong side of the clothing, with the needle down.

Plot with a pin on water against damage

Prepare glass container, water from a well or spring(not from the tap!), pin. Pour water into a bowl, place a pin in it and leave for a day. Exactly 24 hours later, read the plot over a vessel of water:

Remove the pin from the water and pin it to the clothing from the inside out, point down.

Spell on a pin with a red thread

Pin a pin with knots to the inside of the garment, point down.

Rules for handling a talisman pin

What to do with the amulet pin after the spell? There are several rules:

  1. It is advisable to pin the pin to clothes made from natural fabrics. In tandem with synthetics, the amulet is ineffective.
  2. The safety pin is always attached to the inside of the garment. It is advisable to place it in the heart area.
  3. It is allowed to change the amulet from one type of clothing to another.
  4. The enchanted pin must be worn on you at all times. At night, while sleeping, it is permissible to put it under your pillow to avoid pricking.

How to pin a pin correctly - watch the video:

A pin spelled for protection absorbs all the negativity directed at a person, so periodically it needs to be cleansed of negative energy and the protective spell renewed.

Ritual of cleansing pins is as follows: the accessory is removed from clothing and washed in holy water (in extreme cases, under running water). Next, the clasp must be left in a bright place for 24 hours (the lock should not be closed).

A common occurrence is that the charmed pin is damaged by rust, darkening or spontaneous opening. This fact means that someone tried to direct a powerful negative energy effect on the person, but the amulet neutralized the evil. In such a case, the pin that has done its job must be buried in the ground and charmed into a new protective amulet.

How to charm a pin to protect a child from the evil eye

From a pin you will get strong amulet to protect the child. You can charm the amulet using any of the methods presented above. It is advisable that the conspiracy be pronounced by the mother or godmother - it is necessary that the performer definitely does not wish any harm to the baby.

Having pinned a charmed pin on your child’s clothes, it is not necessary to inform him about its true purpose. It may happen that a child boasts of the amulet to his friends or just strangers - then he will lose his protective abilities and wearing it will become useless.

Spell on a pin for other purposes

The pin spell is used not only for protection. With the help of this accessory, you can, for example, attract luck and luck into your life, and even save your family if a rival suddenly appears on the horizon. How to do this - read below.

Strong spell with a pin for good luck and money

Prepare new pin And alcohol. Moisten the pin with alcohol (for disinfection), pick it up and say the first part of the conspiracy(under number 1). Prick your finger until it bleeds and read second part of the magic words(under number 2). Pin the good luck charm to your clothes, from the inside out. When you most need good luck and luck, touch the talisman pin and say:

“Luck is with me”.

Text of the pin spell for good luck:

Mystery is important for this ritual. It is impossible for anyone to see the performer during the ritual. You should also call on luck in a whisper - so that no one else can hear.

Plot for a pin from a rival

This pin spell will help ward off your rival from your husband and save the family. The performer (wife) must know the name of the homewrecker.

Take new pin and pin it to your husband’s clothes - in a visible place. Say the spell:

The enchanted pin will manifest its effect when the spouse notices it on his clothes and removes it with his own hands. The wife can “help” with this - as if by chance pointing out to him the pinned accessory.

Girls who are not married but are in a relationship with a young man can also take advantage of this cooling spell. A pin will help save a couple if they are in danger of breaking up due to a rival.

Possible consequences of using a spell on a pin

Any person who has even the slightest idea of ​​magic knows that performing witchcraft rituals can result in certain consequences for the performer. What are the dangers of carrying out a pin spell?

  • If a pin spell is done for defensive purposes, then from rituals of this nature no negative consequences can be expected, since they are initially aimed at combating evil emanating from ill-wishers.
  • In general, pin spells and rituals belong to white magic, and therefore are considered quite safe for independent use.

    If a pin is used to harm

    One of characteristic features safety pin like magical attribute- ability to absorb negative energy and release positive energy in return. It happens that a pin in magic is used to perform rituals with malicious intent to cause harm. I want to warn you right away that such rituals will not bring anything good to the performer. Yes, he will probably achieve his goal, and the victim will suffer from his actions. But soon the evil created will return to him, but in a multiply increased amount - this is the law of karma.

    Therefore, I strongly advise against using a pin spell to carry out revenge. If you are literally torn by evil, calm down, think, try to forgive your offender and do not stain your fate with connections to dark witchcraft. Leave black magic to the professionals. Be sure that fortune itself will avenge you from evil - calm down, think, try to forgive your offender and do not stain your fate with connections to dark witchcraft. Leave black magic to the professionals. Be sure that fortune itself will avenge you.

    Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

    For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

    When you are ready, draw a card:

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