Technique complex analogy interpretation. Method "complex analogies". Logical connections can be

One of the signs of the maturity of thinking is the ability to establish logical connections between concepts. It is formed in a person gradually, including in the process of schooling. The task of educators and psychologists is to track the development of the child's thought processes in order to identify the lag behind the age norm. One of the tests for assessing the ability to think logically is the "Complex Analogies" technique.

The essence of the technique

Testing "Complex analogies" is one of the most common ways to study the dynamics of mental activity. This technique was developed by our compatriot E. A. Korobkova, a psychologist who worked with children with problems in the development of intelligence.

The test is aimed at studying the child's ability to build logical conclusions, abstract and establish relationships between concepts. Its essence is to discover the relationship between 20 pairs of concepts and type them in accordance with the proposed key or "cipher".

List of concepts for testing by the method "Complex analogies"

  1. Fright - flight;
  2. Physics is a science;
  3. Right - right;
  4. Bed - vegetable garden;
  5. Pair - two;
  6. Word - phrase;
  7. Vigorous - lethargic;
  8. Freedom is will;
  9. Country city;
  10. Praise - abuse;
  11. Revenge - arson;
  12. Ten is a number;
  13. Cry - roar;
  14. The chapter is a novel;
  15. Rest - movement;
  16. Courage is heroism;
  17. Coolness - frost;
  18. Deception - mistrust;
  19. Singing is an art;
  20. Nightstand - closet.

The cipher consists of 6 pairs of words denoting concepts that are related to each other according to a certain principle:


  1. Sheep - herd (part - whole);
  2. Raspberry - berry (genus - species);
  3. Sea - ocean (small - large);
  4. Light - darkness (antonyms);
  5. Poisoning - death (cause - effect);
  6. Enemy - enemy (synonyms).

When working with children, it is best to conduct research individually or in small groups of 4-5 people, since clarification of the task may require the experimenter's close attention to each of the participants.

Testing is recommended for children who have reached the age of 12–14 years, as well as high school students, there is no upper age limit. This technique may be too difficult for younger children, because. their logical thinking is still insufficiently formed to capture abstract connections between concepts. Some sources indicate that even educated adults do not always perform well on this test, so testing younger students on this program is not recommended.

Carrying out diagnostics among schoolchildren (junior, middle, senior classes)

For testing you will need:

  • task form;
  • clock or stopwatch;
  • protocol for fixing the explanations of the subject.

At the first stage, the testee is offered a "cipher" for the task - 6 pairs of words, united by a certain type of logical connection. The teenager needs to establish what relationships exist between the concepts presented. In case of difficulty, the experimenter asks leading questions (which is why it is recommended to test individually).

If a child, due to age or personality traits, cannot establish connections between the proposed concepts, further testing does not make sense. However, it should be noted that difficulties in completing the task can be associated not only with disturbances in thought processes, but also with the child’s shyness, when it is difficult for him to get in touch with the experimenter, as well as with a decrease in motivation, when the test person does not want to cooperate or is lazy. to do a task.

After making sure that the subject understands the logical connections between the proposed pairs of concepts, the experimenter opens the second part of the form with 20 pairs of words that are in the same relationship as the words from the first list. The child is asked to establish these relationships and designate them with a letter corresponding to the type of logical connection, or simply indicate a pair of words from the keys that have the same type of connection.

Task form for the methodology

  • A. Sheep - a herd;
  • B. Raspberry - berry;
  • B. Sea - ocean;
  • G. Light - darkness;
  • E. Poisoning - death;
  • E. The enemy is the enemy.
1. Fright - flightBUTBATGDE
2. Physics - scienceBUTBATGDE
3. Right - rightBUTBATGDE
4. Garden bedBUTBATGDE
5. couple twoBUTBATGDE
6. Word - phraseBUTBATGDE
7. Vigorous - lethargicBUTBATGDE
8. Freedom is willBUTBATGDE
9. Country cityBUTBATGDE
10. Praise - abuseBUTBATGDE
11. Revenge - arsonBUTBATGDE
12. Ten is a numberBUTBATGDE
13. Cry - roarBUTBATGDE
14. Chapter-novelBUTBATGDE
15. Peace is movementBUTBATGDE
16. Courage is heroismBUTBATGDE
17. Coolness - frostBUTBATGDE
18. Deception - mistrustBUTBATGDE
19. Singing is an artBUTBATGDE
20. Bedside table - closetBUTBATGDE

It is possible, as an example, to parse the first two pairs of words together, but the student performs the rest of the tasks independently. The test takes 3-5 minutes, depending on the age of the students.

In the course of testing, the experimenter fills out a protocol: in it he records not only the answers of the subject, but also the logical conclusions that allowed him to attribute this or that pair to a certain category.

Experimenter's protocol for testing according to the "Complex Analogies" method

Pair of concepts Subject's response Comment
Fright - flight
Physics - science
Right - right
Garden bed
couple two
Word - phrase
Vigorous - lethargic
Freedom is will
Country city
Praise - abuse
Revenge - arson
Ten is a number
Cry - roar
Peace is movement
Courage is heroism
Coolness - frost
Deception - mistrust
Singing is an art
Bedside table - closet

The test subject's reasoning can be no less useful and indicative for assessing his logical thinking than the answers themselves and their correctness. Justifying the choice of one or another answer makes it possible to identify slippages and spreading of thinking, indicating its immaturity.

Interpretation of results

The experimenter counts the number of correct answers: 1 point is awarded for each correct answer, 0 points for an incorrect one. 9 points - the reasoning is logical, but the subject may have been distracted during the testing process;

  • 8 points - there are violations in building connections between phenomena (perhaps due to lack of experience in working with similar tasks);
  • 7 points - there are problems with the logic in establishing relationships that do not cause any particular difficulties;
  • 6–5 points - it is difficult for the subject to find connections between ambiguous pairs (for example, “berry - raspberry”);
  • 4 points - violation of logic, "spreading" of thinking processes associated with the establishment of correspondences;
  • 3-2 points - the student understands the essence of the task, but makes a mistake when comparing, which indicates the slippage of conclusions, that is, there is some logic in the reasoning, but the connection is built erroneously. For example, the pair "enemy - enemy" can be interpreted as a relationship that occurs during the war - the train of thought is somewhat correct, but the task is carried out according to a different principle.
  • 1 point - the subject has a fluidity of thinking, his arguments are illogical, analogies are perceived falsely, there is an inability to build logical connections.
  • The technique of "Complex analogies" is a common way to study thinking. However, some critics note that it is quite difficult - even adult educated people without mental impairments do not always perform it 100% correctly. Therefore, if a student shows low results, this cannot be interpreted as a diagnosis of mental retardation, but should be a reason for further examination. The final conclusions and recommendations for the passage of a correctional training program should be made by a specialist in the field of developmental psychology.

    Target: the technique is used to identify how the subject is able to understand complex logical relationships and highlight abstract connections. It is intended for subjects of adolescence, youth and adults. ,

    Description: the technique consists of 20 pairs of words - logical tasks that are proposed to be solved by the subject. Its task is which of the six types of logical connection is contained in each pair of words. The "cipher" will help him in this - a table that shows examples of the types of communication used and their letter designation A, B, C, D, D, E.

    The subject must determine the relationship between the words in a pair, then find an "analogue", that is, select a pair of words with the same logical connection in the "cipher" table, and then mark in a series of letters (A, B, C, D, E, E ) the one that corresponds to the found analogue from the "cipher" table. The task is limited to three minutes.

    Material: form of methodology, form of the protocol for registering answers.

    Instruction:"On the form in front of you are 20 pairs, consisting of words that are logically connected to each other. Opposite each pair there are 6 letters that indicate 6 types of logical connection. Examples of all 6 types and their corresponding letters are given in the "cipher" table.

    You must first determine the relationship between the words in the pair. Then choose the closest pair of words to them by analogy (association) from the "cipher" table. And after that, in the letter row, circle the one of the letters that corresponds to the analog found in the "cipher" table. The time to complete the task is 3 minutes.


    A. A sheep is a herd. B. Raspberry is a berry. B. The sea is the ocean.

    G. Light - darkness. D. Poisoning - death. E. The enemy is the enemy.

    1. Fright - flight A, B, C, D, E, F

    2. Physics - science A, B, C, D, D, E

    3. Correct - correct A, B, C, D, E, E

    4. Bed - garden A, B, C, D, D, E

    5. Pair - two A, B, C, D, E, F

    6. Word - phrase A, B, C, D, D, E

    7. Cheerful - sluggish A, B, C, D, D, E

    8. Freedom - will A, B, C, D, D, E

    9. Country - city A, B, C, D, D, E

    10. Praise - scolding A, B, C, D, E, E

    11. Revenge - arson A, B, C, D, D, E

    12. Ten - the number A, B, C, D, D, E

    13. Cry - roar A, B, C, D, D, E

    14. Chapter-novel A, B, C, D, E, F

    15. Rest - movement A, B, C, D, E, E

    16. Courage - heroism A, B, C, D, E, E

    17. Coolness - frost A, B, C, D, D, E

    18. Deception - distrust A, B, C, D, E, F

    19. Singing - art A, B, C, D, D, E

    20. Bedside table - wardrobe A, B, C, D, D, E


    Analysis of results.

    If the subject correctly, without much difficulty, solved all the tasks and logically explained all the comparisons, this gives the right to conclude that he can understand abstractions and complex logical connections.

    If the subject hardly understands the instructions and makes mistakes when comparing, only after a thorough analysis of errors and reasoning can one conclude that the conclusions are slipping, the spreading of thinking, the arbitrariness, illogical reasoning, diffuseness, vagueness of thought against the background of understanding logical connections, a false understanding of analogy logical connections.

    The subject's reasoning has the greatest informative value. Usually the greatest difficulty is caused by the ratio of the concepts "thrift - stinginess", "coolness - frost".

    Psychological safety: textbook Solomin Valery Pavlovich

    Technique "Complex analogies"

    Technique "Complex analogies"

    Designed for adolescents and adults.

    Target: revealing how the subject understands complex logical relationships and highlights abstract connections.

    Description. The technique consists of 20 pairs of words - logical tasks that are proposed to be solved by the subject. Its task is to determine which of the six types of logical connection is contained in each pair of words. The “cipher” will help him in this - a table that shows examples of the types of communication used and their letter designation: A, B, C, D, D, E.

    The subject must determine the relationship between the words in a pair, then find an “analogue”, i.e., select a “cipher” in the table, a pair of words with the same logical connection, and then mark in a series of letters (A, B, C, D, D E) the one that corresponds to the found analogue from the "code" table. The task is limited to three minutes.

    Material: form of the methodology (test material), form of the protocol for registering answers.

    Instruction. On the form in front of you are 20 pairs of words that are logically connected with each other. Opposite each pair there are 6 letters, which denote 6 types of logical connection. Examples are given in the "cipher" table. You must first determine the relationship between the words in the pair. Then choose the closest pair of words to them by analogy (association) from the "cipher" table. And after that, in the letter row, circle one of the letters that corresponds to the analogue found in the "cipher". Task completion time - 3 minutes.


    A. Sheep - flock

    B. Raspberry - berry

    B. Sea - ocean

    D. Light - darkness

    E. Poisoning - death

    E. Enemy - enemy

    test material


    Interpretation of results. If the subject correctly, without much difficulty, solved all the tasks and logically explained all the comparisons, this gives the right to conclude that he can understand abstractions and complex logical connections. The subject's reasoning has the greatest informative value. Usually the greatest difficulty is caused by the relation of concepts thrift - stinginess, coolness - frost.

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    Target: the technique is used to find out how much the subject is able to understand logical relationships and highlight abstract relationships. Designed for teens and adults.

    Description. The technique consists of 20 pairs of words - logical tasks that are proposed to be solved by the subject. Its task is to determine which type of logical connection is contained in each pair of words. The "Code" will help him in this - a table that shows examples of the types of communication used and their letter designation: A, B, C, D, D, E.

    The subject must determine the relationship between in a pair, then find an “analogue”, that is, select a pair of words with the same logical connection in the “Code” table, and then mark in a series of letters (A, B, C, D, D, E ) the one that is found analogue from the "Code" table. execution is limited to three minutes.

    Material. Form of methodology, form of the protocol for registering answers.

    Instruction. “There are 20 pairs on the form in front of you, consisting of words that are logically connected with each other. Opposite each pair there are 6 letters, which denote 6 types of logical connection. Examples of all 6 types and their corresponding letters are given in the "Code" table.

    You must first determine the relationship between the words in the pair. Then choose the closest pair of words to them by analogy (association) from the "Cipher" table. And after that, in the letter row, circle one of the letters that corresponds to the analogue found in the "Code" table. The time to complete the task is 3 minutes.

    Material for the methodology Cipher
    • A. Sheep - flock
    • B. Raspberry - berry
    • B. Sea - ocean
    • D. Light - darkness
    • E. Poisoning - death
    • E. Enemy - enemy
    1. Fright - flight A B C D E F
    2. Physics is a science A B C D E F
    3. Correct - A B C D E F
    4. Garden bed A B C D E F
    5. Pair - two A B C D E F
    6. Word - phrase A B C D E F
    7. Bodry - A B C D E F
    8. Freedom is will A B C D E F
    9. Country - city A B C D E F
    10. Praise - abuse A B C D E F
    11. Revenge - arson A B C D E F
    12. Ten - A B C D E F
    13. Cry - roar A B C D E F
    14. Chapter - A B C D E F
    15. Rest is movement A B C D E F
    16. Courage is heroism A B C D E F
    17. Coolness - A B C D E F
    18. Deception - distrust A B C D E F
    19. Singing is an art A B C D E F
    20. Bedside table - closet A B C D E F
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    Analysis of results

    If the subject correctly, without much difficulty, solved all the tasks and logically explained all the comparisons, this gives the right to conclude that he can understand abstractions and complex logical connections.

    Description The technique proposed by E. A. Korobkova is aimed at identifying the extent to which the subject is able to understand complex logical relationships and highlight abstract connections. The technique consists of 20 pairs of words - logical tasks that are proposed to be solved by the subject. Its task is to determine which of the six types of logical connection is contained in each pair of words. The "cipher" will help him in this - a table that shows examples of the types of communication used and their letter designation A, B, C, D, D, E. The subject must determine the relationship between the words in a pair, then find the "analogue", that is select a pair of words in the "cipher" table with the same logical connection, and then mark in a series of letters (A, B, C, D, E, E) the one that corresponds to the found analogue from the "cipher" table.

    Instruction "Let's look at the relationship between these pairs of words (above)". Next, the teenager is characterized by the principle of communication of each pair. So, for example, "light - darkness" are opposite concepts, "poisoning - death" have a causal relationship, "sea - ocean" have a quantitative difference. “There are 20 pairs in front of you, consisting of words that are in a logical connection with each other. Opposite each pair there are 6 letters, which denote 6 types of logical connection. Examples of all 6 types and their corresponding letters are given in the "Code" table. You must first determine the relationship between the words in the pair. Then choose the closest pair of words to them by analogy (association) from the "cipher" table. And after that, in the letter row, circle the one of the letters that corresponds to the analog found in the "cipher" table. The time to complete the task is 3 minutes. »

    "Cipher" -table A. Sheep - herd B. Raspberry - berry C. Sea - ocean D. Light - darkness E. Poison - death E. Enemy - enemy

    1 Fright - flight ABC D E 2 Chemistry - science A B C D E F 3 Correct - right A B C D E F 4 Bed - garden A B C D E F 5 Pair - two A B C D E F 6 Letter - word A B C D E F 7 Cheerful - sluggish A B C D E F 8 Will - freedom A B C D E F 9 Country - city A B C D E F 10 Praise - abuse A B C D E F 11 Revenge - arson A B C D E F 12 Nine - number A B C D E F 13 Cry - roar A B C D E F 14 Chapter - novel A B C D E F 15 Peace - movement A B C D E F 16 Courage - heroism A B C D E F 17 Coolness - frost A B C D E F 18 Deception - distrust A B C D E F 19 Singing - art A B C D E F 20 Nightstand - closet A B C D E F

    Processing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 D B E A G E V G E A G E V D B

    Interpretation If the subject correctly, without much difficulty, solved all the tasks and logically explained all the comparisons, this gives the right to conclude that he can understand abstractions and complex logical connections. If the subject hardly understands the instructions and makes mistakes when comparing, only after a thorough analysis of errors and reasoning can one conclude that the conclusions are slipping, the spreading of thinking, the arbitrariness, illogical reasoning, diffuseness, vagueness of thought against the background of understanding logical connections, a false understanding of analogy logical connections. The subject's reasoning has the greatest informative value. Usually the greatest difficulty is caused by the ratio of the concepts "thrift - stinginess", "coolness - frost".

    Recommendations for the development of thinking in adolescence For the correct development of thinking, the teacher uses every opportunity - to teach adolescents to give the correct definitions, analyze, compare and distinguish between objects and phenomena, express their thoughts clearly, correctly and clearly, cultivate the ability to reason, draw conclusions and generalizations . To this end, adolescents should be more often confronted with the need to independently compare various objects, to find similarities and differences in them, and more often to pose the questions “What is there in common here? " , "What is the difference? » From a simple comparison, one should move on to its more complex forms, highlighting essential and non-essential features. Such tasks, firstly, are good mental exercises, and secondly, they contribute to a better assimilation of educational material. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that students not only “understand” the difference or similarity, but also learn to clearly and accurately formulate their thoughts.

    It is important to teach a teenager to work independently with a textbook, wall charts, dictionaries, educational texts, and various reference materials. The so-called heuristic nature of assimilation of new material, which directs schoolchildren to independent generalizations and conclusions, is exceptionally useful for activating independent thinking in adolescents. To stimulate independent creative thinking of adolescents, it is useful to organize their teaching of school subjects in such a way that they constantly face problems and encourage them to creatively search for ways to solve these problems. On the basis of the problem realized by the students, a cognitive task arises, which becomes the motive of mental activity.

    There are several successive levels and steps of the problem-heuristic method. At the 1st level of problem-heuristic learning, the teacher points out the problem and its formulation, while students are taught to independently find ways to solve it. At the 2nd level, the teacher only poses a problem, encouraging students to independently formulate and solve it. At the 3rd level, the teacher does not indicate the problem, but teaches students to see problems on their own, and when they see, formulate and explore the possibilities and ways to solve it, the conclusions obtained by the heuristic method are firmly remembered by schoolchildren. Taking into account that the thinking of a teenager (especially a younger teenager) is still largely concrete, it is necessary to structure training in such a way that, as far as possible, the reliance of thinking on visual representations takes place. The teacher must consider what paths the students' thoughts can take in the process of forming concepts, and take measures against the possible replacement of abstract signs with visual ones.

    It is necessary to take into account the everyday concepts that have developed in a teenager and their possible negative impact on the process of assimilation of scientific concepts. The teacher must compare these and other concepts, pay attention to the originality of the scientific concept. The development of thinking, the correct assimilation of concepts is facilitated by exercises for the practical application of the concepts being assimilated. It is necessary to daily and systematically teach a teenager the methods of correct, logical thinking, not to ignore a single logical error. In this regard, the daily and coordinated work of the entire teaching staff is important.

    Literature Collection of psychological tests. Part II: Manual / Comp. E. E. Mironova - Mn. : ENVILA Women's Institute, 2006. - 146 p. (S. 4142) Complex analogies / Almanac of psychological tests. M., 1995, (S. 131 -133) Psychology of thinking. Thinking as a solution to problem situations: textbook / A. M. Matyushkin; ed. cand. psychol. Sciences A. A. Matyushkina. - M. : KDU, 2009.

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