Mikhail Boyarsky: d'Artagnan's personal life, children and grandchildren. About the new job

The main pleasure for the actor is spending time with his beloved grandson.

On the football stand, Mikhail Sergeevich cheers with passion: he rejoices at the successes of his favorite team, and takes failures to heart. Photo: Zamir USMANOV/globallookpress.com

Even at 66 years old, Mikhail Sergeevich is a very active man: he goes to film festivals, doesn’t miss a single match of his native Zenit, loves spending time with his grandson, is involved in charity work, and has now also starred in feature film"" as a shaman.

About Zenit

Mikhail Boyarsky has been a fan for many years football club"Zenith". He himself used to play in a team of actors and musicians, but he says that the excitement has passed, and his strength is no longer the same, so now he is only a fan. Mikhail Sergeevich goes to the stadium with friends, gets sick excitedly - it’s difficult for the actor to sit still, but he remembers that in his younger years there was more “football romance”. Boyarsky and his comrades sometimes climbed over the fence; their worries about the game were accompanied by male “joys”: they could drink and smoke. Now 66-year-old Boyarsky is an exemplary honorary fan, who this summer was awarded another football title - honorary president FC Zenit.

— I got this title because I am taking part in the preparations for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. “I am the ambassador from St. Petersburg,” says Boyarsky. — I take part in various events, campaign for healthy image life, meeting with volunteers. Sport is one of the main good entertainment, so helping its development is the right thing to do. to my youngest grandson 4.5 years old, and he is already kicking the ball and knows that the blue-white-blue ones are ours.

Like all fans, I am very happy about the return of top scorer Alexander Kerzhakov to the team. A new coach has arrived - the experienced Lucescu, so I’m expecting gold from the Zenit team.

About the grandson

Mikhail Boyarsky is an experienced grandfather. He honed his communication skills with children on his granddaughters: his son Sergei has daughters - 17-year-old Katya and 8-year-old Sasha, and his daughter Lisa has a 4-year-old son Andrei. Grandchildren often visit their grandparents, and when their parents pick them up, according to Boyarsky Sr., an unusual silence hangs in the rooms. For the sake of his grandson, Mikhail Sergeevich often goes to toy stores and tries to figure out Legos, The Simpsons and Pokemon, and likes to buy books for his grandchildren. Boyarsky worked a lot and was often far from his family. But at the first opportunity, I walked, played with Seryozha and Liza, and went to their school. Now Mikhail Sergeevich is sure that the profession should be a secondary priority, the main thing is children. He is sure that Lisa and her husband Maxim are excellent parents. With grandson Andrei, who calls his grandfather best friend, the actor regularly goes to feed the ducks on the Moika River.

Mikhail Boyarsky and Larisa Luppian with their daughter Lisa and son Sergei. Photo: instagram.com

— Grandfather is the main title I have. With the birth of my grandson, I became more sentimental. Andryusha is not allowed to go to football with me yet. We love to go for walks, I feed him, captivating him with stories about Deniska Korablev, we read books, he likes to watch cartoons.

I believe that if a child watches our “Cinderella” five times, it will be five times better than if he watches “.” Children must be protected. In my opinion, Walt Disney cartoons are no better than Soviet cartoons, and even worse.

Mikhail Boyarsky and Larisa Luppian with their daughter Lisa and son Sergei 30 years ago. Photo: Personastars.com

About St. Petersburg

Mikhail Sergeevich and his wife Larisa Luppian live in the very center of St. Petersburg - in an old house on the embankment of the Moika River. Among the guests here are many celebrities. But it’s difficult for Mikhail Sergeevich to walk around the city center.

— There are always a lot of tourists here, they constantly ask to be photographed. Therefore, it is very difficult to appear somewhere with me. I try to go out rarely; they don’t let me walk in peace. In the summer, I preferred to relax and communicate with my family at the dacha, which is located 50 km from St. Petersburg. I'm not going anywhere. The main thing for me is to please my loved ones: I obey my daughter, wife, grandson. They want to go to the dacha - food.

About modern life

B Oyarsky is an emotional person: he worries when or when he hears disappointing news. He says that he learns from children to perceive the abundance of information more calmly, to judge sensibly, but he himself rarely manages to remain calm. With realities modern world I know Mikhail Sergeevich firsthand: he helps those in need, participates in charity events. He says that he is rich because he has no unnecessary needs.

- Despite the fact that my son Seryozha - CEO one of the St. Petersburg channels, I myself am not a television person. I watch it only if my wife recommends watching a certain program. I follow the news on the radio and that’s how I get it necessary information. I constantly listen to the program “From Two to Five” with Evgeniy Satanovsky on Vesti FM. Internet? I guess this might be interesting to me. But I'm not mastering it. A normal, familiar life is quite enough.

About the new job

Boyarsky dreams of finally retiring and living in the country, watching movies, going fishing, and taking a steam bath. At the same time, Mikhail Sergeevich admitted that the most interesting thing for him now is to see how Andryusha grows up, and to live to see him come of age. But also interesting job the actor is carried away. On September 22, the film “Petersburg. Only for love". The film consists of seven short stories. Boyarsky starred in a story called “Walking the Dogs.” I thought for a long time. The decisive role was played by the fact that the director of the short story is Avdotya Smirnova, and the main female role is played by Anna Mikhalkova. The actress was nervous and worried that she would have to play with Boyarsky himself. Mikhail Sergeevich at first doubted that he was suitable for the role of a shaman. In film National artist in a shaman's attire jumps around the room with a tambourine, reads a spell and rubs eggnog from fresh eggs into the stomach of Anna Mikhalkova, whose heroine came to see him.

Shaman Mikhail Boyarsky in the film “Petersburg. Only for love". Still from the film

“I agreed because I know and respect Dunya Smirnova. I was somewhat puzzled why she invited me, what she saw in me, why I should become a shaman. I tried my best. I was very afraid to let her down. Dunya is brave - she took me to act, although I said that I might not be able to cope with this role. I offered several options for execution, Dunya insisted on the one you will see.

Of course, I was guided only by those images of shamans that I saw on TV. I don’t personally know such people. Naturally, I myself do not believe in hereditary or any other shamans or clairvoyants... Faith does not allow me: I consider myself an Orthodox person.

Granddaughter of Mikhail Boyarsky


A blue skirt, a white blouse, and no ribbon in her braid. But the eyes are blue-blue, blonde. Touching first-grader Sasha Boyarskaya was held by the hand by her father, the head of the TV channel Sergei Boyarsky. Grandfather, the famous "musketeer", did not come to school, otherwise he had work educational institution would be paralyzed. Even without that, people paid attention to the Boyarsky family; someone asked to take a photo with Sergei. Several years ago, Komsomolskaya Pravda already escorted Mikhail Sergeevich’s eldest granddaughter, Katya, to first grade. And now it’s the youngest’s turn.

The most touching moments for the father of his daughters - first grade and a wedding,” joked Sergei Boyarsky. - This is the first time I’m giving it to adult life, the second - to another man. I hope to live to see the wedding, but now I’m very worried. My father's heart beats at a frequency of two hundred beats per minute, no less!

In addition to studying, Sasha Boyarskaya is engaged in dancing and music.

Daughter of Andrei Fedortsov


Another charming first-grader had a whole support group: dad Andrei Fedortsov, mom, godmother Anastasia Melnikova and her daughter Masha.

Varenka Fedortsova is a serious girl. Dad joked all the time:

If you don't want to study, say so!

The daughter thought for a moment and firmly answered:

What happens after 99? - Dad joked.

Well done.

And he explained to Komsomolskaya Pravda:

I don’t know about studying, but she wants to make friends. It's her business. In general, I never force my daughter. I believe that a person cannot be persuaded or constantly given advice. When I was studying, in the 1970s, we didn’t even understand why we were studying. I mastered English only to understand the words of Deep Purple and Led Zeppelin.

Varya Fedortsova will study at the same 157th Princess of Oldenburg Gymnasium in St. Petersburg as Sasha Boyarskaya, in the same class. Maybe they'll become friends.

Daughter of Anastasia Melnikova


Masha Melnikova went to the same gymnasium No. 157 at the age of six, a year earlier than usual. Therefore, at thirteen, I am already in the eighth grade, and not in the seventh.

“I waited all summer for September 1,” admitted Masha. - Oddly enough, I wanted to do my homework again.

The girl has no favorite subjects, nor any unloved ones - everything is the same.

In the future she is thinking of becoming an actress. He has experience, ability too, sings well.

“She’s also an excellent housewife,” Anastasia Melnikova praised her daughter. - She cooks wonderfully, knows how to embroider and clean. When I come home, it’s like I’m in a fairy tale. She cooks tastier, more beautiful, and more varied than me. Loves to read. For her birthday, the main gift for her was a huge stack of books.

Daughter of Evgeny Dyatlov


Actor Evgeny Dyatlov saw his daughter Vasilisa off to second grade.

I didn't really like school. He studied well in humanities subjects, but hated everything exact sciences, - the actor sighs.

But the girl’s favorite subject is mathematics. Dyatlov Sr. is surprised: who is the child growing into?

At this rate, I can only help her with her homework until the seventh grade. Then for me in algebra and all sorts of physics a dark forest begins,” the artist laughs.

Since mid-summer, Vasilisa has been dreaming of starting her studies as soon as possible.

“I like spending time with friends and doing homework,” the girl admitted.

Before first grade, the actor’s daughter went to training courses, so, consider that he has been sitting at his desk for two years. And studying is not a burden to her at all.

Son of Maria Maksakova


Opera diva Maria Maksakova accompanied her son to the Suvorov School. The first of September for a Suvorov student is not just about giving a bouquet to the teacher: you need to take an oath and march.

Blue-eyed blond Ilya moved to the school a few days ago. Preparations for the ceremonial ceremony for the 11-year-old boy began on August 17.

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The son of Maria Maksakova became a Suvorov veteran. Shooting - Alexander GLUZaleksandr GLUZ

On September 1, Ilya Maksakov stood in front of the Vorontsov Palace in formation with other recruits. Maria arrived with her husband, State Duma deputy Denis Voronenkov, and daughter Lyusya.

When the sounds of the anthem were heard from the speakers, the cadets began to sing along together. Maria Maksakova also supported - her amazing voice was difficult to confuse with anything.

The main feeling I feel now is relief. We trained for a long time, learned to march,” Ilya Maksakov told Komsomolskaya Pravda after the end of the ceremonial part.

According to him, he was looking forward to September 1 with special impatience. His stepfather Denis Voronenkov once graduated from the Leningrad Suvorov Military School with a gold medal. Ilya intends to repeat his success.

“I’m generally a good student,” the guy explained to me in a businesslike manner. - I think I can do it.

Daughter and son of Vadim Bazykin

Phew, we made it!

The family of the honored pilot of Russia Vadim Bazykin spent the whole summer in Sevastopol. There, the famous pilot worked at the new airport. For some reason, the reservation before takeoff did not work, so I had to urgently buy other tickets. We arrived in St. Petersburg at five in the morning, but still made it to the line. Daughter Natalya is going to seventh grade, son Andrei is going to third.

Despite the fact that the preparation was extreme, the children were cheerful and didn’t sleep in either eye. Both with bouquets: dad ran out in the morning and bought them.

Natasha grows up quickly out of everything - she is the tallest among the girls.

I don’t really want to go to school, but I miss my teachers and classmates, the children are surprised at themselves.

But I didn’t really like studying,” Vadim recalls. - And discipline was not always good. I grew up as an ordinary boy. Grandmother came and studied at four and five, and when she left she studied at three and four. Grandma knew how to persuade!

The daughter instantly disappeared into the crowd - she went off to chat with her friends.

Bazykin put on his pilot's uniform. The children greeted him, gave a military salute, and their mothers asked to take a photo with him.

The younger Bazykins are good people. Natasha sometimes gets C grades in math; she is more of a humanist. And Andrey dreams of becoming a pilot, like his dad.

Daughter and son of Maxim Leonidov


The son of musician Maxim Leonidov and actress of the Lensovet Theater Alexandra Kamchatova, Lenya, went to the same school as his older sister Masha. “Komsomolskaya Pravda” saw her off to first grade four years ago. And now it’s the little brother’s turn.

Lenechka asked ten times in the morning: did I take everything, did I forget to put the diary, where is the shift,” the first-grader’s mother told Komsomolskaya Pravda with humor. “Of course, I was nervous and worried, but I didn’t show it. He behaved with dignity and rang the bell at school.

Have older sister very comfortably. She helped him choose the notebooks and pens he needed, and ran into his little brother’s class four times to check if he needed anything. And when she heard that Lenya was hungry, she fed him. Masha studies well; if there are grades, it is due to inattention. But he quickly grasps the material and knows how to think rather than cram. And Lenya is a very responsible boy.

In the morning I told the family the alphabet - I was getting ready for school. The relatives laughed: “Don’t worry, they won’t ask anyone today!”

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Honored Pilot of Russia Vadim Bazykin: “My son will most likely become a pilot.” Shooting - Anatoly ZAYONCHKOVSKY Anatoly ZAYONCHKOVSKY

Russian actor Mikhail Boyarsky finally came out with his. The boy appeared arm in arm with his grandfather at the first Open Festival of Children's and Family Films "Sunny Island"..

Photo of Boyarsky with his grandson

The boy was also supported by his grandmother Larisa Luppian, as the child was the first to appear at the event under the gaze of the paparazzi. Before this, his parents, actors Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev, hid their son from the public.

Star parents are against their child living under constant attention from the press and society, as was the case with Lisa, who was besieged by the press because of her star father.

Normal child

In one of her interviews, Elizabeth noted that they are raising a normal child, who, like all other children, loves to watch cartoons and does not like to eat or go to bed. Although star child He doesn't grow up to be a genius, he really loves collecting construction sets and is constantly building something.

Boyarskaya noted that there is a real idyll between father and son, especially when they begin to screw, saw, plan, build or sculpt something. The actress emphasized that Matveev has golden hands and an aptitude for technique.

The star presented herself as a cheerful mother who constantly jokes, plays pranks, plays pranks and mocks. Lisa is exactly the person with whom her son laughs.

JoeInfo journalist Anna Ash recalls that recently also. The star admitted that until she was 13, boys didn’t like her and was an “ugly duckling.”

Actor Mikhail Boyarsky celebrates his 65th birthday today. The day before, the birthday boy’s colleague Kira Kreylis-Petrova revealed an unexpected truth about Boyarsky and his personal life.

It turns out that the country's most famous d'Artagnan has bastard. “Mishka is a womanizer, and he doesn’t hide it. He always had a lot of ladies who adored him and hung around his neck,” she told Express Newspaper.

The actress admitted that once, even before her marriage to Larisa Luppian, Mikhail began an affair with her friend. It was short-lived, but after it the woman had a child from Boyarsky, whom she gave birth to “for herself.”

Now Mikhail Boyarsky does not communicate with anyone illegitimate son, nor with his ex-lover.

Let us recall that Boyarsky is married, his wife is actress Larisa Reginaldovna Luppian (January 26, 1953). The marriage produced two children.

Daughter - actress Elizaveta Mikhailovna Boyarskaya (December 20, 1985). In 2007 she graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts (course of Lev Dodin).

Lisa's husband and Boyarsky's son-in-law is actor Maxim Aleksandrovich Matveev (July 28, 1982). Grandson - Andrey Maksimovich Matveev (April 7, 2012), son of Elizaveta Boyarskaya and her husband Maxim Matveev.

Son - Sergei Mikhailovich Boyarsky (January 24, 1980), played in two films as a child: 1984 - "Bouquet of Mimosa and Other Flowers" (Nikita, Maryana's son) and 1992 - "The Musketeers Twenty Years Later" (Charles II in childhood).

In the mid-1980s, Viktor Reznikov and Mikhail Boyarsky created a musical quartet, which also included their sons, Andrei Reznikov and Sergei Boyarsky. In 1986, the quartet became famous with the song Dinosaurs, Sergei appeared on stage for the first time.

Having matured, Sergei Boyarsky created a group and released a music album. There he became a businessman. The guy graduated from Northwestern Academy civil service under the President Russian Federation, Faculty of Economics and Finance.

Got a second one higher education at the Faculty of State and Municipal Administration of the North-Western Academy of Public Administration.

He was a candidate for deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, a member of the party " United Russia", but lost the election. In 2012 he headed the St. Petersburg TV channel "St. Petersburg" (Channel Five).

The eldest granddaughter is Ekaterina Sergeevna Boyarskaya (born November 28, 1998), eldest daughter Sergei Boyarsky and his wife Ekaterina Sergeevna Boyarskaya.

Youngest granddaughter - Alexandra Sergeevna Boyarskaya (born May 27, 2008), youngest daughter Sergei Boyarsky and his wife Ekaterina Boyarskaya.

In his youth, Mikhail Boyarsky was heavily addicted to alcohol, which led to pancreatitis when Boyarsky was thirty-five years old.

And in 1994, the actor’s diabetes worsened. Currently, the actor is forced to give himself four to five insulin injections every day.

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