Can bailiffs arrest? What can a bailiff take for debts? Theory and real life

It's no secret that the powers of bailiffs go far beyond those established, for example, for collection organizations. If the employee collection agency in light of the changes in legislation that have come into force can only use methods of persuasion, the bailiff has the right to apply to the debtor a fairly large set of coercive measures, in particular to impose a penalty on cash debtor citizen.

Today big number individuals store money not in the form of cash bills, but on non-cash instruments. In this case, can the bailiffs arrest credit card?

Measures taken by federal civil servants

Among the coercive measures, the bailiff has the right to take the following actions:

  • foreclose on accounts and earnings;
  • limit travel abroad;
  • seize property;
  • restrict the right to drive a car;
  • impose a ban on registration actions in relation to real estate and movable property;
  • collect the amount of the enforcement fee;
  • fine.

Thus, the powers of Federal Service employees are practically unlimited.

Foreclosure of funds

IN last years The capabilities of the Federal Service in terms of electronic document management with other services and departments have expanded significantly. For example, now to execute a bailiff’s order it is enough electronic document, certified by the employee’s electronic digital signature. The use of such technologies significantly increases the speed of information transfer between the bailiff and the credit institution (bank).

The search and write-off of funds occurs in several stages:

  • Sending an electronic request to credit institutions.
  • Getting answers. The bank's response contains information about all accounts opened in the debtor's name, indicating the balance for each account.
  • Issuing and sending an electronic order to foreclose on discovered accounts within the amount of the debt.
  • Execution by the bank of the bailiff's order.
  • Receipt of funds on deposit of the Service unit.
  • Transfer by civil servants of the amount of debt to the account of the creditor.

The speed of writing off funds from the debtor’s accounts varies depending on the specific region of the country and the efficiency of the participants in this process.

If the account is credit

Such bills are not uncommon for citizens today. Therefore, many are interested in whether bailiffs have the right to seize a credit card. The answer to this question can be found in the current legislation.

The Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings” allows for foreclosure on the debtor’s income. Such income includes not only the citizen’s earnings, but also the funds in his accounts, including credit accounts. In fact, loan funds transferred by the bank for the client’s use are his income.

It does not matter whether the debt is written off from a debit or credit card. Since the second type of payment instruments is not uncommon today, they are often encountered in the practice of bailiffs. That is why the question of whether bailiffs can seize a credit card if there is no money in other accounts worries many borrowers.

It is important to know that until the document sent by the bailiff or debt collector is executed, the debtor will not be able to use his account. If there are enough funds on the credit card or credit account to repay the entire amount of the debt, the bank will transfer the funds immediately. Otherwise, the debiting will continue until full repayment existing debt.

Of course, a banking organization will not enforce a court decision at its own expense. Even though the answer to the question whether bailiffs can seize a credit card is positive, the funds will not be written off in every case. For example, if a leveraged payment instrument is not activated, the provided cash limit will remain intact until the bank customer begins to transact on it.

How to unlock the card?

Often the amount of debt is not that large compared to the loan granted to the debtor. Therefore, if you find that your account is blocked, you should contact Federal service. Since the answer to the question of whether bailiffs have the right to seize a credit card is positive, is it? is quite real. After all, if the amount of debt is small, it can be repaid in cash directly at an appointment with a federal civil servant. If there are no debts, the bailiff will immediately remove all restrictions on the account.

In what case can the action of a civil servant be challenged?

The question of whether bailiffs can seize a credit card is relevant for many debtors. The law provides for this method of debt collection, but only in accordance with the adopted legal regulations.

Some citizens, in cases of seizure of cash accounts, prefer the path of judicial challenge to the actions of the bailiff. However, the legal basis for recognizing the actions of an employee as unlawful may be the absence of evidence of notification of the debtor about the enforcement proceedings initiated against him. In this case, the citizen will be right, because if he did not have information about the debt, therefore, he did not have the opportunity to repay it on time. A reference to the fact that the account is a credit account is unlikely to help win the case, since the actions of the bailiff are legal.

From all of the above, regarding the question of whether bailiffs can seize a credit card, several conclusions can be drawn:

  • A civil servant may impose a penalty on borrowed funds.
  • An important condition is the activation of the payment instrument.
  • In certain cases, you can challenge the foreclosure.

Current legislation does not provide for blocking a salary card. However, in practice this is by no means uncommon. Do bailiffs have the right to seize salary card in 2019?

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According to the law, the first thing a bailiff does when executing a court order is to seize bank accounts and cards. Often the withdrawal of funds is accompanied by blocking of the account.

If there is insufficient funds, the debtor’s balance “goes into the minus”. But do bailiffs have the right to seize a salary card?

General aspects

When carrying out enforcement proceedings, the duty of the bailiffs is to search for property that can be confiscated to pay off the debt.

Property includes any material assets, including bank accounts. Bailiffs send requests to different banks, demanding to provide the debtor's account number.

The bank is obliged to satisfy the request. But the provided data does not indicate the purpose of the account - current or salary.

It turns out that bailiffs cannot seize a salary card. They do not have the right to block it, seize it or take other actions.

But they are quite capable of seizing the account to which this card is linked. However, they do not know that the account is a salary account.

A related question arises: what part of the funds can be charged from a salary card to pay off the debt under enforcement proceedings and is such a write-off legal in principle?

Required terms

The debtor's accounts are seized as part of enforcement proceedings. The bailiff begins searching for property for recovery only after receiving writ of execution.

This document becomes the result of the trial and the consequence of the court decision that has entered into force.

The immediate debtor must receive by mail a copy of the resolution on the commencement of enforcement proceedings. Five days are given for voluntary repayment of debt.

After this period, a decision is made to search for property. In this case, 7% is added to the amount of debt. The seizure is imposed on any found property belonging to the debtor.

Seizure means that the owner of the property cannot use it until the debt obligations are fully repaid.

In particular, he cannot carry out any transactions with the seized property. In the case of seizure of a bank account, one should distinguish between concepts such as “blocking” and “arrest.”

When an account is blocked, no transactions on it are possible.

That is, you can neither withdraw funds nor top up your account. Upon arrest we're talking about about freezing the account. Available funds are written off against the debt, but the receipt of funds is not prohibited.

As a rule, when a seizure is made, the account owner sees a negative balance.

This reflects the amount of debt for enforcement proceedings. As money is received into the account, the minus amount will decrease.

Only when this amount turns out to be zero can we say that the debt has been fully repaid. Can bailiffs seize a Sberbank salary card?

There is no difference; during the search, the presence of accounts in any financial and credit organizations is checked. The accounts of Sberbank, VTB 24 and any commercial banks where accounts are found are subject to seizure.

Types of debt

When blocking a salary card, you should first find out who initiated the procedure. Typically, the bank freezes accounts based on a decision of the bailiffs or a written submission from the court.

Legal proceedings, as a result of which cards and accounts may be blocked, are initiated in several cases:

  • presence of substantial debt for;
  • failure to pay prescribed alimony;
  • failure to pay a fine;
  • large loan debt, etc.

In any case, card blocking is preceded by a consistent process when an institution or company files a lawsuit to collect the debt.

If the court recognizes the claim as legitimate, then an appropriate decision is made. On its basis, enforcement proceedings begin with the search and seizure of the debtor’s property.

Legal regulation

The procedure for seizing the debtor's funds stored in the bank is regulated (as amended on December 28, 2016), namely.

According to this provision, after the start of enforcement proceedings and the completion of the period for voluntary repayment, the bailiff sends copies of the resolution to search for the debtor’s accounts to the banks.

If any are found, the funds are seized in the amount of the debt specified in the executive document.

When the available funds are insufficient, the bank suspends operations on the account and carries out execution as funds become available until the debt is fully repaid.

That is, in fact, the bailiff can seize any account discovered.

Do they have the right

According to current legislation, the bailiff has the right to seize any discovered account.

At the same time, the FSSP cannot know that the account is a salary account or that payments are being made to it.

The seizure from the account is removed only after the debt is paid in full or as directed by the FSSP.

Therefore, if an account into which funds are received that are not subject to collection is arrested, then the debtor must contact the bailiffs and provide documentary evidence of the impossibility of arresting a specific account.

In the situation with a salary account, there is no direct ban on its arrest. But since wage may be the only source of income for a citizen, the law limits the amount of withdrawals towards debt.

But, again, since the bailiff does not know the purpose of the account, you will need to contact the FSSP with appropriate confirmation. After this, the seizure from the salary account will be partially lifted.

What to do in such a situation

If the salary card, or rather the account, is still blocked, then you should contact the FSSP with preliminary preparation.

You need to obtain a certificate from the bank that a certain account (card) is used to receive salary funds. The bailiffs will offer to submit an application to lift the arrest, but this still will not get rid of the debt.

But in addition to contacting the FSSP, other scenarios are possible:

Agree with the employer to transfer funds to another bank or pay wages in cash But another account will be discovered sooner or later, since bailiffs are now sending requests to commercial institutions. As for receiving salary in cash, having identified the place of work, bailiffs can contact the employer directly and oblige him to withhold part of the funds
Find a compromise with the lender You can pay off the debt partially or draw up an agreement on installment payments. Enforcement proceedings will cease if the claim is withdrawn
Go to court To receive payments and reduce the size of monthly payments. But you will have to present compelling arguments why the requirement should be satisfied

The simplest and most obvious solution is to pay off the debt. It is unlikely that it will be possible to reach an agreement with the plaintiff if the debt is accrued for traffic police fines.

After payment, the bailiffs themselves will send a letter to the bank requesting the removal of the seizure from the card.

How can you lift an arrest?

Unblocking a salary card is carried out only on the basis of a corresponding instruction from the FSSP or a court decision received by the bank.

If for some reason the lifting of the arrest is delayed, you can send a complaint to:

  • court at the place of residence;
  • the prosecutor's office at the place of registration;
  • territorial branch of the FSSP.

A written complaint must be submitted in person or through registered letter. The request is reviewed within thirty days.

After this, the applicant is given a written positive/negative response. As is obvious, the process of lifting the arrest is far from a quick procedure.

Therefore, it is better not to allow your salary card to be blocked. To do this, you must provide the bailiffs with your address in a timely manner.

Then the court decision will be sent to the employer. The required payment amount will be charged monthly to pay off the debt before the salary is transferred to the card.

Maximum deduction amount

As mentioned above, the FSSP can recover only part of the wages as part of enforcement proceedings. More than 50% of salary cannot be collected monthly.

When proceedings concern unpaid alimony, the maximum amount of withholding does not exceed 70%.

But you also need to know about the sequence of collection. First of all, bailiffs identify bank accounts. After the seizure, funds are seized to pay off the debt.

When the bailiff knows that the account is a salary account, the maximum allowable amount is withdrawn.

If the debt is not repaid in full, a search begins for movable and immovable property. The objects found are seized, after which they are sold at the lowest price.

When, even after the sale of property, an outstanding debt remains, 50% of all income of the debtor is charged monthly, including wages, etc., except for the exceptions listed in the law.


Questions that arise when seizing a salary card mainly concern the legality of the actions of bailiffs.

In theory, collecting wages in full is against the law.

But here a situation arises such as the substitution of terms, in particular seizure and collection. And the possibility of challenging the actions of the FSSP is somewhat controversial.

A similar situation is clearly discussed in Sverdlovsky’s Definition regional court in case No. 33-13446/2011 dated September 20, 2011.

A citizen appealed to the court, whose bank salary account was frozen as part of enforcement proceedings to return unpaid wages.

The plaintiff demanded that the arrest be declared illegal and that the amount of deductions be set at no more than 50%. The plaintiff subsequently waived his request to determine the amount of the withholding.

Bailiff in court hearing didn't show up. The court decision declared the seizure of the plaintiff's account illegal.

However, this decision did not satisfy the authorities concerned, and the bailiff appealed to the unfounded decision of the court of first instance and the incorrect application of substantive law.

During the verification of the cassation appeal, it was established that the bailiff, as part of enforcement proceedings, made a decision to seize the bank account.

At the same time, although the documents in the case indicate the debtor’s place of work, the salary account number is not indicated. The bailiff knows about the salary purpose after the seizure.

At the same time, legislative provisions on partial recovery of funds were also considered.

But the bailiff in his decision only indicated the seizure of funds in a certain amount, but did not indicate the need to collect them, reserving the right not to comply with the order of collection.

Thus, the actions of the bailiff were aimed only at ensuring the execution of enforcement proceedings in terms of ensuring the safety of the discovered funds.

On this basis, the previous decision was canceled and the seizure of the salary account was declared lawful.

If without a court decision

Speaking about the seizure of a salary card (account), you need to imagine how the process of enforcement proceedings is carried out.

This cannot begin until a proper court decision is received. Only after receiving the writ of execution do the bailiffs begin to act.

First, the debtor is notified, offering to pay voluntarily. Only if payment is refused or ignored are funds debited from accounts.

Important! Without notification, the bailiff cannot begin the seizure procedure. But if the notification letter does not reach the addressee, this will not affect the progress of the enforcement proceedings.

After a certain time, the bailiffs begin the collection procedure. When a salary card is seized, you need to find out why.

Video: the bank writes off wages to pay off loan debt - what to do

When applying to the FSSP, the debtor must be provided with a proper writ of execution. In the absence of a court decision, seizure of funds and property is illegal.

Can bailiffs seize a salary card again? Yes, as soon as they receive the appropriate court decision.

Can a wife's card be blocked for her husband's debts?

In accordance with this, the bailiff has the right to foreclose only on the property of the debtor himself.

That is, in the process of searching for property, it is necessary to establish its ownership. But there are often cases when a wife’s salary card is blocked for her husband’s debts.

If this is not enough, then the spouses bear joint liability within the framework of their own property. That is, bailiffs can seize the accounts of the debtors' spouses.

But such recovery is possible only if there is an appropriate court decision.

When enforcement proceedings have been initiated only against the husband and the wife is not a co-defendant in the case, the bailiff does not have the right to confiscate her share of property and personal funds.

For example, a wife is responsible for rent arrears jointly with her husband. But if the matter concerns the husband’s unpaid loan, it is also necessary to prove that the funds were spent for the common good.

If completely

The law says that only 50%, maximum 70%, of funds can be recovered from wages. But there is a nuance here too.

It says that these restrictions do not apply when foreclosure is applied to funds in salary accounts, except for the amount of the last payment.

To put it more simply, bailiffs have the right to write off 100% of the funds stored on it from the salary account.

But 50-70% will be charged from subsequent receipts. Therefore, it is not advisable to appeal the complete debiting of money from a salary card. There is no violation of the law in this.

Economic instability leads many people to turn to lenders for help. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to repay their loan on time. In this case, lenders begin to repay loans issued in different ways. For this purpose, many financial organizations turn to bailiffs for help. And those, fulfilling their obligations, block the debtor’s bank cards, including salary cards. In this regard, many people have a logical question: can bailiffs seize a salary card and what actions should the debtor take when restricting access to this card.

They can begin their work with the debtor only after the court issues a corresponding decision and it comes into force. And for it to appear, it is necessary for the creditor to go to court, etc.

To ensure high-quality performance of work, bailiffs are vested with the appropriate powers:

  • Impose restrictions on all financial savings of the debtor in Russian banks.
  • Withdraw up to half of all accumulated finances in favor of the creditor.
  • Seize and seize property to cover the debt.
  • As a last resort, prosecute.

What about the salary card?

According to the law, blocking of the above-mentioned card is not provided, but in reality this happens everywhere. The thing is that, according to the law, it is impossible to block a salary card, since it is the source of financing for the debtor, but the bailiffs seize not the card, but the account. Here they have every right. All that remains is to find out how much they can withdraw and what the owner should do.

So, it turned out that the bailiffs can impose a restriction on the salary card, or more precisely, on the account; it is not his responsibility to find out the type of account. But the same law will not allow the employee to collect wages in full. There are rules governing this:

  • More than 50% of earnings cannot be collected.
  • If there are dependents, then no more than 30% will be written off.
  • If the debtor is raising children alone, then no more than a quarter of the earnings are recovered.
  • If it is proven that the debtor has a high income, then up to 75% of incoming finances can be written off from his salary account.

Debtor's actions

It often turns out that the service employees wrote off 100% of the funds received. And the finances stored in the account were collected to pay off debts. Financial experts advise a person with unpaid debts to start paying them off first.

  • You need to contact the bank to find out why the seizure was imposed and by whom. You also need to take a paper confirming the seizure of the account.
  • Next, go to the FSSP branch and meet with the employee who imposed the restriction on your account. Also be sure to familiarize yourself with your file. The employee has no right to refuse you. Then write an application to remove the seizure from the account.
  • You must also contact your employer for proof of income.
  • You need to get a certificate from the bank accounting department stating that your card is a salary card. And bring all the papers to the bailiffs. Based on these, they must send a notification to the banking institution that the usage restriction has been lifted from your card.

By law, service officers must lift the arrest on the day of application, unless there are contraindications.

Consequences of card (account) seizure

The restrictions imposed will result in you not being able to make any transactions with your account or card. For example, withdraw cash through a terminal or transfer funds from card to card.

Although the law says that if there are funds left on the card after withdrawing part of the debt, then the owner can use them at his own discretion, in reality the situation is such that the owner of the card (account) cannot make any transactions with the remaining funds.

Is it possible to cancel enforcement proceedings?

This question interests many debtors, but we will immediately upset everyone - it is impossible to cancel it, at least while the bailiffs have legal basis. Specifically, your unpaid debts. It is possible to appeal the actions of bailiffs only in one case - the restriction on your account was imposed by mistake. And this can only be done through the courts.

In other cases, the existing debt must be paid as soon as possible. Otherwise, until this is done, funds will continue to be debited from your card. But if the write-off of funds does not exceed 50%, then you cannot influence the bailiff’s actions in any way.

But if all funds available on the salary card have been written off, then in this case you can already influence the process. To do this, you need to write an appeal to the senior service with a request to cancel the restriction on half of the funds on the card. If the answer is negative, you have every right to go to court with a similar appeal. And your status as a debtor does not matter.

Do not forget that such a statement is written in two copies. One remains at the reception desk. The second copy, marked as accepted, must be returned to the applicant. This is in case the bailiffs subsequently state that they did not receive any statement from you. This also happened.

It is also worth knowing that the court, after making the relevant order, must notify you that a restriction has been imposed on the accounts. At this stage you can still avoid this. You can appeal the court decision or ask for a deferred payment. Or about the possibility of paying off the debt in installments.

Summarize. The problem of freezing your salary account can be solved at different stages. For example, after the corresponding court decision has been made, in this case the most reasonable solution seems to be to appeal it. If it comes to initiating enforcement proceedings, then it is necessary to try to repay the debt as quickly as possible. In this case, the matter will not come to the seizure of the card.

In case of arrest, it is necessary to ensure that no more than half of the funds received on the card are withdrawn from it.

We hope that the article has cleared up questions on the topic: do FSSP employees have the right to seize your salary card.

Bailiffs may be authorized to seize all bank accounts belonging to a debtor if there is a court order directing the bailiffs to write off or freeze all of that debtor's assets to pay off the debt. A reasonable question arises: can bailiffs seize a credit card? Do bailiffs have the right to block such an account? And what is further fate funds in this account? All these questions certainly concern citizens who use bank lending through plastic cards.

A credit card has long become an integral and familiar instrument of debt financing for many consumers of banking services.

Of course, credit cards, over such a long period of their existence in the financial market, have earned enormous popularity and demand among individuals. They have many useful characteristics:

  • the ability to instantly attract borrowed funds provided by the bank;
  • As a payment instrument, a credit card is very convenient and mobile to use;
  • You can purchase services and goods on credit without accruing interest if the loan is repaid to the bank during the grace period.

In especially hopeless cases, the bank has the right to go to court

As happens quite often, the positive features of credit cards are inevitably accompanied by their negative aspects, which clearly make themselves felt in force majeure circumstances.

For example, if you individual there are accounts payable, fixed time the repayment of which has long expired, then the creditor bank in this situation has every right to restore justice through the court. By filing an appropriate claim containing a legal requirement to collect the amount of overdue debt from the borrower.

As evidenced by many years of practice, in most such cases the judicial authorities take the side of the creditor (plaintiff), which is quite logical. After all, the bank clearly fulfilled its obligations under the loan agreement concluded with an individual. Gave the borrower the required amount with an agreement to return the loan with interest after a specified period of time. And the borrower, for some reason, does not fulfill his obligations under loan agreement– does not repay the “body” of the loan on time and does not pay the interest accrued by the bank.

Bailiffs can force a debtor to repay an overdue debt to a creditor. The Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Enforcement Proceedings” gives these civil servants a significant list of powers. First of all, bailiffs block all bank accounts owned by the debtor. This procedure is implemented by sending relevant requests to banking institutions in which the debtor has accounts. It should be noted that obtaining information about bank accounts owned by an individual is only possible if there is a corresponding court decision. All data and information initially fall into the category of bank secrecy.

Bailiffs can seize a credit card to pay off a debt

Can bailiffs seize a credit card?

Many bank clients are interested in whether bailiffs can block a credit card. If we talk about bank accounts to which debit cards are linked, then in this regard everything is very clear. With credit cards the situation is not so clear. The fact is that current legislation does not explicitly prohibit blocking credit cards. It turns out, bailiffs have the opportunity to block a credit account belonging to the debtor. At least, purely theoretically.

As mentioned above, banking institutions can provide information about client accounts only upon judicial request.

Thus, bailiffs become aware of the debtor's account numbers from which they can write off funds.

In fact, it turns out that bailiffs do not have information about intended purpose bank accounts from which they withdraw money. It should be understood that banks are not at all interested in informing bailiffs of the credit account numbers of the debtor client. Banking institutions may deliberately not provide information about credit cards. Meanwhile, data on the debtor’s credit cards issued by the bank sometimes still end up in enforcement proceedings. This usually happens due to errors made by bank employees or some technical defects.

Banks' position

It turns out that the bailiffs' receipt of information about the debtor's bank accounts largely depends on the will of the bank - on how the responsible employees of the banking institution react to the corresponding request from the court. In addition, even if any information about the accounts is at the disposal of the enforcement authorities, it may not be possible to write off funds from these accounts. As a rule, the balance on a credit card is often either zero or negative.

In fact, bailiffs will be able to write off money from a credit card only when its balance is replenished by the holder (borrower) who intends to repay the bank for a previously received loan. As you know, if a credit card user has topped it up with a negative balance, the bank system is in no hurry to immediately send the money credited to the card to pay off the debt. For some time, these funds will be retained by the system, which will allow the enforcement authorities to safely seize them.

Funds from the seized card are transferred to the debt account

It is also necessary to take into account that some banking institutions allow their clients to keep on their credit cards not only borrowed funds from the bank, but also their own money. Undoubtedly, the debtor's personal funds on a credit card can be easily seized by bailiffs in the first place. Such cases, of course, are rare, but they certainly cannot be completely excluded. If such an arrest does occur, the owner of the credit card must immediately inform the bailiff that there are credit funds on the blocked card. This may be grounds for canceling the credit card blocking.

Your credit card has been seized: what can you do about it?

What to do if a credit card seizure becomes real? If the enforcement authorities decide to seize the debtor’s credit card, then the user of the blocked card should take the following actions:

  1. Request from the creditor bank an official document that could certify the fact that this card is still a credit card and not a payment card. This certificate will need to be provided to the bailiffs along with documents confirming the bank's lending to the holder of this card (loan agreement, certificate of debt on the loan to the bank).
  2. Familiarize yourself in detail with the powers of bailiffs regulated by relevant legislation.
  3. Send an official request to the enforcement authorities requesting an explanation of the reason for blocking the card, as well as writing an application to cancel this blocking. The application will be accepted for consideration if an agreement is reached that the overdue debt will be repaid by the debtor in a strictly defined manner.
  4. When the arrest is lifted, it is necessary to send the bank a corresponding notification.

What actions to take if a credit card is seized

If agreements with the bailiffs cannot be reached, then you can apply directly to the court with a claim to cancel the writ of execution, attaching to the application all the evidence confirming the existence of grounds for the request to remove the seizure from the credit card. For example, it can be proven that blocking an account is a tangible obstacle to the credit card holder making mandatory payments. Or justify that the seizure of the card causes significant harm to its user.

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The duties of the bailiff (hereinafter referred to as the bailiff) include the execution of decisions, rulings, court orders, judicial acts and acts of other authorized bodies, which are recorded in the writ of execution or court order. In other words, the decision to seize a bank account is made by the court, and the bailiff carries out this decision.

One of the main duties of a bailiff is, as a rule, to collect funds from the debtor in favor of the claimant, as determined by the court. The collection procedure means arrest or seizure material assets, including cash and funds in accounts. Upon receipt of a writ of execution or other document with a court decision on collection, the bailiff is obliged to send requests to banks or other credit organizations, the response to which must indicate the existence of the debtor's accounts.

Bank employees provide information about the presence or absence of an account, and if there is a credit account, they must put the appropriate mark when indicating it. But sometimes it happens that information that the account is a credit account and the funds on it are intended to repay the loan is not provided by the bank, as a result of which the bailiff receives incomplete information about the account and the credit account can be seized, which is automatically blocked.

In some banks, the blocking of the credit account occurs automatically along with the seizure of the deposit account, despite the fact that the bailiff only seizes the deposit account.

How to unfreeze a credit account?

To lift the seizure of a credit bank account, the debtor has the right to cancel the actions of the bailiff to impose the seizure. This can be done by providing information about the account opened under the terms of the loan agreement to the court, or you can also contact the Federal Bailiff Service with a written statement.

On the one hand, in legislation Russian Federation The prohibition on freezing the debtor's credit account is not clearly stated. On the other hand, a credit account is not intended for making payments, as a result of which, according to the law, seizure procedures are not applied to credit accounts.

If a debit from the account that has been seized has already occurred, then you must write an application for the return of the debited amount. Refunds of debited funds may take up to ten days.

If a situation arises in which there is a possibility of seizure of a bank credit account or the credit account has already been frozen, provide the bailiff with all documented information on this account. The bailiff must take this information into account and, in the case of an arrest already imposed, has the right to cancel it.

Question answer

Can bailiffs seize a credit card?

The credit card has long been firmly established in our lives. And this is no wonder. The card has all the advantages that previously did not exist in cash transactions. You can use it to pay for purchases without waiting in line. Accordingly, stores do not need to have cashiers, since many supermarkets already have self-service checkouts. All this leads to automation of the process between sellers and lenders. On the one hand, this is beneficial, but on the other hand, in the event of force majeure circumstances, the proceedings will not be easy.

Such situations include litigation regarding the debts of a bank client. Naturally, the court makes a decision in favor of the lender (bank or microfinance organization), since the borrower independently signed the loan agreement, which contains all the terms of the loan. And after the court decision comes into force, the debtor is transferred to the bailiff service, where the work of enforcing the decision begins.

Bailiffs come to seize property

If there are bank accounts, they are seized. But if with debit cards and with accounts everything is clear, since this whole procedure is spelled out in detail in the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings”, then what to do with credit cards?

Can bailiffs seize a credit card?

Any bank card may be arrested and blocked by bailiffs. This is also provided Federal law(Article 229). The bailiffs are not obliged to find out what funds are transferred to her and from what sources. Accordingly, they cannot know where you invest your money (after all, you pay off your credit card monthly). The bank provides a statement of all the client’s existing accounts, and the bailiffs already issue a seizure order.

Bailiffs seized your credit card? Judicial arrest for credit accounts does not yet exist in legislation. But the situation here is unusual. A credit card has a limit created from the funds of a financial institution, that is, a bank. The debtor has nothing to do with this money. Technically, it is impossible to withdraw such funds from the bank. But due to the incompetence of employees, this can happen, which will be the bank’s mistake. On the other hand, some financial institutions allow you to put more than the established limit on credit cards. Accordingly, funds in excess of the credit limit will be considered own funds. Cards from Sberbank, VTB24 and Avangard Bank most often do not have this function. Other banks can credit clients' credit cards with their personal funds in excess of the credit limit.

Read also: Law on Credits and Debtors 2017

The bank should not accept for execution the bailiff's order to write off loan amounts, however, the bank itself may well block the credit limit for a borrower who is late in repaying the debt.

In order for the bailiffs to seize the credit account, you need to use the card. If you do not do this, the credit funds will not be reflected in the account. Without replenishing the card or withdrawing from it, you can protect yourself from this situation.

But some banks do not allow this, regulating this issue with bank commissions.

Frequently asked questions from our clients include:

Can bailiffs seize a credit card? The bailiffs have the right to do this if you do not notify them about the purpose of the account.

Can bailiffs seize a Sberbank credit card? Seizure of an account is a procedure that cannot depend on the name of the bank. Enforcement proceedings apply to all financial institutions, including Sberbank. In another case, a credit card is bank funds. Accordingly, the arrest cannot be made.

If you are faced with such a situation, you urgently need to contact our company to resolve the issue. We will negotiate with the bank and resolve this issue.

Can bailiffs seize an account in Sberbank?

In extremely rare cases, bailiffs mistakenly seize bank cards. If for some reason it is blocked, then most likely this was the decision of the executors in relation to the debtor who does not want to fulfill his obligations. Freeze a deposit card and the money on it in Sberbank or another financial organization, bailiffs can based on existing outstanding debt obligations.

What to do if bailiffs seized an account in Sberbank?

According to current legislation, in the event of evasion by the debtor, payment of existing debts can be carried out through forced collection measures. Seizure is one of these measures. Bailiffs have sufficient powers to seize an account in Sberbank or another financial organization where it is opened. The exceptions are the following cases of target deposits, for which seizure is prohibited:

  • child benefit, disability benefit and other material support from the state;
  • credit cards.

In other cases, executive bodies have the right to seize a deposit in Sberbank or another financial institution. Even in relation to a salary card or pension card. A condition that must be observed during the seizure of the deposit is that more than half of the amount of the incoming salary or pension cannot be written off from it. If one transaction was not enough to pay off the debt, then it will be carried out partially until full repayment. The algorithm of actions in the case where a deposit in Sberbank is seized by bailiffs is as follows.

  1. Find out why the blocking occurred and what executive agency issued a resolution on the need for forced write-off of funds.
  2. To know total amount debt in order to understand whether the debt has been repaid or additional payments are required.
  3. In case of full payment of the debt, submit a petition to the bailiff with a request to lift the ban. Bailiffs can lift the arrest with the help of a written application to the bank from the bailiff himself, the review period of which will take several days.
  4. When the debt is only partially repaid, you must pay the remaining amount yourself and submit a corresponding application to the authorities executing the loan decision.

It is unlikely that the debtor may not know the reason that the bailiffs seized his deposit in Sberbank, since this is preceded by a court hearing on the fact of the existence of the debt and a decision on the need to pay it with the relevant notifications of the parties and copies of decisions. But it may also happen that when money is written off, the debtor does not know why this is happening. Most likely, such a write-off is erroneous. Therefore, in such cases, it is necessary to obtain an answer to the question on the basis of what resolution the write-off is carried out and by whom. Money can be seized not only by bailiffs, but also by customs officials or tax representatives.

How can I find out if my Sberbank account has been frozen via the Internet?

The debtor may not always know why the bailiffs seized a card from Sberbank or another financial organization, and the bank itself does not always agree to provide this kind of information. In this case, find out the details of the court decision by forced collection possible using the Internet. Using the FSSP website, you can find out who issued the order to seize a deposit in Sberbank or in the bank where the debtor is served. Information about the date and document number is also provided here. Likewise, if the debtor expects and admits the possibility of seizure of accounts in Sberbank or another financial institution. You can also obtain information about account blocking by bailiffs in Sberbank itself. However, this requires a personal application to the bank. Get similar information It is possible only after blocking.

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Can bailiffs seize a credit account?

Credit accounts are not subject to blocking by bailiffs. It is possible to seize only deposit cards, as well as those to which wages or pensions are transferred. It is also unacceptable to write off money against disability benefits received by the debtor, financial assistance from the state for children and other payments of a similar nature.

If your account is frozen, how do you receive your salary?

Even in cases where bailiffs have seized accounts in Sberbank or similar banks through which wages are transferred, further receipt of wages is possible despite the blocking. Firstly, wages can be received through the organization's cash desk. But this is rather a one-time measure. Here it is worth considering the cash limit in it and the size of the total wage fund for employees. Secondly, you can continue to receive your salary on the card if the documents are properly completed. The most important thing here is to monitor the order in which documents are received. If it is impossible to repay the debt in one payment, it is paid in installments by debiting money from the debtor’s account. The bank will execute the order that it receives first: a request to block a sum of money or pay a salary. In order for wages to continue to be transferred to the card upon arrest, you must contact the employer’s accounting department in order to draw up all the documents relevant to the situation.

How to remove a seizure from a bank account?

The removal of the arrest is carried out by bailiffs upon a written application to the bank. The processing time for this is several days. In order for accounts to be unfrozen, the debt must be fully repaid. However, a one-time write-off of funds may not be enough. If the amount of debt exceeds 50% of the transferred salary or pension, the remaining portion will be partially written off. If you need to remove a seizure from accounts in Sberbank imposed by bailiffs, you need to find out the number of the resolution by which this happened and the body carrying out the execution of the court decision. After repaying the debt in full by debiting money from the account, the card will be unfrozen automatically within a short period of time, up to 10 days. If there are not enough funds on it to pay off the debt, then upon independent full payment you need to apply to the bailiff about the need to lift the arrest.

Application for removal of seizure from a current account sample 2017

When paying off a debt and needing to unfreeze the account, you need to write a corresponding statement addressed to the bailiff in whose proceedings this collection case is located. The period for its consideration is 10 days. If, after its expiration, the debtor has not received any notifications from the bailiffs, then he has every right to file a complaint with the court about the inaction of representatives of the executive branch. Such applications are not subject to state duty. The sample application requesting the lifting of the arrest must contain information about the number of the case on which proceedings are underway and the arrest was imposed. Here you also need to indicate how the debt obligations were repaid. It is important that this information is presented along with clarifications about the amount, date and method of repayment of the debt. At the end of the application, you must indicate a request within the framework of which you need to remove the seizure from an account in Sberbank or another financial organization. The basis for this may be the fact that existing debt obligations have been repaid.

A sample application can be viewed and downloaded here:

Seizure of a credit account or whether bailiffs can seize a credit card

Hello dear friends and work colleagues!

Very often, the following situation happens to our clients. Under one loan agreement, enforcement proceedings are initiated before one Bank. As part of enforcement proceedings, a credit account opened with another Bank is seized.

Naturally, in such a situation, a completely reasonable question is asked: Can bailiffs seize a credit card from a third-party Bank?

Our company has prepared for you a comprehensive answer to these questions for practical use.

Freeze of credit account

The seizure of the credit account occurs on the basis of a resolution of the bailiff. You need to understand this and not be confused when funds are written off from your account without acceptance at the pre-trial stage.

Still, these are different civil legal relations that require different ways protection of the rights of the Debtor! In this article we will consider the first option, when the seizure of a credit account occurs on the basis of a decision of a bailiff.

Can bailiffs seize a credit card?

The difficulty is that a bank card, be it a credit card or a salary card, has its own bank account. The bailiff issues a decision to seize bank accounts and sends this decision to the Bank.

Now, if at least one current account is opened in the Bank in the name of the Debtor, the Bank will be obliged to arrest him. Whether you want it or not, it will definitely happen. Fact! And there is nothing illegal here.

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