Sea unicorn. Independent socio-political portal Unicorn from Arctic waters 6

The object of fables and myths, the small polar whale narwhal, with a long, protruding tooth similar to the horn of an outlandish animal, has been known in Europe since the 17th century as the “unicorn of the sea.” This huge tooth, usually belonging to males, gave the narwhal its scientific Latin name, which can be translated into Russian as “one tooth, one horn.” Mistaken for the horn of the legendary unicorn, the narwhal tooth was once prized as a powerful antidote and medicine from many illnesses and diseases.

Narwhals are permanent inhabitants of the polar seas, found along the entire Arctic coast of Europe, Asia and America (their closest relative, the beluga whale, is quite common in the Kamchatka waters). Currently, there are three main herds of narwhals in the Arctic, the largest of which, numbering about 20 thousand animals, is confined to the waters of Greenland and the adjacent Canadian sector of the Arctic. Off the coast of Russia, these whales only occasionally appear in the Chukchi Sea, as well as in the area of ​​Novaya Zemlya and Franz Josef Land. Living at the edge of the ice, narwhals migrate to the open sea with advancing ice as winter approaches and return to the shore to feed in summer months. Their food consists mainly of polar cod, halibut, squid and shrimp. Although the narwhal is not considered an endangered animal, laws in all Arctic countries restrict hunting of it, even for local population. For example, Canadian Eskimo hunters are annually allocated a narwhal hunting limit of about 500 animals, which, moreover, are hunted only on a kayak (sea canoe) using a harpoon, since the customs of this people prohibit the use of boat motors and other achievements of progress when hunting narwhals. The Eskimos, the indigenous people of Greenland, have for many centuries traditionally eaten both narwhal meat and the skin with a subcutaneous layer of fat, which is very rich in vitamin C. Its concentration is sufficient to prevent scurvy, despite the Eskimos eating mainly meat.

Adult narwhals reach a length of 6 m and weigh more than one and a half tons. Both the male and female of this whale are born with two teeth protruding forward from the upper jaw. The male's left tooth, however, grows through the lip and protrudes forward like the bowsprit of a sailing ship. It spirals counterclockwise towards the end and can reach 3m in length and weigh over 8kg. In rare cases, narwhals are found with two such teeth. The large, immaculately pointed narwhal tooth is an enviable trophy and until recently sold for US$800-1,000. However, in the mid-80s, under pressure from defenders environment The import of narwhal teeth into many countries was banned and their prices fell sharply.

Female narwhals give birth to young every three years after a gestation period of approximately 15 months. At birth, narwhal cubs have a uniform dark gray color (adult animals are spotted) and measure about 1.5 m and 50-55 kg.

Research carried out in the 80s and 90s showed that narwhals, like many other whales, produce a range of different sounds: some of them serve as a means of communication between animals in the herd, others as echo signals for navigation and searching for food or other narwhals. The huge tooth of this whale is both a weapon and a symbol of male dominance in ritual demonstrations during the breeding season. Probably due to constant use, one out of every three adult males has such a tooth broken off along some length.

With the exception of humans, narwhals have few enemies in nature - only killer whales, deep-sea sharks and polar bears can hunt them.

And although fishing does not threaten narwhals today, increasing human development of the Arctic may upset the delicate balance in their habitats. Further study of the narwhal's lifestyle will help to better understand and protect this animal, one of the most unusual and fascinating inhabitants of the polar seas.

One of the 12 species of cetaceans listed in the Red Book of Kamchatka is a small polar whale with a rather extravagant appearance, called a narwhal or unicorn.

It is widespread in the waters of the Arctic Ocean along the Arctic coasts of Europe, Asia and America, but in winter time sometimes goes beyond the Arctic, penetrating quite far to the south. For example, in the Bering Sea, isolated finds of this whale in XIX-XX centuries noted in Karaginsky Bay and off the coast of the island. Bering.
Perhaps the most remarkable feature external structure The narwhal is an incredibly long, protruding tooth of its males that looks like the horn of a strange animal. It was he who gave this whale its scientific Latin name, which can be translated into Russian literally as “one tooth, one horn.” In Europe, the narwhal has been known since the 17th century as the “unicorn of the sea” and has been the subject of a number of myths and fables. Taken for the horn of the legendary unicorn, the narwhal tooth was highly valued as a powerful antidote and medicine for many ailments and diseases. It was believed that if you throw a piece of it into a glass of poisoned wine, it will change its color.
These small polar whales, whose adult size does not exceed 6 m and weighs 1.5 tons, are characterized by an elongated body and a round head with an asymmetrical skull. Narwhals do not have a dorsal fin, but instead a longitudinal and narrow fold of skin is barely noticeable. Body color changes with age. Being bluish-gray in newborn cubs, it first becomes almost black, then gradually becomes lighter again as it matures. In adult whales, the dorsal side and sides are dark with numerous brown spots, the abdominal side is light. Both male and female narwhals are born with just two small teeth protruding from their upper jaw. However, later the male's left tooth grows through the lip and sticks out forward like the bowsprit of a sailing ship. It is spirally twisted counterclockwise towards the end and can reach 3 m in length, 10 cm in diameter and weigh up to 8-10 kg. In rare cases, narwhals are found with two such teeth. Unfortunately, in the past, such jewelry often did its owner a disservice. A large, perfectly pointed narwhal tooth was an enviable trophy and sold for $800-$1,000 until the mid-1980s. However, then, under pressure from environmentalists, the import of the teeth of these whales into many countries was banned, and their prices fell sharply.
Narwhals are permanent inhabitants of the polar seas and usually live in small groups. According to available data, in the relatively recent past, these whales formed huge aggregations of several thousand animals in a number of Arctic regions. However, by the beginning of the 21st century, their numbers had noticeably decreased, and therefore today, mainly small groups of narwhals are found. Currently in Northern Arctic Ocean There are three main herds of these cetaceans, the largest of which is confined to the waters of Greenland and the adjacent Canadian sector of the Arctic. Off the coast of Russia, narwhals appear only occasionally in the Chukchi Sea, as well as in the area of ​​Novaya Zemlya and Franz Josef Land. Living near the edge of the ice, they migrate to open waters with advancing ice and return to the shore to feed during the summer months. Narwhals live in clearings among the ice, without fear of suffocation when the ice holes freeze. Their males break the ice, delivering sharp blows from below with their huge and powerful teeth. All members of the herd breathe through the punched holes. Probably due to constant use for this purpose, one out of every three adult males has a tooth broken off along some length. However, there is a hypothesis according to which the animal needs a narwhal tooth, covered with sensitive endings, to measure water temperature, pressure and other parameters of the aquatic environment that are no less important for life.
The main food for narwhals, which can hunt at a depth of more than a kilometer, is various fish (mainly polar cod and black halibut), squid and shrimp. Research carried out at the end of the last century showed that narwhals, like many other whales, produce a range of different sounds: some of them serve as a means of communication between animals in the herd, others as echo signals for navigation and searching for food or other narwhals. The reproduction of these polar whales has been studied rather poorly. Scientists believe that mating and childbearing occur throughout the year, as newborns and fetuses of varying sizes can be found in different seasons. The huge tooth of male narwhals is not only a weapon, but also a symbol of their dominance in ritual displays during the breeding season. Mature female narwhals typically give birth to just one calf every two to three years after a gestation period of nearly 15 months. The dimensions of a newly born whale are about 1.5 m and 50-55 kg.
Today, the narwhal is included in the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and various Red Books, therefore it is protected by the legislation of all countries of the Arctic region. For illegal hunting of this polar whale in our country, a fine of 83.5 thousand rubles is provided. Existing laws restrict hunting even for the local population. For example, the indigenous inhabitants of Greenland, the Canadian Eskimos, who for many centuries traditionally used meat and narwhal skin very rich in vitamin C with a subcutaneous layer of fat for food, were given an annual production limit of no more than 500 animals in the last decades of the 20th century. In addition, the customs of this people allow hunting unicorns of the Arctic seas only on a sea kayak using a harpoon, prohibiting the use of boat motors and other achievements of progress when hunting whales.
Although narwhals have few enemies in nature (only killer whales, polar sharks Yes, polar bears can hunt them), the increasing human exploration of the Arctic in recent decades can upset the fragile balance in the habitats of this polar whale and lead to a further reduction in its numbers. However, according to scientists, the existence of the narwhal is extremely important for the conservation of the biodiversity of the Arctic seas, since it plays an important role in the functioning of marine communities and the circulation of organic matter. They hope that further study will provide a better understanding of the lifestyle, and Taken measures guard - protect the unicorn of the arctic seas.

Inhabitant of the Arctic seas scientific name Monodon Linnaeus - Unicorn. This is the rarest whale in the world - mysterious creature ocean.

The narwhal has a large horn, a tusk, which makes the whale unique and special. In the male, the tooth turns into a spiral-twisted tusk (2-3 m long and weighing up to 10 kg).

The narwhal tusk is strong and flexible (can bend in any direction without breaking).

The remaining teeth in males and females do not develop into tusks (hidden in the gums). Broken tusks do not grow back, and the tooth canal of the lost tusk is closed with a bone filling.

None of the cetaceans (or mammals in the whole world) have anything like this.

Narwhal facts

The Narwhal population worldwide is only 45,000 - 30,000 individuals. There are no exact data. The animals are rare (monotypic species), their numbers are very small.

Narwhal loves to eat cephalopods, squid, shrimp, bottom fish (usually cod, stingrays, halibut, flounder, gobies).

A similar animal with a similar diet is Humpback Whales.

To meet a narwhal, you need to go to the waters of the Russian Arctic or to Atlantic Ocean. The animals have a habit of traveling around eastern Russia and off the coast of Greenland.

Narwhal is a slow animal. Most scientists agree that narwhals are slow-moving animals. But they can sail on high speed if they feel threatened by predators. The animals can dive to depths of 1.5 km (5,000 ft).

IN winter months Narwhals live under thick ice. When the summer season comes, they move towards the shore.

A group of narwhals is usually 6-10 individuals with cubs. Narwhals gather in large herds of 100-150 animals during the migration period.

Narwhals are social animals. They do not like loneliness: they travel in groups and are very talkative.

They communicate using sounds, just as beluga whales do.

When narwhals communicate with other group members, they will use Various types sounds. It can be whistling, trills, sighs, mooing, clicks, squeaks, gurgling.

The narwhal cleans its tusk by crossing with the tusks of other members of the group. This is a sign of teeth cleaning, friendly contact or a duel.

The mating season starts from March to May. The gestation period is 16 months. A female Narwhal produces 1 calf per litter. When a calf is born, it has Brown color bodies. The female gives birth to a calf every three years.

Lifespan of a narwhal whale natural nature- 55 years; and in captivity - 4 months. There are no known cases of narwhal breeding in captivity. This indicates that the narwhal does not accept restrictions on its freedom (it dies in captivity). It cannot be kept or bred in an aquarium or a marine farm.

The main hunters of the narwhal whale are killer whales and polar bears. Arctic sharks prey on baby narwhals. Man also loves to hunt narwhal.

The narwhal population is declining not only due to predators, but also due to climate change and pollution. They are vulnerable because food becomes limited.

The main mystery of narwhals remains their horn, their tusk. It has not been possible to establish exactly what its main function is.

One of the most latest versions that it is a sensory organ, a kind of locator. Perhaps, with its help, the animal evaluates the characteristics of water - temperature, flow speed, presence of suspended particles.

Sea unicorns keep their secrets well. And artists all over the world never tire of being inspired by their mysterious and unusual appearance.

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