Kim kardashian men. Kim Kardashian's husband wanted to commit suicide. Romantic Star Stories

Husband Kim Kardashian

Women of the Kardashian family are actually fatal. These devils with angelic faces will drive anyone who contacts them crazy! The example of the "fall" of West, husband of Kim Kardashian and father of her two children, is the most talked about today. For many months now, the artist has allowed himself strange antics that few could explain, and fans have long suspected that West's mental health is a little "naughty", and Kim herself asked her husband to see a doctor at the beginning of the year.

Something was first suspected when the hip-hop artist began to write strange messages on Twitter. Kanye compared himself to historical figures and stated that he is the most influential star of our time. (“I am 50% more influential than Stanley Kubrick, the Apostle Paul, fucking Picasso and Escobar. Dead or alive, I am more influential than any person in the world. And so it will be next thousand years. Don't mess with me"). Then he switched to insults: he wrote rude messages to ex-girlfriend Amber Rose, accusing her of not giving birth to a son from her husband, rapper Wiz Khalifa (although no one asked him).

Then Kanye admitted that he went into a big loss, having owed the banks $ 53 million, and asked for a loan from Mark Zuckerberg (although they don’t even know each other). Zuckerberg did not call, and Kanye once again decided to take it out on poor Taylor Swift, who, for some reason, regularly becomes the victim of Kanye's evil attacks.

All this went on for more than a year, and this month Kanye's affairs went very badly: the rapper could not cope with his condition and experienced a severe nervous breakdown. At a concert on November 20 in Sacramento, Kanye suddenly announced that Jay Z intended to kill him, cursed Beyoncé, innocent Mark Zuckerberg and left the stage. After the show, the artist was taken to the hospital, and forcibly and in handcuffs.

However, even in this gloomy situation there are bright sides: if the artist is diagnosed with a serious diagnosis (for example, psychosis), then he will have real chances to save the money lost on the tour, since this will be an insured event.

Lamar Odom

Khloe Kardashian's ex-husband

Last November, a famous basketball player was found unconscious in a Las Vegas brothel. It is reported that Lamar Odom took 10 Viagra tablets in a brothel and drank half a bottle of cognac. Sources also said that the athlete came to the brothel after a four-day binge. The man's condition was critical: he was in a coma for several days. The athlete was diagnosed with heart failure and serious problems with the lungs and kidneys. What happened to the basketball star shocked the entire American sports world. Friends and colleagues of the athlete are sure that the Kardashian family is to blame for the tragedy.

“Lamar's reputation is long dead, buried on the altar of reality TV. When Lamar met Khloe in 2009, he was an extraordinarily talented and hardworking athlete. Odom was focused on basketball, he was a brilliant player. But then he married Chloe, and his life became the property of the whole country, writes journalist Piers Morgan in his material about Lamar. Lamar tried to convince the Lakers that the reality show Keeping Up with the Kardashians had no effect on basketball, but nothing came of it. He began to play much worse, and in 2012 he was sold to another club. Since then, the guy's life has gone downhill. Arrests, drug treatment, divorce from his wife. He had a chance to return. But instead, he lies unconscious in a brothel. Who is to blame? The Kardashian family.

The irony is that Lamar fell in love with a life of endless shoots, photo shoots, premieres and social events, it was after he became a member of the Kardashian clan. And it was because of the betrayals of the basketball player, his addiction to drugs and alcohol that Chloe Kardashian filed for divorce.

Scott Disick

Husband of Kourtney Kardashian

Socialite photographer Scott Disick wound up on the blades of the family much earlier than Lamar and Kanye. He met Courtney in 2006. In less than ten years of relationship, the couple had three children, but the matter never came to the wedding. By her own admission, Courtney doubted whether she should marry Disick, due to changes in his character. From the moment he met the Kardashians, Scott began to hang out more and more often (and later to organize noisy parties himself) and, of course, to abuse alcohol and cocaine - he liked being a star. Last year, Courtney finally kicked the father of her children out of the house, but it was not parting that made the man change his mind. Disick went to rehab on his own after hearing about what happened to Lamar. According to rumors, now Courtney and Scott have reconciled and are even planning a fourth child. Maybe all the strength tests that have been endured have made a superman out of a man?

Bruce Jenner

Ex-husband Kris Jenner

Fotodom / Rex Features

But everyone was surpassed by the ex-husband of the mistress of the Kardashian clan, Chris Jenner, who left the family to become a woman! After coming out last summer, the little-known American track and field athlete Bruce Jenner was the talk of the world. Second husband Kris Jenner and father of her two youngest daughters Kylie and Kendall announced that he is embarking on hormone therapy and preparing to become a woman named Caitlyn. Many immediately began to accuse the former head of the Kardashian family of chasing cheap fame. After all, immediately after the sex change, Caitlin received her own reality show about her transformation. Like, a crazy leap into show business for a former athlete is nothing more than proof of his vanity.

Kardashian and - these two surnames are known to everyone far beyond the borders of the United States. It would seem, what should we care about the heroes of the reality show on the American TV channel E!, what do we care about the Kardashian Family, which has been living on American TVs since 2007? However, this family, and above all the Kardashians, daily excites the minds.

The world of fashion and beauty is literally absorbed by them: millions of advertising contracts are signed with them, they take first places at fashion shows and kiss on the cheek with them, they have the cutest kids and the coolest selfies. They get married and divorced, change sexes and have children, sue investment companies and sign advertising contracts, and every event is a sensation. What kind of family is this, in which there are no Nobel or Oscar winners (but there is one Olympic champion), but which every day is in the news?

The Kardashian family is the mother of the family, her children from her first marriage (three daughters and son Rob, who has been trying not to shine lately), Kris' ex-husband, Bruce Jenner, who changed sex a year ago and became a woman named , and two daughters born married to Chris. However, outside the brackets are other family members who, one way or another, also get into the news. Bruce's four children from his first two marriages, husbands and boyfriends of daughters - on the periphery of the universe called "Kardashians" there are still a bunch of people who are sucked into the center from time to time.

However, the center is six women with names beginning with the letter "K". And if you, like us, are tired of confusing Korti with Chloe, here is a family guide for you: read, understand, forget, finally.

Chris Jenner

Dan Hallman/AP

Reality shows, multimillion-dollar advertising contracts, magazine covers, cosmetic lines and stores - all this the girls would not have if it were not for the mind, entrepreneurial abilities and willpower of their mother. Eto figured out how to turn a joint into candy: the reality show Keeping Up with the Kardashians hit TV screens after a homemade porn tape that her daughter Kim had recorded with her then-boyfriend Ray-J hit the press.

In 2015, Kris Jenner, the show's executive producer, signed a $100 million deal with the channel over the next four years. But there is already a book and a video game dedicated to the family.

She started as a desperate housewife: at the age of 17, a girl from San Diego met Kardashian, a successful lawyer of Armenian origin. He was 11 years older than her and wanted to get married, but Chris wasn't ready, she wanted to see the world and all that. She worked as a flight attendant for a year, but by the 22nd she still gave up, married Rob and bore him four children. The marriage fell apart when Rob found out about his wife's infidelity, and the sweet life of a rich housewife from Beverly Hills immediately ended.

In 1990, Chris met Bruce Jenner, the 1976 Olympic champion - it was love at first sight. Having achieved an official divorce from her ex-husband (he died in 2003, but his name, as we see, lives on), Chris married Bruce and became his manager.

Together they released a video course of exercises, expanded the audience in front of which Bruce gave motivational speeches - in general, Chris promoted her husband as best she could. However, in 2015, Bruce announced a divorce. It is difficult to recover from such a blow, but Chris seems to have managed. Now she is the permanent “mommy”, as she is called, of the Kardashian family: it is she who arranges so that every daughter is in business. And each had several tens of millions of dollars.

Kourtney Kardashian

Scott Roth/AP

The eldest daughter of Chris and Rob, Courtney, born in 1979, is the most realistic and reasonable of all. Among the fans of the show, her audience is young working mothers. Courtney was the first of the sisters to become a mother, now she already has three children from Scott Disick. Her longtime partner, who never became her husband.

In July last year, the couple broke up - mainly because of the ugly behavior of Scott himself: for several months before parting, the tabloids were discussing with might and main photographs of Scott, in which he had fun with various beauties. In business, Courtney has no drama: she owns a chain of fashion stores DASH and develops fashion lines with her sisters.

Kim Kardashian

Matt Sayles/AP

Five years ago, decent people tried to ignore the existence of Kim Kardashian: they did not understand how a woman who is neither smart nor talented turned out to be a role model for hundreds of thousands of other women. However, she can no longer be ignored: Kim, who turns 36 this year, is still the heroine of girls who are more ready to invest in breast size than in education, but she sits with Anna Wintour at fashion shows, her Instagram is 64, 6 million subscribers, and her income for 2015 was $53 million.

How Kim's career as a reality TV star began, we already know. And she started as a stylist - and it shows.

Kim is a style icon for those who like tight dresses, 15 cm stilettos, Birkin bags and other gold-diamonds.

Together with her sisters, she owns fashion stores, designs, gives her name to cosmetic lines, lipsticks and sweets, and constantly posts photos on Instagram. Some even turn out to be sensational and talkative, like Kim's famous nude selfie.

Recently, talk about naked Kim has subsided, but rumors have spread about Kim's impending divorce from her husband Kanye West. However, perhaps these are all just rumors - after all, the couple has two lovely kids. That's just, it seems, the mother-in-law got it.

Khloe Kardashian

Richard Shotwell/AP

As a child, she dreamed of being a Victoria's Secret model, but the wings clearly do not suit her: Chloe is far from an angel. In her family, she has a reputation as the most frank and sharp-tongued sister: “Do you know why Kim is Googled the most in the world? Because she's googling herself!" is the most innocent thing Chloe can say.

Last year, her personal life was thrown into the public eye because her husband turned out to be an idiot. In October 2015, basketball player Lamar Odom, whom Chloe married in 2009, was found unconscious in a brothel in Nevada with an explosive mixture of drugs and Viagra in his blood. In December 2015, Chloe divorced, and since then, for some reason, there has been no news about her.

Caitlyn Jenner

Rich Fury/AP

For most of her life - until last year - Caitlyn lived as a man named, as we already know, Bruce Jenner. Olympic champion, decathlete Bruce Jenner in 1976 took gold for the United States at the Summer Olympics in Montreal - and all of America rocked him in their arms, because four years before that, in 1972, athletes from the USSR and the Americans got gold in the decathlon it was terribly embarrassing. The fact that he always wanted to be a woman, Bruce announced in April 2015, in June he already appeared in public as Caitlin.

Caitlin is now the most popular transgender woman in the world. She was shot for the cover of Vanity Fair, she was named “Woman of the Year” by Glamor magazine, she has her own show “I am Kate”, she signs advertising contracts with clothing and cosmetics manufacturers.

This year, Caitlyn is starring in the H&M campaign, and MAC is releasing the M∙A∙C Caitlyn Jenner Powder Pink Lipstick, available exclusively online in May 2016. Caitlin herself claims that the color of this lipstick will suit representatives of all ages, genders and races. All proceeds from the sale of the lipstick will be used to support the transgender initiative of the M.A.C AIDS Foundation to further work with transgender communities.

Kendall Jenner

Evan Agostini/AP

The most sought after model in the world, Kendall is modest, shy, shy, as if she is not a Kardashian at all (and she is not a Kardashian). Each Fashion Week ends in the press with a selection of the best catwalk looks of Kendall Jenner and her friend Gigi Hadid.

She has been participating in the show since the age of 11, she has been working in the modeling business since 15: she signed her first contract with the Wilhelmina agency in 2010. She diligently builds an independent career, but there is no escape from her family: Kim Kendall appears on Instagram quite regularly, and even more often than others. This year, as in the past, she is participating in an advertising campaign for Calvin Klein, and, together with her younger sister Kylie, is developing a clothing line for PacSun.

Kylie Jenner

Andy Kropa/AP

The youngest of the Kardashians, Kylie is a role model for teenagers. If your daughter dreams of matte lipstick to pout in it, if she dyed her hair pink, and spends half an hour every morning drawing eyebrows, it's because she has seen enough of Kylie's photos on Instagram.

Why, we ourselves have seen enough and now we also want pink hair and liquid matte lipstick.

In the wake of the “Kardashians in every home” fashion trend, Kylie is also taking part in the advertising campaign: sports brand Puma has signed a contract with her, and now the style icon for those under 18 has become the face of Puma's Fierce training shoe line for the SS16 season.

When it comes to loving celebrities, it's a sin not to remember the hottest girl in American show business - Kim Kardashian. Before meeting her rich and successful husband Kanye West, the fashion model managed to break the hearts of more than 20 guys and even got married twice.

Lovers Kardashian chose to match. Famous actors, musicians, singers and athletes added an important plus sign to Kim's status. And someone made the girl a star even before the release of "Keeping Up with the Kardashians"!

Who are these guys - read below.

Brandon Jenner, 1991

You will probably be very surprised to learn that Kim had her first relationship at 11 years old. The girl admitted that she really had feelings for her half-brother.

TJ Jackson, 1995

Kim has been friends with the singer since childhood. TJ was Kardashian's first love, they dated for 4 years.

Joey Lawrence, 1999

Kim's relationship with American actor Joey Lawrence lasted just under a year.

Damon Thomas, 2000

Music producer and first husband of Kim Kardashian. Their marriage lasted only 4 years: the girl said that Thomas constantly controlled her and even raised his hand to her.

Ray Jay, 2003

These relations are well remembered by the whole world. Kim rose to fame after releasing a spicy home video starring herself and Jay.

Nick Lachey, 2006

Roman Kim and the American pop singer lasted only a couple of months. Everyone was satisfied: Lache brightened up his loneliness after his divorce from Jessica Simpson, and Kardashian received a powerful impetus to fame.

Jason Terrell Taylor, 2006

The American rapper, better known by his stage name The Game, captured Kim's attention for just a couple of weeks in August 2006.

Nick Cannon, 2006

When Kim was dating actor Cannon, that scandalous tape of Ray Jay was leaked to the Internet. The couple broke up after dating for only a year.

Benji Madden, 2006

"Dating or not?" the press boomed. "Let's meet!" Kim confirmed. True, not for long.

Marquez Houston, 2007

A short but passionate affair between the stars quickly ended, without really flaring up.

Shad Moss, 2007

Kim also dated rapper Bow Wow for a short time, but during this time she did not have time to whitewash her reputation.

Evan Ross, 2007

The couple crossed paths in May 2007 and had a hot but short-lived romance until early summer.

Scott Storch, 2009

Kardashian hooked up with a music producer and regained media attention.

Reggie Bush, 2009

Crazy love with an NFL player turned into a 2-year romance.

50 Cent, 2009

Super-fast castling! A break with Reggie Bush, and a month later - a new boyfriend, the famous rapper Curtis Jackson aka 50 Cent.

Cristiano Ronaldo, 2010

Little is known about these relationships. Was it a boy?

Aleko Eskandaryan, 2010

The socialite drew attention to the football player after he took part in her reality show "Keeping up with the Kardashians".

Shengo Ding, 2010

The former bodyguard of the curvy diva, with whom Kardashian either converged or diverged for several years.

Miles Austin, 2010

Another NFL star on the Kardashian roster. Let only 3 months, but some, no, but relationships.

Michael Copon, 2010

An American actor whom Kim dated during the filming of Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

Gabriel Aubrey, 2010

Ex-boyfriend straight off the runway. A short-lived relationship, which, apparently, was well hidden from the paparazzi.

Chris Humphreys, 2011

73 days - this is how long the second marriage of Kim Kardashian and basketball player Kris Humphreys lasted. At least the girl showed off in a chic wedding dress.

Kanye West was lucky - his marriage to the telediva turned out to be more enduring than all of Kim's relationships put together. We hope not the last.

How do you find a pair of Kardashians - West? Perhaps the diva would have looked better next to another man?

Gathered track record of reality star Kim Kardashian. Her path to the man of her dreams was long and winding!

TJ Jackson, 1992-1996

Kim's first man was her childhood friend Tito Joe Jackson (or TJ), Michael Jackson's nephew (son of his older brother Tito). After two years of a teenage romance, Kim wanted a more serious relationship, as Kris Jenner told her mother. She always had a trusting relationship with her daughters, so Jenner helped Kim pick up birth control pills and answered her questions about sex.

Damon Thomas, 2000-2003

At 19, Kim Kardashian married television producer Damon Thomas. Kim hoped that Thomas would help her become famous, but family life turned out to be hell. Thomas beat his wife and, under fear of reprisals against relatives, forbade telling the family about the beatings. She required total submission. The husband told Kim who to communicate with, what to wear, where to go. Kim didn't dare go outside without his permission. Only 3 years later, Kardashian decided to run away and file for divorce.

Ray J, 2003-2006

The long-awaited popularity came to Kim after in 2007 her homemade sex tape with the famous rapper Ray Jay appeared on the Web. The recording was made at the beginning of the couple's relationship - immediately after Kim's divorce from her first husband. According to the star herself, the film was stolen - Kardashian even sued the company that distributed the video. However, in Hollywood, they no longer believe in the "leak" and call this sex scandal the calculation of Kris Jenner. The producer saw the hype flared up a year earlier around Paris Hilton, whose boyfriend leaked their intimate recording, and persuaded her daughter to share her recordings with her ex with the world. This was a great promo for the then-started show "Keeping up with the Kardashians".

Nick Lachey, 2006

There was a year left before the start of the iconic reality show. Kardashian really wanted to bathe in the glory of the then popular Nick Lachey, who had just divorced singer Jessica Simpson. The gap occurred when Lasha understood everything.

Nick Cannon, 2006

The comedian Nick Cannon, whom Kim met for several months, also became a victim of the constant deception of the beauty.

Reggie Bush, 2007-2009

5 years after breaking up with Kim, American football player Reggie Bush married an Armenian dancer, Lilith Avagyan. According to fans of Kim Kardashian, 30-year-old Lilith is her copy. What do you think? Reggie Bush with Lilith Avagyan

Miles Austin, 2010

Another American football player on Kim's list. They broke up due to the employment of both.

Gabriel Aubrey, 2010

Kim spent several weeks in the company of fashion model Gabriel Aubry, the ex-husband of actress Halle Berry, from whom she gave birth to a daughter.

Shengo Ding, 2010

Dean is Kim's former bodyguard from Australia, with whom she has been on and off. The last flash of passion occurred in 2010. Then Dean became the hero of the "Kardashian Family" - their bed scene was included in the show. Yes, Kim did it again! But this time there were no intimate details: the guys allowed the operator to just peep at them through the window. The episode aired when Kim - oops! - already met with her future second husband.

Chris Humphreys, 2010-2011

The marriage of Kim Kardashian and basketball player Kris Humphreys broke up 72 days after a luxurious wedding. The wife filed for divorce, citing "irreconcilable differences." For Humphreys, it was like a bolt from the blue. For several months he unsuccessfully tried to return his wife, but in the end he agreed to an annulment of the marriage and complained that he had become a victim of the Kardashian TV show. The divorce was finalized in the summer of 2013. Kardashian was already pregnant by Kanye West at the time.

Kanye West

Mr. Big of our heroine, the love of her life and the father of her children. They first met when Kim was having an affair with Ray Jay. Kanye was also not free - he met with the singer Sumeke. Kim admitted: "There was definitely a spark between us." However, all the following meetings between Kim and Kanye always happened "a little bit at the wrong moment" when they were both not free. However, in 2009, when Kim met with Reggie Bush, the guys still gave vent to feelings. Kanye then had an affair with model Amber Rose, who claims that Kim sent candid photos to her boyfriend. It is not known why Kim and Kanye, having both gone through a breakup, did not start dating. According to Kim, she was waiting for the first step from West, but he did not call, and she began to get ready to marry Chris Humphreys. How it ended, we already know. But Kim's third attempt was successful. In June 2013, the Kardashians and West had a daughter, North, and a year later they played a luxurious wedding in Florence. Now the couple have two daughters, a son and $ 335 million for two.

Scandals and controversy around the personality of Kim Kardashian have not stopped since her appearance on the family reality show. From the first day, as the actress began her successful career, media attention is literally riveted to her. However, the public is interested not only in the stellar life of a socialite. One of the most interesting episodes from the biography of Kim Kardashian was her husbands. In truth, gossip and condemnation concern all members of the opposite sex Kim, who at least briefly stayed with her in a relationship. But open statements can only be made officially about the legalized relationship of a participant in a sensational filming.

Damon Thomas is Kim Kardashian's first husband

Before being famous, Kim Kardashian married popular producer Damon Thomas. Their marriage lasted 4 years. As it turned out, the girl was exposed almost from the very beginning. Her husband constantly inflicted moral and physical injuries on her. But, oddly enough, it was Thomas who initiated the divorce.

Husband #2 Kris Humphreys and the Kardashians

It took a long 7 years before Kim Kardashian was able to move away from her relationship with her ex-husband. Although during this period she changed men like gloves. In late 2010, Kim increasingly began to appear in public with the player of the basketball team "New Jersey Net" Chris Humphreys. In the spring of 2011, the couple officially sealed their relationship. However, as it turned out, this union for Kardashian was just a way to make money, as well as almost all of her other relationships. 72 days after the marriage ceremony, the couple filed for divorce. It is impossible to hide the fact that the whole Kardashian family, which initially treated the thug-husband negatively, was infinitely happy about the split of the union of Kim and Chris.

Kim Kardashian's current husband is Kanye West

The most fruitful and, it seems, happy marriage for Kim Kardashian was her union with rapper Kanye West. Rumor has it that their relationship began in 2011. However, the wedding ceremony took place in 2013, when Kim and West already had a little daughter. Today, the couple is expecting a baby again.

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