New life of the musician of the group Uma2rman: Sergei Kristovsky left his wife and four children. Kristovsky’s ex-wife: “It seemed to me that I was on a stool, and my husband was straightening a noose around my neck. Uma Thurman Krestovsky personal life

Many remember well how at the end of 2013 it became known that the leader of the Uma2rman group Vladimir Kristovsky left his wife and four daughters for the sake of the young actress Olga Pilevskaya. The musician willingly filmed his new beloved in his own music videos, took him to social events and even introduced him to his daughters - Uma, Mia, Stanislava and Yasmin. I wonder what new darling the singer was found mutual language with his children and they got along well. But Vladimir’s ex-wife herself experienced this story more difficult than others. After the high-profile divorce, Valeria Kristovskaya admitted in an interview with journalists that it was not easy for her to realize that the man with whom she had been married for 17 years and to whom she gave four charming children could prefer another woman to her. After some time, Kristovsky’s ex-wife told StarHit about how she experienced this period and what tremendous support she received from friends and daughters.

“Friends began introducing me to lonely friends, sending me their photos and “resumes” by email, as if I was recruiting staff,” Valeria told StarHit. - My best friend Zhenya almost “picked” for me a handsome brunette of about forty with a laptop right in the restaurant. She noticed and began to roll her eyes expressively - look! I was angry: “Zhen, stop.” She turned around: “Sorry!” - and he already pecked: “It’s amazing that you are alone here.” We had lunch and... said goodbye. Like a brand married woman has not yet been erased from my forehead. I decided to try my luck on the Internet - and received a bunch of offers to have sex. People have no thoughts, no sense of humor... And I deleted my profile on the dating site: virtual games are not for me.”

Quite soon, Vladimir Kristovsky married Olga Pilevskaya. Apparently, a complete idyll reigns in the relationship between the lovers - Vladimir and Olga have more than once admitted to journalists that they are very happy and have big plans for the future. By the way, the ex-wife of the leader of the group Uma2rman managed to arrange her own personal life only now, almost two years after Vladimir left the family. Lera previously talked about her relationship with 31-year-old businessman Vadim, but, apparently, this union eventually broke up.

Already today, in the Tushinsky registry office of the capital, Valeria Kristovskaya married her beloved Denis Pavlov. Only Lera’s daughters, Yasmin, Uma, Mia and Stanislava, were present at the wedding ceremony. For the painting, the couple chose unconventional outfits. Kristovskaya wore trousers and a white sleeveless blouse, while her boyfriend chose to wear a white T-shirt, blue jeans and sports sneakers. In a word, the newly-made spouses were more worried not about outfits, but about making sure that this long-awaited event in their lives would finally take place. Photos taken at the entrance to the registry office after the wedding were shared on the microblog eldest daughter Vladimir and Lera Kristovsky. The girl made it clear that she was happy for her mother, and by the general mood of everyone wedding photos it is not difficult to guess that Lera’s other daughters warmly welcomed her chosen one into the family.

Ex-wife Uma2Rman soloist Vladimir Kristovsky, Valeria Rimskaya, got married for the second time. Not much is known about Valeria’s chosen one: his name is Denis Pavlov, before the wedding the couple was in a relationship for less than a year.

Valeria Rimskaya and Denis Pavlov

The marriage registration took place yesterday at the Tushinsky registry office. Unlike “standard” brides, Valeria was not dressed in a fluffy floor-length dress, but in a white blouse, simple jeans and sneakers. However, the groom also refrained from officialdom, appearing on the threshold of the registry office in a T-shirt with the image of the British Queen Elizabeth.

Denis Pavlov began an ordeal with white children and one white woman with tattoos,

One of the wedding photos was signed by Valeria’s eldest daughter, Yasmin Kristovskaya. In addition to Yasmin, among the wedding guests were her three sisters - Uma, Mia and Stanislava. Vladimir Kristovsky, with whom Valeria was married for 17 years and gave birth to four daughters, did not come to the celebration.

Let us remember that Kristovsky himself got married for the second time a year ago. His chosen one was model and actress Olga Pilevskaya, who can be seen in the Uma2Rman videos “Dance, Muse!”, “Olya from the Network” and “Pour Me.” Olga, like Denis, became friends with Vladimir’s daughters and often posts pictures of their joint walks on Instagram.

Valeria Rimskaya with daughters and husband

“Even though I left the family, the girls know that dad is always there.” The five of us can go to the dacha or take a walk in a friendly group. We have something to do together. And with Olya (Kristovsky’s new wife - TN note), the children quickly found a common language. I settled five minutes from the house where the girls live, and I often come to visit them. I adore my daughters and try to spend as much time with them as possible.

— Children know: dad is always there. The five of us can go to the dacha or take a walk in a friendly group. We have something to do together. With daughters Stasya, Uma and Yasya/Yulia Khanina

Babysitting for children is a common thing for Vladimir. He nursed his first daughter, Yasya, from the cradle.

— Yasmin was born when we were still living in Nizhny Novgorod. Lera worked on the radio, left early morning and returned at about four o'clock in the afternoon. And I earned money by performing songs in a local canteen, and they were waiting for me there in the late afternoon. Therefore, we raised Yasya on a rotational basis.

In the morning my daughter and I got up, I cooked porridge for her, then we played and went for a walk. At the playground I knew all the mothers in our area and all the children by name. And after the walk, Yasya and I sat on the swing, from which we had a good view of the road, and waited for our mother to leave work.

I still try to influence its development. Recently, seeing Yasi’s interest in drawing, he suggested a wonderful direction - graffiti. Today, a popular art form is when artists depict three-dimensional paintings, all sorts of abysses or pools on walls and asphalt. Firstly, it’s very beautiful, and secondly, you can make real money from this.

Because of constant touring, I couldn’t devote as much time to the other girls as I did to Yaska. But, of course, he also took part in their upbringing. It's amazing how different they turned out. Now I already know for sure that a person is born with his own character.

“It’s amazing how different my girls turned out.” Now I know for sure that a person is born with his own character. With daughters Uma, Stasya, Mia and cat Boo/Yulia Khanina

The youngest, Uma, fully lives up to her name - she is smart. She started speaking earlier than the other sisters. And since then he has been speaking quite coherently, sometimes expressing childish thoughts about life.

Mia is a kind and simple-minded child. She never cries to pity her parents or to cheat. If I see tears in Miechka’s eyes, it means she’s really hurt or someone really offended her. She is a fighter, and this quality appeals to me. And she is always hungry - she can walk around the table all day. The appetite is excellent. So we gave her to tennis- let him spend the accumulated energy.

Stasya is very gentle, a real princess. He can't stand rudeness at all. Sometimes I could lightly spank one of my daughters on the bottom as punishment, but not Stasya. It was enough to just look at her sternly - and she was already in tears. I think she is the most creative of all my girls. IN early childhood I drew a giraffe and depicted something inside it. "What is this?" - we ask. “This is the giraffe and his inner peace,” she replied. Other children are interested in the question: “How many days can a person live without water and food?” And Stasya formulated it this way: “How long can a person live without something soft?” I think she will become an actress.

By the way, Stasya and all the other daughters of Kristovsky have already gained acting experience: together with their dad they starred in the film “Date”.

— There they played themselves, that is, my daughters. The girls had two days of filming, and after the first they said in unison: “We’re not doing movies anymore!” It turned out that it was very difficult to sit on set for several hours in a row, waiting until you were invited to be on camera for two minutes. But at the end of filming, a surprise awaited my actresses: they were owed a fee. We immediately went from the site to the store, and there they had a blast, buying all sorts of dolls to their heart's content.

There are a huge number of dolls in a house where four girls live. But Vladimir feels very confident talking with his daughters about Barbie and unicorns.

— I have a lot of experience as a father, during which time I managed to learn the names of all the princesses, witches and creepy scarecrows called “Monster High”, which Lately in favor with all girls in the world. Sometimes, however, I hear new words appear in their vocabulary, and then I say: “So, let’s figure it out, these Lala-Loopsies of yours - who are they?” My daughters fill the gap in my knowledge, and we move on with our lives in peace.

However, this does not mean that in the Kristovsky family, Lala Loopsies appear on demand.

“We try to explain to children that money is hard to come by, so that they understand the value of the things we buy them. That's why they receive gifts on holidays. And when you point your finger, you say: “I want!” and then you get it - it’s not even interesting.

— I settled five minutes from the house where the girls live. And I often go to visit them. With the bulldog Tapka/Yuliya Khanina

I’m generally silent about gadgets. Children are all on their phones, they don’t see normal life. Fortunately, my daughters find real reality more interesting than virtual reality. For example, they love going to an eco-farm. They feed the piglets with delight and learn to milk cows. The idea of ​​starting my own farm came to my mind a long time ago. We already have chickens living in our dacha - I have an incubator there and the chicks are hatching. And at home we eat organic scrambled eggs. In the spring I want to buy a cow and rams. I’ll try to make my own dairy products: sour cream, cottage cheese, butter. In general, I would love to move to a dacha, but, as you know, I don’t have such an opportunity yet.

— On February 27, we will gather fans at the Crocus City Hall to celebrate our anniversary. I think there won’t be any special regulations for the concert, just everyone who wants to will go on stage and sing. We can even pour you something hot so you don’t feel embarrassed! Let's remember everything and have fun.

It won’t be long before Vladimir’s hands reach the farm. After the New Year, the “Three Chords” project will begin on Channel One, in which he takes part.

- My name was in various projects, but neither the circus show nor ice dancing attracted me - that’s not my thing. And I was very happy when my dream project appeared on television. In “Three Chords” I and nine other participants sing songs that fall under the definition of “chanson”. Courtyard, bard, those that I grew up with, which I performed many years ago, working in a restaurant. And if my friends and I get together in a group, we sing them. So for me this show is just a holiday. Of course, the project has a high-ranking jury: Alexander Rosenbaum, Alexander Novikov, Vyacheslav Dobrynin. We are being judged, but that doesn’t matter: I didn’t go there for results, but for pleasure.

In addition, the musician is busy preparing the band’s big anniversary concert.

Surely the group's friends will also remember Volodya Kristovsky's luxurious curly hair, which he flaunted as soon as he arrived in Moscow.

— By the way, my daughters don’t remember me like that, but they remember me very well how I once shaved my beard. It was on vacation. I rode a motorcycle for a whole month, traveled from Russia to Italy and, since I didn’t have to go out in public, I tried to remove my facial hair. I came to visit my children in Bulgaria - they were vacationing at the seaside there. “How scary you are!” - the girls said when they saw my unusually smooth cheeks. I did not conduct any more such experiments.

Kristovsky is sure: no matter how the relationship between the spouses develops, this should not affect the child in any way.

“My girls know for sure that I adore them: if anything happens, I’m always there, I’ll help, I’ll support them in everything.” And if someone offends my beauties, there is no doubt: I will tear anyone to pieces with my bare hands!

“The heart of beauties is prone to betrayal and change, like the wind of May.” In fact, the opinion of not only beauties, but also handsome men, is changeable. And as practice shows, men more often leave their faithful ones for other chosen ones - young and charming. the site remembers actors and singers

“The heart of beauties is prone to betrayal and change, like the wind of May.” In fact, the opinion of not only beauties, but also handsome men, is changeable. And as practice shows, men more often leave their faithful ones for other chosen ones - young and charming. the site recalls actors and singers who decided to radically change their personal lives.

Fedor Bondarchuk

From left to right: Svetlana and Fyodor Bondarchuk, Paulina Andreeva. Photo:

This spring, the famous director and his wife Svetlana announced their divorce. The star couple lived together for 25 years and raised two children: son Sergei and daughter Varvara, who is in a foreign clinic. According to the ex-spouses, they broke up on good terms, without offense, scandals or complaints, they simply stopped being a couple, but remained friends. About no new woman there was no question in Bondarchuk’s life. On the contrary, rumors appeared online that it was Svetlana who cheated on her husband. Over time, the name of Paulina Andreeva, a young actress from St. Petersburg, became louder and louder in the social circle. Bondarchuk and Andreeva did not comment in any way on the romance attributed to them, and then decided to amaze the public by appearing “in Sochi. Now the couple is preparing for the wedding, although the director’s children do not really approve of the new person in their family, so the date of the ceremony remains in question. And as for Svetlana, socialite is also not going to get bored and suffer from loneliness. In an interview with one of the publications, she stated that next to a mature woman there should be a young man who can cope with her desires. Well, let's wait!

Married: 25 years, two children
Fyodor Bondarchuk: 49 years old
Svetlana Bondarchuk: 47 years old
Paulina Andreeva: 27 years old

Konstantin Meladze

Konstantin Meladze, Vera Brezhneva. Photo:

Rumors about a romance between Vera Brezhneva and the producer arose back in 2002, when the blonde beauty had just joined the VIA Gra group. The relationship really took place, but Konstantin for a long time hid them and lived with his wife Yana. It was not until 2013 that the couple divorced after two years of thoughts and discussions. As the producer’s ex-wife herself said, she found out about the betrayal in 2005, but was pregnant youngest child and was able to forgive this temporary weakness to the man. And two years later I was already sure that my husband was living double life, and even called Vera Brezhneva from her husband’s phone, trying to get to the bottom of the truth. However, the star denied the close relationship between her and her mentor, admitting everything only 6 years later. How do ex-partners live now? Yana met a new man whom she loves and respects. And Konstantin and Vera in October last year.

Married: 19 years, three children
Konstantin Meladze: 53 years old
Yana Meladze: 40 years old
Vera Brezhneva: 34 years old

Valeriy Meladze

From left to right: Irina and Valery Meladze, Albina Dzhanabaeva. Photo:

Valery and Irina met as students and lived together for almost 25 years. But not all of their life together was happy. But the lovers faced many trials. Perhaps the most severe shock happened at the beginning of their family life: the couple lost a child. The son lived only 10 days and died in intensive care. Later, three daughters were born in the family: Sophia, Arina and Inga. And then another woman appeared in the singer’s life. Valery hid the relationship for a long time and, even after admitting to cheating on his wife, did not want to reveal the name of his new passion. It turned out that the star’s chosen one was his backing vocalist, and later the lead singer of the VIA Gra group, Albina Dzhanabaeva. In 2004, the red-haired singer gave birth to her beloved son, Konstantin, and 10 years later, another child, Luka. Also in 2014, the couple Irina and Valery officially divorced. Now she says that she has forgiven ex-husband and even grateful to him for leaving the family. However, the situation between Irina and Valery remains difficult - the daughters do not want to see Meladze’s sons from Albina, and for the singer one of the main goals is harmony and friendship between the younger generation.

Married: almost 25 years, three children
Valery Meladze: 51 years old
Irina Meladze: 46-49 years old
Albina Dzhanabaeva: 37 years old

Vladimir Kristovsky

From left to right: Vladimir Kristovsky, Olga Pilevskaya, Valeria Rimskaya. Photo: instagram

“You will burn in hell, Kristovsky,” - with these words the ex-wife said goodbye to the singer. 17 years of marriage ended, according to the musician, due to the fact that the relationship turned into friendship. Singer like creative person, several times over family life he fell in love with other women, suffered, wrote songs, which his wife also knew about. Vladimir constantly disappeared at concerts, even running away from the maternity hospital after the birth of his fourth child to work. Ultimately, such a relationship turned into divorce. This breakup was not easy, there were quarrels, scandals and even a nervous breakdown, after which the leader of the group “Uma2rman” came to his senses in one of the German clinics. After the breakup, Kristovsky settled not far from the house where Valery’s ex-wife and his daughters lived, which greatly surprised the woman. Now Vladimir is married to actress and model Olga Pilevskaya, and Valeria married designer Denis Pavlov, with whom she was in a relationship for less than a year.

Married: 17 years, four children
Vladimir Kristovsky: 40 years old
Valeria Rimskaya: 38 years old
Olga Pilevskaya: 28 years old

Sergey Kristovsky and Natalya Zemtsova. Photo:

Just as the Meladze brothers left their women, let’s say, together, so the Kristovsky musicians supported each other on a difficult path. Sergei Kristovsky, bass guitarist of the band Uma2Rman, who has always carefully concealed his personal life, recently surprised the public. In June 2016, Kristovsky the elder married the star of the series “The Eighties” Natalya Zemtsova. A modest celebration for the closest ones took place in Spain. It is known that the lovers began a relationship when Sergei was still married. The musician met his new passion after a concert in Minsk, and at first he friendly invited the girl to the cinema and restaurants. As Natalya says, she did not fight for the man’s love and did not try to take him away from the family. Over time, Kristovsky himself made this decision, and in 2014 Zemtsova gave him a son.

Married: 20 years, four children
Sergey Kristovsky: 44 years old
Natalia Kristovskaya: 40+ years
Natalya Zemtsova: 28 years old

Evgeniy Tsyganov

From left to right: Irina Leonova, Evgeny Tsyganov, Yulia Snigir. Photo: still from the film “It’s Not Harmful to Dream”/

It just so happened that all the men in this collection left their companions with at least two children. But Evgeniy is the clear leader in this nomination. In 2015, he broke off relations with actress Irina Leonova, who was pregnant with her seventh child. After leaving the family, the actor was credited with various connections, for example, with actress Yulia Peresild. But journalists were able to catch Tsyganov with his real passion - Yulia Snigir - near the apartment that the actor rented for lovers. This spring - and Tsyganov's eighth child. According to sources close to the artist, Evgeniy maintains contact with his former partner, visits the children and helps them financially.

Married: 10 years civil marriage, seven children
Evgeniy Tsyganov: 37 years old
Irina Leonova: 37 years old
Yulia Snigir: 33 years old

Who else

Singer Dominic Joker (35 years old) left his wife Albina and two sons for the sake of a participant in the show “The Voice”, singer Ekaterina Kokorina (28 years old).

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan (80 years old) fell in love with 34-year-old pianist Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya and divorced his wife after 40 years of marriage.

The star of the series “Streets of Broken Lights” Sergei Selin (55 years old) divorced his wife Larisa in 2009 after 21 years life together and left at that time for his 25-year-old beloved Anna.

Selina’s colleague, another “cop” Mikhail Trukhin, left his wife Lyubov with two children and went to a girl who is 14 years younger than him.

Member of the A’Studio group, 58-year-old Baygali Serkebaev, started new passion- a model who is barely 30 years old.

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