New weapons in the American army. American weapons of a new generation. Modern US weapons. But we have something

List of weapons that will provide greatest influence on the conduct of military operations over several decades, compiled by former Canadian Intelligence Service analyst Michael Cole. A list of five types of weapons, already in operation or just being developed, was published by The National Interest. The author of the article immediately notes that the list is inherently incomplete, since it is problematic to take into account all aspects. For example, a fifth-generation combat aircraft is a powerful force, but in some situations it may turn out to be completely useless. It can hardly be called an effective weapon against small ground brigades armed with machine guns. And yet, the expert writes, there are weapons that determine development and set new trends in military operations. Invisibility cloak". Scientists have made great progress in creating reflective materials that can significantly reduce the visibility of objects. And although there is a lot of skepticism around such developments, according to Cole, “adaptive camouflage” may well claim to be effective in combat conditions. Such camouflage will allow fighters to operate unnoticed on enemy territory, or at least gain enough time to occupy advantageous positions. In addition, it reduces the risk of losses during operation time , while simultaneously increasing the ability to deliver unexpected blows to the enemy. Invisibility cloaks will pose a serious danger if they fall into the possession of illegal military formations. Electromagnetic rail guns. The installation, which has been in development since 2005, has demonstrated the ability to deliver a projectile at a speed of about 7,000 kilometers per hour to a distance of more than 185 kilometers. The technology provides several advantages in both offensive and defensive operations. Even the most advanced air defense system cannot withstand a railgun, for example. In addition, such weapons eliminate the need to store dangerous explosive and flammable materials, since the shot occurs due to an electromagnetic field. According to the expert, the US Navy hopes to increase the range of the “electric gun” to 370 kilometers. But one salvo in this case will require six million amperes; scientists are unlikely to be able to quickly find a way to generate such a charge. We will have to rack our brains over the materials from which the tools will be made. Space weapons. The analyst calls the capabilities of weapons deployed in space limitless and monstrous. Many of the technologies that major countries are working on will forever be relegated to science fiction novels, but there are also those that may well exist in reality and have a major impact on the nature of war. One of them is the placement of orbital vehicles with nuclear or non-nuclear emitters of electromagnetic pulses. An attack from such satellites can be aimed at electrical networks, command centers, control, communications, surveillance and reconnaissance systems necessary for military operations. Depending on the size of the emitters, a cosmic impact can cover the entire country or part of its territory. Theoretically, it is almost impossible to react to such an attack and prevent it. Weapons of this type can end a war before the first shot is fired between the warring parties on Earth. Another technology that military developers are interested in is using high-energy space lasers to intercept ballistic missiles as they launch. Such systems are many times more effective than ground-based missile defense systems. The willingness to finance expensive programs to create space interceptors, according to the expert, will grow in the near future despite the fact that many technical problems must be solved to develop laser systems. It is worth noting here that Russia has practically solved these problems. And the fact that the Russian army already has combat lasers in service is also a fact. Hypersonic missiles. Cruise missiles have had an enormous impact on modern warfare. But in an era when the outcome of a battle can be decided in minutes, this type of weapon is beginning to become obsolete. For example, cruise missiles launched in 1998 from US ships in the Arabian Sea against militant targets in Afghanistan reached their targets in 80 minutes. For hypersonic warheads, this would take only 12 minutes. In the United States, the development of such weapons has been ongoing since 2001 under the Prompt Global Strike program. As the author of the list notes, Russia, China and India have made great strides in creating such tools. The effectiveness of hypersonic warheads is extraordinary; attempts to intercept them will most likely fail. The missiles can be aimed both at disabling command and control facilities and at defeating mobile ground formations. Just look at the Russian Avangard complex, which moves at a speed of 24,000 km. per hour in dense layers of the atmosphere. Drones. The emergence of intelligent unmanned vehicles Michael Cole calls the most important event in the defense industry over the past decade. Already today, drones are taking on tasks that were traditionally performed by humans. Human intervention in the operation of such technology is still required, but scientists are expanding the boundaries of artificial intelligence, and the capabilities of machines are growing. In the near future, robotic systems will become weapons that are much more effective in many respects compared to soldiers - in particular, in terms of reaction speed and decision-making. Another advantage of transferring the combat role to machines is the reduction in costs of training, maintaining soldiers, and paying compensation in the event of their injury or death. In addition, the analyst believes, the proliferation of drones reduces the psychological threshold for the use of force. Different countries will work to make automated combat systems more “free” - the side with weapons that require the least human intervention will have an advantage in the conflict. And that’s all, Zefer was with you and see you again!

Not so long ago, gave birth to another masterpiece on small arms and weapons topics called “ American experience and Russian machine guns" In all articles Ribbons on this topic, domestic weapons are given a second role, but the leading role is in technology, in promising developments, and now experience, is given over to Western weapons thought, and, first of all, American. Many well-known personalities in the media space, from bloggers to weapons manufacturers, are noted for their uneven breathing towards the West, but when this uneven breathing is superimposed on outright illiteracy in the topic being covered, and even with a poorly disguised disdain for domestic achievements, this is too much.

Author of the article with the subtitle “Why does the Russian Guard need an assault machine gun?” makes it clear that he will not ask anyone “why”, he will explain to everyone why. Let’s say the author is on topic, but what is an “assault” machine gun? And how does it differ from manual, machine or aircraft? Anyway, state standard weapons terms 28653-90, the term “assault” does not recognize either rifles, machine guns, or pistols. Okay, weapons terms can be forgiven with due leniency, but how should we approach this: “The Marines purchased several thousand Hecklers to replace the M249 in a number of their units, from where the most complimentary reviews".

What, excuse me, reviews? It must be assumed that a new adjective in the Russian language was created from the word “compliment”. Okay, but then in what context should we consider it? For example, I can tell my object of adoration such compliments about her merits that she has no idea about, but she will immediately become more accommodating. But I won't get distracted.

“In Russia, two new light machine guns of 5.45 mm caliber are being tested at once. One was developed at ZiD by order of the Russian Guard, the other was an initiative development of the Kalashnikov concern, which the military became interested in. In the early 2000s, a similar concept was developed for the United States Marine Corps.”

This is about " special weapons for fighting in urban areas and enclosed spaces,” and which must be able to quickly replace the barrel and combined power supply - machine-gun belt and standard AK-74/RPK-74 magazines.

What is so special about urban and indoor combat that it requires combined power and quick barrel changes? Increased fire density? IN indoors? The giraffe is big. The main and obvious thing is that the requirements for the new machine gun are:

largely reproduce the concept of the famous FN Minimi machine gun from the Belgian company FN Herstal.

RP-46, created by A.I. Shilin, P.P. Polyakov and A.A. Dubinin based on the earlier Degtyarev DPM machine gun. The feed from the belt in this machine gun was carried out through an adapter inserted into the receiving window of the receiver.

Czech machine guns CZ 52 and CZ 52/57 (Czech designations vz.52 vz.52/57), differing in the type of cartridge used - Czech 7.62x45 or Soviet 7.62x39 and adopted for service in 1952 and 1957, respectively. Perhaps really the first machine guns with combined nutrition.

Experienced Korobov machine gun - belt-magazine fed TKB-516M, which participated in the competition of 1955-1958.

In 1971, on the instructions of the GRAU of the USSR Ministry of Defense, development work began on the topic “Poplin”.

Many things that seem obvious to us in familiar designs actually go through many years of elaboration in calculations, prototypes and tests. The amount of work that goes into waste is many times greater than the output of the finished solution. Often the very formulation of the task before the developer is vague and carries a large amount of uncertainty that needs to be eliminated so that it becomes clear - what do we want? Works on the theme “Poplin” are a classic example of this situation.

The need to create a machine gun with a belt feed or with the possibility of a combined one, as an element of increasing overall efficiency, had to be tested in conjunction with the main issue - determining the tactical niche of such a model in common system weapons.

The task on the topic was set as increasing combat effectiveness by 1.5 times in relation to the RPK-74. I have already written about what the coefficient 1.5 is and why it cannot be 1.4.

The creation of a machine gun with combined power supply was only one of three solutions to the problem. The other two related to modifications to the RPK-74 itself. This was the development of high-capacity magazines similar to drum magazines for the RPK and disk magazines for the DA, and an adapter device similar to the adapter for the RP-46. The design of the machine gun, while working on it, evolved from a layout with a receiver on the left side and a magazine at the bottom (PU, PU-1) to a layout with a top receiver and a magazine on the left (PU-2, PU-21), together with the concept from " magazine-fed machine gun with the ability to use a belt" to a "belt-fed machine gun, in which if necessary, you can use the store" By the way, the Belgians came to the same opinion. The M249 SAW instruction manual states:

“As an emergency measure, 20 and 30 round magazines can be used in SAW...”

At the meeting on the results of the “Poplin” topic, the head of the Department small arms GRAU Major General Smolin said that “GRAU sees no point in returning to high-capacity magazines.” Obviously there were complaints against them regarding the experience of operating the RPK in terms of reliability. It was not for nothing that it was equipped with two 75-round magazines and eight 40-round box magazines. And the weight and size characteristics were not in favor of the drums. Compare the weight of the RPK with an equipped drum magazine - 6.8 kg, with a box magazine - 5.6 kg. The difference is 1.2 kg per 35 rounds. Or the weight of ammunition for 300 rounds in four drums is 6 kg and 4.2 kg for 320 rounds in eight box magazines.

As for the tape, its use in a light machine gun has its drawbacks. Changing a belt takes longer than changing a magazine. The value of this resource especially increases in conditions of combat operations with increased dynamics, for which, in theory, an “assault” machine gun is created. Changing the tape requires more manipulation, which means there is more room for error. In any case, at the mentioned meeting not a word was said about the tape at all. Apparently, the customer saw the modernization of the RPK at the end of the work. The machine gun was tested at TsNIITochmash, which issued a conclusion based on the latest improvements on the possibility of bringing its reliability to the level of technical requirements. At the Rzhev training ground, in addition to the tactical and technical characteristics, it was necessary to determine the tactical niche for the launcher, but at the conclusion of the training ground not a word was said about this.

R&D on the topic “Poplin” ended with a negative result. But with what a wonderful negative result! I will mention one fact that the vast majority of readers will remain indifferent. One of the indicators of an automatic weapon that characterizes its reliability is the stability of the bolt frame speed in the rear position. Since with belt feeding part of the energy of the bolt frame is spent on pulling the belt, ensuring equal speeds for both types of feeding without using a gas regulator is a very difficult task, and only specialists who know a lot about the solution can truly evaluate its solution engineering problems. In the PU-21 machine gun, the difference in speed between the bolt frame and the magazine was only 0.2-0.4 m/s, which ensured equal power reliability for both types. And this is how the phrase from the manual for the American machine gun sounds in full:

As an emergency measure, the SAW can use 20 and 30 round magazines, but this increases the likelihood of delays when firing.

The results of experiments to optimize automation parameters formed the basis PhD thesis, which M.E. Dragunov defended in 1984. As part of the theme, high-capacity drum and disk magazines were developed. I think that the 96-round magazine that comes with the new Izhevsk machine gun did not appear out of nowhere, but I have no doubt that it will be less reliable than the standard 45-round one. A story on the topic “Poplin” on behalf of one of the developers - M.E. Dragunov is described in the magazine “Master Gun”, No. 84, 2004 in the article “Our minimi”. This is highly recommended reading for connoisseurs of engineering romance.

Thus, the appearance of the FN Minimi was not exclusively a Western innovation. The thoughts of our and Belgian engineers developed in the same direction. This was expressed not only in the concept of the machine gun, in which the magazines played an auxiliary function, but also in a similar layout. As Mikhail Evgenievich recalls, our designers even had the idea of ​​patenting the PU-21 layout even before they became aware of the existence of the same one in the FN Minimi.

The further fate of the two machine guns turned out differently. The Soviet development, despite the possibility of bringing its reliability to the required requirements, remained unclaimed by the customer. The Belgian one went into production, but its reliability and functionality were low. loud glory They didn’t acquire a machine gun at all.

The number one scientist in the field of automatic theory was the first to speak out about the creation of light machine guns chambered for an intermediate cartridge. small arms, twice Army General V.G. Fedorov. In his work “On trends in changes in small arms models of foreign armies based on the experience of the Second World War” in 1944, he wrote:

The introduction of new intermediate cartridges makes it possible to further lighten light machine guns, bringing their weight to 6 kg.

Note that German military thought did not consider the development of light machine guns chambered for an intermediate cartridge at all and, perhaps, was even right in some ways. The adoption of the Sturmgewehr included the abandonment of submachine guns, carbines and light machine guns, including the handbrake MG-42. Although a single MG-42 machine gun on a bipod can hardly be classified as manual due to its low maneuverability due to its excessive weight of 12 kilograms.

The design of an automatic carbine can be taken as the basis - as the main weapon of a fighter, with loading from a clip and inserted magazines; the benefits of this weapon must be respected first compared to the design light machine gun, which, with the adoption of the machine gun, will to some extent lose its former meaning and will not be as widespread as in our time.

This short paragraph expresses three thoughts that have been confirmed by the course of history. Firstly, the unification of the light machine gun and machine gun in design. Fedorov was precisely the pioneer in the field of unification. He is known to have developed a light machine gun based on his machine gun. Secondly, store food. Fedorov did not even consider tape feeding, if only for the reason that in this case there could be no question of unification. Thirdly, as practice has shown, light machine guns chambered for an intermediate cartridge, both magazine-fed and belt-fed, do not provide a significant advantage over a machine gun and are not widely used.

And yet, the first RPD light machine gun chambered for an intermediate cartridge was belt-fed. But not much time passed, and during Fedorov’s lifetime what he wrote about happened. For the first time, a unified AK/RPK combination was created. The Americans did not succeed in creating a unified machine gun/light machine gun combination. Eugene Stoner tried to introduce modularity in the Stoner 63 project as a counterbalance to unification. Nothing happened with his project either, but “modularity” has since been another marketing trick and a bugbear for neophytes in online battles on weapons. Eventually the FN Minimi itself appeared, one of the modifications of which was adopted in the United States as the M249 SAW in 1984.

Apparently, this fact is supported by the conclusions of online encyclopedias such as:

The machine gun (FN Minimi) enjoys deserved popularity for its high mobility combined with firepower, significantly superior to the firepower of such light machine guns as RPK-74, L86A1 and others, built on the basis of machine guns, and not created “from scratch” like machine guns.

Like its predecessor, the RPK-74 is significantly inferior in firepower to foreign small-caliber light machine guns (for example, the FN Minimi, which is very common in the world), since it does not have a replaceable barrel, fires from a closed bolt and has magazines of limited capacity

makes customers from the Russian Guard excitedly walk around the room and look for funds for development. The task that our grandfathers coped with with the help of the PPSh assault rifle degenerated into requirements for a machine gun with combined power supply on the topic “Turner”. Having successfully absorbed 15 million for development on the topic “Tokar-1” (which no sane specialist doubted), the topic “Tokar-2” was raised for 25 million.

The history of the development of small arms chambered for the American low-pulse cartridge is a series of continuous alterations, compromises, outright failures, the roots of which lie in the shortcomings of the cartridge adopted for service and the ill-conceived design of automatic mechanisms. FN Minimi is one of the pages in this story. Let's start with the fact that, according to the results of the survey, the M249 is ranked second in terms of reliability. last place in the entire line of NATO infantry weapons.

In 2001, Marine Corps officer Ray Grundy wrote an open letter in which he laid out what he thought about this machine gun. I am posting excerpts from it:

KMP(US Marine Corps) can learn from the Soviet Army, which in the early eighties decided to get rid of the 7.62 mm belt-fed RPD in its rifle platoons and replace them, Right, Soviet AR RPK. The RPK is the same AK rifle with a longer and heavier barrel, a bipod attached to the barrel, a slightly modified butt (for automatic fire from a prone position) and sector magazine of increased capacity.

Soviet engineers realized the problems arising in the belt-fed compartment and got rid of them..... I fear that we will need to suffer senseless losses in various situations before it dawns on us that the light machine gun is unsuitable as an automatic rifle.

Why was a spare barrel included in the kit? Understanding the M249's fire modes will confirm that a spare barrel is not necessary for its use as an AR. Frequent fire from it for a long time is 85 rounds per minute. Rapid fire is 200 rounds per minute with a barrel change every two minutes. Show me a Marine who can move around and fire 3-5 round bursts at a rate greater than 85 rounds per minute, and that will be a picture of a Marine who misses targets and wastes precious ammo. Briefly speaking, KMP added a spare barrel in vain - it is not needed.

My assessment of the M249 SAW is based on my own field experience. How many times have I seen a SAW shooter forced to stop in an attack to eliminate a delay! The nightmare begins when the feed tray lid is lifted to determine the cause of the delay. Often the tape slips out of the tray and falls into the box. The Marine finds himself in a desperate situation. In addition to finding out the reasons for the delay, he needs to decide what to do with the tape. Do I need to shake this tape out of the box, or is it better to look for a new box? All this time he does not participate in the battle. His weapon does not work, he does not shoot at the enemy and cannot defend himself. His unit continues to advance, but the fire cover it is supposed to provide is missing. In order for the shooter to at least protect himself in such a situation, the KMP must arm the shooter with the SAW with an M9 pistol, just as they arm M240 machine gunners.

I don’t see any logic in continuing to preserve the M249 system. Like a light machine gun general purpose it has its merits. It too heavy weapons. It violates the interchangeability of the link's ammunition, does not work very well with magazines, only shoots accurately from a bipod and is usually carried in “position three” (cartridges on the feed tray, the bolt in the forward position, the chamber empty, the safety removed) when approaching the enemy due to that we are not confident in this system.

I am convinced that the KMP should conduct comparative tests of the M249 SAW with the corresponding AKMoid, as the Soviet Army did.... Armchair strategists say that I am too harsh in my assessment of SAW. But experience confirms my assessments. Let's not let the souls of the dead remind us that if we had made the necessary decision and replaced the M249 SAW, we would have been more successful and saved their lives.

Let me emphasize once again what experience the American is talking about:

The Marine Corps (MCC) can learn from the Soviet Army...

In May 2011, the KMP decided to purchase about four thousand M27 IAR ( German rifle HK416) to replace the M249 SAW. The IAR is an "Infantry Automatic Rifle" - a fighter's automatic rifle that can be equipped with a magazine-fed bipod. At one time, a similar solution was tested in Sudaev and Kalashnikov assault rifles. SAW - “Squad Automatic Weapon” - an automatic weapon of a group of the LMG class - “light machine gun” of light machine guns. Our PKK falls into both of these categories. As we see, the game of terms begins again. For us - if on a bipod, then a machine gun. For Americans, if you can shoot with your hands - a rifle.

Ray Grundy's wish came true. The KMP got rid of the belt-fed machine gun. A four-man Marine team includes a fighter armed with an M27 with 21 magazines of ammunition. Next, there was a natural attempt to complete the evolution of light machine guns - during exercises in August 2016, American Marines tried to use the M27 as a standard weapon to replace the M4. That is, abandon light machine guns in favor of universal infantry weapons. Whether it will be an M27 or something else, based on an AK or AR, it is possible that this will be a completely logical conclusion to one of the rounds of the evolution of small arms.

I don’t know what was said in the “complementary” reviews about the M27 rifle, which writes about. But here are some known facts about this weapon:

According to the results of tests in 2008, preceding the conclusion of an agreement for a limited supply of M27 to the ILC, H&K products were not superior in reliability to those offered by other suppliers. Thus, for FN Herstal products, 26 delays were obtained, for two Colt samples - 60 and 28, H&K - 27 for 7200 shots under not the most difficult conditions, which amounted to 0.38%, which is incomparable to the Soviet 0.2%. In dust tests in 2007, the HK-416 received 3 cartridge case ruptures per 6,000 rounds, which is equivalent to the weapon failing.

With the adoption of the M855A1 cartridge, the M27 began to have problems with it. The average life of the bolts when using the M855A1 did not exceed 6000-7000 shots, the barrel life was 9000 - 10000. In this regard, the M4A1 Carbine bolt surpassed the M27, having worked 9000 and even in one of the tests 13000 before one of the lugs broke. The reason for the breakage of the stops is the same as in the case of a ruptured sleeve - replacing the gas pipeline with a short stroke rod. When the rod hits the bolt frame, a tipping moment occurs.

The work on wear between the surfaces of the bolt and the bolt frame increases, the gap between them increases and a force that works to break appears on the lugs.

In addition to reliability, there are two more significant problems:
— the first is maintainability. The M27 comes with factory warranty assemblies. That is, repair of individual components is possible only in the supplier’s factory. Replacing the shutter is only possible with bolt carrier.
— the second is cost. The price of one copy without a body kit is 3,000 US dollars, and complete with bipod, optics and rangefinders it reaches 5,000. The price of the car is by no means economy class.

Maybe the body elite troops and can afford such a dubious whim, then american army I didn’t even consider replacing the M249 with the M27 for this reason. The same cannot be said about the French, who, having had enough of their FAMAS, seem to have rushed to the other extreme. The Germans gave them a discount on a large batch of HK-416 purchases, but the French had to step on the throat of national pride by purchasing this sample for $4,000.


With partial adoption of the M27 by the Corps Marine Corps The Americans have only come closer to the Soviet experience of the 70s. The level of reliability set by Soviet designers and technologists has not yet been achieved by them. And no wonder. As one philosopher said: “ You can't fart louder than the hole in your butt allows" Constructive miscalculations made during the development of the cartridge and automation circuit set a limit to improvement. Due to technological introductions from chrome plating of the barrel and chamber in the early stages, to modern dry lubricants and nano-coatings, evolution has not budged the main indicator of the weapon in the American rifle.

Operation of the M249 SAW (FN Minimi) belt/combined-fed light machine gun has shown its low reliability. The effectiveness of such a machine gun in terms of accuracy, maneuverability, and reload speed is no better, and sometimes even worse, than a standard machine gun. For this reason, our eventual enemy decided to get rid of it, while we are spending money and resources on creating a similar machine gun, citing the “positive experience of the Americans.” At the same time, it is completely ignored domestic experience, obtained from the topic "Poplin".

Maybe it seems to me, but on specialized foreign forums I more often read quite adequate comments from their participants regarding both American and Soviet weapons than on ours. When the message appeared that the Russian Guard ordered Tokar-2 with an eye on the “experience” of the FN Minimi, it plunged many into a permanent state of Sergei Zverev, that is, into shock. I feel their questioning gaze on me. And I don’t know what to answer.

In the last month of summer, Americans set another weapons record and bought 1,853,815 pistols and rifles for self-defense (6% more than in August 2015). Interestingly, people increasingly prefer proven brands and models, ignoring most new products. Buyers focus on the reliability, durability and ease of use of weapons. Maxim Bondar analyzed the ten most popular types of weapons today.

The Mighty Barrett .50 BMG

Sniper rifle from Barrett Firearms Manufacturing (Tennessee). Despite big sizes and heavy weight, this weapon is made to last and is feared by all the villains in the world.
It was with the help of The Mighty Barrett .50 BMG that thousands of terrorists were eliminated in Afghanistan and Iraq. In one case, a Canadian sniper shot one of the Taliban commanders in the head from a distance of 1.5 miles (2.5 km), and the bullet entered the terrorist directly between the eyes.
Many states have banned The Mighty Barrett .50 BMG because its capabilities are limitless. Good visibility allows a sniper to wage war against a large group of criminals. The cost of the rifle varies depending on the modification. The basic model can be purchased for $3 thousand. Equipped with the latest generation optical sight - for $10 - 13 thousand. Experienced gunsmiths say that The Mighty Barrett .50 BMG is an excellent investment. When they are banned completely, the cost of weapons could soar to $20 thousand.

SKS Rifle

A modernized Simonov carbine, which ended up in service with the Soviet army in 1949.
Used in a variety of military conflicts. Often sold with big amount anti-corrosion cartridges. This combination, in fact, makes the weapon eternal. It is passed down from generation to generation and never fails.
The SKS Rifle is famous for its stock, which can be used as an impact weapon if necessary.
Almost all American gun enthusiasts have the SKS Rifle. It is often kept separately as an “emergency reserve” in case of an emergency. The price of the carbine is around $400.


At the same time, a very simple and stylish sniper rifle, which is produced by several weapons companies. Low recoil, relative lightness, the ability to use multiple calibers and accuracy have made the Bolt-Action .308 an absolute hit among the world of hunters and survival experts.
By the way, hunters often use a rifle to shoot large game.
The Bolt-Action .308 does not blow the bird to smithereens, as, for example, can be done with The Mighty Barrett .50 BMG, but leaves a small through hole in the carcass. The price range of the rifle is from $200 to $1,000. In some states, it can be ordered online and delivered directly to your home.

Springfield M1A

This rifle became a signature product of Springfield Armory back in 1974. It significantly expanded the capabilities of the American military during special operations in different parts of the world and became an example of a quality product made in the United States. The Springfield M1A magazine varies in the number of rounds it can hold - from 5 to 20 pieces.
The main disadvantage of the rifle is its high cost. Springfield Armory has managed to outsell similar models on the North American gun market for four decades in a row. Today a new rifle will cost at least $1,300. Any professional gun expert will immediately approve of your choice.

1911.45 ACP

An absolute bestseller on the pistol market. A stylish, elegant weapon that first appeared in stores 105 years ago. Total copies sold exceeded 3 million in the United States alone. Despite its limited capacity (8 rounds in the magazine and one in the barrel), the pistol is very easy to use. It is made from steel highest quality and is often decorated precious stones and gold.
The highest quality 1911 .45 ACP today sells for $800 and up. Experts consider this weapon optimal for achieving accuracy in shooting and speeding up the reaction when removing it from the holster. One of the best manufacturers is Kimber America.

A classic American shotgun that has been used for many years by southern sheriffs, as well as hunters and sport shooting enthusiasts. The possibilities with the Remington 870 are truly endless. They can stop a moving car and eliminate a criminal sitting behind the wheel, catch 6 - 8 ducks with one shot, stop several robbers.
Americans love to stick a shotgun under their bed and point the muzzle at the door. As the homebreaker makes his way into the bedroom, the armed homeowner crawls under the bed and pulls the trigger just as the thug walks through the door.

Remington 870

Incredibly powerful weapon with a bunch of different accessories. In particular, the shotgun can be purchased with a pistol grip (see photo), which will greatly facilitate the loading process.

One of the most reliable machine guns in the history of weapons production. In America it is sold in various modifications and typically costs between $700 and $1,600. "Kalashnikov" is produced today in the most different countries world, including China, so many gun specialists do not trust a product that does not bear the Made In USA inscription.
The Kalashnikov USA company sells assault rifles under the slogan “Russian Heritage. American innovation." All that remains of the classic model is appearance. All other characteristics have been significantly improved.

Compact 9mm Handgun

The 9mm weapon is in greatest demand among the civilian population of the United States. In most shootouts resulting from a home robbery, both the burglar and the homeowner use the Compact 9mm Handgun. The list of manufacturers of such pistols consists of hundreds of different brands. One of the most popular is Smith & Wesson. His famous M&P series consists of dozens of 9mm pistols.

Ruger 10/22 Rifle

An iconic rifle that fires small shot. With its help you can hunt chipmunks and crows or cause severe pain to a person.
There is one fact in the history of military conflicts effective use air rifles- at the time of two Chechen wars many militants did not have access to firearms and fired at government troops with pneumatic guns. This tactic proved surprisingly effective against infantry. The shot got stuck deep in the body and caused terrible pain. Moreover, militants often put plastic bottles and made them completely silent.

Famous American assault rifle, which is produced today by dozens of companies.

This weapon is the main “enemy” of opponents of the Second Amendment of the Constitution. It is the AR-15 in the hands of ordinary civilians that guarantees Americans constitutional rights. If a dictator comes to power, then a people armed to the teeth will be able to overthrow him without any problems.

Each state has its own rules for storing, purchasing, and handling a rifle. Only in New York City is it completely banned.
In neighboring Pennsylvania or New Jersey it can be purchased for self-defense or sport shooting.


The US dominates the global arms market. They account for between a third and half of all transactions in this area. Until recently, the United States emphasized selling military equipment: fighters, tanks, missile defense systems, etc.

A new initiative from the Donald Trump administration directs US diplomats to special efforts for advancement domestic weapons on the world market. In fact, diplomats are being turned into sales agents working for largest producers weapons. Human rights issues and national security faded into the background, writes the American online publication War is Boring.

Evidence of this was the refusal to suspend arms exports to Nigeria, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. Previously, the US leadership accused the leadership of these countries of repression against their own population and war crimes.

Of course, the massive sale of tanks, helicopters and fighter jets deserves more attention than it receives today. However, more dangerous processes are also going on in parallel - we are talking about the export of American small arms and ammunition. Proponents of global arms control call pistols, machine guns and rifles "delayed weapons of mass destruction." It is these “barrels” that have become the main weapons used in most modern world conflicts. Small arms account for almost half of the 200,000 violent deaths that occur each year in conflict zones and beyond.

The Trump administration is seeking to make it easier to export small arms. Under the plan, careful vetting to determine whose hands American weapons may fall into will be a thing of the past. As a result, the products of the American military-industrial complex will become more accessible to armed gangs, drug cartels and terrorists. Machine guns and rifles made in the USA will be used even more widely in civil wars, which means they will more often fall into the hands of various thugs.

According to the new rules, the State Department and members of the US Congress will almost completely lose the ability to control arms deals and suspend them. This task will be taken over by the Ministry of Trade, whose main task is to promote exports.

However, today the United States is arming both criminals and those who fight them at the same time. For example, 70 percent of the guns used by criminals in Mexico are of American origin. A similar picture is observed in other Central American countries. That is, American weapons are already wreaking havoc in neighboring countries.

The announcement by Russian President Vladimir Putin during his address to the Federal Assembly caused a wide resonance in the world.

Although Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov admitted that “the other side” has weapons that Russia cannot defend against, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford still called Moscow “the greatest threat” to Europe.

Another high-ranking military official, Chairman of the Strategic Command of the US Armed Forces, General John Gaiten, said that in order to destroy Russia, they will have enough submarines. 42. TUT.BY looked at what is most destructive in the arsenal of the American military.

Submarine missile carriers

Of course, submarines armed with nuclear missiles are one of the most destructive and deadly weapons in the hands of the American military. Eighteen American Ohio-class third-generation strategic nuclear submarines have colossal power. Each of them is equipped with 24 missile silos, which is still an unsurpassed world record.

It is very difficult to detect and destroy these boats - not only do they have low level noise, even during combat patrol The exact position of the SSBN is unknown even to the helmsmen; only a few senior officers of the submarine know the coordinates.

The main armament of the boat is Trident missiles II D-5, which can be equipped with either 14 W76 warheads with a yield of 100 kt, or 8 W88 warheads (475 kt). The warheads are equipped with a new “super fuse”, which allows the detonation point to be adjusted taking into account a miss.

By comparison, the Little Boy bomb dropped on Hiroshima had the equivalent of about 13 kilotons. It turns out that the power of one Ohio rocket is almost 107 Hiroshima, but 24 rockets can be placed on board.

Thus, having fired all the ammunition, Ohio alone is capable of bringing down up to 336 warheads on the enemy. The missile firing range reaches 11,300 kilometers, and the accuracy coefficient is 0.95. The Americans now have 16 Ohio-class submarines armed with nuclear missiles, and more such submarines have been converted into SSGNs (nuclear-powered cruise missile submarines).

Ballistic nuclear missiles

Of course, this is still the weapon most identified with the apocalypse and one of the most terrible weapons ever created by man. The Americans have an impressive arsenal of intercontinental ballistic missiles Minuteman-3, which are located in mine installations with a depth of 26-27 m and a diameter of 4 m. The reinforced concrete shaft cover is opened using hydraulic drives, and in an emergency - using pyrodrives.

The shafts are located at a distance of 8 to 24 km from the control station, and readiness for launch is 30 seconds. Each post is connected by several types of communications (telephone, teletype, low-frequency, high-frequency, satellite, etc.) with the headquarters of the strategic command nuclear forces USA.

The missile has a launch range of 13-15 thousand km and is capable of carrying up to three nuclear warheads. In terms of accuracy and firing range, the Minuteman-3 is superior to the Russian Topol-M. Recent upgrades have made it possible to increase the probable circular deviation to 180-200 m. In total, the Americans have 450 missiles with 550 nuclear warheads installed on them. These weapons are deployed at three bases in Wyoming, North Dakota and Montana.

Climate weapons

It is not yet possible to confirm or deny the existence of such weapons, but the fact that the military is looking for a way to control the weather is a fact. The most harmless thing is to neutralize rain clouds before the parade, but the weather is capable of more, for example destructive storms and tsunamis, which the military would definitely not refuse to control.

In the United States, the HAARP complex was built in Alaska to study the weather, around which there are many rumors. Its construction was carried out by the US Navy and Air Force, as well as the famous DARPA (Pentagon Advanced Research Projects Agency).

The Americans claim that HAARP is an exclusively peaceful project aimed at studying the ionosphere and auroras. Nevertheless for a long time the complex was under the control of the military; the laboratories of astrophysics, geophysics and weapons of the US Air Force Space Technology Center were subordinate to it.

HAARP represents a huge field with an area of ​​13 hectares, on which antennas are located, an incoherent radiation radar with a twenty-meter diameter antenna, laser locators, magnetometers, computers for signal processing and antenna field control.

Conspiracy theorists believe that HAARP is a colossal microwave oven whose radiation can be focused anywhere globe, causing cataclysms and man-made disasters. Be that as it may, in mid-August 2015, HAARP equipment was transferred to the University of Alaska.

Biological weapons

Probably the most terrible weapon on the list. An artificially caused pandemic could easily destroy a large number of people until a vaccine is synthesized, if this is, of course, possible. The Russian Foreign Ministry has more than once expressed concerns about the deployment of US biological laboratories near its borders, as, for example, this was done in the village of Alekseevka in Georgia. The Department's laboratory was built there medical research ground forces USA.

The image is for illustrative purposes only. Photo:

Former member of the Commission on Biological and chemical weapons UN expert Igor Nikulin noted that over the past ten years, Americans have created about 400 biological laboratories around the world.

According to Nikulin, they employ exclusively military microbiologists and US virologists. All countries first sign a non-disclosure document. That is, the principle of extraterritoriality is maintained there, like embassies; no local sanitary and epidemiological services can enter there.

The customer for the creation of such unique medical centers in all countries is the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) - the Threat Reduction Agency, which is one of the structures of the US Department of Defense. Until 1998, this structure was called Defense Special Weapons Agency - Special Weapons Agency.

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