New parables about the meaning of human life. The best parables in the world. About love with morality

Parables have been created since ancient times and by various peoples. But the wisdom of life embedded in them has not lost its relevance over the years. Through short parables about life, we can understand the principles that are always and everywhere important.

We have selected short parables about life with morality, the meaning of which will answer some of your questions.

Parable about life lesson

Father and son were walking through the mountains. The boy stumbled on a stone, fell, hit hard and shouted:
- A-ah-ah!!!
And then he heard a voice from somewhere behind the mountain, which repeated after him:
- A-ah-ah!!!
Curiosity got the better of fear, and the boy shouted:
- Who's here?
And got the answer:
- Who's here?
Angry, he shouted:
- Coward!
And heard:
- Coward!
The boy looked at his father and asked:
- Dad, what is it?
The man, smiling, shouted:
Son, I love you!
And the voice answered:
Son, I love you!
The man shouted:
- You are the best!
And the voice answered:
- You are the best!
The child was surprised and did not understand anything. Then the father explained to him:
“People call it an echo, but in reality it is life. Gives back to you everything you say and do.
Our life is just a reflection of our actions. If you want more love from the world, give more love to those around you. If you wish happiness, give happiness to those around you. If you want a smile from the heart, smile from the heart to those you know. This applies to all aspects of life: she returns to us everything that we gave her. Our life is not a coincidence, but a reflection of ourselves.

One well-known artist painted his next canvas. On the day of its presentation to the public, many journalists, photographers, famous people gathered. When the time came, the artist threw off the fabric that covered it from the picture. An explosion of applause followed.
The painting depicted the figure of Jesus lightly knocking on the door of a house. Jesus seemed alive. Leaning his ear against the door, he seemed to want to hear if someone inside the house answered him.
Everyone admired the beautiful work of art. One curious visitor found a mistake in the picture. The door had no lock or handle. He turned to the artist:
- But this door seems to be closed from the inside, it has no handle, how can one enter it?
“So it is,” replied the author of the canvas. “This is the door of the human heart. It can only open from within.
We all expect that in our life there will be Love, Joy, Sympathy, Happiness, Success. But in order for them to appear in our lives, we cannot sit idly by. We need to take action. Even just open the door...

Parable about friendship

There were two neighbors. The first one bought a rabbit for his children. The children of another neighbor asked that some kind of pet be bought for them. Their father bought them a German Shepherd puppy.
Then the first said to the second:
“But he will eat my rabbit!”
- No, think about it, my shepherd is a puppy, and your rabbit is still a child. They will grow up together and become friends. There will be no problems.
And it looked like the owner of the dog was right. They grew up together and became friends. It was normal to see a rabbit in a dog's yard and vice versa. The children were happy.
Once the owner of the rabbit and his family left for the weekend, and the rabbit was left alone. It was Friday. On Sunday evening, the owner of the dog and his family were drinking tea on the veranda when their huge dog entered. In his teeth he held a rabbit: bruised, dirty with blood and earth, and, worst of all, dead. The owners attacked their dog and nearly killed the dog.
The neighbor was right. What now? We just didn't have enough. They will be back in a few hours. What to do?
Everyone looked at each other. The poor dog whined and cried, licking his wounds.
Do you have any idea what will happen to their children?
One of the kids came up with an idea:
“Let’s give him a good bath, dry him with a hair dryer and put him in his house in the yard.
Since the rabbit was not torn, they did so. The rabbit was placed in his house, his head was laid on his paws, it seemed that he was sleeping. And then they heard that the neighbors were returning. The owners of the dog rushed into their house and closed the doors. A few minutes later they heard children's cries. Found! A couple of minutes later they knocked on the door. On the threshold stood the pale and frightened owner of the rabbit. It seemed like he met a ghost.
- What happened? What happened to you? asked the owner of the dog.
“Rabbit… rabbit…”
- Died? And this afternoon he seemed so cheerful!
He died on Friday!
- On Friday?
“Before we left, the children buried him at the end of the garden!” And now he's back in his house!
The dog, who has been looking for his missing childhood friend since Friday, finally found him and dug him up to save him. And he carried it to his masters to help them.
One should never judge in advance, without checking what actually happened.

Once a butterfly chrysalis fell into the hands of a man. He picked her up and stared at her for hours, seeing her struggling to squeeze her body out of the little hole in the cocoon. Time passed, she kept trying to get out of the cocoon, but there was no progress. It seemed that she was completely exhausted and could no longer ... Then the man decided to help the butterfly. He took scissors and cut the cocoon to the end. The butterfly easily emerged from it, but its body was somewhat atrophied, small, and its wings were folded and squeezed. The man continued to watch her, he expected that at any moment she would open her wings and fly.
But that did not happen. Until the end of its days, the butterfly remained with a deformed body and glued wings. She has never been able to spread her wings and fly.
The man did not know that the rigid cocoon and the incredible efforts applied by the butterfly to get out of the small hole were necessary for the body to take the correct shape and for forces to enter the wings through a strong body and she was ready to fly as soon as she was freed from the cocoon.
Do not help if you do not know how or are not sure that your help will really be useful. Don't interfere with the nature of things you didn't create. Otherwise, you can just do harm.

Parable about nail marks

One boy had a very bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he offended someone, he had to drive one nail into the fence.
On the first day, the boy hammered in thirty-seven nails. In the days that followed, as he began to learn to control his anger, he started hammering fewer and fewer nails. He made the discovery that it is easier to restrain oneself than to hammer a nail later. The day came when he was able to completely control his temper during that day. His father said that now for every day that he managed to restrain himself, let him pull one nail out of the fence.
Days passed, and then one day not a single nail was left in the door. The father took his son by the hand, led him to the fence and said: “It is clear, son, that you have worked hard, but look how many holes are left in the tree. Never again will it be the same as before.”
Every time you offend someone, scars remain after that. You can say something bad to someone, then take back your words, but the scars will remain forever. Let's be careful what we say.

In the midst of field work, the farmer's tractor broke down.

All attempts by the farmer and his neighbors to fix the car were in vain.

Finally, he called a specialist. He examined the tractor. I tried how the starter works, lifted the hood and checked everything carefully.

Then he took a hammer and somewhere once struck with this hammer. After that, the master started the tractor. The engine rumbled like it hadn't broken.

The overjoyed farmer asked the master for the bill. But when he saw him, he was very surprised. He indignantly asked:

“You want to get a hundred dollars for just one hit with a hammer!” Is not it too much?

But the master replied with a smile:

- I agree! One blow with a hammer cannot cost so much. For one hit with a hammer, I counted only one dollar. And ninety-nine dollars I take for my knowledge, thanks to which I could make this blow to the right place.

Here the master paused, and continued:

“Besides, I saved your time. I got the problem fixed very quickly. You would spend at least a day at the service station. Today, right now, you can drive a tractor in the field.

The farmer agreed and shook hands with the master.

Sit on the twine.

A student approached the wushu master:

- Master. I can't sit on the twine. What should I do?

- Sit on the twine.

The next day:

- Master! I tried many times, but I just can't sit on the twine. What should I do?

- Sit on the twine.

Another day later:

- I'm probably the worst of all the students. I try my best, it hurts a lot, but nothing works out for me. What to do?

two oars

The boatman carried the traveler to the other side.

The traveler noticed that there were inscriptions on the oars of the boat. On one oar was written: "Think", and on the second: "Do"

- You have interesting oars, the traveler said. - What for?

Look, the boatman said smiling. And he began to row with only one oar, with the inscription "Think".

The boat began to circle in one place.

- Sometimes I thought about something, thought, made plans ... But it did not bring anything useful. I was just circling in place, like this boat.

The boatman stopped rowing with one oar and started rowing with another, marked "Do". The boat began to circle, but in the other direction.

“I used to go to the other extreme. He did something thoughtlessly, without plans, without drawings. Spent a lot of time and effort. But, in the end, he also circled in place.

- So I made an inscription on the oars, continued the boatman, to remember that for every stroke of the left oar there must be a stroke of the right oar.

And then he pointed to a beautiful house that towered on the banks of the river:

- I built this house after I made inscriptions on the oars.

On the ground lay the cocoon of the future butterfly...

The man watched for a long time as a butterfly tried to crawl out through a small gap in the cocoon.

A lot of time passed, the butterfly seemed to have abandoned its efforts, and the gap remained just as small.

It seemed that the butterfly did everything she could, and that she had no other
more strength.

Then the man decided to help the butterfly, he took a penknife and cut the cocoon. Butterfly came out immediately.

But her body was weak and feeble, her wings were transparent and barely moved.

The man was sitting on the porch of his house.

A traveler was walking along the road. Looking at the man doing nothing, the traveler thought:

- Here's the bum. So, probably, he sat all day on the porch. Would do something...

After a while, another traveler was walking along the road. He saw a man sitting on the porch and thought:

– Probably, this is a local Don Juan. Sitting, looking out for passing girls ...

A third traveler followed. He looked at the man sitting on the porch and thought:

- Probably, this person worked all day, since he rests with such pleasure ...

That's the whole story.

Who was this man who was sitting on the porch? We do not know. From the parable, nothing is known about him at all. Is he young, old, how does he look...

But we can say something about those people who passed by.

The first one was probably a lazy person. Even if we are not completely lazy. He was glad that there was someone lazier than himself.

The second, most likely, was a womanizer.

And the third, for sure, was a hardworking person. Perhaps he was walking home from work, very tired, and also wanted to sit on the porch and relax.

Therefore, the thoughts of these people were such.

This often happens in our lives. We judge other people by ourselves.

Parable with commentary from Yuri Zaitsev

Having finished the service, a certain priest announced to his parishioners:
- Next Sunday I will talk with you on the topic of lies. To make it easier for you to understand what will be discussed, read the seventeenth chapter of the Gospel of Mark at home.

On the following Sunday, the priest loudly asked before starting his sermon:

I ask those who have read the seventeenth chapter to raise their hands. Almost everyone present raised their hands.

It was with you that I wanted to talk about lies, - the priest said, - the fact is that Mark does not have the seventeenth chapter.

Two students were arguing about how wise their teacher is. One of them claimed that he would confuse the teacher with his question.

In the morning the young man caught the butterfly and took it tightly in his palms. He decided to go up to the teacher and ask if the butterfly was alive or dead.

If the teacher says that she is alive, the student thought, I will slightly squeeze my palms and show everyone the dead butterfly.
If she says that she is dead, then I will open my hands, and the butterfly will fly up. So I will deceive the teacher and win the argument.

Approaching the teacher in the presence of other people, the young man asked:

- Teacher, is the butterfly in my palms alive or dead?

Looking into his eyes, the teacher said:

Parable. wolf and fox

Parable with commentary from Yuri Zaitsev

The wolf was very thirsty. It was a long way to run to the river, so he went down into a deep well to drink water. Having drunk, the wolf felt a deep relief. After resting in the coolness, he began to climb out of the well. But it turned out that this could not be done. This is where the wolf got really hot.
The fox came, saw the wolf at the bottom of the well and said to him:
- You, my friend, acted recklessly. Before you go down into the well, you should think about how you will get out of it.

Very often people start a new business, develop very close relationships or enter into a common business with someone. At the same time, they, first of all, reflect on the merits of their decision, on the expected benefits.
But it happens that it is much more useful to think about how, if necessary, you can “get out of the well.”
No wonder they say that in the mafia, in the special services and in dubious loans, the entrance is a ruble, the exit is a hundred ...
It is very important to be able not to enter into a hopeless situation.
Good luck to us in this.
Sincerely, Yuri Zaitsev.


Parable. wolf and fox

The Parable of the Bow and Arrows

One famous Master practiced archery with his students. The young man took a weapon, prepared a couple of arrows for him and diligently began to aim. But the coach took one of them from him and threw it away:

What did my second arrow do to you? The young man didn't understand.

It was the first. You don’t need it, it wouldn’t hit the bullseye anyway and wouldn’t be useful.

Why are you so sure? the young man was surprised.

It is impossible to immediately accurately hit the intended target if a person thinks that he has two attempts.

Parable about the importance of life situations

One bird found a safe shelter in the spreading branches of a dry tree. She built a nest and began to live here. But the trunk stood in the middle of a hot desert, where there was nothing alive.

One day, a violent tornado suddenly flew there and uprooted a dried tree from the sand. The bird had no choice but to fly in search of a new permanent home.

She scoured the distant environs for a very long time, but one day a wonderful garden caught her eye. In the middle of it there was a large lake with clear water, and numerous shady bushes grew on all sides, strewn with tasty and juicy berries.

The bird simply did not believe his luck. But, having thought thoroughly, she suddenly realized that if it had not been for the sudden hurricane that had blown up and destroyed her former nest, she would never have gained such great prosperity in her life. Without taking off from a familiar place, it cannot be reached.

Parables about vices

Parable of Indecision

A young man approached a wandering monk, who was constantly sitting in the market square and asking people for alms. He asked him:

Help me, O wise one! Please advise me what to do next. I am passionately and mutually in love. But I don’t know if I need to get married or is it better to wait with the wedding?

You should renounce such a decision forever.

Why, after all, the girl and I love each other very much? - the young man was amazed at his amazing words.

If the bride were truly important to you, you would not ask me what you should do with her.

Parable about weeding

Early spring came, and in the garden it was necessary to pull out the tall weeds that could be seen everywhere. This tedious work was entrusted to an old grandfather with a young granddaughter.

The boy got bored very quickly and began to pester his older relative: “Tell me, why are there so many different weeds here? Nobody sowed or watered them. This is how they have grown, and what has been planted and cared for is only visible from the ground. But how much effort was put into vegetables.

Grandfather answered him with a smile: “You, granddaughter, are a real fellow, you notice everything around. Know, then, that something that is most important for people, they get only by very great work and inexhaustible patience. And everything harmful and pernicious is taken simply from nowhere. Therefore, we must carefully develop our virtues and weed out our shortcomings without regret.

Parables about the meaning of life

Parable about children

Once bamboo and stone entered into a desperate argument. They believed that it was their own life that was the role model for everyone around them. The lump said:

Everyone should exist the way I do. Then no one will die.

But the plant objected to her:

- Not at all, if people live the way I grow up, only then will they really achieve true happiness. After all, after death, I am born again.

Stone replied:

"It's even better if they can get into the position I'm in." With a calm sitting position, they will not be subject to wind, heat, or cold. Rain or hail does not concern me either. Nothing can harm me. I will stay on earth forever. Stones do not know grief, shame or grief. If only everyone could learn these things.

But the bamboo insisted:

- No I do not agree. Only then will people be able to achieve immortality if they begin to live as I live. Of course, I am not eternal, but I continue my race in children. Look around and you will see them everywhere. They will also have numerous offspring in due time and it will exist on earth forever. They will all be like me and become truly beautiful.

The stone had nothing to say. He had to admit his defeat in the dispute. The life of people is so happy and wonderful because they resemble bamboo by their existence on earth.

Parable about life

One teacher stood surrounded by his young students. One of them suddenly asked him a question:
- Tell us, why do people live in the world?
“I don’t know,” the wise man told him.

Another young man also inquired in his turn:

“Then what is the purpose of our earthly existence?”

- I won't answer.

“But then we came to you to enrich ourselves with your knowledge,” the students were upset.

The elder looked at them with a long kind look and said:

- It is not so important for a person why and for what purpose he lives on earth. In the first place for him is the joy of everyday existence. Imagine a very tasty dish. After all, each of you would like to taste it, and not understand why and for what purpose it was prepared.

Parable about longevity

In a remote village there lived an old teacher whose fame quickly spread throughout the land. Every day he added a new student. Finally, there were so many of them that he was no longer able to remember everyone by sight.

But they constantly communicated with each other and once agreed to ask the sage the most important question for them about what awaits people after they pass away.

But the teacher was silent and the young men soon lost patience. He had to give them the long-awaited answer. He said:

- The most interesting thing is that only those who are not busy with anything serious in their daily life are asked such a problem. These people are very afraid of death because they have not lived in their present existence. Therefore, they dream of immortality.

“No, teacher, we are interested in exactly what awaits them after their death,” one of the students disagreed.

“You’d better ask what awaits you before your death,” the sage replied with a smile.

Parable about happiness

One day, three weary travelers were walking along a country road. They talked to each other, and in between they sang songs. Each of them complained about his hard lot.

Suddenly they heard piteous cries for help. There was a big hole in their way, and they saw that happiness had fallen into it. It begged them to save him and promised the fulfillment of any desires.

The first person said importantly:

- I ask you for wealth, so that it will never be transferred from me until the end of my life.

His wish was instantly granted. He took the treasure and left.

The second person also expressed his wish:

“I want the most beautiful wife in the whole wide world.

Immediately, out of nowhere, a dazzling beauty appeared, took his arm and they quickly disappeared from sight.

- What do you want? happiness asked the third person sadly.

- And you? he asked him.

“Most of all, I dream of getting out of a terrible hole,” happiness answered with tears.

He looked around, found a long pole and held it out. And he turned and left without expressing any desire.

Happiness quickly jumped out of the pit and rushed after him, but it never fell behind in his life.

Parables about human relationships

Parable about someone else's misfortune

One mouse climbed into the barn and told the animals living there that a mousetrap had appeared in the master's house.

Cows, chickens and sheep only laughed at her and told her not to distract them from more important matters with their stupid worries. They were completely sure that they had nothing to do with them.

But one day a poisonous snake fell into a trap. She sank her teeth into the mistress's hand. She became seriously ill. In order to cure her, her husband slaughtered a chicken. He hoped the nutrient broth would help her recover.

Three relatives came to take care of her. The consumption of food in the house increased and the owner had to slaughter a sheep.

But nothing helped the woman and she soon died. The husband called a wake and cooked a lot of beef, slaughtering a cow.

And only one mouse did not suffer in any way in a series of troubles. She watched these events in horror through a tiny crack in the wall of the house and thought about what the animals had told her before. After all, they believed that the mousetrap would not touch them at all.

Therefore, do not ignore other people's troubles, sooner or later they may affect other people.

Parable about love and passion

Once upon a time there was a hurricane. He constantly hovered above the ground, not knowing any restrictions. He never felt grief, joy, love, or compassion for anyone.

But one day, when it was completely quiet and clear, he saw a beautiful flower in the garden. The wind crept up to him and under his breath the petals fluttered. He did not hide his admiration. The flower, noticing him, responded with the sweetest smell.

The hurricane, seeing that his feeling was not left without reciprocity, intensified its wind and the plant swayed on its stalk. It held on for a long time, but eventually broke.

The wind tried to help him, but to no avail. He stopped blowing and began to blow gently on the flower again. But he no longer showed signs of life.

Then the hurricane cried out in despair: “I gave you a great feeling and a powerful passion, why were you not able to bear it? So your love was just an appearance? If it was genuine, we would be together all our lives.”

But the flower did not respond, but only, exuding the last wonderful fragrance, slowly died. The hurricane realized too late that violent passion does not always accompany true love and can even kill her with too strong impulses.

Parables about worldly wisdom

Parable of good and bad memories

In a distant village there lived an elderly woman. She was famous for her kindness and wisdom, and people often came to her for advice. One day a neighbor asked her:

- Mother, tell me! You have been living in this world for so long, and in your soul you remain younger than any of us. How did you do it? Tell me a secret, I wouldn't want to get old either.

Grandmother smiled at her and answered:

- I'll tell you, my good. I mark all the good forever with notches on the wall of the house, and lower the evil into the water. If I did otherwise, I would be tormented only by heavy thoughts. I would look around and see only reminders of grief and troubles. But I see the good, and the evil is long gone. Each of us decides what it is desirable for him to keep in memory and what to throw out of it. Therefore, kindness must be put aside in the soul, and anger must be drowned in love.

Parable about the meaninglessness of endless memories

Once a wise teacher, standing in a circle of numerous students, told them a very funny incident from his long life. Everyone laughed heartily, as he was, indeed, amazingly funny. Not even a quarter of an hour had passed before he repeated it again. People were very surprised, but out of politeness they smiled. Twenty minutes later the sage again told the disciples the same incident. They remained silent in confusion.

Then he laughed himself and said: “Why don’t you laugh, did history amuse you? Yes, I repeated it three times. But why is it permissible to shed tears for the same reason, but not to have fun?

Parable about money and happiness

One young man came to the Teacher and asked him:

Is it necessary to believe that happiness does not lie at all in wealth?

The sage agreed with this statement. He said to the young man:

We see proof of this at every turn. For hard coins, a soft bed is purchased, but you cannot fall asleep in it for them. Delicious food is sold, but appetite is not attached to it. Everyone is able to buy a servant, but friends are not for sale. You can get along with a woman for money, but her love cannot be bought. A rich person allows himself a luxurious home, but the comfort in it is not valued by large bills. People pay for entertainment, but it is not known whether they will receive joy for a large sum. Parents pay teachers, but the knowledge and intelligence of their children are not valued well. And I have listed a far from complete list of what cannot be purchased for any treasures of the world.

The teacher picked up a cup of water, pulled it forward and asked his students:

How much do you think this cup weighs?

Everyone whispered excitedly.

- Approximately half a kilogram! Three hundred grams! No, four hundred grams! – began to be distributed answers.

- Agree that it is not so much. This cup is light. And my question is: “What happens if I hold the cup like this for a few minutes?”

- Nothing!

“Indeed, nothing terrible will happen,” the teacher replied. - The cup is not that heavy.

- And what will happen if I hold this cup in my outstretched hand, for example, for two hours?

The man was sitting on the porch of his house.

A traveler was walking along the road. Looking at the man doing nothing, the traveler thought:

- Here's the bum. So, probably, he sat all day on the porch. Would do something...

After a while, another traveler was walking along the road. He saw a man sitting on the porch and thought:

– Probably, this is a local Don Juan. Sitting, looking out for passing girls ...

A third traveler followed. He looked at the man sitting on the porch and thought:

- Probably, this person worked all day, since he rests with such pleasure ...

That's the whole story.

Who was this man who was sitting on the porch? We do not know. From the parable, nothing is known about him at all. Is he young, old, how does he look...

But we can say something about those people who passed by.

The first one was probably a lazy person. Even if we are not completely lazy. He was glad that there was someone lazier than himself.

The second, most likely, was a womanizer.

And the third, for sure, was a hardworking person. Perhaps he was walking home from work, very tired, and also wanted to sit on the porch and relax.

Therefore, the thoughts of these people were such.

This often happens in our lives. We judge other people by ourselves.

Parable. Past, present and future.

The three wise men enjoyed their conversation. They argued about what is more important for a person - the past, present or future. One of them said:

“My past makes me who I am. I know what I have learned in the past. I like people with whom I used to feel good, or similar to them.

- It is impossible to agree with this, - said another, - a person is made by his future. No matter what I know and what I can do now, I will learn what I need in the future. My actions now depend not on what I was, but on what I am going to become. I like people who are different from those I knew before.

“You have completely lost sight of,” a third intervened, “that the past and the future exist only in our thoughts. The past is no more. There is no future yet, and whether you remember the past or dream about the future, you are only acting in the present.

And the wise men argued for a long time, enjoying a leisurely conversation.

Parables are short and entertaining stories that express the experience of many generations of lives. Parables about love have always been especially popular. And no wonder - these stories filled with meaning can teach a lot. And the right relationship with a partner, too.

After all, love is a great power. She is able to create and destroy, inspire and deprive of strength, give insight and deprive of reason, believe and be jealous, perform feats and push for betrayal, give and take, forgive and avenge, idolize and hate. So love needs to be handled. And instructive parables about love will help with this.

Where else to draw wisdom, if not in the stories proven over the years. We hope that short stories about love will answer many of your questions and teach harmony. After all, we are all born to love and be loved.

Parable about love, wealth and health

Parable about love and happiness

- Where does love go? - the little happiness asked his father. “She is dying,” said the father. People, son, do not cherish what they have. They just don't know how to love!
Little happiness thought: I'll grow up big and start helping people! Years passed. Happiness grew and became greater.
It remembered its promise and tried its best to help the people, but the people did not hear it.
And gradually Happiness began to turn from a big one into a small and stunted one. It was very afraid that it would not disappear at all, and set off on a long journey to find a cure for its illness.
How long did Happiness go for a short time, not meeting anyone on its way, it only became very bad for him.
And it stopped to rest. I chose a sprawling tree and lay down. I had just dozed off when I heard footsteps approaching.
He opened his eyes and sees: a decrepit old woman is walking through the forest, all in rags, barefoot and with a staff. Happiness rushed to her: - Sit down. You must be tired. You need to rest and refresh.
The old woman's legs buckled, and she literally collapsed into the grass. After a short rest, the wanderer told Happiness her story:
- It's a shame when you are considered so decrepit, but I'm still young, and my name is Love!
- So this is you Love?! Happiness struck. But I was told that love is the most beautiful thing in the world!
Love looked at him attentively and asked:
- And what is your name?
- Happiness.
- That's how? I was also told that happiness should be beautiful. And with these words she took out a mirror from her rags.
Happiness, looking at her reflection, wept loudly. Love sat down to him and gently hugged her hand. - What did these evil people and fate do to us? - Happiness sobbed.
- Nothing, - said Love, - If we are together and take care of each other, we will quickly become young and beautiful.
And under that sprawling tree, Love and Happiness made their union never to be separated.
Since then, if Love leaves someone's life, Happiness leaves with it, they do not exist separately.
And people still don't get it...

The parable of the best wife

One day, two sailors set off on a journey around the world to find their destiny. They sailed to the island, where the leader of one of the tribes had two daughters. The eldest is beautiful, and the youngest is not very.
One of the sailors said to his friend:
- That's it, I found my happiness, I stay here and marry the leader's daughter.
- Yes, you are right, the eldest daughter of the leader is beautiful, smart. You made the right choice - get married.
You don't understand me, friend! I am marrying the chief's youngest daughter.
- Are you crazy? She's like... not so much.
This is my decision and I will do it.
The friend sailed on in search of his happiness, and the groom went to woo. I must say that in the tribe it was customary to give cows for the bride. A good bride cost ten cows.
He drove ten cows and approached the leader.
- Chief, I want to marry your daughter and give ten cows for her!
- It's a good choice. My eldest daughter is beautiful, smart, and she is worth ten cows. I agree.
No, sir, you don't understand. I want to marry your youngest daughter.
- Are you joking? Can't you see, she's just so... not so good.
- I want to marry her.
- Okay, but as an honest person, I can't take ten cows, she's not worth it. I'll take three cows for her, no more.
- No, I want to pay exactly ten cows.
They merried.
Several years passed, and the wandering friend, already on his ship, decided to visit the remaining comrade and find out how his life is. Sailed, walks along the shore, and towards the woman of unearthly beauty.
He asked her how to find his friend. She showed. He comes and sees: his friend is sitting, the kids are running around.
- How are you?
- I'm happy.
This is where the beautiful woman comes in.
- Here, meet me. This is my wife.
- How? Are you married again?
No, it's the same woman.
But how did it happen that she changed so much?
- And you ask her yourself.
A friend approached the woman and asked:
- Sorry for the faux pas, but I remember what you were ... not very much. What happened to make you so beautiful?
- It's just, one day I realized that I was worth ten cows.

The Parable of the Best Husband

One day a woman came to the priest and said:
- You married my husband two years ago. Now separate us. I don't want to live with him anymore.
- What is the reason for your desire to get a divorce? - asked the priest.
The woman explained:
- All husbands return home on time, but my husband is constantly delayed. There are scandals every day because of this house.
The priest, surprised, asks:
- Is this the only reason?
“Yes, I don’t want to live with a person who has such a defect,” the woman replied.
- I'll divorce you, but on one condition. Come back home, bake a big tasty bread and bring it to me. But when you bake bread, do not take anything from the house, and ask your neighbors for salt, water, and flour. And be sure to explain to them the reason for your request,” said the priest.
This woman went home and, without delay, set to work.
She went to a neighbor and said:
- Oh, Maria, lend me a glass of water.
- Have you run out of water? Isn't there a well dug in the yard?
“There is water, but I went to the priest to complain about my husband and asked to divorce us,” that woman explained, and as soon as she finished, the neighbor sighed:
- Oh, if you knew what kind of husband I have! - and began to complain about her husband. After that, the woman went to her neighbor Asya to ask for salt.
- You have run out of salt, are you asking for just one spoon?
“There is salt, but I complained to the priest about my husband, asked for a divorce,” that woman says, and before she had time to finish, the neighbor exclaimed:
- Oh, if you knew what kind of husband I have! - and began to complain about her husband.
So, to whom this woman did not go to ask, from everyone she heard complaints about her husbands.
Finally, she baked a large tasty bread, brought it to the priest and gave it away with the words:
- Thank you, taste my work with your family. Just don't think of divorcing me and my husband.
- Why, what happened, daughter? the priest asked.
- My husband, it turns out, is the best, - the woman answered him.

Parable about true love

Once the teacher asked his students:
Why do people scream when they fight?
“Because they lose their calm,” said one.
- But why shout if the other person is next to you? the Teacher asked. Can't you talk to him quietly? Why scream if you're angry?
The students offered their answers, but none of them satisfied the Teacher.
Finally he explained: - When people are dissatisfied with each other and quarrel, their hearts move away. In order to cover this distance and hear each other, they have to shout. The more angry they are, the farther they move away and the louder they shout.
- What happens when people fall in love? They do not shout, on the contrary, they speak softly. Because their hearts are very close, and the distance between them is very small. And when they fall in love even more, what happens? continued the Teacher. – They do not speak, but only whisper and become even closer in their love. - In the end, even whispering becomes unnecessary for them. They just look at each other and understand everything without words.

A story about a happy family

Two families live next door in a small town. Some spouses constantly quarrel, blaming each other for all troubles and finding out which of them is right. And others live together, they have no quarrels, no scandals.
The obstinate hostess marvels at the happiness of her neighbor and, of course, envies her. Says to her husband:
- Go and see how they do it so that everything is smooth and quiet.
He came to a neighbor's house, hid under an open window and listens.
And the hostess just puts things in order in the house. He wipes an expensive vase from dust. Suddenly the phone rang, the woman was distracted, and put the vase on the edge of the table, so much so that it was about to fall. But then her husband needed something in the room. He caught a vase, it fell and broke.
- Oh, what will happen now! the neighbor thinks. He immediately imagined what a scandal would be in his family.
The wife came up, sighed with regret, and said to her husband:
- Sorry honey.
- What are you, honey? This is my fault. I was in a hurry and did not notice the vase.
- It's my fault. So inaccurately put the vase.
- No, it's my fault. Anyway. We would not have had greater misfortune.
The neighbor's heart hurt. He came home upset. Wife to him:
- Something you quickly. Well, what did you see?
- Yes!
- Well, how are they?
- It's all their fault. That's why they don't fight. But we are always right...

A beautiful legend about the importance of love in life

It so happened that different feelings lived on the same island: Happiness, Sadness, Skill ... And Love was among them.
Once Premonition informed everyone that the island would soon disappear under water. Haste and Haste were the first to leave the island in boats. Soon everyone left, only Love remained. She wanted to stay until the last second. When the island was about to go under water, Love decided to call for help.
Wealth sailed on a magnificent ship. Love says to him: "Wealth, can you take me away?" "No, I have a lot of money and gold on my ship. I don't have room for you!"
Happiness floated past the island, but it was so happy that it did not even hear how Love was calling it.
… and yet Love was saved. After her rescue, she asked Knowledge who it was.
- Time. Because only Time can understand how important Love is!

True love story

In one aul there lived a girl of incomparable beauty, but none of the young men wooed her, no one sought her hand. The fact is that once a wise man who lived in the neighborhood predicted:
- Whoever dares to kiss a beauty will die!
Everyone knew that this wise man was never wrong, so dozens of brave horsemen looked at the girl from afar, not even daring to approach her. But then one fine day a young man appeared in the village, who at first sight, like everyone else, fell in love with the beauty. Without a moment's hesitation, he climbed over the fence, came up and kissed the girl.
- Ah! - shouted the inhabitants of the village. - Now he's going to die!
But the young man kissed the girl again, and again. And she immediately agreed to marry him. The rest of the horsemen turned to the sage in bewilderment:
- How so? You, sage, predicted that the one who kissed the beauty would die!
- I don't go back on my words. - answered the sage. But I didn't say exactly when that would happen. He will die sometime later - after many years of a happy life.

A story about a long family life

An elderly couple who were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary were asked how they managed to live together for so long.
After all, there was everything - and difficult times, and quarrels, and misunderstanding.
Perhaps their marriage was on the verge of collapse more than once.
"It's just that in our time, broken things were repaired, not thrown away," the old man smiled in response.

Parable about the fragility of love

Once a wise old man came to a village and stayed to live. He loved children and spent a lot of time with them. He also liked to give them gifts, but he gave only fragile things.
No matter how hard the children tried to be neat, their new toys often broke. The children were upset and wept bitterly. Some time passed, the sage again gave them toys, but even more fragile ones.
One day, the parents could not stand it and came to him:
“You are wise and wish only the best for our children. But why do you give them such gifts? They try their best, but the toys still break and the children cry. But the toys are so beautiful that it is impossible not to play with them.
- Quite a few years will pass, - the old man smiled, - and someone will give them his heart. Maybe this will teach them to handle this priceless gift a little more carefully?

And the moral of all these parables is very simple: love and appreciate each other.

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