OJSC Gazprom is the largest gas company. PJSC Gazprom: structure, branches, board of directors

GazProm logo

Some of the first natural gas fields were discovered in the Soviet Union back in 1942. At the same time, the first gas pipeline “Buguruslan - Kuibyshev” was built. Exploration and development of gas sources continued continuously, and new highways and pipelines were built. However, this was not always enough to sufficiently satisfy the needs of the entire Soviet population. The period from 1970 to 1980 changed everything. For the USSR it was marked by the discovery of new gas fields in the Volga region, Siberia and the Urals. Gas production in the Soviet Union increased almost fivefold and already in 1984 it took a leading position in the world gas raw materials market. Production of this resource per year amounted to 587 billion cubic meters. m.

Until this time, since 1948, the Main Directorate for Natural Gas Production operated in the USSR. In 1956, it underwent a series of transformations, as a result of which it became Glavgaz (Main Directorate gas industry at the Council of Ministers of the USSR). In 1963, the State Production Committee for the Gas Industry of the USSR was created, which took over the functions of its predecessor. 1965 - The Ministry of Gas Industry is formed. From it, organizations of two directions are subsequently distinguished: gas and oil. It was this Ministry that became the platform for the future of the company. In 1989, the State Gas Concern was created Gazprom“, which, in turn, becomes a platform for RAO Gazprom (Russian Joint Stock Company). It was founded in 1993, and in 1998 it was renamed into the current Gazprom OJSC (Open Joint Stock Company).

Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin

From 1989 to 1992 headed by V.S. Chernomyrdin, who was appointed to this post by Boris Yeltsin. At that time, the concern completely controlled the search for gas fields throughout the USSR, carried out its distribution and sale. In 1991, the collapse of the Soviet Union occurred, which did not have the best effect. Countries that were previously part of the USSR gain independence, and with it the rights to all gas sources located on their territory, as well as ownership rights to the corresponding pipelines. Losses at that time amounted to 25% of total number compressor stations, as well as over 30% of pipelines. Control over all transit gas pipelines that passed from Russia to Europe was completely transferred to the CIS and Baltic countries. At the same time Russian government came to the conclusion that in order to improve the functioning of the concern, independent companies should be created that could also extract this resource. The initiator of this project was the Minister of Fuel and Energy V. Lopukhin. On this same basis, he had a conflict with the owner of Gazprom, V. Chernomyrdin, who had the opposite opinion and was not going to share the concern with anyone.

The next year became more successful. The intensity of its economic influence is increasing sharply. This happens due to the fact that in 1992 Viktor Stepanovich was appointed to the post of Prime Minister and, naturally, his “brainchild” received a number of tax benefits. In the same year, Chernomyrdin transfers his leadership powers to his first deputy, Rem Vyakhirev, and the president signs several Decrees, from which it follows that the gas resources of the entire country are transferred to the management of the concern.

Privatization of the company. Attempts at reform.

In 1993, the Ministry of Finance approved the project for Gazprom. If at the beginning of 1992 it was completely owned by the state, then in 1993 the distribution of Gazprom shares began. According to the distribution scheme, 40% remained the property of the state, 28.7% was sold for vouchers, 15% belonged to the management of the concern, 10% was intended for sale to foreign companies, 5.2% was owned by the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug), 1 .1% was transferred to the use of the Rosgazification organization.
The market position of the shares was very contradictory and scared off foreign buyers due to its illiquidity. The reason for this was the exclusive rules of the concern, in accordance with which the company exercised control over the secondary market for its shares. The sale could only take place with his permission. It was necessary to inform its management and offer the purchase first, directly to the concern. Only if he refused could they be sold to other organizations.

A complex of buildings that belong to the concern.

Since the privatization process took place under the strict control of Viktor Stepanovich, the interests of the holding were not harmed in any way. In 1994, a trust agreement was signed between R. Vyakhirev and the government, according to which 35% of state shares became the responsibility of the monopolist. In the same year, the investment bank Kleinwort Benson became the agent for the placement of shares abroad. But since they were not popular at that time, there was no demand for the sale offer.
In 1995, Price Waterhouse became the concern's auditor, but in 1997 it passed the baton to De Golyer & McNaughton. Here the need arises for promotion on world capital markets and in 1996 he placed 1% of his shares on the London Stock Exchange. A year later, a major scandal occurs. It featured Regent GAZ Investment, which, through its subsidiary, tried to purchase Gazprom shares on the Russian stock exchange for the purpose of their further resale abroad. After this incident, B. Yeltsin issued a Decree “On the procedure for circulating shares of RAO Gazprom,” according to which the rights of foreign and domestic investors were significantly infringed.


The 1990s were marked by very unstable relations with the government. For young reformers, he personified the unshakable bulwark of the command-administrative economy of Russia and, naturally, they tried in every possible way to limit his power. During Boris Yeltsin's presidency, the concern came to his rescue more than once. So, for example, in 1996, the gas monopolist took out a loan in the amount of 40 trillion on foreign markets, which in turn was spent on paying debts to pensioners. After this, B. Yeltsin again managed to win the elections.
With the arrival of S. Kiriyenko, smooth relations with the government were disrupted.

The new chairman demanded to break the trust agreement concluded with the concern in 1994 and accused him of malicious non-payment of taxes. At the same time, Rem Vyakhirev’s deputy, Vyacheslav Sheremet, stood out in the leadership of the monopolist. During Vyakhirev’s absence, he staunchly defends his interests. In the future, Vyakhirev will say that he wants to see him as his successor Sheremet.
In 1998, Yeltsin removes Chernomyrdin from the post of prime minister. The same time coincides with the beginning. The government makes claims for non-payment of taxes and exerts strong pressure on it, as a result of which the concern still has to pay them. Chernomyrdin remains the chairman of the board.
After Viktor Stepanovich, Evgeny Primakov took his place. His policy towards the company was more loyal. However, in 1999, a fierce struggle broke out between the largest Russian gas monopolist and the government. By that time, the concern had quite a strong influence on the NTV channel, which heavily criticized the Kremlin’s policy towards the company. Gazprom stated that its losses in 1998 amounted to about 2 billion, and, therefore, it is not going to pay any dividends to shareholders. Naturally, the shareholders, in turn, demanded that the concern be held accountable. At the end of the year, V. Putin was appointed to the post of Prime Minister, after which V. Chernomyrdin was presented with a whole list of charges against the leadership, and in particular Vyakhirev.

Summing up the results of the 1990s, we can say that despite the actual violations on the part of the concern, nevertheless, it continued to remain a “safe haven”. During the unstable political situation in the country, it was supported by the state budget, pursued a fairly loyal pricing policy regarding gas supplies, and at the same time carried out a number of political and social functions.

From the year 2000.

In 2000 post of chairman of the board of directors took Dmitry Medvedev. And in 2001, Rem Vyakhirev’s place was given to A. Miller. After this, a massive redistribution of seats began. Most of the people who worked under Vyakhirev's leadership were removed from their posts or left on their own initiative. The time of disagreement with the Kremlin has become history. Despite Miller's relative obscurity, the group's share prices on the London Stock Exchange jumped almost 7%. Although many argued that he would not be able to control the activities of the gas giant, practice has shown that Miller not only copes with his duties very well, but also makes significant changes to improve the company’s work and fights corruption, the cases of which became more frequent in the late 90s . Moreover, for the first time in recent years, the concern’s policy began to completely coincide with the interests of the state.

The company has experienced rapid growth over the past decade. « Gazprom» concludes all new contracts for gas supplies to European countries, is establishing relations with Asian countries. As a result of intensive development, the concern's turnover in 2009 alone amounted to about 150 billion. One of the main directions of Miller's policy was the return of assets that were not properly controlled under Vyakhirev. So, in 2002, previously lost control over Zapsibgazprom, Purgaz, Vostokgazprom. In addition, Severneftegazprom became the property of the concern (the concern bought it). It is impossible not to mention the Itera company, which was considered the second gas giant. Gradually, she had to return to the concern the gas producing assets that had been acquired under Vyakhirev, after which she had no choice but to agree with the leader and become his de facto subordinate. A similar fate befell Northgas, which was developing the North Urengoy field. As soon as production began to gain decent volumes, the monopolist paid attention to it and declared its rights. After a short resistance, Northgas gave in and entered into an agreement with the company. Currently, the concern is rightfully considered the only gas monopoly in Russia.

In addition to its direct activities gas giant engages in research and development and takes an active part in the social life of the country. For a long time he has been a philanthropist of all kinds sporting events, patronizes several domestic football clubs, and is also involved in charitable activities. In 2010 alone, the concern spent over 12 billion rubles on charity. Even despite 2008-2009, the Concern remained a stronghold of stability for the country. Most likely, this will continue to be the case, since it is difficult to imagine that a monopolist of such a scale could have any serious competitors whose resistance it would not be able to break.

The strategic goal is to establish PJSC Gazprom as a leader among global energy companies

PJSC Gazprom is a global energy company. The main activities are geological exploration, production, transportation, storage, processing and sale of gas, gas condensate and oil, sale of gas as motor fuel, as well as production and sale of heat and electricity.

Gazprom sees its mission in reliable, efficient and balanced provision of consumers with natural gas, other types of energy resources and their processed products.

The strategic goal is to establish PJSC Gazprom as a leader among global energy companies by diversifying sales markets, ensuring reliability of supplies, increasing operational efficiency, and using scientific and technical potential.

Gazprom has the world's richest natural gas reserves. Its share in world gas reserves is 17%, in Russian - 72%. Gazprom accounts for 12% of global and 68% of Russian gas production. Currently, the company is actively implementing large-scale projects to develop gas resources of the Yamal Peninsula, the Arctic shelf, Eastern Siberia and Far East, as well as a number of hydrocarbon exploration and production projects abroad.

Gazprom is a reliable gas supplier to Russian and foreign consumers. The company owns the world's largest gas transportation system, the length of which is 172.1 thousand km. Gazprom sells more than half of the gas it sells on the domestic market. In addition, the company supplies gas to more than 30 countries near and far abroad.

Gazprom is Russia's largest producer and exporter of liquefied natural gas (LNG). The company is successfully developing LNG trade within the framework of the existing Sakhalin-2 project, and is also implementing new projects that will allow Gazprom to significantly strengthen its position in the fast-growing global LNG market.

The company is one of the four largest oil producers in the Russian Federation. Gazprom also owns large generating assets in Russia. Their total installed capacity is about 16% of the total installed capacity of the Russian energy system. In addition, Gazprom ranks first in the world in the production of thermal energy.

Company name

full - Public Joint Stock Company "Gazprom"
abbreviated as PJSC Gazprom

Registration information

State registration certificate No. 022.726
(issued by the Moscow Registration Chamber on February 25, 1993) main state registration number(OGRN) - 1027700070518
Taxpayer identification number (TIN) - 7736050003
Registration reason code (KPP) - 997250001
all-Russian classifier territories municipalities(OKTMO) - 45908000

Brief description of the company

"Gazprom"- the largest gas company in the world. Gazprom owns 60% of Russian and 17% of world gas reserves. In gas production, Gazprom's share is even higher - 85% of Russian gas production, 20% of world production.

In Russia, Gazprom holds a monopoly position in the transportation of natural gas in the gaseous state. The company owns the Unified Gas Supply System (UGSS), which includes all main gas pipelines in the country. Access of independent gas producers to Gazprom's gas transportation system is regulated by government agencies.

The Law “On Gas Export” gives Gazprom the exclusive right to export natural gas from Russia. Other Russian gas producers do not have the opportunity to supply their products outside the country.

The Russian Federation owns 50% plus one share of OAO Gazprom. According to the law “On Gas Supply in the Russian Federation,” the state’s share in Gazprom’s capital cannot be lower than this level. During the years of active privatization, the state lost shareholder control over Gazprom. In 2004, control was restored by purchasing a stake.

Gazprom's development strategy provides for the expansion of activities in related areas, in particular oil production and generation electrical energy. Gazprom acquired a controlling stake in the Sibneft company, which was later renamed Gazprom Neft, as well as shares in a number of electric power companies.

The structure of the company

Gazprom Dobycha Astrakhan
Gazprom Dobycha Irkutsk
Gazprom Dobycha Krasnoyarsk
Gazprom Dobycha Nadym
Gazprom Dobycha Noyabrsk
Gazprom dobycha Orenburg
Gazprom Dobycha Urengoy
Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg
Gazprom dobycha shelf
Gazprom Dobycha Kuznetsk
Gazprom Zarubezhneftegaz
Gazprom Netherlands B.V.
Gazprom Sakhalin Holdings B.V.
Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd.
Shtokman Development AG

Gazprom processing
Sibur Holding
Novy Urengoy Gas Chemical Complex

Transportation and storage
Gazprom transgaz Volgograd
Gazprom Transgaz Ekaterinburg
Gazprom Transgaz Kazan
Gazprom transgaz-Kuban
Gazprom transgaz Makhachkala
Gazprom transgaz Moscow
Gazprom Transgaz Nizhny Novgorod
Gazprom transgaz Samara
Gazprom Transgaz St. Petersburg
Gazprom transgaz Saratov
Gazprom Transgaz Stavropol
Gazprom Transgaz Surgut
Gazprom transgaz Tomsk
Gazprom transgaz Ufa
Gazprom Transgaz Ukhta
Gazprom transgaz Tchaikovsky
Gazprom Transgaz Yugorsk
Gazprom UGS
KazRosGaz (Kazakhstan)
Overgas Inc. (Bulgaria)
EuRoPolGaz (Poland)
Volta S.p. A. (Italy)
Nord Stream AG
South Stream AG
Interconnector (UK) Limited
International Gas Transport Consortium

Gazprom liquefied gas
Gazprom export
Gazprom YURGM Trading
Gazprom sales Ukraine
Latvijas Gaze (Latvia)
Lietuvos Dujos (Lithuania)
Stella Vitae (Lithuania)
Eesti Gaas (Estonia)
RosUkrEnergo AG
Gasum Oy (Finland)
Topenergy (Bulgaria)
Turusgaz (Türkiye)
YugoRosGaz (Serbia)
Gazprom Marketing & Trading Ltd.
WIEE (Wintershall Erdgas Handelshaus Zug AG)
Wingas GmbH
ZMB (Schweiz) AG

Oil production and refining
Gazprom Neft
Caspian Oil Company

Electric power industry
Gazprom energo
Kaunas Thermal Power Plant

LLC "Gazprom Geophysics"
OJSC "Gazpromgeofizika"
Gazprom severpodzemremont
Gazprom yugpodzemremont
Gazprom TsKBN
Gazprom promgaz
Gazprom gaznadzor
Gazprom gas safety
Gazprom equipment
Gazprom tsentrremont
Gazprom Germania GmbH

Company history and projects

Company creation
In 1989, the State Gas Concern Gazprom was formed on the basis of the Ministry of Gas Industry. In 1993, the Russian Joint Stock Company Gazprom (RAO Gazprom) was created on its basis. In 1998, RAO Gazprom was renamed OAO Gazprom.

Entering the stock market
Since 1996, trading in Gazprom shares began to be held on a specialized platform of the Federal Stock Corporation. In October 1996, Gazprom placed 1.15% of its shares in the form of American Depository Receipts (ADR) on the stock markets of the United States and Europe.

In December 1996, Mezhregiongaz LLC was established, a specialized trading enterprise with 100% of the authorized capital of OJSC Gazprom. Since April 1997, Mezhregiongaz began supplying gas to Russian consumers.
On initial stage a central office and 62 regional branches were formed, sales technology, interaction with gas consumers, document flow, and accounting were automated; a complete register of gas consumers, including budgetary organizations, has been formed, and a unified information space has been created.
Since 1999, Gazprom's branches have been gradually transformed into independent legal entities- regional gas companies (RGK), which are its subsidiaries. They buy gas from Mezhregiongaz LLC, sell it to consumers in their region, and pay the necessary taxes to regional and local budgets. With the creation of Mezhregiongaz, the number of intermediaries in the gas supply scheme was significantly reduced.
Since the separation of gas sales on the domestic market into a separate area of ​​activity, the state has established tariffs for payment for supply and sales services. The sale of gas was separated from services for its transportation through gas distribution networks. The introduction of fees for supply and sales services allowed RGCs to switch to self-financing of their own costs.

South Pars
In September 1997, Gazprom, together with Total and Petronas, signed a contract for the development of phases 2 and 3 of the South Pars field in Iran. Gazprom's share in the international consortium was 30%, Total - 40%, Petronas - 30%.
In 2002, an international consortium began gas production.

The Yamal-Europe gas trunkline connects gas fields in Siberia with consumers in Western Europe. Initially, the project envisaged the construction of two lines with a diameter of 1420 mm and a length of 4100 km from the Yamal fields through Ukhta and Torzhok, through the territory of Belarus and Poland to Germany.
Construction of the gas pipeline began in 1994 in the border areas of Germany and Poland.
In November 1996, priority sections of the gas pipeline were put into operation in the territories of Poland and Germany with a total length of 117.2 km, including the crossing of the river. Oder. This made it possible to supply Russian natural gas in the amount of 600 million cubic meters. m per year in Germany.
In subsequent years, new pipeline sections and compressor stations were built as part of the project. With the introduction of new sections, gas exports in the new direction reached 14 billion cubic meters by 2000. m. By this time, the concept of the project had changed dramatically, since due to a shortage of capital investments, Gazprom postponed the development of the Yamal fields. The final destination of the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline was Torzhok, where it was connected to the new SRTO-Torzhok gas pipeline. The Yamal-Europe gas pipeline has diverted part of the gas export flow from the Nadym-Pur-Taz region, which previously went to Germany through Ukraine.
In 2007, the first stage of the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline reached its design capacity of 33 billion cubic meters. m. of gas per year.
The construction of the second line of the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline is in doubt. The main problem is Poland's position of opposing the expansion of the gas pipeline for political reasons. The additional capacity of the gas pipeline will reduce Gazprom's dependence on transit through Ukraine, which is negatively assessed in Europe.

Blue Stream
On December 15, 1997, Russia and Turkey signed an intergovernmental agreement, under which Gazprom entered into a commercial contract with Botas to supply 365 billion cubic meters to Turkey over 25 years. m of gas. It was decided to supply gas via a new gas pipeline laid along the bottom of the Black Sea.
In 1999, ENI became Gazprom's partner in implementing the Blue Stream project.
On November 16, 1999, OJSC Gazprom and Eni registered a Russian-Italian company in the Netherlands on a parity basis special purpose Blue Stream Pipeline Company B.V. Now this company is the owner of the offshore section of the gas pipeline, including the Beregovaya compressor station. The owner and operator of the onshore section of the gas pipeline is OJSC Gazprom. On December 30, 2002, the launch complex in Russia was put into operation and a control supply of gas was carried out to the Durusun terminal in Turkey.
The design capacity of the gas pipeline is 16 billion cubic meters. m of gas per year.
The possibility of constructing the second stage of the gas pipeline is being considered. Blue Stream 2 is focused on supplying gas to the southern and central regions of Europe.

North European Gas Pipeline
The North European Gas Pipeline is designed to supply Russian gas to Europe without passing through the territory of transit countries. The gas pipeline route passes through the Baltic Sea from Vyborg to the German coast (Greifswald area). The project provides for the construction of offshore gas pipelines to supply gas to consumers in Finland, Sweden, Great Britain and other countries.
The length of the offshore section of the gas pipeline from Vyborg to Greifswald will be 1189 km, diameter - 1067 mm, operating pressure - 200 atmospheres. The pipeline will consist of two lines with a total design capacity of 55 billion cubic meters. m of gas per year.
To connect NEGP with the Unified Gas Supply System of Russia, it is planned to build a new gas pipeline Gryazovets-Vyborg, which will pass through the territory of the Vologda and Leningrad regions.
In 1997, OAO Gazprom began developing the North European Gas Pipeline project. Gazprom and Neste (currently Fortum) created joint venture North Transgas with equal shares. Initially resource base The gas pipeline was supposed to be gas from the Shtokman field, which was planned to be put into operation by 2006.
During 1997-1999, with the involvement of the world's leading engineering firms and Russian institutes, the full complex marine surveys in the Baltic Sea. A feasibility study for the construction of the offshore section confirmed the technical feasibility and economic efficiency of the NEGP construction.
In December 2000, the European Commission assigned the NEH project the status of TEN (Trans-European Networks), which facilitated the resolution of issues related to the implementation of the project in the territories of EU countries and the attraction of EU funds.
On November 18, 2002, the Gazprom board decided to begin the practical implementation of the NEGP project. An action plan and an enlarged schedule for the implementation of the NEGP project were approved.
On March 17, 2004, Gazprom identified the Yuzhno-Russkoye field as the main raw material base for gas supplies across the NEGP. In this regard, Gazprom decided to synchronize the preparation of business plans and feasibility studies for the construction of the NEGP and the development of the Yuzhno-Russkoye field.
At the beginning of 2005, Gazprom bought a 50% stake in North Transgas from the Finnish concern Fortum.
On September 8, 2005, in Berlin, Gazprom, BASF AG and E.ON AG signed an agreement in principle on the construction of the Nord Stream gas pipeline. In accordance with the document, the partners created a joint venture Nord Stream AG, in the capital of which Gazprom received 51%, and Wintershall Holding (a subsidiary of BASF AG) and E.ON Ruhrgas (part of the E.ON concern) - 24.5% each. .
On June 10, 2008, N.V. joined the project. Nederlandse Gasunie. In accordance with a comprehensive agreement concluded between OJSC Gazprom and Gasunie, the Dutch company received a 9% stake in the capital of Nord Stream AG by reducing the shares of E.ON Ruhrgas and Wintershall Holding by 4.5%. As a result, the shares in Nord Stream AG were distributed as follows: OJSC Gazprom - 51%, Wintershall Holding and E.ON Ruhrgas - 20% each, N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie - 9%.
On December 9, 2005, the first joint of the Gryazovets-Vyborg gas pipeline was welded.

In 1998, Itera-Rus (49%) and Noyabrskgazdobycha LLC (51%) established Purgaz CJSC. The enterprise was created to implement a project for the industrial development of the Cenomanian deposits of the Gubkinskoye field. The Gubkinsky gas field was put into development on June 27, 1999.
In 1999, Noyabrskgazdobycha sold 32% of Purgaz shares to Itera at par value (32 thousand rubles). The purchase and sale agreement provided that Gazprom could return 32% of Purgaz shares at par value before January 1, 2002.
On April 1, 2002, OAO Gazprom completed the buyback of 32% of Purgaz shares from Itera. Itera was returned the nominal value of the shares, as well as about 5.8 billion rubles that were invested in the development of the Gubkinskoye gas field.

Cooperation with Rosneft in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and on the Barents Sea shelf
On October 4, 2001, OJSC Gazprom and NK Rosneft signed an agreement to join forces in the development of five large fields located in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and on the Barents Sea shelf: Kharampurskoye, Vyngayakhinskoye, Etypurovskoye, Prirazlomnoye and Shtokman gas condensate fields.

Zapolyarnoye field
On October 31, 2001, the ceremonial launch of the Zapolyarnoe gas, oil and condensate field took place in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.
The Zapolyarnoye field is located in the Tazovsky district of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, 80 km east of the Urengoy field, 85 km south of the village of Tazovsky. General reserves gas amount to more than 3.3 trillion cubic meters. m. Upper Cenomanian deposit - approximately 2.6 trillion cubic meters. m of gas, Valanginian horizons - about 735 billion cubic meters. m of gas. In terms of gas reserves, Zapolyarnoye ranks fifth in the international ranking of gas fields. The design capacity of the field is 100 billion cubic meters. m. of gas per year. The license to develop the field belongs to Yamburggazdobycha LLC.
The launch of Zapolyarny allowed Gazprom to support gas production, which was declining due to a gradual decrease in the productivity of the main fields - Urengoyskoye, Yamburgskoye, Medvezhye.
At the end of 2004, gas production at the Zapolyarnoye field reached its design target of 100 billion cubic meters. m per year.

Purchase 49% Slovensky Plynarensky Priemysel
On March 14, 2002, the Slovak government decided to sell a 49% stake in the Slovak gas transportation company SSP to an international consortium, which included Gazprom, Ruhrgas and Gaz de France.

Return of shares of OJSC Severneftegazprom
On June 27, 2002, the head of Gazprom, Alexey Miller, and the director of MGK Itera, Igor Makarov, signed a memorandum of cooperation. According to the document, the parties agreed that Gazprom would acquire from Itera a 51% stake in OAO Severneftegazprom, which holds licenses for the right to use the subsoil of the Yuzhno-Russkoye field.
In turn, Surgutgazprom and Noyabrskgazdobycha will transfer to Itera 7.78% of the shares of Tarkosaleneftegaz and 10% of the shares of Sibneftegaz OJSC.
OJSC Severneftegazprom was created as a 100% subsidiary of Zapsibgazprom, but subsequently a controlling stake in Severneftegazprom was sold to Itera.

International consortium for the management and development of the gas transportation system of Ukraine
On October 30, 2002, Gazprom and Naftogaz of Ukraine signed constituent documents"International Consortium for the Management and Development of the Gas Transport System of Ukraine." It was assumed that the consortium would manage the Ukrainian gas transportation system. In addition to Ukraine and Russia, the consortium will include Germany, representing the interests of European gas consumers. The project failed to be implemented. Ukraine began to delay the implementation of its plans. Instead of transferring the existing gas transportation system, Ukraine proposed to the consortium to build a new gas pipeline Novopskov-Uzhgorod. Since the consortium did not gain access to manage Ukraine's existing gas transportation system, Russia and Germany lost interest in participating in the project.

Exchange of assets with NK "YUKOS"
In 2003, Gazprom and Yukos agreed to exchange production assets. Gazprom transferred 12% of the shares of Arctic Gas to YUKOS, and YUKOS gave Gazprom 25.58% of the shares of Zapsibgazprom OJSC and paid $3 million in cash.

On May 24, 1994, OJSC Siberian Oil and Gas Company (Sibneftegaz) was created. In 1998, Sibneftegaz acquired licenses for the right to use the subsoil of the Beregovoye, Pyreynoye and Zapadno-Zapolyarnye areas. In 2006, Sibneftegaz acquired a license for the right to use the subsoil of the Khadyryakhinsky site.
In May 2003, Itera prepared the Beregovoye field for commercial production, but production did not begin because Gazprom refused to accept gas into the transport system.
21% of the shares of Sibneftegaz OJSC were purchased by Acron OJSC.
In 2006, Gazprom acquired 51% of Sibneftegaz from Itera for $131.5 million.
In April 2007, the Beregovoe field was put into commercial production.

On July 17, 2003, OAO Gazprom and Wintershall signed a framework agreement and constituent documents on the creation of the joint venture Achimgaz. The new enterprise will develop a pilot section of the Achimov deposits of the Urengoyskoye field. Over the entire period of development of this site (43 years), it is planned to produce about 200 billion cubic meters. m of gas and 40 million tons of condensate.
The joint venture will sell all produced gas to Gazprom. The purchase price will be determined by a formula that takes into account the cost of gas in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and on the border with Germany. The partners will receive profit in accordance with their participation shares in the project - 50:50.
The Achimov deposits lie at depths of 3150-3800 m and have a more complex geological structure compared to the Cenomanian and Valanginian deposits currently being developed. The main recoverable hydrocarbon reserves of the Achimov deposits of the Nadym-Pur-Taz region are concentrated in the Urengoy gas, oil and condensate field. The subsoil user of this field is Urengoygazprom LLC. The Achimov deposits of the Urengoyskoye field are divided into six pilot areas, which will be developed one by one.

Purchase of Lietuvos Dujos
At the end of 2003, OAO Gazprom and the State Property Fund of Lithuania approved a purchase and sale agreement for a 34% stake in the Lithuanian gas distribution company Lietuvos Dujos.
According to the Lietuvos Dujos privatization program, approved in the summer of 2002, a strategic foreign investor and the main gas supplier were to acquire 34% of the company's shares. There were no problems with the implementation of the first stage of the program - 34% of the shares of Lietuvos Dujos were sold to a consortium of German companies Ruhrgas AG and E.ON Energie for 116 million litas (33.6 million euros). In September 2002, Gazprom sent an application to the competition commission with a proposal to purchase a stake in Lietuvos Dujos for $23 million. Such a low price did not suit the Lithuanian side, and in April 2003, Gazprom raised the price to $25.1 million. This proposal also was rejected by the commission. Lithuania insisted that Gazprom must pay no less for the shares it received than its German partners. In August 2003, Gazprom again adjusted its bid, valuing Lietuvos Dujos shares at 100 million litas (28.96 million euros). At the same time, Gazprom is ready to pay 91 million litas at the time of concluding the deal, and the remaining 9 million litas - after January 1, 2004, in the event that the Lithuanian government abandons state regulation of prices for gas supplied to large consumers of the country. Despite the fact that the proposed amount was 10% less than what Lithuania wanted to receive for the shares being sold, in order to speed up the privatization process, the Lithuanian side compromised and agreed to Gazprom’s terms.

At the end of 2003, the Russian government approved TsentrKaspneftegaz LLC as an authorized organization from Russia for the joint development of hydrocarbon resources of the Central geological structure with Kazakhstan. The decision was made in accordance with the protocol to the agreement between the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan on delimiting the bottom of the northern part of the Caspian Sea.
TsentrKaspneftegaz was founded in July 2003 by Gazprom and LUKOIL on parity terms. The purpose of creating the enterprise is to participate in the development of the Central structure together with the authorized organization from Kazakhstan - NK KazMunayGas.
The Central structure is located within the Russian sector of the Caspian Sea, 150 km east of Makhachkala. The license for geological exploration of the site belongs to LUKOIL. In 2001, seismic surveys were carried out on the structure. According to LUKOIL estimates, Central's recoverable reserves amount to 521.1 million tons of oil and 91.7 billion cubic meters. m of associated gas.

Debt restructuring of OJSC SIBUR
By the beginning of 2004, SIBUR's consolidated debt, including interest, reached 67.86 billion rubles. As part of the debt restructuring, it was decided to create a new company that would receive all of SIBUR's liquid assets. The old company will continue to supply raw materials to the enterprises of the new company, process them and sell products. After full fulfillment of its obligations to all creditors, the old company must be liquidated.
On July 11, 2005, AK SIBUR and its subsidiaries - OJSC Sibur-Tyumen, LLC Neftekhim-Leasing, OJSC Sibur-Neftekhim, OJSC SiburTyumenGaz - registered OJSC AKS Holding.
Gazprom received 100% of the shares of AKS Holding OJSC.

Exchange of assets with NOVATEK
In October 2004, Gazprom and NOVATEK entered into an agreement on the exchange of assets. As part of this agreement, Gazprom received 100% of Purgazdobycha LLC in exchange for 8.34% of the shares of Purneftegazgeologiya OJSC.
Purgazdobycha LLC holds a license for the Zapadno-Tarkosalinskoye field.

In October 2001, OAO Gazprom and OAO NK Rosneft signed an agreement on the joint development of a number of oil and gas fields located in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and on the shelf of the Pechora and Barents seas. In 2002, CJSC Rosshelf on behalf of Gazprom and OJSC NK Rosneft-Purneftegaz on behalf of Rosneft established CJSC Sevmorneftegaz. The parties received equal shares in the authorized capital of the enterprise. In December 2002, Sevmorneftegaz received licenses for the use of the subsoil of the Prirazlomnoye and Shtokman fields.
In December 2004, Gazprom bought 50% of Sevmorneftegaz CJSC from Rosneft.

In 1993, Orenburggazprom LLC and the American company Avalon International created a joint venture, Stimul CJSC. Orenburggazprom received 51% of the shares of Stimul, Avalon International - 49% of the shares.
In 1996, the company began production of oil and gas condensate in the Artinsko-Sakmarskaya deposit of the Orenburg field. In 1999, Orenburggazprom transferred a license for this site to Stimul.
A few years later, Avalon International sold its stake in Stimul to Victory Oil. In 2000, an additional issue of Stimul shares was carried out, as a result of which the share of Orenburggazprom was reduced to 38.2%, and the share of Victory Oil increased to 61.8%. Gazprom tried to regain control over the enterprise by filing lawsuits in various courts, but this tactic did not lead to success.
In June 2004, Gazprom OJSC, Victory Oil and Magnum Oil signed a package of agreements on the purchase by Gazprom of a stake in Stimul CJSC and the settlement of all controversial issues. As part of the agreements, Gazprom bought a 12.8% stake in Stimul CJSC from Victory Oil. Taking into account this transaction, the total share of Gazprom and Orenburggazprom in the share capital of Stimul CJSC reached 51%.
At the end of 2006, Gazprom bought a 49% stake in Stimul CJSC from the offshore Botichelly Ltd, increasing its share to 100%.

Gas-Invest (Czech Republic)
In February 2005, Gazprom acquired 37.5% of the Czech gas distribution company Gas-Invest. The shares were purchased by Zarubejgas-Erdgashandell GmbH, a company registered in Berlin, whose sole shareholder is Gazexport LLC.
Gas-Invest began its work in 1995. The company supplies Russian gas to the Czech market on the basis of a long-term contract with Gazexport. In addition, on the basis of an agency agreement, Gas-Invest represents the interests of Gazprom in the Czech Republic and has exclusive rights to additional supplies of natural gas from Russia to the Czech market.

Plan to merge Rosneft with Gazprom
In the fall of 2004, the Russian government decided to transfer the state-owned stake in Rosneft to Gazprom. As a result of this transaction, Rosneft will become a 100% subsidiary of Gazprom, and the state's share in the authorized capital of the merged company will exceed 50%, which will allow the restoration of shareholder control over OJSC Gazprom, lost as a result of privatization. The united company was named Gazpromneft.
In the summer of 2005, the Russian government abandoned plans to merge Rosneft and Gazprom. It was decided that the state would buy the missing shares of Gazprom from its subsidiaries. It was decided to obtain funds for the acquisition of shares through the privatization of Rosneft.

CJSC Northgas Limited was established in 1993 to develop the Neocomian deposits of the North Urengoy field. The founders were Urengoygazprom LLC (51%) and the British offshore company Farco Group (49%).
In 1999, after an additional issue of Northgas shares, the share of Urengoygazprom was reduced to 0.55%. Subsequently, a controlling stake in CJSC Northgas was acquired by REDI Limited (Great Britain). In 2003, another additional issue was carried out, after which Northgas CJSC was transformed into Northgas LLC, and then into Northgas OJSC. As a result of these transformations, Urengoygazprom's share dropped to zero.
In 2004, Gazprom began making efforts to regain control of Northgas. Gazprom filed dozens of lawsuits, and also began to limit the intake of gas produced by Northgas into the transport system. On June 10, 2005, OJSC Gazprom, LLC Urengoygazprom and shareholders of OJSC Northgas signed an agreement on the gratuitous transfer of 51% of the shares of Northgas to Urengoygazprom.

Return of a controlling stake in Gazprom to state ownership
In the summer of 2005, a controlling stake in Gazprom became state property. 10.74% of Gazprom shares were acquired by the state enterprise Rosneftegaz from subsidiaries of Gazprom OJSC (JSC AB Gazprombank, LLC Gazprominvestholding, NPF Gazfond and JSC Gazpromfinance B.V.). The state paid $7.15 billion for 10.74% of Gazprom shares.

Reform of Gazprom's structure
On August 25, 2005, the management board of OAO Gazprom reviewed information on the progress of implementation of the action plan to improve the internal corporate management structure. The Board considered it expedient to create specialized subsidiaries:

  • Gazpromneftedobycha (oil and condensate production);
  • "Gazprom-UGS" (underground gas storage facilities);
  • Gazprompererabotka (processing of gas and liquid hydrocarbons);
  • "Gazpromtsentrpodzemremont" (major and underground repairs of wells at gas storage facilities);
  • "Gazpromseverpodzemremont" and "Gazpromyugpodzemremont" (major and underground repairs of wells in gas, gas condensate and oil fields, respectively in Western Siberia and in the South of Russia);
  • "Gazpromavtogaz" (network of automobile gas stations).
The Management Board approved the liquidation of non-core divisions in existing gas production and gas transportation subsidiaries with the transfer of corresponding assets to newly created specialized subsidiaries.
  • assets used in underground storage gas must be transferred to Gazprom-UGS LLC;
  • well repair assets from gas producing subsidiaries - in Gazpromseverpodzemremont LLC and Gazpromyugpodzemremont LLC;
  • well repair assets from gas transportation subsidiaries - to Gazpromtsentrpodzemremont LLC;
  • gas production assets - from gas transportation subsidiaries to gas production subsidiaries;
  • gas transportation assets - from gas production subsidiaries to gas transmission subsidiaries;
  • assets for the repair of compressor station equipment - in DOJSC "Tsentrenergogaz";
  • communication enterprises - in LLC "Gazsvyaz";
  • motor transport assets, after staffing the emergency recovery departments of the subsidiaries of OAO Gazprom, are transferred to specialized organizations.
In addition to the concentration of core activities, it is planned to separate service services, distribution networks and social infrastructure into separate divisions.

Deposits of the Gulf of Ob
In 2005, Gazflot discovered new hydrocarbon deposits on the shelf of the Ob Bay. Hydrocarbons were found at depths of over 2.5 thousand m.
The recoverable reserves of the North-Kamenomysskoye field and the Kamenomysskoye-Sea only based on the upper layers (Cenomanian deposits) are estimated at 800 billion cubic meters. m of natural gas.

Mining in Venezuela
In September 2005, Gazprom won a tender for two licenses to develop offshore gas fields in Venezuela as part of the Rafael Urdaneta project (Urumaco-1 and Urumaco-2 blocks). Gazprom paid $15.2 million for the right to develop Urumaco-1, and $24.8 million for Urumaco-2.
Gazprom established the companies UrdanetaGazprom-1 and UrdanetaGazprom-2, to which operator functions for the corresponding license blocks were transferred.
The forecast reserves of natural gas in the blocks are about 100 billion cubic meters. m. Licenses give the right to produce gas for 25 years. In May 2007, Gazprom completed the first stage of geological exploration and decided to drill exploratory wells.

Development of deposits in the Ustyurt region (Uzbekistan)
In January 2006, Gazprom and Uzbekneftegaz signed an Agreement on the basic principles and provisions of the production sharing agreement for the Urga, Kuanysh and Akchalak groups of the Ustyurt region of the Republic of Uzbekistan. To implement the project, Gazprom created an operator, Ustyurt-Zarubezhneftegaz LLC.
During the period from 2006 to 2008, Gazprom completed the first stage of geological exploration work in the Agyinsky, Akchalaksky, Aktumsuksky, Nasambeksky, Shakhpakhtinsky, Kuanyshsky, and West Urginsky investment blocks. Based on the results of the work, Gazprom recognized the Akchalaksky, Kuanyshsky and West Urginsky blocks as unpromising and decided to return the licenses.

Purchase of Sibneft
On September 28, 2005, Gazprom OJSC and Millhouse Capital signed documents to acquire a 72.7% stake in Sibneft OJSC. The transaction amount was $13.09 billion.
Previously, Gazprom bought a 3% stake in Sibneft from Gazprombank. As a result, Gazprom gained control over 75.7% of the shares of OAO Sibneft.

On April 4, 2007, the next auction for the sale of gas assets of NK Yukos took place. The lot put up for auction included, among other assets, a stake in Sibneft in the amount of 20% authorized capital. The winner of the auction was Enineftegaz LLC, representing the interests of a consortium of Italian companies ENI and Enel. The lot was purchased for 151.5 billion rubles with a starting price of 144.8 billion rubles.
After the auction was completed, it was announced that on November 14, 2006, Gazprom entered into an option agreement with ENI for the right to buy out part of YUKOS assets.
In April 2009, Gazprom bought a 20% stake in Gazprom Neft OJSC from ENI.

Gazprom Neft
On May 13, 2006, an extraordinary meeting of shareholders of Sibneft OJSC was held, at which it was decided to change the name of the company to Gazprom Neft OJSC.

Liberalization of the Gazprom share market
On December 23, 2005, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the federal law “On Amendments to Article 15 of the Federal Law “On Gas Supply in the Russian Federation”, adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on December 9, 2005 and approved by the Federation Council of the Russian Federation on December 14, 2005. The law is aimed at liberalization stock market of OJSC Gazprom. It eliminated the division of the markets for the circulation of Gazprom shares, lifted the restriction on the share of Gazprom shares that can belong to foreign citizens and organizations. According to the previous version of the law, the share of Gazprom shares owned by foreign citizens and organizations should not exceed 20%. At the same time, at least 35% of the total number of ordinary shares of the organization that owns the Unified Gas Supply System should be in federal ownership.
The new version of the law provides that the total share of Gazprom ordinary shares owned by the Russian Federation cannot be less than 50% of the total number of ordinary shares plus 1 share. There are no restrictions on the ownership of Gazprom shares by foreign citizens and organizations.
V. Putin also signed a decree “On invalidating certain decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.” Presidential Decrees No. 529 dated May 28, 1997 “On the procedure for the circulation of shares of the Russian Joint Stock Company “Gazprom” for the period of consolidation of the shares of the Russian Joint Stock Company “Gazprom” in federal ownership, No. 943 dated August 10, 1998 “On the conditions for the sale of shares of the open joint stock company of the Gazprom Company and No. 1316 dated October 31, 1998 “On the sale of part of the federally owned shares of the Gazprom Open Joint Stock Company.”

Gazprom zarubezhneftegaz
CJSC Zarubezhneftegaz was founded in September 1998. The founders were: Gazprom - 60.1%, Zarubezhneft - 24.9%, Stroytransgaz - 15%.
In 2007, Gazprom bought shares of Zarubezhneftegaz CJSC from Zarubezhneft OJSC and Stroytransgaz OJSC. After the completion of the transactions, Gazprom became the sole owner of the shares of Zarubezhneftegaz CJSC.
Zarubezhneftegaz represents the interests of Gazprom in a number of projects for the exploration and development of hydrocarbon fields and the construction of oil and gas industry facilities outside Russia.

Pennine Natural Gas Limited (UK)
In June 2006, OAO Gazprom acquired the retail business of Pennine Natural Gas Limited with the aim of expanding direct sales to commercial and industrial consumers in the UK. The deal was completed by Gazprom Marketing and Trading. Pennine Natural Gas Limited - marketing company engaged in gas retail trade.

Monopoly on gas exports
In 2006 The State Duma The Russian Federation adopted in the second and third readings the law “On Gas Export”, giving Gazprom a monopoly right to supply gas outside Russia. The law gives the exclusive right to export gas to the organization that owns the Unified Gas Supply System or its subsidiary, in the authorized capital of which the share of the owner of the Unified Gas Supply System is 100%.
The Law “On Gas Export” applies to gas produced from all types of hydrocarbon deposits and transported in a gaseous or liquefied state. However, it does not affect gas exports carried out in accordance with production sharing agreements that were concluded before the law came into force.
The law was approved by the Federation Council of the Russian Federation and signed by the President of the Russian Federation.

JV based on the Orenburg gas processing plant
On October 3, 2006, OJSC Gazprom and JSC NK KazMunayGas signed an agreement to establish a joint venture on the basis of the Orenburg gas processing plant and carry out its modernization. In accordance with the document, participation shares in the joint venture will be distributed on a parity basis.
The main activity of the enterprise will be the processing of hydrocarbons produced at the Karachaganak gas condensate field.
As part of the agreement, Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V. and KazRosGas LLP signed a purchase and sale agreement for Karachaganak gas.
KazRosGas is a joint venture of OJSC Gazprom and JSC NC KazMunayGas. Created in accordance with the agreement between the governments of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan on cooperation in the gas sector dated November 28, 2001. KazRosGaz purchases natural gas and processes it at the gas processing plant of Russia. The enterprise is registered in Kazakhstan, the parties own equal shares in its authorized capital.

In 2005, Chairman of the Board of Gazprom Alexey Miller and Chief Executive Officer of Royal Dutch Shell Jeroen van der Veer signed a memorandum of understanding on the exchange of assets within the framework of the Zapolyarnoye-Neocomian deposits and Sakhalin-2 projects. According to the memorandum, Gazprom was to receive 25% plus 1 share in the Sakhalin-2 project, and Shell - 50% in the Zapolyarnoye-Neocomian deposits project. The difference in value was supposed to be compensated in cash or other assets.
The Sakhalin-2 project is carried out under the terms of the Production Sharing Agreement of 1994. It provides for the development of the Piltun-Astokhskoye and Lunskoye fields with reserves of 150 million tons of oil and 500 billion cubic meters of gas. The project operator is Sakhalin Energy, established by Shell (55%), Mitsui (25%) and Mitsubishi (20%).

In 2006, Gazprom revised its position regarding entry into the Sakhalin-2 project. Under pressure from government authorities, Sakhalin Energy shareholders agreed to sell 50% plus 1 share in the company to Gazprom for $7.45 billion. As a result of the transaction, the shares of Sakhalin Energy founders were halved and amounted to: Shell - 27.5%, Mitsui - 12 .5%, Mitsubishi - 10%.

Acquisition of OAO NOVATEK
In the fall of 2006, Gazprom acquired 19.4% of ordinary shares of OAO NOVATEK. Shares of OAO NOVATEK were purchased from Levit LLC and SWGI Growth Fund (Cyprys) Ltd. through the German subsidiary of Gazprom ZGG GmbH.
The parties agreed that the stake in NOVATEK, which will be owned by Gazprom and its affiliates, at any time will not exceed 19.9% ​​of NOVATEK's outstanding shares.

At the end of 2005, a conflict in the gas sector arose again between Russia and Ukraine. Ukraine expressed dissatisfaction with the too high prices for gas supplied from Russia and demanded preferential conditions. In case of refusal, Ukraine threatened to stop gas transit to Europe.
During the negotiations, OJSC Gazprom and NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine reached an agreement on new conditions for gas supplies to Ukraine. As part of the agreement, Gazprom established the company RosUkrEnergo, in which it owned 50% of the authorized capital. The parties agreed that from January 1, 2006, RosUkrEnergo will purchase Russian gas from Gazprom at a price of $230 per 1 thousand cubic meters. m. To reduce the price of gas supplied to Ukraine, Ros-UkrEnergo will begin to purchase Central Asian gas. As a result, the cost of gas on the Russian-Ukrainian border will be $95 per 1 thousand cubic meters. m.
The tariff for transporting Russian gas through Ukraine was agreed at $1.6 per pumping 1 thousand cubic meters. m of gas over a distance of 100 km.

Experimental gas trading at the Mezhregiongaz ETP
In 2005, the Russian government decided to conduct an experiment in selling natural gas to industrial consumers at market prices. The trading scheme, called “5+5,” provided that Gazprom and its subsidiaries would be able to sell up to 5 billion cubic meters on the exchange. m of gas and the same volume will be supplied by independent producers.
Experimental gas trading at the Mezhregiongaz ETP began in November 2006 and continued until the end of 2008.

Gazprom export
In 1999, Gazprom established Gazexport LLC.
In 2006, Gazexport LLC was renamed Gazprom Export LLC.
In 2007, OAO Gazprom consolidated all export activities into OOO Gazprom Export, including the sale of gas, oil, petroleum products, gas condensate and liquefied petroleum gases.
Gazprom Export LLC is a 100% subsidiary of Gazprom.

Extraction of methane from coal seams
In 2007, Gazprom acquired from Methane Investors, LLS and Methane Exploration and Prodution (Cyprus) Ltd shares of 28.7% and 25.3% in the authorized capital of LLC Geologoprovyslovaya Kompaniya Kuznetsk.
GPK Kuznetsk LLC has a license to search, explore and produce coal bed methane within the South Kuzbass group of coal deposits.
The predicted resources of coalbed methane in Russia are comparable in scale to traditional natural gas deposits and are estimated at 49 trillion cubic meters. m, which is 15% of the world's coal methane resources.

Acquisition of OJSC Salavatnefteorgsintez
In May 2007, Gazprombank, in the interests of Gazprom, acquired 53.92% of OJSC Salavatnefteorgsintez, which was owned by Bashkortostan.
The shares of Salavatnefteorgsintez were previously transferred to Gazprom for trust management and the gas concern already had operational control over the enterprise. But while the shares belonged to Bashkortostan, Gazprom delayed the implementation of the investment program.
Salavatnefteorgsintez is one of the largest producers of butyl alcohol, gasoline, ethylene, propylene and polyethylene in Russia.

Acquisition of shares of OJSC Beltransgaz (Belarus)
In May 2007, Gazprom OJSC and the State Property Committee of Belarus signed an agreement regulating the procedure for Gazprom’s acquisition of a 50% stake in Beltransgaz OJSC. The parties agreed that Gazprom would buy shares of Beltransgaz in four stages during 2007-2010. At each stage, Gazprom will receive a 12.5% ​​stake in Beltransgaz OJSC at a price of $625 million per stake. Gazprom made the first payment in June 2007.

Expansion of the resource base
In May 2007, OAO Gazprom was recognized as the winner in auctions for the right to use the subsoil of the Seyakhinsky, Nilivoysky and Tazovsko-Zapolyarny blocks located on the territory of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.
The Seyakhinsky and Nilivoysky subsoil areas are located on the Yamal Peninsula, 150 km east of the Bovanenkovskoye oil, gas and condensate field, the license for the right to use the subsoil of which belongs to Nadymgazprom LLC. The Tazovsko-Zapolyarny area is located between the Tazovsky and Zapolyarny areas, the subsoil user of which is Yamburggazdobycha LLC.
The forecast recoverable hydrocarbon resources of category C3 at the Seyakhinsky site amount to 442.3 million tons of standard fuel, including 411 billion cubic meters of gas. m; Nilivoyskoye - 343.1 million tons of equivalent fuel, including gas - 295 billion cubic meters. m; Tazovsko-Zapolyarny - 207.7 million tons of equivalent fuel, including gas - 144 billion cubic meters. m.

On July 5, 2007, Nadymgazprom LLC and Noyabrskgazdobycha LLC won auctions for the right to use the subsoil of the Nyakkhobsky and Verkhnekhudoseisky areas in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.
The Nyakkhobsky site is located in a promising oil and gas bearing area in the southwestern part of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. A gas pipeline runs 45 km east of the site, providing gas supply to the city of Salekhard.
The Verkhnekhudoseisky area is located 100 km east of the Lenskoye oil field and the Vostochno-Terelsky license area, the licenses for the right to use the subsoil of which belong to Noyabrskgazdobycha LLC.
The expected recoverable resources of the Nyakhobsky area are 188 billion cubic meters. m of gas, Verkhnekhudoseisky section - 216.3 billion cubic meters. m of gas, 3.9 million tons of condensate and 18.3 million tons of oil.

Kovykta field
On June 22, 2007, Gazprom reached an agreement with TNK-BP International to acquire assets related to the Kovyktinskoye field. The parties agreed that Gazprom would buy 62.8% of the shares of RUSIA Petroleum, which holds the license for the Kovyktinskoye field, and 50% of the shares of the East Siberian Gas Company, which carries out gasification of the Irkutsk region.
RUSIA Petroleum has been developing the Kovykta field for over 10 years. According to the terms of the license agreement, 9 billion cubic meters should be produced at the field in 2006. m of gas. However, the conditions of the license were not met. The company was unable to complete the construction of an export gas pipeline, and local gas demand is estimated at 2.5 billion cubic meters. m per year. However, RUSIA Petroleum did not produce even this volume - in 2006, only 0.03 billion cubic meters were extracted from the subsoil. m of gas. The patience of the Russian regulatory authorities has run out and the company was offered two options to choose from: start fulfilling its obligations or hand over the license to an undistributed fund. To avoid revocation of the license, TNK-BP decided to sell the problematic asset to Gazprom.
The implementation of the agreement has been delayed, the deal has not been completed to date.

Gas pipeline Sudzha-Korenevo-Glushkovo
On October 9, 2007, ceremonial events dedicated to the commissioning of the Sudzha-Korenevo-Glushkovo gas pipeline branch took place in the Glushkovsky district of the Kursk region. The new gas pipeline ensures the supply of gas from the system main gas pipelines Uzhgorod corridor to consumers of Korenevsky and Glushkovsky districts of Kursk region. Previously, gas supply to the Kursk region was carried out in transit through the territory of Ukraine.
The length of the pipeline is about 51 km.

Asset exchange with BASF
In 2007, Gazprom and BASF carried out related transactions to exchange assets. As part of the agreements, Gazprom increased its share in the authorized capital of Wingas GmbH to 50% minus one share. BASF, in turn, received 25% in the authorized capital of OJSC Severneftegazprom minus one ordinary share and one preferred share without voting rights, which is equivalent to a 10% share in the project's profits.

Strategic gas fields
On November 28, 2007, the Russian government approved a list of gas fields of strategic importance.
In April-May 2008, the Russian government ordered the transfer of 10 fields included in the list of strategic fields to Gazprom. Gazprom received the right to develop the Antipayutinskoye, West Tambeyskoye, Kruzenshternskoye, Malyginskoye, North Tambeyskoye, Tasiyskoye, Semakovskoye, Tota-Yakhinskoye, Kirinskoye and Chayandinskoye fields.

Update: October 2008

Work at Gazprom Neft -
means striving for more:

· Create and be proud of what you create

· Create history for future generations

· Solve interesting problems

· Create and apply new approaches

· Gain opportunities for self-realization


About company

Gazprom Neft is a vertically integrated oil company whose main activities are exploration and development of oil and gas fields, sale of extracted raw materials, as well as production and marketing of petroleum products.

The structure of Gazprom Neft includes more than 70 oil production, oil refining and marketing enterprises in Russia, near and far abroad countries, employing more than 56 thousand people. The company processes about 80% of the oil produced, demonstrating one of the best production and refining ratios in Russia. In terms of oil refining volume, Gazprom Neft is one of the three largest companies in Russia, and in terms of production volume it ranks fourth.

Gazprom Neft operates in the largest oil and gas regions of Russia: the Khanty-Mansi and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs, Tomsk, Omsk, and Orenburg regions. The company's main processing facilities are located in the Omsk, Moscow and Yaroslavl regions, as well as in Serbia. In addition, Gazprom Neft is implementing production projects outside Russia - in Iraq, Venezuela and other countries.

Gazprom Neft products are exported to more than 50 countries and sold throughout the Russian Federation and abroad through an extensive network of its own sales enterprises. Currently, the company's gas station network includes almost 1,750 stations in Russia, the CIS countries and Europe.

The main shareholder of Gazprom Neft is OJSC Gazprom (95.68%). The remaining shares are in free circulation.



An adaptation program is in place for young Gazprom Neft specialists, including mentoring and training to develop corporate and professional competencies. The program is aimed at unlocking potential and determining the optimal career path for young professionals in the company.

Forming educational standards industry, Gazprom Neft acts as a partner of the country's leading universities, providing them with sponsorship assistance for the development of the scientific, material and technical base, and career guidance for students.

Gazprom Neft enterprises operate a program of personalized scholarships for students.

Every year, the company and its subsidiaries organize student internships, the successful completion of which allows not only to develop the first professional skills, but also to receive an invitation to work.



Gazprom Neft is convinced that effective and sustainable business development is inextricably linked with national economic competitiveness, social well-being, and conservation of natural resources.

The company is an active social investor in the regions where it operates.

Gazprom Neft is a large taxpayer and employer. The company invests in the modernization of production and advanced training of workers, and acts as a customer for products from local manufacturers.

Gazprom Neft has adopted the “Native Towns” social investment program aimed at developing the urban environment and social infrastructure of the territories where it operates. Employees of Gazprom Neft and its subsidiaries take an active part in volunteer programs in the regions where the company operates.



The corporate culture of Gazprom Neft is based on the principles
which is shared by all our employees.

  • Honesty

We are open and honest with each other, the company, our partners, competitors and society. Our words do not differ from our deeds.

  • Leadership

We take initiative and strive to be the best in everything we do. We set ambitious goals and take personal responsibility for the results.

  • Responsible owner mentality

We treat the company's assets and resources with care, taking care of their safety and growth.

  • Mutual respect
    and trust

We respect ourselves and others, solve complex problems together, trusting each other's professionalism, and help colleagues to be successful.

  • Winner mentality

We are positive and believe in success, are not afraid of difficulties and develop competencies for effective solution large-scale tasks.

The unfolding battles around gas prices for the junta gave me the idea to once again remind everyone of the long-known truth - who and how much owns the giant of our energy industry, GAZPROM, which is considered Russian.

According to completely open data, the “state” owns only 50% of the shares (+1 vote). I put the word “state” in quotation marks because this is a small ploy to sweeten the pill. In reality, the state itself, represented by its state body Rosimushchestvo, no longer owns 50, but only 38.37% of the giant’s shares, the rest are divided between OJSC Rosneftegaz (10.74%) and OJSC Rosgazifikatsiya (0.89%).

What does this mean? Exactly that President Putin can harshly bark: “Sha! Do as I said!” only by 38%. Agree, this is a slightly different caliber in the command-administrative system of corporate management. By the way, profits from the sale of gas are also distributed - you and I get only 38% of what GAZPROM produces, because the contents of our subsoil, having passed through the pipe to the surface, are somehow transformed and begin to belong to the technicians who stuck this very pipe. As if a neighbor, having installed a pump on a well in your yard, sold water to everyone (including you), paying you a tax on this action. But I digress, let’s return to GAZPROM, clarifying that even 38% of the produced gas still belongs not to you and me, but to GAZPROM itself, we only own a share in the profit.

There is also Rosneftegaz, 100% owned by Rosiimushchestvo, which was created as a “temporary storage” of shares of Rosneft and Gazprom. It was supposed to be liquidated as soon as it repaid the multibillion-dollar loan received, but it still exists. For what? And then, so as not to concentrate the controlling stake in one hand. After all, the direct blocking stake should be 50% + 1 share. This is the subtlety - in order to directly block this or that decision, 50% +1 must be concentrated in one hand. Otherwise, horse dancing begins.

Why am I doing all this? Besides the fact that Russia is not authoritarian in its decisions on GAZPROM, ours should agree with the other owners.

Who are these “other owners”? From the graph you can see that this is Bank of NY and some “others”.

Well, BoNY is clear in what way - it is masquerading as the issuer of American depositary receipts issued for GAZPROM shares. In order not to rack your brains in vain, I will explain - this is a veiled form of transfer of state property from the colony to the metropolis. Those. 27% were directly transferred to “our American partners,” as GDP likes to cheerfully joke. Why 27? But because with 25 percent comes the “publication” of the shares, i.e. the owner of this 27% can overrule decisions made by the Company.

Who else are the shareholders, who are these “others”?

E.ON Ruhrgas AG, the largest German natural gas distribution company - 6.5%
Deutsche UFG, a hedge fund company 100% owned by Deutsche Bank - over 3%
NAFTA-MOSCOW, Cyprus company (guess why and by whom created) - 5.3%
NAFTA-VOSTOK, a fund, again, it’s not even worth explaining who created it - 1.5%
INTECO (yes, Madame Baturina) - 1%
The remaining 5.5% is sprayed among the gang, i.e. for milk for your loved ones.

So, Russia, or rather our President V.V. Putin. (in principle, for some time now I have not separated my president), are not able to firmly make an unambiguous decision on certain actions of GAZPROM, but must negotiate with the same ones who are preparing all this crap with gas supplies - amers, burghers and 5- th column, owning assets located outside Russian jurisdiction and directly managing the concern.

And now look - Putin is alone in GAZPROM. Against him are the shareholders, the authors of the coup in Ukraine, and the managers who are held by the Adam’s apple of their assets by these same shareholders.

What else to read