Formulate the main marketing goals of the company. What is marketing in simple words: types and functions, goals and objectives, strategies and plan

F. Kotler singled out marketing as a separate specialty. Definition new science he also gave.

The classical interpretation of F. Kotler, professor, founder of marketing theory: marketing is a kind of human activity, aimed at meeting needs, needs through exchange. What is marketing, oddly enough, today often only people who are directly related to this field of activity know. And non-specialists sometimes have rather vague ideas about this area of ​​​​work. In addition, it can be said that marketing in a broader sense is an enterprise management philosophy, according to which the solution of problems and the satisfaction of consumer needs will lead to the goal of marketing - the commercial success of the company - and will benefit society.

It is obvious that, despite the huge number of interpretations of this term, all of them are close to each other in meaning. It is not enough just to know the meaning of the word "marketing". Its definition will be incomplete if the marketing mix is ​​not singled out separately. It refers to everything a company can do to increase demand for its products and services. Kotler defines the marketing mix as a set of controllable and predictable marketing variables that a business combines to produce the desired response from the target market. The components of the marketing mix include price, product, distribution policy and sales promotion. These 4Ps tend to reflect trade marketing. The definition of the marketing mix for the service sector will already be broader. It includes people, processes, and the physical environment.

Marketing Goals

Marketing tasks

  • An integrated approach to market research, to the achievement of the company's goals. Commercial success is ensured by using all the tools of the marketing mix.
  • Identification of dissatisfied customers and potential demand.
  • Assortment planning and pricing policy.
  • Development of a set of measures to meet the current demand for goods and services as much as possible.
  • Development of measures to optimize management.
  • Formation of demand.
  • Planning and implementation of marketing policy.

Marketing Functions

  • Analytic function. Includes the study of internal and external environment firms. This is an analysis of the market, its structure and dynamics; studying the work of competitors and intermediaries; analysis of the behavior of consumers and suppliers of products.
  • Product-production function. It implies the creation of a new product that fully reflects the needs of the market and has a sufficiently high competitiveness due to the study of the market environment.
  • Sales function. The marketing system is responsible for creating certain conditions for the sale of the product so that it is always on right place in the right amount and at the right time. Viral Marketing Examples in social networks, for example, may be one of the ways to market a product.
  • Control, communication and control function needed to reduce the degree possible risk and uncertainty in economic activity enterprises. This also includes monitoring the implementation of medium- and long-term plans.

Strategy Development

Marketing strategies are those developed on the basis of studying consumer demand, the behavior of competitors and the conjuncture of the direction of the enterprise at a certain point in time, which allow solving the fundamental tasks of the company, based on available resources in a changing market situation.

Elements of a strategy

Any marketing strategy consists of the following elements:

  • Marketing plans for potential consumer markets.
  • Justification of the effective position of the product or company in the market.
  • Forecast of market dynamics.
  • Analysis of the potential sales market.
  • Analysis of the competitiveness of the enterprise.

Marketing strategies will be effective when they take into account many indicators, such as: analysis of the sales market, the external environment, and the enterprise.

The implementation of a marketing strategy includes the following steps

  • Comprehensive analysis of the enterprise.
  • Analysis of the potential market.
  • Assessment of the potential of an enterprise in a particular market.
  • Industry study.
  • Comprehensive competitor analysis.
  • Analysis possible influence on the project of external factors.
  • Marketing audit of the internal environment.
  • Implementation and control of marketing activities.

The marketing strategy of each enterprise depends on its goals (holding or conquering a market segment, the ongoing product policy, demand formation). Depending on the need to maintain its part of the market or conquer a new segment, there are strategies for retention, offensive and retreat. The attacking strategy provides for the active position of the company in increasing market share. The retention strategy is responsible for maintaining the firm's market share. The retreat strategy, as a rule, is forced and consists in the gradual curtailment of business in this segment.

Marketing is a market concept for managing the production, marketing and scientific and technical activities of an enterprise. Philip Kotler defined marketing as a type of human activity aimed at satisfying needs and wants through exchange. Peter Drucker formulated the main goal of marketing - to make sales efforts unnecessary, his goal is to know and understand the client so well that the product or service will fit the latter exactly and sell itself.

The main tasks of marketing are:

Formation and stimulation of demand;

Ensuring the validity of managerial decisions;

Expansion of sales volume, market share and profit.

The development of marketing is connected with the consistency of its concept.

The main functions of marketing include:

1) Analytic function.

It includes the following subfunctions: study of the market, goods, consumers; analysis of the internal and external environment of the enterprise.

2) Production function. It consists of the following subfunctions: organization of production of new goods and new technologies, organization of logistics for production, quality and competitiveness management finished products.

3) The marketing function is the organization of the sales and distribution system, the formation of demand and sales promotion and the organization of the service.

4) The function of management, communications and control - is associated with the creation of organizational structures for management, planning, communications and organization of control.

Based on social significance, the following main goals of marketing are distinguished:

Consumption maximization - maximizes production, the level of employment, and, consequently, the welfare of society;

Maximize customer satisfaction: what is more important is not simply to increase consumption, but to achieve growth in customer satisfaction;

Maximization of consumer choice: it is necessary to provide such a variety of products that consumers can be able to find products that exactly satisfy their tastes;

Maximizing the quality of life is one of the alternative public goals of marketing, according to which marketing should not only ensure the quantity, quality, variety and availability of goods at affordable prices, but also the quality of the cultural and physical environment of people.

It seems obvious that it is completely impossible to satisfy the listed goals at the same time.

There is another classification of goals. At the macro level, the purpose of marketing is to identify and model patterns and trends in the development of the market, assess the market situation, determine and forecast the market capacity. At the level of organizations (micro level) - this is an assessment, analysis and forecast of their own capabilities and development prospects of the market segment in which the company operates.

The tasks of the organization in the field of marketing are:

Determining the conditions under which the optimal ratio between demand and supply of goods on the market is achieved;

Identification of the competitive positions of specific types of products of the company and the company itself in the market under study;

Orientation of production to the production of products that provide the maximum volume of sales and profits.

On the this stage economic development marketing is understood as a management function that determines the market and production policy of the enterprise. The purpose of the marketing-oriented system of the enterprise is to ensure the solution of the tasks set by the enterprise (scientific and technical, industrial, commercial and marketing), taking into account the available resources (material, financial, human, etc.). Marketing as an enterprise management system should provide:

Reliable, reliable information about the market, the structure and dynamics of needs and demand, the tastes and desires of consumers, that is, information about external conditions functioning of the enterprise;

The creation of such a product, a product range that meets the requirements of the market, better than the competitor's product satisfies demand, solves the problem of the consumer;

The necessary impact on the consumer, on demand, on the market, providing the greatest possible control over the scope of sales.

The marketing system, as a tool on the basis of which economic decisions are made in the field of production, scientific, technical, financial and marketing policies, should occupy the main place in the enterprise management system. Marketing plays a leading role in providing high quality products that meet the requirements of consumers.

Setting up a marketing system at an enterprise can be carried out in the following steps:

1) The introduction of a marketing ideology that will allow the company to adhere to a market orientation in making management decisions.

2) Development of key components of the marketing system.

3) Organization based on the selected marketing components of the management cycle: information collection, decision making, their implementation and control. Based on this, it is possible to develop marketing functions in the enterprise.

4) Distribution of marketing functions between the divisions of the company, including the actual marketing department.

5) Detailing the functions of the marketing department and their distribution between structural divisions marketing department (if any).

The organizational structure of the marketing system management creates the prerequisites for organizing the effective work of the marketing department. Next, you need to accept qualified specialists into the marketing department, distribute responsibilities between them, and give them the necessary authority. All this should be carried out by the head of the marketing department together with the management of the enterprise. Separate tasks should be assigned to each employee of the marketing department, for example: one employee is engaged in market research, the second is in the development of new products, the third is in the promotion of products to the market, etc. Collectively, all employees of the marketing department develop and implement the plan of the marketing company.

Distribution functional duties between employees of the marketing department should be aimed at the optimal implementation of the marketing strategy of the enterprise. From correct design organizational structure marketing department and the distribution of functions between employees largely depends on the effectiveness of the enterprise as a whole. The organizational structure and functional processes should be consistent with the nature of the enterprise and its marketing strategy. Constant verification of the adequacy of the organizational structure to the goals of the organization is required.

The implementation of a marketing strategy is a continuous process that consists of the stage of decision-making, their implementation and evaluation of their effectiveness. The last stage is the longest in time, which involves the analysis of various indicators of the enterprise, as well as the introduction of amendments to the marketing plan based on the analysis. Evaluating the effectiveness of marketing allows you to identify new opportunities and assess likely threats. Evaluation and control turn the implementation of a marketing strategy into a continuous closed process, since these functions are both the first and final stages.

The marketing plan is based on the analysis of the market, industry, competitors, as well as activities aimed at sales promotion. There is no single standard for developing a marketing plan in terms of its scope or the level of detail of its elements.

The set of measures for the implementation of the marketing plan includes its development, implementation and evaluation of effectiveness. All these stages are aimed at ensuring that the activities of the enterprise are carried out within the framework of a single marketing strategy. Due to the fact that the process of implementing the marketing strategy is continuous, as a rule, an annual marketing plan is developed with subsequent detailing. Based on the developed plan, the annual marketing budget is agreed upon.

A marketing plan is a marketing mix plan aimed at implementing a marketing strategy.

The frequency of drawing up a marketing plan depends on the activities of the enterprise, its goals and marketing activity. The annual plan reflects strategies for choosing markets, positioning, various marketing activities, pricing policy, etc.

The main elements of a marketing plan are as follows:

Market analysis results. This section contains a description of the market, an assessment of its capacity, forecasts regarding the development of the market. It contains data from the analysis of price markets, data from the analysis of competitors, the competitive advantages of the enterprise in the selected market. The section should contain only the conclusions of the analysis, and the results themselves should be included in the appendices to the plan. In the event that an enterprise simultaneously operates in several markets, it is important to prioritize between them in order to subsequently distribute resources on the basis of this;

tactical goals. This section contains the tactical objectives of the company's marketing strategy. It should reflect planned financial indicators, market share, etc.;

positioning strategy. This section describes the wishes of the enterprise about how the products of the enterprise should be perceived by consumers. Here it is necessary to describe marketing activities aimed at promoting products, as well as pricing policy. For each item of the marketing program, the terms and persons responsible for their implementation should be indicated. Responsibility for the development and implementation of the marketing plan is shared between functional units and managers. In addition, it is necessary to allocate responsibility for each planning object and for each functional process associated with the implementation of the marketing plan. This section of the plan should also contain procedures for dealing with unforeseen circumstances;

Forecast and financing. This section of the plan reflects the forecast of financial income and expenses associated with the implementation of the marketing plan. Forecasts and estimates are calculated by employees responsible for implementation individual elements plan. This section may contain the dynamics of the results of the enterprise, obtained on the basis of data on sales, profits, expenses.

The main requirements for employees of the marketing department are as follows:

A broad outlook, including in the field of economics, commerce, production, etc.;



Diplomacy, ability to resolve conflicts.

In addition, the employee must have punctuality, cheerfulness and a high cultural level.

An employee of the marketing department must have specific knowledge in the field of marketing, as well as to some extent have information about production technology, business and economics.

The main functions of the marketing department in the enterprise are as follows:

Market analysis, identification of its opportunities and threats;

Formation of demand and development of measures to stimulate sales;

Implementation planning;

Management and control over the marketing activities of the enterprise.

Marketing: Lecture Notes Loginova Elena Yurievna

5. Goals and objectives of marketing

5. Goals and objectives of marketing

Marketing- this social science so it affects a lot of people. For a number of reasons (education, social status, religious beliefs, and much more) the attitude to this discipline is ambiguous, giving rise to contradictions. On the one hand, marketing is an integral part of the life of a product, on the other hand, it carries a negative perception: the creation of unnecessary needs, develops greed in a person, “attacks” with advertising from all sides.

What are the true goals of marketing?

Many believe that the main goal of this science is sales and promotion.

P. Drucker (management theorist) writes as follows: “The goal of marketing is to make sales efforts unnecessary. Its goal is to know and understand the customer so well that the product or service will fit the customer exactly and sell itself.”

It does not follow from this that sales and promotion efforts lose their importance. Most likely they become part of the marketing activities of the enterprise to achieve the main goal - maximizing sales and profits. From the foregoing, we can conclude that marketing is a type of human activity that is aimed at satisfying human needs and requirements through exchange.

So, the main goals of marketing are the following.

1. Maximization maybe high level consumption - firms try to increase their sales, maximize profits with the help of various ways and methods (introduce fashion for their products, outline a sales growth strategy, etc.).

2. Maximization consumer satisfaction, i.e. the goal of marketing is to identify existing needs and offer the maximum possible range of a homogeneous product. But since the level of customer satisfaction is very difficult to measure, it is difficult to evaluate marketing activities in this area.

3. Maximization of choice. This goal follows and, as it were, is a continuation of the previous one. The difficulty in realizing this goal lies in not creating branded abundance and imaginary choice in the market. And some consumers, with an excess of certain product categories, experience a feeling of anxiety and confusion.

4. Maximizing the quality of life. Many tend to believe that the presence of a range of goods has a positive effect on its quality, quantity, availability, cost, i.e., the product is “improved”, and therefore, the consumer can satisfy his needs to the maximum, improve the quality of life. Proponents of this view recognize that improving the quality of life is a noble goal, but at the same time, this quality is difficult to measure, so sometimes contradictions are born.

Marketing Tasks:

1) research, analysis, assessment of the needs of real and potential buyers;

2) marketing assistance in the development of a new product (service);

3) provision of after-sales service;

4) marketing communications;

5) research, analysis, evaluation and forecasting of the state of real and potential markets;

6) research activities of competitors;

7) sale of goods (services);

8) formation of assortment policy;

9) formation and implementation of the company's pricing policy;

10) formation of a strategy for the behavior of the company.

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Define goals and objectives The goal is very important because it defines the structure of the entire document. Ask yourself the question “Why do I need this presentation?” Answer it and proceed to further actions. You must clearly understand why and for what you bring

Company goals and objectives are incredibly valuable to your brand, and can either strengthen or weaken your bond with potential and current customers.

But understanding the meaning of these terms is not as easy as it seems. Often marketers consider goals and objectives to be synonymous. But it's not.

Brands must be able to formulate goals and objectives that will lead them to success.

Goals and Objectives: What's the Difference?

In marketing, the terms "goals" and "objectives" are usually not distinguished. But there is a difference between them. Understanding her can be the key to brand success.

  • Goals - general directions on which the marketing strategy is based. This is usually the expected result or benefit of the business.
  • Objectives are specific actions that need to be taken to achieve the goals.

First, the brand must formulate the goals or expected results of the marketing efforts. Then, focusing on the goals, it is necessary to draw up a list of actions and initiatives necessary for their implementation.

Let's say you want to improve your site's traffic and engagement rates. In this case, your goals will be to increase traffic and visitor engagement. Specific strategies to achieve these goals, such as publishing SEO content and promoting it on social media, are your tasks.

Use a SMART approach

When setting goals, use the SMART approach, according to which they should be:

  • Specific (Specific): focusing on a specific metric or performance indicator.
  • Measurable: measurable objectively.
  • Aspirational: Motivating to take action.
  • Realistic: In other words, achievable.
  • Time-bound: the effectiveness of which is evaluated after a certain period of time.

The following template will also help you formulate goals:

By ______ (time/date) ______ (company name) marketing team will reach ______ (number/measure) _____ (metric).

You can also use the “every ______ (interval)” benchmark to formulate recurring goals for the team.

From the foregoing, it is clear that “drive more traffic to the site” is not a SMART goal. Here's how it should be phrased:

“By the end of the second quarter of 2018, the JessWellsIncorporated marketing team will be generating 1,200 monthly visitors to the site.”

So much better.

When formulating goals, it is important to remember that they must be specific.

Marketing teams often have the following goals in mind:

  • Increase sales
  • Tell about a new product
  • Increase brand awareness

Such formulations are ineffective. They should always be supplemented with specific metrics:

  • Increase sales by 5%
  • Increase conversion on the landing page of a new product by 3%
  • Attract 1,000 website visitors and 10 new customers every month

The more specific your goals are, the easier it is to formulate tasks.

Setting goals

With specific, measurable goals in place, your team can begin to formulate goals. It is important to focus on data about your audience.

For example, if you find that consumers are actively responding to email marketing, this technique is definitely worth incorporating into your marketing strategy.

Common Mistakes

The following tests will help you avoid common mistakes:

  • Comprehensibility test. Are your goals and objectives clear and ambiguous (especially when it comes to measuring results)?
  • Expediency test. Are your goals important enough to justify the costs associated with achieving them?
  • Test “So what?”. If you can't explain why your goal is important, something needs to change.

SWOT analysis

If you're having trouble identifying the goals and objectives of your marketing efforts, use the SWOT brainstorming technique.

It involves analyzing internal and external factors and identifying the elements that set you apart from your competitors, as well as the obstacles to success.

SWOT stands for:

  • Strengths - Strengths (internal)
  • Weaknesses - Weaknesses (internal)
  • Opportunities (external)
  • Threats - Threats (external)

This approach will ensure that your goals and objectives are aligned with common goals business. For this, the following points must be taken into account:

  • What are our company strengths? How is our marketing better than our competitors? What tools and resources will help us achieve our goals?
  • What are our company weak sides? How can we improve our marketing plans? Do we have a resource constraint that will prevent us from achieving our goals?
  • What opportunities does our brand have? Can we create content that is interesting to readers? Can we benefit from the latest marketing trends?
  • What threats can affect our brand? What are our competitors doing better? Can the market situation or the characteristics of the audience prevent us from achieving our goals?

After answering these questions, it is important to bet on brand strengths and opportunities, while trying to minimize the impact of your weaknesses and external threats.

Most older entrepreneurs who started their business in the 1990s tend to have little idea of ​​what marketing is all about. This is explained by the fact that many businessmen of the old formation do not have a higher economic education, they earned initial capital by selling consumer goods at prices that exceed the purchase price of goods by 200-300%. It is not difficult to guess that in order to implement such commercial projects, there is no need to study various economic disciplines.

The entrepreneur travels to Poland, buys products at wholesale prices that are in demand in the post-Soviet space, returns home and sells his goods. If an entrepreneur bought goods for ten thousand dollars, he could sell them for $20,000-30,000.

But today, such a scheme will not work, and in order for your business to bring good profit, it is advisable to have an economic education or at least know the basics of entrepreneurship, management, marketing, etc. The presented article will help you understand what the goals and objectives of marketing are, and how this information can be applied in practice.

Definition of Marketing

Marketing- this is an activity aimed at a detailed analysis of the market and the impact on it, in order to promote goods / services from the manufacturer to the final consumer. You can not put an equal sign between the sale of products and marketing. The last option includes the following elements and areas of activity: market research, pricing policy, advertising and promotion of products, compiling a range of goods, determining the purchasing power of potential customers, stimulating demand, warranty service. In the presented list, nothing is indicated about the influence of marketing on the production process.

This is due to the fact that the main tasks of marketing come down to compiling a general picture of a product for which there is a demand. This information is an instruction for the department dealing with the production of products. For example, at a factory that produces clothes, marketing department employees conducted market research and concluded that in the spring and summer of this year there will be a steady demand for tight-fitting dark-colored T-shirts. This information is transferred to other departments in order to quickly establish the production process of products that are sold very quickly and will bring a solid profit to the company.


Analyzing the goals, functions and objectives of marketing, you need to consistently deal with each factor separately, and then trace the relationship between them. Each business has specific marketing goals that may differ from each other, but they all contribute to the main goal of any commercial firm - to get the maximum possible profit.

IN economic theory identify the following marketing objectives:

    Win your niche in the market, attracting potential buyers in all possible ways (low cost of goods, their high quality, warranty service, cumulative discounts, etc.).

    Study the needs of potential customers in order to offer the most optimal range of products.

    Create a positive image of the enterprise and make sure that the company and its products are recognized by all representatives target audience.

    Significantly improve the quality of life of customers (for this, the above range of products, their operational and functional parameters, cost, etc. are used).

    Preservation of ecology.

    Choosing the optimal mechanism for making a profit.

The above list are marketing goals that cannot be measured in monetary terms, but there are other areas that are measured in quantitative terms.:

    Increase sales, revenue and profit.

    Growth of production volumes.

    Reducing fixed and variable costs.

Both the first and the second group of marketing goals must be realistic, you cannot make plans that look unattainable even without calculations and detailed analysis. In addition, always keep in mind that life does not stand still, the essence of the goal and objectives of marketing can change, supplement or transform over time. Marketing is a fairly dynamic science, what was very important today, tomorrow may become secondary or even insignificant.


In order to achieve the set goals, as a rule, it is necessary to solve some problems.:

    Constantly analyze the situation on the market of your products, as well as those goods, the production of which you can very quickly establish. For example, an enterprise engaged in the manufacture of motorcycles can organize the production of walk-behind tractors and offer customers good price on them. In the case of constant monitoring of the situation on the motoblock market, you will immediately see changes in supply and demand indicators, which will allow you to launch the line for the production of the presented equipment in a timely manner and earn a substantial amount on this.

    Carefully study the consumer sentiment of your customers. In case of unfavorable changes for your business, you can react quickly and avoid unnecessary losses.

    Use internal marketing at the enterprise to increase the efficiency of work with personnel.

    Control every step of your competitors. This will make it possible to retain your customer base, as well as win new customers if competing companies make a serious mistake somewhere.

    Create useful communications.

    Constantly promote your products/services. Use the Internet for this, all kinds of advertising, hold interesting promotions, etc.

    Keep track of changes in the cost of goods.

    Use all available marketing technologies to develop a new promising product or upgrade an old product.

    Keep up to date with technological innovations that are relevant to your business.

    Create strategic plan actions for both the short and long term.

Readers' attention should be drawn to the fact that at large enterprises the above tasks are performed not only by the marketing department, but also by other employees: accountants, economists, analysts, etc.


Some entrepreneurs sometimes do not distinguish between the forms and objectives of marketing, assuming that they are one and the same. But it's not.

Basic forms of marketing:

    industrial marketing. In this situation, the subject entrepreneurial activity does not work with the end customer, but with another company that acts as an intermediary and, often, not the last one.

    Direct marketing works by spreading a direct advertising message. To do this, use television, radio, newspapers indicating the direct phone number company producing goods/services.

    Network Marketing is the most known form in the post-Soviet countries. In this case, a personal relationship with the buyer is used, which helps to increase the volume of products sold.

    Retail. Marketing, the foundation of which is the relationship between the subjects of trade relations.

    Service marketing. Refers to the market of any services (financial, intermediary, consulting, etc.).

    Integration marketing is a combination of all methods of working to promote a product, brand or company.

Regardless of the forms presented, the tasks of marketing in an enterprise, institution / organization will not be realized if there is no trained specialist for these purposes.


If you figured out what the tasks of marketing in a company are, you can proceed to study its functions.

The analytic function reduces to detailed study markets for products, potential buyers, competitors and goods sold. This function allows you to find out the market capacity, preferences of the target audience, the number of competing firms, turnover, and also find out how many competitors you will have.

The production function is focused on optimizing the manufacture of products through new technologies, improving the quality of the final product, etc. We can say that in this case there is a comparison of market requirements and the capabilities of the company, which makes it possible to produce the optimal amount of goods with the lowest cost. For example, take the production of paving slabs.

Five workers during the shift produce 4.5 tons of finished products, if you invite five more people and work on the second shift, productivity will increase by only 3.5 tons (working on the night shift affects). That is, when working in two shifts, the cost will be higher, but in this case, by increasing the volume of sales of tiles, the entrepreneur will earn more. But there are situations when increasing sales without changing production technology becomes unprofitable.

Distribution and marketing of finished products includes the coordinated work of logistics, warehouse and transportation departments. In addition, this function is directly related to the pricing policy of the enterprise and promotional activities. If your products are instantly “swept away”, coming for the goods yourself, you do not need to rent additional warehouses, pay loaders for unloading / loading goods, which will ultimately have a positive effect on the financial condition of the company.

The managerial function is focused on planning, rational use resources, organization of the production process, as well as control at the enterprise. If you are interested in marketing tasks at the stage of business growth, you should perfectly know all the listed points so that you do not have unforeseen expenses during the work of your future company, etc.

All of the listed criteria and factors are basic, that is, they will be relevant in a year, two or five. If you understand the essence of the issue, then you should not be afraid of any unforeseen situations, you can safely proceed to organizing the work of the future company. The main thing is that in six months (or even earlier) you do not forget the main tasks of marketing and can always briefly describe their meaning. Some individual entrepreneurs believe that economics is not necessary for their business. An example from life. We bought meat for 10 thousand, fried kebabs, got a cash register - 30 thousand, which means that everything is fine, the business was a success. But suddenly a competitor appeared nearby, and all former buyers instantly moved to a new cafe.

The reason for this “desertion” is very simple. The businessman knows how to use his marketing knowledge. Even before the cafe opened, beautiful advertisements appeared throughout the area. On the opening day, each visitor received a good portion of kebabs for free (the return was even greater than from advertising), the place is always clean and comfortable (a special “contingent” was culturally asked to leave the cafe), visitors always receive clean napkins, a car is constantly on duty near the cafe, ready to take customers home. This real example from life, which shows the effectiveness of marketing for small business development. Types of marketing | Main types

2017-01-05 00:54:58

[…] In each specific case, the marketing functions of an enterprise can be applied either stronger or weaker, but in a complex way. As for the tasks of marketing, you can read more about this in the material - “Marketing tasks”. […]

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