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Approximate topics of conversations with parents

  1. What sport is good for a child.
  2. About bad habits.
  3. Hardening of the child's body.
  4. Importance of preventive vaccinations.
  5. Daily routine at school and at home.
  6. The role of parents in the upbringing and development of the child.
  7. The nature of your child's diet.
  8. Health of the future student.
  9. If your child is shy...
  10. How to deal with the whims of a child.
  11. Proper nutrition is the key to health.
  12. Problems of adaptation of the child to school.
  13. How to prevent the manifestation of aggression in the behavior of the child.
  14. Toys in a child's life.
  15. Children and cruelty
  16. The book is our best friend.
  17. Walking and its role in the development of the child.
  18. Clothing and footwear for schoolchildren.
  19. The development of the child's attention, memory.
  20. How to answer children's questions?
  21. On the safety of the life of children in the summer.
  22. Child and computer.
  23. Proper nutrition of the child in the summer.
  24. How to develop a child's speech while walking.
  25. Education of independence in children.
  26. The first labor assignments for children.
  27. Our girls: what are they?
  28. Features of raising a child in an incomplete family.
  29. The role of a father in raising a daughter.
  30. Differences between boys and girls.
  31. Boys and girls are so different.
  32. Spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren.
  33. The role of the family in the physical education of the child.
  34. Teaching responsibility in school children.
  35. How to spend a day off with kids.
  36. Games to play at home.
  37. Preparing children for admission …….
  38. Proper nutrition of school children.
  39. Father as educator.
  40. Cooperation with parents as one of the conditions for successful adaptation of children in school.
  41. Success in the prevention of road traffic accidents with children.
  42. Discipline on the street is the key to safety.
  43. Creation of an effective subject-developing environment at home.
  44. hyperactive child
  45. Is it easy to teach a child to behave correctly on the road?
  46. Not taking a break from work.
  47. Childish stubbornness.
  48. Drinking water and child health.
  49. Father's strike or why dads are indifferent to their own children.
  50. Talk to me mom.
  51. Family and family values.
  52. How to overcome distraction in a child?
  53. Bay-bayushki-bayu, or how to put a child to sleep.
  54. Formation in children of interest in people of different professions.
  55. Peculiarities of children's communication with peers.
  56. Interaction of children in a different age group.
  57. Another child appeared in the family.
  58. How to teach your child to deal with anger.
  59. The art of praising a child.
  60. You have a son (daughter).

GPA Educator

Class 1 . "Me and my child - the search for mutual understanding"

Purpose: to create an emotional mood for joint work, an atmosphere of mutual trust, the ability to provide support.

Class 2 . “Types of family education. Possible violations of the process of education in the family "

Purpose: to familiarize parents with specific types of education, to identify possible causes of deviations in family education, to normalize the style of parental attitude towards children.

Lesson 3 . "How to develop responsibility in our children"

Purpose: to give the concept of "intrinsic motivation", an idea of ​​a sense of responsibility, the possibility of its development in children, the difference between obedience and responsibility.

Lesson 4 . “Helping parents with their child doing homework - what should it be? Ways to conflict-free discipline.

Purpose: to develop the ability to competently interact with the child at home, to establish discipline, to establish family rules.

Lesson 5 . Motives for bad behavior in children. Causes of Persistent Disobedience.

Purpose: to promote understanding of the internal motives of the child in case of disobedience, the construction of normal relations with the child.

Lesson 6 . “Rules for Expressing Feelings. Types of encouragement»

Goal: developing the ability to build "I - statements", to recognize other people's feelings, mastering ways to encourage good behavior, finding options for effective praise.


1. The readiness of the child to write.

2. The role and importance of entertainment in the lives of children.

3. Hyperactive child.

4. About the education of love for nature.

5. Why don't children read?

6. The value of memory in the intellectual development of the student.

7. Is it necessary to educate patriotism in a child?

8. The child goes to school. The problem of the transition period from preschool to student status.

9. Signs of lagging behind - the beginning of student failure.

10. A mark in the life of a child.

11. Homework.

13. How to encourage a child in the family.

14. Tips for parents of first graders.

15. Aesthetic education of younger students.

16. Family conflict and children

17. Why do children lie? Problems of morality.

18. Your child and his friends.

19. What to do if ... (you don’t want to tear your child away from classes, but you need his help; the child has completed your assignment; your child has become silent and withdrawn; your child has no friends; what to do if your child suddenly starts to be bold ; your child is insecure; your child behaves outrageously; you are unfortunately getting a divorce.)

Often teenagers can behave simply unbearably. In order to set them on the right path, it is necessary to regularly conduct preventive conversations with adolescents, which will identify the causes of disobedience and help solve many problems. At this age, hormonal changes occur in the body of a teenager, which cause frequent mood swings. It becomes difficult for the child to control his emotions, he begins to communicate differently with peers and adults. It often happens that behavior changes so much that parents simply cannot recognize their children - once modest and obedient children begin to be rude, excellent students skip classes. Adults can only be patient and carefully study the recommendations of psychologists who will tell you how to behave in difficult situations. The most important thing is not to lose contact with the young rebel and not let everything take its course. In this article, we will look at the main difficulties and topics of conversations with teenagers.

Teen does not sleep at home

If your child does not sleep at home, and this is not the first time this happens, you should, firstly, figure out why this is happening. Most likely, your child is trying to defend his right to be considered an adult and independent, violating established rules. What to do in this case? The difficulty of talking with teenagers lies in the fact that parents will have to forget about the orderly tone and the phrase: “You are obliged to ...”. Try to put pressure on pity, to be a little cunning. Complain that you are worried about the child and cannot sleep. A teenager should feel like an adult responsible for his actions, and in this case you act as a small child who was abandoned. During such a conversation with teenagers, it is important to agree that you will sometimes let the children go to spend the night with friends, but only if they warn in advance.

Regularly skips school

If your child periodically skips school, promises to improve but does not do so, falls far behind in many subjects, does not understand what the teacher tells him, and is bored in the classroom, urgent action is needed. But not to punish, but to conduct conversations with teenagers. It is necessary to try to find out the reason for absenteeism. Perhaps the teenager does not find a common language with classmates or does not understand the material. In this case, you can hire a good tutor or find a way to help your child deal with bullies.

Requires money

There are situations when a teenager demands large sums of money from his parents and gets very angry if he is refused. In this case, during a conversation with adolescents, it is necessary to explain the price of money, draw up a family budget, and offer the child to find a part-time job. Summer work for teenagers will teach children the value of money and help them manage their own budget.

Hamit for adults

If your children begin to be rude to adults, swear, raise their voices at you and teachers, you need to take action and have serious conversations with teenagers. Why is the child behaving this way? He is not confident in himself or tries to copy the behavior of not too balanced adults. First of all, pay attention to yourself, stop screaming. In response to rudeness, do not shout, but show how much his words offend you. When talking before criticism, it is imperative to praise the child: “I love you, but I will have to punish you for skipping school.” Close communication with a teenager will help solve many problems and survive the transitional age without unnecessary scandals.

The joint work of the school and the family in the upbringing of children.

On the responsibility of parents for the upbringing of children.

Labor education of children in the family.

Teaching children to be thrifty.

Developing children's interest in science and technology.

How to help kids with homework.

Teaching students a responsible attitude to learning.

Education in children of independence and perseverance in educational work.

Education of diligence in children in the family.

Methods of education of conscious discipline in children in the family.

About measures of encouragement and punishment of children in the family.

Teaching respect and courtesy in children.

Teaching children to be humble.

Raising respect for elders.

The importance of daily routine in the upbringing of children in the family.

The role of the family in the moral education of children.

Teaching children honesty and truthfulness.

The development of a sense of community in children.

Education of friendship and camaraderie in children.

Character education in children.

Education skills and habits of cultural behavior.

On the sexual education of children in the family.

A healthy life is a necessary condition for the successful upbringing of children in a family.

How to manage extracurricular reading of children in the family.

Hardening of the child's body.

The role of the family in the development of children's sports.

Aesthetic education of children in the family.

How to develop creativity in children.
How to develop in children an interest and love for work.

Organization of a schoolchildren's working corner in the family.

How to help students choose a profession.

The state of the modern labor market and educational services.

Rules and mistakes of choosing a profession.

Features of professional self-determination of adolescents with difficulties in social adaptation.

Social and professional orientations of youth.

The position of young people in the modern labor market.

Demand for professions in the labor market.

Employer requirements for young professionals.

Educational institutions in the city of Kemerovo and the region.

Features of choosing a profession for children with diseases of internal organs.

Objective conditions for choosing a profession.

Interests, inclinations, abilities and their role in professional self-determination.

Prevention and resolution of conflicts in the family.

Difficult teenager. Who is he?

Prevention of drug and alcohol addiction.

Formation of achievement motivation.

Formation of learning motivation.

Psychology of communication.

Psychophysiological features of adolescence and youth.

Psychosexual development of adolescents.

Psychological characteristics of adolescents.

Psychological characteristics of children of different ages.

You can use these topics for individual conversations, classroom parent meetings, as well as electronic blogs on these topics, and discuss with parents.

1-4 classes.

1. Starting school is an important milestone in a child's life.

2. Education of respect and love for parents, native land and the history of their people (according to national education).

3. Junior school age and its features.

4. I want and I must (for the prevention of offenses).

5. How to identify and develop children's abilities.

6. Creating an atmosphere of emotional security, warmth and love in the family.

7. Play and work in the life of children of primary school age.

8. Education of the character of the child in the family.

9. Regime for a younger student as a way to protect health.

10. Law, family, child (moral and legal education of children in the family).

11. Fathers and children (the role of personal example of parents in the legal education of younger students).

12. New in the system of national education.

13. The use of various types of art in the aesthetic education of children at school.

14. Family walks in nature as an important factor in the environmental and physical education of children.

15. Preservation of family traditions, family heirlooms.

5 - 6 classes.

1. New in the system of national education.

2. The role of the family in shaping adolescents' conscious need for a labor system.

4. Organization of summer work and recreation of children in the family.

5. Raising a healthy child in the family. Preservation of the genotype.

6. Possibilities of the family in the development of cognitive independence of students.

7. The use of family traditions and holidays in patriotic education.

8. Harm of alcohol and smoking.

7 - 9 grades.

1. An example of parents in raising children.

2. Features of the upbringing of adolescents in the family.

3. Sexual development and methods of sexual education.

4. Book in the family. Formation of reading interests in children.

5. Active forms of recreation in your family.

6. Methods of professional orientation of schoolchildren in the family.

7. Features of adolescence and their consideration in family education.

8. Educational activity of a senior student and its management in the family.

9. The role of the family in the readiness of the younger generation to work.

10. Instilling love for the beauty of native nature, creations of art, painting, literature and music in the family.

11. Study of family roots.

12. Adoption of the principles of universal morality in the family.

10 - 11 classes.

1. The main directions of education in the family.

2. Psychological and pedagogical self-education of parents as an important factor in improving their pedagogical competence.

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