Description of the winter forest. Fairy tale in real time. Short stories about winter A story about winter is the time of fairy tales

How Vanya found the culprit and made friends with Santa Claus

It was a snowy winter. Vanya went out into the yard for a walk. The day before, he and his friend Misha made a snowman. A pretty snowman turned out: button eyes, carrot nose. Vanya went up to his snowman and sees: that one has no nose. Yesterday was, but today is not. The carrot is gone.

What happened? Where did the carrot go? the boy whispered thoughtfully.

Her bunny pulled her off, the Snowman answered sadly.

Are you able to speak? Vanya was surprised.

Today I can, - the snowman winked. Before the New Year, a fabulous time comes. Everyone around starts talking. I would not be so upset, but Santa Claus called me to the children for a holiday, but how can I go without a nose?

Why did the bunny take your carrot?

Don't know. He ran, jumped up, grabbed a carrot and, without saying anything, galloped off into the forest.

That's not how things will work.

Let's find the bunny and ask him why he acted so badly, Vanya decided.

Our little friend and the Snowman wandered along the path. Soon they reached the forest. They knocked on the rabbit hole. The bunny came out.

Bunny, why did you steal a carrot from a snowman? Vanya asked him sternly.

I would not steal, but what will they feed me with rabbits? I prepared a lot of berries for them for the winter, dried them. They were so delicious and sweet. And the bear came and took all my supplies. So I had to steal a carrot, the bunny complained.

Let's go to the bear and ask him why he's acting out, the boy answered.

The snowman, Vanya and the bunny went to the bear. The bear carried hay in the den. I saw the guests, I postponed work.

What do you want, why did you complain? the bear roared menacingly.

You, bear, don't scare us. Better answer: why did you take the berries from the bunny? – boldly asked Vanya.

How can I not take it? I will have cubs in the spring, what will I feed them with? I prepared a lot of delicious grains, and a squirrel galloped up and took everything to its bins. So I had to steal berries from a hare.

We'll have to go to the squirrel now. We need to find out why she acted so badly,” Vanyusha sighed.

We all went to the squirrel together. They see a hollow, and a squirrel's tail peeps out of it.

Squirrel, squirrel, get down from the tree. I have a question, Vanya asked.

The squirrel went down lower:

What question?

Why did you take all the grains from the bear? What should he feed the cubs now in the spring? the boy asked.

And what will I feed my squirrels? I collected sweet nuts, put them on a stump and galloped off to cook my pantry. And someone took my nuts. I returned to the stump, but it was empty there. Do you think it was pleasant for me to take grains from a bear? What can you do! I would like to know who stole my nuts ... - the squirrel answered with regret.

Vanya remembered how he once came to the forest, and there on a stump a whole mountain of nuts lay. The boy thought they were no one's and took them home. Oh, how ashamed of Vanya! He lowered his head and confessed:

It's all my fault. I took your nuts, I thought they were nobody's.

You didn’t put it in, it’s not for you to take it, - the squirrel said sternly.

What to do now? I ate nuts a long time ago. I can’t get them back, the boy was ready to cry.

All Vanya's new acquaintances hung their heads.

Maybe you can take dried mushrooms instead of nuts? My grandmother saved a lot of them, - Vanya turned to the squirrel with hope.

I'll gladly take it! - the squirrel was delighted. My kids love mushrooms even more!

Vanyusha ran home and told his mother the whole story. Mom gave Vanya a whole package of dried mushrooms. Vanya quickly brought them to the squirrel. The squirrel returned the grains to the bear. The bear gave the berries to the bunny, and the bunny gave the snowman a carrot. Everything fell into place. But Vanya was still worried that because of him the animals could quarrel.

Forgive me, I did not mean to offend you, - the boy turned to all his new acquaintances.

Don't worry, Vanyusha, - a loud voice suddenly rang out, and Santa Claus himself came out into the clearing. “You did the right thing by deciding to take care of everything. And so it is necessary: ​​if you make a mistake, be able to find the strength in yourself to correct your mistake. I teach this to my granddaughter, the Snow Maiden. I don’t want you all to lose your mood before the holiday, let’s go to my magical tower. We will drink tea with sweets and put up.

All day Santa Claus treated his guests. They all had a lot of fun together and became close friends.

When Vanya went out into the yard the next day, the snowman was no longer there.

Van, do you know where our snowman has gone? Misha asked Vanya sadly.

He is at the children's party. Our snowman was so beautiful that his Santa Claus called the kids with him on the New Year to congratulate, bring joy and gifts to them. So he left, - Vanya explained.

Great! Will he come back to us?

Winter is here, the magical time of the year. All the paths were covered with a white fluffy carpet. It shines under the rays of the sun and pleases the eye.

The winter forest is quiet and incredibly beautiful. The birds don't sing anymore. Bears and hedgehogs fell asleep before the start of winter.

Mini essay about winter No. 2: "Winter has come"

The real winter has come. There are frosts. The whole neighborhood is covered with a snow carpet. The river and the pond are firmly iced over. As if in a fairy tale, trees shine with silver.

We took a sled and went for a walk in the yard. There, the neighbor's guys sculpted a snowman. We all started playing snowballs together. The guys offered to go sledding on a slippery snow hill. We had a lot of fun!

Then our hands froze, and we ran home. Cold in winter!

In the evening, a strong blizzard began. Trees swayed and crackled. It's scary to show your nose to the street. It's good that we're at home. We are warm and not afraid of any frost!

Composition about winter No. 3: “Good in winter”

Here comes the winter. There are severe frosts, a cold wind blows. A blizzard swept up, swept all the tracks. The fields and hills were covered with a fluffy white carpet. Low trees and bushes were covered with snow.

And with what bizarre patterns the frost adorned the windows of houses! No wonder they came up with a riddle about him: without arms, without legs, but he can draw.

The children miss walking. They can't wait for the blizzard to end. They ask their parents to let them go for a walk in the yard.

But now the blizzard has subsided. Making their way through the high snowdrifts, the children joyfully run to the street. Playing snowballs, they throw snowballs at each other. Dodge hits and fall. They laugh! Cheeks burn like bulk apples, cilia and eyebrows in hoarfrost.

After lunch, the children took their skis and skates and ran to the pond. The water is frozen with a thick layer of ice, which means you can run on skates. Kids rush on a sled along a smooth snow-covered hill. Teenagers go skiing. Everyone has fun!

Good in winter! It's beautiful all around. Thanks, the frost that caused the snow.

Winter Tale #4: "Winter Fun"

Winter came. It's freezing weather. It's cold outside. The trees are covered with snow fringes.

But children always have fun, especially when there is a lot of snow. You can fall and wallow in the snow without fear of getting dirty. You just need to dress warmly so as not to freeze.

I put on a ski tracksuit, a jacket, put on boots. He pulled a fur hat over his head and tied a woolen scarf around his neck. He put on warm gloves. I took a new sled and ran up the hill to ride.

Many children from our yard gathered on the street. We ran up a smooth snow-covered hill, near which there was a slippery skating rink. There we went sledding and skating for a long time. The kids were playing snowballs.

Then they all made a snowman together. The snow was loose, almost wet, so it wasn't difficult. The kids were very happy that they also participated in this lesson.

As expected, we rolled up three snowballs and put them on top of each other. When the snowman was almost ready, I brought an old bucket from home to put on his head. The neighbor's boy brought out a carrot and stuck it in place of his nose. Two coals became the eyes of the snowman, a small flexible twig became a smiling mouth.

The snowman turned out great! No worse than in cartoons or pictures. The guys and I took a photo next to him as a keepsake.

In the evening it snowed again. We watched in fascination as fluffy snowflakes swirled in the air. How beautiful are these fragile creations of nature! It turns out that all snowflakes are different, not similar to each other. But this is noticeable only upon close examination.

It was already dark when I got home. A little tired, cold and hungry, but very satisfied.

The day went well. Good winter fun!

Composition about winter No. 5: “Description of winter”

Winter is an amazing time of the year. Covered with a white blanket, nature, as if in a fairy tale, plunged into a long, deep sleep. The sorceress-winter enchanted, bewitched the forest. All the trees stretch bare crystal branches to the blue sky. Only spruces and pines are green, but the oak has not thrown off its summer attire. Its foliage only turned yellow and darkened. The lower branches of the oak spread like a tent over the clearing. The snow had packed into the deep wrinkles of the bark. The thick trunk seems to be stitched with silver threads. From a distance it seems that it is a brave hero in bronze chain mail, the all-powerful guardian of the forest. The other trees parted respectfully to let the older brethren unfold in mighty force. A winter wind will fly in, a huge and majestic oak will ring with bronze foliage, but will not bow even before a strong storm.

In winter, familiar landscapes are given new colors by the snow. At dusk, it is blue, under the silvery rays of the moon it glows with a mysterious brilliance, plays with multi-colored sparks. At dawn, the snow turns pink from the scarlet dawn. And even the usual forest colors next to the changeable snowy whiteness look different.

Winter is different. You just need to take a look. It is both cold and with a thaw, blizzard and with a drop, snowy and with the sun. A winter day is sometimes quiet, frosty and sunny, sometimes gloomy and foggy, sometimes with a howling cold wind and a snow blizzard. And how beautiful a winter morning, early, inaudible, with frost, sun and sparkling snow. And the evening is so long, thoughtful. Nature seems to be waiting for the appearance of a fairy tale.

Composition about winter No. 6: “Winter morning”

So, she came - the long-awaited winter! It's good to run through the frost on the first winter morning! The streets, yesterday still dull in autumn, are completely covered with burning snow, and the sun shimmers in it with a blinding brilliance. A bizarre pattern of frost lay on shop windows and tightly closed windows of houses, hoarfrost covered the branches of poplars. Whether you look along the street, stretched out as an even ribbon, whether you look close, look around you - everything is the same everywhere: snow, snow, snow ...

Occasionally a rising breeze tingles the face and ears, but how beautiful everything is around! What gentle, soft swirl smoothly in the air! No matter how prickly frost, it is also pleasant. Isn't it because we all love winter, that, just like spring, it fills the chest with an exciting feeling.

Everything is alive, everything is bright in the transformed nature, everything is full of invigorating freshness. It is so easy to breathe and so good in your soul that you involuntarily smile, and you want to say in a friendly way to this wonderful winter morning: “Hello, long-awaited winter, cheerful!”

Winter fairy tale.

Winter came. The trees in the forest were covered with fluffy snow. White-trunked birches hid in the snowy silence of the forest. All the trees have become fluffy from the snow.

Suddenly, the bright rays of the winter sun gently touched the snow-covered earth. And what happened? From their cold touch, fluffy snowflakes suddenly began to play on the snowy whiteness.

I like winter. It's a very beautiful time of the year!

Kuznetsov Andrey, 9 years old

Winter fairy tale.

Winter came. Outside the window, everything was covered with a white fluffy blanket. Somewhere in the forest fluffy spruces fell asleep.

It snowed recently. The snowdrifts became huge. When the breeze blows, shiny snowflakes will dance and rush on a new journey. You can't see the sun behind the big snow-covered trees. You look out the window, and sadness, melancholy takes. But do not despair. After all, soon the winter holidays, joy, fun!

Winter is just a wonderful time of the year.

Sorokin Alexander, 10 years old

Winter fairy tale.

Here comes the winter season. Birches hid in the silence of the winter forest. Elderly spruces wrap themselves chillily in their winter attire. The old stump is dozing, putting on a new hat. Nothing disturbs the winter silence until the morning. Only a sharp breath of the breeze can disturb the sleep of the forest.

But then the dim rays of the winter sun timidly touched the fluffy snow. And suddenly cold snowflakes began to play from their touch. A fat crow perched on a branch and disturbed the winter sleep. The tree shook its sleeve, and everything was quiet. How I love this time of year!

Munkueva Ekaterina, 10 years old

Winter fairy tale.

Winter came. Winter covered all the trees. The forest turned white, as if someone took a white coat and covered the beautiful forest. For him to fall asleep. It seems that winter has thrown fluffy snowflakes on the ground from above. They silently fell and fell on trees, on bushes, on the ground.

Shushlebin Grigory, 10 years old

Winter fairy tale.

The winter crept up slowly. The trees are wearing white coats. The little stump put on a new cap.

Suddenly a light breeze blew, the trees gently swayed. Snowflakes in elegant white dresses danced in the sky. The squirrel sat on a tree branch and examined the beauty of the winter forest. The sun lightly touched the ground, covered with a white veil.

In winter, the forest dresses up like a carnival. What a beautiful winter forest!

Gufaizen Artyom, 10 years old

Winter fairy tale.

The beautiful winter has arrived. The trees were wrapped in snow-white outfits. Pines and spruces stand like Snow Maidens. The ground was covered with a large white blanket. An old stump sits in a beautiful and elegant fur coat. Snowflakes fly like little sparks.

Suddenly a light breeze blew. The trees waved their delicate sleeves. The sun, tired from the cold weather, came out. It missed its bright and gentle rays through the cold gray snow. And now, after a moment, small icicles hang on the fir trees, like little bats upside down. Birds come hoping to find at least some food on the mighty branches of the cedar. I really like the fairy tale in the winter forest!

Tormozova Alexandra, 10 years old

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