Features of removing bulky waste from an apartment. Construction waste: removal or dumping at the entrance? Who should clean up construction waste?

I decided to remind readers of the basic principles of household decluttering.

Trash bin discord

First of all, you need to remember once and for all that garbage is separated into different types. There is a separate city landfill for each type. Regular small household waste (clothes or food waste) can be thrown into standard bins located in every yard. However, when it comes to old technology, pieces of furniture, plumbing fixtures, then this is already solid household waste. For them, so-called “bunkers” are provided in the areas. In Moscow, you can find out about the location of the bunker in your area from the local government or your management company.

The basics of decluttering: how to properly store things in your dachaThe capricious and unstable early spring weather does not frighten Russian private “farmers”, who are already rubbing their hands with might and main over the seedlings growing in trays and, of course, storing the next batch of very “necessary” things for transportation to the dacha. The RIA Real Estate website conducted a survey among experienced summer residents and collected several useful tips about how not to turn a house and land plot in the storage of unnecessary things.

As for construction waste (old tiles, plaster, glass, finishing elements), throw it into standard waste bins. household waste or into a bunker is strictly prohibited, warn experts from the State budgetary institution city ​​of Moscow "Zhilishchnik Akademicheskiy District". There is a fine for violating waste disposal rules.

Those who independently decide to ship bulky waste to city ​​dump. Firstly, you need to know which landfill you need to take this or that waste to, and secondly, you need to have a special license for this, otherwise you will simply not be allowed there.

Well, the removal of construction waste is entirely the work of the owners themselves. In any case, you will have to do this at your own expense. Although, near new buildings that are in the process of being occupied, many developers install a construction bunker at the request of apartment buyers.

Furniture, goodbye

Get rid of old furniture possible in several ways. If the furniture is in good condition and it’s a shame to throw it away, then you should try to sell it through services like Avito.ru. However, you need to be careful, now more and more often scammers are operating through such sites, offering to make payments to a card through a terminal, having previously informed them of certain details of your card. Under no circumstances agree to such conditions, no matter how much you would like to sell.

If you need to remove the old furniture quickly, and its safety is not important to you, then you can resort to the help of special companies, like "Hlama Removal.ru". However, here you will have to spend money. Let's say, delivering a car and the work of loaders will cost the specified company 2.5 thousand rubles, plus, for example, removing two cabinets will add another 2 thousand rubles to the check. But in general, each piece of furniture is valued separately, somewhere around 500, somewhere around 800 rubles. In addition, prices may vary depending on the city area or floor, and the availability of an elevator.

And the owners need to be prepared for the furniture to simply be broken. That is, such companies do not sell or give away, but simply remove items. Their fate is no longer in your control.

Household quest: 3 exciting stories of solving everyday problemsIt’s amazing, but sometimes the most banal economic and communal problems, for example, removing old furniture from an apartment or getting a key to a mailbox, can turn into an adventure worthy of Zoshchenko’s stories. The RIA Real Estate website continues to collect folk stories household troubles.

But residents of Moscow (and soon residents of St. Petersburg) have an excellent opportunity not only to remove old furniture or other unnecessary items for free, but also to receive a reward for this, albeit symbolic. This service is provided by the "Dump" project - a flea market in reverse. The authors of the project estimate the size of the cash bonus based on the size of the pile of rubbish. For example, a large bag of dishes is valued at 100 rubles, says Svalka founder Alexey Barinsky. However, the company warns that their logisticians do not provide services for dismantling plumbing fixtures or cleaning the apartment after renovation. They come and take away the already prepared things. If for some reason it is difficult for the owner to disassemble large-sized furniture himself, then the "Svalka" employees are ready to help with this, but for a fee in the range of 300-700 rubles.

Clean construction

You can remove construction waste using a Gazelle if there is not much of it and you plan to remove old furniture along with it. But for complex repairs, if heavy building materials (plaster, concrete, bricks) are to be removed, you will have to order an 8 cubic meter container.

In Moscow, ordering a Gazelle with loader services will cost 4.7 thousand rubles. These prices are called in the company "EcoStroyService". And here construction container for 8 cubic meters it will cost 3.5 thousand rubles.

Warning to the owners: a construction container can only stand in the yard for 2 hours, at which point you will need to empty the garbage to the entrance yourself at the right time, or additionally order the services of loaders.

Construction waste is an inevitable problem for anyone planning home improvements or construction. If improvements are made inside or outside appearance work, in any case, there will be something to dispose of upon completion.

Everyone knows what to do with household waste, but when the question arises of what to do with construction waste, this becomes a real dilemma for many. Let's consider several options for disposing of remnants from repairs.

Construction waste is litter that occurs during repair, construction and dismantling. This list includes: waste from brick, linoleum, wallpaper, metal, drywall, tiles, etc. There are three categories of its formation during repair and construction work: initial waste from dismantling, those that are collected during repairs and after its complete completion.

It is possible to remove construction waste from an apartment using the services of existing companies that provide containers different sizes For construction waste with their further removal from the site.

Important! Some of the materials used are toxic. Therefore, they must be disposed of correctly.

If the hired team tries to remove small debris from the repair work gradually, then the problem of removing it in large volumes will ultimately not arise. You can put small garbage in special garbage bags (polyethylene or canvas) and take it out to special garbage containers or take it out with your own car to a designated place. This action will save time and money for both the owner and the team working on site.

There are times when, during renovation, a very large amount of construction waste remains, which cannot be packed into bags and removed independently. Let's consider options for solving this problem.

If during dismantling there are parts left that are subject to further use, they can be sold. In this case, the apartment owner will not only get rid of excess junk, but will also make money from selling it.

It is possible to transport the waste yourself after the repair is completed. To do this, you need to have a means of transportation, time and know the place where you are allowed to throw it away.

The most suitable and frequently used option is to call the remains from repair work to a company that loads and unloads construction waste at a time suitable for the client, but he needs to take into account the factor of financial costs.

The Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Stavropol Territory gave clarification regarding the export rules bulky waste.

What is included in this category of waste? Where should they be stored? And most importantly, under what conditions should a regional operator remove such waste?

Bulk waste (BW) is included in the category of municipal solid waste, that is, it directly falls under the responsibility of regional operators for the management of MSW.

According to GOST R 56195-2014, production and consumption waste (furniture, Appliances, bicycles and other large objects) whose dimensions exceed 0.5 meters in height, width or length. A Rules for handling solids municipal waste, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1156 of November 12, 2016, also includes waste from routine repairs of residential buildings and cleaning of local areas as waste from the civil waste.

The law requires the storage of bulky waste in storage bins or special sites. The regional operator is obliged to remove them as they accumulate, or at the request of residents from their places of residence, but at least once a week.

- The regional operator should not charge any additional fees for the removal of bulky waste. Such waste is taken into account when determining standards for the accumulation of MSW, which means the costs of their removal are automatically included in the cost of services of regional operators, - comments the Minister of Housing and Communal Services of the Stavropol Territory Roman Marchenko.

On January 1, 2018, the Stavropol Territory began implementing Federal Law“On production and consumption waste.” To date, all four regional MSW management operators have been selected on a competitive basis. Three of them have already begun work within their respective areas of activity. The fourth registrar will begin operating on January 1, 2019.

Repair is a “dirty” event, during which a large amount of waste and debris is generated. All this needs to be gotten rid of somehow. However, you cannot simply throw such garbage into a garbage chute or a regular bin. They are intended for household waste, not construction waste, and there is a fine for improper disposal. Let's find out where you can throw away construction waste left after renovation without breaking the law.

Strangely enough, there is no consensus on this matter. The concept of “construction waste” is interpreted very differently. Some include only bulky waste here, while others include absolutely all waste generated during repairs. However, Government Resolution No. 155 clearly states that waste generated during routine home repairs must be considered household waste and disposed of in exactly the same way. Here the question arises of what to count “ current repairs" As a rule, these are small ones, such as painting windows or replacing wallpaper. Therefore, if a can of paint or even several bags of old wallpaper were thrown away, utility workers should have no questions.

Garbage generated during the process will be considered differently, since in this case the volume of waste is very large. For example, fragments of walls and fittings can no longer be called household waste. Here we will talk about large construction waste. The same will apply to a large number bags with various waste after repairs. And you will have to take care of their disposal separately.

How and where to dispose of construction waste?

Residents themselves have to take care of the removal of construction waste. There are several options to solve the problem:

  1. It’s easiest for those who live in an area of ​​new buildings, where renovation work is in full swing and this issue is relevant for the majority. At a meeting of apartment owners, a decision is made and a corresponding agreement is signed with the management company, which installs a special additional container. It is larger in size and painted in a different color. Residents have an additional column on their receipts, which indicates the amount of payment for the removal of construction waste.
  2. Some management companies have a contract agreement with some organizations for the disposal of bulky waste. Special machines come by certain days and pick up bags stacked in special places: on separate sites or next to the garbage chute. You can find out about this by contacting the management company.
  3. If the management company does not have the above agreement, and repairs are only being carried out in 1 apartment, you can negotiate with any company that deals with the disposal of construction waste directly. In this case, you will not have to solve the problem of transporting and loading waste, and there will also be no need to look for a landfill where such waste is accepted. However, the fees for such services are quite significant.
  4. If you have a personal car, you can solve the problem differently: take up construction waste removal yourself. But first you have to find a landfill where it will be accepted. You will also have to pay a small amount for this.
  5. If there is no transport, you can look for advertisements in the newspaper in the category “I will accept construction waste, pick up,” call and find out what exactly they are picking up. Most often they accept bricks, rebar, and concrete for export.
  6. Broken brick and plaster will be gladly taken for filling holes in some garage cooperative or gardening community. However, you will most likely have to transport it to them yourself.

Buying a home on the secondary real estate market almost always means that the new owners will have to make repairs. And since most people buy an apartment or house only once in their lives, they plan the repair work to the maximum - with opening the floors, installing new communications and replacing all the plumbing. And in the process, the question arises of where to throw construction waste. There are several ways to properly dispose of construction waste; all you have to do is choose the most convenient one.

What is construction waste?

Before deciding where to dispose of construction waste during renovation, you should clearly understand what exactly constitutes such waste. For some reason, most people are convinced that only large and bulky waste should be considered construction waste, such as toilets, fragments of concrete slabs with protruding reinforcement, fragments of furniture, etc. In fact, such waste includes everything that needs to be thrown out during the repair work. For convenience, they were divided into three categories:

  1. Large waste from the dismantling of buildings - pieces of floors, windows, doors, etc.
  2. Waste of building materials used during repair and construction, as well as empty containers from them.
  3. Residues from finishing materials - wallpaper, paint, pieces of linoleum, tiles, drywall scraps, etc.

Can I throw this in regular trash cans?

Where should I throw construction waste from my apartment? Some residents of high-rise buildings do not even ask themselves this question, but immediately go with bags and large waste to the usual trash cans. This picture can be seen in almost all cities of Russia - a household container is so filled with construction scraps that there is no room left for anything else, and an old toilet stands lonely next to it.

Such actions are illegal. Household waste containers are intended only for plastic, wood, glass, paper, as well as organic and food waste. It is prohibited to throw any large-sized trash (more than 75 cm) into solid waste bins.


All those who carry out unauthorized discharge of bulky waste into solid waste tanks face penalties. According to Art. 8.2 of the Code of administrative offenses, Russian Federation they will be as follows:

  1. For individuals, that is, all those who carried out repairs in their own homes and improperly disposed of construction waste - from 1 to 2 thousand rubles.
  2. For individual entrepreneurs engaged in repair work- from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.
  3. Legal entities are punished most severely. Their fine for unauthorized disposal is from 100 to 250 thousand rubles.

In addition, all officials responsible for the illegal disposal of bulky waste face penalties - from 5 to 30 thousand rubles.

Cargo and hazard class

Before deciding where to dispose of construction waste, you need to determine what class of cargo the waste belongs to. This is due to the fact that different classes of cargo require their own equipment, depending on the properties of the material, its flowability and heaviness. For example, dump trucks are used for sand and gravel, and low-platform vehicles are used for extra-heavy waste.

In most cases, construction waste is assigned the first class with a load capacity coefficient equal to one. This means that the rated load capacity of the equipment will be used at 100%.

All types of waste are also divided into hazard classes - from first to fifth. The first and second are very dangerous, usually containing toxic and radioactive substances. They are found in industrial enterprises and are disposed of using special methods.

Most of the construction waste is waste of classes 4 and 5, that is, non-hazardous and slightly hazardous. They can be disposed of at regular sites.

A small percentage of construction waste may contain materials of class 3, that is, moderately hazardous. Usually this is wood with toxic impregnation, flammable paints and varnishes, toxic solvents, etc. Their disposal must be carried out by special neutralization enterprises.


The easiest way to solve the problem is self-pickup. And if we're talking about about 2-3 bags that can be placed in the trunk of a car, then the problem is solved. Construction waste must be delivered to one of the approved landfills or recycling sites.

However, before transporting waste, it must be securely packaged. And if we are talking about transportation by car, then the waste should be packaged in special bags.

Where to buy bags for construction waste? They are sold in any specialized building materials store. Or they can be ordered through online stores. They differ from conventional ones in their large volume and high strength and can withstand heavy loads. Price - from 6 to 30 rubles, the goods are sold at retail and in batches of 10-50 pieces.


Perhaps you shouldn’t figure out where to throw construction waste. If there is a lot of waste and it could be useful to someone else, it is worth selling it. Many organizations are happy to purchase broken bricks and concrete, pieces of asphalt, clay, soil or sand. Much less often, buyers are interested in film, wood scraps or plastic.

Prices are approximately as follows:

  • soil - from 50 rubles per cubic meter;
  • construction waste - from 110 per cubic meter;
  • broken bricks, concrete slabs and asphalt - from 15 rubles.

This waste is used to fill ravines and holes and as secondary crushed stone. In most cases, it is profitable to sell construction waste only if it is available in large volumes, that is, when building high-rise buildings. However, even in private construction, you can sell some of the rubbish, for example, soil from a foundation pit.

Removal service

There are construction waste removal companies in every city. Moreover, if repairs are carried out by any organization or individual entrepreneur, then they undertake the transportation of waste. If the work is carried out on your own, then you can simply order garbage removal - from the apartment or from the yard. In the first case, the loaders themselves will carry all the waste to the car and take it away. In the second, the organization will provide a container for construction waste. It will need to be completed within a specified time period, after which it will be collected.

Ordering a container for construction waste

It does not always need to be ordered from a third party. During renovations in a new building, the management company often keeps a special container for construction waste - until a certain time. If the housing was purchased on the secondary market, then you should ask your management company what services they charge residents for. Most often, the management company collects money only for the installation and maintenance of tanks for solid waste, but in some organizations the management company is obliged to provide a container for construction waste (PUHTO) upon application.


How much does construction waste removal cost? The cost is calculated individually and depends on many variables: volume of waste, use of equipment, application Supplies, attracting loaders, etc. Roughly speaking, in the region old windows and doors after dismantling can be removed for only 4-5 thousand rubles. This price includes equipment rental and a loader. IN big city For a similar service, the price may differ by an order of magnitude.

Before deciding where to dispose of construction waste, you should remember that only the owner of the premises is responsible for the disposal of his own construction waste. There is no need to quarrel with the management company, which clearly will not like the improper use of household tanks. There is no need to anger neighbors who will not be able to throw waste into overflowing containers. Moreover, there is no need to arrange it in the forest - penalties will follow.

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