Stewed beef liver recipes are the best. Pork liver stewed in sour cream

Today I will tell you how to cook beef liver quickly and easily. The dish will be not only tasty, but also very useful. Beef liver itself is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It is recommended to eat it for pregnant girls and athletes, because 100 g of boiled liver contains a daily intake of vitamins that are easily absorbed. Beef liver contains a lot of iron, which makes it especially useful for people with low hemoglobin in the blood. Regular use of the liver contributes to the work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, improves vision, strengthens the immune system. See more liver recipes to diversify your healthy menu.

Before you start cooking stewed liver, I want to say a few more words about how to choose beef liver. The fact is that the liver is a natural filter that cleanses the body of the animal from harmful substances and toxins that get there. The quality of her liver depends on how and what the cow was fed. And of course, how tasty the second dish will turn out and whether it will be useful also depends on this question. Fresh beef liver should not be brown or beige, but dark red saturated color with a dense and not loose structure, shiny and beautiful. The brighter, softer and lighter the liver, the younger the cow was. Accordingly, the darker and more sinewy the liver, the older the animal was and a coarser dish will turn out from such a liver.


  • 1 beef liver (about 1.5 kg);
  • 2 large onions;
  • 2 tbsp tomato paste;
  • parsley;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 200 g sour cream;
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Recipe for beef liver stewed in sour cream with onions

1. Finely chop the onion.

2. We wash the liver under running cold water and cut out large veins. Cut the liver into small cubes.

3. Pour 2 tbsp into a cauldron, thick-walled pot or pan. vegetable oil and heat it up. Pour the onion into the oil and fry it over medium heat until translucent.

4. We shift the liver to the onion in a cauldron and mix.

5. Fry until the liver turns white. Stir occasionally.

6. Add sour cream and tomato paste to the liver.

7. Fill with hot boiled water so that it almost completely covers the meat. Salt and pepper to taste. Stir, cover with a lid and leave to simmer over low heat. Stir occasionally. Make sure that there is always liquid in the cauldron, if necessary, water can be added. The main thing is that the liver does not burn.

8. Stew until the liver becomes soft and tender (30-60 minutes, depending on the age of the animal). In this case, most of the liquid should evaporate, and a small part of the liquid turns into a fragrant gravy.

9. Add finely chopped parsley and garlic squeezed with a garlic press. Mix everything, let the liver stew for about a minute. Then remove from heat, cover with a lid and let it brew for 10-15 minutes.

Delicious beef liver with gravy is ready! Boiled buckwheat, rice, mashed potatoes or vermicelli go great with it as a side dish. Bon appetit! 🙂

Beef liver is present in the diet of every person. Compared with meat, it is considered a more valuable product, as it contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals, as well as very useful amino acids that help improve well-being, normalize the work of two important body systems - immune and circulatory. At the same time, it is a source of folic acid, which is very useful for both children and women who are just waiting for the baby to appear. Beef liver in sour cream is the most well-known dish with a classic combination of ingredients, which is not ashamed to be served both by a family member and at a festive feast.

Important! The quality of a beef liver dish directly depends on its freshness. Your attention deserves only an elastic, smooth and moist offal without bloody clots and spots on the surface, evenly colored in the color of ripe cherries. Fresh beef liver should have a sweet smell, and if it smells of acid, it is not recommended to purchase it.

So, you have purchased the best beef liver and decided to cook it, but do not know how? Calmness, only calmness, now we will tell you all step by step.

Take the following ingredients:

  • 500 grams of beef liver;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 3 art. spoons of flour;
  • ½ cup sour cream;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • 1 bay leaf, favorite spices and salt.

Cooking process:

  1. In running water, rinse the beef liver, wash off all the mucus from it, and then remove all the veins and remove the films.
  2. Using a sharp knife, cut the product into medium pieces about 1.5 cm thick and fill them with cold milk. This is necessary in order to make the liver soft and tender, as well as to ensure that the remnants of blood come out.
  3. Remove the husk from the onion and cut into medium cubes.
  4. We heat 1-2 tablespoons of any vegetable oil in a frying pan and spread the onion, pass it to a caramel color, and then put it in another container.
  5. We take out the liver from the milk, dry it with a paper towel, and then roll each piece in flour and put it in the same pan where the onion was fried. Important! Beef liver should not be fried for a long time, as it can become rubbery, a fairly light ruddy chicken on both sides
  6. We take a small saucepan or stewpan, it is important that its bottom is thick, and put half of the fried onion on it. Next, spread the liver evenly, which we salt a little, pepper, add bay leaves and your favorite spices. The liver is very fond of allspice. Lay the other half of the onion on top.
  7. We put the saucepan on a slow fire and add 100 ml of water, simmer for 10 minutes.
  8. Salt, pepper in sour cream, pour 100 ml of hot water, mix and place in a saucepan in which the liver is cooked.
  9. Simmer in sour cream sauce for another 15-20 minutes. During cooking, mix the contents of the saucepan a couple of times and balance the taste (add salt, pepper, if the sour cream is sour, a little sugar).

Beef liver with onions, spices has an amazing aroma and turns out delicious, tender, just melting in your mouth!

How to cook beef liver in sour cream with wine?

This dish is not ashamed to be served on the festive table with a side dish of mashed potatoes. And if another glass of wine is served with it, then in general the holiday will succeed ... Let's cook?

We will need:

  • 500 grams of beef liver;
  • 2-3 medium onions;
  • 200 ml of wine (it is better to take dry red);
  • 200 grams of sour cream;
  • 100 grams of smoked bacon;
  • Salt, spices, vegetable oil.


  1. We prepare the beef liver as in the previous recipe, soak in milk for 30 minutes, and then cut into small pieces.
  2. We heat the pan with vegetable oil and quickly fry on both sides until a crust forms.
  3. We shift into a saucepan and pour wine and simmer for 10-12 minutes over low heat.
  4. In a frying pan in which the liver was fried, fry the bacon, then the onion, previously cut into medium slices, add spices and sour cream. If the sour cream is too thick, you can pour in a little water.
  5. We transfer the resulting sauce to a saucepan where the liver is stewed, mix, cover with a lid and continue to simmer for another 10 minutes.

Beef liver Stroganoff

Another old recipe - "Stroganov's Beef Liver", has been known for several hundred years thanks to the French chef Count Stroganov. Did the count think that the dishes served during his receptions would be immortalized in history? Most likely not, but this amazing dish is loved by millions of people around the world at the present time.

To prepare the dish you will need:

  • 500 grams of beef liver;
  • 2-3 bulbs;
  • 300 grams of thick 20-25% sour cream;
  • Flour - 1 tablespoon;
  • Butter - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Spices, salt.


  1. Chop the onion and fry in a pan in half the butter. We transfer the finished vegetable to a saucepan, where the dish will be brought to readiness.
  2. Soaked in cold milk, the liver is cut into strips, dried with a paper towel, carefully rolled in flour and sent to fry in a hot frying pan with the rest of the butter. We season the almost finished offal, but not much, since spices and salt will still be contained in the sauce.
  3. The next step is to prepare the sauce. Mix sour cream with spices (if it is thick, it can be diluted with milk or cream) and pour into a saucepan with onions. We put it on the fire, but on a weak one, as if slightly warming the sauce.
  4. We spread the liver in the hot sauce, mix and simmer for 12-15 minutes.

Worclaw-style beef liver

This recipe, which belongs to Polish cuisine, became known in the 19th century. Currently, this dish is prepared from both pork and chicken liver, but initially beef offal was chosen for it.

So, let's start cooking and take the following products:

  • 500 grams of beef liver;
  • 5 medium potatoes;
  • 2 medium onions;
  • 100 ml dry white or red wine;
  • 250-300 grams of sour cream;
  • 1-2 tbsp. spoons of flour;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Greens, salt, spices, herbs (thyme and coriander).


  1. First of all, remove the skin from the potatoes, wash and cut into thin circles, dry with a paper towel and fry on both sides in a hot pan until golden brown.
  2. We prepare the liver, remove all the films and cut off the veins, cut into medium-sized cubes, sprinkle with salt and spices and send to a heated frying pan with vegetable oil, on which we quickly fry it.
  3. Remove the husks from the onion and cut it into thin half rings, and then send it to the liver, fry everything together for 5-7 minutes, reduce the heat and pour in the wine.
  4. We evaporate the liquid, and in the meantime, mix sour cream, salt, coriander and thyme in a container.
  5. Pour the sour cream sauce into the pan, stir, cover and simmer for about 10-12 minutes.
  6. We spread the potatoes along the diameter of the plate, and in the center - the liver in sour cream sauce, sprinkle everything with chopped herbs and serve!

Tender liver in a slow cooker


  • 500 grams of beef liver;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 bell peppers;
  • 200 grams of sour cream;
  • 1 carrot;
  • Greenery;
  • Spices, salt;
  • Vegetable oil.


  1. Peel, wash onions, carrots and peppers, cut into strips. We heat the slow cooker in the “Frying” mode, pour in a little oil, shift the vegetables and quickly pass them with an open bowl. After 5-7 minutes, close the lid and simmer for another 5 minutes.
  2. Cut the liver into medium pieces, preferably stripes and send to vegetables. Fry with an open bowl for 7 minutes, stirring its contents. Add salt and your favorite spices to taste.
  3. Five minutes before readiness, we shift the sour cream, bring the dish to taste, if desired, you can add a clove of garlic. We close the multicooker bowl, set the "Extinguishing" mode for 20 minutes.

After a while, the dish can be served at the table; as a side dish, it is better to serve boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes, as well as rice!

We shared with you the most delicious, yet healthy and simple beef liver recipes. Take them into service, and then this offal, rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals, will become a frequent guest on your table.

Every housewife has cooked the liver at least once in her life and knows that very often it turns out to be tough and dry. If you have encountered such a problem, then we will tell you how to properly stew the liver so that the dish is tender and juicy.

Braised chicken liver


  • chicken liver - 500 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • low-fat sour cream - 250 ml;
  • vegetable oil;
  • spices;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 300 ml.


To prepare this tasty and healthy dish, we first prepare the chicken liver: we wash it thoroughly, process it from films and cut it into small pieces. We clean the onion, finely chop and sauté in melted butter until golden brown. In another pan, fry the prepared liver, and then add the onion, put low-fat sour cream and pour in a little filtered water. Mix everything thoroughly with a wooden spatula, cover with a lid and simmer the dish for 15 minutes. We use wheat flour as a thickener: first brown it in a pan until light brown, and then pour it into the main ingredients and simmer for another 3 minutes until the lumps disappear. Salt the liver to taste, remove from heat, insist for a while, and then serve with any side dish of your choice: rice, buckwheat, mashed potatoes.

Stewed liver in a slow cooker


  • pork liver - 1 kg;
  • milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • sour cream - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • - 2 teaspoons;
  • vegetable oil;
  • spices.


To prepare the liver stewed in milk, we process the offal from the films, rinse and cut into small pieces. Then put the liver in a deep enameled bowl, pour fresh cold milk and leave for 45 minutes. Without wasting time, mix mustard with sour cream in a separate container, add spices and lightly beat everything with a whisk. After a while, we recline the liver in a colander and leave it to drain for a while. Pour oil into the multicooker bowl, set the “Frying” program on the display, lay out the liver and fry it for 5 minutes on all sides. Then add chopped onion and cook for 1 more minute. After that, we rearrange the slow cooker to the “Stew” mode, pour in the previously prepared sour cream sauce and cook the dish for 40 minutes. After the beep, mix the dish thoroughly, insist and serve with any side dish of your choice.

Beef liver stew


  • beef liver - 500 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • spices.


Rinse the liver thoroughly, blot with a towel and cut into identical small pieces. Mix the flour with spices, roll the liver in this mixture and put it in a frying pan heated with oil. Fry for a few minutes on each side, and then put in a multicooker bowl. We clean the onion, chop it in half rings, roll in flour and sauté in a pan until golden brown. Then add chopped garlic, mix and cook for another 2 minutes. We spread the finished vegetable roast on top of the liver, pour in a little filtered water and throw any spices to your taste. We mix everything thoroughly, close the lid of the device and set the “Extinguishing” program. We detect 30 minutes, and cook the dish until tender, stirring occasionally. After the beep, let the liver brew a little, and then serve with a side dish of your choice. It goes very well with mashed potatoes and

This article will be useful to those who do not yet know how to cook beef liver so that it is soft and juicy. Many people think that the liver is relatively difficult to prepare and quite difficult to learn. We hasten to assure you, everything is not at all like that! The main thing is to take the right recipes and arm yourself with some secrets!

So, Top 5 Recipes excellent dishes from the most delicate beef liver.

: Beef liver with sour cream

The simplest, but really very tasty dish.

A classic of the genre, perfect with mashed potatoes.


  • beef liver 1 kg;
  • bow 4 pcs.;
  • sour cream 20% 300 g;
  • flour 70 g;
  • sunflower oil;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking method:

Wash the liver thoroughly, remove the film. Cut into pieces, then cut each piece into thin strips. Pour flour into the liver, salt and pepper. Stir well. Cut the onion into half rings.

Place to fry in a skillet with oil. When the onion starts to turn golden, add the liver. Fry until nicely browned, about 10 minutes. Put sour cream. Simmer another 20 minutes.

Recipe 2: Beef liver stewed with onions and carrots

Incredibly soft, with a classic combination of products.


  • beef liver 500 g;
  • bow 2 pcs.;
  • carrot 1 pc.;
  • broth (water) 1 cup;
  • flour;
  • sunflower oil;
  • paprika 0.5 tsp;
  • curry 1 teaspoon;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

Dry the washed and peeled liver and cut into small pieces. Salt. Dip each piece in flour, and then fry over high heat from all sides. This should be done quickly, remove as soon as the liver is slightly covered with a crust. Onion cut into half rings.

Grate the carrot. Put to the liver. Sprinkle with spices, mix. Pour in the oil. Remove from heat when onions and carrots turn golden. Fill everything with broth. When the broth boils, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes.

Recipe 3: Stroganoff Beef Liver with Mushrooms

Very popular and and incomparable aroma.


  • beef liver 700 g;
  • mushrooms 400 g;
  • bow 3 pcs.;
  • garlic 3 cloves;
  • sour cream 400 g;
  • sunflower oil;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking method:

Cut the cleaned liver into strips. Leave in milk for half an hour. Chop the onion. Fry in oil until soft. Cut the mushrooms into slices. Squeeze garlic into them and fry lightly.

Take the liver out of the milk. Roast for 10 minutes. In a capacious frying pan, mix all the products: onions, mushrooms, liver. Add salt, pepper. Pour in the sour cream. Stir. Simmer for no more than 15 minutes.

Recipe 4: Beef liver goulash

Unusually. And it's quick and easy to prepare.


  • liver 700 g;
  • bow 3 pcs.;
  • carrot 1 pc.;
  • sweet pepper 2 pcs.;
  • garlic 3 cloves;
  • sour cream 150 g;
  • milk 250 ml;
  • tomato sauce 150 g;
  • flour;
  • sunflower oil;
  • salt pepper;
  • water 150 ml.

Cooking method:

Finely chop the liver. Let it soak in milk for 20 minutes. Roll in flour. Let stand 5 minutes. Saute chopped onions with carrots. Add liver. Roast for 5 minutes.

Toss in some finely chopped bell peppers. Add sauce and sour cream. Pour water. Sprinkle salt, pepper. Squeeze out the garlic. Bring to a boil. Leave on low heat for 10 minutes.

Recipe 5: Beef liver chops

A very original and beautiful dish. Despite the apparent complexity, it is prepared easily and simply.


  • beef liver 500 g;
  • egg 1 pc.;
  • flour 1 glass;
  • sunflower oil;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking method:

To simplify the process, it is better when the liver is slightly frozen, then it will be easy to cut and fight off. Cut it into pieces about 1 cm thick. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Take cling film. Place the liver pieces between the two layers. Transfer to a cutting board. Tap lightly on both sides. Remove the film carefully.

Pour flour into one deep container, and beat the egg in another. First roll the chop in flour, and then in the egg. And, finally, again - in flour. Fry in a skillet with hot oil on both sides. Be sure to cover with a lid. The liver should become a beautiful golden color, and in no case turn black. Check doneness with a fork. If the released juice is clear and there is no blood, then your dish is ready.

Combine with any side dish of your choice: mashed potatoes, rice or pasta. Although such chops are good even on their own, and cooled too. Very tasty when put on bread spread with sour cream and garlic.

Properly cooked beef liver is very tender in taste and appetizing in appearance.

But to make your liver dishes perfect, you need to know a few tricks.

  1. The liver should be properly processed: wash under cold water, dry, get rid of the film and large veins.
  2. To make the liver soft, it is cut into medium-sized pieces about 1.5 cm thick.
  3. For extra tenderness, pre-soak in cold milk. Leave the liver cut into portions in milk for 40 minutes. Take out and pat dry with paper towels.
  4. Sour cream also makes the liver softer and juicier. Put them in during cooking, but simmer for no more than 20 minutes.
  5. The correct liver is fried for 5 minutes on each side. Don't overcook!
  6. Salt at the very end. Salt absorbs moisture and can dry out the food.

And enjoy the soft and juicy beef liver!

Beef liver is the best source of B vitamins and other beneficial substances. It must be on our menu. You just have to know how to cook it right. In our article, we want to talk about how tasty and soft it is to the taste of all family members.

Liver stewed in milk

The liver is a special product that can be spoiled during cooking, or, on the contrary, you can make a delicious dish out of it. You just need to know little tricks. Liver in milk, it turns out incredibly soft and tender. To prepare it, we need the following ingredients:

  1. A glass of milk.
  2. ½ kilogram of beef liver.
  3. A couple of cloves of garlic.
  4. Two bulbs.
  5. Salt.
  6. 1/3 cup of water.
  7. Ground pepper.
  8. Vegetable oil.
  9. Three tablespoons of flour.


Stewed in milk, easy to perform. Before you start cooking, you should prepare the liver. It must be cleaned of films and veins, and then cut into cubes, each of which is divided into three parts and beaten off on both sides. Next, roll each piece in flour and send it to a pan with vegetable oil.

The liver must be fried until pink on both sides. Now you can pour water into the pan so that it half covers the pieces, and on top you can spread the onion, cut into rings. The liver should stew for a couple of minutes, after which it needs to be turned over. Pieces gradually acquire a brown tint. Next, fill the pan with milk so that it completely covers the liver. Instead of milk, sour cream can also be used, but it needs to be diluted a little with liquid. As soon as the mixture in the bowl begins to boil, you need to start stirring it so that it does not burn. At the moment when the liver darkens and becomes the same color as the gravy, you can add pepper, salt, and then cover with a lid for five minutes. Then you can add the garlic, passed through the press. Ready-made beef liver with onions has a light brown hue and is half-covered with gravy. It is very tender and juicy inside. Perhaps such a recipe for beef liver (stewed) will be to your taste and will help you learn how to cook a great addition to the side dish.

Liver with onions and carrots: ingredients

Stewed with onions and carrots is a tasty and healthy dish. To prepare it, we need to take:

  1. One carrot.
  2. ½ kilogram of liver.
  3. A glass of broth.
  4. Three tablespoons of flour (tablespoons).
  5. Two bulbs.
  6. ½ teaspoon of sugar.
  7. Vegetable oil.
  8. Salt.
  9. ½ teaspoon paprika.
  10. A teaspoon of curry.

Recipe for beef liver stewed with carrots and onions

Defrost the liver and clean from the films, then wash and cut. Each piece must be salted and dipped in flour, then quickly fried over high heat until a crust appears. After that, you can add carrots with onions and spices. Mix all ingredients and add vegetable oil.

The liver must be fried until the carrots acquire a golden hue and the onions become transparent. Then all this should be poured with broth and simmered over low heat for at least five minutes after the mixture boils. This recipe for beef liver stewed with vegetables is quite simple to perform, and cooking does not take much time.

Liver in sour cream: ingredients

Continuing the conversation about how to cook delicious and soft beef liver, you should definitely remember the recipe with sour cream. The sauce with spices gives the finished dish an unusual pleasant and piquant taste. To bring the recipe to life, take the following ingredients:

  1. Five tablespoons of sour cream (tablespoons).
  2. One bulb.
  3. A couple of cloves of garlic.
  4. Half a kilo of liver.
  5. A tablespoon of flour.
  6. Vegetable oil.
  7. ½ teaspoon of nutmeg.
  8. 1 teaspoon dill (fresh or dried)
  9. Salt.
  10. A teaspoon of sweet paprika.
  11. Ground pepper.
  12. ½ teaspoon coriander.

Cooking liver in sour cream

We prepare the liver for cooking, cleaning it from films. To simplify the process as much as possible, you can pour boiling water over the product, then the film will separate without problems. Next, cut the liver into slices and put in a heated pan. Stew with constant stirring so that the products do not burn, until the liquid has completely evaporated. Then add vegetable oil, garlic, onion, dill and all spices (do not add salt and pepper yet). Fry all ingredients for five minutes. Of course, if you are not a fan of spices, then they can be excluded from the recipe. Then add one hundred milliliters of water, bring to a boil and cover with a lid.

You need to simmer for at least ten minutes, after which sour cream, salt and pepper are added to the liver. Dilute flour in half a glass of water. But you need to do this so that there are no lumps. The resulting solution is injected into the liver. Next, cook over very low heat, stirring constantly, until the gravy thickens. The dish should be infused for fifteen minutes, after which it can be served on the table. The whole family will love this soft beef liver. Especially since the stew is incredibly healthy.

multicooker recipe

For those housewives who own multicookers, we want to offer a recipe for cooking liver with it.


  1. One bulb.
  2. One carrot.
  3. 0.6 kilograms of liver.
  4. Three tablespoons of vegetable oil (table).
  5. Flour.
  6. Pepper, salt.

For sour cream sauce, take:

  1. ½ teaspoon mustard.
  2. Four tablespoons of sour cream (tablespoons).
  3. Clove of garlic.
  4. ½ teaspoon dry parsley and dill.
  5. A glass of cream or milk.
  6. Pepper, salt.

Onions must be peeled and cut into half rings. Grate carrots (preferably large). We wash the liver, clean it from films and cut into small pieces. Mix the flour with salt and pepper, after which we roll the liver in the mixture.

Pour oil into the multicooker bowl and select the “Baking” mode. At the same time, we set the cooking time - forty minutes. You need to warm the slow cooker for a couple of minutes and only then put the liver in the heated oil. We cook it for ten minutes and do not forget to stir. Then add carrots and onions, mix. After another ten minutes, pour in the sour cream sauce and continue cooking (continue to stir). After the end of the program, turn off the heating and close the lid. The finished dish should be infused for about five minutes.

To cook, you need to mix sour cream with garlic, passed through a press, mustard, herbs, salt and pepper. And then add cream or milk and mix. The sauce is ready.

Another recipe for a slow cooker: ingredients

This recipe is simpler in the sense that it requires less participation of the hostess in cooking. What exactly are good multicookers.


  1. Kilogram of liver.
  2. A glass of sour cream.
  3. Glass of water.
  4. Three bulbs.
  5. Three tablespoons of flour (tablespoons).
  6. one carrot
  7. Spoon of sugar (tea).
  8. Ground pepper.
  9. Vegetable oil.
  10. Salt.

Cooking liver in a slow cooker

The liver must first be cleaned and soaked in water (about an hour). Then cut it into pieces. We chop the onion into thin half rings, rub the carrots. Pour oil into the multicooker bowl and heat it up. In the “Baking” mode, fry the onion liver and fry the carrots for twenty minutes.

The liver is a very versatile fast food product. Dishes from it are tasty and healthy. In addition, the liver is an alternative to meat, and in some properties even surpasses it in quality. With its help, they raise the hemoglobin of the blood. But it is worth remembering that for such purposes it is necessary to use only fresh beef liver. Unfortunately, the frozen product is of little use.

When purchasing a liver, it is worth choosing pieces in which there are the least films and vessel walls. A quality product is elastic and juicy, has a dark red color. In order for the liver to be soft, you can soak it in water, milk, grease with dry mustard. The rules for preparing food are simple. You need to cook the liver on low heat, it is afraid of overdrying, and it should be salted at the very end.

Since the liver is healthy and nutritious, it should be consumed not only by adults, but also by children. And kids do not always willingly eat it. But if you choose the right recipe with sour cream sauce or milk, then the delicious and tender liver, disguised in the sauce, may well appeal to the kids.

Instead of an afterword

In our article, we examined the most interesting recipes for stewed beef liver. A delicacy product, when cooked correctly, is incredibly tasty and healthy. We hope you enjoy one of our recipes and find our product selection tips helpful.

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