Singer amarkhuu borkhuu. The trial of the singer Amarkhuu Borkhuu has begun. As a child I sang in a folk ensemble

These days, Amarkhuu Borkhuu is in Ulan-Ude, where he takes part in events dedicated days culture of the city of Ulaanbaatar. Today he met with journalists and talked about his creative plans.

Residents of Ulan-Ude will again hear songs performed by Amarkhuu on September 22 - on this day, the FSK will host a solo concert of the winner of the People's Artist competition.

It will be enchanting,” the singer promises. - I would like to show what I have learned over eight years of working in Moscow show business. There will be dancers, new dances, new songs. 70% of the program is new material.

Amarkhuu will perform songs in Russian, Buryat, Mongolian, English, as well as Spanish and Turkish. Among others, viewers will hear songs from the singer’s time at the Baikal Theater. At the same time, part of the proceeds from ticket sales will be directed to the Baikal Forest Protection Fund.

The artist admits that he disappeared for a whole year and all this time he was doing what. As you know, the singer’s wife is a famous Asian model, and despite the birth of their first child, the star’s wedding is being postponed, as ARD recently reported. By the way, the beautiful Ariunzul and the winner “ People's Artist”, famous singer Amarkhu in Mongolia and Russia, is called “the most romantic couple in Mongolia.”

No joke,” said the singer. - We decided that our first child should be born in my homeland, in the village where I myself was born. We decided to go, live the pregnancy period calmly, without stress, in nature, on clean air all nine months. The child was born. I myself rested my soul.

Now the baby is two months old, his name is Anand (translated as “be happy”). Amarkhuu chose the child’s name himself.

When asked if he was a good father, the artist advised asking his friends and the baby’s mother about it.

I think it's not bad. I change diapers regularly,” Amarkhuu added.

Communicating with journalists, the artist admitted that his thoughts were in his homeland, next to his son.

However, the singer is determined to be active. In the near future, a tour is planned in the regions of Buryatia, and then in Mongolia. At the same time, Amarkhuu emphasized that if the audience was accustomed to seeing him standing on stage with a microphone in his hands, now his role has changed somewhat. Amarhuu even compared himself to American singer Justin Timberlake.

There was a group called N Sync in the 90s, where it came from Justin Timberlake. Why not? Maybe I’ll become a Russian Justin,” says Amarkhuu. - My contract has ended with the Prime Minister group. I plan to go back to Moscow to study solo career. It's time to realize your ambitions. These could be new songs, dances, new stylization. I want to be on stage alone.

According to him, offers are coming from producers, but there is a desire to work with specific figures, whose names the artist did not name.

Amarkhuu also revealed his creative plans in Buryatia: in 2016, he plans to launch a project here aimed at young talented performers.

I would like to create a good boy’s team. I have a lot of experience. I am amazed why show business is developing very slowly here. I have this feeling. I came four years ago - the same performers, practically no new ones. Strange. We have a huge number of new young talented guys in Mongolia. Maybe there are not enough resources. I would like to connect two chains and launch a new project in Buryatia.

Amarkhuu is also ready to work in cinema, which, according to the artist, is developing very rapidly in Mongolia today.

Four films can be released a month high level. There are proposals. But everyone is so romantic - a good cop. I starred in two films and played in both nice guy. I want to play a bastard, a killer, a yakuza or a thief in law. I look forward to such proposals. But for some reason everyone sees me as such a Romeo hero.

There have been no filming proposals from Buryatia filmmakers yet. Amarkhuu again attributes this to his long vacation.

Two weeks ago, Amarkhuu Borkhuu and Ariunzul Oyunbator became a real sensation for the Mongolian public - the most romantic couple announced the birth of their baby, Anand. At that time, the singer himself admits, their first child was already more than two months old.

We met Aryuna on the set of the film Big Fish. This was my second experience working in cinema, but it so happened that at the preparatory moment I was in Moscow and all issues were resolved by my father, who acted as a co-producer of the film. It was he who insisted that Aryuna star in the role of the heroine. I myself arrived only at the beginning of the filming process.

Amarkhuu describes his first meeting with his future wife, a little embarrassed:

In the dark hall of the lobby, the participants of the filming were sitting - four people at a low table: men in dark and my Aryunochka in soft pink.

When asked whether it was love at first sight, Amarkhuu does not answer.

But he says that according to the plot of the film, he was a good policeman who catches up with the scoundrel who once abandoned the heroine Ariunzul as a little girl.

And so love line repeated itself in life. During 45 days of filming, we became so close that we could not part. Have I given hundreds of roses? We're like everyone else ordinary couples– cinema, trips, flowers.

There is only one thing where the couple differs from the others - they went to Khoton during pregnancy and the birth of the child.

The three of us spent this time together, this is a very necessary moment for strong family. And most importantly, those around us understood us - no one bothered us with calls or bothered us.

Ariunzul had a “Hollywood pregnancy.”

I didn’t make this up, this is how they say it in Mongolia, when a girl maintains her figure during pregnancy, but only a small belly appears - the singer shows himself what kind of belly his beloved had, and his voice is filled with tenderness.

Today, the whole of Mongolia knows about the birth of a son to the most romantic couple.

It seems to me that we were a little hasty in talking about our son. Now I want to be three of us, give each other warmth and tenderness. And then there’s a real storm - Aryuna has 20 thousand likes on her Facebook page under the post about Anand’s birth.

The couple is in no hurry to show their son to the public. “It's very personal,” Amarhuu explains.

But he promises to play two weddings - in Mongolia and Buryatia.

It turns out that all my friends are here in Ulan-Ude, and my whole family is in Mongolia. Aryuna also has many friends in Russia. Therefore, there will be two weddings.

And laughs:

We won’t have weddings in Moscow, but I will definitely invite my Moscow friends. There will be guys from the group “Prime Minister”, there will be a lot more Russian stars, my friends. Friends of Aruna.

- But then we need to pamper our fans with a concert!

Maybe we’ll make a hodgepodge,” the singer immediately picks up and nods towards Borhuu, who is nearby solving the issue of the venue for the nearest concert.

Let me remind you that Amarkhuu moved the venue of his concert: the performance was supposed to take place on September 22 at FSK. But after visiting the venue, the singer decided that the concert should take place at the Opera House.

There are a lot of things connected with this theater. There were rehearsals for the ensemble "Badma Seseg", within its walls the merger of "Badma Seseg" and "Baikal" took place, and the first musical "The Spirit of Ancestors" was staged. This was the first time I was heard from this stage. And I also really like to communicate with the audience, see their eyes, I can go out to say hello to someone, and sing. The FSK Hall, may the management not be offended by me, does not provide such opportunities.

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The metropolitan group "Prime Minister" recently changed its composition. The soloist of the new boy-banda was our fellow countryman, a guy from Ulan-Ude Amarkhuu Borkhuu. His victory in the People's Artist competition got him on stage. Amarkhuu simply charmed the jury with his unusual Asian appearance and amazing voice. He was already president

Amarkhuu was born on July 1, 1987 in a small village in Mongolia. His father, Mr. Borhuu, worked circus artist, participated and directed acrobatic stunts. He often went on tour and was rarely at home. Amarkhua was raised by her mother Amarsaikhan. She is a neurosurgeon. The parents met through an accident. Amarkhuu's father ended up in a hospital bed with an injury after a bad fall in the circus. As fate would have it, his future wife became his attending physician. They started dating, then got married and had a son. Amarkhuu is the only and very beloved child in the family.

My family and I lived with our parents and grandparents in Amarkhuu,” the father recalls. - When my son turned 2 years old, we moved to the capital - Ulaanbaatar. I continued touring, while my wife worked and raised their son. After 5 years, the Ministry of Culture of Mongolia offered to go to Ulan-Ude and open the Buryat National Circus. He coped well with the duties of a production director. Then Father Amarkhuu was invited to work as the chief director of the Baikal Theater. He agreed. Little Amarkhuu was 7 years old at the time.

Amarkhuu always loved to study. But at first it was very difficult for him,” continues Mr. Borhuu. “He didn’t understand Russian at all, except for the word “yes.” Then I taught him a little trick. I told him: Amarhuu, to everything they tell you, smile and answer “yes.” That's how he did it the first time. But now he speaks without an accent. For example, it is still very difficult for me. Before I say anything in Russian, I mentally translate this phrase from Mongolian. Amarkhuu speaks and thinks exclusively like a Russian, and speaks his native Mongolian language with difficulty.

At school, Amarkhuu was an exemplary student. He studied at 4 and 5. The singer’s parents don’t even remember a single occasion when they were called to school. Since his childhood, the boy was accustomed to solving his problems on his own. Teachers say that as soon as he smiled, all his childhood tricks and pranks were immediately forgotten. In high school, Amarkhuu was generally elected president of the school.

As a child I sang in a folk ensemble

Amarkhuu has been interested in music since childhood. - He never studied music specifically anywhere. I remember how my little son walked around the apartment and mumbled something under his breath,” the father laughs. “My mother and I were a little irritated by this, and we told him: Amarkhuu, don’t moo!” And he just smiled and continued to do his thing...

When the boy entered first grade, he was invited to the “Veselushki” folklore ensemble of the railway workers’ cultural center. After he heard the band's new album Backstreet boys, realized that pop music was his calling, and began studying at the Accent pop vocal studio.

After the artist graduated from school, one of his father’s colleagues invited him to try himself as a vocalist in the theater. Mr. Borhuu was categorically against it, but after some persuasion, he agreed. And I was right. Amarkhuu became the leading soloist of the theater in a matter of seconds. Before participating in the “People’s Artist”, he won more than one republican and interregional competition.

Amarkhuu was persuaded by friends to go to the casting of “People’s Artist”. He was taken immediately. Soon the guy left for Moscow. “When we found out that he won the final of the project, we were very happy for him,” says Mr. Borhuu. - True, it was difficult for him there at first. Sometimes I sat on bread and water, but still went towards my goal. Once he has his mind on something, no one can stop him!

Then Amarkhuu signed a contract with famous group"Prime Minister" and became its soloist. I started working a lot, touring the country, recording CDs and albums. There is absolutely not enough time for rest in the artist’s wild work schedule. All free time he spends it on sleep and on his favorite hobby – basketball. The singer rarely comes to visit his parents. Mom and dad see their beloved son only on TV.

The last time he came to us was at the beginning of August,” the father continues. - I stayed for several days and left again. But we often talk on the phone. Although usually the phone is his mobile phone the administrator takes it. He did not contract any “star” disease.

According to the terms of the contract, the singer must work with the group for another two years. But he is already thinking about his future career: a solo concert in Moscow and his own disc are the artist’s most cherished dreams.

This person is "Amarhuu".


From June 2013 the group "Prime Minister" performs without Amarhuu Borhuu, who continues solo career, but there was no official announcement of his departure from the group.

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Excerpt characterizing Amarkhuu Borkhuu

“Cependant, mon cher,” he said, examining his nail from afar and picking up the skin above his left eye, “malgre la haute estime que je professe pour le Orthodox Russian army, j"avoue que votre victoire n"est pas des plus victorieuses. [However, my dear, with all due respect to the Orthodox Russian army, I believe that your victory is not the most brilliant.]
He continued the same way French, pronouncing in Russian only those words that he contemptuously wanted to emphasize.
- How? You with all your weight fell upon the unfortunate Mortier with one division, and this Mortier leaves between your hands? Where is the victory?
“However, seriously speaking,” answered Prince Andrei, “we can still say without boasting that this is a little better than Ulm...
- Why didn’t you take us one, at least one marshal?
– Because not everything is done as expected, and not as regularly as at the parade. We expected, as I told you, to reach the rear by seven o'clock in the morning, but did not arrive at five in the evening.
- Why didn’t you come at seven o’clock in the morning? “You should have come at seven o’clock in the morning,” Bilibin said smiling, “you should have come at seven o’clock in the morning.”
– Why didn’t you convince Bonaparte through diplomatic means that it was better for him to leave Genoa? – Prince Andrei said in the same tone.
“I know,” Bilibin interrupted, “you think it’s very easy to take marshals while sitting on the sofa in front of the fireplace.” This is true, but still, why didn’t you take it? And do not be surprised that not only the Minister of War, but also the August Emperor and King Franz will not be very happy with your victory; and I, the unfortunate secretary of the Russian embassy, ​​do not feel any need to give my Franz a thaler as a sign of joy and let him go with his Liebchen [sweetheart] to the Prater... True, there is no Prater here.
He looked straight at Prince Andrei and suddenly pulled the collected skin off his forehead.
“Now it’s my turn to ask you why, my dear,” said Bolkonsky. “I confess to you that I don’t understand, maybe there are diplomatic subtleties here that are beyond my weak mind, but I don’t understand: Mack is losing an entire army, Archduke Ferdinand and Archduke Charles do not show any signs of life and make mistakes after mistakes, finally, alone Kutuzov wins a real victory, destroys the charme [charm] of the French, and the Minister of War is not even interested in knowing the details.

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