PC does not see xiaomi. Xiaomi does not see the computer, causes, solutions. Changing the detection mode of the connected phone

Many users of Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 are faced with such a problem as the computer does not see the smartphone. How to properly connect Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 to a PC or laptop via a USB cable in order to transfer data from a smartphone to a computer or vice versa? You may also need to connect your phone to a computer to distribute the Internet, flash your smartphone, and much more.

Please note: we are talking about the Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 smartphone, but the problem that the computer does not see the phone can occur on any Xiaomi device. You can use our tips for all smartphones from the Chinese manufacturer Xiaomi.

In fact, the problem of Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 does not see the computer lies in the licensing of data transfer from phone to PC, or more specifically, USB debugging, which is located in the developer options on the smartphone. Also make sure you are using an original USB cable from Xiaomi or at least from another reputable manufacturer.

Step 1Activate Developer Mode

As we have already found out, in order to solve the problem of Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 does not see the computer, you need to enable USB debugging. However, to enable USB debugging, developer mode must be enabled.

Step 2Enable USB Debugging

After you have activated the developer mode, a new menu will appear in the smartphone settings.

Now you can connect your smartphone to your computer via USB and check whether it sees your mobile device or not.

The computer still does not see Xiaomi Redmi Note 4

If the problem has not been resolved, then you should install the program Xiaomi PC Suite (Mi PC Suite) to your computer. Also you can try to install the app

Expanding the functionality and range of mobile devices automatically means an increase in the number of possible problems and problems with them. People have more and more questions about how to implement this or that function of the gadget in practice.

In particular, one of the common problems is that the smartphone does not connect to the computer via USB. Such a connection can help in the exchange of data between a mobile device and a PC, which is sometimes simply necessary. Of course, you can ignore the problem and connect to another data carrier in an alternative way (for example, via Bluetooth), but it is much more efficient to resolve the issue once and for all and not limit the functionality of the phone.

Surely you know that the phone may not connect to the computer or be not recognized by it for two main reasons - mechanical and software. In the first case, most often the matter is in the USB cable or in mechanical damage to the computer or phone. In the second case, the cause must be sought in the device software. Perhaps something went wrong and the system requires user intervention.

The second option causes great difficulties, if only because it is more difficult to determine in practice and identify a specific problem. And since a lot depends on the quality of the smartphone firmware, most often such problems occur with Chinese gadgets. Today we will tell you what to do if Xiaomi Redmi 3s does not see the computer. The recommendations below can also be applied to other Xiaomi phone models, since they are similar in firmware, but when working with alternative gadgets, some changes are possible, and here you will have to navigate on your own and along the way.

Solution #1: Check the USB cable

Before getting into the phone settings and making radical decisions like changing the firmware, you need to exclude the most banal options. These, in particular, include a malfunction of the USB cable, with which the smartphone is connected to the computer. The check is extremely simple: you just need to try to connect the phone using another of the same cable. If the problem is not solved, then its cause lies in a different plane and the search must continue.

Solution number 2. Download drivers

Another common cause of the problem is the lack of drivers on the computer to recognize the phone. As you know, the PC itself will not start identifying the phone as a storage, camera, or charging connection. He needs to explain how to recognize the gadget. This function is performed by drivers.

As a rule, most modern operating systems on a PC automatically “pull up” the necessary drivers with a new connection from the Internet. But what if at the time of connection you do not have access to the World Wide Web or, for some reason, the computer itself cannot find the necessary add-ons? You may also encounter the following problem: there are drivers on the computer, but they are not updated to the correct version.

All this together is easy to check on your own. To begin with, through the settings, disable the verification of the digital signature of the driver and restart the PC. After that, download the archive of the desired version of the driver. Please note that processors from different manufacturers require different drivers. Xiaomi has gadgets on both Mediatek and Qualcomm, so you need to check which option suits you. By doing this, you will make sure that the driver version is really up-to-date on the computer or laptop.

If even after these steps, the PC categorically refuses to recognize the connection of the phone, then we proceed to the following options for solving the problem.

Solution #3: Debug Mode

Driver settings on a computer are not always enough. Sometimes you need to delve into the settings of the phone itself. If the computer does not see your Redmi 4a, 3s or another model of the Redmi line, go to your smartphone settings and find the item "Device info". You should click on it 7–10 times, and immediately after that you will receive developer rights, about which you will see a corresponding message.

Now go back to settings. You will see that new options have appeared in the parameter list. Gotta follow the path "Advanced - For Developers - USB Debugging". This feature must be activated manually. If a list appears with options for the type of connection, then you need to select MTP. This option involves connecting your phone to your computer as a media device.

An alternative way is to enter the following combination of characters in the dialing menu: *#*#13491#*#* . It calls up the connection mode selection menu. This method is relevant if you want to know how to connect Xiaomi Redmi 3 to a computer as a multimedia device, but the system does not automatically offer selection options.

Solution #4: Use the Terminal

All the options described above are quite simple to apply in practice. But if for some reason they did not fit or did not solve the problem, then you can resort to alternative, more complex methods. For example, act through a third-party application Android Terminal E. Immediately after installation on your smartphone, connect the device to your computer. This time the device should be recognized as a USB drive.

Enter the command in the app SU. This will grant you superuser rights. Next, you need to enter the following command: setprop persist.sys.usb.config mass_storage,adb. We press Enter, and at the end we add a command to restart the smartphone - Reboot. As an alternative, we can offer the same long command above, but with the replacement mass_storage on the mtp. This will allow you to connect immediately in MTP mode.

After rebooting, the phone should be recognized by the computer, and you can start working with files on these media.

Solution #5: Use your phone as a camera

In some cases, the computer recognizes the mobile device only as a camera. If you want to completely correct the situation, then you can not do without one of the methods suggested above. But if your plans do not include fighting the problem and you are ready to limit yourself to bypassing it, then this can be done.

For example, you can upload the files you need on your phone to the “Photo” folder from your PC. After that, by going to the file manager, you can easily send the file to any other section.

We recommend using this method only as a fallback option if you do not have time to diagnose the problem and fix it. We repeat: it does not solve the problem itself, and therefore it is simply impossible to recommend it as the main one.

If connection settings were set on your phone, but over time they disappeared and now you cannot figure out how to connect Xiaomi to a computer, then a special program will help.

How is the phone usually connected to the computer?

Before I ventured to officially update the firmware over the air, everything was clear according to the scheme:

After that, the phone was displayed on the computer and it was possible to go to it and transfer the necessary files.

Why the computer does not see the phone - connecting Xiaomi Redmi via USB?

However, after the update, this stopped working - Xiaomi is no longer detected in Windows. The phone does not connect to the computer via USB, but only charges. How now to connect Xiaomi Redmi to a computer? Do not rush to look for a driver - the point is not at all in it, but in the fact that in the new version of the firmware, in the interests of security, in order to protect the smartphone from playful inexperienced pens, the Xiaomi USB connection was pre-installed. To remove it, do the following.

Everything, now we act in the same way as before - we connect Xiaomi Redmi to the computer, click on "Charging via USB" and select the MTP file transfer mode. Then we go to Windows in "My Computer" and see the phone in the list of devices.

Click on it and get access to the folders of the internal memory and SD card

I am sure that this instruction will be mega-useful for all owners of Xioami and there will no longer be questions why the computer does not see the phone connected via USB.

Every smartphone user sooner or later needs to connect it to a computer via USB. This may be required for various purposes, for example, to install new software on a gadget or to save any files. However, sometimes it is not possible to synchronize a mobile phone with a computer. There can be a great many reasons for this, and they can be both software and mechanical. But the main thing for us is not so much to understand the specific reason as to eliminate it in order to comfortably use a smartphone.

Today we will tell you what to do if the computer "does not see" Xiaomi Redmi 4 pro. This gadget is taken as an example due to its high popularity, and the recommendations given in the article can be successfully applied in order to connect other models of Xiaomi mobile devices to a PC.

First, let's say a few words about why the phone does not connect to a computer or laptop. The main reasons may be:

  1. Mechanical failure of the USB cord or connector.
  2. Using non-original accessories to create a connection to a PC.
  3. The computer does not have the required version of the drivers.
  4. Wrong choice of mobile device connection method.
  5. The presence of system problems on a PC or mobile gadget.

These are just those reasons for the connection problem that lie on the surface. More serious problems are possible, but let's hope that they do not apply to your phone. Well, for those reasons that were listed above, the solutions below will be quite effective.

Checking the USB cable

Before digging into the settings of your phone and PC, looking for a problem there, make sure that the connection is organized using working components. If you experience difficulty using one cord, we recommend using another. If the problem persists even then, then you can look for a problem in another area.

Just in case, do not forget to try connecting your smartphone through different USB ports. It is possible that one of the sockets on the computer does not work, but when using the other, everything will work out.

Download drivers

Synchronization of the phone with a computer is possible only if the appropriate drivers are installed on the PC. And although most modern operating systems allow you to automatically download the necessary driver from the Internet upon a new connection, it happens that it is not updated in a timely manner or, for some reason, does not download at all. As a result, your Redmi Note does not connect.

In order for the system to correctly see the phone, you need to check the compatibility of the drivers. Well, the easiest way is to manually them to make sure you have the correct version installed. Install the downloaded file on a PC and try to reconnect. If this time the computer “does not see” the mobile device, then we continue to look for other ways to resolve the issue.

Turn on debug mode

To implement this task, you need to get the status of a developer. This is done extremely simply: go to the settings and click 7-10 times on the column "About device". Immediately after that, you will see a message informing you that the appropriate rights have been assigned to you. In practice, this definition means that you can make a little more individual settings compared to the average user.

We go into the settings and see that an additional item has appeared: "For developers". Click on it and select from the menu that appears. "USB Debugging". It remains to turn it on and try to connect to the PC again.

Connecting via Terminal

If the methods described above did not help and the phone categorically does not want to be detected on the PC as a removable media, you can try to do this through a third-party Android terminal emulator application. This program allows you to get superuser rights, which is very similar to developer rights. In fact, all this allows you to make advanced settings.

To begin with, we prescribe a combination of letters SU in the program, which will give us superuser rights. Next, we write a more complex phrase: setprop persist.sys.usb.config mass_storage,adb and press the enter button. This command will allow the phone to be recognized as a storage device on the computer. It remains to restart the smartphone by issuing the command Reboot, and connect to the PC.

Connecting in camera mode

Sometimes it happens that the phone is recognized on the computer, but only in camera mode. You can use this to your advantage. For example, you can drop all the necessary files from the computer to the section "A photo", and then, disconnecting from the PC, sort them manually using the file manager on your mobile device. It's simple and accessible to everyone. But remember that this will not eliminate the problem, but only allow you to bypass it.

This method is suitable in case you are running out of time, and you need to connect to a PC urgently. But in the future, one way or another, you will have to figure out how to organize a stable connection.

Many users of smartphones of any brand often connect their gadget to a computer in order to transfer any files or install something on their phone. But in order to be able to do this, you need to know the correct connection sequence and possible nuances, as well as sources of problems, in order to be ready to solve them as they become available.

How to connect Xiaomi to a computer: standard method

First, connect the phone to the computer via usb and check the simple functionality.


  • Insert cables into both connectors;
  • Open the top curtain menu on your phone in the notifications tab;
  • There should appear a line notifying you of the connection;
  • Click on it, and you will go to the connection settings;
  • So, the connection may not happen if you have both options disabled, as shown above. Activate the first field "Media device (MTP)" - so you can transfer any data from your phone.

Use the second mode "Camera (PTP)" only when you only need to transfer photos to the PC. So, the computer itself will open the folder with images, and you do not have to search for a long time. But keep in mind that in this mode, the phone does not see folders with other files.

The phone does not see the computer: checking from a PC

Similar to the previously given test can be carried out from a computer. It is possible that the computer did not recognize your smartphone and placed it in a folder with undefined devices.

How to check it:

  1. Go to the control panel on the PC;
  2. Select the "Hardware and Sound" tab;
  3. Next - "Devices and Printers";
  4. In the "Media Devices" tab, find the name of your phone model, right-click the menu and click on "Troubleshooting";
  5. Further, the computer will detect the presence and absence of problems and offer their solution if necessary;
  6. Ready!

On Windows 8/Windows 10, the names of these tabs will be slightly different.

Why Xiaomi does not connect to the computer: reasons

In those. support and service centers often receive questions about the lack of connection of the phone to the computer. There are a number of reasons why the connection may not work, and before asking for help from specialists, make sure that you have checked everything.

The computer does not see the Xiaomi phone because:

  • You have a non-original usb cable. For example, you bought it not in the brand's store itself, or it could be a marriage.
  • The cable is dirty and contains internal debris. Many people notice that when dealing with a connection problem, they find a lot of small debris or dust in the cable or connector on the computer. Be sure to check your wires and clean them gently with toothpicks if necessary.

To avoid such situations, use special plugs for wires!

  • The cable is broken/bent. When the cables are bent, the wires inside them come off, and they can no longer perform their respective functions. In this situation, you will simply need to purchase a new cable;
  • The required drivers are not installed on the computers. Perhaps this is the first time you have connected your phone to a computer in principle, or it is possible that some kind of failure has occurred in the system.
  • Using the wrong connection method or incorrect connection itself.

If you are sure that everything is in order, try to follow the further instructions one by one and skip the steps only if you are 100% sure that you did it earlier.

Connecting to a Computer: Installing Drivers

Drivers- this is software that helps the computer understand how the connected gadget / device works and how to “communicate” with it.

All devices have their own drivers: phones, printers, scanners, etc.

It happens that even when you connect the phone for the first time, the drivers are installed by themselves and subsequently updated when necessary. However, if this does not happen, you can do the installation procedure yourself.

Attention! If you have a computer running Windows 8/Windows 10, disable the program's digital signature, i.e. virus protection, before performing the installation, otherwise some processes will be inaccessible to you.

How to install drivers on a computer:

  • Conduct a research of sites with software on the Internet and select the most reliable ones (for example, w3bsit3-dns.com);

  1. In the section with your smartphone model, find two archives: "MediaTek program" and "Qualcomm program" and download them;
  2. In the usual way, unzip these files and place what you get on the system drive (usually drive C) so as not to lose or accidentally delete it;
  3. Restart the computer (on your own, if you have not received a notification of need from the PC itself);

Now try to connect your phone. If he still does not see the computer or you have already installed the drivers, we will try to update them.

Driver update:

  • Open the "Device Manager" on the computer;
  • Next, open "Portable Devices", where you can find the name of your phone;
  • Click on the name of your model and bring up the menu by clicking the right mouse button;
  • Select "Update driver";

  • If nothing has changed, move on.

Xiaomi does not see the computer: debugging via usb

A method that is often used when solving a connection problem is usb debugging.

USB debugging mode or debugging mode- this is a kind of making changes to the operating system for some specific purpose. With this function, you can get root rights - user rights, and with them many new features.

With usb debugging you can:

  • Detect problems with the phone, which is what we need;
  • Test the components of the device;
  • Test the operation of any programs;
  • Perform a data backup (backup);
  • Get more detailed data about the phone and all the processes taking place in it;
  • Restore device.

As we can see, root rights allow you to do many interesting and useful things.

How to get user rights and debug via usb:

  • Go to "Settings" and then go to "About smartphone" or "About device";
  • Find the field where the installed version of MIUI is written and click on it up to 7 times;
  • If you did everything correctly, a notification will appear about obtaining root rights;
  • Now go to "Advanced" or "Advanced Settings" and "For Developers";
  • There, find the "Debugging by usb" field and activate it;

Additional ways to connect Xiaomi Redmi to a computer

There are a couple more ways to connect your phone to a PC.

Method one: instruction:

  • Go to the call menu;
  • Type the following combination in it: "*#*#13491#*#*";
  • After entering the last character, a dialog box should appear on the screen, in which 2 options will be available - select the connection method "MTP";
  • As mentioned earlier, this mode allows you to transfer any files from your smartphone to your computer, which is why it is also called multimedia;
  • Ready!

This method can be applied not only on Xiaomi smartphones, be it Xiaomi Redmi 4x, Redmi 5, 5 plus or Xiaomi Redmi Note 4, but also on any other android device.

Method two: instruction

  • For this method, you will need to install the "Android Terminal Emulator" application on your phone, which you can find in Play Market;
  • After downloading, connect the gadget to the computer;
  • Open the program, enter "su" and confirm your action;
  • Next, type "setprop persist.sys.usb.config mtp, adb" and press Enter;
  • Type "Reboot", press "Enter" and wait for the phone to reboot;
  • Ready! This procedure is also possible to carry out not only on Xiaomi devices.

How to transfer files via usb

The answer to the question “How to download photos from Xiaomi to computer” is very simple. You will need to go into phone management, select the type of memory: internal or sd card, go there and then perform the necessary operations with files.

Xiaomi: computer program or additional file transfer methods

In addition to applications on the phone, there is also a Xiaomi program that can be downloaded to a computer - Mi PC Suite. Its operation allows you to transfer large amounts of files to a PC, see the screen of a smartphone on a computer, without using a usb cable. Mi PC Suite performs the function of a file manager with great features and advanced tools.

Benefits of Mi PC Suite:

  • Synchronization of the computer with the phone is always successful;
  • You can backup data or restore it;
  • Ability to update the firmware;
  • Access to external and internal phone memory;
  • Connection through one network;
  • Internet access via computer.

You can download the program on the official website of Xiaomi. There will be no problems or malfunctions with this version, especially since it is now fully translated into English.

So how to use the program:

  1. Download it to PC;
  2. Find the ".exe" file in the downloads and double-click on it;
  3. Carry out the installation (namely on a PC);
  4. After installation, click on the program logo, and it will automatically connect to the phone.

Sections of Mi PC Suite:

  • "Screenshot" - connection management;
  • "Back Up Now" or "Manage Back Up" - section of data backups;
  • "Update Now" - allows you to update the gadget without using the "Settings";
  • "App" - installation of programs and applications on the phone;
  • "File Explorer" - exchange files between two phones.

What else to read