Plan of information days in the library. Information Day “Hello! I am a new book! Information Day in the school library

Here are the shelves, books, bindings...
My old acquaintances,
Subject of attention and care
And growing love.
And binding after binding,
Where next to prose is verse,
Like turn after turn
On the map of world destinies.
Like a conversation of thousands of years,
The call of departed generations...
And you and I - we are just children
Before this wisdom of centuries.

Continue reading the material in women's Internet magazine about a flower, women's happiness

Hello, dear, dear, faithful friends of our library! You, indeed, are our faithful friends; you are not afraid of cold, heat, snow, wind or rain. In any weather, you boldly step into the library. It is always waiting for you and greets you joyfully, with the warmth and cordiality of its employees, new arrivals of literature, and interesting public events.

Today the library must choose its most faithful friend. It will be the one who knows more about the library itself, about periodicals x, in general, the one who will answer large quantity questions and will receive more tokens throughout our meeting.

So let's start our conversation. A central tax service center has been created in the Armizonsky district. Who knows what this is?
(Answer: Centralized Library System)
Who can say in what year this significant event took place?
(Answer: In 1977)

The Central Library Unites 12 libraries: 11 rural and one central regional library with a children's department. I think you will be interested to know some of our performance results for 2011. Of course, the year was difficult, but fruitful. All indicators of our work (except paid services) higher than in 2010. Even the number of readers is 10 more people, despite the fact that many reading families leave the region and, in addition, there is a high mortality rate in the region. We have 5.5 thousand readers. The book fund amounts to more than 97 thousand copies and more than 750 copies of periodicals. Behind last year Over 235 thousand books, newspapers and magazines were issued to readers. For comparison, in 2010 there were only 207 thousand. That is, each reader took 42 copies of literature per year, or 3 publications per month. This is a good indicator.

Last year, the departments functioning in the library changed a little, and new employees came to us. This is what it looks like in this moment: There are 4 departments in the library. Department for servicing adult readers (G. A. Ugryumova, O. N. Grudeva, A. S. Pecherina); children's department (V. A. Lukashchuk, N. F. Pecherina); acquisition department (G. P. Gorbunova, V. V. Markov); information and legal department (N. O. Zhiryakova, E. V. Maul).
You might be interested to know that our system has its own website on the Internet: On it we place our work plans, information about events held, photographs and other useful information.
The library has a public Internet access point, which you can use free of charge during library opening hours.

The libraries of our system (including the district one) are expanding their functions and the range of services they provide, both paid and free. You can find information about library services in the Reader's Corner.
The main direction of the library’s work is providing information services to the population through existing library documents, including periodicals.
The flow of information, constantly received and consumed by all of us, has become not only important for a civilized person, but also vital.

Let's remember what's included in this diverse world called media?
Yes, this is the press - periodicals of newspaper and magazine type and audiovisual media - radio and television.

Today we will talk about the first component and to me, as a librarian, what seems to be the most important - periodicals.
It is very difficult, almost impossible, to imagine all these periodicals. Because the modern press consists of thousands of publications, different in subject matter, intended purpose, program, frequency, circulation, region of distribution.

What two groups can we divide the entire press into?
(Answer: Newspapers and magazines)
Right. What is the difference between a newspaper and a magazine?
The newspaper has greater efficiency, greater versatility, it is more informative and is a leaf publication.
The magazine is more analytical (i.e., analyzes events) and journalistic. Magazines, according to Gosstandart, must be bound,” i.e. printed sheets bound in the spine.

Let's take a mental excursion into the history of the press...

A newspaper is the history of the world in one day. It's hard to come up with best definition for this type of periodicals.
The word “newspaper” itself is traditionally associated with the name of the Italian coin – gazzeta.
In the middle of the 16th century, it served as payment for leaflets that informed Venetian merchants of trade news. The history of the newspaper business dates back to 1609, when newspapers were published once a week in Germany.
The first Russian newspaper "Chimes" appeared in 1621. True, it was handwritten, and only the tsar and the boyars read it.
The magazine is almost half a century younger than the newspaper. It was in 1665 in Paris, when the first issue of the publication was published. A lot of time has passed since then.
According to the region of distribution, the press can be divided into three large groups: national, regional, local.
The press can be designed either for the majority of potential readers or for a specific group.
By thematic area, the press can be divided into the following topics devoted to problems: health, sports, technology, science.
Newspapers and magazines have different frequency. Strict periodicity is one of the the most important characteristics MASS MEDIA. Some publications are published every day, others once a week, some once a month.
The most important materials and sensational photographs are placed on the front page. What catches your attention? Well, of course, the title. Its main task is to hold our attention and intrigue. Sometimes the title is accompanied short text, in italics, which precedes the material. This is a cut-in. Usually this is a slogan, quote or comment, sometimes summary material that determines whether the reader will read this material.
After all, when reading periodicals, we choose only what is interesting to us, so the headline and sidebar try to interest us. Under the heading “Today in the issue” are the most important topics of the issue. Sometimes newspapers and magazines contain sheets called tabs. An insert is a publication within a publication; it can be removed from the newspaper without violating the integrity of the publication (TV program).
Continuous text on a wide newspaper or magazine page would be inconvenient to read. Therefore, in publishing practice it is customary to divide it into several columns - vertical columns.
Each publication prints output data containing information about the publisher, editor-in-chief, periodicity of publication, circulation, etc. Each newspaper and each magazine has its own permanent headings - sections. The section has its own place and design
Now we invite you to get acquainted with the periodicals presented on the shelves.

So, our library subscribes to 94 periodicals. Of these, 37 newspapers and 57 magazines.
All of you are our regular readers and you yourself know what magazines and newspapers we subscribe to. Of course, this list is not permanent. Adjustments are made depending on your interests.

For example, we once subscribed to the magazine “Caravan of Stories”. He was in demand among middle-aged women. Then suddenly he stopped being in demand. But when there were no new issues of the magazine, suddenly there was a demand for it. And from this half of the year on our shelves there is your old friend “Caravan of Stories” magazine.

Pay attention to the new magazines: “Dasha”, “Everything for a Woman”, “Hunting and Fishing: XXI Century”.

1. A newspaper should have a consistent arrangement of materials, domestic and international.

2. You should start browsing the newspaper with the leading article. Its place is on the left or at the top of the first page. Frontline - Pulse today. She will tell you about the country's priorities and problems, science, technology, cultural life. The title of an editorial always clearly identifies its topic.

3. Next is a general viewing of the newspaper. Its technology is similar to viewing a book, only headings and headings serve as a table of contents and guide. By comparing the title of an article with the heading under which it is placed, you can almost always tell the topic of the essay, feuilleton, report, or information. The subtitle will help clarify this topic.

4. Are you interested? - read.

5. What you read should certainly work - help in professional activity or just in conversation.

6. There is not a single issue of a magazine that does not talk about something necessary and interesting. You must be able to see these materials and read them. Systematic reading of newspapers and magazines will allow you to be knowledgeable people who can always tell about what is happening in the world, in our country.

7. How to accustom yourself to reading periodicals? At first, force yourself to read at least all the headlines on all pages of the newspaper. Surely one or two of them will attract your attention. Read the articles under these headings. There are already one or two topics with which you are familiar. If you can continue to force yourself to follow them, you will not only become acquainted with the opinions of others on the issue that interests you, but you will be able to form your own.

8. There is one thing - the only obligatory condition for the development of interest in a newspaper or magazine. This is consistency, regularity of reading.

Quiz questions:

2. What is a newspaper?
3. How does a magazine differ from a newspaper?
4. How is a magazine different from a book?
5. Name regional periodicals.
6. What is the name of our regional newspaper? When does it come out to readers?
7. Tell us about your favorite magazine or newspaper.
8. What departments are there in our library?
9. How many libraries are there in the Central Library?
10. What is the book collection of all libraries in the system?
11. How many readers do we have?
12. Well, how many copies of literature were issued in 2010?

Thanks everyone for the answers. And most true friend who knew almost everything about the library turned out to be _______________________!

Well. Now you can go to the shelves, select newspapers and magazines that interest you, write them down in your form, come home, sit in your favorite chair, turn on table lamp and enjoy reading!


N. O. Zhiryakova, head of the information and legal department of the Armizon Central District Hospital

(compass in the world of new products)

In the interior of today, it is easier to imagine a portrait of a contemporary behind a computer monitor, with a laptop, than with a book in hand.
XXI century - century information technologies, and you can’t argue with that. And yet, the opinion that you can limit your knowledge of the world around you only to TV and the INTERNET is considered a dangerous delusion.
There is such a mission of good literature - to bring people together, to unite generations. Fathers and mothers, grandfathers, grandmothers and grandchildren, children and teachers, reading the same books, begin to understand each other better.
N.A. Rubakin also wrote that “a library is not a place for passively issuing books to the reader, like selling goods in a shop; these are weapons and sharp weapons, these are the sparks that ignite a person with interest in science, knowledge, and struggle.”

No matter how highly educated a person is, he is still faced with the tasks of cultivating conscience, humanity, goodness, beyond which comprehensive development and active life impossible. Each of us needs an adviser, a friend, and an interlocutor. All these roles can often be fulfilled by a good, smart book. A librarian should help everyone choose just such literature.
Our library holds traditional information days for all categories of readers. During the day you will be able to get acquainted with new books on various topics and listen to a detailed review of new arrivals.
Today, libraries remain the most accessible centers of culture for the population. We notice that the number of active, regular readers is decreasing. Reader requests are more often related to satisfying immediate or entertainment needs. In children and adolescents, educational and cognitive motives predominate. Special attention dedicated to the category of older readers. They are interested in the series “health”, “Women’s novels”, detective stories, “This is interesting”, “Life of wonderful people”, etc.

On October 26, an information day was held at the Municipal Central Bank. Readers were presented with novelties in artistic, scientific, educational, reference books. Particular attention was paid to a series of books on medicine, technology, agriculture. Students are offered textbooks on economics, accounting, right. Huge interest new authors were called: Coelho, Vishnevsky, Shilova, N. Perumov, F. Pullman, S. Lukyanenko. The fantastic series “S.T.A.L.K.E.R”, as well as authors such as R. Glushkov, V. Shalygin, V. Orekhov, A. Stepanov, attracted the attention of young people. Amateurs women's novels We were also satisfied.
10th “A” class was invited to review new arrivals. Chaltyrskaya Secondary School No. 1 (classroom teacher G. G. Chibichyan). Co introductory remarks about the role of libraries in modern world, the librarian of the reading room A.V. Shakirova spoke to the students about the significance of the book in a person’s life. Then she reviewed new arrivals in the “Avanta” encyclopedia series: “Great people of the world”, “Cultures of the world”, “Languages ​​of the world”, “ Biology", "Art", "Great commanders", "Cars of the world". The value of these publications, their information and encyclopedic material, which will help them in educational process. The children were especially interested in a series of books about civilizations: “Byzantine Civilization”, “Japanese Civilization”, “Civilization Ancient Rome" and etc..
The series of books “Mysteries of Ancient Civilizations”: D. Lang “Armenians”, “Georgians”, E. Parker “Tatars”, T. Sulimirsky “Sarmatians”, were especially noted. The students were attracted by the design and content of the books, and the relevance of studying the peoples of the Caucasus in the modern world.
Librarian M. S. Arzumanyan reviewed new acquisitions in the “Discover the World” series, including books by G. A. Krylov “Cars”, “Great Discoveries and Inventions”, Chernenko G. T. “Motorcycles”, Makhlin M. D. “ Insects”, Shpakovsky V.O. “Indians”, etc. This series of books attracted the attention of students with its bright design and brevity of presentation of educational material.

Our culture is integral and integral part global cultural heritage in its highest manifestations. We won the world's biggest battles, were the first to conquer space, won every possible sports title, etc. The books in the “Name of Russia” series will tell about all this - from the largest project of the year on Russian television: “Alexander II”, “A. S. Pushkin", "A. V. Suvorov" and others. Who main character fatherland? Ruler? Martyr? Poet? Warrior? Thinker? The country has made a historical choice, and books will tell us about our greatest compatriots in the entire history of the country.
To help vocational education the following books were proposed: Baranovsky K. A. “Waiter - Bartender”, “Tile Maker - Tiler”, “Joiner - Carpenter”, etc.
The review was completed with the proposed literature from the “World of Fantasy” series. Science fiction is fascinating reading, these are books in which science is present insofar as...
Our new products were of great interest to listeners and visitors. Authors such as O. Volotskaya “Enter the Shadow”, A. Gravatsky “Mama”, D. Kazakov “Invasion of the Chimera” and others are especially readable today.
For Information Day, a bulletin of new arrivals was prepared, booklets “Native Land”, “World of Fantasy”, “How to Maintain Health” were published, including bibliographic lists of new products.
Next, the students independently familiarized themselves with the new literature. Many of them took home the books they liked. Throughout the day, all readers could freely get acquainted with new products and choose a book to their liking.
“Books are ships of thought,” said the ancient philosopher. And we hope that this ship will never enter the harbor of silence and despondency, but will carefully carry its precious cargo from generation to generation.

The music of Chichkov's Scherzo sounds. Children dressed as animals and insects run into the hall. A musical composition is being performed. Children depict animals, birds, insects. The composition ends with a free construction.

Reb. There are miracles in this world

Blooms like a poppy in the distance

On your blue planet

Children celebrate Earth Day!

Reb. There is one garden planet,

In this cold space

Only here the forests are noisy,

Birds, calling migratory

Only on her alone will you see

Lilies of the valley in the green grass

And dragonflies are only here

They look into the river in surprise.

Reb. Nature has vibrant colors,

Millions of radiant inflorescences

What are miracles from fairy tales for?

If you can meet them in life?

Reb. We are not guests on the planet

And the earth is our home,

It will be light and clean,

If we save:

And clear lakes and cedar forests,

And patterns of colored fields and river space.

Reb. Let's save the planet

There is no other like it in the world

Let's scatter clouds and smoke over it

We won’t let anyone offend her.

Reb. Let's take care of birds, insects, animals

This will only make us kinder,

Let's decorate the whole Earth with gardens and flowers

All. We need such a planet!

“Let the planet bloom” song.

Ved. Nature has three treasures: Water, Earth and air - its three foundations. No matter what misfortune strikes, they are safe, everything will happen again and there will always be life on the planet.

The girl Masha comes out. He holds a flower pot in his hands.

Masha. Hello.

Ved. Hello Masha. Why you so sad?

Masha. So, I wanted to grow a flower, I planted a seed in a pot, I wait, I wait,

but nothing grows. I don't even know what to do.

Ved. Guys, we need to help Masha. Let's remember what a plant cannot grow without?

Children. Without Earth, water, sun, clean air

Ved. That's right, and we go to the forest, to Mother Earth for help. We’ll take Masha with us, and so that we can get there faster, sing more cheerfully!

.“It’s fun to walk through the open spaces together” round dance

The curtain opens. Forest Glade. The Earth comes out and sings a song

Song "Don't pick flowers" by Antonov

Earth. Good morning today, sunny. The forest has already woken up. Hello forest. So the flowers in the meadow open and golden bees rush towards them. I'll listen to their funny song.

Song-dance “In the apiary”.

Earth. Fly, workers. (Waves his hand at them) Where are all the animals?

A bunny runs out into the clearing.

Hare. Mother Earth, Mother Earth! Help us quickly, we are in trouble!

Earth. What happened, bunny? Who scared you?

Hare. An evil boy, a hooligan named Grishka, came to the forest. He wanders through the forest and strikes fear into everyone. It breaks bushes and destroys nests. I scared away all the birds and scattered the garbage.

Earth. We need to call all the animals, rescue the forest quickly! All the animals come here quickly, there is trouble in our forest!

The animals come out.

Animals. What's happened?

Hare. An evil boy, a hooligan named Grishka, came to the forest. He wanders through the forest, instills fear in everyone, breaks bushes, destroys nests. I scared away all the birds and scattered the garbage.

Earth. We need to help out the forest, save birds and animals.

Wolf. I can scare him as soon as I howl - Oooh - ooh - ooh. He will tremble in fear and run away from the forest.

Hare. No, he won't be scared!

Bear. Then I’ll scare him, catch him by the collar, explain everything properly and drive him out of the forest.

Hare. No, he won't be scared.

Earth. I will outsmart him, lure him deeper into the forest, ask the children to scream and respond like an echo.

Bunny. Help us guys and answer like an echo.

The animals go behind the trees. The earth remains. Grishka comes out.

Sings: I came to the forest for a walk and to scare the animals.

I break everything, I shoot birds,

That's how brave I am, that's how I am.

Children. Oh oh.

Grishka. Oh, who's here?

Children. Here, here.

Grishka. Something made me feel uneasy, I felt a little scared.

Earth. What, is it scary? You offended the forest, so it scared you.

Grishka. Forgive me, I won't do it again.

Earth. Then tell me how to behave in the forest?

Grishka. I don't know.

Earth. Forest animals, come out, tell Grisha how to behave in the forest.

Bear. If you came to the forest for a walk, to breathe fresh air,

Run, jump and gallop, then don’t forget,

That you can’t make noise in the forest, even sing very loudly.

Wolf. Do not break oak branches,

Never forget:

Remove trash from the grass

There is no need to pick flowers in vain!

Hare. Don't shoot with a slingshot, you didn't come here not to kill!

Let the butterflies fly, who are they bothering?

There is no need to catch them, stomp, slap, or hit them with a stick!

Grishka. I got it. Now I will take care of the forest!

Earth. Let's smile how good it is around.

Nature is our good, our kind, faithful friend!

For us, the forest grasshopper will sing among the grass,

And the breeze will play on the keys of the foliage!

Song "Don't tease the dogs"

Masha comes out.

Masha. Mother Earth, we come to you for advice. I planted a flower, but it doesn’t grow, I don’t even know what to do, maybe you can help us?

Earth. Of course I'll help. I will give you land from the forest. Transplant your flower into this soil, and then water will help you, without it the flower cannot grow. I also give you flower seeds.

If everyone plants a flower, our planet will become more beautiful!

Ved. Guys, the Earth said that we can’t do without water, but let’s remember what water is and what it comes in?

Reb. Water travels in nature.

It never disappears.

It will turn into snow, then into ice,

It melts and goes on a hike again.

Over mountain peaks, wide valleys,

Suddenly it rises into the sky and turns into rain.

Look around, look at nature,

We are surrounded everywhere and always,

This sorceress is our water!

Song of Water. (Individual number)

Water. I'm so funny, I'm so mischievous

Drops of rain are with me, I’ll spill them on the ground.

Dance of Water and Droplets.

Masha. Dear Water, help us. Our flower cannot grow without you.

Water. There you are pure water, and now Sunny will help you. Goodbye.

Ved. Guys, in order for our flower to grow, it is not enough to plant it in good land and water it with water, it still needs sunlight. Let's call Sunny.

Reb. The sun is rolling in the sky like a yellow ball.

Sometimes he hides behind a cloud, sometimes he jumps through the trees.

Come out, come out the sun, shine more generously,

Smile at us kindly, make everyone kinder.

The sun runs out under the “sunny bunny”.

Sun. I am made of heat,

I carry the warmth with me.

I warm the rivers, awaken nature.

I look at the window in the morning,

And I call myself the Sun!

Did you call me? What happened to you?

Masha. Sunny, we want to grow a flower, but without your light and warmth it cannot grow.

Sun. Of course, I will help you, because I love you all so much.

Look at each other, who has my freckles?

And now my advice to you: Place the flower in sunlight.

Be healthy, everyone, be cheerful,

Run, jump, jump, dance!

Dance “Freckles” (Pairs)

Ved. The sun gave us good advice. Guys, what else is needed to grow a flower?

Children. Fresh air.

Ved. That's right, and a cheerful breeze will bring it to us.

The Wind Boy runs out to the tune of “Cheerful Wind”.

Wind. I fly all over the earth,

I quickly disperse the clouds,

I don't know where I live

I'll attack and destroy the trees.

I whistle and the river trembles.

You can't stop me being mischievous!

Masha. Wind, we really need you. Our flower lacks clean air.

Wind. I will help you, just answer the question: What am I like?

Song of the Wind.

Wind. Yes, I am like that, I love to fly, blow, frolic and play. Let's play?

Game "Wind and Insects"

Ved. The breeze died down and all the insects flew to their houses. Guys, sit down.

Wind. I enjoyed playing with you, but it's time to fly away. I’m giving you my advice, I’ll say it finally. Breathe fresh air and take care of your flowers. (The wind leaves).

Ved. Here we have collected all the necessary tips. And now we know that in order to grow a flower, you need: fresh air, good soil, water and sunlight. If we take care of these earthly riches. Then our planet will become even more beautiful.

Children stand in a semicircle.

Reb. May it be a glorious day in April,

And eternal in future years.

And let it be more transparent than watercolors

The air in the cities shines!

Reb. So that the sun shines brightly,

And our day did not fade into darkness,

We have a lot to do

In the name of life on Earth.

Reb. It's all about the person

It can do miracles:

Save the animals, clean the rivers,

Create gardens, grow forests!

Ved. I know, guys, that we have enough to do.

Love animals, people and flowers

Please do not hide your kindness.

Reb. I know, guys, that we have enough to do,

Do good, those who have not yet done so.

Love animals, people and flowers.

Please, do not hide your kindness!

Reb. There are many questions in the world

And we could solve them,

Whenever there was day on the planet,

And our World Year Earth!

Dance “Tell the Birds” (children dance with flower arches).

At the end of the dance, the children bow and leave the hall.

Goals and objectives.

To develop environmental consciousness and a sense of respect for planet Earth.

Raise sympathetic, kind, merciful children. Teach them environmentally

Competent behavior in nature, humane attitude towards all living things.

Musical tasks:

To develop children's musical sensitivity and ability to emotionally

Respond to feelings expressed in music.

Develop children's musical curiosity using pop music,

Symphonic works, music by classical composers.

To develop in children the ability to feel the mood of music or a change in mood

By portraying animals or insects using pantomime, teach children to self-

Expression and improvisation.

When working on the song repertoire, I solved the following problems:

Formation of singing skills in children that contribute to

Correct and expressive performance.

Development creativity V individual work with kids.


Earth is an adult

Masha, Grishka, Wind, Sun, Water, Animals - hare, wolf, bear - children


Hero costumes

Flower pot,

Flowers for children

Flower seeds

Slingshot for Grishka

Our library honors the memory every year and holds an information day every year. For this bright day, an exhibition dedicated to “The Greatness of the Feat of the Soviet People” was organized in the reading room of the Intersettlement Library.

The exhibition features a selection of literature reflecting the events of the Great Patriotic War. Unique publications are on display: “June 22. Black Day of the Calendar", "Rising from the Ashes", "Feat of the People", "Hero Cities". Readers were offered books about the Battle of Stalingrad, the defense of Moscow, and the exploits of the partisans. At the exhibition, one could get acquainted with the unique collection “Courage Creating Victory,” which tells about the courage and bravery of those who fought at the fronts and in the rear. This collection was created by library workers; it contains poems by participants in the regional competition “Courage Making History,” which was held on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the victory. A place of honor at the exhibition was occupied by the historical reference book “The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945,” which contains memories, essays, letters, documents, and photographs.

The subscription included a book exhibition “Forties, Fatal, Military and Frontline” dedicated to the 67th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. It presented works of art dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, literature about the military and labor exploits of people at the front and in the rear.

And also an exhibition of faces: “Victory is immortal - its soldiers are immortal.” At which information was presented about veterans - fellow countrymen, about Chistoyozersky residents who, without sparing themselves, forged the long-awaited victory.

The fateful victory of the Russian people has always inspired artists of different genres and directions. The interactive exhibition “They Talk About the Feat of the Canvas” featured works by Russian painters and illustrators dedicated to this significant event.

There was also a video cruise: “Chronicles of the Second World War - works of painters.” Where you could not only admire the paintings, but also learn about the artist who created this masterpiece.

All those who attended the information day were given a memorial leaflet: “On May 9, the memory of the dead is a legacy to the living” and a recommended list of literature: “Sacred Pages of War.” “Memory of Burning Years”, under this name, a historical evening dedicated to the chronology of the Second World War was held.

Videos were shown, so those present in the hall were able to remember and learn about the main events and decisive battles in the Second World War. It is not for nothing that the Patriotic War is called the Great War. Her greatness lies in her feat Soviet soldiers and officers who fought for their homeland. All literature, poetry and prose dedicated to the Great Patriotic War narrates, inspires and calls our people to heroism, to Victory.

Readers who attended the information day were able to find out the names of those who fought for the Motherland, see examples of perseverance, courage and unbending will of ordinary soldiers and officers who were able to bring the bright Victory Day closer.

What else to read