Aerated concrete wall slabs. Ceilings in the house of aerated concrete. Overlapping their reinforced concrete and other plates

For aerated concrete houses, all existing types of floors are suitable. The process of their installation also has no distinctive features. Therefore, the choice of the type of floor in the house of aerated concrete depends directly on the client.

First of all, it is necessary to proceed from the convenience of the client. The easiest option for overlapping in this case is ready-made reinforced concrete slabs. The main advantages are the speed of installation and reliability, confirmed by the manufacturer's quality certificate. The client can be sure that the plates can withstand, say, 700 kg per 1 sq. m. according to the data of the plant, which means that you can safely put any furniture without fear that something will happen to the ceiling.

If the access roads do not allow the delivery of finished slabs to the house, it is necessary to choose another most suitable floor option. For example, pouring a monolithic slab or installing a wooden floor.

Here it is important to take into account the financial situation of the client.

With the device of a wooden floor, a gradual execution of work is possible. So, for example, during construction, you can first lay the logs, which will be enough to continue the construction of the walls of the second floor and the roof, and make the whole floor pie later, when the money appears.

With the device of a monolithic overlap, this is impossible - the whole process must be carried out immediately and in full. This will require considerable funds for formwork, reinforcement and concrete.

If the client's financial base is sufficient, then there is nothing to worry about. However, otherwise, when choosing a monolithic ceiling, there may simply not be enough money to install the walls of the second floor or install the roof. The choice always remains with the client.

Floor types

So, there are such types of floors as monolithic, prefabricated, wooden and aerated concrete. All of them are suitable for the installation of floors in houses made of aerated concrete, there are no features for the use of these floors in aerated concrete. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Floor slabs for aerated concrete houses

Ready-made reinforced concrete floor slabs for aerated concrete houses are delivered to the cottage by truck. Using a crane, the slabs are laid on the load-bearing walls through the underlying layer of insulating mortar. Just like in a brick house, it is necessary to support floor slabs on aerated concrete blocks by at least 120 mm, a maximum of 150 mm - this is more than enough.

Wooden floors in aerated concrete house

When installing wooden floors, the logs must be supported by 200 mm through the waterproofing. To do this, during the laying of blocks, you can pre-determine the place of installation of the log and leave niches for them, or you can pinch the log during the laying process.

Let's say the lag is 200 mm in height and 100 mm in width. It is necessary to make a niche 200 mm high, 100 mm wide and 200 mm deep with a small margin so that the lag enters there.

Step lag is determined from the calculation of loads. Knowing the section of the lag, what load one lag takes and, accordingly, what step of these lags, we can calculate the bearing capacity of the wooden floor.

The lag device is necessary for the convenience of further installation of the walls of the 2nd floor and the roof.

After the box is ready, we return to the overlap.

From below, we hem a hemmed board somewhere 20-25 mm thick with a continuous flooring. Under it we make a vapor barrier to protect the basalt insulation from moisture, laid inward between the logs on the plank flooring. The thickness of the insulation is 100-150 mm, this is enough for good sound insulation. We lay waterproofing on top of the log to protect the basalt insulation from moisture from above. And then, as an option, we lay the floorboard. As a result, we have a finished cake.

On this floorboard, as a rule, a laminate is laid through the substrate, or the floorboard itself is veneered, mainly in summer cottages. To do this, it is processed, impregnated and painted, resulting in a finished wooden floor.

So what do you do when options like laminate and hardwood flooring don't work for you? For example, in the bathroom, floor tiles are more common. There are some tricks. It is possible to lay a cement-bonded particle board on the floorboard, which, in turn, is already tiled.

Monolithic overlap

When constructing a monolithic ceiling, we make a temporary formwork, knit a frame from reinforcement directly at the construction site and fill it with concrete. After the concrete gains brand strength, we dismantle the formwork. We get a monolithic slab.

The main advantage of a monolithic slab is the ability to fill floors of various configurations, whether semicircular or more complex elements. However, it is important to understand that high-level specialists are required to perform this work. The correct choice of design reinforcement and the linkage of the frame determines how this slab will continue to perceive loads, whether it will collapse. The process of pouring a monolithic ceiling must necessarily be controlled by builders who have extensive experience in such work. Their mistake can cost you dearly.

Reinforced concrete beams

At the device of overlapping use of reinforced concrete beams is possible. They are a run 6 meters long and about 0.5 m high. This is a full-fledged load-bearing beam, on which even floor slabs can be supported. Thus, with the help of a reinforced concrete beam, it is possible to block an opening up to 6 m, where the beam will take the load of the floor slabs.

Aerated concrete floors

Previously, at the Cottage plant, aerated concrete floors were produced, but due to the economic inexpediency, they were no longer produced.

Aerated concrete is an artificial stone, a new building material obtained by foaming cement mortar using a chemical reaction. This type of cellular concrete is distinguished by the best indicators of thermal conductivity, strength, lightness, fire resistance, and ease of processing. It is used in industrial construction as wall, partition, heat-insulating blocks and in private - to separate floors.

  1. Mounting
  2. Flaws
  3. Reviews

Floor slabs made of aerated concrete withstand a load of 300-600 kg / m2, and they themselves weigh up to 750 kg. They have precise parameters and a system that allows you to easily adjust them to each other, thereby making the ceilings perfectly smooth, which saves on finishing. Even if the load-bearing walls are uneven, the foam blocks are easily sawn to new parameters. The materials included in their composition - silicon, lime, cement, aluminum powder, are environmentally friendly, do not affect health. Another advantage is that the plates are easy to transport and store, they are easy to install.

Aerated concrete floor slabs are:

  • standard reinforced panels are easy to cut, suitable for prefabricated monolithic structures;
  • from autoclaved aerated concrete with a groove / tongue system - the most used as ceilings.

They differ in the method of installation, size, density and bearing capacity. All factory products are reinforced to increase their strength. Since the panels themselves are quite light (from 300 kg) and fragile, hollow floor slabs are not produced from aerated concrete. Only blocks intended for monolithic construction can be empty for sale.

Mounting Features

To lay the ceiling of aerated concrete reinforced slabs, you will need lifting equipment and three people: one crane operator and two slingers for leveling and laying. In order for the installation of the structure to turn out to be of high quality, the supporting walls must first be leveled.

When installing interior partitions, it must be taken into account that their upper edge must be 10 mm below the floor plane. Otherwise, the plates resting on them will be subjected to additional loads, which can lead to cracks in the less durable material. Of course, as a last resort, structures can be filed on site (as recommended by practitioners), but this will greatly complicate and delay assembly.

Traditionally, the depth of support of plates on load-bearing structures should be at least 125 mm. Laying is carried out with soft slings.

It is possible, by prior order, to buy ceilings for aerated concrete houses from the manufacturer with ready-made hinges. If the plates are equipped with a tongue-and-groove system, then after completing the fitting, it is better to further strengthen the system with a tie-down collar.

The panels are laid with a crane on the walls with prepared mortar. In places where openings for stairs or communications are supposed, a metal structure is placed, the seams between the slabs are concreted. After that, reinforcement is knitted along the perimeter from two levels of a steel bar, formwork blocks of floors are placed on the mortar, and the resulting ring anchor is concreted. Only after that the plates work as a monolith - with a uniform load.


The price of aerated concrete floors ranges from 3,000 to 10,500 rubles / m3. See the table for the estimated cost and dimensions of interfloor ceilings for a house made of aerated concrete:


The material is devoid of elasticity, but it is brittle, that is, when the foundation subsides, it can crack. Therefore, it is better to make the foundation for the house monolithic, and these are additional costs. Its use in multi-storey construction is not recommended - 3 maximum.

Reinforcement in cellular concrete is susceptible to corrosion, it is necessary to check upon purchase that it has been processed in accordance with the requirements of CH 277-80, otherwise you can forget about durability.

Another significant drawback is that aerated concrete actively absorbs moisture so that the floor does not remain cold and the plaster from the ceiling does not peel off, it is necessary to make a vapor barrier using a special primer, especially in the toilet and bathroom, where the humidity is high.

As for the bearing capacity - 300-600 kg / m2 - this is quite small. Especially if you take into account the weight of people - from 200 kg, furniture, appliances - from 200 kg, screed and coating - from 150 kg, partitions - from 150 kg: this is already 700 kg. At the same time, ordinary concrete slabs are designed for 800-1200 kg/m2.

It turns out that it will be necessary to limit the number of guests, put light furniture (without an oak table in the center), make thin floors (warm - the structure will not withstand) and cover them with linoleum as much as possible. As an alternative, you can consider the option of a precast-monolithic floor, which does not have such disadvantages.

“I built the house entirely from aerated concrete. The ceilings were laid on a reinforced belt for reliability. I like the result: warm in winter, cool in summer. And most importantly - quiet (we have a railway nearby). He did a beautiful repair - all the walls are smooth, the floors and flows are even. Just a sight. I don’t know, however, how long it will last - they promised 25 without repair. So far, I have been living for 5 years and nothing. ”

Alexey Petrov, Vladimir.

“I have a brick 2-storey house in the country, and I decided to save money on the ceilings - the construction is reliable. Aerated concrete is lighter and warmer. Yes, and it installs much faster. They blocked the basement, the floor and separated the attic. While I see some pluses - inexpensive, high quality, beautiful. It is easy to breathe in the house without air conditioning, which means the material is really eco-friendly.”

Gennady Boyko, St. Petersburg.

“I have a different experience. I work at a car service. Our owner rebuilt the premises from these new materials. They warned him not to rush - he did not listen. For two years, the two-story domina stood as if nothing had happened. But lately it has gone cracks - small cobwebs. Soon the light in the corridor will not be turned on - it will be visible through the gaps. I'm afraid to go to the second floor - the ceiling is also made of aerated concrete.

Pyotr Polyakov, Tver.

“The building will be durable if the project is properly designed, and the materials are purchased with high-quality, factory-made, certified ones. If you follow the technology, then the house will stand for half a century, or even more. I have seen a lot of houses built 20 years ago using new technology (I am doing ceilings) - this is a feast for the eyes. They are cozy, convenient and comfortable. Ceilings do not require additional leveling work.

Semyon Ivanov, Volgograd.

Aerated concrete floor slabs: types, technology and installation

Aerated concrete is an artificial stone that has recently been used in the construction world. It has high thermal conductivity and strength, is light and easy to install, has found its application in the construction of partition walls and wall blocks. Due to the exact parameters of aerated concrete floors, an even and smooth coating is provided, which does not require subsequent finishing. Aerated concrete walls are prefabricated prefabricated slabs. The great demand for such products has arisen due to their environmentally friendly components that do not affect human health.

Where are they used?

Aerated concrete slabs are used in the installation of ceilings between floors of buildings, and also serve to build walls. Aerated concrete structures are used in the construction of houses, the height of which does not exceed three floors. For floors, aerated concrete blocks are used with technical characteristics suitable for the weight of the vaults.

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  • Aerated concrete blocks do not have dimensional errors. Thanks to this, the surface is smooth, which significantly reduces the cost of finishing buildings. But there is one condition - the walls must also be without reliefs, cracks and potholes. To get rid of defects, putty and grinding are used.
  • Mounting an aerated concrete slab, you do not have to spend a lot of time, make great efforts.
  • The advantages of this material include the lightness of the blocks, which during operation do not exert a load on the load-bearing walls of buildings.
  • When using aerated concrete in the construction of houses with a small number of floors, the following characteristics of the material are taken into account: strength, fire resistance, sound insulation, thermal insulation and moisture resistance. Material - odorless, with environmentally friendly components.
  • The advantage when working with aerated concrete floors is their convenience when installing balcony bases.
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Main types

Foam concrete building blocks are autoclaved and non-autoclaved. The second type is the best in terms of price and quality characteristics. Using autoclave plates, you need to be prepared that after installation, during operation, they "age". In the production of autoclaved slabs of cellular aerated concrete, lime is used, due to which the materials harden as a result of pressure and temperature. In the preparation of non-autoclaved aerated concrete, cement is used as a binder, as a result, the hardening of the particles occurs naturally.

Floor slabs for aerated concrete are of the following types:

  • monolithic;
  • aerated concrete;
  • wooden beams;
  • reinforced concrete slabs;
  • metal beams.
When using aerated concrete slabs, a reinforced annular belt is required.

The overlap of reinforced or aerated concrete is a monolithic structure consisting of grooves into which slabs are inserted. When working with aerated concrete slabs, they are laid on a reinforcing layer. At the same time, the reinforcing structure is treated with anti-corrosion coatings.

The sizes of the slabs are different, but the main condition is that they should protrude 20 cm beyond the span. Prefabricated reinforced concrete floors are also used, the manufacture of which takes place in factories; they are more economical than monolithic ones. Aerated concrete structures differ in light weight, which cannot be said about reinforced concrete ones.

Monolithic ceilings with a thickness of about 3 centimeters include a reinforcing mesh filled with concrete. Such designs of aerated concrete houses have a different shape, which is not similar to slab ones. Single floors endure a large load, which is a plus, the disadvantages include their high cost and labor intensity.

There are also prefabricated monolithic structures, which include prefabricated aerated concrete floors, the top of which is reinforced with reinforced concrete.

Aerated concrete partitions are installed a couple of centimeters below the floors to avoid pressure and cracking. Aerated concrete floor slabs can act as door and window lintels. With a wall thickness of more than 5 cm, prefabricated jumpers are used, the length of which should be 1 centimeter more than the opening.

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Technology and installation features

Blocks of this material are well sawn.

Starting the installation of gas block ceilings, use the following tools:

  • hacksaw;
  • plane;
  • glue;
  • mounting foam;
  • ladle.

After the tools are prepared, they begin to work. Without auxiliary mechanisms, beams are laid. The step and amount of material used is calculated in the project. Next, a waterproofing layer is laid, after which aerated concrete blocks are laid. To insulate the building from the inside, an insulating layer is laid. Next, the reinforcement is poured with concrete mortar and rammed. The formwork is not removed yet, it is removed after 28 days.

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How to choose?

The durability of the structure in which the aerated concrete block is used is affected by the correct choice of building materials. Before buying aerated concrete floors, you need to make sure that you have certificates. Such a precaution will protect the buyer from counterfeit products, help to ensure its quality.

Foam block is a popular and expensive material. In order not to purchase a low-grade product, it is better to check the documents for it without leaving the store. The documentation includes a quality certificate and a hygiene passport. Also, from suppliers with a good reputation, you can require a fire safety certificate for aerated concrete materials. The kit can also include research laboratories for strength and performance properties.

features, types, pros and cons

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Aerated concrete floor slabs

When carrying out work on the construction of buildings, developers have to build a solid floor above the basement part of the building, as well as make a reliable ceiling between floors. Through the use of lightweight concrete with a cellular structure, it is possible to reduce the load on the building foundation, soundproof the room, reduce heat loss and complete the work in a limited time. To solve these problems, aerated concrete floor slabs are widely used. Consider the main characteristics of the building material and the specifics of the installation activities.

Aerated concrete slabs - manufacturing features

Aerated concrete has a porous structure with a uniform distribution of air cells in the composite array with a size of no more than 2–3 mm. The share of cavities reaches 75% of the total volume of the product. This nuance determines the main operational characteristics of the material - lightness, sound and heat insulation. Aerated concrete products, which combine the properties of brick and wood, are in demand in the construction industry.

The production of aerated concrete can be carried out in various ways:

  • autoclaved. For the manufacture of panels by the autoclave method, lime is used as a binder. The hardening process takes place in tanks where elevated temperature and pressure are maintained. Molding containers are filled with concrete mix, which contains special ingredients. The molds are then closed and placed in autoclaves. A chemical reaction occurs, the mass increases in volume and hardens;
  • non-autoclave. Unlike autoclave technology, the non-autoclave method of manufacturing aerated concrete floor slabs involves the use of cement as a binder. Hardening occurs in natural conditions, does not require the use of special energy-intensive equipment. The cellular structure of the composite mass is formed by adding special substances to the liquid concrete solution that promote gas formation.

Aerated concrete is an artificial stone that has recently been used in the construction world.

Panels produced using autoclave and non-autoclave technology differ in the structure of the array:

  • autoclave material has a homogeneous structure. Air cells are evenly distributed throughout the volume, which positively affects the properties;
  • non-autoclaved products are characterized by uneven porosity. The concentration of cells increases with approaching the upper plane of the slab.

Autoclaved products harden during production, while non-autoclaved products gradually harden over a long period of time after production.

Aerated concrete slabs - the main advantages and main disadvantages

Aerated concrete composite panels are widely used in the construction of buildings due to a set of advantages:

  • minimum size deviations. Due to the exact dimensions, there is no need for adjustment, the formation of a flat surface is facilitated;
  • small weight. For installation, there is no need for heavy lifting equipment and the load on the foundation of the building is reduced;
  • accelerated installation options. The use of standard products with increased dimensions allows you to quickly build a ceiling;

For floors, aerated concrete blocks are used with technical characteristics suitable for the weight of the vaults

  • increased soundproofing properties. Due to the porous structure of aerated concrete, the penetration of external noise into the room is problematic;
  • high thermal insulation properties. Aerated concrete slabs reliably insulate the floor and ceiling of the room, reducing heating costs;
  • fire safety. The panels are not afraid of open fire, providing increased fire safety of the objects under construction;
  • good machinability. In plates, if necessary, it is easy to make holes for utilities using a household tool;
  • frost resistance. The structure of the aerated concrete mass and strength are preserved for more than two hundred freezing cycles with further thawing;
  • vapor permeability. Thanks to the cellular structure, air exchange is carried out and a comfortable level of humidity in the room is maintained;
  • long service life. The durability of aerated concrete floor slabs is commensurate with the service life of the building under construction;
  • environmental safety. During the operation of aerated concrete panels, the release of substances harmful to human health is excluded.

An indisputable advantage is also the ability to reduce the cost of building an object by using panels with increased dimensions. Savings are achieved by reducing the duration of the construction cycle, reducing the labor intensity of work, as well as reducing the need for binder solutions.

The advantage when working with aerated concrete floors is their convenience when installing balcony bases.

Along with the advantages, there are certain disadvantages:

  • fragility. Having an increased margin of compressive strength, the panels lose their integrity under the influence of shock loads. When performing loading and unloading operations, special care should be taken;
  • hygroscopicity. Unprotected aerated concrete absorbs moisture, which negatively affects the strength characteristics and thermal insulation properties. The cellular surface should be carefully treated with moisture-resistant compounds.

After analyzing the advantages and evaluating the weaknesses of aerated concrete floor slabs, developers often opt for these products, which can withstand loads up to 0.6 t / m2.

Aerated concrete floor slabs - design options

Ceiling - a critical part of the building, perceiving increased loads.

Using aerated concrete as a building material, it is possible to build an aerated concrete ceiling slab in various versions:

  • whole. It is formed from aerated concrete composition, poured into a pre-installed formwork with a reinforcing cage. The main feature is flatness and lack of seams;
  • prefabricated monolithic. Porous blocks or panels of standard sizes are used as the base building material. A ceiling surface is formed from them, which is then thermally insulated and concreted;
  • team. The structure is quickly assembled from industrially manufactured panels. They are installed on the supporting surface of the main walls with subsequent sealing of the butt sections.

By giving preference to the latter option, you can significantly reduce the duration of construction work and avoid increased costs.

When working with aerated concrete slabs, they are laid on a reinforcing layer

Aerated concrete floor slabs - purpose

Aerated concrete panels used for the construction of the ceiling, solve the following tasks:

  • evenly transfer the existing loads to the load-bearing walls;
  • increase the stability of the box of the building under construction;
  • connect the main walls into a common power circuit;
  • perceive the weight of various structural elements;
  • reduce the amount of heat loss by insulating the room;
  • improve the fire safety of the facility.

In order to increase the strength characteristics and prevent destruction as a result of deformation, an armored belt is constructed along the support contour from concrete, reinforced with steel reinforcement.

How to install floor slabs on aerated concrete

Various methods are used to form a solid ceiling of an aerated concrete structure. Consider a precast-monolithic technology that involves the use of standard aerated concrete elements.

The sequence of events:

  1. Calculate the margin of safety of the future design.
  2. Lay the floor beams at the calculated spacing.
  3. Assemble the formwork and insulate it with polystyrene foam.
  4. Lay down a layer of waterproofing material.
  5. Lay the gas blocks, resting them on the support beams.
  6. Assemble and install the reinforcement cage.
  7. Prepare concrete solution and perform concreting.
  8. Compact the array with a vibrator to increase density.

It is possible to start dismantling the formwork after the concrete has hardened, not earlier than a month after pouring. The strength characteristics of this design make it possible to use it for buildings up to three floors high.


Using aerated concrete panels, you can form a solid floor. It is necessary to calculate the load, take into account the number of floors and choose a design option. Tips from experienced builders will help you avoid mistakes.

Which floor slabs are best used for aerated concrete houses

When building houses from aerated concrete, it becomes necessary to choose the type of flooring. It is required to ensure not only the strength of the structure itself, but also to solve a number of other issues related to the cost of construction and installation work, the time of work, and compliance with design solutions.

The main function of floors is to redistribute the weight of the elements and objects located on them onto the supporting frame of the building. It is advisable to apply the restriction on the number of storeys of aerated concrete houses - up to 3 floors. Therefore, the choice is made taking into account the material of the walls, but the gas blocks themselves must correspond to the planned type of this architectural element.

Types of floors

In the construction of buildings, the following types of floors can be used:

  1. Monolithic;
  2. Reinforced concrete slabs;
  3. Structures with the installation of aerated concrete slabs;
  4. Wooden or metal beams.

The choice of a monolithic or prefabricated option, the use of a beam scheme, hollow-core concrete slabs, an order for a prefabricated metal structure or the manufacture of a monolithic type slab on site are those options that will largely determine the characteristics of the future building. Four main factors are important:

  • availability of special equipment;
  • cost of materials and construction and installation works;
  • resistance of the material to external influences;
  • construction time.

The use of hollow core concrete slabs is also acceptable. They have similar characteristics with the analogues discussed above, but the mass of such overlaps will be higher. Therefore, you must first carefully calculate the load, and before installation, you should equip a solid monolithic belt of reinforcement. This option is applicable for spans up to 6 m.

When arranging reinforced concrete structures, it is necessary to evaluate the possibilities of using special equipment and delivering slabs to the facility, taking into account their size and significant mass. The choice of such a floor slab option, the price of which is quite acceptable and can withstand increased loads, is perfect for this type of building.

The advantages of tiled flooring should also include:

  • the possibility of prompt installation;
  • high rates of sound insulation and thermal insulation.

When choosing this type of construction, a uniform level of thermal conductivity of the entire building is ensured. In addition, the mass of such a slab is less than that of reinforced concrete. It also creates the convenience of the prefabricated structure itself - the presence of a tongue-and-groove system for connecting plates into a single surface. If plates are used without such a system, then the connection is made using fittings with a sand-cement mortar.

Aerated concrete products can be made to order by autoclave with an average length of 6 m. Therefore, the customer can choose the size ordered, but it should be remembered that such an overlap must be 20 cm longer than the span. It is also necessary to take into account the production time in order to adhere to the construction and installation schedule.

The main advantage of this design is the ability to obtain any desired shape. The floor thickness is up to 300 mm with a bearing capacity of up to 800 kg per 1 sq. m. For smooth structures, the maximum span is 6 m, and for slabs with a ribbed surface - up to 9 m.

Monolithic overlap provides additional support in the horizontal plane for walls during seismic vibrations. The thickness and features of the reinforcement are determined by the planned bearing capacity.

The construction process is more time-consuming and costly. First, the installation of formwork and reinforcement is required. Concrete is poured into the created frame. A limitation in the arrangement of the ceiling is also the requirement to carry out work at positive air temperature. Concreting in cold weather, even with the use of anti-frost additives, increases the time for concrete to acquire stripping strength.

For the arrangement of attic or attic floors, installation of wooden beams can be used. It is recommended to use them if the distance between the spans does not exceed 6 m, in order to exclude the possibility of deflections.

The beams rest on a reinforced belt made of monolithic reinforced concrete. The width of the support is at least 12-15 cm. The beams are fastened with anchor plates. They should also be pre-treated with refractory and antimicrobial protective compounds. Particular attention should be paid to vapor barrier and thermal insulation of the ceiling.

Plywood or board flooring is placed on the beams. The space between the beams is filled with heaters - expanded clay, mineral wool or expanded polystyrene.

A higher bearing capacity is provided by the installation of metal structures using I-beams, channels and pipes with a square section. Additionally, it is necessary to carry out anti-corrosion treatment.

The advantages of this option in building a house are associated with relatively low costs, the ability to quickly install a team of 2-3 people.

When arranging interfloor ceilings in houses made of aerated concrete, one should not only take into account the cost and speed of construction and installation works, but also calculate the load on the walls from the selected material, taking into account its own weight. It is quite acceptable to use several types of floors, for example, aerated concrete slabs or a monolith for the whole house, and wooden beams for the attic floor.

Monolithic ceiling in aerated concrete house: theory and procedure

The options for interfloor floors of a house made of aerated concrete blocks provide for the correct ratio of the weight of the structure and the strength of the load-bearing walls of the house, the balance of the strength of the floor and the rigidity of the structure is also taken into account. In addition, no less attention is paid to the factors of sound insulation, fire resistance and the ability to retain heat.

A reliable and durable ceiling for an aerated concrete house that meets generally accepted standards can be made of three types - this is a slab, from wood beams or metal beams, as well as a monolithic type ceiling.

What is a monolithic floor?

To begin with, let's look at the properties of aerated concrete and the principles of building houses from this material.

Cellular type concrete blocks are made from a mixture of lime, cement and sand, into which an aluminum-based chemical agent, a foaming agent, is introduced. Aerated concrete is made both autoclave by means of active influence on the solution poured into block forms by means of steam and pressure, and non-autoclave. The gradation of its quality and price depends on this.

Such a block weighs relatively little, retains heat well, is also fire-resistant and environmentally friendly, and allows you to build a house in the shortest possible time.

Aerated concrete requires a special approach, because the cellular structure of the blocks minimizes the strength properties and the ceiling is constructed taking this circumstance into account.

It is necessary that the weight of the structure, pressing on the bearing supports, be compensated by belt-type reinforcement, which creates the rigidity of the bearing walls. The fittings are placed from below, in the upper part and in the center, saving the aerated concrete blocks from the pushing effect from the side of the ceiling. The overlap itself is also supplemented with reinforcement.
Sections of load-bearing walls are supposed to be accurately measured for deviations from a strictly horizontal line, but if such a nuisance still happened, then aerated concrete makes it easy to correct the situation by sawing the material.

Monolithic slab

A monolithic floor in a house made of aerated concrete is placed on beams with different section sizes over the entire surface area. Its most important part is a frame with a reinforcing function. Metal rods with a small cross section are fastened with wire into a single reinforcing system. It is she who will take on the greatest load, giving the concrete "iron strength" in the literal sense.

Concrete is ordered ready-made from companies specializing in the sale of building materials, or they are made independently. In self-manufacturing, small-sized mixers are used, which reduces the quality of the structure, since there is a high risk of mixing volumes of concrete with a different composition ratio, which will create inhomogeneity of the pour and reduce strength.


In such a responsible business, with poor-quality filling, people's lives are endangered, so you should not experiment with the manual method of preparing the solution.

Prefabricated monolithic ceiling

It is possible to use both the method of monolithic overlapping and the method of overlapping aerated concrete according to the prefabricated principle. This is a subspecies of the monolithic method. It is suitable for a building consisting of one or two floors. The interfloor space is “flashed with beams” with an interval of 60 cm. Polystyrene concrete or expanded clay blocks are laid out on them, which play the role of formwork and parts that make up the ceiling. A concrete solution reinforced with reinforcement is poured on top and left to dry completely.

Finished slabs

Hollow slab flooring is fine if you're willing to spend a lot of money, as both the slabs themselves are more expensive and their installation requires renting equipment to lift them. In terms of price, the situation becomes not so burdensome if there is a plant for the production of such plates in the nearest access, since you can order directly from the manufacturer, and the delivery budget will be quite acceptable. In this case, the project will cost even less than a monolithic one.

In what cases are monolithic and precast-monolithic methods combined?

The overlap of the prefabricated-monolithic type puts a certain regulation on the parameters of the building itself in length and width, according to the location of the load-bearing walls.

This is dictated by the typical dimensions of the slabs and the fact that the slabs require support on load-bearing structures. That is, it is necessary to adjust the plan of the house, the arrangement of rooms in accordance with the typical dimensions of hollow-core slabs.

The support is made by opposite sides of the plates on the bearing walls. It is unacceptable to lay slabs on three walls, as this circumstance will incorrectly distribute the load on the base of the house, which is categorically unacceptable in the case of aerated concrete.

In overlapping areas where it is not possible to place slabs, monolithic fragments are constructed. This usually happens due to the narrowed area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, or in places where the mine passages of the ventilation system from the bathroom or kitchen area are located.

The monolithic method of creating an interfloor separator is more convenient and multifunctional, does not limit the planning of rooms and the ratio of the length and width of the building.

Do-it-yourself overlap

Material, tool and technique

  • For work, you will need to order mixers with concrete, a concrete pump (if you want to raise the solution to a height), a construction vibrator for the solution. Also, if the concrete mixture is not purchased, but is done independently, then a concrete mixer.
  • For fittings, it is necessary to purchase special metal rods and knitting wire, and for formwork - wooden beams, boards and moisture-resistant plywood.
  • For pouring, you will need ready-made concrete or its usual components in the form of cement, water, purified sand and fine gravel 5-20 mm.

The transition from the process of erecting walls to creating a floor slab occurs at the stage of their complete bringing to the intended height. Start with formwork.

How to make formwork?

First, formwork is made, which looks like a huge bath-mould for subsequent filling with cement mortar. It is constructed from moisture-resistant plywood sheets and vertically mounted support parts.

Instead of wooden beams, special metal tubular telescopic racks can be used as supporting elements. And instead of plywood sheets, you can take boards, laying out according to the same principle.

Formwork supports are set on the basis of such strength that would hold not only its weight, but also the concrete poured there, coupled with the weight of the reinforcing component.

So, the sequence of work on the formwork for the monolith:

  • The construction of supports. Here you need to carefully check the level, since even a slight deviation in height will have a detrimental effect on strength. Each rack assumes a load from a minimum of 300 kg to an optimum of half a ton.
  • An indent from the walls is made by 20-25 cm, a meter distance is observed between the racks.
  • Laying the beams across the intended floor slab, they are attached to the walls and sewn in those places where they come into contact with the posts to create maximum stability and resistance during pouring and drying.
  • The size of the beam is selected so that the concrete mass does not create a deflection in the bottom of the formwork in excess of the allowable measure of 1/150 of the span.
  • Boards or plywood sheets are laid out on the created base, which are additionally insulated with a film. The gaps between the boards can also be foamed for greater reliability.
  • At the same stage, laying of pipes for electrical wiring and ventilation is underway.
  • The formwork is ready and you can proceed to the construction of the reinforcing mesh.

Reinforcement requirements

  • Take metal rods with a cross section of 8 mm to 10 mm.
  • They make a grid, fastening them with wire no more than one and a half millimeters in cross section and not less than 1.2 mm.
  • The fittings are placed on two levels - on the upper tier, creating a stretching effect, and on the lower tier, working in compression.
  • Indents are made between the reinforcing mesh and the formwork of 20-25 mm in order to maintain the optimal thickness of the concrete layer in these overlap zones.
  • The upper tier of reinforcement should be at a distance of 100 mm from the lower one.
  • The resulting gap is equipped with clamps of a remote variety with support legs.
  • A rod with a cross section of 10 mm is allowed, if necessary, to increase by no more than 480 mm.
  • Reinforcing bars in tiers are fastened according to the chess principle.

How to reinforce

  1. The lower part of the reinforcement is laid longitudinally, and a transverse row of rods with a two-meter step is installed on top of it.
  2. The third row is again laid in a longitudinal way, adhering to a meter step.
  3. They take the wire with sufficient softness and go through all the intersections of the rods, carefully tying them.
  4. On the lower layer of reinforcement, plastic clamps are fixed at an angle of 15 ° at a distance of one meter from each other.
  5. So the lower tier is filled with a reinforcing mesh and after that they begin to create the upper tier in exactly the same way.
  6. Every 40 cm, the edges of both tiers are fastened with special connectors.

pouring concrete

Requirements for strength¸ quality, thickness:

  • It is permissible to use only high-quality concrete, usually M200 or even better materials are taken. The quality of concrete is the key to the necessary strength of the floor.
  • The thickness of the slab is calculated from a minimum of 15 cm to a maximum of 30 cm.
  • Filling is not done at temperatures below + 5 ° C. If the situation leaves no choice, then the composition is supplemented with special additives, the solution is heated before use.

  1. Mark the fill height.
  2. The procedure itself takes place in one go. The full volume of concrete is continuously poured into the mold by means of a concrete pump. Otherwise, if poured in several steps, the overlap will lose strength.
  3. Concrete is leveled according to the shape of the formwork.
  4. Be sure to use a building vibrator to remove air bubbles from the composition. Vibration work is indispensable. The gravity of the concrete itself is not sufficient for the desired compaction, it is necessary to subject the composition to vibrational effects, since only in this case it will be compressed to the prescribed norm and will seize together with the reinforcing mesh.

For full hardening and reaching the peak strength, the concrete is dried for 27-28 days.

After complete curing, construction work is resumed.

Advantages and disadvantages of this type of overlap

From the pros:

  • The bearing function is several times higher in quality than when using beams.
  • Freedom in building planning, both in terms of aspect ratio and building shape.
  • The durable type of floor is well suited to the specifics of aerated concrete.

Of the minuses:

  • It takes a lot of time both the work itself and the drying process.
  • You need special equipment, technical equipment.
  • An accurate load calculation is required to determine the parameters of a monolithic slab.
  • The cost of the project will be significantly higher than when using wood.
  • To strengthen the upper part of the walls, in order to compensate for the load from the slab, a reinforcing belt is laid out, a continuous structure along the entire contour of the building.
  • To check the concrete for drying, you need to put a piece of roofing material on top and check it after a few hours. If the material from the inside is moistened and has condensate, then the monolith is not ready yet, and if it is dry, then the hardening was complete and successful.

Having familiarized yourself with all the nuances of the construction of an interfloor monolithic slab for an aerated concrete house, you can choose a balanced approach to choosing a flooring method, weighing all the pros and cons, estimating your time and budget capabilities.

Useful video

See how the process goes. The specialist will tell you what to look for:

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Aerated concrete floor slabs: dimensions, advantages, installation

Aerated concrete floor slabs are reinforced products with grooves made of cellular concrete with a density of D 500 and a strength of D 2.5, are made in lengths from 2.5 to 6 meters and have a weight of 240 kg to 670 kg. The manufacturer can make products to order. Transportation of aerated concrete slabs to the construction site is carried out in a horizontal position. The plates are supplied with steel crossbars necessary for installation. For unloading and stacking, use mounting straps or special holders, i.e. mounting hangers.

Benefits of using aerated concrete floor slabs

Installation of aerated concrete floor slabs

Installation of floor slabs is carried out on an armored belt, an adhesive solution is applied to the support zone of the slabs. It is very important to accurately set the first plate, so as not to move or correct the next ones. After installing the next plate, it must be pressed close to the previous one along the entire length.
After mounting the plates, ribbed reinforcement with a diameter of 8 mm is laid in the seams between them and filled with concrete.

Aerated concrete floor slabs can be extended outside the building contour. The maximum projection of the panel outside the wall can be 1.5 meters. This way you can get a balcony.

To give the necessary rigidity and stability to the laid slabs, as well as to create a solidity of the entire floor, an annular anchor must be mounted around the entire perimeter of the load-bearing walls.

Before installing the ring anchor, the outer formwork should be organized using special sealing blocks laid on the adhesive. The height of the sealing blocks is equal to the height of the aerated concrete slabs.
In the resulting cavity, closer to the outside, a heater is laid, as well as anchor and butt fittings are installed and concrete grades of at least 150 are poured.
After laying the concrete, it must be compacted with a vibrator or a piece of reinforcement along the entire length of the ring anchor. Excess concrete should be removed with a conventional trowel or trowel and the resulting reinforced concrete ring smoothed out.

The result is an aerated concrete floor, monolithic along the perimeter with a reinforced concrete ring anchor.

  • Stages of construction from aerated concrete
  • Types of interfloor ceilings
  • wooden floor

Tags: aerated concrete, building a houseCategory: News, Construction of aerated concrete | Your feedback "

In the process of building walls made of aerated concrete or foam concrete, there comes a moment when you need to take care of arrangement of interfloor ceilings, which can be from a concrete slab or from wooden beams.

Unlike houses built of brick, when installing interfloor ceilings on walls made of gas or foam concrete blocks, it is necessary to additionally provide for distributing and reinforcing belts.

In this article, we will consider the installation of wooden and reinforced concrete interfloor ceilings, when building a house from wall blocks.

The device of interfloor ceilings from a monolithic slab

Many private developers, when building a house from aerated concrete or other similar blocks, use reinforced concrete slabs as interfloor floors.

These are very reliable and durable foundations, but at the same time they have a lot of weight, which must be taken into account when building walls from building blocks.

In order for the weight of the slab to be distributed evenly and not to violate the integrity of the walls, when laying slabs, an additional structure must be made in the form of a distribution concrete or brick belt.

Installation options for a monolithic reinforced concrete slab are shown in the figure.
In the first variant, the slab rests on a concrete strip measuring 150x250 mm, located around the entire perimeter of the wall. The tape is reinforced with bars with a diameter of 10 mm and poured with concrete grade M200.

It is also necessary to leave a temperature gap of 1-2 cm between the wall and the end of the reinforced concrete slab.

To remove cold bridges, the plate and the reinforcing belt are additionally insulated using extruded polystyrene foam plates, 50 mm thick.

Second option is a masonry of red burnt bricks, laid in 3 rows. This is the most popular version of the distribution belt device. In this case, there is no need to build a formwork and make a reinforcing cage from rods.

But, before laying the bricks, they reinforce the wall blocks with reinforcement. To do this, grooves are cut, reinforcing bars are laid in them and filled with cement mortar.

Brickwork is also reinforced with a masonry mesh laid between the rows.

A monolithic reinforced concrete slab should go 13-14 cm deep into the wall. This is quite enough for the stability and rigidity of the structure.

Wooden floors

Wooden construction is the most preferred option when building houses from lightweight wall blocks. Wooden interfloor ceilings are much lighter than concrete ones, which means they exert less pressure on the wall, and therefore the design will be simpler.

In addition, the price of wooden logs, taking into account delivery and work, is much less than the cost of reinforced concrete slabs. There is no need to hire an expensive crane and everything can be done without the use of machinery.

In one of the articles (link) we already talked about the device for overlapping wooden beams. In it, we gave the calculation of floor beams and the installation of the floor on wooden logs. Perhaps this information will be useful to you. But back to our topic.

As we already wrote, the installation of wooden floors is simpler. It is enough to make a belt of reinforcement, as is the case with concrete slabs, on which beams can be laid.

Wooden logs, before installation, must be coated with antifungal compounds, and the ends that will lie on the wall should be wrapped in roofing material or other similar material.

You also need to make a wash down of the end part of the beam at an angle of 60 0 and lay the insulation

Between the end and the wall, it is necessary to leave a gap of 2 cm, for possible thermal expansion.

Wooden logs should be laid into the wall to a depth of 15 cm.

In conclusion, we offer you a video that will be useful in the further construction of a wooden floor.

When building walls made of aerated concrete, there comes a time when it is necessary to take care of the construction of interfloor ceilings, they can be made of wooden beams or concrete slabs. If we compare with brick buildings, then when installing interfloor ceilings on walls made of foam and gas blocks, a reinforcing belt should be placed that will distribute the loads.

The device of overlappings from a monolithic slab

A monolithic ceiling in an aerated concrete house can be made using a reinforced concrete slab. This technology is used today in the field of construction by private craftsmen and professional teams. At the same time, the foundations are strong and reliable, but they have an impressive weight, which should be taken into account when building walls from building blocks. In order for the plates to be able to evenly distribute their weight and not violate the integrity of the system, when installing floor slabs, an additional structure should be made, which looks like a concrete or brick belt. In the first case, the slab rests on a concrete strip measuring 150x250 mm. It is located around the perimeter of the wall. The tape is reinforced with reinforcement, the diameter of which is 10 mm. At the next stage, concrete of the M-200 grade is poured.

When a monolithic floor is being built in a house made of aerated concrete, a temperature gap of 2 cm should be left, which should be located between the end of the reinforced concrete slab and the wall. To eliminate the reinforcing belt and the plate, they are additionally thermally insulated, while extruded polystyrene foam plates can be used. It is best to choose those that have a thickness of 50 mm. The second option, which involves the use of a brick belt, involves masonry of red baked bricks. It is laid out in three rows. This option is the most common when arranging a distribution belt.

brick belt

In this case, there is no need to equip the formwork, it is enough to form a reinforcing cage from rods. However, before laying bricks, wall blocks should also be reinforced with reinforcement. To do this, you need to make grooves, laying reinforcing bars in them and filling them with cement mortar. The masonry is reinforced with masonry mesh, which is located between the rows. the plate should go 14 cm deep into the wall. This will be enough to ensure rigidity and

Features of the monolithic belt device

A monolithic floor in an aerated concrete house may include a monolithic reinforcing belt. For a building made of aerated concrete, this part of the work is mandatory. Among other things, it performs the role of distributing the load from floors, walls of the upper floor and the payload from interior items, people and equipment. The reinforcing belt will compensate for the lack of aerated concrete, which is expressed in the ability to work in bending.

Despite the fact that aerated concrete is capable of undergoing compression, the absence of a reinforcing belt will cause an uneven load on the load-bearing walls. As a result, cracks may appear in them, as a result of which some blocks may even burst. For the installation of a strapping or reinforcing contour, heavy types of concrete and reinforcement should be used, the latter of which corresponds to class A III.

A monolithic floor in an aerated concrete house may have a reinforcing belt, which is equipped with one of the existing methods. It can be as follows: blocks of concrete must be mounted along the outer edge; silicate brick is sometimes used as an alternative solution. Reinforcement is laid between the edge of the ceiling and these products, it must be tied up. It is necessary to choose a material with square cells, the side of which corresponds to 10 cm. External and internal corners should be fixed with steel brackets, after which the reinforcing belt should be poured with concrete.

The choice of flooring for a house from a gas block

Interfloor ceilings in an aerated concrete house can be prefabricated or monolithic. They can be arranged on metal or wooden beams, using cellular, heavy concrete or prefabricated monolithic structures. A monolithic slab, which is manufactured on the construction site, can act as the basis for the floor. Wooden and concrete floors have their own advantages and disadvantages, however, given the popularity of aerated concrete, which is increasingly used in housing construction today, the following criteria come to the fore:

  • construction speed;
  • installation cost;
  • material cost;
  • the need for specialized equipment.

The construction of aerated concrete, the projects of which can be found in the article, provides for the arrangement of the floor, the choice of which, according to maximum loads and strength characteristics, as a rule, is not relevant, because the listed types provide these qualities at a level sufficient for the category of construction objects. Thus, the calculated data range from 500 to 800 kg of load per 1 m 2 of area. Interfloor ceilings in a house made of aerated concrete should be made of materials that are lighter in weight and maintain strength characteristics at the proper level. They must have a long service life, low cost, resistance to external influences of a chemical or natural nature.

Monolithic ceilings made of aerated concrete

Inexpensive houses made of aerated concrete can be supplemented with aerated concrete floor slabs, which have the same characteristics and properties as the walls. This choice can be called justified, especially if we take into account the thermal conductivity of the materials, which turns out to be the same. Having settled on this option, you may prefer prefabricated monolithic structures, products that are reinforced aerated concrete slabs, or monolithic slabs. In the first case, during the installation process, it is necessary to strengthen with the help of reinforced concrete joints.

Today on sale you can find aerated concrete floor slabs, which are made according to individual sizes. However, the average length is 6 m, and the width is limited to 1.5 to 1.8 m. The thickness is 30 cm, and the design load per m 2 is 600 kg. Such plates are made only by autoclave, while their density corresponds to the D500 limit. Quite often, monolithic slabs are supplemented with a tongue-and-groove connection, this makes it possible to obtain a tight fit of the elements to each other, while the installation is carried out in the shortest possible time. In one shift, a team of 4 people will be able to complete the overlap, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich varies from 50 to 120 m 2.

During installation, the most crucial moment is the coordination of the terms for the manufacture of plates, the time for renting a crane and the period for transporting the material to the site. If the house has walls made of aerated concrete, then prefabricated monolithic slabs, which are assembled from T-shaped blocks, can be used as a floor. In this case, lightweight ones are used, the length of which is 7 m, and the height is 20 cm. The weight of the structure is approximately 120 kg, which allows installation without the use of construction equipment. The distance between the beams should be 68 cm, which provides support on the beam on each side, this is true if the block length is 60 cm.

When installing the first row, one side of the floor block will rest on the load-bearing wall of the building. The connections formed between the blocks will look like grooves, they are filled with concrete, its class must correspond to B20. As soon as all the floor blocks are in place, the reinforcing mesh should be tied, which is poured with a 5 cm layer of concrete. Its full setting will occur after 4 weeks, however, the structure can be partially loaded after 7 days.

What floors to choose for a house from a gas block

If you are thinking about the question of which floors are best for a gas-block house, then you should pay attention to wood. It is the most preferred option for lightweight wall blocks. Such floors are lighter than concrete ones, they exert less pressure on the walls during operation, while the design is simpler. Among other things, the cost of wooden logs, including delivery and installation, will be less than the cost of reinforced concrete floor slabs. There is no need to hire an expensive crane, because everything can be done without the use of technology. Using wooden floors, it can be noted that installation is easier. To do this, it will be enough to make a reinforcing belt, as is the case with concrete slabs. Beams will be laid on it. Logs before installation are covered with an antifungal compound, they will rest on the walls. They are wrapped with roofing material or any other waterproofing material. It is recommended to make a wash down of the end part of the beam, while the angle should be 60 °. At the same time, a heater is installed. A 2 cm gap is left between the wall and the end, which is necessary for thermal expansion. Wooden logs are laid in the wall, they should be deepened by 15 cm.

Dimensions and cost of aerated concrete blocks

Aerated concrete blocks, the dimensions and price per piece of which will be indicated below, are used in construction today more and more often. The cost per piece is 130 rubles. The more massive the blocks are, the faster the construction will be completed. The material for the construction of walls will cost in the range from 3100 to 3600 rubles. per cubic meter. The standard length is 600 or 625 mm, the width can be 250, 300, 375, 400 or 500 mm. As for the height, it can be equivalent to 200 and 250 mm. Aerated concrete blocks (dimensions and price per piece are discussed in the article) can also be designed for partitions. This material is sold at a price of 3200 rubles. per cubic meter. The main height and length remain the same as in the above case, but the width can be equal to 50, 75, 100, 125 and 150 mm.

Calculation of the maximum bending of the slab

The maximum thickness of a monolithic floor for aerated concrete walls of a house was mentioned above. The calculated load per 1 m 2 is also known, which is why the maximum bending of the plate can be calculated. To do this, you should know the design resistance of concrete, the design resistance of reinforcement and the class of reinforcement bars. The first parameter is Rb = 7.7 MPa, the second is Rs = 365 MPa, while the class of reinforcement used is A400C.

The distance from the edge of the plate to the reinforcement is 35 mm, the maximum bending moment must be calculated using the following formula: M = q * L 2 2/11. M=695*2.52/11=395 kg/m. If the floor has a lower reinforcing mesh, then it must fulfill the conditions under which am is less than ar. The second parameter is normative and is 0.440. Whereas am is equal to M/(Rb*b*h02), here b is the width of the slab, which is 6 m, but h0 is the distance from the center of gravity of the reinforcement to the edge of the slab, which is 0.045 m. Here, am is 395 /(77000*6*0.0452)=0.042. The value 0.042 is greater than 0.440. If am is greater than ra, then there is a need to increase the grade of concrete or increase the cross section of the reinforcement.

Based on the foregoing, it can be argued that the calculation of a monolithic floor can be carried out by you independently.

Why you should use a monolithic floor

Despite the fact that several types of ceilings for aerated concrete walls have been developed today, monolithic ones have many advantages. They are chosen no less than wooden prefabricated monolithic ones. The device of a monolithic overlap is advisable, because such structures:

  • economical;
  • durable;
  • easy to install;
  • fireproof.

It should also be noted the wide availability of materials for work. The only thing you should pay attention to is that self-prepared concrete in private construction is not suitable. It is recommended to order it, because the production has certain requirements and standards controlled by the state. If you make concrete yourself, then you cannot guarantee that it will meet the standards, be reliable and durable.

The device of a monolithic ceiling may be accompanied by some difficulties, which are expressed in the fact that the concrete will have to be raised to a great height. Therefore, there is a need to rent a concrete pump. Difficulties are also expressed in the fact that it will be necessary to equip the formwork over the entire area. It is made of durable and high-quality material that will be able to endure the weight of the concrete mixture. There will be 500 kg per square meter, this is true if the concrete layer is 15 cm.


Concrete floors are equipped using formwork from materials that must have a certain margin of safety, because the load will increase when pouring from a concrete pump. Experts advise using a square-section beam with a side of 100 mm for this. As an alternative solution, plywood panels are used, the thickness of which varies from 18 to 20 mm. As soon as the formwork is ready, you should make sure it is horizontal using the building level.

Houses of aerated concrete blocks are built with a height of no more than three floors. Ceilings in houses made of aerated concrete are made taking into account the material of the walls, as well as gas blocks are selected with such characteristics that they can withstand the ceilings.

Types of floors for aerated concrete

  • monolithic;
  • reinforced concrete slabs;
  • aerated concrete slabs;
  • wooden or metal beams.

Slab floors

Floor slabs can be reinforced concrete or aerated concrete. Aerated concrete ceiling is lighter than reinforced concrete, aerated concrete slabs are assembled into a monolithic sheet thanks to the tongue-and-groove system. If plates without grooves and ridges are used, then reinforcement is laid in the gap between the plates and a sand-cement mortar is poured. Aerated concrete floor slabs are reinforced with mesh, they can withstand a load of 600 kg per 1 square meter, which is quite enough for an individual residential building.

Scheme of the device for flooring from aerated concrete slabs

Aerated concrete floor slabs can be of different sizes. The slab should be 20 centimeters longer than the span in order to go 10 centimeters onto the wall on each side.

Reinforced concrete slabs are similar to aerated concrete, but they are much heavier, so when using them, it is necessary to accurately calculate the load.

The advantages of slab floors include:

  • fast installation;
  • good noise and heat insulation;
  • high bearing capacity;
  • affordable cost.

Monolithic floors

For a monolithic ceiling, a reinforcing cage is made, which is poured with concrete. The thickness of the monolithic ceiling can reach 300 mm. A monolithic floor can be of any shape - this is the main difference from a slab floor, which can only be rectangular. A monolithic floor has a high bearing capacity - up to 800 kg per square meter, but it takes a long time and is expensive to make.

Monolithic floor device

Ceilings by beams

For this option, metal or wooden beams are used, on which plywood or board flooring is laid, and the space between the beams is filled with expanded clay, mineral wool, polystyrene foam or other heaters. This is a proven and inexpensive way to make an interfloor overlap.

An example of a wooden floor in a gas block house

Which floors are better for aerated concrete houses

Foreman's advice:
In houses from gas blocks, you can make any overlap, subject to an accurate calculation of the load on the walls. The easiest way is to make the floors wooden or from aerated concrete slabs, because the load from them on the walls is lower than from other materials, and besides, these options are the cheapest.

It is usually believed that internal partitions are not load-bearing, so they are made slightly lower than the load-bearing walls so that the ceilings do not rest on them. Aerated concrete partitions are usually made 2 centimeters below the ceilings so that the ceiling does not put pressure on them, because cracks may appear on the partitions from such a load.

Aerated concrete window and door lintels can be considered a type of ceiling - they are used with the design load according to the project. If the wall thickness exceeds 500 mm, prefabricated lintels can be used. The length of the jumper should be 100 mm more than the width of the opening in each direction.

Video: laying wooden floors in aerated concrete house

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