Why in a 9 month old baby. Baby development at nine months. Neuro-psychomotor development at the ninth month of life

The day when the baby is discharged from the hospital is special, all relatives are looking forward to the little baby. For the child prepared festive clothes. But young parents should take into account many nuances so that discharge from the hospital leaves only pleasant memories and does not bring problems.

How to choose clothes for discharge?

It is very important for parents, especially young ones, to know which items should be purchased without fail, and which should not be spent on the family budget.

The baby who was born in winter or late autumn needs a relatively large amount of clothing, since the first frosts may appear during this period, and it is important to do everything to make the baby comfortable and not cold.

Due to the fact that newborns do not like to dress up, preference should be given to clothes that have a lot of buttons and Velcro. In no case should you buy clothes that you have to put on over your head. Firstly, it will be extremely unpleasant for the baby, and, secondly, with inaccurate movement, you can inadvertently damage the baby’s delicate neck.

Basic things

So, the first thing all babies need, regardless of the season in which they were born, is a hat, a vest and sliders. Such first items of his wardrobe must necessarily be made of cotton fabric, soft to the touch, without excessively tight elastic bands, so as not to transfer the still unhealed umbilical wound. A new set must be washed and ironed with a hot iron.


A warmer suit is worn over such a set, which can be made of velor or thick knitwear. Modern industry offers an excellent option for solving this issue for kids - sleep. This is a special suit that is quite simple to put on, closes the arms and legs, fastens with buttons.

Gallery of clothing options

Warm velor 2-piece suit is the perfect solution for a newborn baby Knitted suits for newborns are one of the most popular among new mothers.
Terry suits are not only very warm, but also beautiful Terry suit - this version of the kit is considered the most practical

Jumpsuit with hat or envelope

Children born in winter are given warm overalls and hats. The hat should match the size of the head: so that it fits snugly against it, and cold air does not blow in. Warm overalls, depending on budgetary funds, can be purchased in a single copy, as a daily option, and can be additionally purchased for a festive one. For the everyday option, you should choose such models in which there are no ruffles, bows, which are so difficult to iron. Winter overalls have various modifications, among which options with panties and made in the form of envelopes are considered common. Rompers with panties that can be easily transformed into a romper bag are ideal for those cases when the child is transported in a car in a car seat. Using artificial and natural materials, such overalls for babies are sure to warm.

To determine the choice of the right envelope, it is important to know its positive characteristics and disadvantages.

Envelope-transformer allows you to change modifications. It is very warm and doesn't get wet. But the last two options do not have a super beautiful appearance, they are more classified as the most practical things. In addition, both of them, due to the use of sheepskin, are of great value.

An envelope in the form of a blanket with beautiful lace and a wide bow looks festive and bright. But it has a number of disadvantages:

  • with its bright appearance attracts excessive attention from others;
  • the child only needs to be swaddled in it, no buttons are provided;
  • laces come quickly into disrepair;
  • gets dirty very quickly.

An envelope in the form of a sheepskin blanket. Even when the child grows up, it continues to be used as a warm bedding in the stroller or crib. Such an envelope does not get wet, retains its shape and size when washed, is very warm and incomparable insulation.

The envelope, which has a standard shape with panties, is warm enough, does not get wet, beautiful in appearance, it is very convenient to put it on and take it off, as a button system is provided. The disadvantages include the fact that with frequent washing, the insulation can go astray, the overalls will no longer be perfectly warm.

Due to the fact that such winter clothes are useful for the baby only in the first months of his life, in a year you will need to purchase other options, the overalls should not be excessively large so that the baby does not “drown” in its open spaces. For small crumbs, you can purchase a jumpsuit that has size 56, but for those who have a standard height (about 52 cm), you can safely purchase size 62. However, there are exceptions, when the child was born in the middle of autumn, it is best to purchase a jumpsuit in size 68, since you will have to wear it for almost half a year, the kids are actively growing during this period, so the jumpsuit should have a reserve size to eliminate the need to purchase an additional set bigger size.

To completely exclude the ingress of cold air, young parents must definitely purchase a warm blanket. Only if you bought a winter overalls, you can buy a thinner version of the blanket, but a beautiful one - this will save money and get gorgeous photos with a child in a blanket with beautiful bows tied up.

Gallery: types of winter envelopes for newborns

Blanket-overalls with Velcro fastenersnbsp; Blanket-overalls on sheepskin
The convertible jumpsuit conveniently transforms from a sack jumpsuit to a jumpsuit with legs, which allows it to be used when the child grows up

Additional Items

In addition to these items, be sure to purchase:

  • Diapers. They can later be homemade, as they were used a few years ago, but in order to pick up the baby from the hospital, it is still better to purchase a store version of diapers. For any newborn (even the largest ones), diapers of size No. 1 are quite suitable.
  • Socks. For additional warming of the legs, it is important to purchase warm terry socks or warm booties.
  • Two hats (light and knitted).

Many parents pay close attention to the choice of color. It is traditionally believed that boys get blue clothes, girls - pink, but this preference for color shades is not at all necessary. It is impossible only to allow annoying shades, so as not to negatively affect the psyche of the baby from childhood.

Video review of the maternity hospital discharge kit

It is necessary to worry about comfortable and beautiful clothes for the baby for discharge in advance, since the well-being of the child, his mood and health depend on it. Do not save money by purchasing clothes made of synthetic materials. After all, despite the external attractiveness, such clothes will not provide the required level of comfort for the baby.

Discharge from the hospital is a responsible and festive event in the life of any family. Young parents strive to think through everything to the smallest detail so that an important day is not overshadowed by unforeseen chores.

If the birth of a child occurs in the winter, the preparation of clothes for the newborn should become more thorough, since the baby, who has never been in the fresh frosty air, may catch a cold. To prevent this from happening, you need to prepare warm clothes for him.

It must be borne in mind that babies do not like to dress at all, so all clothes for them should be equipped with buttons, fasteners or Velcro to facilitate this process.

Clothing intended for discharge from the hospital in the winter should consist of several elements. Let's take a closer look at what to wear to a newborn for discharge in winter.

Underwear includes a vest, sliders or panties, socks, a bonnet.

Note! There is no need to buy a blouse that is worn over the head, because the baby is not yet fully grown and any careless movement can damage the baby's delicate neck.

It is better to give preference to models that fasten with buttons or buttons. When choosing panties, pay attention to the density of the elastic band. They should not be tight so as not to put pressure on the unhealed umbilical wound of the baby.

All underwear must be made of cotton, pre-washed and ironed with a hot iron.

A warm suit must be worn over underwear. It can be made of knitwear, velor or other dense natural fabric.

A great option is slips, which are a one-piece suit with buttons that are put on the whole body of the baby and cover his arms and legs. You can choose a suit of any color, it is not necessary to buy a blue outfit for boys, and a pink outfit for girls.

Warm hat and winter overalls

The cap must be bought in the smallest size, of course, taking into account the circumference of the head of the newborn. It is better to give preference to the shape of the helmet.

Jumpsuit can be casual and dressy. It all depends on whether the mother is going to put it on the child all the time or whether it is intended for a one-time publication. If the jumpsuit is bought for long-term wear, you should not take models with a copious amount of decor: ruffles, bows, and so on.

Note! Winter suits can be made in the form of envelopes, or they can have a standard shape with panties that can easily be transformed into a bag.

This is done for the convenience of transporting a child in a car seat. Winter overalls are insulated with both natural filler: down or sheep wool, and artificial materials: holofiber and silicone.

When choosing this detail of the children's wardrobe, you need to take into account that the first jumpsuit will most likely have to be carried only for one season, so it is better not to take too large, as the baby will simply “drown” in it. For children born with a small stature, you can take a size 56 jumpsuit. For a newborn with a normal height of about 52 cm, a transforming jumpsuit of size 62 is suitable. But if you are discharged, for example, in frosty October and are going to use overalls all the time, then it’s better to take size 68, because by March your baby will grow up a lot. In addition, the transforming overalls can first be made with a bag, and later “with legs”.

Finishing touch - a blanket

If the weather conditions are not very severe, you can do without a blanket. Moreover, winter overalls perfectly protect the baby's body from the cold. You can buy a not too warm decorative blanket with frills and ruffles to be photographed as a keepsake and pay tribute to the traditions when children were taken from the hospital only in blankets tied with blue or pink ribbons.

Note! If it is cold enough in your area, it is better to take care of buying a warm blanket.

In any case, in the car in which you will take the child, you still have to remove it in order to put the baby in the car seat.

Nowadays, there are many interesting and beautiful, and most importantly, warm things for newborns on sale, so the answer to the question of what to wear for discharge in winter , not complicated at all. The main thing is to take care of this in advance so that the solemn moment of the new little man's acquaintance with the outside world is not overshadowed by fuss and troubles.

So, this joyful moment has come - you are in the hospital with your baby. Is he really handsome? And tomorrow you have an extract, and you will go home? Let's figure out what to dress the baby in for discharge: in winter, spring, summer, autumn.

How to dress a newborn for discharge from the hospital in the summer

In the summer, it will be easiest to dress a baby for discharge. As a rule, as underwear, you can choose light slip(knitted jumpsuit with closed legs and often, sleeves, in the form of "anti-scratches"), you should definitely tie it on your head light cap. Its size is approximately 35 cm. socks. If the weather is cool, it is better to wear woolen socks over the slip. The size of the socks for crumbs when discharged from the hospital is from 6 to 8. If you have not bought a slip, do not be discouraged - sliders and a vest are an analogue of a slip. The growth of a newborn is on average 52-56 cm. Clothing should be chosen within this range.

Even if you are not going to use diapers, you should still wear it for discharge. This will protect the baby from leaks on the road, as well as from unnecessary discomfort. The size for a newborn is accordingly the smallest - 1. Be sure to remember to have a few spare diapers with you, just in case, as well as wet wipes so that there is something to wipe the baby's skin.

Suitable as outerwear for a child in summer an extract envelope or a simple flannelette blanket with a beautiful bow tied at the top. It is not recommended to spend extra money on special envelopes, as this is impractical (in it, the baby can only walk in a stroller for the first time, then the envelope will not be useful).

How to dress a newborn for discharge in autumn and spring

In such a cool and humid season, like spring or autumn, the air temperature on the thermometer can differ significantly from reality. It's all about the wind and high humidity.

As underwear on the baby, you can leave slip or sliders with a vest. Next, we put another one on the child insulated slip (on fleece). You can wear a jacket and pants with a thick knit. You can use a simple flannel diaper. Next, put on the baby lined fall jumpsuit. Remember to leave space between layers of clothing. Things should not be stretched on the child back to back.

Now there is a wide selection of transforming overalls on the market. It is recommended to buy such a jumpsuit for growth. Then you can use it as an envelope for discharge, wrapping the baby's legs in a diaper. And later, when the baby grows up, make panties by unzipping the zippers from the bottom of the jumpsuit. You can take the size of the transforming overalls up to 80-86, then you will not need to buy outerwear for your child up to a year and a half years.

Be sure to put on the baby's head two hats. One light print, the second warm knitted.

How to dress a newborn for discharge in winter

It is much warmer to dress the baby for discharge in winter. Under outerwear, you can also wear a slip, or a shirt with panties, then a fleece overall or slip is required. You can use a warm blanket instead of an insulated sleepsuit.

As an outerwear option, you can use a blanket. This is a practical option, but even in a woolen blanket, a child can be cold in winter. Another disadvantage of the blanket is the inconvenience of transporting a child in it in a car seat.

It is still better to purchase a transforming jumpsuit, which we talked about above. It will be over practical and warm option for winter discharge from the hospital. Two hats should also be worn. The bottom hat will be thin, and the second one will be insulated, preferably woolen.

Basic rules for preparing clothes for a newborn

The most important rules for parents are:

- clothes must be made of natural fabrics, the seams must be even and sewn on the outside of the product and not from within;

clothes must be washed in warm water with soap and ironed on both sides;

- Do not forget that the child should only be wearing one more layer of clothing than an adult Human;

do not overheat the child but don't overcool. The newborn is not yet accustomed to the extrauterine conditions of life, so be sure to keep the legs and head warm.

What to wear a newborn for discharge in winter?

List of things (in order of dressing):

I will give a few examples (in different posts) I myself have not yet decided exactly how I will be discharged, so the list is still in development


2. Knitted bodysuit with short sleeves (or with long sleeves, it all depends on the further layout). Suitable as underwear. It is better to choose models that have buttons at the neck. And even better, especially for inexperienced mothers, take a wrap bodysuit with buttons, then you won’t need to put it on over the baby’s head.

3. Warm sleepsuit ("little man").

Slip ("little man"), preferably from flannel, terry or thick knitwear. This type of clothing easily replaces sliders, vests and socks, puts on a bodysuit. Very comfortable slips with mittens or sewn sleeves. (If you chose a bodysuit with a long sleeve, respectively, a jumpsuit without sleeves !!!)

Do not forget that you need a slip without a hood !!! here the hood comes unfastened!

4. Socks, mittens. You can put on warm socks on the slip on the legs of a newborn, and mittens on the handles. You can do without these accessories.

5.Headdress for a newborn.

Be sure to prepare a warm hat and a cotton cap (or a comfortable knitted cap with ties, or a cap in the form of a helmet). It is best to choose a hat after the birth of the baby, so that it is strictly in size, then the cap will fit snugly and not let in cold air. When choosing a headdress, it is better to give preference to products without tassels and pompons. These decorations will please only parents, and they will simply crush the baby if they have to put on a hood or cover the envelope.

6. Outerwear for discharge in winter (envelope, blanket, overalls).

Several options are possible here. For the discharge of a winter newborn, you can purchase a warm envelope or a beautiful, high-quality blanket for newborns.

Very comfortable and practical Velcro envelopes , which are easily transformed and turn into a comfortable baby blanket.

Baby envelopes (bags) can be on sheepskin, later used for sleeping in a stroller and for walking in a sled for a grown up baby.

Envelopes and blankets for newborns can be either with a warm filler, either natural - bird fluff, sheep wool, or artificial - silicone, holofiber.

Using a blanket to swaddle a baby for discharge, you can complement the outfit with a classic lace corner and a ribbon tied with a bow (blue and light blue - a boy, pink or red - a girl).

You can immediately buy warm jumpsuit made of natural materials .

The overalls can be with panties, in the form of a bag or be transforming - the zippers at the bottom of the overalls easily help to make either a bag or legs. act up.

Cosmetic products for discharge

But in addition to clothes, in winter you will definitely need a greasy baby cream to protect the baby's skin (for example, a cream from bad weather and wind) and hygienic lipstick for the baby's lips (it would be even safer to replace lipstick with Purelan-type lanolin cream).

Be safe, but don't overdo it

In warming the baby, a certain measure must be observed. It must be borne in mind that he will have to spend most of the road in a warm car. Overheating can adversely affect the health of the newborn, and impaired thermoregulation reduces the immunity of infants. After completing all the necessary documents, do not rush to the waiting relatives. Let them wait a little longer than the child will be stressed by a sudden change of scenery.

To prevent this from happening, you need to calmly feed the baby and wait until he falls asleep. But before you start feeding, it is better to pack him on the road so that subsequent dressing does not disturb his sweet dream. Although the very last part of the wardrobe - an envelope or overalls - is still not worth putting on, the baby may sweat and begin to act up from the heat. And most importantly, mothers should not be upset if the due date falls precisely in the winter. Even our distant ancestors proved that all winter babies are stronger and healthier than summer ones, and their immunity is more resistant to infections and various diseases . But, despite this, you should not treat the winter discharge with less responsibility.

Today we will talk about how to discharge a child from the hospital in winter. This day is a real holiday, a long-awaited event for all parents without exception. But many are wondering: what to wear for the baby, because this defenseless creature is small and helpless, and there is a harsh winter outside the window.

We will analyze all the features of the winter discharge from the hospital. Discharge in the winter should not terrify parents. If you properly prepare for this event, you will get a beautiful and unforgettable holiday.

Whenever discharge is planned, it is necessary to take into account the seasonal factor when packing a bag for the hospital. If your baby according to the horoscope is Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces, then you should prepare for the fact that there will be an extract from the hospital in the winter. What to dress the baby in? Baby things should be elegant, warm and practical at the same time. The last point is very important, because children's supplies cost a lot of money.

What to wear for discharge?

This event should be approached thoughtfully and prepared in advance. Consider all the nuances that will arise at the time of discharge. Mom should prepare, even before the expected date of birth, because it will be difficult for dad to go around all the stores on his own at the last minute.

So, how to discharge a child from the hospital in winter? When choosing clothes, you should make sure that the child feels comfortable and convenient. Since discharge is a solemn moment, parents try to pay attention not only to practicality, but also to beauty. There are mothers who make a choice in favor of beauty. It is not right. Even if you are only two steps from the door of the maternity hospital to the car, the child can easily get sick. Moms and dads should remember that the crumbs have not yet formed adequate heat transfer.

There are a few things to keep in mind when picking up your bag:

  • clothing should consist only of natural fabrics;
  • consider the convenience of dressing, as kids really do not like this procedure;
  • things should be practical;
  • do not stock up on a large number of vests and sliders, because the baby will grow incredibly quickly.

Items must be washed with a hypoallergenic baby powder and ironed before being sent to the specified bag. Please note that the seams, stickers, scars that are found on low-quality children's clothing will rub on the baby's delicate skin.

When you are discharged from the maternity hospital in winter, what else do you need to take? Of course, you should take care of your mother. After all, this is a holiday not only for the child, but also for the mother. In the bag with mom's things you need to put a cosmetic bag. When choosing clothes, you should also pay attention to the fact that the chest should be closed, especially if you decide to breastfeed your baby. Even a small draft can cause inflammation and the transition to artificial mixtures.

Beautiful extract

In addition to how to dress a newborn for discharge from the hospital in winter, you should also take care of a beautiful, memorable holiday. Dad should deal with this issue while mom and baby are in the hospital. This can be done in several ways:

  • to organize alone;
  • involve relatives in this issue;
  • use the services of special agencies that organize such events.

For a beautiful statement, you need quite a bit:

  • car decoration on which you will pick up mom and baby;
  • creating a festive atmosphere in the baby’s room (in addition, you can decorate the entrance, the entrance to the apartment and the door of the maternity hospital, this can be done with balloons, flowers, beautiful inscriptions, embody any fantasies);
  • instead of a banal bouquet of flowers, dad can get a beautiful basket;
  • do not forget about flowers and sweets for the medical staff;
  • arrange a small buffet at home (it should not drag on for a long time, because mom and baby need rest);
  • for mother and child, you need to prepare gifts (diaper cake, a bunch of socks, a box of "mother's secrets").

Be sure to take care that all the first moments should be captured in a photo or video. Starting with dressing the crumbs in the hospital, until the very end of the holiday. You can buy a beautiful photo album for these purposes. When meeting a baby, you should not honk or use firecrackers, because in this way you can scare not only your baby, but also other children.

List of things

So, what do you need to be discharged from the hospital in winter? Now we will give a list of things that must be in the package for the discharge of the child.

  1. A diaper, or rather a couple of pieces, suddenly there will be some kind of force majeure.
  2. The vest and sliders can be replaced with a warm flannel slip, this option will be more convenient for the baby.
  3. Cotton and flannel diapers can be replaced with a warm suit for babies.
  4. Be sure to wear terry socks, which can be replaced with woolen booties.
  5. Scratches that will protect the baby not only from their own nails, but also from the cold outside.
  6. A suit made of fleece, velor or wool, which can be replaced with warm overalls. This item is worn over the slip.
  7. Knitted or flannelette hat - from below, warm winter - up.
  8. This item provides a choice: a blanket, an envelope, a plaid or winter overalls.
  9. Don't forget the tape.

Mom should be given: a cosmetic bag, underwear, clothes (bottom and top), shoes. The first time your baby is discharged from the maternity hospital, your baby will be dressed by a nurse, which will facilitate and speed up the discharge procedure. Try to avoid things that are worn over the head.

Baby sets

Answering the question of how to discharge a child from the maternity hospital in winter, we cannot ignore special kits that are purchased in specialized stores. There is also another option - to compose it yourself, buying each item separately. Pay attention to the material - it must be natural. Be sure to purchase practical things that will not bring discomfort to the child.

Babies grow very fast, about 5 centimeters per month. It is recommended to purchase clothes two or three sizes larger.


With a winter discharge from the hospital, what to take the baby in? A very important point in this matter is the choice of envelope. With a successful purchase, this thing will serve for a very long time, even if the child grows up. Mommy's warm winter envelopes are often used for a cover for legs or a bedding in a stroller.

Young parents often opt for envelopes with ruffles, bright and rich colors. Let's just say that this is not a practical thing. The ruffles will soon break off, and the color will become faded from washing. Much better to buy a sheepskin envelope. Although it is expensive, it has a lot of advantages:

  • very warm;
  • does not shrink after washing;
  • does not get wet.

If you purchase an envelope stuffed with padding polyester, fluff or holofiber, then you should know in advance that the insulation shrinks when washed. Nevertheless, they warm well, do not get wet and look elegant.

But the most practical model is the transformer envelope. It can be used from birth until the baby grows out of it (about a year and a half). If the child begins to walk, then the envelope is easily transformed into a jumpsuit.

A blanket

If you have no desire to purchase an envelope, then a blanket will serve as a good substitute. It is also very practical, because it is always needed. The blanket can be used in the crib, stroller, sled and so on.

In some cases, you need to purchase both a blanket and an envelope. Everything depends on weather conditions. Many mothers use the trick: they wrap the baby in a warm duvet, and on top - a beautiful lace that is tied with a bow.


Once again, it is worth recalling that you need two hats for winter discharge. The first is worn directly on the baby's head. Pay attention to what material it is sewn from. The seams must be external, ties are required. You need to choose a hat strictly by size! It should fit snugly around the ears.

The second hat is worn over the first. She must be warm. You should not choose a hat with bulky decorations and buboes, it is not always convenient even for an adult to wear such a hat.

Many parents opt for sets consisting of a winter hat and scarf. So there is an opportunity to additionally protect the neck of the child.


How to discharge a child from the hospital in winter? We have already told what to wear him in, now let's talk about the main attribute - a bow. As a rule, it is made from satin ribbons of different colors. The bow can be purchased at the store or made by yourself. He can decorate even the most modest outfit.

Many parents simply purchase a beautiful satin ribbon. The nurse, who helps dress the baby, ties a beautiful elegant bow on her own.

The car

We examined in detail the question - what are the babies discharged from the maternity hospital in winter. Now I want to pay a little attention to the trip home. The interior of the car must be clean and ventilated. When the car warms up, you can remove the top layer of clothing from the crumbs and put it in a special car seat. If this is not available, then you can take the child in your arms.

If the envelope allows you to stay in the cradle without removing it, then make sure that it is cool in the cabin. This is necessary to prevent overheating.

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