Why does Shura Petrova have such a fatal fate. The tragic fate of the dead beauty queens (51 photos). Personal life and fatal love

As a rule, girlfriends of criminal authorities, and simply criminals of those years, became all sorts of “miss” of something. Simply put, long-legged beauties, hungry for money. We will not argue - maybe there was a place for sincere love. For the most part, their lives ended as quickly and tragically as those of the bandits themselves. And sometimes at the same time.

Corpse in a suitcase

Perhaps the loudest story on our topic is the terrible murder of a killer Alexandra Solonik and his mistresses Svetlana Kotova.

Sasha Solonik, aka Macedonian (he got this nickname thanks to the ability to shoot in Macedonian - with two hands), belonged to the Kurgan organized criminal group. In 1987, he was sentenced to eight years in a strict regime colony for rape. Then he ran away.

In the 90s, the killer completed the first order for the murder - he shot the head of the Ishim group - Nicholas Prichinich.

Solonik was detained on October 6, 1994 at the Petrovsky-Razumovsky market of the capital. At the police station, when trying to escape, Solonik wounded three police officers and was wounded in the kidney. From the hospital, Makedonsky was taken to Matrosskaya Tishina for investigation. But eight months after his arrest, Solonik escaped from the pre-trial detention center. By the way, in the entire history of the famous prison, he became the only person who succeeded.

Under the new name, Solonik settled in Greece, where his people from the Kurgan OPG were already located. In Langonisi, not far from Athens, the bandits rented three luxurious mansions.

Macedonian, according to neighbors, was greedy for women and every week brought a new lady to the house. But Solonik's romance with a fashion model turned out to be the longest. Sveta Kotova. And for her, it's also fatal.

The girl worked with the famous Moscow agency Red Stars, participated in the final of the Miss Russia-96 contest. On January 25, 1997, Kotova performed at the international exhibition Consumexpo. After that, Svetlana asked her superiors for a vacation and left for Athens.

As it turned out later, she went to Solonik, who had previously invited the model to Greece more than once. They say that Alexander even came secretly to Moscow under the guise of a Greek showman. Vladimir Kesov to convince Sveta to leave with him.

From Athens, Svetlana was going to go to a beauty contest in Italy. The girl spoke about this to her mother on the phone. Kotova called home every day until January 30th. After this date, the model disappeared.

On February 2, 1997, in the Varibobi forest, near Athens, operatives discovered the body of Solonik. He was strangled with a nylon cord. There were no documents with the killer.

The search for Kotova continued for another three months. The police found that Svetlana did not cross the borders of Greece - she was eliminated as a witness to the murder of her boyfriend.

In May, residents of the resort town of Saronides stumbled upon a suitcase lying under an olive tree. Inside, the dismembered body of a woman lay in plastic bags. The identity of the 21-year-old Kotova was established, since the decomposition process did not have time to begin in full.

There are many versions of who committed both murders. From the involvement of the Italian mafia and up to the fact that Solonik is generally alive. However, the investigation agreed that Makedonsky and Kotova were killed by members of the Orekhovskaya organized criminal group.

Mother predicted her daughter's death

On the evening of September 16, 2000, a resident of one of the Cheboksary "Stalins" heard a strange noise in the entrance. She opened the door, but they immediately put a gun to her forehead and pushed her back into the apartment. When everything was quiet in the stairwell, the husband of the frightened woman decided to go out.

Two men and a beautiful girl lay in pools of blood. 20 year old Alexandra Petrova She was still breathing, but the doctors could not save her. Sasha died on the way to the hospital. In two days she had planned a noisy holiday - her birthday.

At the age of 16, Sasha Petrova went from Cheboksary to Novgorod to conquer the Miss Russia contest, which for the first time “left” the capital. A childhood dream came true - in 1996 Alexandra became the new beauty queen.

Work began to boil, offers from various agencies rained down. Even Hollywood was invited to act, but my mother opposed. Sasha completed two courses at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and dropped out of the Institute. Her civil husband - Konstantin Chuvilin- wanted to see the girl next to him, and not behind the books.

Kostya was not an easy guy. And 18-year-old Sasha liked "bad boys", especially with "grandmothers", because in her childhood and adolescence she lived modestly. Chuvilin was listed as unemployed, but in fact he was a member of the Chapaev organized criminal group - the most influential in Cheboksary. This easily explained the availability of money for a luxurious renovation in an apartment on Kirov Street and a Lada of the latest brand.

A close friend and "colleague" of Kostya was the director of the central market - Radik Akhmetov. It was because of the market that the conflict arose between Anatoly Doronitsin, who previously owned a trading company, and the local mayor's office. According to investigators, Doronitsin hired a hitman to eliminate Akhmetov, who had sat him down.

The killer overtook Radik in the company of Petrova and Chuvilin. At the entrance of an elite house, a mercenary shot all three at point-blank range from a machine gun. The perpetrator could not be found, which is not surprising for that time.

Here is what a certain person writes about Petrova on one forum Katya Katya: “She really stood out. So modest, tall, all in black. Then I got mixed up with this common-law husband. She began to wander around restaurants, abandoned her studies. But in furs. The whole city saw her off, everyone loved her.

The worst thing is that Sasha's mother predicted the tragic fate of her daughter and was terribly afraid for her life.

I knew this would happen. I read on the hand: in Shura's palm, the line of fate intersected with the line of the mind by the age of twenty, and at the intersection - a point. A blow to the head at twenty. In fact, I didn't say anything to her. There is also a sign: if you see a cockroach, it’s not good. And then they just began to fall off the wall, and no matter how they were stained, they continued to fall ... It's unnatural - the way they fell. And after what happened - everything, not a single cockroach, - Tatyana Nikolaevna recalled with horror.

Innocent victim of war

In the dashing 90s, the city of Togliatti was compared with the American Chicago. It so happened because for ten years there was a bloody criminal war in pursuit of control over AvtoVAZ. According to some estimates, more than 400 people were killed in Togliatti during that period.

The beginning of the war was facilitated by the conflict between the largest Volgovskaya organized crime group and the gang Vladimira Agiya and Alexander Voronetsky. By the way, during perestroika, Volgovskaya was one of the first to start selling stolen parts from AvtoVAZ.

In the 2000s, Togliatti was mired in the third "great racketeering war." At the head of the Volgovskaya organized criminal group was Dmitry Ruzlyaev. Another leader of the group was considered a cruel, frostbitten bandit Scoop - Evgeniy Sovkov. By that time, he was on the wanted list and lived in Moscow on a "left" passport in the name Pavel Lizunov together with a 28-year-old bride from Tolyatti - Lyudmila Matytsina.

Sovkov often went to the Krasnopresnensky baths - a favorite place for reputable criminals. On December 26, 2000, Scoop went to the “arrow” to these very baths, taking Lyudmila with him. The meeting took place in Stolyarny Lane. Let's jump ahead and say that a few steps from this place in the 94th hitman Lesha Soldier authority was shot Otari Kvantrishvili.

... The conversation between the Scoop and a certain man in black did not last long. When Yevgeny turned around and went back to the car, shots rang out. Matytsina jumped out of the car in horror and immediately received a bullet in the forehead.

The killer turned out to be a longtime foe Scoop - Andrey Milovanov aka Green.

Sovkov, with a severe wound, managed to get into the driver's seat, but four hours later he died in the hospital. On Lyudmila, the killer fired a control shot in the head before leaving.

Green was generally famous for the fact that he could absolutely calmly kill a woman in the most cruel way. He also shot the widow of the general director of the Togliatti fish factory Oksana Labintseva.

Alexandra Petrova’s mother spoke about beauty contests: “At one of the local Miss Podium contests, they showed fur coats worn directly on swimsuits. wrapped up, she didn’t even open her fur coat. I think: “that’s all, Shurka, there’s nothing for us to do here.” And suddenly they announce: “Miss Podium” has become Alexandra Petrova! - it was visible in any crowd!" In 1996, the final of the national contest "Miss Russia" was broadcast live on the channel "Russia" on December 14. For the first time it was held outside the capital - in Veliky Novgorod. Of the 40 participants - winners of regional tours, the best 16-year-old Sasha Petrova from the city of Cheboksary was recognized.In 1997, she took part in numerous television programs, show programs, presentations, worked seriously as a fashion model.For a year, Sasha visited many countries of the world, took part in three international competitions.K to the title of "Miss Russia" she added a gold medal of the World Championship of Arts in the nomination "model", received a job offer in Hollywood, but these offers had to be rejected, since Sasha was not yet 18. In July 1997, Alexandra Petrova was recognized as the best at the international modeling contest "Miss Model International", in which representatives of 53 countries took part. At the end of 1997 in Chuvashia, in the homeland of Alex Andra, the contest "Person of the Year" was held. Alexandra Petrova won here too. In 1999 she participated in the Miss Universe pageant. Alexandra Petrova received a serious offer from the international modeling agency Ford Model, but with the condition that she lose weight, learn English and get a short haircut. However, unfortunately, she did not have time to accept this offer. On September 16, 2000, at the entrance, Alexandra was killed with one shot in the head, one day before her 20th birthday. Together with her, two entrepreneurs were shot dead, next to the apartment of one of whom she was.

Who would have thought that in Russia the title of beauty queen could become deadly? Meanwhile, let's remember: the finalist of the Miss Russia-96 contest, Svetlana Kotova, was found in Greece in 1997 - the dismembered body lay in a suitcase, and she was killed along with the famous killer Alexander Solonik, the beauty's "boyfriend". A couple of years ago, "Miss Sochi" was mutilated beyond recognition - a scoundrel doused it with sulfuric acid.

And here is another dead queen. Today marks exactly ten days since Miss Russia Sasha Petrova was shot in Cheboksary. And exactly a week since her funeral took place. They say the city has never seen anything like it. Thousands of people accompanied her on her last journey.
She did not live to be twenty in just two days. Her mother Tatyana Nikolaevna was away. But I was going to come for my 20th birthday. And I had to go to the funeral.
When in 1996 a sixteen-year-old schoolgirl from Cheboksary, Sasha Petrova, was recognized as the “best” in all of Russia, Tatyana Nikolaevna said: “But in our family everyone is like that. A lot of blood is mixed, there is even a gypsy.” Both her grandmother and stepfather doted on her soul. In 1997, she was chosen "Person of the Year" in Chuvashia ...
On that fateful evening, at about eight o'clock, Sasha was returning home with her friend Konstantin Chuvilin, as well as his friend, the deputy director of the Central market, Radik Akhmetov.
They were going up to the third floor when a man with a gun suddenly appeared on the way. The killer methodically put several bullets into each of them. Eight for three. Everyone also received a control shot. Chuvilin died on the spot, Sasha - in the ambulance, Akhmetov - in intensive care.
Then everyone discussed why the neighbors did not hear the shots. Firstly, because the gun was silenced, and secondly, the tenant opposite that evening was noisily "washing" another purchase. Only the neighbor's dog, boxer Raja, reacted to suspicious fuss on the stairs. When her mistress opened the door, the first thing she saw was the muzzle of a pistol aimed straight at her face. But the killer did not shoot at the dumbfounded woman, but rushed out. And that opened a terrible picture: three bloody bodies were lying on the landing. The girl was in death throes.
When the neighbor came to her senses, she remembered what the killer looked like: height 175 centimeters, round face, wide, bulging eyes, dressed in a short dark jacket. The grannies near the entrance later recalled that a suspicious green passenger car had been standing at the entrance for a long time the day before. Marks do not know.
Immediately after the murder, the investigation considered it necessary to develop as many as ten versions. True, one dominated: another criminal showdown took place. After all, both companions of A. Petrova are well-known people among local authorities, both are involved in dubious business. And in the Central market, the struggle for spheres of influence has never stopped. Petrova, most likely, turned out to be an accidental witness to a contract killing and paid for it with her life.
Meanwhile, Sasha Petrova, after receiving the title of "Miss Russia-96" was the idol of many girls. An ordinary schoolgirl from a simple family, Cinderella, received a real glass slipper. Specialists from the Cheboksary House of Models pinned a lot of hopes on her: she looked very impressive in national costumes.
Shura moved to Moscow. She settled in a hostel, however, quite comfortable. Catwalks, commercials, parties... Who doesn't get dizzy? Victory in another competition, again everyone's attention.
But as it happens with athletes and movie stars, suddenly something "stuck", there were minor life problems. And then back in 1998, her manager, Bulgarian Vasil Papazov, died under mysterious circumstances. It didn't work out with the preparation for the Miss Eurasia and Miss Universe contests...
Compatriots increasingly began to see her in their hometown. A year and a half ago, she returned to Cheboksary for good. She entered the Faculty of Linguistics of the Pedagogical University and moved further and further away from the modeling business. I even gained weight. But from the billboards in the city, she still beamed a charming smile.
When she had a life partner - a 37-year-old prosperous, as it seemed to her, businessman Konstantin Chuvilin, she hardly clearly imagined his "occupations". Could only guess. But, of course, no one expected such a tragic ending.
As the Cheboksary police department told us, impressive forces are involved in solving this crime. The killer of "Miss Russia" will be searched no matter what: the policemen also loved Shurochka...

18-year-old Eleonora, 19-year-old Sasha, 22-year-old Sveta. The life of these model girls was just beginning, but their own beauty played a cruel joke on them.

In the nineties, getting into the modeling business automatically promised a connection with some “new Russian”. Those who wanted to avoid dangerous romances were sometimes severely punished: what kind of authority would like to be refused? But even for girls who were ready to take risks in search of a better life, fate sometimes developed very tragically. AiF.ru tells the stories of models who were killed by bandits.

Alexandra Petrova - "Miss Russia-1996"

Sasha Petrova was born in Cheboksary in the most ordinary family and until the age of 17 she had never even flown on an airplane. Of the cities by this age, she managed to see only Moscow and Veliky Novgorod. The local Fashion House sent the girl to the capital to participate in a hairdressing competition, and in Novgorod she defended the honor of Chuvashia at Miss Russia 1996 and even won there.

The modest Shura, who was teased by her classmates for being too tall, got into the modeling business by accident: she came for a company with a girlfriend to a casting and unexpectedly stayed. In a fifteen-year-old girl with long - almost to the knees - hair and a face without a gram of makeup, the selection committee saw great potential. The stakes on Petrova really came true: having won the Miss Russia, she confidently conquered one competition after another, gradually becoming a desirable object not only for foreign modeling agencies, but also for the “new Russians”. In the nineties, people in crimson jackets specifically looked for titled beauties as companions, all kinds of “misses” emphasized their success and omnipotence. Entrepreneur Konstantin Chuvilin was no exception. True, Sasha became for him not just an attribute of a good life, but a true love. He was very kind to the girl and supported her entire family. Petrova did not think about where the man got so much money from, although the whole city knew that Chuvilin was "protecting" many enterprises in Cheboksary. Young people were preparing for the wedding, but they never became spouses. On September 16, 2000, Aleksandra, Konstantin and his friend Radik Akhmetov were killed by competitors. It all happened at the entrance of the house where the couple lived, at the moment when Sasha was trying to open the door of the apartment. Shura was shot in the head, two days before her twentieth birthday, she was buried on her birthday.

Svetlana Kotova - finalist of the Miss Russia 1996 contest

In the nineties, many models made money not only on the catwalks, but also in nightclubs. In one of these institutions, Svetlana Kotova met Alexander Solonik. In appearance, he was an ordinary young man, but behind an ordinary appearance was a professional killer who specialized in the elimination of criminal authorities. He has over 20 kills to his credit. In 1994, operatives were able to detain a criminal at the Petrovsky-Razumovsky market. In the police room, Solonik took out an air pistol and, having shot three representatives of the law at close range, tried to escape, but did not have time. The killer was put in Sailor's Silence, from which he managed to escape. Of course, such a complex operation could not take place without external support. According to one version, Alexander was helped by a guard, who was specially introduced by a criminal group into the ranks of employees of a correctional institution, according to another, a bribed guard. After escaping, Solonik hid abroad for several years, and in 1997 he settled in Greece in a luxurious villa, taking a new name: Vladimir Kesov. The fugitive was then accompanied by 22-year-old model Svetlana Kotova. And, while Russia was unsuccessfully trying to get the killer in another country, the leader of the Orekhovskaya organized crime group, Sergei Butorin, did this with the help of three of his "fighters": Alexei Gusev, Alexander Sharapov and Alexander Pustovalov. The trinity settled not far from the killer, and Pustovalov somehow invited the couple to visit. Neither Solonik himself nor his companion saw anything suspicious in the proposal to meet. But when they came to the Orekhovskys, they killed both of them. During interrogation, Pustovalov assured that Svetlana was given a chance to escape, hinting that she should leave. The girl really went away for a short time to the toilet, but returned just at the moment when Solonik was being strangled, and thereby signed her own death warrant. Her dismembered body was found in May 1997 under an olive tree near Athens in a buried suitcase.

Eleonora Kondratyuk - "Miss charm-1998"

In November 1998, Eleonora Kondratyuk decided to try her hand at the Miss Sochi contest. She did not count on victory and even took handkerchiefs with her to wipe away the tears that inevitably occur at such a young age due to small failures. But she didn't need them. Kondratyuk won the audience award and the title of "Miss Charm". When it came to voting in the hall, the girl received such a standing ovation that she did not leave her competitors a single chance to take an honorable third place.

Six months after the competition, the well-known authority in criminal circles Ruben Grigoryan, nicknamed Cyclops, suddenly became interested in the young beauty. It all started harmlessly. The man tried to persuade the model to a relationship, but she was impregnable. Having suffered another fiasco, Ruben decided to change tactics: almost with tears in his eyes, he began to say that if Eleanor refused him, he would commit suicide. When this technique did not work, the obsessive gentleman turned to threats, assuring that soon the girl would cry bloody tears and crawl to him on her knees. Of course, Kondratyuk was worried about her safety, but she did not want to devote either friends or parents to this story, especially since one fine day Ruben disappeared from sight. Later it turns out that he really went to another city in order to provide himself with an alibi. The people hired by him constantly watched the girl, waiting for the right moment to take revenge on behalf of the rejected admirer. On September 2, 1999, as the model was walking down the street, they grabbed her by the hair and doused her face with highly concentrated sulfuric acid mixed with oil. Such a composition was made on purpose so that Eleanor could not wash it off with ordinary water and probably remained disfigured. Kondratyuk received a fourth-degree burn, almost incompatible with life. In addition, a few drops of the lethal solution got into the girl's mouth, which provoked a burn of the trachea, esophagus and stomach, which made it impossible to eat normally. It took her 19 years of rehabilitation and 200 surgeries to survive. At the same time, the organizer of the crime, Ruben Grigoryan, received only 11 years in prison, and two of his accomplices were even less: 6 and 7 years. In 2017, Kondratyuk wrote the book “Eleanor. I chose life, ”in which she honestly told about everything that happened to her.

Sasha Petrova was still a 16-year-old girl when in 1996 she was recognized as the most beautiful girl in Russia. However, she did not manage to fully enjoy the glory of the "first miss". 4 years after the competition, Sasha was killed. An important role in this tragedy was played by the acquaintance of a spectacular model with one of the crime bosses.

16 year old queen

Alexandra Petrova was a native of Cheboksary. She was born into an ordinary family in 1980. The inhabitants of Chuvashia were very proud and are still proud of the fact that it was their countrywoman, without plastic surgery, silicone and tons of cosmetics, who won first place in the Miss Russia contest in 1996. Then Sasha (or simply Shurochka, as everyone called her) was only 16 years old. Competitions that year were organized not in the capital, as usual, but in Veliky Novgorod. 40 girls competed for the title. The choice of the jury deservedly fell on the beautiful Shura.

Frankly, Sasha Petrova did not dream of becoming a beauty queen, she wanted to become a doctor. But victories in such competitions often open many doors for young beauties. So it happened in the life of Miss 1996. Petrova was called to Hollywood. But the girl was forced to refuse, because at that time she was still a minor.

Bright prospects

Meanwhile, Shura continued to win the most prestigious competitions. Already in the next 1997, she became "Miss Model International". Then her rivals were representatives of more than 50 countries of the world. But Petrova was the best of them. In addition, in the same year she deservedly received the title "Person of the Year" in her native Chuvashia. After 2 years, Alexandra already represented Russia at the Miss Universe pageant in Trinidad and Tobago.

Then she was already 18, and one of the foreign modeling agencies invited Sasha to her place. At that time, she had luxurious and very long hair. The agency staff put forward several conditions: cut your hair, lose some weight and master English. Probably, Petrova was still going to accept this offer, since she really shortened her curls to her shoulders and submitted documents to the institute at the faculty of foreign languages. Only things did not go further than this: in 2000, the beauty queen Alexandra Petrova was killed.

accidental death

The tragedy happened after the Chuvash crime boss Konstantin Chuvilin appeared in Alexandra's life. They say that he was very kind to his Shura and all members of her family. Petrova's relatives spoke of the girl herself as a very kind, naive and disinterested person, who for sure was not very difficult to fall in love with herself with the help of a banal affectionate word. And who knows: maybe love is actually evil, and we do not choose who will become our chosen one?

Be that as it may, on September 16, 2000, Shura Petrova was killed. But the target of the killer was not the Chuvash beauty at all, but her lover Konstantin Chuvilin and his friend Radiy Akhmetov, who was the director of the market. So "Miss Russia-1996" turned out to be another accidental victim of criminal showdowns and the division of spheres of influence between criminal gangs.

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