Girlfriends caress. The perfect foreplay and foreplay girls. How to touch the intimate areas of a girl

Dating on the Internet today is a fairly common phenomenon. Many people are embarrassed to meet in person, so this is a great way out for them. To build a pleasant and long-term virtual communication, young people should know how to interest a girl by correspondence.

What to write to interest a girl?

Getting to know a girl in a chat is not at all difficult. Men need to show charisma and sharpness of mind. Knowing certain tricks will certainly help you succeed.

To begin with, young people should profitably submit information about themselves on a personal page on a social network or on a dating site. Photos in an embrace with other girls or selfies while intoxicated will be absolutely superfluous.

It is also necessary to carefully consider filling out the questionnaire, since the information indicated in it can both intrigue the girl by correspondence, and repel her. First of all, ladies will be interested in the following data of a potential interlocutor:

  • age;
  • marital status;
  • interests;
  • Photo.

To hook a pen pal, you should replenish your portfolio with photographs taken in the family circle and public places, such as theaters or museums. This will create a positive impression.

  1. In the first message of the correspondence, think carefully about what to write to the girl in order to interest her. Do not use formulaic phrases like: “Hi, beauty, how are you?” or “What are you doing? Maybe we can talk?" An extended message text will help arouse interest in your person: “Good afternoon / evening, I am fascinated by your eyes. Your look fascinated me, and I could not help but write.
  2. At the same time, write sincerely and in your own words, without using word-for-word examples of messages, this is unlikely to interest the girl. With further possible communication, a different style of speech will become apparent, and deception will unpleasantly surprise.
  3. Be honest about your intention to meet and note the commonality of your interests. This is possible if both of you are in communities of like-minded people on the social network. General topics for conversation will give communication a sense of ease and ease.
  4. Ask if the girl has the time she is willing to devote to talking with you. When you receive a positive response, be sincerely happy about it.
  5. Pay attention to the photographs of the interlocutor. Be sure to note its external attractiveness. Such compliments will be pleasant to ladies of any age.
  6. Tell about yourself frankly, but at the same time maintaining intrigue. Understatement will provoke the girl to counter questions that will help start a conversation.

In any conversation, politeness is the main weapon of a man. And if earlier you could not imagine how to interest a girl by correspondence in VK, now with her help building relationships will not seem impossible.

In order not to frighten off the person you like in the first minutes of the conversation, you should not ask:

  • about personal life;
  • family composition;
  • earnings.

Such questions from unfamiliar people can cause reluctance to continue communication.

Message examples

The features of the correspondence organized by you depend on the goal that you set for yourself. If you want to woo a girl in order to meet her in real life in the future, do not rush to ask her for a phone number. Not all people are ready to distribute personal information about themselves with a superficial acquaintance. In addition, it is worth assessing the degree of shyness of your interlocutor, as she may not dare to talk to you on the phone.

In your posts, try using a combination of compliment and interest at the same time. For example:

  • "Good afternoon! Can't take my eyes off your photos. Are you even more beautiful in real life? I'm sure I'm not the first to notice this."
  • "Hey. You have a very interesting and beautiful page. You probably get told this a lot."
  • “I saw you in the group. You make a very good impression. Is it possible to continue the conversation?

Do not be assertive and obsessive from the first lines. Give the girl a chance to appreciate your personality. Use emoticons that reflect your emotions. They bring life to the conversation.

If they answered you, do not make the interlocutor wait. This is bad tone. In a further conversation, demonstrate your sense of humor, which will cheer you both up:

  • “What time should I start getting ready for a date?”
  • “You’ll see, for the rest of the day you will remember and think only about me!”

It is worth gradually and imperceptibly to persuade the girl to a personal meeting. The first step towards this goal is to ask for a phone number. How to do it right and not get rejected? Try referring to the fact that you rarely visit your social network / chat profile, preferring real life to virtual communication.

Suggest to the interlocutor a joint trip to the cinema or the park: “I would like you to watch this film too. For this, I am ready to go to the cinema again. Leave me your phone number and we'll set up a meeting."

If the girl refused the request or ignored it, do not put pressure on her. Take the conversation in a different direction, giving the impression that the correspondence on the Internet does not oblige the girl you are interested in. After waiting for a pause, ask this question again, referring to being busy and not wanting to leave: “Thank you for taking the time for me. So sorry to have to go to work. Can you still leave your phone, otherwise I rarely come here? The persistence and interest of a young man should touch the young lady.

Pay attention to the girls that communication by SMS is a step towards rapprochement: “I am very glad that we met. Now I can always answer when you are bored or sad.”

Do not drag out the conversation for months. Try to gain the girl's trust and invite her on a date. After all, only a personal meeting will help you understand how interesting a person really is to you.

A girl can be interested in her hobbies, appearance, cultural manners, scientific achievements, demonstrating material wealth (cars, recreation, gadgets).
Your own material source will raise you as a potential candidate in the eyes of a girl.

Before writing to the lady, filter your page on social networks, delete:

  • All obscene statements;
  • Subscriptions to dating sites;
  • Photos with other girls;
  • Photos with alcohol and cigarettes;
  • All hints of humiliation of the honor and dignity of lovely ladies;
  • Clear the column of personal information from the interests "Drink beer with friends."
  • Cheerful photographs;
  • Photos from sports;
  • Subscribe to Business Publications:
  • Capture the presence of the car;
  • Promote family values ​​(publicly thank your parents for their contribution to your upbringing).

The peak of the tenderness of the girl will be your family photos with your mother or grandmother.

Having created an account of a respectable and honest young man, proceed to charm the girl you like. Pay attention to whether the young lady is burdened with relationships. Joint photos with another guy will confirm their love story. Don't knock on the doorstep of a busy young lady, write another.

What to write Vkontakte

An unobtrusive reception, a feasible and shy guy - "like". A heart at the bottom of a photo or post. It stands for "I like it". A reciprocal like means an interest or the fact that a girl has viewed your profile. When you receive a response signal, write “Hi”, add a compliment or praise.

How to start communication

Do not start communication with the notorious phrase "Hi, let's get acquainted", it sounds trivial and hackneyed, and Madame's self-esteem instantly takes off. Even if no one paid attention to her for six months. It is worth pausing, building up intrigue, so you can be interested in correspondence in contact. The best option is to say hello, adding a compliment. Write to her: "Hi, you're cute", point to the appearance of the girl:

  • pretty;
  • Attractive;
  • Cute;
  • Charming;
  • Charming.
  • Beautiful girl;

Correspondence with a VKontakte girl can be started with the following words:

  1. “Hi, I saw you recently, I would like to chat,” the phrase is relevant for people with a common place to study, work, and relax.
  2. “Hi, the stars told me that I would meet a stunning girl, and it seems that I found her” if you don’t know madam, but you want to start a conversation.
  3. “Hi, I see you love too.? (indicate the specific musical style, hobby, hobby that the girl is engaged in). Option for like-minded people.
  4. “Assalamu alaikum beautiful” - if the girl is a Muslim.
  5. “Peace be to your home, madam, I see you and I will find a common language” - For clear girls. You will be understood by students of law schools and colleges; slang phrases are actively used in these institutions.
  6. “Hello, you just struck me with beauty, pay attention to me” - Standard, often used tackle, quite acceptable.

Compliments are a kind of delight for the ears, tune in to the positive. As a result, the beautiful half of humanity is getting wet, the susceptibility to further communication is growing before our eyes. Do not point out positive character traits (kind, affectionate, sociable, cheerful), without having a personal acquaintance with the lady.

How to behave

Watch your language. If girls frankly stick out their body parts (belly, chest, legs, buttocks). It is fashionable to have a big ass, combined with a thin waist. If you notice that this person has photos, with an angle to the fifth point, feel free to praise her. Do not focus on the chest, it sounds vulgar and ambiguous, the goal is to interest her, and not scare her away. Don't text her "Wow! Great chest."

Facilitates courtship - praise. Add that her proportions are standard, rare and she is a unique person. In addition to the body, the guys for the most part do not notice small details, breathtaking eye color or a chic smile. Focus on the details, it's insanely nice to hear these compliments. Preview the profile of a young person on a social network, the presence of similar interests brings people together, write to her about it: “Hi, I accidentally went to your page, you have an amazing musical taste.” She's enchanted, and you've got a pen pal interested. The next step is to look at how to get her attention.

How to get a girl's attention

To attract the attention of a pen pal, a friend request from a guy allows. After writing to her, go to action. Ladies mostly pay attention to:

  • Unusual appearance;
  • Non-standard hobbies or activities;
  • Wallet full of banknotes;
  • sports figure;
  • Talent;
  • Mind and creativity;
  • Popularity.

Unusual appearance comes from nature (freckles, rare skin tone, incision and eye color). Lacking a natural zest, it is created artificially: dyed hair, piercings, tattoos. Together with the inflated torso, it looks bombed.

Indicate hobbies in the profile, for clarity, take a couple of photos. Don't invent things that don't exist. One photo from the gym will be clearer than a monotonous text about growing biceps muscles.

Money. Yes, ladies like guys with unlimited wallets. Put an equal sign between money and girls. Photos from resorts, expensive cars, gadgets will indicate material wealth. Create the illusion of a beautiful life with the help of photos, her interest will skyrocket.

A beautiful body, inflated muscles win-win stand out against the background of seedy candidates. Having a toned figure, women will pay attention to you. Guys, dare to take the first step

What talent do you need to have to get a girl's attention? Anyone. A sonorous voice, acting talent, developed hand motor skills will be a plus.

The analytical mindset is perfectly comparable to business, a smart guy with money, a real find.

Popularity is expressed in a significant number of friends. A prominent personality, causing wild delight with his appearance in any company, impresses the young ladies.

The lady has the right to refuse the president too, calm down, women have not ended on her.

The refusal is expressed in the following form:

  1. I do not meet and do not communicate.
  2. There is a guy.
  3. Ignoring.
  4. Blacklisting.

How to strike up a conversation

Women's psychology is such that you can attract the attention of an interlocutor by starting to ask her questions, be interested in her hobbies and life. Paying attention to a particular person, you automatically focus her eyes on you. A woman is pleased to realize that she has attracted attention. Find out her:

  1. Place of study / work.
  2. Hobbies.
  3. Attitude to interesting activities, events.
  4. Future plans.
  5. Travel or vacation (planned or happened).

If during the conversation a conversation started, ask about her political views, pets, attitude to the situation in the country, or discuss the price of gasoline. But the next step.

Text her: "I found your page by accident, you're cute." The answer basically expresses gratitude. Take courage and ask her a banal but informative question “Do you want to talk?” If the answer is yes, I can congratulate you, you have interested the lady, attracted her attention. A negative answer is a categorical unwillingness to get acquainted.

What to ask a girl

When texting, ask the young lady about her studies, work, hobbies, plans for the future, find out about her travels. Take the initiative, show interest.


Ask the girl questions:

  1. Where are you studying?
  2. What course?
  3. Is it difficult to study?
  4. Are you studying budget or commerce?
  5. Do you like your chosen specialty?
  6. What form of education do you have?
  7. Do you like the learning process?
  8. How do you communicate with the team?
  9. Are you planning to go to graduate school?
  10. Where are you thinking of working after graduation?
  11. How do you get to the university (college)?
  12. How long to go?
  13. You must be very tired?

The logical order of questions is preserved, do not clutter up the dialogue with a bunch of questions, choose 2 - 3 you like. Ask, drop the shyness.


An extensive topic for conversation. It is relevant everywhere, everyone discusses the work, do not shy away from it, ask a couple of professional questions.

List of working questions:

  1. Where do you want to work?
  2. Have you thought about starting your own business?
  3. What do you want to do next?
  4. Where do you work?
  5. How much pay?
  6. Would you like to make money from your hobby?
  7. Do you have hobbies that generate income?
  8. What would you choose, to work at an unloved enterprise with high wages, or to do what you love, but for a penny?

Pay attention to the girl's answer, here you will find out how important money is to her.


What makes a person interesting is what he loves to do. Having learned about a hobby, it is realistic to draw up an approximate description, to identify the dominant character traits.

Ask her a few of the following questions:

  1. Do you have a favorite activity?
  2. What do you do in your free time?
  3. It would be interesting to hear about your hobby
  4. How do you feel about sports?
  5. Which is better, physical activity or creative activity?
  6. What music do you listen to?

Travel or vacation

Traveling is useful and necessary, for the sake of new sensations, emotions, interesting stories. Touch on this topic, it is fresh and relevant.

Choose a couple of questions "an avid traveler":

  1. Have you been abroad?
  2. How many countries have you visited?
  3. Where did you like it the most?
  4. What Russian cities have you been to?
  5. What can you say about (city you visited)
  6. What do you prefer, active or passive rest?
  7. How do you feel about outdoor recreation?
  8. Did you like the sea sunset?
  9. Have you ever flown on an airplane?
  10. What is your longest flight?
  11. Where did you like it the most?
  12. Where would you like to go?

Choose, improvise, ask questions to the girl.

Future plans

Interested in a girl by correspondence and having a further relationship with her are two different things. A young man should evaluate the real prospects for further communication with a beauty.

Questions of a vague future:

  1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  2. Would you like to move to another country?
  3. What position excites you the most?
  4. Are you planning to move to another city?

What to write to get interested

We have already figured out how to attract the attention of a girl, what to ask her. The interest of a nice woman is half the work done. The young man, collecting information about her, subsequently tells about himself.

Ways to get your pen pal interested:

  • Tell her about your virtues;
  • Show your skills and abilities;
  • Captivate with a sense of humor;
  • Having an athletic physique, she will be interested in you herself;
  • Tell about your achievements.

Showing your best side, you increase your chances. Tell us about your achievements, sports awards, career successes, titles and any merits.

Skills and abilities. Any acquired skill is of interest. Showcase your skills with video or photos. The ability to show tricks will impress the beauty for a long time, and she will want to continue communication.

A sense of humor is valued throughout life. The ability to joke funny is worth its weight in gold. Humor causes a smile, laughter, fun, saves from adversity, cheers up. A good sense of humor seeks the location and interest of the girl.

Having a beautiful, toned body, confirmed by photos on social networks, girls will become interested in you. Athletic body is half the success. They pay attention to handsome guys, agree to get acquainted.

Remember, simplicity and sincerity are your trump cards. Paphos, excessive self-confidence, boastfulness will play a negative role. Simple, kind and sympathetic young people are more sympathetic than pretentious alphas.

How to keep the conversation going

Express your thoughts openly, ask questions, be an active participant in the conversation. Talk to the young lady, answer her questions. Activate miner mode.

Keep up the conversation wisely:

  • Listen to the interlocutor, along the way asking questions;
  • Answer with polysyllabic phrases;
  • Get to the heart of the conversation;
  • Throw original themes;
  • Give cases from life;
  • Joke, activate the charm;
  • Tell us about your own personality and hobbies;
  • Use the principle of simplicity and openness;
  • Do not brag about love affairs.

By mutually expressing thoughts, a man and a woman understand whether they are interesting to each other. If a stream of uninteresting information is pouring into your ears, think about stopping the correspondence. Having found a common topic for conversation, but embarrassed to be misunderstood, hint about embarrassment to the girl. Restraint does not cause aggression or misunderstanding, but rather a kind of favor. Don't be afraid to be confident and bold. Relationships with the opposite sex will bind you all your life.

The essence of maintaining a conversation is an interest in your interlocutor, and throwing up topics for conversation if the past has exhausted itself.

How to intrigue a girl

Charisma, self-esteem, confidence and easy courage in communication will intrigue your madam. Here are a couple more ways to surprise a friend:

  • Find out her phone number without asking the girl;
  • Punch her place of residence (leave a note or a flower at the door);
  • “Accidentally” cross paths with her on the street;
  • Persuade her friends for a planned meeting;
  • Create a photo collage with her photos;

In specific ways, you will make the girl nervous. Intrigue bordering on insanity. Use advice in hopeless situations. There is a high risk of being branded as a stalker. Carefully, unobtrusively, use one of the methods. The least shocking will be ideas with photos and a call from an unknown number. Don't overdo it with intrigue.

Guys! Collect all your courage, add coolness and go win women's hearts! Throw out bad habits, go in for sports, promote your ideas and there will be no end to the beauties.

Good day, dear readers. Today we will talk about how to interest a girl by correspondence in social networks. networks. You will find out which topics are the most relevant in this matter. You will know how not to start communicating on the Internet with a beautiful chosen one. Get acquainted with specific examples of the beginning of a dialogue. You will become aware of the valuable rules of communication in social networks with a representative of the opposite sex.

Successful topics for communication

Questions to interest a girl should be about neutral topics, and not affect her personality or appearance in any way.

  1. You can find out what the girl's plans for the weekend are. Such a question will allow you to escape from everyday life, mentally move into the near future. Such conversations allow you to relax, improve your mood.
  2. Discussion of film premieres. So you can find out what interests the girl. Ask about her opinion about the acting, about the quality of new films. You don't need to prove your point.
  3. Ask the girl what interests her, besides work or study, what she enjoys in her free time. Tell her about yours. Perhaps you have something in common.
  4. Ask her what her future plans are, where she plans to be in a year or five. Perhaps the girl dreams about something very strongly. Who knows, maybe you can make her wishes come true.

Common mistakes

Every guy should know with what questions he can arouse the indignation of the girl, form hostility towards his person. Let's look at what mistakes young people most often make when starting communication with the opposite sex on the Internet.

  1. Banality. If a young person begins his dialogue with the phrase “Hi, how are you?” or “... what are you doing now?”, then the girl can simply ignore such a message.
  2. The presence in the speech of obscene words or slang expressions. A rare girl will answer an uncultured person. If the chosen one does not respond to messages or sent you to hell - this is not a reason to write insults to her and call her names.
  3. hints of intimacy. This includes compliments towards the girl's figure when inheriting a photograph, and the desire to look at her in person. Such a statement at the initial stage of communication will be negatively perceived by the girl.
  4. Presence of grammatical errors. Girls do not like to communicate with guys who write illiterately.
  5. Fake pages are not allowed. The girl will not contact a person whose account does not have personal photos, instead a picture of a car or a photo of some celebrity. And, if also, then this will alert the chosen one, she will not want to communicate with such a person.
  6. Never throw out all your problems, failures in your personal life on a girl, don't talk about your illnesses, don't make yourself look like a loser.
  7. There is no need to embellish yourself, deceive your interlocutor, behave feignedly. It is important to understand that sooner or later everything secret will become clear.


Let's look at what phrases you can start your dialogue with a girl you like on a social network.

  1. Hey! You look irresistible, in my opinion, you are a nice girl! I would be very glad to talk closer.
  2. Hey! Your photos amazed me, you are so cute! I wonder what you are in real life?
  3. Hey! You have such cool pictures, probably, there is no end to the fans?
  4. Hey! How do you feel about online dating?
  5. Hey! And my name is Nikita, I would very much like to meet you.
  6. Good evening Elena! I noticed your account and could not pass by. I noticed that we have common hobbies, namely origami classes. We will definitely have something to talk about.

Which phrase is better to start a conversation, you can decide personally in each individual case. It is important that the girl noticed that you are interested in communicating with her.

Let's look at a possible example of the first dialogue:

  • Hello Alena! My name is Igor. I noticed your avatar, was blinded by a smile. So I decided to get acquainted.
  • Hi Igor! Thank you for such a compliment.
  • I noticed that you are also interested in rock music.
  • Yes! I love Linkin Park!

Another dialogue example:

  • Hello Ira! I came across your page when I searched for the hashtag "journey". I am an avid tourist. It would be interesting for me to talk with a like-minded person.
  • Hey! I'm glad you wrote to me. Few of my friends hold the same outlook on life.
  • It would be interesting to talk on the phone or meet. You probably have a lot of interesting stories in store.
  • Why not. I am not against such communication.
  1. Thinking about what to write to your chosen one on the Internet, tell her about your active life. Write about how you spend your free time. Great if you play sports.
  2. Your correspondence must be active. But this does not mean that it is necessary to be intrusive, constantly write something to your chosen one, especially if she is. You need to maintain virtual contact. Be a good storyteller. Try not to disappear for a long time from the network, so as not to lose communication with her.
  3. Show interest in her activity on the page. Comment on photos, put likes, pay attention to what she is interested in. When communicating, do not forget to be interested in events in everyday life, in reality.
  4. Dazzle with your talents. Tell your partner about your hobby. If you are good at art in a graphic editor, send us screenshots of your work. If you skillfully mastered the guitar, record your playing and send it to the girl as an attachment to the message.
  5. Try to be unusual and unpredictable. Today you can be serious, and tomorrow there will be mischief.
  6. Your communication should be easy and relaxed.
  7. If you want to know how to interest a girl in VK, then you need to keep intrigue and understatement. You can deliberately not talk about some moments in your life, hinting that over time, in a personal meeting, she will find out about everything. This is a great option for those chosen ones who are very curious and try to find out as much information as possible about their pen pal.
  8. Surprise with your sense of humor. Make the girl smile on the other side of the blue screen.
  9. Before thinking about what to ask a girl to interest her, you need to make sure that your page on the social network makes a good impression on her. Analyze your account, remove all unnecessary information. Review all your photos, keep only the best shots. It is unacceptable that pictures with other girls appear, especially with those whom you hug.
  10. Ask questions more often, but only adequate ones, those that the chosen one herself wants to answer.
  11. Add emoticons to your virtual chat. They will give life.
  12. Try to act like a girl. If the chosen one responds instantly to your message, then do the same. If she is silent for a long time, and only then writes her answer, there is no need to rush with her message. Never sit waiting for a message from the chosen one. Keep going, keep doing your thing.
  13. If you are curious about how to understand what a girl is interested in, then she herself will begin to show interest, ask various questions and hint at a possible meeting outside the virtual world.
  14. If you have been chatting on a social network for quite a long time, you can arouse curiosity in your interlocutor. During communication, constantly keep something under wraps. If she asks questions, methodically avoid answers. For example, you can talk about visiting a super place the other day. The girl will be interested in which one. And you write what she learns about him when she personally goes there on a date. Be sure to specify that, for example, she should be wearing comfortable shoes. This will intrigue the chosen one even more.
  15. If you notice that you are sufficiently interested in your girlfriend, then you can try to proceed to the next step, talk to her about a personal meeting. It is better to do this some time after the start of the correspondence. If the young lady refuses, do not immediately get upset or blacklist the girl. You can continue to communicate with her. It is possible that the girl will eventually agree to meet with you, and perhaps the first to take a step.

Now you know how you can interest your chosen one while communicating on the Internet. Remember the interests of the girl. No need to ask questions that will make her blush. Never be cunning and do not impersonate another person if the young lady is really dear to you.

The modern rhythm of life dictates its conditions. Increasingly, face-to-face meetings are being replaced by online communication. It allows not only to get to know a person, but in many cases becomes the first step to a serious relationship.

How to make a girl fall in love with you in correspondence, how difficult it is and what basic principles should be followed - we will consider further.

In contact with

Finding the one on the World Wide Web is not so easy. There are a number of features of communication on the Internet that both complicate and facilitate the solution of the problem of how to fall in love with a girl by correspondence.

  1. Anonymity. The minimum set of information presented on social networks is not enough to understand the nature of a person. The user may hide information or deliberately misrepresent. In addition, the complexity of such communication lies in the fact that it is sometimes difficult.
  2. Features of perception. Information received about a girl in the course of correspondence is perceived through stereotypes and presets. Often the image of a partner does not coincide with his real personality, he is embellished and exalted. This can become an obstacle when contacting outside the network. The girl can even specifically and attitude to the interlocutor.
  3. Lack of emotion. Some phrases may be perceived incorrectly due to untransmitted emotional overtones.
  4. Contact / voluntariness. Finding a girl to chat on social networks is easy and fast. Most often, the fair sex themselves are ready to communicate, but they can also quickly interrupt it.
  5. Creating an "image". The girl on her page strives to create different images. Someone wants to seem like a good housewife and posts recipes, while someone likes the “Turgenev girl” and quotes from the classics. This does not exclude the possibility that in her life she only cooks sandwiches, but the last time she read a fairy tale about Kolobok.

It is almost impossible to determine the true character traits, interests and demeanor only through messages. That is why virtual relationships are also a risk.

How to meet online?

Before you fall in love with a girl through correspondence, you need to find this very girl. For this it is possible:

  1. Add her as a friend. This is the most simple and unsophisticated way. If the girl accepted the application, then the first step to success has already been taken.
  2. Communication on forums or in groups. This allows you to find a soul mate with similar interests. In addition, starting communication in such communities in the future, you can go to private messages immediately at a new level.
  3. Register on a dating site. Now, not all girls are waiting for the first step, but are actively looking for their prince. An attractive photo and an intriguing profile can draw attention to a young man.

How to interest the interlocutor?

After the acquaintance has taken place, it is necessary to warm up and maintain interest in your own person. This is possible if:

  1. There are similar interests or hobbies. It is much easier for people who have long and hopelessly loved the same music, travel or books to find a common language. In addition, there are always topics for conversation.
  2. Pay attention to her personality. In search of an answer to the question of how to make a girl fall in love with you on VK, you can find a simple answer - talk about her. The fair sex is very fond of discussing themselves, their character and hobbies. The main thing is to know the measure and not to make the theater of one actor out of correspondence.
  3. Show her your best side. Even if there are no points of contact, then the principle that opposites attract has not been canceled by anyone.

By opening something new to her, you can become not only a couple, but also find a new ally to implement crazy ideas.

How to fall in love with a girl by correspondence?

In order to awaken tender feelings in her, it is important to understand what can be written and what is not worth it. It is very easy to scare a girl on the Internet, so you need to be patient and careful.

How to conduct a dialogue correctly?

How to fall in love with a girl by correspondence in VKontakte or another social network:

  1. Write competently. Nobody likes mistakes, missing punctuation marks, and incorrect turns of speech.
  2. To be polite. Do not use profanity or disrespectful words.
  3. Use emoticons in moderation. Their excess looks ridiculous.
  4. Write inconsistently. Regular communication will develop a habit, and she will start to get bored.
  5. Say compliments. A kind word, as you know, is also pleasant for a cat. Girls, in general, cannot live without compliments.
  6. Respect her interests and desires. Ask questions about her life, friends, dog.
  7. Be sincere. The best way is to be real. No need to be hypocritical, lie or exaggerate.

What should not be written?

What should be avoided in Internet communication:

  1. Obsessions. Too much attention can be intimidating.
  2. "Thick" hints of continuation and regular intimate conversations. In some cases, the girl starts them herself, but it is not worth constantly being the initiator of this topic exclusively.
  3. About your ex. Not everyone is interested in stories about past relationships, moreover, there is no need to speak negatively about the girls with whom the relationship ended.

Of course, many guys know how to fall in love with a girl by correspondence, examples of such relationships can be found at every turn. However, full-fledged feelings are not able to develop within the Internet. Sooner or later, communication must be transferred to the real world. There are many ways to win a girl in person. You can read about how to behave with a girl in order to interest her, for example, at school.

Useful video

It is impossible to give an unequivocal answer to the question: “How to make a girl fall in love with you by correspondence?” All girls are different: someone is attracted to music, someone is attracted to travel, and someone is culinary. It is clear that the topics for conversation will also be different. But using the general tips from the video will definitely not be superfluous:


  1. It is impossible to fall in love with a girl following a certain algorithm. But there are several signs by which you can understand that she still likes you. More about them -.
  2. Being real, sincere, caring - these are the main secrets of success in relationships, both in life and on the Internet.

A girl can be interested in her hobbies, appearance, cultural manners, scientific achievements, demonstrating material wealth (cars, recreation, gadgets).
Your own material source will raise you as a potential candidate in the eyes of a girl.

Before writing to the lady, filter your page on social networks, delete:

  • All obscene statements;
  • Subscriptions to dating sites;
  • Photos with other girls;
  • Photos with alcohol and cigarettes;
  • All hints of humiliation of the honor and dignity of lovely ladies;
  • Clear the column of personal information from the interests "Drink beer with friends."
  • Cheerful photographs;
  • Photos from sports;
  • Subscribe to Business Publications:
  • Capture the presence of the car;
  • Promote family values ​​(publicly thank your parents for their contribution to your upbringing).

The peak of the tenderness of the girl will be your family photos with your mother or grandmother.

Having created an account of a respectable and honest young man, proceed to charm the girl you like. Pay attention to whether the young lady is burdened with relationships. Joint photos with another guy will confirm their love story. Don't knock on the doorstep of a busy young lady, write another.

What to write Vkontakte

An unobtrusive reception, a feasible and shy guy - "like". A heart at the bottom of a photo or post. It stands for "I like it". A reciprocal like means an interest or the fact that a girl has viewed your profile. When you receive a response signal, write “Hi”, add a compliment or praise.

How to start communication

Do not start communication with the notorious phrase "Hi, let's get acquainted", it sounds trivial and hackneyed, and Madame's self-esteem instantly takes off. Even if no one paid attention to her for six months. It is worth pausing, building up intrigue, so you can be interested in correspondence in contact. The best option is to say hello, adding a compliment. Write to her: "Hi, you're cute", point to the appearance of the girl:

  • pretty;
  • Attractive;
  • Cute;
  • Charming;
  • Charming.
  • Beautiful girl;

Correspondence with a VKontakte girl can be started with the following words:

  1. “Hi, I saw you recently, I would like to chat,” the phrase is relevant for people with a common place to study, work, and relax.
  2. “Hi, the stars told me that I would meet a stunning girl, and it seems that I found her” if you don’t know madam, but you want to start a conversation.
  3. “Hi, I see you love too.? (indicate the specific musical style, hobby, hobby that the girl is engaged in). Option for like-minded people.
  4. “Assalamu alaikum beautiful” - if the girl is a Muslim.
  5. “Peace be to your home, madam, I see you and I will find a common language” - For clear girls. You will be understood by students of law schools and colleges; slang phrases are actively used in these institutions.
  6. “Hello, you just struck me with beauty, pay attention to me” - Standard, often used tackle, quite acceptable.

Compliments are a kind of delight for the ears, tune in to the positive. As a result, the beautiful half of humanity is getting wet, the susceptibility to further communication is growing before our eyes. Do not point out positive character traits (kind, affectionate, sociable, cheerful), without having a personal acquaintance with the lady.

How to behave

Watch your language. If girls frankly stick out their body parts (belly, chest, legs, buttocks). It is fashionable to have a big ass, combined with a thin waist. If you notice that this person has photos, with an angle to the fifth point, feel free to praise her. Do not focus on the chest, it sounds vulgar and ambiguous, the goal is to interest her, and not scare her away. Don't text her "Wow! Great chest."

Facilitates courtship - praise. Add that her proportions are standard, rare and she is a unique person. In addition to the body, the guys for the most part do not notice small details, breathtaking eye color or a chic smile. Focus on the details, it's insanely nice to hear these compliments. Preview the profile of a young person on a social network, the presence of similar interests brings people together, write to her about it: “Hi, I accidentally went to your page, you have an amazing musical taste.” She's enchanted, and you've got a pen pal interested. The next step is to look at how to get her attention.

How to get a girl's attention

To attract the attention of a pen pal, a friend request from a guy allows. After writing to her, go to action. Ladies mostly pay attention to:

  • Unusual appearance;
  • Non-standard hobbies or activities;
  • Wallet full of banknotes;
  • sports figure;
  • Talent;
  • Mind and creativity;
  • Popularity.

Unusual appearance comes from nature (freckles, rare skin tone, incision and eye color). Lacking a natural zest, it is created artificially: dyed hair, piercings, tattoos. Together with the inflated torso, it looks bombed.

Indicate hobbies in the profile, for clarity, take a couple of photos. Don't invent things that don't exist. One photo from the gym will be clearer than a monotonous text about growing biceps muscles.

Money. Yes, ladies like guys with unlimited wallets. Put an equal sign between money and girls. Photos from resorts, expensive cars, gadgets will indicate material wealth. Create the illusion of a beautiful life with the help of photos, her interest will skyrocket.

A beautiful body, inflated muscles win-win stand out against the background of seedy candidates. Having a toned figure, women will pay attention to you. Guys, dare to take the first step

What talent do you need to have to get a girl's attention? Anyone. A sonorous voice, acting talent, developed hand motor skills will be a plus.

The analytical mindset is perfectly comparable to business, a smart guy with money, a real find.

Popularity is expressed in a significant number of friends. A prominent personality, causing wild delight with his appearance in any company, impresses the young ladies.

The lady has the right to refuse the president too, calm down, women have not ended on her.

The refusal is expressed in the following form:

  1. I do not meet and do not communicate.
  2. There is a guy.
  3. Ignoring.
  4. Blacklisting.

How to strike up a conversation

Women's psychology is such that you can attract the attention of an interlocutor by starting to ask her questions, be interested in her hobbies and life. Paying attention to a particular person, you automatically focus her eyes on you. A woman is pleased to realize that she has attracted attention. Find out her:

  1. Place of study / work.
  2. Hobbies.
  3. Attitude to interesting activities, events.
  4. Future plans.
  5. Travel or vacation (planned or happened).

If during the conversation a conversation started, ask about her political views, pets, attitude to the situation in the country, or discuss the price of gasoline. But the next step.

Text her: "I found your page by accident, you're cute." The answer basically expresses gratitude. Take courage and ask her a banal but informative question “Do you want to talk?” If the answer is yes, I can congratulate you, you have interested the lady, attracted her attention. A negative answer is a categorical unwillingness to get acquainted.

What to ask a girl

When texting, ask the young lady about her studies, work, hobbies, plans for the future, find out about her travels. Take the initiative, show interest.


Ask the girl questions:

  1. Where are you studying?
  2. What course?
  3. Is it difficult to study?
  4. Are you studying budget or commerce?
  5. Do you like your chosen specialty?
  6. What form of education do you have?
  7. Do you like the learning process?
  8. How do you communicate with the team?
  9. Are you planning to go to graduate school?
  10. Where are you thinking of working after graduation?
  11. How do you get to the university (college)?
  12. How long to go?
  13. You must be very tired?

The logical order of questions is preserved, do not clutter up the dialogue with a bunch of questions, choose 2 - 3 you like. Ask, drop the shyness.


An extensive topic for conversation. It is relevant everywhere, everyone discusses the work, do not shy away from it, ask a couple of professional questions.

List of working questions:

  1. Where do you want to work?
  2. Have you thought about starting your own business?
  3. What do you want to do next?
  4. Where do you work?
  5. How much pay?
  6. Would you like to make money from your hobby?
  7. Do you have hobbies that generate income?
  8. What would you choose, to work at an unloved enterprise with high wages, or to do what you love, but for a penny?

Pay attention to the girl's answer, here you will find out how important money is to her.


What makes a person interesting is what he loves to do. Having learned about a hobby, it is realistic to draw up an approximate description, to identify the dominant character traits.

Ask her a few of the following questions:

  1. Do you have a favorite activity?
  2. What do you do in your free time?
  3. It would be interesting to hear about your hobby
  4. How do you feel about sports?
  5. Which is better, physical activity or creative activity?
  6. What music do you listen to?

Travel or vacation

Traveling is useful and necessary, for the sake of new sensations, emotions, interesting stories. Touch on this topic, it is fresh and relevant.

Choose a couple of questions "an avid traveler":

  1. Have you been abroad?
  2. How many countries have you visited?
  3. Where did you like it the most?
  4. What Russian cities have you been to?
  5. What can you say about (city you visited)
  6. What do you prefer, active or passive rest?
  7. How do you feel about outdoor recreation?
  8. Did you like the sea sunset?
  9. Have you ever flown on an airplane?
  10. What is your longest flight?
  11. Where did you like it the most?
  12. Where would you like to go?

Choose, improvise, ask questions to the girl.

Future plans

Interested in a girl by correspondence and having a further relationship with her are two different things. A young man should evaluate the real prospects for further communication with a beauty.

Questions of a vague future:

  1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  2. Would you like to move to another country?
  3. What position excites you the most?
  4. Are you planning to move to another city?

What to write to get interested

We have already figured out how to attract the attention of a girl, what to ask her. The interest of a nice woman is half the work done. The young man, collecting information about her, subsequently tells about himself.

Ways to get your pen pal interested:

  • Tell her about your virtues;
  • Show your skills and abilities;
  • Captivate with a sense of humor;
  • Having an athletic physique, she will be interested in you herself;
  • Tell about your achievements.

Showing your best side, you increase your chances. Tell us about your achievements, sports awards, career successes, titles and any merits.

Skills and abilities. Any acquired skill is of interest. Showcase your skills with video or photos. The ability to show tricks will impress the beauty for a long time, and she will want to continue communication.

A sense of humor is valued throughout life. The ability to joke funny is worth its weight in gold. Humor causes a smile, laughter, fun, saves from adversity, cheers up. A good sense of humor seeks the location and interest of the girl.

Having a beautiful, toned body, confirmed by photos on social networks, girls will become interested in you. Athletic body is half the success. They pay attention to handsome guys, agree to get acquainted.

Remember, simplicity and sincerity are your trump cards. Paphos, excessive self-confidence, boastfulness will play a negative role. Simple, kind and sympathetic young people are more sympathetic than pretentious alphas.

How to keep the conversation going

Express your thoughts openly, ask questions, be an active participant in the conversation. Talk to the young lady, answer her questions. Activate miner mode.

Keep up the conversation wisely:

  • Listen to the interlocutor, along the way asking questions;
  • Answer with polysyllabic phrases;
  • Get to the heart of the conversation;
  • Throw original themes;
  • Give cases from life;
  • Joke, activate the charm;
  • Tell us about your own personality and hobbies;
  • Use the principle of simplicity and openness;
  • Do not brag about love affairs.

By mutually expressing thoughts, a man and a woman understand whether they are interesting to each other. If a stream of uninteresting information is pouring into your ears, think about stopping the correspondence. Having found a common topic for conversation, but embarrassed to be misunderstood, hint about embarrassment to the girl. Restraint does not cause aggression or misunderstanding, but rather a kind of favor. Don't be afraid to be confident and bold. Relationships with the opposite sex will bind you all your life.

The essence of maintaining a conversation is an interest in your interlocutor, and throwing up topics for conversation if the past has exhausted itself.

How to intrigue a girl

Charisma, self-esteem, confidence and easy courage in communication will intrigue your madam. Here are a couple more ways to surprise a friend:

  • Find out her phone number without asking the girl;
  • Punch her place of residence (leave a note or a flower at the door);
  • “Accidentally” cross paths with her on the street;
  • Persuade her friends for a planned meeting;
  • Create a photo collage with her photos;

In specific ways, you will make the girl nervous. Intrigue bordering on insanity. Use advice in hopeless situations. There is a high risk of being branded as a stalker. Carefully, unobtrusively, use one of the methods. The least shocking will be ideas with photos and a call from an unknown number. Don't overdo it with intrigue.

Guys! Collect all your courage, add coolness and go win women's hearts! Throw out bad habits, go in for sports, promote your ideas and there will be no end to the beauties.

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