Take courses to change jobs. How to change profession. Pleasant bonuses for the brave

We recently found out that the name of the profession of one of our employees does not correspond to that indicated in the qualification directory. The profession was renamed back in 2005, but my predecessor did not make any changes in this regard. Can you tell me how I can complete the required paperwork? How to make an entry about the renaming of the profession in the employee's work book?


According to part 2 of Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), the labor function of an employee (work according to the position in accordance with the staff list, profession, specialty, indicating qualifications; a specific type of work assigned) is one of the mandatory conditions of the employment contract.

In this case, when the performance of work is associated with the provision of compensation and benefits or with the establishment of restrictions, the name of the position (profession, specialty) and qualification requirements for it must comply with the names and requirements specified in the qualification reference books, or the provisions of professional standards (paragraph 3 part 2 article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In other cases, the employer may name the position (profession, specialty) at its discretion.

However, the indication of the name of the profession in the employment contract at its conclusion does not mean that it will remain unchanged during the entire period of work in the company.

For example, the name of the profession changes when transferred to another job.

If the nature of the work performed gives the employee the right to early retirement in the future, then the name of the profession (specialty) must be established in strict accordance with the qualification directory or professional standard.

When it becomes necessary to rename a profession

The need to rename the profession of an employee without changing the labor function may arise due to various circumstances.

Situation 1. Changes have been made to the regulatory document fixing the name of the profession.

Situation 2. An error was found in the name of the profession.

Situation 3. It became necessary to bring the name of the employee's profession in line with legal acts that provide workers with certain guarantees, benefits and benefits, or, conversely, establish restrictions. This situation is the most common.

For example: The employee's documents indicate the incomplete name of the profession, for which the Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Works and Professions of Workers, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 31, 2002 No. 787 provides for a double name (in this case, in fact, an employee can perform only one type of work).

In the situation under consideration, the renaming of a profession is associated with amendments to the relevant regulatory legal act. We believe that in this case it is required to change the terms of the employment contract in the manner prescribed by Art. 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for amending a normative legal act

The procedure may be as follows.

Step 1. Draw up an act.

Draw up an act on the establishment of a discrepancy between the name of the profession in personnel documents and the provisions of the regulatory legal act.

We believe that it is better to inform the employee in writing that the name of his profession has been changed by a regulatory legal act. The notification must make a reference to this normative act and indicate the new name of the profession. The employee is introduced to the notice against signature (example 1).

Step 3. Issue an order to amend the staffing table.

The order to bring the name of the profession in line with the normative legal act (example 2) is an order for the main activity. The text of the document should indicate the basis for renaming the profession, its former name, new one, the date of entry into force of these changes.

Step 4. Conclude an additional agreement to the employment contract on changing the name of the profession. Since the name of the profession is fixed in the employment contract, the necessary changes are made by concluding an additional agreement, the text of which lists the conditions that the parties have agreed to change (example 3).

Step 5. Making an entry about the renaming of the profession in the work book.

Since in our case the renaming of the profession is not associated with a change in the labor function and other conditions of the employment contract, an entry in the work book is made on the basis of clause 3.1 of the Instruction for filling out work books, approved. Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 10.10.2003 No. 69 (example 4).

Step 6. Make changes to the employee's personal card.

All employees receive a personal card upon hiring. According to clause 12 of the Rules for the maintenance and storage of work books, the production of work book forms and the provision of employers with them, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225 “On work books”, with each entry made in the work book about the work performed, transfer to another permanent job and dismissal, the employer is obliged to acquaint its owner against signature in a personal card, where the entry made in labor. If you continue to use the unified form of a personal card (form No. T-2, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 05.01.2004 No. 1), having approved it as part of the accounting policy, a note on the renaming of the profession can be made in section X "Additional information".

Step 7. Make changes to other personnel documents.

Corresponding changes are made, for example, to the time sheet, production instructions, labor protection instructions, etc.


Renaming a profession in connection with amendments to the regulatory legal act approving its name should be formalized in the manner prescribed by Art. 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Our reference

One of the conditions determining the right of employees to early appointment of an old-age labor pension in accordance with List No. 1 of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators in underground work, in jobs with especially harmful and especially difficult working conditions, employment in which gives the right to retirement pension (old age) on preferential terms, and List No. 2 of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators with harmful and difficult working conditions, employment in which gives the right to an old-age pension (old age) on preferential terms, approved. Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR dated January 26, 1991 No. 10, is the correspondence of the names of their professions to the names in the Lists.

Since the work book is the main document confirming work by profession or position, giving the right to early retirement, it must indicate the name of the profession and position of the employee, as well as the name of the production in the form of the workshop of the same name or its structural unit in accordance with qualification reference books.

Example 1. Notification of an employee about the renaming of a profession.

Example 2. An order to amend the staffing table.

Example 3. Additional agreement to the employment contract (fragment).

Example 4. Making an entry in the work book about renaming the profession.

Many people think about changing their profession after 30 years. At this time, many understand that the choice of their specialty was not entirely correct, and they are drawn in a completely different direction. You should not be afraid of change either at 30 or at 50 years old. But before changing your specialty, it is better to weigh everything well and think it over carefully - perhaps your desire is associated with professional difficulties and failures. You can read more about how to change jobs and get a new profession in this article.

Why do people want to change their specialty?

The first third of a person's life is eventful. Until the age of 30, many women and men receive a specialty, create a family, raise children. Often there is no time left for reflection and reflection on whether the right professional path was chosen in the student years. In the meantime, many go to get an education not out of their sincere desire, but on the advice of their parents, the example of friends, or simply because the circumstances have developed. It is not surprising that at the age of 30, when a person has already formed as a person, he has thoughts like this: “I want to change my profession.”

If you're thinking about changing careers after 30, don't worry, you're not alone. Polls show that many at this age start looking for a job with a radically new profile. Many turn to the services of career guidance tests that help identify abilities in some areas. By about age 30, people have a clear idea of ​​their lives: they are aware of their personal qualities, the effectiveness of their work, a sense of recognition and pleasure from it. If the desired sensations do not match the real ones, a person may decide to leave his specialty. It often happens that a person is satisfied with everything in his work, except for wages. No matter how beloved the profession is, if it does not bring a proper response in the form of money, then a person can quickly experience burnout and disappointment in his work. Less often, the “glass ceiling” becomes the reason for changing professions. It does not allow a person to grow as a professional, and no one wants to spend their whole life in the same position. Often a person has some kind of hobby that he has been doing for many years and wants to monetize his income.

Signs it's time to change jobs

Many people are afraid to change their profession, because the unknown is ahead, and people do not understand whether they will be able to realize themselves in a new field. The financial factor also stops - after all, for some time it will be necessary to live without a constant salary. There are several criteria that will help you decide whether to change your profession.

  • If the current job is the first place of work after the university, it is likely that you got there not of your own free will, but on the recommendation of friends or because they hired employees without experience only there.
  • You feel the need for further development, but there is nowhere to grow in your profession: neither in this company, nor in another.
  • Your specialty implies a lot of work, which prevents you from seeing your family and children.
  • The scope of your profession is gradually shrinking, and earning is becoming increasingly difficult.
  • You literally force yourself to go to work every day and hardly sit out the allotted time.
  • There are age limits in your profession, and you are approaching their threshold.
  • Do you have a hobby that brings you income.

Instructions for changing profession

The attractiveness of a profession for a person depends on several factors: material reward, pleasure from work and the availability of benefits that a person brings through his work. If at least one of these factors is absent, a person may decide to change jobs. How to change profession? Experts advise to follow the following instructions:

  1. Weigh the pros and cons. Changing a profession is a very responsible step, so you need to make sure that your desire does not come from personal circumstances or a life crisis. If you have the opportunity to visit a psychologist, it is better to go to him for a consultation.
  2. Before you quit, get yourself a notebook in which you will write down the pros and cons of your job. Write in it your impressions of the company's culture, relationships with your boss, the most interesting and tedious stages of your work.
  3. Start saving money for the "unemployed" period. In order for you to have time to calmly choose your favorite profession, you will need money. Experts recommend saving the amount that will last you for a year without additional sources of income.
  4. Assess your skills and interests and start making a list of careers that you could learn. In this list, you can include everything that you did in life, perhaps even a few years ago. Think about what your bosses praised you for, what things you managed to do best.
  5. Start studying at the same time. Once you have decided on the desired area of ​​employment, you can begin to get an education. In each field, the training period will be different - from several months to several years.
  6. Start an internship. At first, most likely, you will have to work for a small fee. If you have accumulated a sufficient amount, then this stage will be painless for you.
  7. Get ready for the interview. Many employers don't trust people who change jobs at age 30 or later. Your task is to convince them that you are a good specialist who will quickly get used to a new place. When changing careers, a cover letter stating your accomplishments at your previous job will come in handy. Additional recommendations should be included.

Pros and cons of changing jobs

Many people who start their career path anew are tormented by fears. Is it reasonable? Can you succeed in your new profession? Many fear financial ruin and unfulfilled hopes. To make the choice easier, you can write out for yourself the pros and cons of a new profession. The advantages include:

  • new opportunities;
  • more prestigious place of work;
  • pleasure from their activities;
  • rich and interesting life.

There are also many cons:

  • the severity of the transition period, during which you will be tormented by doubts and fears associated with the decision;
  • falling living standards;
  • a radical change in the circle of communication;
  • the need to spend a lot of time and effort on mastering a new profession, as a result of which your relationships with family or friends may suffer.

Yes, changing careers after 30 is fraught with many risks. Most likely, many of your friends and relatives will discourage you from taking this step. But you can get a lot if you make the right choice. You will live with the confidence that only you control your life, and not at all random circumstances, and you are able to make it interesting and rich.

How to change profession after 30 years? Experts advise listening to your desires and in no case cut off the shoulder.

  • Don't blame yourself for working in a profession that you didn't like. This is not a mistake, but a life experience that is an integral part of you. When dismissing, it is desirable to maintain friendly relations with colleagues, because working relationships can bring a lot of benefits in a new area.
  • Careful consideration of each step will save you from unforgivable mistakes. But psychologists do not advise to delay too long. If you have been thinking about changing your profession for more than a year, then, most likely, everything suits you at your current place of work.
  • Be optimistic. Even if no one supports you, remember that only you can make decisions related to your life. A person spends most of his life at work, so it is very important how he spends it - with pleasure or not. Remember that in case of failure, you can always return to the profession back.
  • Think back to your positive life experiences. You've probably already started something from scratch. You were scared at the time, too, but you did it.
  • Examples of famous people who changed their profession in adulthood and achieved success can help find inspiration. For example, the biography of Jack London, who began to write his stories only in adulthood, and before that he managed to visit a sailor and a gold digger.

How to decide on a new profession

Many people ask, thinking about changing their profession: "What to choose at 30?" For some, answering this question is not difficult - they have long known what they want. But for others, this stage becomes an insurmountable obstacle. In this case, career guidance from an experienced psychologist can be of great help. Often, only 60% of people guess about their desires, and the rest do not even represent the area in which they would like to work. A psychologist will not only identify the profession that is right for you, but will also help you find out your strengths and weaknesses as a specialist.

Before visiting a specialist, it is better to do a kind of “homework”, which in some cases can replace the consultation itself. To “inventory” your skills, write them out on a separate sheet and rate each on a 10-point scale. So you can clearly see which aspects of your work were best for you. For example, someone manages to handle technology or numbers better, while others manage to negotiate with employees. Very often, people simply do not notice the opportunities that are next to them, but rush into the pool with their heads, choosing a radically different direction, wasting a lot of resources and time. Therefore, in the search for a new profession, as in any other business, the preparatory stage is the most important stage.

Starting a career from scratch: books to help

If you do not have the opportunity to visit a specialist, then books can help, which, in fact, are a short course on changing your specialty.

  1. "Profession - illustrator" is suitable not only for artists, but for all creative individuals. It contains numerous techniques that allow you to learn to think creatively and see the unusual in the most ordinary things.
  2. The Roadmap book helps you understand what you want, not the people around you. Knowing the true interests and values ​​​​of your personality means improving the quality of life. The book is written in the form of a novel and is read in one breath.
  3. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone by Brian Tracy is a life-affirming book that contains 21 methods to increase personal effectiveness.
  4. "To hell with all of it! Take it and do it, even if it does not give you the secrets of a career change, but it will charge you with the motivation and determination necessary for change.

What is the age limit?

You can start doing something new at any age - psychologists say so. But still, as we age, it becomes more difficult for us to learn, and the cognitive abilities of the brain decline. What age is considered critical for self-determination? At the moment, experts consider the period from 40 to 50 years as the middle of life and argue that this is the most favorable age for big changes. The reason for this are several factors. After 40, most people already have a certain balance in life: children become independent, and incomes are at a fairly high level. At the same time, there is still a lot of strength and energy for the implementation of any plans. The "middle age" crisis that many are experiencing at this time pushes people to look for something new in their lives. Changing careers after 40 is normal. This is a favorable time for the realization of those needs and desires that you previously did not pay due attention to. The proof of this is the example of many people. Of course, changing a profession at 40 is more difficult than at 20, but then you will approach your choice more consciously. You already have the necessary knowledge and experience that will help you quickly master any field. Moreover, scientists say that studying after 40 helps to avoid degenerative brain diseases and delay aging.

Communication with relatives

Changing careers at 50 can throw your family and loved ones into the deepest amazement. After all, not everyone at this age decides on significant changes. People are used to judging everyone by themselves, so do not be surprised that everyone will take the news of a change of specialty with hostility. In this situation, it is important to gently but persistently explain your position and try to minimize all conflicts about this. It is important not to be led by someone else's opinion, but at the same time to conduct a dialogue, bringing convincing arguments and arguments. Most often, it is enough to simply explain to loved ones that your previous job does not bring you joy, and you remain unhappy, continuing to work at it.

All doubts and negative statements of your acquaintances will disappear immediately after you get the first results. But thorough preparation for change will help you make others more loyal to you. If your husband or wife is resistant to change, take the first place as a part-time job and let the situation stabilize.


People change careers for various reasons. One wants to solve problems in life in this way, while others dream of fulfilling their long-standing desires. 30 years is considered a kind of milestone, after which it is already necessary to settle down and do "serious things". Therefore, many have a negative attitude towards the idea of ​​changing a profession and finding oneself at this age. But the experience of many people suggests that more often only at this time you can start doing what you really like. What to choose for a career change at 30? Determine the area in which you want to develop and act - get an education, get an internship and gain experience. Change of profession is not a cure for all problems, but it can significantly improve the quality of your life with the right approach.

A few decades ago, when the Country of Soviets reigned in the country, a profession was chosen once and for all. Since then, life has changed dramatically: new professions, new opportunities for training and employment have appeared. A civilized labor market has been formed. And if earlier people were afraid to even think about changing their profession in adulthood, now they are not only thinking, but also changing.

People who have changed jobs

Olga, 45 years old: “At the age of 40, I realized that my profession as a seamstress ceased to suit me. I went to medical school and trained as a nurse. It was a little unusual to study in a group with my daughter's age, but still I learned. I quickly found a job at a government eye clinic. Then a doctor who opened a private clinic called me to his place. From there I took advanced training courses, and now I can not only conduct physiotherapy, but also select glasses. I am fulfilled and happy!”

Marina, 50 years old: “All my life I have been a housewife. When the children were small, I was fine with it. But when the children “scattered” to their families, I felt empty. That's when I decided to take a career path. It turned out that the profession of a landscape designer suits me. I passed the necessary courses, through my acquaintances I found the first customers. Now I earn no worse than my husband and I feel an unprecedented surge of strength!”

Andrey, 47 years old: “I was a successful top manager, but because of the crisis I was laid off. I did not grieve for a long time and went to work in a taxi. This work inspired me to start my blog. In one social network, I maintain a page where I write notes about my new work, and, to my surprise, it has become very popular, more than 6,000 people have subscribed to it.”

Today, such stories are not uncommon. Many people, having reached a certain age limit, understand that they need changes. Some realize that they are “burned out” in their current profession, others realize that they initially chose the wrong field of activity. Some people are pushed to professional changes by life circumstances. But not everyone can dare to change. Even if a person really wants to change his profession, he is prevented by the fear of change. How to deal with it?

How to decide to change?

Psychologists have developed a special formula that is designed to help people decide on changes in their lives. This formula is called the Glaitcher formula or simply the change formula:

With< Н*В*Ш

Resistance to change< Неудовлетворенность*Видение будущего*Шаги

C - resistance to change. It is the main stumbling block. If the resistance is very strong, it is very difficult to decide on changes, almost impossible.

When a person wants to change his profession, he has many fears:

  1. loss of professional competence;
  2. a decline in the standard of living;
  3. ridicule of others;
  4. alienation of relatives;
  5. the possibility of failure.

On the other side of the scale is your dissatisfaction and desire for change:

N - dissatisfaction with the current situation. State what specifically you don't like about your job. This is where you need to assess your condition. Maybe you're just tired and need another vacation? Or is it worth picking up an exciting hobby that will dispel your professional longing? Sometimes it’s worth taking a good rest in order to realize whether it’s really time for you to change your profession or is it just fatigue. If after returning from vacation you are still unhappy with your job, then it's time to change something.

B - vision of the future. In order to successfully step into a new future, you need to clearly imagine it. Try to see yourself clearly in a year. How do you see yourself? What do you want to do? Imagine a company in which you would like to work, mentally step into their team, think about whether you can.

At this stage, you can take a career guidance test. Tests like this are a good way to look at yourself from the outside. Understand what you have the ability to, where you can be useful.

Try to remember what you dreamed about as a child. Maybe it's time for a childhood dream to come true?

Ш - the first steps towards change. Once you understand WHAT you want, you need to learn HOW to do it. You need to outline specific steps to fulfill your goal. For example, choose an educational institution to study a new profession, or look for courses and seminars on the Internet. If you are planning to go into your own business, then at this stage you need to draw up a detailed business plan. If at the previous stage it was necessary to imagine how you see yourself in a year, now you need to think about what you can do to bring this SELF to life.

Using the formula of change, you can give a name to your fear, and the named fear loses its strength, understand your desires and aspirations, outline a plan for further action. It doesn't matter at what age you decide to change, restrictions are a thing of the past. The main thing is to believe in yourself, not be afraid to learn new things and tune in to success!

Most of today's elementary school students will have to learn professions that do not exist now. To prepare society for rapid changes, universities and technical schools need to be given much more freedom.

RBC continues to publish joint materials with the Russia of the Future: 2017-2035 project. The goal of the project, which is being implemented by the Center for Strategic Research (CSR) together with the Ministry of Economic Development, is to outline the challenges of the future and understand whether Russia is ready to respond to them.

In the coming decade, digitalization will create and destroy hundreds of millions of jobs around the world. The demand for qualified personnel will increase sharply. Computer systems are able to perform more and more tasks that require routine actions: filling out statements, computing processes, reporting, and so on. Technologies such as big data and machine learning are already replacing a range of jobs that until recently seemed protected, from driving a vehicle to writing journalistic texts. Simple physical labor is also being modernized.

Professions: New and Dying

An important factor is the speed of change. Ten years ago, some of the most in-demand professions today did not exist in the world: mobile application developer, social media (SMM) specialist, cloud computing specialist, YouTube channel content creator, drone operator. They may disappear in the next decade. Researchers predict that 65% of elementary school students will end their careers in professions that do not exist today, such as a lawyer in the application of artificial intelligence or a biologist who grows artificial organs ...

Along with the emergence of a fundamentally new employment, there will be a general complication of all professions. Automation of simple processes will free up part of the employee's time for more complex tasks, the familiar principle of "one person - one task" will disappear. Versatility will be in demand: a former tractor driver, for example, will have to master all types of agricultural machinery.

Already, more and more companies prefer horizontal relationships to vertical hierarchies. At the forefront is the ability to form and motivate teams, formulate tasks, adequately plan work and manage resources. Not only personal merits, but also the ability to work in a team, the so-called soft skills, are becoming critically important skills. Specialists are required to be able not only to implement the task, but also to present the results beautifully.

The expected shortage of highly qualified personnel in the next decade will reach 50 million people in the world. Moreover, the most demanded IT specialists will, as now, gravitate towards certain developed countries, making the shortage of personnel in the rest of the world even more acute.

Who will be left behind? It is generally accepted that it is easiest to replace the basic link with robots, for example, warehouse employees. But under even greater risk of dismissal will be representatives of the middle level - accountants, lawyers, analysts. They cost the employer more than basic staff, but it is cheaper to algorithmize mental work than to robotize physical labor.

"Pass-through" skills

At the same time, humanity quickly adapts to technological structures. On the one hand, a new quality of life is being created, on the other hand, new types of activity are being born. However, in this context, it makes sense to talk not so much about professions to which it will be possible to “escape” and “safely hide”, but about a set of specific skills, having mastered which workers will be able to gain a foothold in one or another activity of the future and be in demand.

It is already possible to say that many skills will become “cross-cutting”. The ability to work with blockchain technologies, augmented and virtual reality, programming skills - all this will be in demand in the next decade in various fields.

The concept of applied labor will change. Working specialties are waiting for reincarnation - they will become completely different, but will still be in demand. The fact that turners need less and less every year is a fait accompli. But more and more specialists are needed who work on machine tools with numerical control.

Modernization of education

One of the key problems of the Russian labor market has become a massive demand for higher education. Now about 5 million people are studying in our universities. This is twice as much as in technical schools and colleges. But in fact, education is replaced by diplomas. In Russia, there is a whole army of unclaimed economists and lawyers, despite the fact that there is a large shortage of highly skilled labor.

In recent years, it has been possible to shift the trend towards secondary specialized education - in 2017, approximately 59% of ninth graders preferred colleges to schools. In our opinion, ideally, the proportion should be 80 to 20; only 20% of the population needs higher education.

There is one more problem. Despite the fact that the technological order is changing more and more rapidly, the field of education and training remains one of the most conservative. It is not uncommon for training programs to remain frozen for decades. If you look at the list of professions that are trained in the system of secondary vocational education, it turns out that many of them will be in demand on the horizon of a maximum of five years. Then the demand for them will inevitably disappear, and people will have to retrain.

You can follow the path of preparing new regulations, inventing standards and educational programs, approving exams, but it will take a lot of time to promote this “engine”.

The way out is to give more freedom in educational programs to the educational institutions themselves, to introduce tools that will help quickly imbue teachers with new skills, who, in turn, will be able to quickly transfer these skills to students.

And one more important point - educational institutions should train not only the future employee. In cooperation with enterprises, they need to improve the skills of already working specialists, and, if necessary, help them retrain. Now, even in advanced enterprises, technological cycles become obsolete in two to three years, and educational institutions must be ready to respond to this challenge.

Robert Urazov, General Director of the Union "Young Professionals (WorldSkills Russia)"

Today, more and more people are thinking about changing their profession, in the words of Dante, "having passed their earthly path to half." Forgetting about a boring office and getting creative, turning your favorite hobby into your main job is an old dream of many of us. But the older a person gets, the more difficult it is to decide on such a serious step. We talked to our experts about how to let go of your fears and start your career with a clean slate.

Why has the issue of career change become so urgent today? “Life has become better, life has become more fun” - the relative stability that has replaced the long economic and social crises has allowed many to stop thinking about every penny they earn and pay attention to what they really want in their professional life.

“Now there is freedom of choice and, most importantly, a real labor market,” explains psychologist Elmira Davydova. - Those who entered universities 20-30 years ago, until recently, could not even think about changing their activities. A profession in Soviet times was chosen once and for all. And in the 90s, it seemed to everyone that the only way to survive was to work in a kiosk, so we chose more profitable directions. The humanities then seemed scary, because you can’t make money with their help, and simply no one went to the faculties of psychology and philology.

A successful change of profession at any age makes a person more free, creative, happy

Today the situation has changed radically. “A huge number of adults come to me seeking to bring more creativity into their professional activities. Of course, creativity does not always mean composing poems or drawing pictures, - Elmira Davydova clarifies. - This is a kind of activity, about which you can say: "I did it myself."

Thus, for the first time, many have the opportunity to realize their potential and even make a successful career in a new field. And along the way, the most unexpected turns can happen.

“Currently, there is a noticeable trend towards the so-called downshifting,” confirms existential psychotherapist Natalia Tumashkova. - When people who are fully established in their field at the age of 40-50 suddenly change their field of activity: big businessmen become captains of small boats and ride tourists along exotic routes, bankers go into journalism, lawyers into social work - in general, Diocletian leaves the imperial sinecure and going to plant cabbage.

However, not everyone is able to find the strength to disrupt the usual course of affairs. Some doubt the expediency of changing their profession, others are afraid of being left without funds - but still feel unhappy at work.

“A successful change of profession at any age makes a person more free, creative, happy. When you are really doing your own thing, it is not a burden, - says Elmira Davydova. “Therefore, any trials on the way to this state are worth it.”

Stage 1 - awareness

Experts identify very specific symptoms that the old job is no longer suitable for you. Elmira Davydova lists the main ones:

  • during work you are constantly bored;
  • you do not want to read special literature;
  • it seems to you that in this area you have already achieved everything possible and there is nowhere to go further;
  • you too often catch yourself thinking that at work you are thinking about abstract things;
  • your health is deteriorating (in severe cases, neurosis and panic attacks occur);
  • you don't feel like going to work to the point where you want to cry.

Of course, these feelings can also be caused by severe fatigue. Therefore, before you quit your job and go on a free creative swim, try to experiment - go on a long vacation, creating all the conditions for yourself to have a good rest.

In addition, pay attention to relationships with colleagues and superiors - perhaps the problem is not in the profession as a whole, but in your place of work. And only if, after a rest and a change of team, your condition has not returned to normal, it is worth moving on to the next stage.

Stage 2 - deal with fears

The later the realization comes that it is time to change your life, the more difficult it is to take this step. For an already established professional in adulthood, the transition to beginner status can be extremely painful.

“For a long time I could not decide to return to medicine 25 years after graduating from the university,” Anna, 49, shares her experience. - I imagined how experienced doctors would look at me with irony, like a girl. Of course, I was worried that I would not be hired at that age! But all these fears turned out to be in vain - the main thing is to really want and achieve your goal.

“Any change always involves some uncertainty, which gives rise to anxiety,” Natalya Tumashkova comments. - Therefore, to begin with, admit to yourself that you are afraid, and try to understand: what are you most afraid of? Only the "named" fear can be correlated with reality, to see, "is the devil so terrible."

When NOT to change careers

Whatever our dreams, it's always better to be realistic about the situation. Not every business can be mastered in adulthood, and if, after celebrating your 50th birthday, you want to become a professional theater actor or pilot, you should think twice about this decision.

“In the end, it is not necessary to make a profession out of a dream,” says Elmira Davydova. - Life is not limited to work. Fill the activity that you lead with creative content, and implement your addictions as a hobby. Often the cause of depression and depression is not work, but something else. This may be a personality or age crisis, and then you will need to consult not a career guidance specialist, but a psychotherapist.

How to deal with the fear of change?

  • remember your successful experience of change - how you started something, did something for the first time, how scary it was at first and what helped you cope with the task;
  • collect positive examples from the life of friends and acquaintances;
  • remember your relatives - a lot of changes fell to their lot, and they coped with them; look for inspiration by reading biographies of famous and successful people (for example, the book "Sailor in the Saddle" written by Irving Stone about the life of Jack London);
  • remember that the most dangerous thing is "burnout" in the profession. Once you get to this stage of disgust with your own work, you can never go back to it.

“The only way to cope with your fears is not to chop the branch on which you are sitting with an ax,” says Elmira Davydova. - You need to act gradually, drop by drop: go to study at courses or do what you want to do, your hobby. Gradually absorb a new environment, make acquaintances, study specialized literature.

Indeed, in the process of learning a new business, it may turn out that this is not at all what we need.

Stage 3 - decide on a new profession

For some, this part of the journey may seem the easiest - finally, there is an opportunity to realize your childhood dreams, find a use for hidden talents, turn your favorite hobby into a life's work. But for many, the question “where to go?” seems like an insurmountable obstacle. Then a career counselor can help you in your search for a new calling.

“In 60% of cases, my clients already have a specific topic or area that they are interested in. Then we have only to concretize the desire. In the remaining 40%, people learn something fundamentally new in my office,” says Elmira Davydova.

The main purpose of the career guidance methodology is to identify which profession suits this particular person. To do this, there are many different surveys and tests.

“I'm trying to understand how a person interacts with people, whether he likes to do something with his hands, to which he has inclinations,” continues Elmira Davydova. - You need to find the right object and the right action with this object. Each of us has a corridor of desires and a corridor of possibilities. And in the place where they intersect, a person finds his vocation.

Before you go to a specialist, it is important to do your "homework". To do this, ask yourself a few questions: “Where and when did I feel happy, fulfilled?” Take a “tour” of childhood and youth memories: “Where did I experience the feeling that I want to experience now while working? And why did I ever refuse it?

“The next step is an inventory of our own resources,” advises Natalya Tumashkova. “All the skills and abilities that have accumulated over the years of life can be used as keys to mastering a new business.”

It is necessary to carry out work on studying the labor market: what can you do, what can you apply your abilities and experience to? Which of your friends is ready to join or maybe invite you to work?

In addition, today there are many courses and types of additional education that can be combined with the main job.

“Usually I recommend people to look for something close to the area where they are now,” notes Elmira Davydova. - We often do not notice the opportunities that lie in the field of our activity. And only when the resources in the nearest circle are exhausted, you can go to "outer space".

Think: what would you spend your time on if you no longer had to work for money?

Just for such a case, the psychologist has compiled a list of questions, by answering which you can find a new business of your life.

1. If you are bored at work, write down five reasons why you feel bored. Imagine that you are doing something exactly the opposite. Do you like it? What do you feel? Write down five qualities that should be characteristic of your work.

2. Write down on the sheet the professions that you know. Subtract: Subtract all professions you don't like. From the rest, subtract those that are not available to you by age. From the remainder, subtract those that are interesting to you, but scary to start. Consider the rest.

3. Think about what you would do if you inherited a billion euros? Schedule your life for one year (twenty important things that you would do) after receiving this money. And what would you spend your time on if you no longer had to work for money?

4. Write what your parents programmed you for (about money, education, career, people around you).

5. Who are your real teachers (name three people who, albeit harshly, albeit involuntarily, taught you something in life).

6. Remember what feats you accomplished (in which you overcame yourself and circumstances). How has it changed you?

7. Remember your risky actions (physical risk, social, financial), what did it lead to and what did these situations teach you?

8. Who are your parents and parents of parents by profession? What did they do outstanding in their work?

9. Have you ever organized something or someone to do something? How did you feel in this capacity as an organizer? Or did you prefer to be an ordinary participant?

10. Remember your dreams, which symbolically tell you about your dissatisfaction with life. Or those that show the way.

About the expertx

Elmira Davydova - psychologist, founder and head of the career guidance center "ProfGid"

Natalya Tumashkova - existential psychotherapist, coach, business coach

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