Fans of American combat vehicles in the game

Review of the new premium American tank M46 Patton KR.

How to get M46 Patton KR?

A new premium tank of the eighth level M46 Patton KR (M46 Patton KR) is now available for users in the Russian region. The last couple of letters indicate that we are dealing with a Korean car. Judging by the performance characteristics and camouflage, this is a purebred “American”, reminiscent of a pumped-out Pershing. However, there are significant differences between the two machines, which we will explore in this review.
The M46 Patton KR cannot be purchased for in-game gold in the client, the premium tank is sold only for promotions and for a certain period, below is what packages the M46 Patton KR is usually sold with and at what price.

How to play M46 Patton KR

What do we have for the tactics of playing on the M46 Patton KR: typical American medium tank, with good UVN, good mobility and a cardboard body. Based on these characteristics, it becomes clear that this is a second-line machine. This is what you need to build on when developing battle tactics.

The best thing is not to get into trouble, but to slowly destroy the enemy through someone else’s exposure, replenishing the piggy bank with treasured silver loans. It is quite clear that it is not worth shining yourself.

If the situation on the field worsens and your opponents drive you into a corner, you need to make the most of the uneven terrain by playing “from the tower.” Good frontal armor and air defense make it quite possible to lean out of cover, deal damage and hide. However, when choosing a position, do not forget about artillery.
Basically, the M46 Patton KR is a support tank, so you can quickly change positions to help your allies on different flanks. To do this, you just need to control the mini-map and promptly respond to any changes in the battle.

M46 Patton KR specifications

Main characteristics

You can start researching a new tank with the performance characteristics that are standard for this class of equipment. So, the car has a traditionally good viewing radius, and a safety margin that matches the parameters of its classmates.
If we talk about individual characteristics, you can pay attention to mobility. Don't forget that we are talking about a medium tank, which has relatively good speed parameters. Maximum engine speed: 18 “horses” per unit of steel weight. Thanks to this indicator, the car has excellent dynamics and maneuverability.
The armor of the M46 Patton KR fully corresponds to the performance characteristics of the Pershing.

The hull remained traditionally cardboard, however, the thickness of the frontal armor of the turret increased. Previously it was 110 mm, but the tank was upgraded in update 0.9. 17, increasing this figure to 127 mm. Considering that the gun mantlet covers almost the entire front part of the turret, ricochet and non-penetration when hitting this part of the tank are guaranteed.
It’s worth remembering that this is a premium tank that can farm well. However, the vehicle does not have a reduced combat level, so the M46 Patton KR will hit dozens.

M46 Patton KR gun has relatively good armor penetration, so the tank will feel confident in single-level battles and can compete with nines. Will have to be used against top cars sub-caliber shells, but there is no particular need for this. It is recommended to charge Golda only for a comfortable level of play.
One-time damage is typical for most classmates: almost all level eight premiums have a similar alpha. The rate of fire is also good: 1,800 damage per minute. Of course, this is not the best indicator, but the figure looks pretty decent.
What you should focus on is the parameters of the gun, which are responsible for the comfort of shooting. The tank cannot boast of gun accuracy and aiming speed. The spread also leaves much to be desired. At the same time, the vehicle has good stabilization, which allows it to hit the target even at full speed. The vertical guidance angles are typical American: the barrel reacts downward by 10 degrees, which is an excellent indicator.

M46 Patton KR Crew Skill

Everything here looks quite extraordinary. The M46 PATTON KR has a crew of 5 people, who can be transferred to other STs of the American development line. Therefore, the recommended choice of perks would look like this:

For the commander - a light bulb.
For the gunner - smooth rotation of the turret.
For the driver - smooth driving.
For the radio operator - radio interception
For the loader there is a non-contact ammunition rack. In addition to individual perks, it is necessary to develop repairs, the Brotherhood of War and disguise.

Equipment M46 Patton KR

Particular attention should be paid to additional equipment that will help not only improve the performance of the machine, but also make the game more comfortable. For the M46 PATTON KR, the basic set will be quite expected and standard:

Gun rammer– will help compensate for a not very good CSA.
Reinforced aiming drives– to level out uncomfortable mixing.
Improved ventilation– to increase all the characteristics of the tank.
As alternative option, ventilation can be replaced with coated optics. This will ensure a comfortable game from the view, and will give the right to the first shot. This choice depends on the tactics of the game, so it remains at the discretion of the player.

Is the M46 Patton KR worth it?

A comparative analysis shows that there is a double impression about the new M46 Patton KR tank: the car seems to be quite good, but there is a feeling of understatement. To fold full picture, we can divide the main characteristics into strong and weak sides"American". What do we get as a result?

Excellent behavioral model: dynamics, speed, maneuver.
Good viewing radius.
Relatively good armor penetration rate.
Excellent UVN.

Not the best best booking in Game.
Frankly weak accuracy and mixing.
No preferential battle level.

It is worth noting that only the explicit characteristics of the machine that affect the gameplay are given here. If we summarize the results of the analysis, it turns out that premium equipment is no worse than its pumped-up counterpart. This is already a strong quality, so the M46 PATTON KR is quite worthy to take a place in the players' hangar.

M46 Patton KR video

Hello Dear users! Today we continue to look at US medium tanks and today we have one of the most unusual vehicles. This is the car that for a long time was the crowning achievement of the development of US medium tanks. A machine that includes all the features of previous machines. Meet the M46 Patton.

These are level 9 vehicles; for a long time it was the crown of development of the US ST. Now the cost of the car is 3,450,000 credits and 174,690 experience. The amounts are already quite significant and cannot be achieved so easily in a hurry. You will have to slowly and painfully farm both experience and credits. However, this will not be so difficult to do, because experience will be earned quickly on pershing, and credits can be actively farmed on other machines. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that when you buy a car, all expenses will only begin, and not end. We need to put it on the car right away optional equipment, but if this problem can be partly solved by transferring equipment from the Pershing for only 30 gold, then the crews will have to suffer a little. Our specialties completely coincide, so we can safely retrain the crew from Pershing. However, I have already said more than once that the crew significantly influences the characteristics of the vehicle, so it is advisable to immediately retrain them to 100% proficiency in the main specialty. You can do this in several ways:

  • The most common one is to retrain for gold. It will cost 200 * 5 = 1000 gold. If you have such an opportunity and don’t mind spending the money, retrain. In this way you will lose a minimum of experience from the crew itself and time.
  • There is another option to retrain immediately to 100% for silver. To do this, you just need to reset all the perks from the crew at T20 for silver, and when retraining, part of the experience from the perks will be spent on training up to 100% proficiency in the main specialty. It will cost 40,000 * 5 = 200,000 credits. In this way, you will only lose some of the experience from the crew, but you will save money and time.
  • Well, an option for those who have a premium American ST, for example SuperPersching. Retrain the crew on the M26 for silver, while the level of proficiency in the main specialty will be approximately 90 - 92% and place them on the premium ST. There is no fine at premiums, which means that the crew will work at their 90% capacity. Complete several dozen battles and the crew will be trained to 100%. Now feel free to put him on the M26. This method is good for those who have already opened a car, but do not have the money to buy it. In this way, you can kill two birds with one stone - accumulate credits and train the crew. This method is good because it saves you money and the crew’s experience is still there, but you lose time.

Well, camouflage. On the one hand, camouflage is not very important for the ST, since its task is not to stand in the bushes and not shoot from afar, but on the other hand, a small increase in camouflage certainly won’t hurt us. Installing camouflage will cost 90,000 * 3 = 270,000 credits. For level 9, the amount is not that big, so I highly recommend applying it anyway.


Here is the research tree for this machine

Well, the already opened radio station and the pre-top engine cannot but rejoice. As for the remaining modules, opening them will not be particularly difficult, with the exception of the top gun. Here you will have to seriously work hard, but everything will open up more than realistically =)

As usual, we start with the chassis. Turning speed is not so important to us as improved cross-country ability and load capacity.

We should already have researched the pre-top engine on the Pershing, so we install it as soon as such an opportunity arises. It will add quite a significant amount of dynamics to us. Well, if we install the top one, we will have excellent driving performance. Of course not like a cockroach, but not like British PTs either. However, it is worth noting that you can only open it on patton, so “there will be no freebies”

A stock radio station for level 9 will clearly be more than enough for us, so we immediately install a top-end one. Fortunately, it was opened at Pershing.

The top tower is superior to the stock one in all respects. Armor, turning speed, visibility - everything is better than stock. It is worth noting that great review The top turret is one of the features of the car and puts it ahead of its classmates.

Did the amount to open a top gun inspire fear? Well, if you nevertheless overcame this amount and opened the weapon, then instill fear in your rivals because they have something to fear. The top gun has huge one-time and high damage per minute, good accuracy and excellent spread on the move. All this makes the Patton a car that should be feared and not underestimated. Well, until we examine the top weapon, we have enough good weapon from Pershing.

Leveling up

  1. We install everything that fits
  2. Chassis
  3. Tower
  4. Top engine
  5. Top gun

Advantages and disadvantages of the machine:


  • Great review
  • Good one-time damage
  • Excellent damage per minute
  • Good accuracy on the go
  • Good dynamics
  • Good aiming angles


  • Weak armor
  • Tall silhouette

Balance weight

The car falls into battle levels 9 - 11. In principle, we are comfortable anywhere as long as you understand what you need to do and what your final goals are. Of course, you won’t have enough armor penetration in a shootout with a TT, but that’s not what’s required of you + no one has canceled gold. So you can live comfortably and quite successfully...


The machine is level 9, so even if it pays off, it’s very weak. In any case, she will not farm. The maximum is a small and unstable plus. This is all natural with PA and without the use of gold shells and consumables. With or without PA, you will naturally go into a good minus. In any case, with or without PA, you simply need a machine to farm credits.


Well, the tactics of playing patton are not much different from pershing. We still play the role of some kind of support and are a kind of damage distributor. However, now we have great review and an equally wonderful weapon. As before, there is absolutely no point in relying on armor, so we must play according to tactics; we have 1 HP. Any 1 on 1 meeting with any of the ST 9 should end in your victory, unless of course you are a crooked noob. I don’t recommend trying to butt heads with a TT of the same level or ST 10 because here your chances are either almost equal (in the case of a TT), or you are significantly superior in HP and damage per minute. And as one wisdom says: “An equal does not attack an equal.” By the way, get it into your head and actively use it when playing World of Tanks - it will help significantly. Well, basically I will say as usual, think about what you are doing and everything will be fine. Before standing behind a stone, think about artillery, before contacting the enemy 1 on 1, think about whether others who may be standing further will attack you, etc. Just think, nothing more is required from you. Playing on the Americans is very comfortable and brings a lot of fun, the main thing is to understand what to do, and not make yourself an E50 by going to ram, or fly to the base immediately (we have a good overview) like a cockroach. I will also note the fact that you need to have several, and maybe a little more, gold shells in stock. There are situations when it is simply vital to shoot for gold. You will hardly come away with a minus from such shooting, but you will help the team and yourself.

Optional equipment

Everything is basically standard for the American ST branch

  • Stabilizer
  • Rammer
  • Coated optics (for even greater visibility)


  • Repair kit
  • First aid kit
  • Fire extinguisher

Instead of the latter, you can try gasoline, but how effective will it be at its price of 5,000? h. Personally I wouldn't use it.

Crew Perks

1st perk for everyone except the commander - repair, the commander - a light bulb.

2nd perk for all BB (combat brotherhood)

Commander - eagle eye

Gunner - sniper

Fur. driver - King of off-road

Radio operator - Radio interception

Loader - Desperate

Vulnerabilities of the machine

Orange - commander, gunner, loader
Red - engine, tanks, transmission
Green - easily penetrated areas
White - ammunition rack
Blue - driver mechanic.

And finally, a few video reviews

First a little interesting information about the M46 Patton KR tank itself. The letters KR at the end mean Korea, that’s where the tank fought and received this attractive color, attracting the attention of absolutely all players on the field. In the period from January 25, 9:00 (Moscow time) to January 31, 9:00 (Moscow time), you can purchase this premium tank in the store; there is a standard set (costs 1,650 rubles) and there is a premium package for 2,145 rubles. The difference is that the premium package gives 750 gold plus a gift of 1750 gold. Considering the minimal difference in cost, the second option personally seemed preferable to me.


Let's talk right away about the disadvantages of the tank that I discovered and noted for myself personally.

First- accuracy. The dispersion per 100 meters is 0.38 and this is a rather bad indicator. There is no point in shooting at long distances; at medium distances the tank sometimes misses, which was a little disappointing. In close combat, of course, there are no problems. I had several situations when at a medium distance I saw the side of the enemy, fired a shot and saw how the shell flew over the enemy, although I aimed the sight exactly at the target and the distance was completely small.

Second- mixing time. The tank belongs to the medium category, which means we will move more than others, and sometimes we also have to shoot offhand. But, stopping for 2.5 seconds for an accurate (or maybe not quite accurate - see point above) hit is almost equal to death. If you shoot sharply offhand or even on the move, then you won’t be able to hit without aiming.

Third- not the highest armor penetration. During all the time I played on this tank, I never came across equal opponents, there were always tens and nines, and they usually have better armor, it is quite difficult to penetrate them and you have to constantly go overboard, which makes you sweat excessively before each shot.


Now about those advantages that are difficult not to notice.

First- colors. Yes, quite a lot of time has passed since the introduction of the tank into the game, but every time you get on the field, all the players look at you, write in the chat and point their fingers. There are not many tank skins that are so attractive in the game, hence the amount of attention. And, you will be lying to yourself if you say that this attention does not bring pleasure.

Second- This is a balanced tank. Everyone has been saying for a long time that the tank is not immature and that it is a fairly balanced premium tank. Nobody said that premium tanks would have any huge advantage. All characteristics are balanced, this gives you the opportunity to play the way you want and not adapt to the enemy.

Third - maximum speed. Here it is 48 kilometers per hour and this is far from the best indicator, but the tank, due to its weight and Horse power It accelerates quite quickly, in general it is quite maneuverable and, coupled with its weak penetration, this gives you excellent balance. You can move from cover to cover, find weak spots enemy and quickly get to a convenient shot range.

Fourth- armor. Despite the fact that the tank is pierced by shells from the sides and rear like butter with a hot knife, the front part turned out to be quite stable and if you choose your positions correctly, it will not be so easy for the enemy to penetrate you. Strength, by the way, is 1450 HP.

Bottom line

It is also worth noting that in update 9.17 the tank was slightly improved. The armor of the turret's forehead was strengthened, hence the difficulty in penetrating it; the armor of the gun mantlet was increased to 203.2 mm. Of course, this will not cover all the shortcomings of the tank, but strengths became even stronger.

In my humble opinion, the tank is ideal for those players who like to play an active game, rather than stand in one place and hunt down the enemy. Speed ​​allows you to change position, thanks to the armor on the front, you can fire with equal opponents; with older models you will have to be cunning and approach from the flank. But, in fact, this is why we love World of Tanks - you not only need to shoot, but also think with your head.

Comments and reviews M46 Patton KR

2017-02-02 16:00:08 Ehllina Snezhkova:

2017-02-02 15:58:59 Ehllina Snezhkova:

2017-01-30 13:40:04 Guest:

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IN game World of tanks Patton 46 is at the ninth level in the development branch of US medium tanks. Of the main advantages machines can be distinguished:
1. Damage per minute or DPM with a base value, excluding equipment and crew abilities, amounting to more than two and a half thousand strength points per minute. This indicator is one of the best among all medium tanks of the 9th level and is not particularly inferior to some medium tanks of the 10th level.
2. Best review at the level. It has a range of 410 meters and allows you to effectively detect opponents.
3. Elevation angles. In this indicator, the tank is one of the best in the entire World of Tanks game.
4. Excellent stabilization of the weapon in motion.

TO cons worth mentioning:
1. Large sizes.
2. Weak armor.
3. Not the best mobility and maneuverability
The combination of pros and cons makes playing on a tank very specific. Patton is rightfully considered one of the best cars to straighten your arms in the game.

History of the tank.
The American medium tank M46, also called General Patton, received its name in honor of George Patton, the commander in chief tank troops US Army during World War II. The M46 replaced the M26 and was mass-produced in the late forties of the 20th century.

Which perks, equipment and modules to choose.
As crew perks, we first upgrade the sixth sense light bulb, combat fraternity, repair, camouflage, gun stabilization abilities and visibility.
Let's analyze the equipment of the machine. We enhance the advantages of the tank with a vertical stabilizer, coated optics and a medium-caliber gun rammer. Please note that the stock Patton is one of the worst tanks in the game. Therefore, take your time and make sure that when you open the M46 you have enough free experience to research the top modules of the tank. Otherwise, you risk facing pain, suffering and permanent defeat.

How to play a tank correctly.
The main task when playing on this machine is the implementation of the PDM and the transfer of intelligence data to the allies. This information can be given while standing in the bushes or balancing on the edge 400 meters from the intended enemy. Our visibility, enhanced by coated optics, is almost 450 meters, and most opponents will see us from a distance of no more than three hundred and ninety meters. The distance can be determined using the minimaps posted on our website.
The second task, but not least, is to realize the capabilities of our formidable weapon. To achieve this, the tank has excellent elevation angles, an alpha strike of 390 points, and fast reloading. Good cross-country ability on soil and a small rebound turret will also help us. It is not an insurmountable obstacle to enemy shells, but it’s not very easy to hit it.
The gun is not particularly accurate. You can only get into vulnerable areas of enemies with full aim. However, if you have experience playing Soviet heavy tanks, you won’t notice anything unusual. Breaking through standard armor-piercing projectile 218. Of course, we won’t be able to penetrate level 10 tanks head-on without gold. But a medium tank is not intended for head-on battles with heavy tanks.

Bottom line.
The tank can be called an ideal solution for improving a player’s personal skill. M46 is rare view a vehicle that has neither armor nor excellent dynamics. If you do not have a reliable escape route or cover, getting carried away by frontal attacks on the enemies that are waiting for you is strictly prohibited. You can immediately forget about armor. For every rebound or non-penetration, praise the FBR. But you won’t be able to stay away from the fighting. Shooting from long distances is ineffective. The sum of these factors will force you to better study the capabilities of the map and develop a useful habit - before attacking the enemy, take care of a safe retreat, and also pay attention to the alignment of allied forces. Excellent horizontal aiming angles will allow you to look into the sniper scope, since it will open up many new positions for potential firing and will allow you to find hot spots on many maps to fire at unlucky opponents.
These skills will undoubtedly be useful to you on any other technique.

The M48 medium tank (90mm Gun Tank M48) was designed in 1950-1951. The tank is also known as “Patton III” and “Patton 48″. The main purpose of the new medium tank was to replace all existing models tanks of this class, then in service with the United States armed forces. The basis for the new combat vehicle was heavy tank T43 using design changes and a number of innovations. The armored hull and turret of the M48 medium tank were cast. The tower had the shape of an ellipsoid. Serial production of the new tank began in 1952. Production of the M48 tank continued until 1959, when it was replaced new model medium tank - M60. The basis for which, however, was the M48. Total time serial production, 1952 - 1959, 11,703 M48 tanks were produced in the United States. In the mid-1960s, most M48 tanks were upgraded to a new level that was very close to the basic M60 model.

M48 tanks mostly entered service ground forces The United States, however, it should be noted that they were supplied in small quantities to NATO countries, with the exception of western Germany and Greece. However, in the 1960s, active exports of M48 medium tanks began to countries allied with the United States, as well as to neutral states; the M48 was put into service in 25 countries. The M48 was actively used to resolve conflicts such as the Second Indo-Pakistani and Arab-Israeli wars. American troops M48 medium tanks were used in the Vietnam War.

The M48 tank was modernized many times during production, constantly improved, and models were also produced intended for export. For example, in South Korea the M48A5K tank was supplied, which had an improved fire control system (a similar system was used for the M60), and had a powerful 105-mm cannon as the main armament; the modernized M48A5E equipped with a laser rangefinder was supplied to Spain; the M48A5T2 was supplied to Turkey with a thermal imager, etc.

M48 tanks were removed from service with the US ground forces in the 80s, however, despite this a large number of Modernized tanks of this model are still in service in some countries, including Lebanon, Greece, Jordan, Thailand, Portugal, etc.

The design of the M48 medium tank had a classic layout, in which the engine and transmission compartment was located in the rear part, in the front part - the control compartment and fighting compartment. The tank's crew consists of four people: commander, loader, gunner and driver. The tank was equipped with differentiated ballistic armor protection. Its body was made by casting armor steel. Most of tanks had a one-piece hull, but some tanks of the latest releases had a prefabricated hull, which consisted of several parts welded together. The shape of the body was very complex and, in general, can be described as an ellipsoid. The frontal part of the M48 tank had a streamlined shape, which was incredibly advantageous, as it was highly resistant to projectiles. Her top part, in relation to the vertical, was located at an angle of 60 degrees and had a thickness of 110 millimeters. The lower half of the frontal part had an angle of 53 degrees and a thickness of 102 millimeters. Closer to the bottom, the thickness gradually decreased and in the thinnest part it was 61 millimeters. The thickness of the bottom of the hull in the frontal area is 38 mm, under the fighting compartment - 32 mm, under the engine and transmission compartments - 13 mm. Starting with the modernized M48A1, the thickness of the bottom in the middle and aft parts was 25 millimeters. It should be noted that the use of injection molding production technology of this tank, could give several millimeters of deviation in a smaller or larger direction.

Increased attention was paid to the armament of the M48 medium tank. Starting with the M48A1 and M48A3, for several modifications, the main one was the M41c rifled semi-automatic gun of 90 mm caliber. this weapon in its own way ballistic characteristics was identical to the M36 cannon. The length of the combat weapon was 4500 millimeters (50 calibers). starting speed various armor-piercing shells ranges from 851 to 914 m/s, the duel energy reaches 476 t/m.

The gun was equipped with a special automatic compensator, which was used after the shot to restore the original position of the gun. In addition, a very convenient duplicate guidance system was provided, which allowed both the gunner and the crew commander to fire. The maximum rate of fire of the gun is 7 rounds per minute.

Various upgrades of the M48 medium tank used various periscope, optical, combined daylight, and infrared sights. A stereoscopic rangefinder was used to determine the distance to the target. Various rangefinders have been used for various modifications, for example, for the M48 itself, as well as for the M48A1, the T46E1 rangefinder was used, for the M48A2 - the M13A1 rangefinder, for the M48A2C and M48A3 - the M17 rangefinder. In addition, to determine the distance to the target, adding machines, the so-called, were used. mechanical ballistic computers. Although, according to the crew of the M48 and the upgrades of this tank, in practice it was quite rare to use rangefinders and adding machines. The M41 gun, which was used on the M48 medium tank, used a wide range of different ammunition, including buckshot, smoke, high-explosive, sub-caliber and caliber rounds.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the M48 “Patton III” medium tank:
Weight – 46.2 tons;
Body length – 6.88 m;
Height – 3.12 m;
Width: 3.63 m.
Length – 8.69 m (with gun forward);
Maximum speed – 48 km/h (on the highway);
Cruising range – 460 km (on the highway);
Power point:
diesel 12-cylinder engine "Continental" AV-1790-2A, power 750 hp. (560 kW);
Obstacles to be overcome:
wall 0.92 m high;
ford 1.22 m deep;
elevation angle up to 30°;
ditch 2.59 m wide;
Gun – 90mm M41 rifled gun;
Machine gun – 12.7 mm anti-aircraft machine gun, 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun;
Crew – 4 people.

Fans of American combat vehicles in the game

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