What a flood. Flood, high water, flood - is there a difference? tall or big

The water regime of rivers is mainly influenced by precipitation and evaporation. In areas with a cold and temperate climate, the role of air temperature is also very significant.

Phases of the water regime

The following phases of the water regime are distinguished: high water, floods, low water, freezing, ice drift.

  • high water- a relatively long increase in the water content of the river, which repeats annually in the same season, causing a rise in its level; usually accompanied by the release of water from the low-water channel and the flooding of the floodplain.
  • high water- a relatively short-term and non-periodic rise in the water level, resulting from the rapid melting of snow during a thaw, glaciers, heavy rains. Floods following one after another can form a flood. Significant floods can cause flooding.
  • low water- annually recurring seasonal standing of low (low) water levels in rivers. Usually low-water periods of at least 10 days are referred to low-water periods, caused by dry or frosty weather, when the water content of the river is supported mainly by groundwater with a strong decrease or cessation of surface runoff. In temperate and high latitudes, there are summer(or summer-autumn) and winter low water.
  • Freeze up- the period when there is a fixed ice cover on a watercourse or reservoir. The duration of freeze-up depends on the duration and temperature regime of winter, the nature of the reservoir, and the thickness of the snow.
  • Ice drift- the movement of ice floes and ice fields on rivers.

The uneven feeding regime of rivers during the year is associated with uneven precipitation, melting of snow and ice and the flow of their waters into rivers.

Water level fluctuations are caused mainly by changes in water flow, as well as by the action of wind, ice formations, and human economic activity.

Types of water regimes

Typical water regimes of rivers vary by climatic zones:

  • equatorial belt- the rivers are full of water throughout the year, the runoff slightly increases in autumn; surface runoff exclusively of rain origin
  • tropical savannah- water content is proportional to the duration of wet and dry periods; the predominance of rain feeding, while in the wet savanna the flood lasts 6-9 months, and in the dry - up to three; quite significant summer runoff
  • Mediterranean type subtropics- medium and low water content, winter runoff prevails
  • Oceanic subtropics(Florida, lower reaches of the Yangtze) and adjacent areas of Southeast Asia - the regime is determined by the monsoons, the highest water content in summer and the lowest in winter
  • Temperate Northern Hemisphere- increased water content in spring (in the south, mainly due to rain supply; in the middle lane and in the north - a flood of snow origin with a more or less stable summer and winter low water)
  • Temperate zone in a sharply continental climate(Northern Caspian and flat Kazakhstan) - short-term spring flood when rivers dry up during most of the year
  • Far East- the regime is determined by the monsoons, the summer flood of rain origin.
  • Permafrost regions- Drying up of rivers in winter. On some rivers of Eastern Siberia and the Urals, ice forms during freeze-up. In the Subarctic, the melting of the snow cover occurs late, so the spring flood passes into the summer. On the polar ice sheets of Antarctica and Greenland, ablation processes occur in narrow peripheral bands, within which peculiar rivers are formed in ice channels. They feed exclusively on glacial waters during the brief summer.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Spring high water" is in other dictionaries:

    spring flood- High and prolonged rise of water in the lowland rivers, caused by spring snowmelt. Syn.: snow flood… Geography Dictionary

    - ... Wikipedia

    The phase of the water regime of the river, characterized by the highest water content in the year, a high and prolonged rise in the water level, usually accompanied by the release of water from the channel to the floodplain. Unlike floods, it has a regular character, repeats annually, in ... ... Geographic Encyclopedia

    The phase of the water regime of the river, which is repeated annually in the given climatic conditions in the same season, characterized by the highest water content, high and prolonged rise in the water level and caused by snowmelt or joint melting of snow and ... ... Emergencies Dictionary

    high water- The phase of the water regime of the river, which is repeated annually in the given climatic conditions in the same season, characterized by the highest water content, high and prolonged rise in the water level, and caused by snowmelt or joint melting of snow and ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    I; cf. The flood of the river, which occurs at a certain time due to the melting of ice, snow, seasonal rains; the period of such a spill. Spring settlement. Villages are cut off by high water. We got stuck on the road in the settlement / About the abundance, a large amount of what l. P. electrical ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    high water- the phase of the water regime of the river, which is repeated annually in the given climatic conditions in the same season, characterized by the highest water content, high and prolonged rise in the water level, and caused by snowmelt or joint melting of snow and ... Civil protection. Conceptual and terminological dictionary

There have been many major natural disasters. In addition to significant material damage, the elements even claimed human lives. Regular news bulletins aired on the central TV channels were full of words and terms that only weather forecasters could understand. What is a flood and how can it be dangerous? Not every resident of our country knows the answer to this question.

Definition of high water and its main causes

So what is a flood? The definition of this term is quite simple, it is the highest level of the river at a certain time of the year, and it is repeated from season to season, that is, having a certain regularity that can be predicted in advance, taking into account slight fluctuations. The term "high water" has an antonym - "low water", which occurs on the river during the dry period, and is also quite dangerous for the surrounding nature.

In fact, it is not enough to know what a flood is, you must also understand its causes. Scientists in this matter decided to distinguish two main directions:

  • High water due to snowmelt. It is typical for rivers in mountainous regions, as a rule, it takes place from the end of February to mid-July.
  • High water due to certain climatic conditions (rain feeding of the river). This situation is most clearly illustrated

In some cases, these two reasons may be related. in which depends on snowmelt, can be predicted even in winter. So, experts take into account such characteristics as the height of the snow cover, the degree of soil freezing and much more.

Experienced people know what a river flood is. Under certain unpleasant conditions, it can lead to flooding, significant flooding of the surroundings near the reservoir. Most often, such situations in Russia occur in the Primorsky and Krasnodar Territories, on the Oka and Lena.

It is necessary not only to understand what a flood is, it is very important to know how to act during its onset. If your home is in a potential danger zone, essentials should be packed and kept close at all times. These include documents, a mobile phone, money, a minimum of warm clothes and food, necessary medicines. Be sure to foresee and remember to take care of the availability of a raft or materials for its emergency creation. During a strong flood or flood, it is forbidden to overcome the water by swimming at its level of more than 1 meter above the ground. In the event of a sound distress signal, it is necessary to act calmly, but without delay, any delay can pose a potential danger to the life and health of all those living in the risk zone.

What to do during a strong flood?

When leaving home, if possible, you need to take a number of actions to ensure the safety of your property:

  • turn off electricity;
  • shut off the gas
  • secure all large objects as much as possible;
  • valuables that are not possible to take with you, put on the upper shelves, attics, in deaf closed cabinets, having previously packed tightly;
  • close windows and doors with boards, bars.

For emergency evacuation during a flood, follow the basic rule - listen to the commands of the rescue crew.

What to do after the water drains?

Knowing and understanding what a flood is, what its scale can be, be careful even after the water has gone. So, returning to buildings, especially private houses, you should make sure that they are intact and that there is no possibility of collapse. Do not turn on the lights in the house, do not use gas until you are sure that the main communications are intact. Before entering, the premises must be carefully cleaned and dried, spoiled things must be thrown away, just like all the products that were inside the flooded apartment.

in the spring?

What is a spring flood, how does it differ from the usual rise in the water level in the river, how is it dangerous? As a rule, it begins even at the moment when a small amount of ice can lie on the reservoir. Despite the visual strength, it is already very thin and does not withstand the slightest load. Special attention in this case should be given to young children who like to indulge near rivers and ponds.

What is a "flood"?

  1. High water is one of the phases of the water regime of the river, which is repeated annually in the same season of the year, a relatively long and significant increase in the water content of the river, causing a rise in the level.

  2. In a nutshell, this is the overflow of rivers. Winter is ending, the snow is melting, rivers overflow their banks and drown everything that stands low ...
  3. High water is one of the phases of the water regime of the river, which is repeated annually in the same season of the year, a relatively long and significant increase in the water content of the river, causing a rise in the level; usually accompanied by the release of water from the low-water channel and flooding of the floodplain.
    High water is caused by increased prolonged inflow of water, which may be due to:
  4. spring flood of rivers
  5. Planned seasonal rise in the water level in the river
  6. High water is one of the phases of the water regime of the river, which is repeated annually in the same season of the year.
  7. high water is a phase of the river
  8. This is when two sexes drive something around each other ...
  9. Spring flood of rivers.
  10. High water is caused by increased prolonged inflow of water, which may be due to:

    spring snowmelt on the plains;
    summer melting of snow and glaciers in the mountains;
    heavy rains (for example, summer monsoons).
    Floods caused by spring snowmelt are typical for many lowland rivers, which are divided into 2 groups:

    rivers with a predominance of spring runoff (for example, the Volga, the Urals)
    rivers with a predominance of summer runoff (for example, Anadyr, Yukon, Mackenzie).
    High waters, caused by the summer melting of mountain snows and glaciers, are typical for the rivers of Central Asia, the Caucasus, and the Alps.

    Floods caused by summer monsoon rains are typical for the rivers of Southeast Asia (Yangtze, Mekong).

  11. five minutes to the new water
  12. High water is an annual increase in the amount of water in a river in a certain season of the year and a strong rise in its level as a result of spring or summer snowmelt, as well as glaciers in the mountains, rainfall for a long period of time. A flood should be distinguished from a flood.
  13. Sexuality is one of the phases of the water regime of the river, which is repeated annually in the same season of the year, a relatively long and significant increase in the water content of the river, causing a rise in the level; usually accompanied by the release of water from the low-water channel and flooding of the floodplain.

    High water is caused by increased prolonged inflow of water, which may be due to:
    spring snowmelt on the plains;
    summer melting of snow and glaciers in the mountains;
    heavy rains (for example, summer monsoons).
    Floods caused by spring snowmelt are typical for many lowland rivers, which are divided into 2 groups:
    rivers with a predominance of spring runoff (for example, the Volga, the Urals)
    rivers with a predominance of summer runoff (for example, Anadyr, Yukon, Mackenzie).
    High waters, caused by the summer melting of mountain snows and glaciers, are typical for the rivers of Central Asia, the Caucasus, and the Alps.
    Floods caused by summer monsoon rains are typical for the rivers of Southeast Asia (Yangtze, Mekong).

  14. Spring overflow of rivers but also in summer on mountain rivers
  15. high water
    The high water is repeated annually, usually in the same season of the year, a relatively long and significant increase in the water content of the river, causing a rise in its level. It is often accompanied by the release of water from the channel and flooding of the floodplain.

    Water six times a year during characteristic hydrological periods (three times during high water, once during summer low water, once during autumn high water, once during winter low water).

    Long-term average values ​​of atmospheric precipitation during the period of snowmelt and flood for the center of the Russian Federation are 15...25 mm, and the maximum is 50...70 mm.

    In the presence of industrial effluent discharges, the approach to the ladle from below is limited by a downstream dam to create an improved self-flushing entrance; upper and sometimes lower spurs flooded during floods are introduced into the design of the bucket entrance.

    It should be especially noted that the metal content in the soils of these technogenic anomalies is quite comparable with the industrial content in ores, although during the periods of snow melting and floods, the soils are annually subjected to the most intense natural washing.

    When assessing the source of water supply, the following are taken into account: the consumption regime of the water balance by source; requirements imposed by consumers on water quality; indicators of water quality in the source; requirements for sanitary and hygienic, protection of water resources, fish protection, etc.; hydrological data on the source: the presence of ice-slush phenomena in it, the features of spring opening and floods for lowland rivers, the passage of spring-summer floods for mountain rivers, the possibility of freezing and drying out, sediment characteristics, the presence of permafrost, snow avalanches, mudflows, etc. .; hydrogeological data: reserves and supply conditions of underground water sources, possible disturbances in connection with the formation of reservoirs, drainage arrangements, artificial pumping of water, etc., the possibility of artificial replenishment and formation of underground water reserves; results of technical and economic comparison of water consumption from different sources.

    Table 3 3 Industries polluting the natural environment with heavy metals on the use of compounds containing heavy metals, which were used in the 1970s to protect plants and forests Heavy metal compounds that have entered the water are relatively rapidly distributed over a large volume Partially they precipitate in the form carbonates, sulfates or sulfides are adsorbed on mineral or organic sediments. Therefore, the content of heavy metals in sediments is constantly growing. Numerous observations have shown that in Germany the content of heavy metals in the bottom sediments of rivers and seas is 10,000 times higher than their content in water. Studies of Feine and Lake Constance showed that the content of heavy metals in sediments is steadily increasing with an increase in their production, a tense situation may arise if the adsorption capacity of precipitation is exhausted. The time required for it cannot be established with accuracy, however, when the adsorption capacity is reached, heavy metals will begin to flow into the water. But long before saturation, heavy -metals from sediments can pass into the water, causing a nose effect on the environment Partially this ess is observed in high water, for example, when snow melts, JJS turbulent water flows carry away bottom sediments. normal time If the H of the water is significantly less, the precipitated heavy metals can pass into the water decreases when acids get into rivers and heavily overgrown water bodies, when as a result of vigorous activity I grow.

    This coefficient for the field is 5 mm per day, for the forest 2 mm per day. For large river basins, it is important to take into account the combination of flood peaks from individual tributaries. So, in the lower part of the Don, the flood usually has a two-peak shape: one peak from the Seversky Donets basin, the second from the upper reaches of the Don. The convergence of these peaks increases the height of the flood.

    SOURCE http://www.prom-tech.info/High_water_0405_01_01.html

Every year, the phase of the water regime of the river repeating at the same time with a characteristic rise in the water level is called high water.

In contrast, not related to seasonality and arising unexpectedly, the flood occurs in the same season. This is due to the peculiarities of the climate and landscape of the area. The flood can last for more than one day, while the water overflows the banks and floods the floodplain of the river. According to scientists, the period of high water accounts for up to 80% of the annual flow of the river.

On the flat surfaces, floods occur every spring due to the melting of a large amount of snow, in the foothills - in the summer, when the snow begins to melt on the mountain slopes. The spring flood is a natural phase of the life of the river, associated with the flow of a large amount of melt water into the channel.

At the same time, each river has its own patterns of the flood process, and only specialists can predict the scale and nuances of the flood in advance. Although for the rivers of one hydrological region, the flood occurs in the same period of the year.

Scientists also have the term "low water", denoting the opposite phenomenon, when the water level in the river becomes the lowest. The water regime of the river during the year changes from high water to low water.

The consequences of the flood

As a result of the rise in the water level in the river, it leaves the natural channel and spills over the floodplain, flooding a significant part of it. The flood zone can vary in size, depending on how much meltwater enters the river. Knowing about such features of the rivers, people in the old days preferred to settle away from the gently sloping banks. In the mountains, houses were placed higher on the slopes to avoid flooding during the flood period.

The situation is significantly complicated by the congestion formed during the flood, which causes an additional rise in the water level, which further increases the area of ​​flooding. Powerful floods occur once every few years, after especially snowy winters.

Every year, during floods in Russia, up to five million hectares of land are flooded, which is 0.3% of the entire territory of the country. If there are agricultural lands, businesses or residential buildings in the suspected flood zone, they could be severely damaged.

Melt water and overflowing rivers damage roads, power lines, main gas pipelines and utilities. On the rivers of Siberia, flood damage can be especially serious due to ice jams - blocks of ice do not have time to melt and form dams. On the Lena River in 2001, during the flood, the city of Lensk was almost destroyed. To protect against floods, dams and other hydraulic structures are built on large rivers.

How to predict the magnitude of the flood?

Scientists make special measurements of precipitation levels, monitor snow volumes on the eve of the melting season, and measure the amount of accumulated moisture. Knowing approximately how powerful the flood will be in a particular area, a number of measures can be taken to prevent the consequences of this phenomenon.

Knowingly they are building buildings above the conditional level of flooding; dams are built specifically to protect against floods. In case of potential danger, residents of the surrounding villages and employees of enterprises are evacuated.

Flood Features


Course work

on the topic: "River floods and the fight against them"

Rostov-on-Don 2012

In the modern world, there are many problems associated with the nature around us. One of the most important problems facing mankind is the problem of water. It occurs due to the low quality of water, its lack (droughts) or excess (floods).

River floods, due to their destructive power and catastrophic consequences, are rightly considered “enemy number two” after the most terrible of natural disasters - earthquakes. Since ancient times, man settled near rivers, the source of life, and throughout history he had to fight against their cunning. River floods damage people's health and even lead to their death, as well as cause material damage. Unfortunately, over the years, it has only become more difficult to deal with this scourge. During the second half of the 20th century, the damage caused by floods increased by about 10 times. According to world calculations, the area of ​​flood-prone areas on the globe is approximately 3 million square meters. km, which is home to about 1 billion people. Annual losses from floods in some years exceed 200 billion dollars.

To solve this problem, intensive work is being carried out: the causes, types, and consequences of floods are being studied; Techniques for flood control and protection are being developed and successfully applied.

River floods are a very common natural disaster. The history of the population of many river valleys and estuarine sections of lowland rivers is at the same time a sad chronicle of the dramatic struggle of man with the water element. It is no coincidence that many rivers have received the names of rivers of disaster and grief, and some peoples trace their chronology from catastrophic floods in the river valleys and deltas they inhabit.

Floods are flooding of areas, cities, settlements, industrial and agricultural facilities, causing them some kind of damage. They always affect the interests of society. Floods are the result of not only natural causes, but also a variety of human agricultural activities. Moreover, the amount of damage from floods largely depends on the degree of population and development of river valleys and floodplains. Therefore, river floods are not only a natural phenomenon, but also a social phenomenon.

Floods and floods

High water is a relatively long, significant increase in the flow of rivers, which is repeated annually in the same season, accompanied by a corresponding increase in the water level. During the period of spring floods, up to 60% of the annual flow passes on the northern rivers of Russia, and up to 80-90% of the annual flow on the southern ones.

The cause of the flood is the increasing inflow of water into the river bed, caused by the spring melting of snow on the plains, the melting of snow and glaciers in the mountains, and heavy rainfall during the summer monsoons.

The water level on small and medium lowland rivers during the spring flood usually rises by 2-3 m, on large rivers, for example, on the Siberian, by 15-20 m, and sometimes more. At the same time, rivers can overflow up to 10-30 km wide.

On small lowland rivers, the spring flood lasts 15-20 days, on large rivers - 2-3 months or more. The highest level on the former usually occurs 3-5 days after the start of the flood, and on the latter - after 20-30 days. The recession of the flood lasts 3-5 times longer than its rise.

In areas with a monsoon climate (Transbaikalia and the Far East) and warm areas (the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus), summer floods are often observed.

Floods are also annual, but usually short-term rises in rivers caused by rains, but, unlike floods, they are repeated several times a year.

Often, floods pass one after another, in waves corresponding to the amount of heavy rains and showers.

Floods are also called winter short-term rises in water in rivers caused by thaws and winter rains. In areas of subtropical and tropical climate, floods on rivers are possible at any time of the year.

The volume of the flood depends on the intensity and duration of the rain and a number of other factors. Floods caused by heavy downpours are characterized by short duration, high, sharp rise and fall. Floods resulting from prolonged rains are characterized by long duration and smooth rise and fall. Their duration on small and medium flat rivers is 15 - 30 days. On mountain rivers - much less. The speed of floods varies from 3-5 km/h on flat rivers to 15-45 km/h on mountain rivers.

The height of floods and floods depends on many factors:

Climatic - precipitation, evaporation, air temperature;

Physiographic - features of the surface of the river basin and its geological structure;

Anthropogenic - human economic activity in river basins, channels, floodplains and valleys;

Morphometric - the structure of the river channel, floodplain and valley;

Hydraulic - the shape of the channel, which determines the throughput of the latter.

The height of water rise in rivers also depends significantly on the area of ​​river basins. Therefore, the forecast and calculation of the height of floods, especially those caused by floods, requires extensive and detailed information about the factors that cause them.

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