I lost my iPhone 4. Instructions What to do if you lost your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch

What to do if your iPhone or iPad is stolen or the device is lost? The first and main action is to remotely block the gadget, which will not only prevent the use of the device by third parties, but will also contribute to the return of the lost item. How to lock an iPhone or iPad in case of loss or theft, as well as the settings without which remote locking is impossible, is described in detail in this guide.

First, let's consider the following option: your iPhone or iPad has not yet been stolen/lost (hopefully it will remain so), but you are worried that such a situation is possible. It is important to understand that Apple's security systems that allow you to detect or remotely block a mobile device only work if they are active. It turns out that if the “Find iPhone” function on your smartphone or tablet is not activated, then finding the device will be extremely problematic.

Therefore, without waiting for any emergencies with your iPhone or iPad, we do the following.

How to enable Find My iPhone

Step 1. Go to menu " Settings» → iCloud.

Note: It is assumed that you are logged in using your account Apple ID. If this is not the case, then you must first log in. If you don't have an Apple ID account, you can find out how to create one.

Step 2. Select the section " Find iPhone» (« Find iPad"for tablets).

Step 3: Activate the switch " Find iPhone».

Only after these simple manipulations will you have a real opportunity to track or block the device if it is lost. You can read more about the Find iPhone feature.

Now let's get back to those who have fallen victim to cybercriminals or lost their iPhone or iPad. Once Find My iPhone or Find My iPad has been enabled, locking your device remotely is fairly easy.

How to Remotely Lock a Stolen or Lost iPhone or iPad

Step 1. Go to the website iCloud.com and log in using your Apple ID account information.

Step 2: Launch the web application " Find iPhone", Press " All devices» and select the device you want to remotely block.

Step 3: In the device window, click " Lost Mode».

Step 4. Enter the six-digit passcode that will lock your device.

Step 5: Enter the message that appears on the screen of your locked device.

Step 6: Specify contact number phone, which will also be displayed on the screen of the locked device and press “ Further».

Step 7. The successful transfer of the iPhone or iPad to lost mode will be indicated by a message in the upper left corner of the device window.

The device itself will be instantly locked after being put into lost mode. The display will begin to show the message and phone number you specified.

When trying to withdraw iPhone lock or iPad will prompt you to enter a six-digit password.

Until the correct password is provided, the iPhone or iPad will continue to remain in a locked state. In this case, it is impossible to remove the lock by flashing it, even through . In other words, the person who finds your gadget has a “brick” in their hands, which is impossible to use for its intended purpose.

We don’t wish this on anyone and we hope that you will never need this instruction. Nevertheless, everyone should know the actions that need to be taken in the event of the loss of an expensive device.

Imagine something terrible happened - you lost your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. What should you do to not only maintain the confidentiality of information, but also try to get your gadget back? Especially for such situations, we have prepared step by step instructions.

With the release of iOS 4.2.1, all owners of Apple mobile devices now have access to the service "Find iPhone". True, in order for it to be used, the service must be activated on your device. Based on this condition, there are 2 possible scenarios.

1. Find My iPhone is enabled

In order to use the Find iPhone function, you need to go to this address or launch the application of the same name on your iOS device. To authorize, you need to use the Apple ID to which the lost device is linked.

Step 1 - Search for your device

Launch the Find My iPhone app to select your device and view its location. All devices that are linked to your Apple ID will be displayed on the map. Those that are online are highlighted in green, and those that are offline are highlighted in gray. The latter also display the time at which they last time connected to the network.

If the device is nearby, you can play it on it sound signal to find it by sound. To do this, select the device you are looking for and in the menu that opens in the upper right corner, click on the “Play sound” button.

Taking into account the fact that it is impossible to use Apple maps, you must select the “Hybrid” mode in the lower right corner. As a result of this action, you will at least see houses and street names. By overlaying this data on any other map, you can accurately determine the position of the device.

If the lost iOS device is offline, you can activate the function "Notify me of a find". In this case, when connecting the device to the network, email specified in your Apple account, you will receive a notification that the device has been detected. However, it is more advisable to use the next step.

Step 2 – Turn on Lost Mode

With its help, you can not only remotely lock your device with a 4-digit password, but also track its geolocation, and also display a custom message with a contact phone number on the device screen.

A feature of this mode is that when activated, if geolocation services are disabled on the device, they will immediately included to determine the geoposition of the device.

In order to use this mode, you need to select the lost device and click on the button in the menu that opens "Lost Mode". After this, you need to indicate a telephone number for contact, and also write a short message. If your gadget does not have a 4-digit unlock password, you must enter that as well.

By clicking on the “Finish” button, the online device is immediately put into lost mode - all notifications are blocked, and the data you entered appears on its screen.

If the device is offline, blocking and tracking (if possible) will be activated when it is connected to the network.

You will be notified of the successful activation of Lost Mode by email specified in your Apple account.

Now comes the fun part. Everyone knows very well that in many countries there are no houses on Apple maps, which is why in some cases the company still uses Google maps.

A similar letter arrives after discovering a device with “Lost Mode” activated. As you can see from this screenshot, there are houses on the map. In addition the letter contains the exact address locating the device.

As soon as you receive this data, you must immediately hand them over to law enforcement agencies. In most cases, this will be enough to find the missing device.

Step 3 – Erase all data from your device

This is an extreme measure that must be used if it is not possible to obtain information about the location of the lost gadget, or it is located in a hard-to-reach place, for example, far abroad. All you need to do for this action is to select the desired device and click on the appropriate button in the drop-down menu.

Attention! Once you delete all data from the device, you will no longer be able to obtain its geolocation, and accordingly, the device cannot be tracked.

If the device is online, the data will be deleted immediately, offline - the first time you connect to the Internet. Also, under no circumstances You should not delete the “cleaned” gadget from your account. In this case, activation lock will be disabled and attackers will be able to activate and use your iPhone or iPad.

2. Find My iPhone is not activated

Unfortunately, if you have not previously activated this feature, you will not be able to find your lost device using it. However, it is still possible to protect some data.

Step 1 - Change Account Passwords

First of all, we're talking about about the Apple ID password, changing which prevents third parties from gaining access to iCloud, iMessage or iTunes data. Other important accounts that require access updates include email accounts, social networks And so on.

Step 2 – Block the ability to send messages and make calls

To do this, contact your mobile operator. This step will protect you from possible costs for calls that could be made by attackers.

Step 3 – Report your lost or stolen device to law enforcement

Although it seems trivial and useless, it is still worth doing. At a minimum, you will have a chance, albeit small, to return your favorite gadget.

If it is your iPhone that is lost, then the first thing you need to do is call it. The likelihood that you will get an answer is quite high.

Finally, some tips, which will not only help protect your personal data, but will also significantly increase the chances of returning your lost device.

Or a stolen smartphone is a serious nuisance. The first reason for frustration is the loss of the device itself, which costs a lot. Secondly, the iPhone’s memory stores information that is extremely necessary for the owner and is not intended for strangers. This can be either personal data (photos, videos, personal correspondence) or secret passwords from payment systems, mailboxes, and social network accounts. How are iPhones found if lost or stolen? The article provides ways to search for smartphones even if they are turned off.

Description of the Find My iPhone utility

The place where your phone is lost or stolen may be the street, public transport, shop, cafe... How There is a method by which it is quite possible to establish the location of a cellular device. We are talking about the Find My iPhone program, which by default is built into the iOS operating system no older than the fifth version.

Using this utility is extremely simple. But there is one important nuance: all settings regarding the Find iPhone application must be made before the phone is lost. Otherwise, location determination mobile device will be almost impossible.

The Find My iPhone service allows you to see the current coordinates of the smartphone’s location, block the device if necessary, or delete any information from it. All these actions are possible if the phone is connected to the Internet.

How to find an iPhone if it is turned off? This process will be described below, but now it is time to consider what settings must be set for the Find My iPhone utility in order for it to work correctly.

Setting up Find My iPhone

How to find the Find My iPhone feature? To do this, open the “Settings” section on your mobile device. Next you need to select iCloud. On Apple request ID and password, please enter the required information. If everything is done correctly, the iCloud application menu will open. In order to enable the “Find iPhone” function, you should move the slider located opposite it to the right. Then click the “Allow” button in the request window that appears.

Then you need to activate the geolocation application. If this is not done, the mobile device will not be found even if the Find My iPhone utility is working correctly. You should go to the “Settings” section, select the “Privacy” item and by moving the slider to the right, make the “Geolocation” function active.

In the seventh version of iOS, the Find iPhone utility has new feature“Activation Lock”, which is automatically turned on when you try to change these settings. Thanks to this innovation, an attacker will have much more more problems when using or attempting to sell a stolen phone.

Now you know how to find the “Find iPhone” function on your mobile device and configure it correctly. The next step will be to establish a ban on disabling the determination of the current geoposition.

Blocking disabling geolocation detection

How to find an iPhone if it is stolen? To do this, you need to make sure that attackers are not able to make certain changes to the settings of your mobile device. The first thing experienced thieves try to do is disable the Geolocation function, which allows you to determine the current location of your smartphone. To prevent them from doing this, you need to take care in advance to block access to this section. You should follow this route: “Settings” - “Basic” - “Restrictions” - “Privacy” - “Geolocation”. The system will require you to enter a four-digit password. You should come up with such a code and write it down on paper so that you don’t forget it later.

After this, the function of determining the current location can be disabled, either by knowing the access password, or after completely reflashing the device. While the thief is trying to carry out the last operation, the rightful owner of the phone will have more time to search for the mobile device.

How To do this you need to use the iCloud system. You can read more about this below.

Finding a smartphone using iCloud

How to find an iPhone 4 that was stolen? Regardless of the device model, the search process using iCloud will be the same. To detect your phone, you need to go to www.iCloud.com from your computer and enter the requested data. The system will require an Apple ID and password.

If the data is entered correctly, you will be logged into the site and the “Find iPhone” button will become available. After clicking on it, the “All devices” tab will appear. In the drop-down list, you need to select the device whose location you want to install.

Next to the name lost smartphone there will be an indicator in the form of a green or gray dot. In the first case, this signal indicates that the mobile device is connected to the Internet, and its coordinates will be determined. If the point is colored grey colour, that means, from the network. Don't give up in this case. The article will describe the method if it is disabled.

After completing the above steps, a special map will show the approximate location of the missing mobile device. The smaller the radius of the green circle that appears, the more accurately the geolocation is determined.

After this, all that remains is to write down the treasured coordinates of the iPhone’s location and take them to the police so that their employees can help return the phone to its rightful owner.

Additional iCloud features

Now you know how iPhones are found using the iCloud system. But in addition to determining the location of a stolen device, this service has a number of other useful functions. For example, you can completely erase all information stored in the memory of a missing phone. It is also possible to send an SMS to a stolen cellular device. And the owner of the phone can turn on the iPhone’s emergency siren directly from the iCloud website, which will continue until it is turned off by the rightful owner of the device. This signal is very loud and sounds even when the phone is turned off.

Another handy feature is “Notify me when detected.” When activated, a notification will be sent to the smartphone owner’s email if the device appears on the network, even if the SIM card is changed.

How to find an iPhone if it is stolen? One way could be the new My Friends app, which is described in more detail below.

My Friends program

How to find an iPhone 5 that is stolen or lost? The My Friends application allows you to determine on a map the location of people who use Apple products, regardless of the model of these devices. If two people installed this program on their gadgets and activated it using their Apple IDs, then they can see each other’s geolocations. This can be used as a way to find your missing phone. A prerequisite for determining location is that the device must be turned on.

How are iPhones found using IMEI code?

You can find a smartphone using the iCloud service in 80 percent of cases if the owner hurried and tried to determine the location of the mobile device within a few hours after it was lost.

But how to find an iPhone if you have lost a device in which the iCloud service is not configured properly? In this case, the IMEI code can come to the rescue. This individual number consists of 14 digits. It is unique for each gadget and remains unchanged even when using a different SIM card.

How to use IMEI code to find a missing phone? Firstly, it will definitely be needed when the owner of the cell phone calls the police for help.

Secondly, you need to provide the IMEI number to your mobile operator so that they can assist in detecting the device using satellite equipment.

Also, the IMEI code can help when the owner of the device, for example, in another country has lost an iPhone. How to find if it is turned off? In this case, it is recommended to leave the unique number of the cellular device in a special database that is globally accessible. If someone finds a smartphone with the specified IMEI code, he will contact the owner of the device thanks to the coordinates left in the system.

How to find an iPhone by phone number?

If the owner probably knows that the device was stolen, then how to find the phone? The iPhone may be turned on, and the thieves did not have time to change the SIM card. You should call this number from another mobile phone. Perhaps the attacker will agree to return the stolen phone for a reward.

If connection with mobile number missing, you need to write to the police. You should indicate the estimated time and place of the crime, IMEI code and SIM card phone number.

Police officers, together with the mobile operator, will try to establish the geoposition of the device and, possibly, return the iPhone to its rightful owner.

How to find an iPhone if it is turned off?

If the missing phone is turned off, there is still a chance of it being returned to its owner. The development of Apple, which was already mentioned above, can again come to the rescue. How to find an iPhone if you have lost the device with the correct settings for iCloud? In order to try to determine the location of a mobile device, you need to log into the specified system from your computer and click the “Find iPhone” button. This process has already been described in detail above. The location of the gray dot on the map will indicate the coordinates where the phone was last located before it was turned off.

If the owner is familiar with a certain location, then he should remember where and under what conditions the cellular device could have been lost. If the specified geolocation does not tell the owner of the iPhone anything, it means that the gadget was stolen after all, and the obtained data should be reported to the police.

A prerequisite for determining the last location of the phone is the active “Last geoposition” mode. Below follows detailed description how you can enable this useful feature.

“Last location” mode

The iOS 8 operating system pleasantly surprised mobile device users with the presence of a new mode in the Find My iPhone service, called “Last Location”. How are iPhones found using this application? “Last location” allows gadgets to send the coordinates of their location automatically shortly before the battery is completely discharged.

To enable this function, you need to follow the route: “Settings” - “iCloud” and there activate the “Last geolocation” mode by moving the corresponding slider to the right.

The data transferred by the iPhone will be stored in the iCloud system for 24 hours after the mobile device is turned off.


In order for the search for the missing phone to be completed successfully, the owner of the gadget should conduct preparatory work. It is necessary to install and properly configure special applications for iPhones. This will help determine the location of a stolen or lost mobile device. It is also recommended to protect the device with a password and set the necessary locks. Keep important information better not on a memory card, but in cloud storage. Once an iPhone has been stolen, its owner should act immediately. If you can determine the geolocation of a stolen device within a few hours after the crime has been committed, then the chances of success are high. Don’t hesitate, because this plays into the hands of criminals.

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We all hope that we won't need information on how to return a lost or stolen item. This also explains the carelessness with which iPhone owners neglect such useful function What is the Find iPhone function?

For the same reason, iPhone owners for the time being believe that information on how to find an iPhone if it is stolen, but the Find iPhone function is not turned on, is of no use to them.

I dare to assume that since you are already reading this article, you have already been touched by this problem, and you are looking for ways to solve it.

How to find an iPhone if it was stolen, but the Find My iPhone function is not enabled

Friends, you have come to the right place, today we will look in detail at what steps need to be taken to return the iPhone to its rightful owner.

Find My iPhone appears to be the fastest... in a reliable way searching for the missing iPhone. If you did not activate the “Find iPhone” function before losing your gadget, you will complicate the task of tracking your iPhone.

But not everything is as hopeless as it seems at first glance. There are several ways to try to get your device back, and we will look at them now.

If you are firmly convinced that the phone was not lost in the depths of your apartment, but was lost or stolen, immediately contact the police; the sooner you do this, the higher the chances of finding the device.

But contacting the police does not mean that you should sit idly by. You can and should try to find the loss.

Determining location by geolocation

Let's imagine that the lost iPhone is turned on without active search. In this case, there is a chance to find it using the Geolocation application. If you have this function activated, Google map, Yandex navigator are installed, then your chances of finding the device increase.

Log into your Google account from any other device and turn on location detection.

What can you do if the battery runs out or the iPhone is disabled by thieves?

The battery is low, what should I do?

In this case, a lot depends on the iPhone model; the higher the brand, the greater the chances of detecting a mobile phone. The most difficult thing will be to detect an iPhone 4S with a dead battery. Newer models are equipped with increased safety features.

If version 8 is installed on your mobile phone operating system, in which there is a new iOS8 option, that is, hope precise definition location of the device.

Log in using your username and password to your personal support account from apple at: support.apple.com/ru-ru/icloud. WITH personal account activate the “Find iPhone” function.

To do this, visit the settings section - iCloud - FindMyiPhone. Set the “Send Last Location” parameter to “ON”, click “allow”.

After this you will have the opportunity

  • Determine the location of the device;
  • Send a beep;
  • Activate lost mode;
  • Send a message to your Apple (you can promise a reward for returning);
  • Lock the device;
  • Erase all data from the device.

Someone else's device

There is another way to find out where your mobile phone is by using someone else's iPhone or iPad. If you and your friends have a mobile gadget from the Apple company, then you can download it from App Store free program Find My iPhone.

Log in with your own Apple ID and password. After downloading the program, the application will determine where your Apple device is located. Press the gadget with the battery turned off and you will see its last location. When finished, be sure to log out of your account.

How to find an iPhone if it was stolen but the Find iPhone function is not enabled, tips

If you are one hundred percent sure that your gadget is in the wrong hands, immediately block your SIM card! Since all logins and passwords from payment systems are automatically saved on the Apple device, you may lose your funds along with your iPhone.

Change all your passwords for the services you used on your iPhone. This applies not only to finance, mail, social networks, but also to other Internet services.

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Did you buy a brand new iPhone, but after a while you lost it? Or maybe someone stole it from you? Or do you just want to know how to protect your iPhone from intruders? In any case, today's article will help you.

Agree that losing a mobile device is not a pleasant incident, especially one as expensive as an iPhone. What to do if it was stolen or you left it somewhere? Luckily, there are several ways to track an expensive iPhone. Apple has taken good care of its customers, so locating an iPhone won't be too difficult.

Method 1: Find My iPhone app

1. Open the Find My iPhone app;

Even if you do not have access to the service, this can be done through any iOS device available to you. To do this, you need to install the application from the App Store on a friend's device or your own iPad. iPhone searches are also allowed through a computer. To do this, you must log in to the iCloud portal, find and click on “Find iPhone” from the main list and proceed further.

  • Regardless of the method you choose, you need to log in using the Apple ID that is linked to your mobile device.
  • Find My iPhone must be connected in lost device, without this the application will not help you. Most often, it is activated when you first install the iCloud service in new iPhone, but in some situations this may not happen. To activate, go to “Settings”, find and click on the “iCloud” icon, most often it is located at the bottom. You must be authorized in the service with your Apple ID. Next, activate the service (click on the “Find iPhone” button).
  • If you had an iPhone running iOS 8, it is recommended that you enable the Share Last Location feature. When the battery runs out, the mobile phone itself will send you all known location data to Apple.

2. Select the lost iPhone from the menu;

If you're using the iCloud site, open the All Devices menu at the top of the window. If the actions are performed on an iPhone or iPad, find and click on the “My Devices” button located in the left corner at the top of the screen. Next, you need to select the lost gadget from the list. Other devices linked to your Apple ID will also be shown in the general list.

If suddenly your mobile phone is turned off or located outside the network coverage area, and it is not possible to find out its location, select and check the “Notify me when found” flag. You will receive an alert to the specified mailbox (which is associated with the Apple ID) as soon as the device is turned on or moved to a specific location where there is cellular or wireless network. If necessary, you can remove the device from the list or unlink it from your Apple ID.

3. Remember the location of the iPhone;

The location of the mobile phone will be indicated on the map in the Find iPhone application if your mobile phone is located in a place where there is a connection. Perhaps with the help of this map you will be able to remember where you left your mobile phone.

4. Select actions.

Typically, after selecting your own device from the list provided, you will need to select an action. Play Sound, Lost Mode, and Erase iPhone. In this case, be guided and act according to the situation. It’s clear that if you’ve lost your iPhone, you need to select “Lost Mode,” but let’s still figure out what each button means in more detail.

Play sound– if you dropped your cell phone somewhere nearby and no one has found it yet, select “Play Sound” and your iPhone will make a loud sound. The signal volume will be maximum, but even in this situation, it will not be easy to detect the phone in very crowded and noisy places. If you do find the iPhone, click on the “OK” button.

Lost Mode– if you were unable to find your phone, click on the “Lost Mode” button. When such a system is activated, the iPhone will restrict access to all data (locked) using the password you set. If you wish, you can add your own mobile number and news for the person who was lucky enough to find the iPhone. Your message will be displayed on the mobile phone screen. If the finder turns out to be decent, he will definitely call and return the phone.

Erase iPhone– if it is not possible to find or return your iPhone, and you want to delete all your personal data from your mobile phone, click on the “Erase iPhone” button. Do this only in emergency situations when important information could fall into the wrong hands.
If you are lucky enough to find your iPhone after deleting all the data from your cell phone, you can easily restore it using a final backup.

Method 2: Other methods

  1. Make a call to your lost device. Make a call on your iPhone, borrow a friend's cell phone, or use a landline. If your phone is located nearby, you have the opportunity to hear its ringtone. Perhaps the iPhone simply fell behind a closet, sofa or other furniture. If you lost your cell phone in a public place, any respectable person will hear and return the phone to you;
  2. During the call, move around the house and listen well;
  3. If you are unable to use another mobile phone, and dial your own iPhone number do it using a computer. To do this, open the portal ICantFindMyPhone.com, enter your mobile number and try to call;
  4. Try searching for your iPhone in hard-to-reach places. Mobile phones often fall out of pockets and freely end up in hard-to-reach places. Try looking for your phone between sofa cushions, behind furniture and under car seats;
  5. Try to remember where you had the opportunity to drop your phone. This method is recommended to be used in all cases when you have lost something. Repeat your recent transactions(actions) and perhaps you will remember where you left your iPhone. Try to remember where the last time you saw a mobile phone. If you went to shopping centers, shops, cafes, restaurants, cinemas, etc. ask the staff, it is possible that it was the maid who discovered your phone;
  6. You should check the lost-and-found. Contact the nearest lost and found office from the place of the loss. mobile phone. Most trucking companies and other public spheres have their own lost and found office, where found items go. Lost and found in especially large public organizations has its own phone number. You can call and find out if they found your iPhone;
  7. Use social networks. If you are a modern and sociable person, then contact your friends and acquaintances using social media. networks. If you do not have such an opportunity, call your friends by borrowing a mobile phone from relatives or acquaintances. Friends will be able to help you return your mobile phone;
  8. Contact the police department. Local authorities will be able to help you find your lost phone. The police have their own lost and found office and your iPhone may be located there. If you didn’t find a mobile phone there, write down your contact information. When the mobile phone is found, they will definitely contact you. You can file a theft report if you are sure that your iPhone was stolen.

If you know the IMEI/MEID number of the missing iPhone, it is recommended to indicate it in the application. This will give you a better chance that the police will track down your phone if they try to resell it.

Check out the online directory Missing Phones. Go to the website and enter the IMEI of your own gadget. If someone discovered your mobile phone and registered it on the site, the system will find out and definitely detect the lost iPhone. You can analyze the database of found phones on the website.

If you have no doubt that your old phone will no longer be found, contact your mobile operator as soon as possible. The mobile operator will not be able to track the iPhone by location, but they can disconnect it from the cellular network. If your cellular telephone was insured, then you are very lucky. In this case, the operator can provide you with a new device.

If you still hope that your iPhone will be found, mobile operator can disable mobile communications only for a while. Try to undo everything Money transfers to the number of the stolen item or lost phone. Otherwise, they can be used by attackers.

Method 3: Insure against possible loss

If you are afraid of losing your expensive phone, it is recommended to install the application If Found. Thanks to this application you can create a screensaver on your desktop with your contact details. If the finder wants to return your phone, he will contact you using the information provided. Please note that the application is paid (it is inexpensive), but it is much better than then hopelessly searching for the missing iPhone.

Install the application iHound. You can download this application absolutely free. If your stolen phone connects to your computer, you will receive a notification with the exact location of the mobile phone. This is a very useful program!

Use the app iLost-finder. If the password on the phone is entered incorrectly or if someone tries to turn off the phone, the application will emit a loud signal to alert you. In addition, the application will take a photo of the intruder using the front camera, and the photo will be sent to your mailbox. Keep in mind what to use this application is possible only after the Jaibreak procedure.

  1. Applications will not be able to detect the location of your iPhone if Airplane mode was activated before it was lost or stolen;
  2. To use Find My iPhone, you must be connected to it. To do this, you need to go to the iCloud section, and then turn on “Find iPhone” in Settings;
  3. If you are not sure that you can find the iPhone on your own, it is strongly recommended that you contact human rights authorities. Never try to take anything from a thief without help, it can be dangerous!

Watch the video for more details on how to find your iPhone.

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