The lexical theme of the berry in the speech therapy preparatory group. Planning of educational and educational work in the preparatory group on the topic: "Garden. Fruits. Berries.". Walk in the woods

Svetlana Agafonova
Abstract of the lesson on the world around in the preparatory group on the topic "Wild berries"

Familiarization with around the world in the preparatory group on the topic"Berries"


Generalization and systematization of ideas about the changes taking place in the life of the forest in autumn, about wild berries , places of their growth;

Activation and updating of the dictionary by topic« Berries» .Forest in autumn "(forest, swamp, berry, cranberries, cranberries, blueberries, cloudberries, blackberries, raspberries)

Upbringing careful attitude to nature.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment

spherical shape,

Berries have,

In the swamps in autumn

They know how to mature! (cranberry)

A lot of berries in bowls,

There are blueberries and cloudberries.

Here blackberries turn black,

Next to it is red. (cowberry)

AT: What did I make a riddle about?

D:-about berries

AT:- Today we will talk about the late berries. Cranberries ripen in the swamps in late autumn. She grows on bumps berries lie directly on the moss. Berries visible from afar and the stems are invisible. But if you look closely, you will see that thin threads are stretched on the moss pillow, and on them there are hard shiny leaves.

black berry, little, sweetie, cute for the kids ”- this is what people say about blueberries. Blueberry bushes grow in peat bogs.

Born in a swamp

Hiding in the soft grass.

Yellow brooch- berry(cloudberry)

It's big, juicy, beautiful berry.

Grows in the north. Occurs in moss swamps, along rivers and lakes, on forest clearings. It is a remedy.

Lingonberry is a small creeping shrub. Taste berries resemble lingonberries. From berries cook jam and the leaves are used to make medicine.

The blackberry resembles a raspberry. Berries look black, but in fact these are black berries only seem, they are painted in a deep dark purple color. From berries blackberries get very delicious jam, jam, jelly. In late autumn, only cranberries, lingonberries and mountain ash can be harvested in the forest. Rest berries at this time you will not meet.

2. Physical Minute "By berries»

AT:- And now I suggest you go to the forest for berries. And we will take baskets with us to collect berries.

We to the forest lawn came out,

Raising your legs higher

Through bushes and hummocks,

Through branches and stumps.

Who walked so high

Didn't trip, didn't fall.

Here we come to the meadow.

(Children follow each other, bend over, depicting a collection berries).

We collect in the forest

cranberries and lingonberries, (On the carpet are pictures depicting berries)

And we will carry home Children only collect berries.)

Full basket.

2. "What taste?"

For blueberries it is sweet, for cranberries it is sour, for lingonberries it is bitter-sour, for cloudberries it is sweet, for blackberries it is sweet and sour, for mountain ash it is bitter.

3. Game "The Fourth Extra"

AT:- When berries are brought from the forest, they are usually sorted out, cleaned of leaves, immature berries, miscellaneous forest debris, which could get into the basket.

Cowberry, blueberry, stick, cloudberry;

Blackberry, rowan, cranberry, leaf;

Cranberry, cloudberry, flower, lingonberry;

Blueberry, cranberry, twig, blackberry.

4. Ball game "Here are the chefs"

AT:- There are blueberries, strawberries, blackberries and lingonberries.

It's worth talking about what boil us berries.

I'll toss you a ball and start a sentence. You will catch the ball and complete the sentence.

AT:- You can cook from blueberries ....

D:- Blueberry jam.

AT:- From cranberries you can cook ...

D:- Cranberry compote.

AT:- From lingonberries you can cook ...

D:- Cowberry jam.

AT:- You can cook from cloudberries ...

D:- Delicious fruit drink.

AT:-What else can be prepared from berries?

D:- Delicious pie, cakes, pastries.

6. Summing up lessons

AT:-Who needs berries?

D:-Animals, birds, insects, people.

AT:- "What from berries benefit

D:- They contain a lot of vitamins useful for humans. Medicinal decoctions, fruit drinks are prepared from them.

AT:- In the people they say: “To live near the forest is not to be hungry. Why do they say so?

D:-Forest is our wealth, it must be protected and protected.


1. Nishcheva N.V. Modern system corrective work in speech therapy group for children with general underdevelopment of speech. -SPb.: LLC "Publishing house "Childhood-Press", 2013.-624s.

2. Lozbyakova M. I. Learning correctly and clearly talk: A guide for speech therapists, educators, parents. M.: Ventana - Graff, 2003. - 304 p.

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Cognitive and creative project with children of senior preschool age

Visual arts training is an important component educational program kindergarten. Drawing, modeling and appliqué are the favorite activities of children, craving for creativity stronger year from a year. receiving positive emotions from the process of creating crafts, the guys at the same time develop the skills necessary for their future school life. By the age of 6–7 years, fine motor skills of preschoolers are well developed, abilities for forecasting and analysis appear, for identifying relationships between objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. In the classroom for fine arts, children are given maximum freedom of choice in completing the task: independently thinking through the idea, planning actions for its implementation, determining the technique of execution, necessary tools and materials. Today we will tell you how the lesson on the topic “Mushrooms and Berries” should take place in the preparatory group of kids.

Preparation for a drawing lesson on the topic "Mushrooms and Berries" in the preparatory group of the kindergarten

Drawing is one of the main forms creative activity child. Held in kindergarten classes serve a harmonious and emotional positive development preschooler preparing for primary school and develop personal qualities. Working with a brush, pencils and felt-tip pens develops fine motor skills and prepares the hand for mastering an important skill for future life - writing. In drawing classes, the child gains knowledge about colors and shades, learns to see beauty in various color combinations. Spatial thinking develops, the concepts of composition and perspective are fixed. Figurative memory and thought processes are activated.

The tasks of teaching drawing in the preparatory group

  1. Development of aesthetic feelings: color and compositional perception of objects, a sense of form, rhythm, proportion. Directing children to a specific visual perception of objects, the teacher must teach them to see the object beauty, the unique properties of objects.
  2. Development of spatial thinking, consolidation of compositional abilities. Senior preschoolers should be able to create a three-dimensional composition.
  3. Learning to highlight the main or most significant properties object using color highlighting, image size, position in the foreground of the picture.
  4. Development of the skill of drawing according to the idea (on the themes of the surrounding reality, based on fairy tales).
  5. Encouragement to independent creative activity, activation of the child's imagination.

The pupils of the preparatory group are familiar with main types of drawing and use various techniques and techniques to implement a creative idea:

  1. Subject drawing.

    The children learn to realistically convey in the drawing the characteristic shape of an object or its parts, in compliance with proportions, color, volume, movement. In children aged 6–7 years, analytical thinking is actively developing, they learn to distinguish common signs objects and features in which they differ from one another. Drawing in the classroom in the senior and preparatory groups is not carried out. It is possible to view samples finished works on a given topic, discussion of performance techniques, drawing techniques. Direct display of actions is not carried out. Recommended when studying job plans and visual instructions Build a verbal action plan with students. Great importance is given to drawing objects from nature: the guys learn to convey the characteristic features of the structure and shape using specific examples. In the preparatory group, the guys draw objects and according to the idea, operating with images visual memory and following the imagination.

  2. Story drawing.

    Preschoolers learn to convey their impressions and feelings by drawing objects and displaying their understanding of the connection between them, interaction. In the preparatory group, children are given the opportunity to independently come up with a story (a small sketch) on the topic of the lesson. The compositional abilities of young artists develop: they arrange the drawing over the entire area of ​​the sheet, learn to determine the position of objects - foreground and background. In the graduation group of the kindergarten, children master the ability to convey the characteristic movements of objects, overcome the conventionality and static image.

  3. Decorative drawing.

    Learning to decorate a paper blank or a papier-mache figurine fulfills the requirement for the development of aesthetic taste in the classroom for fine arts. Preschoolers get acquainted with the folk crafts of our country, learn to see beauty in the products of craftsmen from the people. The children use the knowledge gained about the features of Gzhel, Khokhloma, Gorodets murals in creating their own patterns based on folk art.

For the topic “Mushrooms and Berries” in the preparatory group, the most relevant is subject drawing from nature or from representation: “ Fir branches”,“ Bunch of mountain ash ”,“ Fly agaric ”,“ Mushrooms in the forest ”,“ Family of mushrooms ”, etc. The guys practice the skills of creating a composition, arranging objects on a sheet of paper, learning to fill the entire sheet with a pattern, create an unusual background. Drawing from life will be the main method in the school. In the preparatory group, the pupils are not tasked with depicting the volume of an object or creating chiaroscuro. The goal in teaching children 6–7 years old is to learn to highlight the features of the object in front of them and display them in the drawing: the shape of the object, its parts, the ratio of details with the main figure. The analysis of an object and the transfer of its details are successfully carried out by children of 6–7 years old with a close location of the object. Effectively pass classes based on a game element. For example, in front of each pupil, a branch of mountain ash is placed on the table, which, according to the assignment, must be drawn from nature. Everyone studies only his own branch, highlights and depicts its features (one or two thunderstorms of berries, a forked branch, the number of leaves, fresh or withered foliage). At the end of the lesson, the teacher collects the branches and puts them on a common table, inviting the children to find from the drawings who drew which branch.

Works on this topic are often performed using the plot drawing method: “Bullfinches peck a mountain ash”, “Squirrel jumped on a branch”, “Mushroom hedgehog”, “Who hid under a fungus”, etc. Pupils of the preparatory group learn to depict the characteristic movements of birds and animals, think over small plot scenes. AT decorative drawing mushrooms and berries are also used to create a floral ornament on the workpiece.

As the basis of the drawings, sets of white and colored paper, special for watercolor and gouache, drawing paper (usually for creating collective work or implementation of creative projects). Tinted paper is rarely used for work, mainly to create a decorative pattern based on folk art. In the subject and plot drawing classes, the children learn to create a background on their own (monochrome or with smooth transitions).

Drawing techniques and techniques

Consider in the form of a table what techniques older students should master as part of teaching drawing in the preparatory group:

What makes a drawingTechnique and techniques of drawing
Pencils, markersCreating a sketch: with a light line, without pressing on a sheet of paper, the contours of the subject are transferred.
Pencil pressure adjustment.
Creating hatches with varying degrees pressure and swing without going beyond the contours of the image.
Using colored felt-tip pens to draw outlines and details of objects.
Paints: watercolor, gouacheMixing colors on a palette.
Blurring of paint on a large surface.
Applying strokes and strokes to the shape of an object.
Sticking (overlay of vertical strokes).
Drawing with the tip of a brush (overlaying lines or poking).
Drawing on a wet background.
Dry pastelMastering the graphic technique of drawing (pastel of one color).
Creating the main tone by shading, using a hard brush.
Drawing smooth lines.
The development of accuracy when drawing with pastels: holding a sheet of paper in the process of drawing, shaking off dust on a napkin.

On the topic “Mushrooms and Berries”, classes are held on non-traditional drawing techniques: wax crayons with a sketch of watercolor paint, cotton swabs, chalk on sandpaper, in the techniques of scratching, monotype, etc.

Examples of drawings of mushrooms, branches and berries made using non-traditional techniques

Drawing with prints Scratching Blotography Finger painting Monotype Blot printing Finger painting Drawing with wax and watercolor Dot painting Drawing with crayons on sandpaper Poke method

In the process educational activities a person-centered approach should be pursued. When preparing for drawing classes in the preparatory group, the teacher must take into account the individual characteristics of each child. This is the degree of mastery of specific drawing techniques, the ability to work in mixed media, the degree of involvement in collective activities. All pupils should come to the implementation of the goal set at the beginning of the lesson. For those who have difficulties in the process of creating a drawing, the teacher applies the form of an individual display. Successful pupils are additionally given tasks to decorate a finished drawing or design a general composition in a subgroup (creating a panel on a piece of drawing paper).

The personal approach is realized through the freedom of choice by pupils of materials for drawing. Children should be given access to sets of paper, pencils and markers, paints and crayons. Senior preschoolers, based on an assessment of their capabilities, have the right to choose their own drawing technique to complete the task.

The main thing in the implementation of the student-centered concept of learning is the provision of freedom of design. The child is given a topic that involves the activation of the imagination. Plot drawing is especially conducive to fantasizing: the child comes up with images for the drawing, a situation, the relationship of objects.

Variants of individual and collective compositions on the theme "Berries and mushrooms"

Topic of the lessonForm of organization of the lessonEducational and development tasksTechnique and techniques of drawing
"Rowan branch"Individual.Formation of the ability to draw from life, analyze the subject and identify its characteristic features.
Development of compositional skills.
Drawing in watercolor.
Hone painting techniques with a brush (all pile / bristle and tip).
"Mushroom hedgehog"Individual.Formation of artistic thinking, development of imagination.
Create a preliminary sketch with a simple pencil.
Creating a background.
Elaboration of details (hatching, lines, strokes, pokes).
"Mushroom meadow"Collective.Development of compositional skills.
Formation of the concept of perspective (foreground and background).
Consolidation of the skill of subject drawing with transfer characteristic features items.
Drawing on a common sheet of drawing paper by subgroups.
Applying with a brush (mushrooms).
A method of drawing with crumpled paper (grass).
Individual.Strengthening the skill of subject drawing.
Development of visual perception.
As a rule, in the preparatory group, a lesson on this topic is carried out using the technique of finger painting:
Drawing vertical lines - long and short.
Point drawing.
"Mushrooms in the forest"Collective.Activation of memory and attention processes.
Strengthening the skill of subject drawing.
Drawing in subgroups.
Drawing with pencils:
Hatching within the contours of the sketch with varying degrees of pressure.
Creating contours with colored felt-tip pens.
"Who hid under the fungus"Individual.
Activation of memory, imagination.
Drawing in mixed media - watercolor and gouache.
Background preparation.
Drawing on a wet background.
Drawing with strokes of different directions.
Working out small details with a thin brush.
"Bullfinches on a rowan branch"Individual.Developing storytelling skills.
Activation of figurative memory, development of the ability to analyze and predict.
Gouache painting:
Background preparation.
Drawing with strokes.
Drawing details with a thin brush.
"Fairy Mushroom"Individual.Developing the skill of drawing by representation.
Activation of the imagination.
Drawing with colored pencils:
Create an outline.
Thinking about the background.
Hatching with varying degrees of pressure.
Drawing details (possibly with a felt-tip pen).

Motivating start of the lesson on the topic "Berries and Mushrooms"

An obligatory stage of a lesson in visual activity in the preparatory group is a motivating beginning. It creates an emotionally positive atmosphere, activates the figurative memory of pupils, expands children's knowledge of the surrounding reality, and sets them up for the subsequent creative process. As a motivating material at the beginning of a drawing lesson, the following are used:

  • Visual material: thematic posters, cards, illustrations in books, toys and figurines.
  • Reading poems, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings, excerpts from prose works of art on the topic of the lesson.
  • Conducting a conversation.
  • Creation of problem and game situations, surprise moments.
  • Using technical means: listening to audio recordings, showing slides on a projector.

Examples of using motivational materials at the beginning of the lesson on the topic "Mushrooms and Berries"

Topic of the lessonMotivating start
"Fairy Mushroom"Listening proverbs about mushrooms:
Mushrooms grow in the village, and they are known in the city.
Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with mushrooms.
Berries love the day, mushrooms - night and shade. and etc.
Conversation with pupils: how they understand this or that proverb, where mushrooms grow, what kind of weather they like, etc.
Learning with pupils Tongue Twisters about mushrooms.
"Rowan branch"Creation surprise moment:
A squirrel (bear cub, hare, hedgehog or other forest animal) comes to visit the guys. She brought the children a bouquet of rowan branches as a gift. The squirrel distributes a branch to the guys and notices that they have sheets of paper, brushes and paints on their tables, but will the guys be able to draw rowan branches? After completing the task, the squirrel promises to play the game “Find your branch in the bouquet” with the guys.
"Mushroom meadow"At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher asks the children puzzles about mushrooms and attaches pictures depicting guesses to the board (or puts figures of guessed mushrooms on the table).
Holding conversations about mushrooms: where they grow, what places certain mushrooms like, which mushrooms are inedible. Children are given the task to divide the images of mushrooms into two groups - into edible and poisonous.
Physical education minute"For mushrooms".

Drawing up a summary of a drawing lesson on the topic “Mushrooms and Berries”

Time plan for drawing classes in the preparatory group

The duration of a drawing lesson with pupils of 6–7 years old is no more than 30 minutes.

  • Organizational moment 1-2 minutes.
  • Motivating start 6-7 minutes.
  • Practical work 15–17 minutes.
  • Demonstration and discussion of finished works 2–3 minutes.
  • Summing up 1 minute.

Each lesson is reviewed by the teacher according to the following criteria:

  • Achieving the goal of the lesson.
  • Fulfillment of educational and educational tasks.
  • The emotional mood of the pupils at each stage of the lesson (what caused this or that state of the children).
  • The presence of delays at any stage of the lesson: identifying the causes and ways of correction in subsequent educational activities.
  • Analysis of the work of pupils: what drawing techniques require additional consolidation.
  • Self-analysis of the work of the teacher: which teaching methods and techniques were effective in conducting the lesson, which were not.

Outline of a drawing lesson (preparatory group) on the topic "Rowan Branch".
Creating a drawing using various techniques (sticking, poke, drawing with the end of a brush, elements of finger painting). TasksTo create comfortable conditions for positive creative activity.
Improving the skills of drawing with watercolors.
Fixing the skill of mixing paints on a plastic palette or sheet of paper.
The development of a sense of beauty through the observation of natural objects. Lesson progressThe teacher reads a poem about the beautiful mountain ash. Tells the children about the structural features of this tree and how the color of its leaves changes with the onset of autumn.
The study and discussion of visual material - pictures depicting mountain ash at different times of the year.
Practical part:
Toning a sheet of paper with paint and a piece of foam rubber.
While the paper dries, the teacher once again examines the image of the rowan branch with the children, discusses the structural features, the shape of the berries and leaves, and the color qualities.
Drawing branches and leaves with a brush, rowan berries with fingertips.
Drawing small details with the tip of a brush: veins of leaves - with strokes, the middle of berries - with dots.
Demonstration and analysis of finished works.
Thanks to the students for their hard work.

The order of execution of drawings on the theme "Mushrooms and berries"

Pupils of the preparatory group actively develop the ability to follow the oral instructions of the teacher. Therefore, before the children complete the practical part of the assignment, the educator should discuss with them in what ways and in what sequence they will draw the landscape, and by leading questions and hints to lead them to the recommended course of action. You can consider examples of finished works on a given topic and invite the children to determine the methods by which these drawings were created. For those children who have difficulty completing the task, cards with schematic instructions for drawing objects can be offered. Direct demonstration of actions for pupils of the preparatory group is carried out by the teacher only in the case of performing a particularly complex element or individually in a situation of extreme difficulty for the pupil.

"Rowan branch"

Sketching Sketching Sketching Coloring with hatching Drawing with hatching leaves Hatching process Shading the contours of berries Painted brush Process of tracing the contours of a branch Drawing contours Drawing veins of leaves Outlining the contours of berries Brush with outlined berries Drawing berry cores (crosses or stars) Brush with traced cores Drawing cores with dots Finished work

"Rowan branch"

Drawing a simple pencil outline Outlining the branch Coloring the branch Outlining and coloring the leaves Colored branch and leaves Outlining the berries Coloring the berries Colored branch and rowan clusters Drawing veins Drawing the cores of the berries (cross-stitches) Intermediate drawing stage Drawing small details Finished work

"Mushroom hedgehog"

Creating a watercolor background While the background dries, draw the body of the hedgehog With strokes, draw grass Draw the legs of the hedgehog Draw a muzzle and nose Apply brown strokes - needles Apply strokes with black paint Gouache, draw the legs of mushrooms Draw mushroom caps Let the gouache dry With the tip of the brush, outline the legs of the mushrooms On the hedgehog, the mushrooms are also outlined Finished Work

"Who hid under the fungus"

We draw the background of the sky with watercolor paint Smooth transition draw grass On a wet background we draw clouds in the sky We draw strokes on a wet watercolor background of drops We draw grass and leaves with strokes on a wet watercolor background Gouache draw a stem of a mushroom Gouache draw a hat Draw the torso and heads of bugs We finish the antennae and paws with the tip of the brush beetles Draw the details with the tip of the brush Finished work


Berries grow on trees, bushes, in a swamp, on low bushes.

From berries you can make compote, jelly, fruit drink, pie, jelly.

Cherry jelly, what kind? - Cherry.
Raspberry pie? - Raspberry.
Currant juice? - Currant.
Strawberry compote? - Strawberry.
Cranberry juice? - Cranberry.

Raspberry - raspberry jam
Blueberry - blueberry jam
Strawberries - strawberry jam
Cranberry - cranberry jam
Lingonberry - lingonberry jam, etc.

What is lingonberry? Red, sour, small.
What is raspberry? Pink, large, sweet, juicy.
What blueberry? Blue, sweet, small.

Rowan berries grow... on a tree.
Gooseberries are falling... bush.
Strawberries were plucked ... twigs.
Blackberries laid out ... baskets.
Blueberry bushes were looking for... grass.
Currant berries peeked out ... leaves.

Strawberries are large, and raspberries ...
Gooseberries are hard, and blueberries ...
Blackberries are sweet, and currants...
Mountain ash is bitter, and strawberries ...

Berries on branches (what do they do?) grow, ripen, ripen, ripen, pour juice.
Berries from twigs...
People in the berry forest...
Juice from berries...
In a glass of juice...
Jam, (jam, jam) from apples ...
Berries in the basket...

Mom bought a bucket of cherries to...
Mom sorted currants to ...
Mom bought Sasha strawberries because...
Mom dried rose hips ...
Vova didn't eat gooseberries...
Raspberries rubbed with sugar...

Where does it grow?
What does it taste like?
What is prepared from it?


Sour cranberries grow in the swamp. You can collect it in the spring, when the snow melts. Whoever has not seen how cranberries grow can walk on it and not see it. Blueberries are growing - you see them: next to a leaf of a berry. And there are so many of them that the place turns blue. Blueberry grows in a bush. Bone is also found in remote places - a red berry with a brush, a sour berry. The only berry we have - cranberries - is invisible from above.

How do cranberries grow?
What other berries grow in the forest?
How do they grow?
Which berry is invisible from above?



I take berries from the branches
And I collect in a basket.
Berries - a full basket!
I'll try a little.
I'll eat a little more -
It will be easier to get home.
And eat more raspberries.
How many berries are in the basket?
One, two, three, four, five…
I will collect again


Small as a mouse
Red as blood
Delicious like honey. (Cherry)

In haymaking - bitter,
And in the cold - sweet,
What is a berry? (Kalina)

Two sisters are green in summer
By autumn, one turns red, the other turns black. (Red and black currants)

Autumn has come to our garden
Lit the red torch
Here thrushes, starlings scurry about,
And, noisily, they peck at him. (Rowan)

Hanging red beads
They look at us from the bushes
Love these beads
Children, birds and bears. (Raspberry)

Low, but prickly
Sweet and smelly
If you pick berries, you will peel off your whole hand. (Gooseberry)

Longleg boasts -
Am I not a beauty
And she herself is a bone
Yes, a red shirt. (Cherry)

Himself scarlet, sugar,
Kaftan green, velvet (Watermelon)

Striped balls came to us from melons. (Watermelon)

Small as a mouse
Red as blood
Tasty like honey. (Cherry)

I am a drop of summer on a thin leg,
Weave boxes and baskets for me.
Whoever loves me is glad to bow.
And the name was given to me by my native land. (Strawberry)

On the bake, the stumps have many thin stems,
Each thin stalk holds a scarlet light,
We rake the stalks, we collect the lights. (Strawberry)

Both red and sour
She grew up in a swamp. (Cranberry)

Drawing classes in kindergarten occupy a special place in the calendar and thematic plan of the preparatory group. By the age of 6–7 years, children already have a sufficient set of drawing techniques, have the skills to work with different materials and types of images. One of the topics for practicing these skills is the image of mushrooms and berries, as well as related objects. Consider the methodological nuances of composing a lesson that will make it exciting for children and facilitate the work of the educator.


The result of achieving the set goals and objectives depends on how carefully the educator is ready for the lesson - this is not a secret. And an important role in this process is taking into account all the subtleties of the preparatory process.


In the preparatory group, children are already familiar with the main types of drawing materials. That is, they can use

  • pencils;
  • gouache;
  • watercolor;
  • wax crayons;
  • markers.

It is interesting. Many methodologists categorically deny the possibility of using felt-tip pens in drawing classes in kindergarten, since children cannot use them to convey shades and elementary shadows in the image.

The foundation

As a basis for drawing, you can use:

  • paper of different weights (color or printer paper);
  • cardboard (thick and thin).

The only condition is that the format of the picture should not be larger than A4, if we are talking about individual work. For group assignments, you can use sheets of A3 and even A1 format.

It is interesting. Images on whatman paper are allowed if the educator takes an active part in creating the overall composition of the work.

Techniques and techniques in the preparatory group

It is assumed that in the preparatory group, children already own a number of non-traditional techniques performing a drawing (for example, blotography, when a contour is applied to random spots of paint, or palm drawing, when various images are created based on the contour of the palms). However, classical techniques still remain a priority. Among them

  • coloring pictures-templates;
  • drawing the composition on the finished background (for example, the forest substrate is complemented by a pattern of a hedgehog, squirrels, mushrooms, berries, etc.);
  • copying (this technique is actively mastered in the senior group and practiced in the preparatory group);
  • tracing and coloring stencils (in the group there is a complication of the depicted figures, animals appear with traced contours of wool, small objects of the composition, etc.);
  • drawing from nature (natural materials act as nature - branches, hemp, acorns, chestnuts, etc.).

For the image of mushrooms and berries, it will be important to use drawing, sketching and drawing from nature.

Drawing techniques are determined by the fact that the kids already have a clear idea of ​​​​the point-borders of the image, determined by the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe drawing. For children 6-7 years old are available

  • any form of painting (small, large details, as well as elementary shadows);
  • drawing thin and wide lines in any direction;
  • the vertical position of the brush when drawing thin lines and the inclined position of the brush for wide lines (when using paints);
  • priming, when a brush dipped in paint is applied to the paper with all the pile to make an imprint;
  • mixing the watercolor palette to get different shades;
  • techniques for painting in a different position of the pencil in relation to the sheet.

In a lesson on the topic of mushrooms and berries, you can combine all these techniques, depending on what materials will be used.

Photo gallery of drawings made in non-traditional techniques

Using semolina dyed in different colors using watercolor or gouache, allows you to quickly fill the image with color Drawing with cotton swabs is one of the varieties of inkblotography, when an object takes the form of a spot of paint To create this drawing, the technique of imprinting paint from fingers was used

How to personalize work?

The implementation of an individual approach is one of the main goals of the educational process in kindergarten. In drawing classes, this is easier to do than in others, since the final product is a priori unique. Nevertheless, the educator can already at the stage of setting the task to achieve the goal. To do this, an adult can give the following options for performing a drawing:

  • present the composition different time days (day, night, morning) or different seasons, which implies the use of different colors;
  • depict a picture from nature in different approximations (for example, with close range if the baby has vision problems);
  • add one element to this composition at your discretion and prove the validity of this detail.

It is interesting. To individualize the drawing, you can offer the kids to supplement with elements of other types of fine arts, for example, an appliqué from natural materials, fabrics or volumetric parts made of plasticine.

Composition options

Drawing, as already mentioned, can be done individually and collectively. In the latter case, it is better if these are elements (for example, pine, squirrel, mushrooms, etc.) made on separate sheets, and then located on a common background. Alternatively, children can color individual blocks of the overall composition. As for the thematic variety of using images of mushrooms and berries as a task, this is traditionally an “autumn-winter” thematic block when kids study natural phenomena, the life of animals associated with the changes of the seasons. You can suggest the following ideas for the formulation of the topic:

  • "Stocks for the hedgehog";
  • "Rowan branch";
  • "Mushroom meadow";
  • "Amanita";
  • "Bullfinches on a rowan branch";
  • "Who hid under the tree there?";
  • "Gifts for a squirrel", etc.


The involvement of kids in the work depends on how much the teacher manages to interest them in the topic. To do this, you can use a whole arsenal of techniques, combining them depending on the topic and time frame of this stage of the lesson.


The musical arrangement of classes allows not only to create a favorable atmosphere in children's team, but also in an unobtrusive form to present necessary information, for example, about what edible mushrooms look like. Moreover, you can choose videos so that the kids not only listen and sing along, but also perform certain rhythmic movements. In this case, motivation can be combined with physical education.

Video: An example of a video clip for children "Mushrooms-Berries"


Rhymed lines easily and accurately fit into the memory of children, which is why in preschool education memorizing poems by heart is almost the main method of consolidating the acquired knowledge. For a lesson in drawing, poems can be selected separately according to the types of mushrooms and berries, or in general about the gifts of autumn, for example.

  • They walked along the path - Borovik was found. Borovik borovik In the moss took cover with his head. We could pass it, It's good that we walked quietly.
  • Golden chanterelles - Curious sisters. They wear red-haired berets, they bring autumn to the forest in summer.
  • I walk through the woods, I look at the berries: There is a raspberry on a bush, A mountain ash on a tree, A strawberry in the grass, A blueberry under a mountain, Klyukovka - on a hummock ... - Empty in the box!
  • - Autumn! Tell me quickly, Have you stocked up for the animals? - I'll give a bear, a capercaillie a lot of berries. And cloudberries, and raspberries, And rosy rowan. - And for the forest squirrel I have a different surprise: I will give the red-haired baby Acorns, mushrooms and cones.


This is a quick and very productive way to set children up for work, since guessing riddles does not take much time, and the kids listen with pleasure and try to answer as quickly as possible.

  • This fungus is a birch son. Whoever finds it, everyone puts it in a basket (Boletus).
  • The mushroom is red - dangerous for health (Amanita).
  • Yellow-red chanterelles - sisters (chanterelles) call us.
  • Near the stumps and on the lawn We always walk in a flock. Very friendly guys, They call us ... (honey mushrooms).

Fairy tales

Fairy tales can be called one of the win-win options to set kids up for work. As a motivation for a drawing lesson on the topic of berries and mushrooms, you can offer not just listening to ready-made stories, but inventing your own (from 2–4 sentences) on a given topic. For example,

  • once upon a time Friendly family funny honey mushrooms. Once a misfortune happened: the smallest brother fell ill, so much so that he turned all green ...
  • A daughter was born to the Mushroom King Boletus, and he arranged a feast on this occasion. He invited noble guests: Borovik with Borovikha, Gruzdya with Volnushka and other mushroom inhabitants ...
  • Chanterelles, bright and orange, grew up in a clearing, and the evil sorceress White Toadstool lived nearby ...

Conversation and visibility

Without pictures, drawing is hard to imagine. Children should see different interpretations of the image that they have to reproduce. That is, if we are talking about berries, the images should be made from different angles, always with enlargement (for example, individual rowan berries, and not just clusters). And, of course, viewing pictures should take place under a conversation on the topic.

  • How often do you go to the forest?
  • What grows in the forest?
  • Why do we need mushrooms and wild berries?
  • What can be done with mushrooms or berries at home? etc.

Scheme for compiling a lesson summary

A detailed plan for working with children in a specific period of time is that part methodical work, which determines the professionalism of the educator. And you should start preparing the lesson with the formulation of goals:

  • to teach children to depict mushrooms and berries on paper in different ways;
  • to consolidate the knowledge of the children about the structure of the flora of the forest, the forms and color shades of plants;
  • train the skill of depicting several objects on one line;
  • expand children's ideas about natural phenomena;
  • develop creative abilities;
  • develop respect for the environment;
  • to instill a positive attitude towards creativity and communication with each other.

Tasks can be the following:

  • consolidate knowledge about edible / poisonous mushrooms / berries;
  • develop memory, cognitive sphere;
  • automate the ability to distinguish mushrooms / berries from pictures or from riddles / songs / poems;
  • cultivate patience at work.

It is very important to observe the timing of each stage of work.

  • Introductory part - 5 minutes (repetition of what you did last time, motivational techniques).
  • The main stage of work is 20 minutes (formulation of the task, performance of work with the obligatory inclusion of physical education minutes and finger gymnastics in the timing).
  • The final stage - 5 minutes (drawing up a group composition or design individual works on one stand, words of encouragement from the teacher and reflection of the child, for example, in the form of questions - Did you like the lesson? How? or What didn't you like? Have you been able to draw everything you envisioned? How would you rate your picture? Which picture do you think is the most beautiful? Why? etc.).

Lesson outline example

Vasilyeva Svetlana "In autumn forest a lot of mushrooms". Open class on drawing in the senior group (learning the “sticking” method) ”(fragment)

<…Давайте нарисуем на травке грибочки для белочки. Садимся за столы: А я сейчас покажу вам, как нарисовать белые грибы.
Educator: Here is the autumn forest (showing the picture).
Here I have grass shown (I show in the picture).
I'm going to take a brush and dip it in white paint and immediately paint a lot of mushroom stalks.
The legs turned out to be straight (I show and pronounce the image techniques, applying the brush with all the pile to the paper).
And now I will wash the brush well, (show how) I will dip it in brown paint and attach it to the legs of the hat.
The legs stand, and the hats lie on them (showing a horizontal stroke).
Educator: Guys, let's get to work. And the squirrel will help us.
Children: Draw (the teacher helps).
Squirrel: praises the mushrooms in the drawings, thanks the guys for the help.
The squirrel calls several children to help them find strong porcini mushrooms.
The squirrel, together with the children, puts the drawings on the stand (discussion of the drawings).
Guys, how did we help the squirrel?
What did they draw?
Where did you go?
What did you like the most? >

Stages of work on a drawing

"Basket with mushrooms for a hedgehog"

To perform this drawing, you can use both watercolor and gouache. First, the children make a pencil sketch of mushrooms, and then finish drawing (without a pencil outline) a basket.


  1. "We draw with a pencil ovals of hats and legs of mushrooms."
  2. “We color them in yellow-beige-brown tones.”
  3. “With beige paint we make an oval into which we enter the mushrooms.”
  4. “Finishing the basket, coloring it yellow.”
  5. “Let the background dry for 1-2 minutes and apply a pattern of cells with brown paint.”
  6. “On the handle of the basket, we also make an imitation of weaving in brown.”

It is interesting. If there is no beige paint in the palette, then you can make it by mixing white with yellow, adding a little brown.

"Bunch of rowan"


  1. "Dip the brush in brown paint and draw a twig."
  2. “In green, we apply thin short strokes-twigs.”
  3. “We draw berries on each branch, making dots with orange or red paint.”
  4. “Dip the brush again in green paint, draw branches for the leaves, making them thin but long.”
  5. “Now we stick the leaves, applying the bristles of the brush in one direction to the long green branches.”


This drawing can be an illustration for a poem or a fairy tale, and since it is done with felt-tip pens, it takes a little less time to create it. That is why such pictures can be supplemented with accompanying elements (in this case, butterflies, clouds, etc.).


  1. "We start by drawing the contours of the tree."
  2. “We show the branches and draw marks on the birch trunk.”
  3. "We draw hats and legs of fly agarics."
  4. "We color them, not forgetting to leave white spots." You can use not only felt-tip pens, but also pencils for coloring.
  5. “We draw butterflies. We draw the contour of the oval for the body, draw the wings in the form of the number 3, add a circle-head, do not forget about the antennae.
  6. "Coloring Butterflies"
  7. "We close the wavy lines into a circle-like shape - these are clouds."
  8. "Coloring the clouds, painting the sun."

Lesson topic: Berries.

Goal: learn about berries, compare raspberries and cloudberries;

Learn to work with text, make a brief reference;

Improve your skills in solving riddles;

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment (singing of forest birds, wind noise).

2.Updating knowledge. Definition of a topic.

Guess what it says:

Red beads hang

They are looking at us from the bushes.

Love these beads

Children, birds and bears.

Today we will talk about berries. Let's check how you know the names and features of berries. We go to the village "Zagadkino".

You put down the serial number on the pieces of paper and write the answer. Let's define a connoisseur of berries.

1) Red and grainy,

Sweet and fragrant.

In the summer I'm glad I'm fresh

Bear berry;

And dried in stock

It heals us from colds.


2) I am a bit of summer

On a thin leg.

Weaving for me

Bodies and bows.

Who loves me,

He is happy to bow.

And gave me a name

Native land.


3) I am red, I am sour,

I grew up in the swamp

Ripe under the snow.

Well, who knows me?


4) What kind of bead is here

Hanging on a pole?

You look - saliva will flow,

And you will bite - sour.


5) Low and prickly,

Sweet, but not smelly.

Pick berries -

Take your whole hand.


6) Two sisters are green in summer;

By autumn, one turns red, the other turns black.

(red and black currant)

7) Balls hang on knots -

Turned blue from the heat.

8) In the mouth - red porridge,

From the mouth - a bone.

Let's check your answers. The winner is(are) …..

3. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Let's watch the presentation of "Berries" with you and remember appearance some berries.

For work, we will divide into 4 groups. Each will receive their own envelope with the task.

Envelope No. 1. Write a short note about raspberries.

Envelope number 2. Write a short note about cloudberries.

Envelope number 3. Make a craft of plasticine berries and find the place of growth on the map.

Envelope number 4. Make a certificate about the berries from a medical point of view.


We just entered the forest

There were mosquitoes.

Hands up, clap above your head,

And we meet a bear.

We put our hands on our heads

And we're walking.

Ahead from behind a bush

Looks sly Fox.

We will outwit the fox

Let's run on toes.

The bunny jumps quickly in the field,

Lots of fun on the loose.

We imitate a bunny

Fidgets are rascals.

But the game is over

And it's time for us to learn.

5. Continued work.

Guys, choose the material you understand from the article.


Common raspberry is a deciduous subshrub with a perennial rhizome, from which two-year aerial stems up to one and a half meters high develop.

The rhizome is sinuous, woody, with multiple adventitious roots forming a powerful branched system. Stems erect. Shoots of the first year are herbaceous, green with a bluish bloom, juicy, covered with thin, usually frequent miniature thorns. The leaves are oval, alternate, petiolate, compound, with 3-7 ovate leaflets, dark green above, whitish below, pubescent with small hairs. The flowers are white, about 1 cm across, collected in small racemose inflorescences, located on the tops of the stems or in the axils of the leaves. Petals shorter than calyx. AT middle lane Russian raspberries bloom from June to July, sometimes until August. The fruits are small hairy drupes fused on the receptacle into a complex fruit. The fruits are usually red (from pink to deep burgundy), but there are varieties of yellow and even black (blackberry). Fruits appear not only on the shoots of the second year. In the southern regions, the fruits also appear on the shoots of the first year in mid-autumn. These shoots become woody and acquire Brown color, fruit-bearing branches with flower buds grow from the axils of the leaves. Immediately after fruiting, the side branches dry up, but new stems grow from the same root the following year. There are also remontant raspberry varieties adapted to the conditions of central Russia, capable of bearing fruit on the shoots of the first year.

Grows in clearings, forests, shrubs, river banks. Often bred in gardens. The leader in growing raspberries in the world market is Russia.

Significance and application

Raspberries are consumed fresh or used to make jam, jelly, marmalade, juices. In medicine, dried fruits are used as a diaphoretic, syrup - to improve the taste of mixtures. AT folk medicine fruits and leaves are used for colds, flu, as an antipyretic.


(Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia)


Flowering plant cloudberries in culture

"Cloudberry" is both the name of the plant and its fruits.

In ancient times they were called "marsh amber", "eyes of the marsh", "marsh guard". In the north, the name " royal berry».

Folk names: moss currant, gloshina, northern orange, arctic raspberry.

Herbaceous or semi-shrub plant up to 30 cm high, with a creeping rhizome. Dislikes rain and wind, especially frost.

The stems are thin, erect, with 2-3 leaves and one apical flower with white petals. Therefore, one berry per stem is formed. The leaves are rounded kidney-shaped, five-lobed, unevenly crenate along the edge.

Flowers unisexual, solitary, white. Staminate and pistillate flowers are located on different plants the male flowers are slightly larger. Flowers appear in June-July, and after 40-45 days the berries ripen.

The fruit is a combined drupe with a diameter of 1.5 cm, shaped like raspberries, but has a special smell and taste, sweet; unripe berries are red, and ripe ones are orange color, almost transparent, reminiscent of pure bright amber. The berries change color three times. The yield of berries often reaches 1000 kg per 1 ha. The fruits are harvested in July-August, the roots are harvested in late autumn.

Cloudberry grows in the northern hemisphere in a swamp, in the polar arctic tundra. It occurs in peat bogs, swampy forests, moss and shrub tundra in the arctic and northern forest belt of the northern hemisphere, in the middle zone of the European part of Russia, Siberia, on Far East, in Belarus. Sometimes cultivated. Cloudberry berries are adjacent to lingonberries, wild rosemary often grows nearby, and there is a lot of sphagnum moss. Such places are favorite pastures of white partridges and lekking capercaillie.

Significance and application

Cloudberries - a source of useful, healing substances; Thus, cloudberries contain three times more vitamin C than oranges. Fruits with good taste, are used in various forms (fresh, in the form of jam, juice, marmalade, jam, compote). Keeps wet for a long time. Cloudberry flowers provide honey bees with nectar and pollen.

Cloudberry jam (Northern Russian cuisine)

Cloudberries are used in dietary and clinical nutrition, for the treatment of cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases, burns and skin diseases, for heavy metal poisoning, as an anti-febrile agent.

Cloudberry berries have antimicrobial, diaphoretic, antispasmodic effects. In terms of provitamin A content, cloudberries are superior to carrots. The berry is used as a thirst quencher, which is useful for colds. Cloudberries with honey can be given when feeding debilitated patients. Cloudberry is able to enhance blood clotting, has a fixing effect.

One of the common diseases of the inhabitants of the polar countries is scurvy. The name of this disease among the Nenets - singa, sigga - is borrowed from the Russians, but methods of dealing with it were found long before the arrival of the Russians. Therefore, alien people suffered more from scurvy, until they borrowed from the Nenets, Khanty, Pomors medicines, which included cloudberries. Khanty and Nenets use cloudberry leaves as a dressing and hemostatic material. Khanty apply cloudberry leaves lubricated with fish oil to festering wounds to speed up their release from pus, changing them 2 times a day.

Let's check how the guys from plasticine fashioned models of berries using photographs.

Show on the map where the berries grow.

Let's make a table comparing raspberries with cloudberries.


Each berry is good and useful in its own way.

What did you learn new about yourself?

7. Homework.

Compose brief references about other berries. Draw or mold a plant layout. Make a selection of songs or proverbs on the theme "Berries".

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