What is the dream of a Christmas tree: New Year's decorated or growing in the forest? The main interpretations are what a Christmas tree might dream of. Spruce branches interpretation of the dream book

A branch is a symbol of connection with relatives.

Branches in a dream can be flowering, fruiting, green, branched, dry. All of them, one way or another, portend events, changes associated with loved ones. The green branch indicates that your relationship with family and friends will improve. Flowers and fruits on such a branch are a sign of the fulfillment of a cherished dream.

What if the branch is dreaming?

If you collect fruits or flowers from branches, then you are destined to reunite with your loved one after separation, perhaps a long-extinct relationship will flare up again.

Why is the branch dreaming? If this is a birch branch, then you are guaranteed a long and happy life.

In general, a tree in a dream is considered good sign. If it is branchy and green, then expect an improvement in living conditions, large profits, wealth.

If the tree has branches, but they are dry, it means that difficulties will arise, you will give people a reason to gossip. To dream of branches of a thorn bush that clings to clothes is a sign of ill will. Moreover, people who “put spokes in the wheels” are in a working environment.

What portends?

Spruce branches in a dream - to well-being. If in a dream you break coniferous branches, then wait for the care of loved ones. Dry branches are a sign of sad news about friends or relatives. Cut spruce paws - to the tragic news of the death of a loved one.

If in a dream a branch is in your hands, then your affairs will soon change.

If in a dream you are standing under a spruce, then on your way you will meet a patron who will help you in difficult times.

Spruce with roots is a sign of change for the better, all of which will come true thanks to relatives.

Lush branches are a guarantee of material wealth.

Be careful if they are dry or coniferous cut. You should not worry and take it to heart, but it will not be superfluous to ask loved ones about your well-being.

The world of dreams is so unpredictable that falling asleep every night, you have no idea what you will dream about today.

Each dream is a separate reality. But how to understand it? How to understand why the tree is dreaming?

Why the tree is dreaming - the main interpretation

The Christmas tree dreams of change - this is what the classic dream book says. Perhaps this is due to the fact that Christmas trees appear in people's homes just before the change of year. When one stage of life ends and another begins.

It is important to remember exactly where in the dream you happened to see a tree:

At home;

With friends in the house;

On the street, somewhere else.

The interpretation of the dream also depends on this. It is also important to remember who brought this wonderful holiday tree to your house - perhaps this person will bring you joy in reality. If the branches of the tree are broken, you will be disappointed due to the behavior of a loved one.

If you dreamed about a Christmas tree decorated for the New Year, such a dream indicates that you will need to prepare for the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Be sure to control the situation so that difficulties do not escalate into big problems. Also, such a dream may indicate that a person is preparing for significant date. The dream interpretation also indicates that if there are a lot of beautiful and bright toys on the Christmas tree, such a dream says that the celebration will be large-scale and will bring a lot positive emotions.

It is also important to remember , that it is worth not only taking care of the well-being of guests, but also of your own well-being. Therefore, first of all, you need to create a cheerful atmosphere for yourself and your loved ones.

If in a dream you see not only a Christmas tree in your house, but also watch how snow is falling outside the window - such a dream indicates that you will be disappointed in your friends. They will show themselves bad side, and there is nothing left for you to do but stop communicating with them.

A dried tree in a dream suggests that your sexual activity may wither. Costs Special attention devote to your personal life, your mood, the mood to build new and strong relationships.

The blue spruce symbolizes the complexity of the choice that a person will face. In order to make the right choice, endurance, ingenuity and imagination will be needed. If a person is already facing a difficult life choice, he should stop at the option that seems to him the most unrealistic.

In many dream books there is a mention that a green Christmas tree in a dream is a symbol of the fact that you should pay special attention to your health. Perhaps the person treated him somewhat negligently and now he can expect losses due to beriberi.

An artificial Christmas tree in a dream symbolizes artificial feelings, that a person experiences for you. If you communicate closely with friends, you should take a closer look at them, perhaps an ill-wisher or even an enemy is among them.

If you clearly smell a tree in a dream, this means that you will recover soon. You just need to wait a little and the disease will recede. If you walk in a dream for a long time in search of a Christmas tree, such a dream suggests that all decisions are very difficult for you. It is worth either choosing tasks easier, or making decisions quickly and accurately.

If in a dream you see how the Christmas tree is on fire - such a dream suggests that you will inflame with passion for a person you have known for a long time. It is possible to renew feelings and relationships. Also, such a dream may indicate that you will meet such a person who will make you look at reality differently, make you overestimate your strengths and understand that you can do much more.

If the tree fell and the toys scattered in different directions - such a dream suggests that quarrels and disappointments will soon begin in the family. What is worth doing? It is necessary to gather the will into a fist and make decisions based on logic and common sense.

Why dream of a Christmas tree according to Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book says why the tree is dreaming:

To new acquisitions;

To strengthen family ties;

To the celebration of the celebration.

If in a dream you dream about how toys fall from a Christmas tree and break into small pieces - such a dream indicates that you will immerse yourself in everyday problems which will often end in scandals.

If in a dream you planted Christmas trees, it means that favorable events await you in reality. you take the right important decisions that will change your life forever. If you have your own business, you will receive many new profitable orders and strengthen ties with regular customers. Possible promotion and recognition of your professional merit.

If you dream that you are planting a tree at home, such a dream says that soon relations within the family will normalize and you will only have to enjoy harmony and peace in the family. Also waiting for you material well-being that you share with your household.

If you cut a tree in a dream, you do not know how to compromise and make all decisions impulsively. It is worth abandoning such actions and reconsidering your behavior in relation to others.

If in a dream you saw a lot of cones on a Christmas tree, such a dream speaks of many favorable events that await you. Also, such a dream suggests that you need to learn to accept the gifts of fate with gratitude.

If needles fall off a tree in a dream - this is an unfavorable sign, then your family and professional well-being will be undermined and it will be very difficult for you to change the situation.

If a lonely girl saw in a dream how she decorates a Christmas tree, in reality she will get a partner. If a girl is not alone, but does not get married in any way, such a dream suggests that soon her dream will come true. If a girl is married, she will soon become a mother.

Garlands on the Christmas tree in a dream say that your life will become filled with positive and pleasant events. Do not postpone joy indefinitely. It is worth living here and now and shining like lights on a Christmas tree, but with happiness.

Why dream of a Christmas tree according to Meneghetti's dream book

Meneghetti's dream book says that the tree symbolizes new stage in the life of the dreamer. At the same time, this is long this moment in his life, which will transform life. If the Christmas tree does not please the eye and causes only tears - such a dream suggests that a person subconsciously does not want to change anything in his life. He wants to get upset and worry over trifles, not perceiving her gifts.

If there were supposed to be gifts under the tree, but they were not there, such a dream suggests that a person will miss wonderful opportunities to move forward in his beloved business. If in a dream children dance around the Christmas tree, such a dream suggests that the time has come to improve relations with household members, to pay attention to children.

The dream book says that if you are looking for edible gifts under the tree, you are tired of your duplicity and the people around you. It's time for you to change your worldview and not lie to yourself or others.

Why dream of a Christmas tree in other dream books

AT autumn dream book It is said that decorating a Christmas tree is a joy and happiness for the whole family. If, on the contrary, you remove toys from the branches, you will be greatly disappointed by the person on whom you had a lot of hopes. If you had a dream in which you celebrate a holiday and after it remove the toys from the Christmas tree, you will soon have to descend from heaven to earth and take up everyday affairs.

In Fedorovskaya's dream book it is said that to see a Christmas tree in a dream is to want to experience a new sexual experience which will bring something amazing to your sex life. A chance meeting with a passionate lover is possible, which will make you look at life in a new way. If in a dream the tree blazes with lights and sparkles with beautiful toys - beware of a woman who is plotting against you. In appearance, a simple and calm person, but in reality can cause a lot of trouble.

It is important to listen to your inner feelings during sleep. Perhaps you will be overcome by anxiety, fear, joy, happiness. It is important to look closely at those people who appear in a dream, at their words and deeds. It is also important to interpret all the symbols and events of sleep. It is worth remembering that the Christmas tree that appeared in a dream promises well-being in the family and business. But it depends only on you whether you will be able to maintain this well-being, or whether you will squander it on petty quarrels and household chores. It is worth trusting dreams, even if their plot is not joyful. They often provide the clues needed to make the right decisions. fateful decisions. For qualitative change life.

For many people, this tree is one of the favorites, for children, for sure. And all because the long-awaited New Year's holiday comes to the house with her. But why did the tree dream in a dream?

Why is the tree dreaming?

The Christmas tree, as a symbol of the New Year holidays, dreams mainly of change. But the meaning of dreams is still very much dependent on the details of the dream.

Seeing a live Christmas tree in a dream and enjoying its coniferous smell means that the sleeping person has very good health.

For a patient, such a dream is a quick recovery.

I dreamed of a green Christmas tree and the dreamer cannot stop admiring it, then the dream is like a warning that the body lacks some vitamins, and because of this, a disease can occur that will be difficult to ignore.

A blue tree in a dream indicates that the sleeper will face a choice that will bring some losses, but do not be upset - with another option, the losses would be much more significant.

This dried tree in a dream means that the dreamer needs variety in sexual life.

A decorated Christmas tree before the New Year holidays has no special interpretation. But if such a dream occurs when there is still a lot of time until December, then this means that the next event will be held in the best possible way, but do not abuse alcohol, since the holiday can end in tears because of this.

Why dream of decorating a Christmas tree?

Decorating a New Year's beauty - a dream portends that the dreamer will arrange a memorable celebration for the closest people, but do not forget about the rest, otherwise the celebration will be fun only for those invited.

If someone decorates this tree, and the sleeper does not take part in this, then this is good news that portends a solemn event.

A young girl decorates a Christmas tree in a dream, this means that she will soon meet her soul mate.

For married woman to see such a dream - for an early pregnancy.

In a dream, remove jewelry from a New Year's beauty - some kind of disappointment should be expected.

For a woman to remove toys from the Christmas tree - a dream says that a fun pastime will soon end with some problems, which will require a little effort to solve.

A Christmas tree decorated with garlands and burning lanterns means that the aspirations of the sleeper will give a positive result in the near future.

To dream of a Christmas tree all in lights - you should prepare for a catch. The dreamer will receive not at all what he expected.

Dreams with spruce needles

I had a dream where, while decorating a Christmas tree, needles fall off it, then the dream portends that the problem that bothered long time the dreamer will finally be resolved, but not in favor of the sleeping person.

Dreaming of spruce needles on the floor in your own house - this portends that great joy will end in bitter disappointment.

A Christmas tree with cones - a case is expected soon, as a gift of fate. The main thing is not to miss it, but to have time to use it, so as not to regret it later.

If such a tree is in the snow, then this is big win or unexpected inheritance.

When dreaming Christmas tree and at the same time outside the window snowing, then this is for some kind of holiday and a good pastime, but it may be overshadowed by the fact that the dreamer at this time will especially feel the negative traits of his acquaintances, to which he had previously turned a blind eye.

An artificial Christmas tree, decorated very defiantly, warns the sleeper that his gullibility can turn against him. An erroneous opinion about people who were previously considered friends will lead to great disappointment in them.

If you have a dream in which the tree is on fire, then this means that the dreamer will be able to renew relations with a person dear to him.

But if the tree fell, and the toys scattered in different directions, then this is a nuisance in family relationships. Perhaps the tense situation will be present for more than one day.

For family people to see a dream where a glass toy falls from a dressed up tree and breaks, this means that in the relationship of the spouses at the moment there is a complete misunderstanding, due to which there are constant quarrels. To stop this, you need to look at everything from a different point of view.

Why dream of planting a Christmas tree?

Planting a Christmas tree in a dream means that favorable period at work. Perhaps there will be an increase.

If you dreamed that planting this tree at home, then the dream portends a change in life for the better.

But when chopping a green beauty as a decoration for a house, this means that the dreamer, because of his temper and confidence that he is always right, can cause a conflict, which in the end will negatively affect him.

When the dreamer buys a Christmas tree, such a dream says that he strives to spend as much time as possible with his family and loved ones.

Why dream of a spruce branch?

Tree branches in a dream portend the death of someone you know.

For a man, such a dream hints that he should think about his moral state.

But when there are cones on the branch, then this is a happy event.

I dreamed of one spruce branch, which means that some kind of offense is expected soon or someone will insidiously deceive the dreamer.

Dream big spruce forest, then this is a serious illness. Most likely, it will be associated with the respiratory system.

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Why does a woman dream of Spruce (according to the dream book of Natalia Stepanova)

Spruce - If a dreamed spruce grows in a forest or in a park, this is a sign of minor troubles. The New Year tree portends home comfort, excellent relations between spouses, reasonableness and good manners of children. In general, a dream with a New Year or Christmas tree can portend imminent, very joyful events for you. If you see how decorations are being removed from the Christmas tree, the fun may soon be replaced by bitterness, this is how El is interpreted by the dream book.

You see a spruce, has several different values. A spruce growing somewhere in a forest or in a park, a dark and gloomy tree, often symbolizes not too pleasant events that can happen to you in reality. This is bad news, displeasure, poor and hard life. To see a spruce - to life in a foreign land, perhaps - emigration. But in some cases, if a spruce is dreaming, it is a good sign and predicts profit. And when you see a fir tree, richly decorated for Christmas or New Year, it is always good sign promising you fun, happy family life or receiving gifts.

Spruce dreamed (interpretation according to the Old Russian dream book)

If a spruce is dreaming, the meaning of such a dream is determined in different ways, depending on who exactly is the dreamer. When a sailor sees a spruce tree in a dream, especially one who goes on a long voyage, this is lucky sign predicting him good luck and safe return to home port. In other cases, a spruce in a dream indicates that a period awaits you when you will have nothing to do especially, a spruce predicts laziness and idleness in reality.

Spruce - Life will not present you with any unpleasant surprises and surprises in the near future. Why dream of a spruce - Decorating a Christmas tree for a holiday - the joy of a pleasant gift, fun, presence at the holiday, a feast with a plentiful libation. To see a decorated tree falling, to drop it, to break toys that decorate it - to serious problems in the family and to the disappointment in close person, which can even lead to a break in relations with him. Buying a Christmas tree New Year symbolizes your desire to improve relationships with loved ones, which will certainly lead to success. To take a Christmas tree out of the house in a dream is sadness. On Sundays, this dream symbolizes loss, as well as the dream that you are cutting down a fir tree.

Analysis of the dream in which Spruce dreamed (interpretation of the psychologist Z. Freud)

If a spruce is dreaming, it means that you have complicated relationship with sex. You try to convince yourself and others that sexual relations are possible for you only if sincere love, cordial affection. Excessive romanticism prevents you from indulging in sexual relationships as such. Physical attraction has no value for you, moreover, you consider it unacceptable for yourself to indulge in sex without love. This greatly complicates your life, prevents you from not only having fun, but also building strong relationships.

When a spruce is dreaming, the meaning of your dream is different, depending on what kind of spruce you are dreaming of in a dream. A dense dark spruce growing in the forest, with spreading paws, is a negative sign that portends bad news. Often a spruce in the forest symbolizes life away from home, in a foreign land. But if you see a Christmas tree decorated with toys, the dream becomes positive and predicts you will receive a valuable gift. To see a spruce that grows in a forest or in a park, among its other companions, a dream has positive value. It says that the current difficulties will end soon and will not bring you much damage. The main troubles will pass you by, but you will lead a quiet and measured life. If in a dream a lonely spruce growing on a forest edge, it is a symbol of some minor problems that await you soon. Christmas tree - good dream, a Christmas tree with toys portends the receipt of gifts.

Interpretation of El from the dictionary-dream book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

If a spruce is dreaming, and you would like to know what such a dream means, first of all, you need to clarify what kind of spruce you saw in a dream. Spruce growing freely in wild nature, for example, in the forest, portends you a stormy, but fruitful activity. You will have to work hard, but in the end, you will succeed, achieve your goal, your efforts will be rewarded. In some cases, a spruce tree in a dream predicts complex, intricate relationships. If you dream of a Christmas tree when everything is ready for the holiday, the dream promises you a fun pastime and receiving gifts.

The spruce that you dream about, if it grows somewhere in the forest, predicts a lot of worries in reality. But the good news is that, little by little, you will be able to cope with them and make significant progress on your path to success. If in a dream you see separate spruce branches, this is a bad sign that predicts someone's imminent death and funeral. And a decorated Christmas tree warns that in reality you can become a victim of deception on someone's part.

Why dream and how to interpret Spruce according to the "Book of Dreams" (dream book of Simon Kananit)

Seeing a growing green spruce is a good sign that you will soon make some profit. Perhaps - this will be an increase in the economy, for example, the cattle that you keep will bear offspring, or you will get a good harvest. If you dream of a Christmas tree on which you light candles, this is a sign that by some act you will deliver to others great joy. Dressing up a Christmas tree - to a happy family life.

Spruce in a dream promises you a very unusual adventure. You will be attracted by novelty and sharpness of sensations. You will do something you don't expect from yourself. If you dream of a spruce, it means that, although you don’t admit it to yourself, the routine of your sex life has begun to tire you. And therefore, unexpectedly for yourself, you will plunge into somewhat shocking innovations in this area, as soon as the right opportunity presents itself to you. An explosion of sensuality and a storm of passion awaits you. However, after you recover a little, you will again prefer to return to your usual style of sexual relations.

How to understand why Spruce dreamed in a dream? (according to the collection of interpretations of Simeon Prozorov)

Spruce dreamed - philosophical attitude to life and the ability to calmly endure difficulties. Dark spruce forest - the desire to be alone; Christmas tree - expectation of a holiday and happiness; remove decorations from the Christmas tree - leaving dreams. Spruce - Standing in front of a spruce - Dreamed in the spring - this dream means that you risk getting into a difficult situation. - Dreamed in the summer, it means that you will indulge in dreams for which there is no reason. Dreamed in the fall - means that you will be impatient and do your best to rush things.

If you see this dream in winter, then you will come to terms with your situation and find that it is not at all as bad as you thought until now. Chopping a spruce in the spring - this is a dream of desperate deeds; in the summer, it means that you will make a number of mistakes because of your impatience; dreamed in the fall - this dream portends that you will be overcome by unpleasant memories; but if you see this dream in winter, it is encouraging: you will be able to nullify the intrigues of your enemies. Carry the Christmas tree home quiet life. Spruce, on which apples instead of cones, indicates that long classes hard work, which seemed very important, were unproductive.

Meet with Elya in a dream (a clue from the dream book of the healer Akulina)

Spruce dreamed - Sleep means good health and strength. Imagine that you are stroking spruce paws, and through this touch the energy of health enters you. Spruce - green - to good health. You will have to communicate with a difficult person who will be on his own mind. See blue spruces in an important area or in front of government agency- to participation in your affairs of state officials, subtle black magic effects, illness and damage.

Spruce dreamed - you saw a spruce in a dream; perhaps - this is a decorated Christmas tree - you are expected very joyful events; from a person who is dear to you, you will receive a gift. You dream of a New Year tree, from which decorations are removed - the holiday will end quickly, everyday life will begin with sorrows.

Spruce - your strength will increase, health will improve. Imagine a forest where the most different trees. Would you walk through this forest on a warm summer day. The forest is translucent by the sun, it is not dark, but quite light and transparent. You come to a clearing where a tall lush spruce grows. You can smell the pine needles far from her. Come closer and stroke the spruce paws, feeling how strength and health enter you through them. Spruce - a hint of "evergreen" values, hope for the best; the image is associated with birth and death. Often - a symbol of duplicity, falsehood, deceit. New Year's - illusory expectations, longing for the unrealizable, the desire for a miracle.

What does a dream with Spruce mean (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

In the spring, why does a spruce dream in a dream - to the health of parents. Growing - learn new things about yourself; Christmas - to be in danger.

In the summer, what the spruce dreamed of - dreaming of a divorce - this is the meaning of what this dream is dreaming of.

In the fall, why the spruce dreamed of - dreams of a straightforward statement addressed to you. I dreamed of fir cones - Unexpected happiness.

In winter, why dream that you are walking near a spruce, a dream suggests that a sexual relationship with your regular partner, with whom you have been together for a long time, will soon bore you a little.

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