Representatives of which order have the most powerful poison. The most poisonous animals on planet Earth - a list, photos and characteristics. Box jellyfish or sea wasp

Not all insects, amphibians, mammals, and marine life are harmless, some of them have a terrible ability, namely, to destroy the enemy with the help of highly toxic substances contained in their saliva or subcutaneous layer. You will find the top 10 most poisonous animals on the planet in our article.

Terrible leaf climber

The terrible leafcreeper is a small yellow frog that lives in the rainforests of Colombia. In appearance, she is very beautiful, but a drop of her poison, secreted by the skin, can instantly kill 10-15 people. Sometimes the toxins of this little frog are compared to potassium cyanide, but it is 1000 times weaker. The size of the leaf climber is approximately 2-5 cm. Both males and females are equally poisonous. Scientists say that the pesticide of the terrible leaf climber is not terrible for intact skin, but if there is at least one minor scratch on the skin, then the toxic substance instantly enters the bloodstream and stops cardiac activity. Unfortunately, there is currently no antidote. "Meeting" with this amphibian is 100% fatal. Be extremely careful if you see a cute bright yellow frog, but better bypass it, in order to avoid tragedy. Symptoms that may occur after a leaf crawler bite are:

  • heart palpitations;
  • itching and burning at the bite site;
  • nausea, vomiting with an admixture of blood.
leaf climber

Brazilian wandering spider

The Brazilian wandering spider is also called "banana", as it loves to feast on this fruit most of all. "Banana" spiders feed on their relatives, butterflies, small birds, lizards, and some fruits. Their average size is 9-10 cm. The habitat of this terrible creature is South America, namely Brazil. Very often, wandering spiders live near human habitation, due to which they can hide in clothes, laundry baskets, wardrobes, and fruit boxes. In 2016, a terrifying incident occurred in the UK: a man who bought bananas in one of the chain supermarkets was bitten by a spider that came to England from Brazil. This is a killer insect, its poison is the most highly toxic among other inhabitants of our planet. The substance with which the Brazilian spider attacks its prey is considered one of the strongest neurotoxins that deeply affects the human central nervous system. Fortunately, an antidote has been developed for the bites of this terrible creature. Symptoms that appear immediately after the injection of toxins can be considered:

  • shortness of breath, shortness of breath;
  • numbness of some muscles;
  • pain at the bite site.

brazilian spider

Lonomia caterpillar

Lonomia is a small butterfly that is absolutely harmless to humans, but its caterpillar is extremely poisonous and deadly. Lonomia usually live in the tropical forests of South America, as well as urban areas. Their appearance allows them to disguise themselves, so it is very difficult to detect such a caterpillar. The body of this insect is covered with a huge number of sharp spikes containing a highly toxic poison that kills the victim in a matter of seconds. A substance injected into the blood interferes with blood clotting, causing kidney failure, bleeding in the brain and most organs. Very often, harmless tourists who are unaware of its danger die from the poison of lonomia. The first symptoms appear within 1-10 hours after the alleged bite. Depending on the amount of toxin received, the symptoms may be as follows:

  • burning and itching of the affected area of ​​the skin;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • pain throughout the body;
  • subcutaneous hemorrhages.

If you suspect a lonomy needle injection, then seek medical help immediately, because there is a special antidote that can save a life. If the poison is not pumped out in time, a lethal outcome is guaranteed. Be vigilant when traveling in tropical countries, pay attention to every little thing, never, under any circumstances, touch those animals and insects that you know nothing about.

poisonous caterpillar

warty fish

Wart fish is sometimes called stone because of its external resemblance to corals, stones lying at the bottom of the sea. Stone fish is the most poisonous variety of marine life, it belongs to the warty order. Its usual habitat is coral reefs and algae. This fish injects its poison due to the pointed spikes located on its back. The average size of an adult is 30-50 cm. The color is usually dark green or brown, so the wart easily hides in sand, vegetation and stones. Stone fish live in the Red Sea near the Seychelles, which is why tourists become their frequent victims. The wart can spend about a day without water, as a result of which it is often confused with an ordinary stone and stepped on with its foot. Releasing its sharp spikes, it injures a person or animal and injects a highly toxic substance into its bloodstream. The main signs of a stone fish injection are:

  • shock state;
  • paralysis of the limbs;
  • labored breathing;
  • heart failure.

In case of untimely assistance, a fatal outcome can occur. If you are bitten by a wart fish, immediately seek medical help, because now there are a lot of life-saving medicines.


tree climber

The poison dart frog is a small multi-colored frog (blue, green, red) that lives on trees that grow on the banks of tropical rivers, lakes and small reservoirs. They feed on worms, vegetation and some insects. The average size of this dangerous creature is 2-8 cm. The bite of the poison dart frog is deadly, and there is no antidote today. Its venom is considered one of the fastest acting toxins in the world. One drop of dart frog venom can kill 10 adults. A toxic substance is released from the skin and instantly enters the bloodstream to a potential victim. The main symptoms that can occur after a poison dart frog bite are:

  • darkening in the eyes;
  • itching and burning at the bite site;
  • dizziness, nausea, vomiting with an admixture of blood.

tree climber

blue ring octopus

Blue ringed octopuses are some of the most beautiful invertebrates on the planet, but for all their beauty, they are very poisonous. Their appearance is striking in its extravagance: yellow skin, which has many black and blue rings, glows in the dark. The average size of these animals is 10-30 cm. There are 3 varieties of such octopuses, and scientists have assumptions about the presence of the 4th species, but there are not enough facts yet. These creatures live in the coastal zone of Australia and Japan. The main diet of blue-ringed octopuses are: small crustaceans, shrimps, crabs, small fish. The poisonous substance that the blue-ringed octopus releases from its tentacles affects the central nervous system and causes a complete cardiac arrest. An attack on a person or any animal usually occurs while swimming in the water. This creature pounces on its potential victim, bites it and injects toxins into the blood. The symptoms of a blue ring octopus bite are:

  • shortness of breath, suffocation;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • temporary loss of vision.

As such, there is no antidote, but if you seek medical help in time, you can avoid death.

blue octopus

Scorpion leiurus quincestriatus

Scorpion leyurus got its unusual name due to the color of the body, which can be either light yellow or dark sand. Its size varies from 9 to 12 cm. Quinkestriatus usually live in East India, Pakistan, North Africa, and also on the Arabian Peninsula. These scorpions feed on various beetles, cockroaches, jerboas. The venom of leyuruses is highly toxic, it can kill a small insect in 5 seconds. The toxins are found in the sharp tip of the scorpion's tail, with which it stings its potential prey. The danger of this poison for the human body is extremely high. When bitten, the following symptoms may appear:

  • redness and itching;
  • overexcitation of the central nervous system;
  • heart palpitations;
  • headache and vomiting;
  • convulsions, spasms;
  • abdominal pain.

In order to avoid sad consequences, it is recommended to immediately seek help from a medical institution.

poisonous scorpion

cubic jellyfish

The cube jellyfish lives in the coastal waters of Australia and is considered one of the most poisonous marine life. It got its name from its cubic dome. In appearance, this creature is transparent and practically merges with sea waters. Its size can reach 40 cm. This jellyfish is very often called the "sea wasp", because when it meets a potential victim, it stings it like a wasp and injects its poison. Usually scuba divers, vacationing tourists and some waterfowl suffer from the bites of this aquatic inhabitant. Fatal outcome can occur in the case of several simultaneous bites. There is an antidote for sea wasp toxins. Try to seek medical help as soon as possible. After you have been stung by a box jellyfish, the following symptoms may appear:

  • dizziness;
  • redness;
  • burning.

cubic jellyfish


The platypus is considered the most venomous mammal in the world. Its habitat is the Australian jungle. The average size of a platypus is no more than 40 cm. Its poison cannot cause death to a person, it will only cause severe pain for several hours. With their toxins, platypuses can only kill a small animal. The toxic substance is located in the spurs located on the hind legs. Do not approach or provoke the platypus, as these animals are too irritable and aggressive, which cannot be said by their appearance. When bitten, the following symptoms may occur:

  • pain;
  • burning;
  • loss of consciousness.


Ant Maricopa

Maricopa ants are considered one of the most poisonous small insects. Their size varies from 5 mm to 1 cm. The color is usually red or yellow-red. The natural habitat of these ants is the United States, namely Arizona, the California deserts, Texas and Utah. The maricop anthill is very difficult to miss, as it can reach up to 2 meters in height. Sometimes these creatures move to the city limits, which makes them extremely dangerous for humans. Their venom is weak enough for humans, but very strong for animals. For example, it will take up to 12 simultaneous bites to kill an adult rat, and the lethal dose of a poisonous substance for humans will be approximately 200-300 bites, which is almost impossible. 1 bite causes severe pain and burning that does not go away within 4 hours. If attacked by a Maricop ant, seek medical attention immediately.

Ant Maricopa

Our article presented a list of the most dangerous and poisonous creatures on the planet. Be careful and attentive when traveling to exotic countries, because not all animals are harmless. Never touch anything that you have no idea about, for the sake of your safety. But, if it suddenly happened that you were bitten by any poisonous insect, amphibian or mammal, then immediately consult a doctor.

10. In tenth place is the poison of the Central Asian cobra (Naja oxiana).

The Central Asian cobra, whose length reaches 1.5–1.6 m, is common in northwestern India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and northeastern Iran. In Central Asia, this snake is found in Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The northern border of the range is the Nura-Tau ridge and the Bel-Tau-Ata mountains, the western border is the spurs of the Turkestan ridge.

The poison of this snake is extremely strong. After the bite, the victim becomes lethargic, but soon the body begins to shake convulsions, breathing quickens, becomes superficial. Without the necessary assistance, death occurs within a few minutes as a result of paralysis of the respiratory tract.

The main damaging component of the poison is neurotoxin II, the minimum sufficient dose (DL) is 0.085 mg / kg.

9. Ninth place is occupied by the poison of a spider that bears the title of "the most poisonous in the world" - a spider from the genus Karakurt (Latrodectus), which is also called the "black widow".

Karakurts ("black widows") live in tropical, subtropical and even temperate latitudes on all continents except Antarctica. Only females are dangerous to humans (their body size is up to 2 cm). Males are much smaller (0.5 cm) and are not able to bite through human skin. The toxicity of the poison has a pronounced seasonal dependence: September is about ten times more powerful than May.

At the time of the bite, an instant burning pain is most often felt (in some sources, the bite is painless), spreading throughout the body after 15–30 minutes. Usually patients complain of unbearable pain in the abdomen, lower back, chest. A sharp tension of the abdominal muscles is characteristic. Shortness of breath, palpitations, increased heart rate, dizziness, headache, tremor, vomiting, pallor or flushing of the face, sweating, a feeling of heaviness in the thoracic and epigastric regions, exophthalmos and dilated pupils. The face becomes bluish. Priapism, bronchospasm, urinary retention and defecation are also characteristic. Psychomotor agitation in the later stages of poisoning is replaced by deep depression, blackout of consciousness, and delirium.

The main damaging component of the poison is a substance called alpha-latrotoxin, the minimum sufficient dose of which is 0.045 mg / kg.

Antidote: anti-karakurt serum.

8. Eighth place behind the poison of the blue-ringed octopus (Hapalochlaena).

The blue-ringed octopus is a genus of octopuses that includes four known species that live in the coastal waters of Australia, the Philippines, Indonesia and New Guinea. They are found at a depth of up to 50 meters, and they can be found both near reefs and on the gently sloping coast. The weight of animals varies in the range of 10-100 grams. The body of all mollusks of this genus is covered with large blue rings. Octopus rings are different. In some (Hapalochlaena maculosa), the rings are visible only in an aggressive state, in a period of calm they do not appear.

The venom of the blue-ringed octopus is maculotoxin, more precisely, tetrodotoxin, a neurotoxic poison. It is produced not by the mollusk itself, but by the bacteria living in it.
The poison blocks sodium channels, leading to muscle paralysis, stopping the respiratory muscles and, as a result, the heart. However, if a paralyzed person is kept on artificial respiration, after a while, tetrodotoxin is neutralized by the body.

First aid for a blue-ringed octopus bite:

A tourniquet bandage above the bite, preventing the spread of poison throughout the body

Artificial respiration, which must be done even if the victim seems to be dead, because. the action of the poison leads to a state in which the victim is fully aware of what is happening, but cannot give any signal.

7. In seventh place is the poison of a mollusk that lives on the east and north coasts of Australia, as well as on the east coast of Southeast Asia and China. This mollusk is called Conus geographus, or simply Cone.

Mollusk shells are 15–20 cm long. The cones are very active when touched in their habitat. Their toxic apparatus consists of a poisonous gland connected by a duct to a hard proboscis with a radula-grater located at the wide end of the shell, with sharp spikes that replace the teeth of the mollusk. If you take the shell in your hands, the mollusk instantly pushes the radula and sticks spikes into the body.

The cone venom has a complex composition, the main damaging component is called alpha-conotoxin, the minimum sufficient dose is 0.012 mg / kg.

There is no antidote for shellfish toxin - it is not for nothing that it is considered the most poisonous snail in the world! The only measure is profuse bleeding from the injection site.

6. Yellow scorpion venom (Androctonus australis) in sixth place.

Androctonus australis are medium sized scorpions up to 10-12 cm long and living up to 5 years. They have nothing to do with Australia: australis in Latin is “southern”, and androctonus in Greek is “killer”. They are found in the Middle East, in the north and southeast of Africa (Algeria, Tunisia, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Jordan, UAE, Iraq, Iran, etc.). Up to 80% of all serious poisonings and up to 95% of deaths from scorpion stings are associated with this type of scorpion.

The bite of these extremely aggressive creatures can be fatal within seconds.

The venom of the yellow fat-tailed scorpion is produced in two enlarged glands located just behind the sting, which looks like a thorn at the end of the tail. It is they who give the scorpions the appearance of "fat men". It also differs from other scorpions in the color of the sting - from dark brown to black. It feeds mainly on small insects such as locusts or beetles, but can easily deal with small lizards or mice. As soon as the victim ceases to resist, the scorpion dismembers the body into small parts with the help of sharp claws.

The main damaging substance of the poison is titutoxin, the minimum sufficient dose is 0.009 mg / kg.

Antidote: antitoxic serum "Antiscorpion". As a slightly less effective replacement, Antikarakurt serum can be used. As a first aid, it is necessary to lubricate the wound with oil and apply a heating pad.

5. The fifth place is occupied by the poison of another representative of the seas - Fugu fish, belonging to the Tetraodontidae family.

Some species of the Tetraodontidae family (four-toothed, they are also pufferfish, dogfish and pufferfish) reach a length of up to half a meter. The habitat of the puffer fish is from the northern coast of Australia to the northern coast of Japan and from the southern coast of China to the eastern islands of Oceania.

The main damaging substance of the poison is tetrodotoxin, the minimum sufficient dose is 0.008 mg / kg. The poison belongs to neurotoxins, when it enters the body, it blocks sodium channels in the nerve endings. Puffer fish poisoning is fatal in 60% of cases. Despite this, the Japanese and Koreans revere fugu as a delicacy and risk their lives for the sake of gastronomic pleasure. Maybe it's worth it?

Antidote: there is no special antidote; in case of poisoning, detoxification and symptomatic treatment are carried out.

4. Australian taipan (Oxyuranus scutellatus) - the poison of this most poisonous snake on earth takes fourth place.

Taipans reach a length of 2 to 3.6 m. They are distinguished by a very aggressive character, but, fortunately, they are found only in sparsely populated areas on the northeast coast of Australia and southern New Guinea. Taipan is very aggressive. When threatened, it twists its body and vibrates with the end of its tail. Snakes are most aggressive during the mating and skinning season, but that doesn't mean they are peaceful and docile at other times.

When bitten by a taipan, paralysis of the respiratory muscles occurs and blood clotting is disturbed. The venom of this snake is about a hundred times stronger than the venom of a cobra, and, without the use of antitoxic taipan serum, death after a bite occurs in 90% of cases. The amount of poison contained in one bite is capable of killing 100 people.

The main damaging component of the poison is a substance called taipotoxin, the minimum sufficient dose is no more than 0.002 mg / kg.

Antidote: antitoxic taipan serum.

3. Opens the top three poison poison dart frogs / leaf climbers, or rather one of their representatives, the most poisonous frog in the world from the genus "Phyllobates" - the terrible leaf climber (Phyllobates terribilis).

Frogs do not exceed 5 cm in length, usually brightly colored in gold, black-orange and black-yellow tones (warning coloration). If you will be brought to South America from Nicaragua to Colombia - do not grab them with your hands. A substance called batrachotoxin is secreted from the skin of these small, brightly colored frogs. It is so toxic that even its contact with the skin causes death. The poison has a strong cardiotoxic effect, causing extrasystoles and ventricular fibrillation, paralyzes the respiratory muscles, myocardium and skeletal muscles. Persistently and irreversibly increases the permeability of the resting membrane for sodium ions, blocks axonal transport.

The American Indians use these poisonous frogs to grease hunting arrows and blowpipe darts. Frogs are completely insensitive to their poison. The frogs themselves are not aggressive and do not rush at people, therefore the easiest and most effective way to protect against them is not to pick them up!

The poison of "Phyllobates terribilis" is stronger than the poison of curare and thousands of times stronger than potassium cyanide. An adult contains enough poison to kill about 1500 people!

The minimum sufficient dose is 0.002 mg/kg.

Antidote: currently does not exist. A strong antagonist is tetrodotoxin - wedge wedge ...

2. In second place is the substance palytoxin, produced by coral polyps Palythoa toxica, P. tuberculosa, P. caribacorum.

The body of these polyps - the inhabitants of the coral reefs of the Indian and Pacific Oceans - does not consist of eight, as in ordinary corals, but of six or more than eight, the number of rays located on several corollas, usually a multiple of six.

Palitoxin is a cytotoxic poison. With a lesion, death occurs within a few minutes as a result of a sharp narrowing of the coronary vessels and paralysis of the respiratory muscles.

Antidote: no. That's why it's in second place!

1. And, finally, the leader is the larvae of the leaf beetle of the genus Diamphidia (D.Klocusta, D.Knigro-ornata, D.Kfemoralis).

The leaf beetle lives in South Africa and is a distant relative of the common Colorado potato beetle. Adults reach 10-12 mm in length. Females lay their eggs on the branches of Commiphora plants. The larvae burrow into the ground, pupate, and develop to a pupa in a few years.

A single-chain polypeptide that opens all sodium-potassium channels in the cell membrane for input, as a result of which the cell dies due to intracellular electrolyte imbalance. It has a neurotoxic and especially pronounced hemolytic effect, is able to reduce the hemoglobin content in the blood by 75% in a short period of time due to the massive destruction of red blood cells. Bushmen still use crushed diamphidian larvae: an arrow lubricated with this slurry can knock down an adult 500-kilogram giraffe.

The substance diamphotoxin contained in their "blood" is the most powerful natural poison on the planet.

The minimum sufficient dose of diamphotoxin is 0.000025 mg/kg.

Antidote: None.

However, according to other scientists, the first place belongs to the box jellyfish (Cubozoa) or, as it is also called, the sea wasp, whose poison fatally affects skin cells, the nervous system and the heart. On account of this poisonous inhabitant of the deep seas of Asia and Australia, six thousand lives over the past sixty years.

The reputation of the most poisonous creature of the box jellyfish is somewhat spoiled by the fact that treating wounds from it with acetic acid immediately after receiving them significantly increases the chances of survival.

And one more fact. The Brazilian Wandering Spider (Phoneutria) or banana spider is listed in 2007 in the Guinness Book of Records for the maximum number of human deaths caused, and not so much because of its poisonousness, but because of its choice of a wide variety of places to attack people - buildings, cars, clothes, etc. shoes. What is called - not quality, so quantity!

Many animals naturally produce toxins and poisons to protect themselves or incapacitate their prey, while others accumulate toxins from the food they eat.

From jellyfish to snakes, venomous animals come in all shapes, sizes and colors.

Today we will talk about the most poisonous animals in the world.

The Australian tiger snake is the only snake species that both has venom glands and its body is venomous.

Not only does it produce a toxin for its bite, but it also accumulates poison in its skin, which it receives from the toad it has eaten.

This bird contains a neurotoxin in its skin and feathers called homobatrachotoxin, which can cause mild numbness and tingling in humans upon contact, but is much more harmful to small animals.

It is believed that the poison comes from the bird's diet, namely from beetles eaten by the thrush flycatcher.

Bissa - sea turtle

Because these sea turtles consume a wide variety of prey, including toxic algae and sponges, as well as poisonous insects, their meat can often become incredibly toxic.

This means that anyone who eats the meat of one of these turtles can suffer from poisoning, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and other stomach disorders.

Cane toads have venom glands that produce bufotoxin, one of the most toxic toxins in the world.

The toxin in their skin is so powerful that it can kill many animals, and is especially dangerous for dogs and cats.

These poisonous frogs have a bright and eye-catching pattern, warning predators that they are not fit to eat.

Their venom is found in their skin and affects anyone who tries to touch or eat them.

The Spanish fly produces a toxin called cantharidin to protect itself from predators. The toxin is absorbed by the skin on contact and causes terrible blisters and burning pain.

If the fly is accidentally eaten, the toxin will cause ulcers, blisters, and bleeding in the digestive tract, and may even lead to death.

These starfish contain tetrodotoxin, a powerful neurotoxin that causes paralysis and possible death from respiratory failure.

Each gram of scallop starfish flesh contains enough toxin to kill 520 mice.

There is currently no known antidote for tetrodotoxin.

There are only three types of poisonous salamanders, the most poisonous of which is the yellow-bellied newt.

Those unfortunate enough to eat a newt experience numbness throughout their body and then cardiac arrest occurs.

Striped surgeonfish accumulate toxins in their body. While feeding on algae, it sometimes consumes tiny dinoflagellate algae, which produce mitotoxin.

The accumulation of toxin in the flesh of these fish leads to poisoning, which affects between 20,000 and 50,000 people every year.

The symptoms of food poisoning are very similar to any other type of food poisoning, but can last anywhere from a few months to a few years. Sometimes they are so severe that the condition is misdiagnosed as multiple sclerosis.

The liver, kidneys and needles of these fish contain neurotoxins - substances that are poisonous to humans. Although certain types of meat are considered an expensive delicacy in some countries, they can be lethal if not cooked properly and are therefore only eaten when cooked by a licensed chef.

Many inquisitive people, most likely, wondered which creature is the most poisonous on earth. Interestingly, for a long time it was believed that these were snakes and spiders. But research scientists have painted us a different picture. And now we will consider what, in their opinion, is the most poisonous creature in the world. The top 10 suggested below may surprise some nature lovers.

First place - box jellyfish

The box jellyfish has another name - "sea wasp", because after it stings, the victim experiences unbearable pain. Many will agree that this is the most poisonous creature in the world. The Guinness Book of Records also shares this view. This jellyfish is reported to kill a human in a short time, 1 to 3 minutes. But not only this makes her a terrible enemy. The deadly tentacles can simultaneously hit up to 60 people if they are within a radius of 8 meters. Extremely fast and irreversible. Toxins attack the heart muscle and nervous system, causing hellish pain. If the touch of the tentacles was superficial, severe burns remain.

There is an antidote. If you immediately treat the bite with a solution of acetic acid, there is a chance to survive, but this usually fails. Jellyfish victims drowned because they went into shock or died from cardiac arrest. Every year, about 6,000 vacationers die from the poison of the sea wasp. Only a few people survived the bite, and they even felt pain a few weeks later.

This most poisonous creature in the world (photo shown above) lives in the waters of Northern Australia, but sometimes the "wasp" is found near South Asia. At the same time, it is quite difficult to see an object in the water, since the jellyfish merges. But there is a creature that is not afraid of box jellyfish - this is a sea turtle.

Second place - king cobra

Some are ready to argue that the most poisonous creature on earth is, after all, there are snakes with more toxic poison. But in the Guinness book, she takes an honorable second place due to how much poison she spits out at a time. It reaches 4 meters in length, but since these cobras grow all their lives (and they can live 30 years), some individuals reach 6 meters.

The amount of venom squirted depends on the size of its prey, but the dose is usually slightly more than what is needed to kill.

A case has been recorded when an Indian elephant died within three hours, as it was struck by a king cobra. With a large amount of poison, a person dies in 15 minutes from the onset of paralysis and respiratory arrest. But even more terrible is the fact that the cobra is able to rise to a third of its height. If its length is 5 meters, then it is extended by 1.6 meters. But it can please the fact that they do not attack first (if not disturbed).

Its range is the forests of South Asia, but since there is active logging, the cobras are forced to move closer to the human habitat.

Third place - scorpion Leyurus

Another most poisonous creature in the world is the Leyurus scorpion, which is found in North Africa, as well as in the Middle East. Although these scorpions are not aggressive and will not attack unless they sense danger, their venom can kill a person. Although there are many dangerous scorpions in nature, this subspecies is the most deadly. Leiruses carry a "cocktail" of neuroleptics, if it gets into the bloodstream, the victim will die.

At first, the stung place swells and the person feels incredible pain, after which fever sets in, developing into convulsions. The end result is paralysis and death. Interestingly, before committing a deadly attack, the "baby" begins to move, as if dancing, and this warns of its intention.

Fourth place - taipan

Among the world's creature is the taipan. The danger lies in the huge amount of poison that is released during the attack. This land snake is capable of fatally injuring 100 people. Its poisonous mixture is about 400 times more toxic than the venom of an ordinary cobra. After being bitten by an adult, death occurs in an average of 45 minutes. About 90% of cases of attack for a person are fatal, even though the antidote exists and many people know about it.

This snake is very aggressive and can attack suddenly at a speed of 4 m/sec. But at the same time, taipans are quite shy and, sensing danger, can crawl away. This creature lives in Australia on arid plains, but often creeps up to the water.

Fifth place - dart frog

Some believe that the most poisonous creature on the planet is the poison dart frog because of its deceptive appearance. She looks very attractive and completely defenseless, but this is a hoax. Her skin of a bright saturated color is covered with poison (batrachotoxin), which, when it enters a person through microscopic damage, freely enters the body. A gram of its poison can kill 10 people. This toxic substance consists of hundreds of components that have a nerve-paralytic effect. The scary thing is that the antidote has not yet been created and it is practically impossible to escape from the effects of the poison that has got on the skin.

Scientists know 179 species of these "deceptive" creatures. They are divided into nocturnal (harmless) and daytime (toxic).

These poisonous amphibians can grow up to 8 cm. But the smallest ones (1.5 - 2.5 cm) are considered the most poisonous. They can be found in Central and South America in the rainforests. They are also called "dart frogs" because in the past the natives used their venom to grease their arrowheads.

It is noteworthy that these creatures do not produce poison on their own, they get it from poisonous insects.

Sixth place - blue-ringed octopus

This ring-shaped octopus has also received a place in the ranking of "the most poisonous creature on the planet." Although this creature is small in size, no larger than a baseball (weight 100 gr.), It has a toxic and dangerous poison. One portion, which the octopus excretes at a time, is enough to poison 25 people. Death can come within minutes. During this time, the victim will begin to experience problems with vision and speech, and numbness will occur. Then it becomes difficult for the person to breathe. The next fatal symptom is complete paralysis. Lack of oxygen and cardiac arrest will lead to death. It is impossible to neutralize the action of the poison, since the antidote has not been created.

This "cute" creature lives near the Australian and South Asian coasts. It is widely distributed and prefers shallow depths. But fortunately, he leads a night life, so it is not easy to stumble upon him. In addition, the creature has a calm disposition and attacks only if it is "pissed off". Its ability to change color sometimes leads to incidents, because the octopus is confused with other harmless coastal inhabitants.

Seventh place - wandering spider

Another most venomous creature in the world that is feared without even knowing its toxicity is the wandering spider. He has a rather aggressive disposition. In addition, it is terrifying in that it is the largest of all spiders in the world.

It can be found in Central and South America in the tropical region, especially on banana plantations, but sometimes this creature climbs into houses. He does not weave webs and travels on his own to find food, which is what makes him very dangerous. He can stop to rest in a residential building, hide in a car or clothes. As a result, the percentage of cases of spider attacks is very high. This arthropod is not shy and is immediately ready to attack, so if you had to meet him, do not try to scare him, because he will not retreat, you better run.

Spider venom causes lung spasm and loss of muscle control. The person may become suffocated. Also, toxins affect the lymphatic system and cardiac arrest can occur. The still alive victim feels how the body gradually stiffens. The poison is 20 times more toxic than the "black widow".

Interestingly, in the Guinness book, this is the most poisonous creature in the world among spiders. It is also noted that more deaths occurred through his fault than from other arthropods.

Eighth place - fugu

Of the vertebrates, this is the most poisonous creature in the world. Many people know him by the name of the ball fish. The entire surface of the fish is considered poisonous, and some puffer organs are also dangerous. A set of toxins causes paralysis and suffocation in the affected person, which in turn leads to death from insufficient oxygen. But despite this, in Korea and Japan, this fish is a first-class delicacy. Given its dangerous composition, only those professionals who have received a special license can cook fugu.

Ninth place - cone snail

Some, when they see this marble snail, do not understand that it belongs to dangerous creatures, since its appearance is very attractive. But you can’t judge by appearance, because she is just as dangerous as the rest of the representatives of this list. Just one drop of poison can kill 20 people. After the snail stings, the victim begins to experience excruciating pain, then numbness sets in and the bite site becomes inflamed. The next stage is paralysis and suffocation. There is no cure for such poisoning.

But if you look at the statistics, only 30 deaths were recorded due to the fault of this snail.

Tenth place - stone fish

This unsightly creature occupies the last place in the ranking of "the most poisonous creature in the world." The bite of this underwater inhabitant provokes the most acute pain known to man. The sensations are so strong that in search of relief, the victim is ready for suicide or amputation of the bitten place. Such pain causes shock, then paralysis inevitably sets in, and the tissues at the site of the lesion begin to die, without medical assistance a person is threatened with death.

This dangerous "beast" is found in the waters of the Red Sea and in the tropical regions of the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

Image copyright Michael D. Kern NPL Image caption The king cobra and other snakes are rightfully considered dangerous animals, but they are not the most poisonous

Speaking of poisonous animals, snakes are often mentioned first of all - and, in general, quite deservedly so. But the most poisonous creature in the world, it seems, is still not a snake, the correspondent discovered.

Animal venom is a real chemical weapon injected into the victim's body with sharp fangs, stings or even harpoons.

In any list of the most poisonous animals on the planet, and often on the first lines, there are certainly snakes.

Yes, not all reptiles are poisonous, but some of them, as a result of evolution, have acquired this dangerous ability - to apply poison through special channels in their teeth.

Milk Champions

According to Dr. Brian Fry from the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, the most venom is produced by a snake that lives almost next door to it.

Image copyright Robert Valentic NPL Image caption Mulga (Pseudechis australis) for one milking gives 1.3 grams of dry poison

“Mulga can produce over 1.3 grams of dry poison per milking,” says Fry, who has earned the nickname Poison Doc with his herpetological enthusiasm.

The mulga, or king brown snake, is found throughout Australia, hiding under logs and in rubbish heaps. Fortunately, despite the abundance of poisonous snakes in this country, they rarely bite people.

Scorpions paralyze the victim with a telson injection

Several other large snakes can produce comparable amounts of venom, including the Indian king cobra, the Central African Gaboon viper and the US rhomboid rattlesnake, Fry said.

But the amount of poison per bite is only one of the indicators of the toxicity of a particular species. This thesis is well illustrated by the example of the Palestinian yellow scorpion, often called the most poisonous scorpion in the world.

This pale yellow arachnid lives in the deserts of the Middle East, hunting worms, centipedes and other invertebrates at night.

Image copyright Daniel Heuclin NPL Image caption A quarter of a milligram of yellow Palestinian scorpion venom kills a total of a kilogram of mice

Scorpions paralyze the victim with a telson injection. This caudal segment of the abdomen contains a container with poison and the sting itself, which delivers poison to the victim.

The Palestinian yellow scorpion releases much less venom at a time than the mulga, because its usual prey is small in size.

It barely reaches a length of 11 centimeters, but nevertheless it is very dangerous: a quarter of a milligram of its poison can kill mice with a total weight of a whole kilogram.

It's a pretty strong poison. But this method of assessing toxicity has its drawbacks, since different poisons act differently.

Target selection

The venom can be used as a defense against predators or as a weapon to attack prey.

Image copyright Michael D. Kern NPL Image caption Gaboon viper (Bitis gabonica) is very poisonous and strikes in size - up to two meters in length.

If the poison is targeted at a particular species of animal, then it is usually especially dangerous for that particular species.

Therefore, it is rather difficult to compare the toxicity of different representatives of the fauna: as a result of evolution, their poison has adapted to different specific tasks.

Poison, as a rule, is especially dangerous for the species of animals to which it is directed.

Human volunteers are reluctant to line up for such lab tests, so scientists test poisons on mice.

As a result of the experiments, the average lethal dose is calculated, that is, the amount of toxin that kills 50% of the experimental mice.

This indicator is not ideal, because many animals differ significantly from mice.

But for lack of a better one, scientists continue to use it, and on this scale, the most poisonous creature on earth turns out to be a rather unexpected nominee: the sea snail.

Image copyright Jeff RotmanNPL Image caption Predatory sea cone snails secrete a particularly dangerous poison

Cone snails are predators. They move slowly, have cone-shaped shells for protection, and can use poison when threatened.

Some of the species of these snails prey on worms, others on fish. It is these latter that are endowed with a particularly dangerous poison.

"For those types of cone snails that prey on fish, it is especially important to have a very fast-acting and strong poison, because otherwise the fish will simply have time to swim away from such a slow hunter," explains Dr. Ronald Jenner from the Natural History Museum in London.

To hit the prey, cone snails have special teeth. They are sharp, hollow, serrated, and generally look like a hybrid of a mini-harpoon and an injection needle.

The snails shoot them at the unsuspecting fish, and the prey gets a dose of paralytic toxins. When the fish is immobilized, the snail eats it.

Cones regularly grow new poisonous teeth, so they do not remain unarmed.

These micro-harpoons are capable of piercing a wetsuit, and therefore pose a serious danger to divers.

The geographical cone has a beautiful motley shell, often attracting the attention of people - but this species is also one of the most poisonous.

The poison is weaker, the danger is higher

The lethal dose of their poison for humans is estimated at only 0.029-0.038 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.

Without medical assistance, in 65% of cases, a cone injection becomes fatal for a person - but since 1670, only 36 such incidents have been recorded.

The poison of the inland taipan affects the nervous system, blood, muscles and internal organs of a person.

And this brings us to the last factor in assessing the danger of poisonous animals: how much of a threat they can pose in real life.

For example, the inland taipan, also called the "fierce snake", is considered the most dangerous of the land snakes in terms of venom toxicity.

For mice, the average lethal dose of its poison is 0.025 milligrams per kilogram of live weight.

Image copyright Robert Valentic NPL Image caption The inland taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus) is the most venomous of land snakes.

He hunts only mammals, so his poison has a devastating effect on the nervous system, blood, muscles and internal organs of a person.

But the inland taipan lives in the remote deserts of central Australia and is considered by biologists to be a generally secretive creature.

And the coastal taipan, whose poison is not so strong, is considered more dangerous: he lives in the dunes and forests on the tropical coast of Australia, where a person is more likely to encounter him.

Like most snakes, the coastal taipan only becomes aggressive in extreme cases. But when attacking, he can quickly bite several times in a row, each time injecting a full dose of poison.

Image copyright Michael D. Kern NPL Image caption The color of the black mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis) is olive, it got its name from the color of its mouth.

The same feature is characteristic of the black mamba, which for this reason has an extremely gloomy reputation.

This snake lives in Central Africa, and in fact its skin is more of an olive color, and it got its name from the color of the mouth.

In response to a threat, she first opens her mouth and hisses. She bites only when hissing does not help.

Poisoning by venomous animal bites is the most underestimated of all tropical diseases.

But people do not let up: the population of the Earth is growing, and people in many parts of the world settle in the traditional habitats of poisonous snakes. This means that deadly bites are becoming more common.

“In Mexico alone, scorpions sting 500,000 people a year, and 150,000 of those bitten have to be given an antidote,” says Fry. “Snakes in India alone bite a million people every year, of which 50,000 die, and half of those bitten remain with life-long injuries.” .

Poisons are a complicated thing, but for many of us - from amateur divers to farmers - it is desirable to understand them at least approximately.

"In sum, venomous animal bites are the most underestimated of all tropical diseases," says Fry.

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