Examples of regulatory uud in the lessons of the Russian language. The project "Formation of universal learning activities in Russian language lessons in the first grade". Types of universal learning activities in pedagogy

Formation of universal learning activities in Russian language lessons

The peculiarity of the modern world is that it is changing at an ever faster pace. Every ten years the amount of information is doubling. As a result, the knowledge that students received at school becomes obsolete after a while and needs to be corrected, and the person finds himself in a difficult situation, because he was not taught the “ability to learn” at school, but only given a certain set of knowledge that is rapidly becoming obsolete in our age. information technologies. Therefore, learning outcomes not in the form of specific knowledge, but in the form of the ability to learn are becoming more and more in demand today.

In this regard, ensuring the developing potential of new educational standards (FGOS - Federal State Educational Standard) becomes a priority.

The Federal State Educational Standard of the new generation at all levels of education puts forward as a priority a student-oriented, system-activity approach that determines the structure of students' activities, as well as the main psychological conditions and mechanisms for the process of mastering knowledge. Personal development in the education system is ensured primarily by the formation of universal educational activities (UUD). Mastering them creates opportunities for independent successful assimilation by students of new knowledge, skills and competencies, including the organization of assimilation, i.e. ability to learn

UUD functions:

Ensuring the student's ability to independently carry out learning activities, set learning goals, seek and use the necessary means and ways to achieve them, control and evaluate the process and results of activities;

Creation of conditions for the harmonious development of the personality and its self-realization on the basis of readiness for continuous education; ensuring the successful assimilation of knowledge, the formation of skills, abilities and competencies in any subject area.

Types of UUD.

The developers of the Federal State Educational Standards have identified the main types of universal educational activities: personal (self-determination, meaning formation and the action of moral and ethical assessment), regulatory (goal setting, planning, control, correction, evaluation, forecasting), cognitive (general educational, logical and sign-symbolic) and communicative UUD . Identification of the conditions for the development of universal educational activities in the educational process made it possible to formulate general recommendations for the formation of UUD in the course of the educational process, taking into account the specifics of educational subjects, which are enshrined in the following documents: "Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education", "Fundamental Core of the Content of General Education", “Exemplary basic educational program of an educational institution. Basic School.

UUD is an integral system in which the origin and development of each type of educational activity is determined by its relationship with other types of educational activities and the general logic of age-related development. The universal nature of educational actions is manifested in the fact that they are of an over-subject, meta-subject nature; ensure the integrity of the general cultural, personal and cognitive development and self-development of the individual; ensure the continuity of all stages of the educational process; underlie the organization and regulation of any activity of the student, regardless of its specially-subject content. Universal learning activities provide the stages of assimilation of educational content and the formation of the student's psychological abilities.

Possession of UUD allows students to successfully master information at all stages and leads to the formation of the ability to independently successfully acquire new knowledge and skills, including “the ability to learn”.

Formation of UUD at the lessons of the Russian language.

Unfortunately, at present, shortcomings in the educational level of schoolchildren, including the level of their native language proficiency, are becoming more and more obvious. The “Fundamental Core of the Content of General Education” rightly notes: “In the system of school education, the Russian language is not only a subject of study, but also a teaching tool that determines success in mastering all school subjects and the quality of education in general.” It is the successful and conscious knowledge of the Russian language that forms the basis for the formation of universal educational activities, which in turn generate competencies, knowledge, skills, and therefore ensure the education of a comprehensively developed, intellectual, spiritual personality capable of adapting to the complex modern world.

The Russian language provides the formation of personal, cognitive, communicative and regulatory actions.

Formation of students' personal UUD.

Personal actions provide a value-semantic orientation of students (knowledge of moral norms, the ability to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, the ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior) and orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships. With regard to educational activities, it is necessary to highlightthree types of personal actions:

Personal, professional, lifeself-determination ;

- meaning formation , i.e., the establishment by students of a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive;

- moral and ethical orientation , including the evaluation of digestible content (based on social and personal values), providing a personal moral choice.

In the Russian language lessons, personal UUDs develop thanks to the texts given in textbooks, in presentations, on pre-prepared cards, when writing essays and presentations, etc. These texts can be moral, moral, patriotic, ethical and other content. Thus, personal actions are developed and formed, aimed at understanding and accepting life values, which allow you to find your place in life, orient yourself in moral norms. Thanks to these texts, students come to understand the need to preserve and protect their native language as part of the Russian national culture, as well as work on the development of their own speech. Starting to perform these exercises, to analyze these texts, the teacher, together with the children (or rather, the children with the help of the teacher), gives a moral assessment of the content of these exercises (the children determine the idea of ​​these texts).

The subject “Russian language” fosters a positive attitude towards correct, accurate and rich oral and written speech.

Typical tasks for the formation of personal UUD
in Russian language lessons.

Task "Analysis of the text". Grade 5

The topic of the lesson is "Parts of Speech" (review).

Target: come to an understanding of the need to protect their native language, appreciate it and protect it.

Children receive cards with the text:

The greatest value (n, nn) ​​of the people is the language, the language in which they write ..t, speak, think ..t. Duma..t! This must be understood thoroughly, in all the ambiguity and significance of this fact. After all, this means that the entire conscious life of a person passes through his native language. .

The surest way to know a person is his mental development, his m..real appearance, his x..rakter - listen (?) to how he speaks.

If we notice ..m a person’s manner of laughing himself, his gait .., his behavior .. and we judge a person by them, sometimes, however, erroneously, then a person’s language is a much more accurate (?) ..zatel of his human qualities, his culture.

So, there is the language of the people, as an indicator of their culture, and the language of an individual, as an indicator of his personal (?) qualities, the qualities of a person who uses (?) the language of the people.

(D.S. Likhachev)

Complete the following tasks:

    Title the text.

    Determine the main idea.

    Make a thesis plan: title each paragraph of the plan with quotes from the text:





    Formulate an answer to the question: "What is an indicator of human culture?"

    Latest development taskscognitive universal learning activities:

Write out words with missing spellings and explain them graphically.

Complete the table with examples from the text:






Task "Main idea". 8th grade

Lesson topic: "One-part sentences"

Purpose: to learn to highlight the main idea, to come to an understanding of the need to know the history of your country.

Children receive printed text on task cards:

Read the text aloud:

Is it worth re-reading handwritten books, looking at frescoes blackened by time in long-abandoned churches, thinking about the meaning of an ornament carved on a mossy stone? Is it necessary to preserve log huts, homespun towels? Necessary. A person is not a one-day butterfly, merrily fluttering in the sun, not knowing what will happen tomorrow. In the fate of a person, the past, present and tomorrow are intertwined into a single knot. A person is the son of his time and his country, and the feeling of the Motherland is closely connected with the feeling of history.

(E. Osetrov)

Complete tasks:

Which sentence expresses the main idea of ​​the text?

How should a person relate to his history?

Orally highlight the grammatical foundations in these sentences and determine whether they are two-part or one-part.

Formation of students' regulatory UUD.

Regulatory actions provide students with the organization of their learning activities. These include:

- goal setting as setting a learning task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by the students, and what is still unknown;

- planning - determination of the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; drawing up a plan and sequence of actions;

- forecasting - anticipation of the result and the level of assimilation of knowledge, its temporal characteristics;

- the control in the form of comparing the method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations and differences from the standard;

- correction - making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in the event of a discrepancy between the standard, the actual action and its result;

- grade - highlighting and awareness by students of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation;

- self-regulation as the ability to mobilize forces and energy, to volitional effort (to make a choice in a situation of motivational conflict) and to overcome obstacles.

A great help in selecting tasks for a lesson for a teacher can be a table with typical tasks (Table 1). Below is a part of the table compiled by the elementary school teacher Yu. Mikheeva, who has been working on the Federal State Educational Standard since 2010.

Table 1.

Typical tasks for the formation of regulatory UUD.

Learning activities

Typical tasks

goal setting

Finding an answer to the question “Why do you need to know (be able)?”


“How to do it?”, “What and how should have been done to get the right result?”

Implementation of educational activities

"Write from memory ...", "Read aloud ...", "Read to yourself ...", search for an extra word


Regulatory forecasting

“What do you think, what result can be obtained?”, “Do you think it is enough to know ... to complete the task?”, “What difficulties may arise and why?”

Control and self-control:

Regulatory control and self-control. Tasks such as “A classmate said ... Check: is he right?”, “Is the result obtained as in the sample?”, “Is it done correctly?”, “Can you prove it?”, “Swap notebooks, check with each other”, "Check in a dictionary..."


Regulatory Corrections

"Put the correct order of the sentences in the text"


Regulatory scores

“Evaluate your work in the lesson”, “I liked ...”, “I want to praise myself (or classmates) for that ...”, “I was interested”, “It seemed important to me ...”, “It was a discovery for me ...”, “ Today it was difficult for me ... "


Regulatory self-regulation.

“You can read the encrypted word (reach the top of the mountain) by completing a series of tasks”), training exercises of a psychological nature (for example, the setting “One, two, three - listen and look! Three, two, one - we will start now!”) , breathing exercises

The material in the textbook, presentations, and lessons is presented in such a way that students find themselves in an atmosphere of creative search, mental stress: various problem situations are given, observation of the material is organized with the help of special questions.

Typical tasks for the formation of regulatory UUD
in Russian lessons

Task "Choose the purpose of the lesson from the proposed phrases." Grade 5

Purpose: the formation of the ability to determine the purpose of the lesson on the topic of the lesson.

The theme of the lesson is "The indefinite form of the verb."

Choose from the proposed phrases the one that, in your opinion, is the purpose of our lesson:

    Define the verb.

    I like to look for verbs in text.

    Learn to identify indefinite verbs, remember which endings an indefinite form can have.

The task "Tell me everything you know about this member of the plan proposal." Grade 5

Topics of the lessons "Subject", "Predicate", "Addition", "Circumstance", "Definition".

Purpose: to develop the ability to correlate the result obtained with the sample, to find and correct errors.

Task: Tell everything you know about the addition (definition, circumstance, etc.) according to the plan:

    What it is?

    What does it mean?

    What question does it answer?

    What parts of speech can be expressed?

    How is it emphasized?

Is everything correct in your story? (children read the rule in the textbook).

Formation of students' cognitive UUD.

Cognitive universal actions include: general educational, logical, as well as the formulation and solution of the problem.

General educational universal actions:

Independent selection and formulation of a cognitive goal;

Search and selection of necessary information; application of information retrieval methods, including using computer tools;

Structuring knowledge;

Conscious and arbitrary construction of a speech statement in oral and written form;

Choosing the most effective ways to solve problems depending on specific conditions;

Reflection of methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activities;

Semantic reading as understanding the purpose of reading and choosing the type of reading depending on the purpose; extracting the necessary information from the listened texts of various genres; definition of primary and secondary information; free orientation and perception of texts of artistic, scientific, journalistic and official business styles; understanding and adequate assessment of the language of the media;

Statement and formulation of the problem, independent creation of activity algorithms in solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

Sign-symbolic actions constitute a special group of general educational universal actions:

Modeling - the transformation of an object from a sensual form into a model, where the essential characteristics of the object are highlighted;

Transformation of the model in order to identify the general laws that define this subject area.

Boolean generic actions:

Analysis of objects in order to highlight features (essential, non-essential);

Synthesis - the compilation of a whole from parts, including independent completion with the completion of the missing components;

Selection of grounds and criteria for comparison, classification of objects;

Summing up under the concept, derivation of consequences;

Establishment of causal relationships;

Building a logical chain of reasoning;


Hypotheses and their justification.

Statement and solution of the problem:

Formulation of the problem;

Independent creation of ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

Typical tasks for the formation of cognitive UUD
in Russian language lessons.

Task "Blind table". Grade 5

Lesson topic: "Predicate."

Description of the task: Students are invited to remember everything they learned about the predicate in the last lesson, fill in the table and, using the completed table, tell about the predicate.

Underline the grammar in the sentences. Tell us about the predicate by filling out this table:


Question to the predicate

How is the predicate expressed

Hate is a bad adviser.

Folk tales about animals are quite instructive.

The birds are busily pacing the rocks.

A fairy tale is a work of oral folk art.

Task "Filling in the table by text." 6th grade.

Theme of the lesson: "Spelling of prefixes -PRI -PRE".

The stage of updating knowledge (remember what you studied about prefixes in grade 5).

Description of the task: students are invited to read the text and complete various tasks for it. You can add a task for the development of personal UUD: try to say in your own words, what is the main idea of ​​this fable? (People are weak alone and strong in unity).

Children are given cards:

Read the fable of L. N. Tolstoy "Father and Sons" and complete the tasks:

The father ordered his sons to live in harmony. They didn't listen. So he ordered to bring a broom and says: “Break it!”

No matter how much they fought, they could not break. Then the father untied the broom and ordered to break one rod at a time. They easily broke the bars one by one. The father says: “So you too, if you live in harmony, no one will overcome you, but if you quarrel and everything apart, everyone will easily destroy you.”

What is the main idea of ​​this fable?

What groups are all prefixes divided into?

Complete the table with examples from the text:

Invariable prefixes

Changeable prefixes

Prefixes depending on


Formation of communicative UUD in students.

Communicative actions provide social competence and consideration of the position of other people, communication partners or activities; ability to listen and engage in dialogue; participate in a group discussion of problems; integrate into a peer group and build productive interactions and collaborations with peers and adults. Communication activities include:

Planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers;

Asking questions;

Conflict resolution;

Partner behavior management;

The ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication; possession of monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language.

The formation of communicative UUD is provided through teaching the correct and skillful use of speech in various life situations, when transferring one's thoughts and feelings to others, when building a dialogue with other students and the teacher.

Communicative UUD are successfully formed if pair work is properly organized in the classroom. The use of this form of work allows all the children to participate in activities, to work, there are no unemployed children in the classroom.

It is most advisable to use work in pairs in the lessons of systematization and generalization of knowledge, since students already have a certain amount of knowledge on the topics or section covered. However, work in pairs can also be used in the lessons of mastering new knowledge, in the lessons of control.

Here you can give an example of the activity of children, leading to the development of communicative UUD: students receive a task under the same number: one student becomes a performer - he must complete this task, and the other - a controller - must check the correctness of the completed task. At the same time, the controller has detailed instructions for completing the task. When completing the next task, the children change roles: whoever was the performer becomes the controller, and the controller becomes the performer.

The use of a paired form of control allows us to solve one important problem: students, controlling each other, gradually learn to control themselves and become more attentive.

The advantages of using group work in the classroom to form communicative UUD:

1) Children are always ready to share what they know well

2) The guys are engaged in a specific business that interests them, and not repeated work, the results of which have already been achieved.

3) Independence develops, efficiency increases, a sense of responsibility for the work done grows.

4) Knowledge is acquired better.

5) Group support creates a sense of security, and even the most timid and anxious children overcome fear

Typical tasks for the formation of communicative UUD
in Russian language lessons.

Task "Prepare a coherent story on a specific topic."

Purpose: the development of students' independence of thinking, the ability to work with literature, choose the main thing, speak in public, answer the questions posed.

Description of the task: children are offered homework to compose their own coherent text on a specific topic, for example: “cheers for the Infinitive”, service parts of speech, “Speech styles”, etc. and prepare for possible questions on this topic.

Task: Work on your oral speech. Prepare a coherent story about...

Task "Check knowledge with a neighbor." 6th grade.

Lesson of systematization and generalization of knowledge in the section "Word formation and spelling".

Form of assignment: work in pairs.

Description of the task: the task consists of theoretical and practical parts. Theoretical task: compose an oral story according to the plan, tell it to a desk mate. Rate a neighbor for an oral answer. After completing the task, several people present their answer to the class.

Practical task: students receive task cards, after completion the task is also evaluated by a neighbor. Students explain their mistakes to each other. 2 people do this task on the closed side of the board (for later verification).


Theoretical block:


    What is word formation?

    What 7 ways of word formation do you know?

    What is derivational parsing?

    What is a word chain?

After completing the task, several people present their answer to the class.

Practice block:

    Conduct a word-formation analysis: insensitive, sprout, water (noun), exit, leaf, all-terrain vehicle, fly, snowless, fellow student, chair-bed, sunrise.

    Make a word-building chain of words: insensibility, heating.

These typical tasks are aimed at the development and formation of various types of UUD in children. As already mentioned, the term UUD in a broad sense means "the ability to learn." Consistent work on the formation and development of UUD or "Learning skills" in children leads to an increase in the effectiveness of education in general, to a more flexible and durable assimilation of knowledge by students.

So, our main goal today is to teach students the “ability to learn”, to provide any child in Russia with the level of development that will allow him to be successful in learning not only at school, but throughout his life. Therefore, the task of creating a bank of standard tasks and tasks aimed at the development of UUD becomes so important.

At the entrance, each teacher receives a flower of a different color.

(thus division into groups occurs)


slide 2

"The only way that leads to knowledge is activity" Bernard Shaw. And we will be engaged in such activities today.

1. I am very glad to see you at the master class today, but not as spectators, but as active participants in the activity. I hope that it will be interesting, useful for you, and most importantly, it will bring you a lot of positive emotions, and you will be satisfied with the work done. I wish us success.

2 . Motivation for the master class.

I propose to start our work not quite usually, namely with a cartoon. Do you love cartoons? So let's see an excerpt fromcartoon "Ship" based on the tale of Vladimir Grigorievich Suteev . But I ask you to look carefully. (View excerpt)On the desk you have hints UUD table (White card)

Determine what universal actions are formed among the heroes, and what do they need to learn?

(They know how to interact, solve problem situations in a team, cooperate in a joint problem solving, plan activities, be a leader, apply knowledge in a new situation, use the necessary objects in work, distribute roles, agree with each other) So we will learn interaction , cooperation.

Today it is very important to equip the student with such ways of action that will help him develop and improve himself in a constantly changing society.(Standards of the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standards).

Topic of the master class "Formation of UUD in Russian language lessons" At the first stage, you are already familiar with these types of UUD and what opportunities the graduate will get after mastering this type of UUD.After analyzing the activities of students at each stage of the Russian language lessons, one can single out those universal learning activities that are formed with the correct organization of students' activities, as well as those methods, techniques, teaching aids, forms of organization of students' activities that contribute to the formation of UUD. The results of this analysis are shown in the table "Forms of organization of educational activities aimed at the formation of UUD" (white sheets on desks )

I present to you the UUD table

Of course, in the table, universal learning activities and methods, techniques, technologies are presented in a generalized form. There will be more specifics in the selection of tasks, forms of organization of activities and teaching aids for each stage of a particular lesson. And yet, this table allows the teacher, already when planning, to see at what stage of the lesson which UUDs are formed with the correct organization of students' activities

Lesson stages

Molded universal

learning activities

Methods, techniques, teaching aids; forms of organization of students' activities; pedagogical technologies

1. Motivation for learning activities.


Emotional mood

2. Actualization and fixation of difficulties in the trial educational action.

Cognitive Communicative



Statement of a problematic issue, organization of a problematic situation

3. Identification of the place and cause of the difficulty.

Cognitive Regulatory Communicative


Problem dialogue, technology of problem learning

4. Building a project to get out of the difficulty (goal, plan, method, means)





Lesson map, interactive posters, presentation Project activities,

tasks like: "Put questions to which you know the answers"

5. Implementation of the constructed project.


Cognitive, Regulatory, Communicative

Project activities. Particularly search, research activities

Conducting educational games.

Working with interactive simulators.

Application of encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books, ICT technologies

6. Primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech

Cognitive Regulatory,



Group, pair work

Working with a textbook, performing training tasks.

7. Independent work with self-test according to the standard.

Regulatory Personal, Cognitive

Use self-control, mutual control

8. Inclusion in the system of knowledge and repetition.

cognitive, communicative


Group, pair work

mutual aid, memory work

9. Reflection of educational activity in the lesson




Introspection, self-assessment

Palm tricks, emoticons, feedback cards, etc.

Let's dwell in more detail on examples of the formation of specific UUDs.

An important role in the development of a child as a schoolboyplayregulatory UUD. To begin with, let's find out what species we will classify as regulatory UUD. ( Interactive board)

Types of regulatory UUD

goal setting


Implementation of learning activities


Control and self-control




Let's work in groups and connect the type of UUD and the task itself (perform on desks) Connect them.Tasks for the formation of regulatory UUD





goal setting

Finding an answer to a question

“Why do you need to know (be able to)?”


“How to do it?”, “What and how should have been done to get the right result?”




"Write from memory ...", "Read aloud ...", "Read to yourself ...", searching for an extra word, highlighting two-syllable and three-syllable words, explaining how to act when dividing words into syllables, designating vowel sounds and comparing your results of dividing into syllables with designation of vowels (the number of vowels with the number of syllables)


“What do you think, what result can be obtained?”, “Do you think it is enough to know ... to complete the task?”, “What difficulties may arise and why?”

control and


Tasks such as “A classmate said ... Check: is he right?”, “Is the result obtained as in the sample?”, “Is this done correctly?”; “Can you prove it?..”, “Swap notebooks, check each other’s work”, “Check in the dictionary ...”, “Check the conclusion in ...”


"Put the correct order of the sentences in the text"


The heroes have completed their mission. Evaluate their work...”, “Did the hero evaluate the performance of his task correctly?..”, “By what criteria did the heroes evaluate their work?”, “I liked it ...”, “I want to praise myself (or classmates) for ... ", "It was interesting to me…". However, systematic work is yielding results, and now the first words are “It seemed important to me ...”, “It was a discovery for me ...”, “Today it was difficult for me


“You can read the encrypted word (reach the top of the mountain) by completing a series of tasks”), psychological training exercises (for example, the setting “One, two, three listen and look! Three, two, one - we will start now!”), breathing exercises.

Let's consider examples of tasks that form regulatory UUD.

slide 3

Task 1. Capital letters on the board: R N A K T

What can you say about these letters? What is extra? Write these letters in alphabetical order. (Students write in their notebooks.)

Underline in your work those letters that you think are well written. Tell me: what letters did not work out, what did not work out?

(Children look at the letters, check the spelling of the letters on the board, talk about what didn’t work out in them, adequately perceive the teacher’s assessment. What kindregulatory uud we form when performing this task? (Implementation of educational activities, correction, self-control)

Task 2. Underline the letters of soft consonants. Check your work with a sample on the board

seagull, heron, daughter, life

What type of UUD? (The ability to control the result of working with a standard on the board)


. For the development of regulatory UUD at the lesson of the Russian language " I use the following assignments:

« Deliberate errors";

Find and write out the words among the letters printed without spaces, correct possible errors in them.



What type of UUD are we forming? (The ability to control and correct)

I would like to give some recommendations on the development of regulatory universal learning activities:

1. Teach your child:

a) control their speech when expressing their point of view on a given topic;

b) perform their actions according to a given pattern and rule; algorithm

c) correct mistakes.

2. Help the child: learn to adequately evaluate the work done.

Slide 5.

Tasks aimed at the formation of cognitive UUD.

They include the actions of research, search, selection and structuring of the necessary information, modeling of the studied content.

For the formationcognitive UUD The following types of tasks are appropriate:
- compare; - find the differences (you can set their number);
- what does it look like?;
- search for superfluous;
- labyrinths;
- drawing up schemes-supports; active use of technology for the development of critical thinking (cluster, cinquain)
- work with different types of tables;
- work with dictionaries;

slide 6.

During the lesson used didactic material allowing the student to choose the most significant type and form of the educational task for him. This helps to create an atmosphere of interest for each student in the lesson. For example, when studying the topic"Root of the word" on thethe same for everyone students are asked to choose a task and complete it. Thus, we provide differentiated training

Woe, mountainous, grieve.

Water, water, lead.

Carry, nose bridge, nasal.

River, speech, district.

Marine, starve, sailor.

Pair work

Choose each option for completing the task

Task options: for three groups

1) Write off chains of words, find the “third extra”, designate the root.

2) Write off chains of words, find the “third extra”, continue a series of single-root words.

3) Pick up words with the same root to the “third superfluous”, designate all morphemes in them.

You can also offer a general task for all categories of students. (under number 4)

4) Formulate a task for this didactic material. Prepare a card for self-examination.

Sweet 7. Read transcriptions. Write the words of this task in letters.

[th "osh] - hedgehog, [boots" and] - boots, [l" issa] - fox, [table] - table.

_What types of oud do we form in this exercise? (When completing this task, cognitive UUD develops: sign-symbolic, the ability to find differences in pronunciation and spelling)

slide 8.

Task 3. Divide the text into sentences.

It's hot Igor and Sasha run to the beach on the waves a white sail floats sea water washes the shore

- What UUD? ( Ability to find parts of the whole

Task 4.

Separate the words from each other and make a proverb out of them.

ALWAYS TAKE LABOR ONLY GIVES (WORK ALWAYS GIVES, AND LAZY ONLY TAKES). Exercises for sequencing events in a sentence chain

slide 9.
Task 5 Write out words with missing spellings and explain them graphically.

Complete the table with examples from the text:

On a rainy gray day in autumn, a deer scurried across the city.

He flew over the echoing red forest fired by the forest.






- What types of UUD do we form? To carry out synthesis as a compilation of a whole from its parts; compare. Understand the question asked, in accordance with it, build an answer orally; analyze the studied facts of the language with the allocation of their distinctive features; work with tables.

Tasks for classification both on the proposed and independently found grounds.

The purpose of performing such tasks is the ability to find essential features for generalization. Being engaged in classification, the student comes across many words in which he must recognize several spellings, offer several answers and at the same time comprehend the connections between individual linguistic phenomena.

Slide 10.

Group the words according to a certain attribute. Suggest several options for grouping.

Uncle, onlooker, great-grandfather, aunt, half-educated, crybaby, great-grandmother, sweetheart, old woman, crammer.

As a result, the proposed words are grouped: by the presence of voiced, voiceless consonants at the beginning of the word; by gender (general nouns, masculine and feminine); by the presence of spelling; by the number of syllables.

I offer a range of tasks in the Russian language aimed at the formation of communicative UUD

Communicative actions provide opportunities for cooperation: the ability to hear, listen and understand a partner, plan and coordinate joint activities, distribute roles, mutually control each other's actions, be able to negotiate, lead a discussion, correctly express one's thoughts, support each other and cooperate effectively as a teacher, as well as with peers. Pair work is very effective. This is the execution of tasks on their own, followed by checking the results of each other. Sequential execution of a common task. Exchange of assignments: completion of assignments prepared by other students

slide 11

For the formation of communicative universal educational activities The following types of tasks can be offered:

- make a task for a partner;
- Imagine yourself as a teacher and make a task for the class;
- write a story on behalf of the hero;
- make up a story on behalf of an inanimate object (for example, on behalf of a school desk, on behalf of a dividing soft sign, etc.);
- feedback on the work of a friend;

slide 12

- group work on compiling a crossword puzzle; cluster, syncwine
- guess what part of speech we are talking about; describe verbally; explain.

Here is one of the tasks

slide 13.

Word game. Children work in pairs.

Task 1. Using the letters o, p, p. with. t, make different words from 3 letters; 4 letters; 5 letters For example: with o r t.

Task 2. One student writes words with a hard consonant, the second - with a soft consonant and then check each other's work. Soap-crumpled, nose-carried, cat-whale

What types of communicative UUD do we form on this material? plan and coordinate joint activities, distribute roles, mutually control each other's actions, be able to negotiate.

Task 3.Pair work

- Guys, how is the beetle buzzing? [f-f-f] Take a breath and show how the bug buzzes, how the wolf howls

(Possession of certain verbal and non-verbal means of communication)

Communicative learning activities include the ability to evaluate yourself and each other. At the end of the lesson, students evaluate their work and each other's work.

Who would you give this mark to? Who didn't get it? Why?

Personal UUD aimed at awareness, research and acceptance of life values. They allow you to orient yourself in moral norms and rules, develop your life position in relation to the world.

For the formation of personal universal educational activities You can use the following types of tasks:
- participation in projects, researches; "What's in my name" "Strangers in the Russian language" "Lessons of literacy", "In the country of sciences"

- mental reproduction of a picture, situation, creative tasks;
- summarizing the lesson; self-assessment of the event, incident;

Developing Personal UUD it is important to form a positive motivation for learning activities. For example, the topic "Proper names"

Guys, what do you like to do in your free time at recess? Of course, play. Let's play. The game is called "What is my name now. What will my name be?" My childhood name was Lena, and when I was just a baby, what was my name? Lenochka, what's your name now? And what is your name? Turn around and tell each other all your names. (pair work ). Is it true that they all have beautiful names? Let's try to write names.

What personal UUD do we form? ( Learn to interact with the teacher and with peers.)

Very important psychophysical training, emotional mood for the lesson - I'm glad to see your faces, your eyes again. And I think that today's lesson will bring us all the joy of communicating with each other. Good luck to you and good luck! How do you start the lesson? "Beep" me, please. (Children raise a card - "mood" in the form of a smiley) 2. Short rhymes that give a positive attitude to the lesson, an unusual greeting to each other. For example - Say hello with your elbows, smile with your eyes. Or For example: The sun has risen for a long time, Looked into our window. It hurries us to class, because we have Russian language! Everyone stood up at their desks beautifully, Greeted politely, Looked at each other, Smiled, sat down quietly.

Let's work in groups. You are given tasks, distribute and connect the task and the type of UUD. Exercise 1.

Regulatory UUD

Cognitive UUD

Communicative UUD

Personal UUD

Match objects and sound models of words.

In Russian, there are two words of the homonym LIST. Think about what reference literature you need to use to find out the meaning of the word

How would you explain to your classmate what related words are?

Katya singled out some endings in words, Alyosha - others. How do you think? Whose opinion do you agree with?

Task 2. "Deformed text."

Write off sentences, correcting mistakes. (cards)

Bushes grow in the yard, a red cat sneaks up to her, a small bird sits on a branch, Seryozha drives the kata away

For example, sentences are mixed up in the text. Students need to restore the logical sequence of events and write down the correct version.

- What UUD do we form when performing this task?

These assignments help:

Master all types of learning activities, including the ability to accept and maintain a learning goal and task;

plan its implementation

control and evaluate their actions, make appropriate adjustments to their implementation. Children take into account the guidelines of action identified by the teacher, build reasoning, establish analogies,

The formation of universal educational activities is not an easy task, but today it is a requirement of the time. And we must keep up with the times so that children are in demand, as modern society requires a person who is trained, capableself-learning and relearning many times throughout life.

The main thing for the teacher is to remember that all students are stars, small and big, close and far, but equally beautiful. Each star chooses its own flight path. Every star wants to shine.

And I want to finish my master classcomplete with the words of I. Belyaeva about what therecipe for happiness

"Recipe for Happiness"

Take bowl of patience pour in her heart full of love, add two handfuls of generosity, sprinkle kindness splash some humor and add as much faith as possible. Everything is good stir . Smear for a piece of life allotted to you and suggest to everyone who will meet on his way.

Report on the topic:

Formation of UUD at the lessons of the Russian language and literature


teacher of Russian language

and literature

Karpova I.V.


In our time - the time of information technology and the rapid development of science and technology - a person has to constantly learn and relearn.

The changes that have taken place in the education system in recent years have led to a rethinking of teaching methods and technologies. The main emphasis is on the development of communications, on the ability of children to establish contact to communicate with other people, the ability to analyze their actions and words, the development of horizons for the ability to interest an interlocutor or listener, as well as the development of logic for a competent and consistent presentation of thoughts.It is logical to call all these skills universal learning activities (UUD).

What is UUD, and what is their significance in education and upbringing? In a broad sense, the term "universal learning activities" means the ability to learn, i.e. the ability of the subject to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience.

In a narrower sense, it is a set of ways of a child's actions that allow him to independently acquire new knowledge and skills, to organize this process. Such a definition is given to us by the methodological literature. At the present time, the development of UUD in pedagogy is given great importance.

Functions of universal learning activities include:

Ensuring the child's ability to independently carry out learning activities, set learning goals, seek and use the necessary means and ways to achieve them, control and evaluate the process and results of activities;

Creation of conditions for the harmonious development of the personality and its self-realization on the basis of readiness for continuous education; ensuring the successful assimilation of knowledge, skills and competencies in any subject area.

The formation of UUD is possible not only in the classroom, but also during educational activities. In the materials of the Federal State Educational Standard, the concept of "extracurricular activities" is considered as an integral part of the educational process, and is characterized as an educational activity carried out in forms other than the classroom system. For its implementation, various forms are used:

Excursions, circles, sections, sports, conferences, disputes, olympiads, competitions, competitions, search and scientific and other types.Games, competitions, excursions, etc. are not just collective entertainment, but the main way to achieve certain learning objectives. They must also have a motivegoal and result. Therefore, such a teaching method as educational activities can contribute to the formation of UUD.

We can draw the following conclusion : UUD is not only a formulation of the results of education, but also the results of extracurricular activities. The child must develop and replenish not only his intellectual field, but also develop, as well as the ability and readiness for cooperation, self-education, self-development. This is in the extracurricular activities. All forms of extracurricular activities contribute to the development of a comprehensively developed personality.

The result of education is achieved systematically: at first it is the activity of the teacher, then, together with the pupils, the society is included in the work.

As a result of effective educational activities, we get a positive result - a comprehensively developed personality of the child, which is the goal of the development of UUD.

Universal learning activities can be grouped intofour major block:

Personal UUD provide a value-semantic orientation of students (the ability to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, knowledge of moral norms and the ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior), as well as orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships. With regard to educational activities, it is necessary to highlightthree types of action :

self-determination personal, professional, lifemeaning formation - the establishment by students of a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive, in other words, between the result of learning and what stimulates the activity, for the sake of which it is carried out. The student must ask himself the question of “what is the meaning, the meaning of the teaching for me”, and be able to find an answer to it;

moral and ethical orientation - the action of moral and ethical evaluation of the content being digested, providing a personal moral choice based on social and personal values

For the formationpersonal universal learning activities use the followingtypes of tasks:

participation in projects;

creative tasks;

visual, motor, verbal perception of music;

mental reproduction of a picture, situation, video film;

self-assessment of the event, incident;

achievement diaries. (Slide 16)

For the formation of personal universal learning activities in the classroomliterature you can use the following methods:

Let yourself be helped.

Going beyond.

Delayed response.

Catch the error.


question for the text.

Commented reading.

The perfect job.

Task "Main idea". 8th grade

Lesson topic: "One-part sentences"

Purpose: to learn to highlight the main idea, to come to an understanding of the need to know the history of your country.

Children receive printed text on task cards:

Read the text aloud:

Is it worth re-reading handwritten books, looking at frescoes blackened by time in long-abandoned churches, thinking about the meaning of an ornament carved on a mossy stone? Is it necessary to preserve log huts, homespun towels? Necessary. A person is not a one-day butterfly, merrily fluttering in the sun, not knowing what will happen tomorrow. In the fate of a person, the past, present and tomorrow are intertwined into a single knot. A person is the son of his time and his country, and the feeling of the Motherland is closely connected with the feeling of history.

(E. Osetrov)

Complete tasks:

Which sentence expresses the main idea of ​​the text?

How should a person relate to his history?

Orally highlight the grammatical foundations in these sentences and determine whether they are two-part or one-part.

Regulatory universal educational activities (organization of skills) - organization of their affairs, problem solving.Ability to organize your work

They reflect the child's ability to build educational and cognitive activity, taking into account all its components (goal, motive, forecast, means, control, evaluation).

Regulatory actions provide students with the organization of their educational activities. These include:

goal setting as setting a learning task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by the students, and what is still unknown;

Planning - determination of the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; drawing up a plan and sequence of actions;

- forecasting -anticipation of the result and the level of assimilation of knowledge, its temporal characteristics;

The control in the form of comparing the method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations and differences from the standard;

Correction - making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in the event of a discrepancy between the standard, the actual action and its result;

Grade - selection and awareness by students of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation;

Self-regulation as the ability to mobilize forces and energy, to volitional effort (to make a choice in a situation of motivational conflict) and to overcome obstacles.

Typical tasks for the formation of regulatory UUD.

Learning activities

Typical tasks

goal setting

Finding an answer to the question “Why do you need to know (be able)?”


“How to do it?”, “What and how should have been done to get the right result?”

Implementation of educational activities

"Write from memory ...", "Read aloud ...", "Read to yourself ...", search for an extra word


Regulatory forecasting

“What do you think, what result can be obtained?”, “Do you think it is enough to know ... to complete the task?”, “What difficulties may arise and why?”

Control and self-control:

Regulatory control and self-control. Tasks such as “A classmate said ... Check: is he right?”, “Is the result obtained as in the sample?”, “Is it done correctly?”, “Can you prove it?”, “Swap notebooks, check with each other”, "Check in a dictionary..."


Regulatory Corrections

"Put the correct order of the sentences in the text"


Regulatory scores

“Evaluate your work in the lesson”, “I liked ...”, “I want to praise myself (or classmates) for that ...”, “I was interested”, “It seemed important to me ...”, “It was a discovery for me ...”, “ Today it was difficult for me ... "


Regulatory self-regulation.

“You can read the encrypted word (reach the top of the mountain) by completing a series of tasks”), psychological training exercises (for example, the setting “One, two, three - listen and look! Three, two, one - we will start now!”) , breathing exercises

For the formationregulatory universal learning activities, the following types of tasks are possible:

"deliberate errors";

search for information in the proposed sources;

mutual control;

mutual dictation;


learning material by heart in the classroom;

quiz on a specific issue.

Typical tasks for the formation of regulatory UUD
in Russian lessons

Task "Choose the purpose of the lesson from the proposed phrases." Grade 5

Purpose: the formation of the ability to determine the purpose of the lesson on the topic of the lesson.

The theme of the lesson is "The indefinite form of the verb."

Choose from the proposed phrases the one that, in your opinion, is the purpose of our lesson:

Define the verb.

I like to look for verbs in text.

Learn to identify indefinite verbs, remember which endings an indefinite form can have.

The task "Tell me everything you know about this member of the plan proposal." Grade 5

Topics of the lessons "Subject", "Predicate", "Addition", "Circumstance", "Definition".

Purpose: to develop the ability to correlate the result obtained with the sample, to find and correct errors.

Task: Tell everything you know about the addition (definition, circumstance, etc.) according to the plan:

What it is?

What does it mean?

What question does it answer?

What parts of speech can be expressed?

How is it emphasized?

Is everything correct in your story? (children read the rule in the textbook).

cognitive universal learning activities (intellectual skills) - information processing

Ability to effectively THINK and work with INFORMATION in the modern world

The system of ways of knowing the world around us, building an independent search process, research and a set of operations for processing, systematizing, generalizing and using the information received

independent selection and formulation of the cognitive goal;

search and selection of the necessary information; application of information retrieval methods, including using computer tools:

ability to structure knowledge ;

ability to consciously and voluntarily build a speech statement in oral and written form;

selection of the most effective ways of solving problems depending on specific conditions;

reflection of ways and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activities;

semantic reading as understanding the purpose of reading and choosing the type of reading depending on the purpose; extracting the necessary information from the listened texts of various genres; definition of primary and secondary information; free orientation and perception of texts of artistic, scientific, journalistic and official business styles; understanding and adequate assessment of the language of the media;

- staging and formulation problems, independent creation of activity algorithms in solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

For the formationcognitive universal learning activities, the following types of tasks are appropriate:


“find the differences” (you can set their number);

"what does it look like?";

search for excess;




clever solutions;

drawing up support schemes;

work with different types of tables;

charting and recognition;

work with dictionaries.

Methodological techniques for the formation of cognitive actions

in literature lessons

Reception of modeling.


Fantastic supplement.

Topic intersection.

We repeat with control.

Chain poll.


Training games.

Yes and no.

Good bad.

Point of view.

Multiscreen layout.

Communicative universal actions (communication skills) - communication with peopleAbility to COMMUNICATE and interact with people

Provide opportunities for cooperation: the ability to hear, listen and understand a partner, plan and coordinate joint activities, distribute roles, mutually control each other's actions, be able to negotiate, lead a discussion, correctly express one's thoughts, support each other and cooperate effectively as a teacher, as well as with peers;independent organization of speech activity in oral and written form.

For the formationcommunicative universal educational activities, the following types of tasks can be offered:

make a task for a partner;

imagine yourself in the role of a teacher and make a task for the class;

write a story on behalf of the hero;

make up a story on behalf of an inanimate object (for example, on behalf of a school desk, on behalf of a dividing soft sign, etc.);

feedback on the work of a friend;

group work on compiling a crossword puzzle;

"guess who we're talking about";

dialogue listening (formulation of questions for feedback);

"prepare a story...";

"describe orally...";

"explain..." etc.

For the formation of communicative UUD, it is advisable to use techniques aimed at comprehending the content of the text:"Reading with stops", "Reading with notes", "Clustering" .

"Reading with stops" opens the possibility of a holistic vision of the work. Sample questions:

What associations do the names and surnames of the characters evoke in you? "Lilac bush" Kuprin, "Undergrowth" Fonvizin)

What did you feel when you read this part. What feelings did you have?

What expectations have been confirmed? What was unexpected?

How do you think the story will end? How would you finish it?



group form of work;

design and research activities;




creation of literary works by students.

moral and ethical evaluation of digestible content,

The game is a powerful means of socialization of the child, familiarizing him with the norms and values ​​of society. The game develops empathy in a child - an understanding of the mental state of another person, the ability for an emotional response, empathy. The game also develops reflection, the ability to look at oneself from the outside. A game for children is a source of new emotions, an opportunity to show their ability to think in front of their peers in an informal setting, an opportunity to develop the ability to apply existing knowledge in new conditions, to obtain new interesting information. For a teacher, a game is also an opportunity to gain new knowledge, especially if this game is the author's. This is both a source of joy and satisfaction with the results of one's work, a source of discovering something new in one's students.

In our work we use different gaming technologies, such as:

Contests, role-playing games, disputes, tournaments, etc.

It is believed that intellectual games are an important and successful means of forming universal learning activities. What UUD do we develop during the game?

In the field of personal UUD, the following are formed:

The internal position of the student;

Personal motivation of educational activity;

Orientation to moral standards and their implementation.

Cognitive UUDare formed through the analysis of the situation, its assessment, the construction of logical chains of reasoning, hypotheses, their justification and the choice of a single version from the team;the ability to consciously and voluntarily build a speech statement in oral and written forms; selection of the most effective ways of solving problems depending on specific conditions; reflection of the methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activities; semantic reading as understanding the purpose of reading and choosing the type of reading depending on the purpose; extracting the necessary information from the listened texts related to various genres; definition of primary and secondary information; through the formulation and formulation of the problem, the independent creation of activity algorithms for solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature

Communicative UUDimpossible without taking into account the position of the team members, the distribution of roles within the team, the ability to listen and engage in dialogue, participate in a collective discussion of the issue;integrate into a peer group and build productive interactions and collaborations with peers and adults.

Regulatory UUDare manifested in the ability to mobilize strength, mind and energy to overcome obstacles in the game, gather in a stressful situation, evaluate their actions after the game (“the pupils’ awareness of what has already been learned and what else needs to be learned”). In the process of preparing for the game and during the game itself, such UUDs as goal-setting, planning, distribution of roles, responsibilities, drawing up a plan and sequence of actions develop. Correction - making the necessary additions to the plan and method of action.

Mastering universal educational actions by students takes place in the context of different educational subjects. It is quite obvious that there is no strict gradation for the formation of a certain type of UUD in the process of studying a particular subject, and cannot be. However, a shift in emphasis is possible. In some topics, great attention may be paid to the formation of some types of UUD, in others - to the formation of others. But in general, in the modern lesson, all four types of universal learning activities are being formed. From the first minute of the lesson, students are included in the organization of their learning activities (regulatory UUD). These include goal-setting, as setting a learning task (How would you like to see our lesson? What qualities do you need to show in order to get such a lesson?) Further, students, having solved the puzzles, independently formulate the topic of the lesson.

Consistent work on the formation and development of UUD or "Learning skills" in children leads to an increase in the effectiveness of education in general, to a more flexible and durable assimilation of knowledge by students.

So, the main goal today is to teach students the “ability to learn”, to provide any child with the level of development that will allow him to be successful in learning not only at school, but throughout his life. Therefore, the task of creating a bank of standard tasks and tasks aimed at the development of UUD becomes so important.

The main thing for the teacher is to remember that all students are stars, small and big, close and far, but equally beautiful. Each star chooses its own flight path. Every star wants to shine.

The priority direction of the Federal State Educational Standards is the implementation developing potential of general secondary education, relevant and new challenge– ensuring the development of universal educational activities as psychological component of the fundamental core of the content of education, along with the traditional presentation subject content of specific disciplines. “The most important task of the modern education system is the formation of a set of “universal learning activities” that provide the competence to “teach to learn”, the ability of the individual to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience, and not just the development by students of specific subject knowledge and skills within individual disciplines."

Universal learning activities were developed by a group of psychologists under the guidance of Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Professor of Moscow State University A.G. Asmolov. The methodological and theoretical basis of UUD is the system-activity approach of L.V. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, P.Ya. Galperin, D.B. Elkonina, A.V. Zaporozhets, V.V. Davydov. The term "universal learning activities" can be defined as a set of student's ways of action that ensure his ability to independently master new knowledge and skills, including the organization of this process.

In these approaches, learning activity itself becomes the subject of assimilation. The concept of universal learning activities takes into account the experience of the competence-based approach, in particular, its emphasis on the achievement by students of the ability to effectively use the acquired knowledge and skills in practice. The system-activity approach involves the analysis of the types of leading activities (playing, learning, communication), the allocation of universal learning activities that generate competencies, knowledge, skills and abilities. The development of universal educational activities “is built according to the formula: from action to thought”.

The Federal State Educational Standards note that the activity approach “allows to highlight the main results of education and upbringing, expressed in terms of the key tasks of the development of students and the formation of universal methods of educational and cognitive actions, which should be the basis for choosing and structuring the content of education.” In this regard, the emphasis here is on such types of development as personal, social, cognitive, communicative.

So personal development is based on the readiness and ability of students for self-development and realization of creative potential in spiritual and subject-productive activities, high social and professional mobility based on continuous education and competence "be able to learn". In addition, personal development provides for: “the formation of the image of the world, value-semantic orientations and moral foundations of personal moral choice; development of self-awareness, positive self-esteem and self-respect, readiness to openly express and defend one's position, criticality to one's actions.

Under social development The standards imply “the formation of Russian and civil identity on the basis of students' acceptance of democratic values, the development of tolerance for life in a multicultural society, the education of patriotic convictions; mastering the basic social roles, norms and rules”.

cognitive development characterized not only by the formation of a scientific picture of the world among students, but also by the development of the ability to “manage their cognitive and intellectual activity”; mastering the “methodology of knowledge, strategies and methods of knowledge and teaching”; the development of "logical, creative thinking, productive imagination, arbitrary memory and attention, reflection."

And finally communication development is defined in the Standards as “the formation of communication competence, including the conscious orientation of students to the position of other people as partners in communication and joint activities, the ability to listen, conduct a dialogue in accordance with the goals and objectives of communication, participate in a collective discussion of problems and decision-making, build a productive cooperation with peers and adults based on mastery of verbal and non-verbal means of communication…”

The Russian language provides the formation of cognitive, communicative and regulatory actions. Mastering universal learning activities (personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative) gives students the opportunity to independently successfully master new knowledge, skills and competencies based on the formation of the ability to learn.

An effective means of achieving the planned meta-subject results is the systematically organized work with reference materials. Frequent treatment to dictionaries and reference books forms information cognitive UUD in students. To find this or that word, for example, dictionaries located at the end of the textbook on the Russian language (spelling, spelling, explanatory) allow. The systematic use at any stage of the lesson of tasks that require reference to the dictionary will develop in children the habit of constantly referring to them outside the lesson.

Communicative actions, providing opportunities for cooperation (the ability to hear, listen and understand a partner, plan and coordinate joint activities, distribute roles, mutually control each other's actions, be able to negotiate, lead a discussion, correctly express one's thoughts, support each other, cooperate effectively as with a teacher and with peers.In my lessons I often use group forms of work, which helps to develop the ability of students to perform various roles in a group, to cooperate in joint problem solving;
defend and argue your point of view, observing the rules of speech etiquette; be critical of one's own opinion, negotiate with people of other positions, understand the point of view of another;
anticipate the consequences of collective decisions.

Based on the material of Russian language textbooks, personal actions aimed at understanding, researching and accepting life values ​​and meanings, which allow you to orient yourself in moral norms, rules, assessments, develop your life position in relation to the world, people around you, yourself and your future. In addition, such forms as ethical conversations and tournaments of experts help in the formation of personal UUD. A great help in our school is the conduct of collective creative work, for example, in parallel. An interesting event this year was the literary drawing room on the theme “Don stories of M.A. Sholokhov”. The joint activity of teachers working in the 6th grade, the cooperation of students and teachers made it possible for students to form a love for Russia for their small homeland, nature, and family. Such concepts as “peace”, “justice”, “desire to understand each other”, “trust in people”, “mercy”, “honor” and “dignity” sounded in a new way. The stories of the writer-countryman bring up respect for their people, the development of tolerance, help to comprehend the life situations and actions of the heroes of literary texts from the point of view of universal human norms, moral and ethical values ​​of a citizen.

Working with text opens up opportunities for the formation logical actions analysis, comparison, establishing cause-and-effect relationships. Orientation in the morphological and syntactic structure of the language and the assimilation of the rules for the structure of words and sentences, the graphic form of letters ensures the development of sign-symbolic actions of substitution (for example, sound with a letter) modeling (for example, word composition by drawing up a diagram) and model transformation (word modification).

Grouping is a favorite activity for my sixth graders.

The goal is to improve the spelling literacy of students and develop the ability to establish causal relationships between individual linguistic phenomena, to find a generalized meaning.

Being engaged in grouping, the student encounters many words in which he must recognize several spellings, offer several answers and at the same time comprehend the connections between individual linguistic phenomena. At the same time, such material is selected for grouping exercises so that it is possible to consider linguistic phenomena from different points of view, to work out logical and grammatical operations on the classification of linguistic material.

Exercise. Group the words according to a certain attribute. Suggest several options for grouping.

Uncle, onlooker, great-grandfather, aunt, half-educated, crybaby, great-grandmother, sweetheart, old woman, crammer.

As a result, the proposed words are grouped:

  • by the presence of voiced, deaf consonants at the beginning of a word;
  • by gender (general nouns, masculine and feminine);
  • by the presence of spelling;
  • by the number of syllables.

Tasks to eliminate the superfluous.

The goal is to assimilate a large amount of knowledge of linguistic material by students on the basis of establishing links between its individual elements, phenomena, in developing step-by-step operational skills for transferring knowledge to other areas and constructing evidence-based monologue statements.

The methodology for carrying out this type of task is well known.

We started preparing for the State Final Attestation in the 9th grade from the 5th grade, in connection with this, such a task as an educational linguistic task. A frequent guest at the Russian language lesson. The purpose of performing such tasks is to master the theoretical language material at a high level of difficulty, to develop the ability to further apply the theory in the analysis of linguistic phenomena, as well as to increase speech activity based on comparison, analysis and synthesis in describing the object under study.

This is a special type of exercises in the Russian language, the implementation of which takes place in two (or more) actions in the conditions of independent cognitive activity of students, including:
1) analysis of intra-subject communications of the language;
2) reasoning-proof;
3) withdrawal;
4) phased self-control;
5) verification of the solution.

Regulatory UUDs are the ability of students to organize their learning activities. Various creative educational tasks and practical work help me with this. Every lesson I put problem situations that the guys successfully solve. In addition, project and research activities are of great help.

As a result, I can say that the children (of course, not all of them) can accept and independently set new learning tasks, choose conditions, a method of action, monitor and evaluate its implementation.

My students learn to plan ways to achieve their goals; adequately assess the degree of objective and subjective difficulty in fulfilling the learning task; make appropriate adjustments to the process of completing the learning task; make decisions in a problem situation on the basis of negotiations.

Cognitive UUD include general educational, logical, actions of setting and solving problems. Here I use tasks of a creative and exploratory nature (problem questions, learning tasks or problem situations); discussions, conversations, observations, experiments, practical work; essays on a given topic and editing; semantic reading and extracting the necessary information.

Designing lessons on the formation of UUD is not an easy task, but today it is a requirement of the time. And we must keep up with the times so that children are in demand, as modern society requires a student who is able to independently learn and relearn many times throughout his life.

In creating conditions for the formation and development of UUD in the main school, the following aspects should be taken into account:

  1. Reliance on competency-based and system-activity approaches in teaching.
  2. Accounting for the characteristics of adolescence.
  3. The use of an integrative approach in teaching students, which creates a holistic view of the world and contributes to the formation of meta-subject competencies.
  4. Using the creative potential of the teaching staff of the school.


Relevance.Over the past decades, society has undergone fundamental changes in the understanding of the goals of education and the ways of their implementation. From the recognition of knowledge, skills and abilities as the main outcomes of education, there was a transition to an understanding of learning as a process:

preparing students for real life

readiness to take an active position,

successfully solve life problems,

be able to cooperate and work in a group,

be prepared to retrain quickly in response to knowledge updates and labor market demands.

Therefore, already from this, 2011-2012 academic year, first grade teachers had to rethink the goals and values ​​of modern primary education from the standpoint of new standards.

Instead of simply transferring knowledge, skills and abilities from teacher to student, the development of the student's ability to independently set learning goals, design ways to achieve them, monitor and evaluate their achievements comes first. In other words, the formation of the ability to learn becomes the priority goal of school education. If we briefly formulate the task that the child must learn to set for himself throughout the entire course of study, it will sound like this: teach yourself! And in solving this problem, the main place is occupied by the formation of a system of universal educational activities (UUD). UUD is a set of methods of action that ensures the student's ability to independently assimilate new knowledge, including the organization of the assimilation process itself. The foundations of universal educational activities must be laid in elementary school in all lessons.

Let us dwell on the subject "Russian language" as one of the fundamental subjects of elementary school. Success in learning the Russian language largely determines the results of a student's learning in other school subjects.

Language is the main means of self-knowledge, self-expression and development of creative abilities available to everyone. Mastering the system of language, the skills of speech activity helps to better understand oneself and others, to master the system of moral and aesthetic values. This is the main path to successful interpersonal and social interaction.

Consequently, the task of forming and developing skills of speech activity is reflected not only in the planned results in the Russian language and literary reading, but also permeates all subject areas. Literacy of oral and written speech is one of the indicators and the subject of assessment in all school disciplines.

Thus, the Russian language is not only a subject of study, but also a means of learning. And universal educational actions are the psychological component of the fundamental core of the content of education.

Research problem:what are the pedagogical conditions for the formation of universal educational activities for younger students as a means of effective teaching of the Russian language?

Based on the relevance of the problem, we chose the topic of the study "Formation of universal educational activities of younger students as a means of effective teaching of the Russian language."

Purpose of the study- to develop a system of exercises for the formation of universal educational activities for younger students in the Russian language lessons.

Object of studyis the activity of students in the lessons of the Russian language.

Subject of study:the formation of universal educational activities of younger schoolchildren in the lessons of the Russian language.

Research hypothesis:if, when teaching younger schoolchildren in Russian language lessons, a system of exercises for the formation of universal educational activities is systematically applied, this will help to increase the level of formation of universal educational activities of primary school students.

Research objectives:

1. Analyze the psychological and pedagogical literature on the research topic.

Determine the essence, features, significance of universal educational activities of younger students.

Develop and implement a system of exercises for the formation of universal educational activities for younger students.

To reveal the influence of the developed system of exercises on the formation of universal educational actions of primary school students in the Russian language lessons.

Research methods:analysis of literary sources; ascertaining, forming and control pedagogical experiments: testing (method "Test to determine the number of words in a sentence (S.N. Karpova)", technique "Attention test (P. Ya. Galperin and S. L. Kabylnitskaya)", technique " Joint sorting” - author GV Burmenskaya), mathematical processing of the research results. Base of the study: the study was carried out on the basis of the secondary school No. 64, students 3 "A" (22 people) - experimental class; students 3 "B" (22 people) - control class.

The practical significance of the study is determined by the possibility of using the developed system of exercises in the practical activities of elementary school teachers on the problem of the formation of universal educational activities for younger students in Russian language lessons. literary textbook reading student

Chapter 1

1.1 The importance of universal learning activities in the primary education system

At present, the school still continues to focus on learning, releasing into life a trained person - a qualified performer, while today's information society requires a trained person who is able to independently learn and relearn many times over a constantly lengthening life, ready for independent actions and decision-making. For life, human activity, it is important not for him to have savings for the future, a stock of some kind of internal baggage of everything learned, but the manifestation and ability to use what is, that is, not structural, but functional, activity qualities.

In other words, the school should teach the child: "teach to learn", "teach to live", "teach to live together", "teach to work and earn" (from the UNESCO report "To the New Millennium").

Unfortunately, to date, these problems have not found a positive solution. We can still talk about a rather low level of their formation among students in our schools.

So far, at the stage of graduating from compulsory education, most of our students show very poor preparation for independent study, for independently obtaining the necessary information; low level (below low) of the ability to solve problems, find a way out of a non-standard situation. Graduates are not ready for successful adaptation in the modern world. And as a result, leaving the walls of the school, young people will either remain unsuccessful in life, or get lost, they will not be able to “find themselves”, which can lead to negative social consequences.

That is why the problem of independent successful assimilation by students of new knowledge, skills and competencies, including the ability to learn, has become acute and currently remains an urgent problem for the school. Great opportunities for this are provided by the development of universal educational activities (UUD). That is why the “Planned Results” of the Second Generation Education Standards (FSES) determine not only subject, but meta-subject and personal results.

The fundamental difference between the school standards of the new generation is their focus on achieving not only subject educational results, but, above all, on the formation of the personality of students, their mastery of universal methods of educational activity that ensure success in cognitive activity at all stages of further education.

In a broad sense, the term "universal learning activities" means the ability to learn, i.e. the ability of the subject to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. In a narrower sense, this term can be defined as a set of student actions (as well as related learning skills) that ensure his ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills, including the organization of this process.

Such a student's ability to independently successfully assimilate new knowledge, skills and competencies, including the independent organization of the assimilation process, i.e. the ability to learn, is ensured by the fact that universal learning actions as generalized actions open up the possibility of a broad orientation of students, both in various subject areas and and in the structure of the educational activity itself, including the awareness by students of its target orientation, value-semantic and operational characteristics. Achieving the "ability to learn" involves the full development of all components of educational activities, which include:

) cognitive and educational motives;

) learning goal;

) learning task;

) learning activities and operations (orientation, transformation of material, control and evaluation).

“The ability to learn” is a significant factor in increasing the effectiveness of students mastering subject knowledge, skills and the formation of competencies, the image of the world and the value-semantic foundations of personal moral choice.

Universal learning activities in the process of learning in elementary school perform the following functions:

) ensuring the student's ability to independently carry out learning activities, set learning goals, seek and use the necessary means and ways to achieve them, control and evaluate the process and results of activities;

) creation of conditions for the harmonious development of the personality and its self-realization on the basis of readiness for continuous education, the need for which is due to the multicultural society and high professional mobility;

) ensuring the successful assimilation of knowledge, the formation of skills, abilities and competencies in any subject area.

Universal educational activities represent an integral system in which the origin and development of each type of educational activity is determined by its relationship with other types of educational activities and the general logic of age-related development. Communication is the basis for the differentiation and development of forms of mental activity in early ontogenesis. Thus, the origin of personal, cognitive and regulatory actions is determined by the development of communication and communication of the child with social (teacher) and close (parents) adults and peers. From communication and self-regulation grows the child's ability to regulate their activities. From the assessments of others, and primarily the assessments of a close adult, an idea of ​​​​oneself and one's capabilities is formed, self-acceptance and self-respect appear, that is, self-esteem and self-concept as a result of self-determination. The cognitive actions of the child are formed from situational-cognitive and extra-situational-cognitive communication.

As the child's personal actions develop, the functioning and development of universal educational actions undergo significant changes. The regulation of communication, cooperation and cooperation projects certain achievements and results of the child, which secondarily leads to a change in the nature of his communication and self-concept. Cognitive actions are also an essential resource for achieving success and have an impact both on the effectiveness of the activity itself and communication, and on self-esteem, meaning formation and self-determination of the student.

The formation of universal educational activities in the educational process is carried out in the context of the assimilation of various subject disciplines. The requirements for the formation of universal educational activities are reflected in the planned results of mastering the programs of educational subjects: "Russian language", "Literary reading", "Mathematics", "World around", "Technology", "Foreign language", "Fine arts", " Physical culture” in relation to the value-semantic, personal, cognitive and communicative development of students.

The universal nature of educational actions is manifested in the fact that they are of an over-subject, meta-subject nature; ensure the integrity of the general cultural, personal and cognitive development and self-development of the individual; ensure the continuity of all stages of the educational process; underlie the organization and regulation of any activity of the student, regardless of its specially-subject content. Universal educational activities provide the stages of assimilation of educational content and the formation of the student's psychological abilities.

The following stages of assimilation of educational material are distinguished: initial acquaintance, comprehension of the material, consolidation of the material and mastery of the material.

The initial stage of familiarization with the educational material is of great importance for the entire process of assimilation. Equally important at this stage is what is to be perceived, namely apperception. It includes an active conscious attitude of the individual to the perceived, which is not limited to the content of ideas and is not reduced to their mass.

Mental work covers perception from all sides: anticipating it, including in it and building on it. Reflection is the second stage. He, entering the first, is the basis of the third stage - memorization.

Memorization (consolidation) of educational material is not only a constant comprehension, inclusion in new semantic connections, but also a rethinking of this material. Clarifying, formulating his thought, a person forms it; at the same time, he firmly imprints it. Two conclusions follow from this: students' own presentation should be specially provided for in the organization of educational activities, and it is especially important to prepare the first independent reproduction of the material being learned by students.

Mastering the material is the ability to operate it in various conditions, applying it in practice. At this stage of assimilation, mastery of knowledge is no longer aimed at teaching, but at other, practical, goals. This is a life context in which knowledge and skills acquire other qualities.

Possession of universal learning activities allows students to successfully master information at all stages.

So, the mastery of universal educational activities leads to the formation of the ability to independently successfully assimilate new knowledge, skills and competencies, including the independent organization of the assimilation process, i.e. the ability to learn. This ability is ensured by the fact that universal learning activities are generalized actions that open up the possibility of a broad orientation of students, both in various subject areas and in the structure of the learning activity itself.

1.2 Types of universal learning activities in pedagogy

universal language of instruction literacy

As part of the main types of universal educational activities that correspond to the key goals of general education, four blocks can be distinguished:

) personal;

) regulatory (including also the actions of self-regulation);

) informative;

) communicative.

Personal actions provide a value-semantic orientation of students (knowledge of moral norms, the ability to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, the ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior) and orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships. With regard to educational activities, three types of personal actions should be distinguished: personal, professional, life self-determination;

b) meaning formation, i.e., the establishment by students of a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive, in other words, between the result of learning and what stimulates the activity, for the sake of which it is carried out;

c) moral and ethical orientation, including the evaluation of the content being assimilated (based on social and personal values), which ensures a personal moral choice.

Regulatory actions provide students with the organization of their learning activities. These include:) goal-setting as the setting of an educational task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by the students, and what is still unknown;

b) planning - determining the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; drawing up a plan and sequence of actions;

c) forecasting - anticipation of the result and the level of assimilation of knowledge, its temporal characteristics;

d) control in the form of comparing the method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations and differences from the standard;

e) correction - making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in the event of a discrepancy between the standard, the actual action and its result;

e) assessment - the selection and awareness by the student of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation;

g) self-regulation as the ability to mobilize forces and energy, to volitional effort (to make a choice in a situation of motivational conflict) and to overcome obstacles.

Cognitive universal actions include general educational, logical, as well as the formulation and solution of the problem.

A) General educational universal actions:) independent selection and formulation of a cognitive goal;

b) search and selection of the necessary information; application of information retrieval methods, including using computer tools;

c) structuring knowledge;

d) conscious and arbitrary construction of a speech statement in oral and written form;

e) the choice of the most effective ways of solving problems, depending on the specific conditions;

f) reflection on the methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activities;

g) semantic reading as understanding the purpose of reading and choosing the type of reading depending on the purpose; extracting the necessary information from the listened texts of various genres; definition of primary and secondary information; understanding and adequate assessment of the language of the media;

h) statement and formulation of the problem, independent creation of activity algorithms in solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

Sign-symbolic actions constitute a special group of general educational universal actions:

Modeling - the transformation of an object from a sensual form into a model, where the essential characteristics of the object are highlighted;

Transformation of the model in order to identify the general laws that define this subject area.

B) Logical universal actions:) analysis of objects in order to highlight features (essential, non-essential);

b) synthesis - the compilation of a whole from parts, including independent completion with the completion of missing components;

c) choice of grounds and criteria for comparison, classification of objects;

d) subsuming under the concept, derivation of consequences;

e) establishment of causal relationships;

f) building a logical chain of reasoning;

g) proof;

h) hypotheses and their justification.

C) Statement and solution of the problem includes the following steps: the formulation of the problem and the independent creation of ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature. In turn, the formulation and solution of the problem requires students to form the following actions:

Highlight the main problem;

Formulate a task;

Independently assume what information is needed to solve the educational problem;

Leave and select information obtained from various sources;

Independently offer various ways to solve the set search or creative task.

Communicative actions provide social competence and consideration of the position of other people, communication partners or activities; ability to listen and engage in dialogue; participate in a group discussion of problems; integrate into a peer group and build productive interactions and collaborations with peers and adults.

Communicative actions include:) planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers - determining the goal, functions of participants, ways of interaction;

b) posing questions - proactive cooperation in the search and collection of information;

c) conflict resolution - identification, identification of the problem, search and evaluation of alternative ways to resolve the conflict, decision-making and its implementation;

d) managing the partner's behavior - control, correction, evaluation of his actions;

e) the ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication; possession of monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language.

Thus, the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education distinguishes four types of universal educational activities: personal, regulatory, cognitive and communicative.

The considered system of universal educational actions allows using in the educational process the principle of a controlled transition from activity in a learning situation to activity in a life situation.

The learning process sets the content and characteristics of the child's learning activities and thereby determines the zone of proximal development of universal learning activities.

1.3 Connection of universal educational activities with the content of the subject "Russian language" of the primary level

The subject "Russian language" provides the formation of personal, cognitive, communicative and regulatory actions. Working with text opens up opportunities for the formation of logical actions of analysis, comparison, and the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships. Orientation in the morphological and syntactic structure of the language and the assimilation of the rules for the structure of words and sentences, the graphic form of letters ensures the development of sign-symbolic actions - substitution (for example, sound with a letter), modeling (for example, word composition by drawing up a diagram) and model transformation (word modification) .

UUD in Russian language lessons in elementary school are:

the ability to use the language in order to search for the necessary information in various sources to solve educational problems;

the ability to navigate the goals, objectives, means and conditions of communication;

the ability to choose adequate language tools for the successful solution of communicative tasks (dialogue, oral monologues, written texts), taking into account the characteristics of different types of speech and communication situations;

striving for a more accurate expression of one's own opinion and position; the ability to ask questions.

In elementary education, the subject "Russian language" occupies a leading place, since success in learning the Russian language largely determines the results of a student's learning in other school subjects, and also ensures the success of his "residence" in a children's society.

Let's consider each type of UUD separately.

Formation of personal UUD:

The student will learn or will have the opportunity to learn how to take a cognitive initiative in helping fellow students (a system of tasks that orients the younger student to help the heroes of the textbook and the classmate).

Formation of regulatory UUD:

The student will learn or get the opportunity to learn to control his activity in the course or results of completing the task (a task system that guides the younger student to check the correctness of the task according to the rule, algorithm, using a table, drawings in the Russian language lesson, etc.).

Formation of communicative UUD:

The student will learn or have the opportunity to learn to cooperate with a classmate, with a comrade in a group.

Formation of cognitive UUD:

The student will learn or have the opportunity to learn:

formulate a rule based on the selection of essential features;

perform tasks using material objects, schemes;

compare, classify, choosing the most effective solution or the correct answer;

build an oral explanation according to the proposed plan;

build a logical chain of reasoning

The results of mastering the Russian language program by elementary school graduates will be personal, meta-subject and subject results. Personal results: understanding of language as the main means of human communication; positive attitude to the study of the Russian language, understanding of its richness, recognition of oneself as a native speaker of this language; acceptance of the idea that correct, accurate oral and written speech are indicators of human culture; the emergence of a desire to skillfully use the language, the emergence of elements of a conscious attitude to one's speech.

Metasubject results:

Regulatory UUD (provide the ability to regulate their activities): understand, accept and maintain the learning task; act according to the plan and plan their learning activities; control the process and results of activities, make adjustments; adequately assess their achievements, be aware of the difficulties that arise and try to look for ways to overcome them.

Cognitive UUD: seek, receive and use information: be aware of the cognitive task; read and listen, extracting the necessary information, correlate it with existing knowledge, experience; capture information in a variety of ways; understand information presented in different forms: pictorial, schematic, model; use various dictionaries, reference books available in the textbook; find the necessary information in them; perform logical actions with language material: analyze, synthesize, compare, classify, generalize; bring under the concept, prove, draw conclusions, etc.

Communicative UUD: to be aware of speech (speaking, listening, writing, reading) as a way of oral and written communication of people; participate in a dialogue, in a general conversation, following the accepted rules of speech behavior, culture of speech; understand the dependence of the nature of speech on the situation of communication, try to build their dialogic and monologue statements, choosing for them the means of language, taking into account this situation and specific speech tasks.

Subject results of mastering the course of the Russian language: mastering the initial ideas about the means of the language and the possibilities of their use in speech; mastering the basic concepts and rules from the field of phonetics, graphics, morphemics, grammar, spelling, speech culture, text theory (in the amount studied); the ability to find, compare, classify, characterize various units of the language (sounds, letters, words, sentences), while considering them from a specified point of view (for example, a word: in terms of sound-letter composition, structure, belonging to one or another part speech, role in the sentence); the ability to construct units of a higher level (words, phrases, sentences, texts), as well as to create their own statements for a specific communication situation, including small texts of certain genres (in the volume of the studied); the ability in the process of writing to punctuate correctly (within the mastered limits) to formulate thoughts, as well as to notice spellings, to be aware of one’s difficulties, to solve spelling problems (including using a dictionary), and in unknown cases, in a mastered way (using the “window”) “leave” from a spelling mistake; check what is written and carefully (if necessary) make adjustments.

Thus, we can draw the following conclusions:

1.Universal learning activities are defined as a set of student actions that ensure his ability to independently master new knowledge and skills, including the organization of this process.

.The federal state educational standard of primary general education distinguishes such types of universal educational activities as personal, regulatory, cognitive and communicative.

3.The subject "Russian language" occupies a leading place in primary education, since it is aimed at developing the functional literacy of younger students. Success in learning the Russian language largely determines the quality of a child's preparation in other school subjects. In particular, in the lessons of the Russian language there is an opportunity to most effectively organize the work on the formation and development of cognitive, regulatory and communicative universal actions.

4.The ability to learn is an essential factor in increasing the efficiency of students' mastering of subject knowledge, including knowledge of the Russian language, as well as the formation of skills and competencies, the image of the world and the value-semantic foundations of personal moral choice.

Chapter 2. Experimental work on the formation of universal educational activities as a means of effective teaching of the Russian language

The second chapter describes the developed system of exercises in the Russian language, aimed at the formation of cognitive, regulatory and communicative universal educational activities, as well as analyzes the results of the study and draws conclusions.

2.1 Identification of the initial level of formation of universal educational actions of students in grade 3

Experimental work on the formation of basic universal educational activities in the lessons of the Russian language was carried out on the basis of the secondary school No. 64 in Ulyanovsk. The experiment was attended by students 3 "A" (22 people) - the experimental class and 3 "B" (22 people) - the control class, a total of 44 people during the 2011-12 academic year.

Experimental - experimental work included ascertaining, forming and control stages.

In order to carry out our experimental work, it is necessary to identify the main goal of the study: to determine the influence of the formation of cognitive, regulatory and communicative universal educational actions of a younger student on the success of teaching the Russian language.

The hypothesis of the study was the assumption that the formation of cognitive, regulative and communicative universal educational actions of a younger student affects the success of learning: during the younger school age, there is a dynamics in the development of self-esteem.

The object of the study were students of the 3rd grade of the secondary school in Ulyanovsk (experimental class 3 "A" and control class 3 "B").

The subject of the study was the formation of cognitive, regulative and communicative universal educational activities of younger schoolchildren in Russian language lessons.

Research objectives:

1. Determine the structural components of cognitive, regulatory and communicative universal educational activities, the criteria and indicators of their formation among younger students.

To identify methods and techniques for the formation of cognitive, regulative and communicative universal educational activities of younger students in the Russian language lessons.

To determine and test in practice the pedagogical conditions that ensure the success of the formation of cognitive, regulatory and communicative universal educational activities of younger students in the Russian language lessons.

Establish links between universal learning activities and the success of teaching the Russian language.

Analyze the results.

To achieve the goal of the study and solve the tasks set, a set of methods was used: analysis of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical literature on the research topic, diagnostic pedagogical methods, pedagogical experiment, quantitative and qualitative processing of experimental data, graphical presentation of the results.

At the stage ascertaining experimentwork was carried out to identify the initial level of formation of cognitive, regulatory and communicative universal educational actions of students 3 "A" of the experimental and 3 "B" control classes.

1. To study the initial level of development of cognitive universal educational activities, we used the diagnostics "Test to determine the number of words in a sentence (S.N. Karpova)", designed to identify the child's ability to distinguish between objective and speech reality.

Diagnosed universal educational actions: sign-symbolic cognitive actions, the ability to differentiate the plan of signs and symbols and the subject plan.

Determine the number, sequence and place of words in a sentence.

Research material: It's warm days. It often rains in autumn. In winter, the wind howls sadly in the field.

Procedure and instructions: proposals are read. The child, after listening to the sentence, answers the question. The experimenter gives the instruction: “Listen carefully. How many words did I say? Say the first word, the second, etc.”

Evaluation criteria:

Orientation to speech reality

Levels of development of sign-symbolic actions:

level. Orientation to objective reality, there is no awareness of the special existence of speech reality as sign-symbolic. Children give the wrong answer, focus on objective reality, highlight words, listing nouns-objects.

level. Unstable orientation to speech reality. Children give a partially correct answer, correctly name the words, but without prepositions and conjunctions.

level. Orientation to speech reality as an independent one, differentiation of sign-symbolic and object plans. Children give a partially correct (name all the words, skipping either a preposition or conjunction) or a completely correct answer.

The results obtained are shown in Figure 1.

Quantitative indicators are given in table 5.

Diagnostics showed that the examined schoolchildren made mistakes in determining the number of words in a sentence. The greatest difficulties in determining the number of words were presented by sentences with prepositions. Many could not determine the place of words in a sentence. For example, Ilya G., when asked how many words are in the sentence “In winter, the wind howls sadly in the field,” answered: “A lot. Don't know. Three". When offered again, he refused to answer. The place of a word in a sentence was determined at random. Often distracted.

Fig.1. The results of diagnosing the level of development of cognitive universal educational activities at the initial stage

It can be seen from the diagram: the data obtained show that the level of formation of cognitive universal educational actions in the students of the 3rd "A" class of the experimental group was 18%, and in the control group of students of the 3rd "B" class it is 4% higher, i.e. - 20%. The average level of formation of cognitive universal actions of students of grade 3 "B" was 50%, and the average level of formation of communicative universal educational actions of students of grade 3 "A" was 4% more, which amounted to 53%. The level of formation of communicative universal actions, which is considered below average, is the same in the experimental and control groups and amounted to 27%.

Table 1 presents quantitative data.

Table 1. Quantitative data for assessing the formation of cognitive UUD 3 "A" and 3 "B" classes at the ascertaining stage of the experiment

high medium low3 "A" 41263 "B" 5116

To diagnose the level of development of regulative universal actions, the method "Test for attention (P. Ya. Galperin and S. L. Kabylnitskaya)" was chosen, designed to identify the level of formation of attention and self-control.

Assessed ULD: regulatory action of control;

Age: primary education level (10.5 - 11 years).

Form and situation of assessment: frontal written survey.

Attention as an ideal, reduced, automated form of control (P. Ya. Galperin). In the studies of P.Ya.Galperin and S.L.Kabylnitskaya, it was shown that the 3rd grade is a sensitive period for the formation of attention, since children already have the skills of educational work, and inattention errors have not yet acquired a generalized character.

Instructions: Read this text. Check it out. If you find errors in it (including semantic ones), correct them with a pencil or pen.

The researcher fixes the time of working with the text, the characteristics of the child's behavior (whether he works confidently, how many times he checks the text, reads to himself or aloud, etc.).

Finding and correcting errors does not require knowledge of the rules, but attentiveness and self-control are necessary. The text contains 10 errors.

The old swans bowed their proud necks before him. Adults and children crowded on the shore. Below them was an icy desert. In response, I nodded to him. The sun had reached the tops of the trees and was hiding behind them. Weeds are hardy and prolific. I was already asleep when someone called to me. There was a map of our city on the table. The plane is here to help people. I soon succeeded in my car.

Vegetables did not grow in the Far South, but now they do. There are a lot of carrots in the garden. They didn’t breed near Moscow, but now they breed. Vanya ran across the field, but suddenly stopped. Grchi build their nests in the trees. There were a lot of eggs on the Christmas tree. Rooks for chicks of worms in a clearing. Hunter in the evening from hunting. Rai's grades are good. The children were playing in the playground. The boy raced on a horse. A grasshopper is striding in the grass. In winter, an apple tree bloomed in the garden.

Evaluation criteria:

The number of missed errors is counted. The researcher should pay attention to the quality of missed errors: missing words

in a sentence, letters in a word, substitution of letters, continuous spelling of a word with a preposition, semantic errors, etc.

Attention levels:

2 - the highest level of attention,

4 - average level of attention,

more than 5 - low level of attention.

The results obtained are shown in Figure 2.

Quantitative indicators are shown in table 2.

After analyzing the results of the diagnosis of primary school students, I found that the actions and operations performed by 13% of the students are not controlled in any way, often turn out to be incorrect, the mistakes made are not noticed and are not corrected.

% of students often make mistakes even when performing well-known learning tasks. Some children do not know how to correct the mistake either on their own or at the request of the teacher, because. are not able to correlate their actions and their results with a given scheme of action and detect their compliance or inconsistency.

% of junior schoolchildren are uncritically related to the teacher's instructions and the correction of errors in their work, agree with any correction, including when it immediately changes to the opposite.

And only 4% of younger students independently detect errors and independently make adjustments.

The reason for the vast majority of errors is the low level of development of self-control skills among students.

Table 2. Quantitative data for assessing the formation of regulatory UUD 3 "A" and 3 "B" classes at the ascertaining stage of the experiment

high medium low3 "A" 41083 "B" 499

Rice. 2. The results of the level of development of regulatory UUD, namely the level of formation of attention and self-control

It can be seen from the diagram that the data obtained show that the level of formation of regulative universal educational actions among students, which is considered high, is the same in both the experimental and control groups, and amounted to 18%. The average level of formation of regulatory universal actions of students in grade 3 "B" was 43%, and 2% more in students of grade 3 "A", which amounted to 45%. The level of formation of regulatory universal actions, which is considered below the average among students of 3 "A" class, was 37%, and 2% more in 3 "B", i.e. 39%.

On average, the spread of indicators in the control and experimental classes is small.

3.On September 21, 2011, in the experimental (3 "A") and control (3 "B") classes, the task "Joint sorting" was organized (author G.V. Burmenskaya).

This diagnostic is carried out to identify the level of coordination of efforts in the process of joint activities.

Assessed universal learning activities: communicative universal activities to coordinate efforts in the process of organizing and implementing cooperation (cooperation).

Description of the technique: children sitting in pairs are given a set of chips for their sorting (distribution among themselves) according to the given conditions and instructions.

Task completion level indicators:

.low level - the task was not completed at all or the chips were divided arbitrarily, in violation of the specified rule; children do not try to negotiate or cannot come to an agreement, insist on their own, conflict or ignore each other;

.medium level - the task was partially completed: the chips belonging to each participant separately are correctly identified, but the children fail to agree on four common elements and 9 “extra” (draws); in the course of completing the task, the difficulties of children are associated with the inability to argue their position and listen to their partner;

.high level - as a result, the chips are divided into 4 piles:

a) general, where elements belonging simultaneously to both students are combined, i.e. red and yellow circles and triangles (4 chips);

b) a pile with red and yellow ovals, rhombuses and squares of one student (6 chips);

c) a pile with blue white and green circles and triangles (6 chips) of the second student;

d) a pile with "extra" elements that do not belong to anyone (9 chips - white, blue and green squares, ovals and rhombuses).

Evaluation criteria:

The productivity of joint activities is assessed by the correctness of the distribution of received chips;

Ability to negotiate in a situation of conflict of interest (the need to share chips that simultaneously belong to both children), the ability to find a common solution;

Ability to maintain a friendly attitude towards each other in a situation of conflict of interest;

The ability to argue your proposal, to convince, to yield;

Mutual control and mutual assistance in the course of the assignment;

Emotional attitude to joint activities: positive (children work with pleasure, interest), neutral (interact with each other out of necessity) or negative (ignore each other, quarrel, etc.).

Age: junior schoolchildren (10.5-11 years old)

Form (assessment situation): work of students in the class in pairs.

Evaluation method: observation of the interaction and analysis of the result.

The results obtained are shown in Figure 4.

Quantitative indicators for this method are presented in table 6.

Table 3 Evaluation of the formation of communicative universal educational actions of 3 "A" and 3 "B" classes at the ascertaining stage of the experiment

low medium high3 "A" 39103 "B" 4810

Rice. 3. Analysis of the performance of the task "Joint sorting"

The diagram shows that only 14% of students in the experimental class and 18% of students in the control class have a low level of development of communicative universal educational activities, i.e. 16%. At the middle level, the task was completed by 41% of the students in the experimental and 36% of the students in the control class, which is 39%. On the other hand, 45% of the students in the experimental class and 46% of the students in the control class showed a high level of development of communicative universal learning activities, which is 45% of all subjects. Based on the data obtained, it can be argued that almost half of the subjects coped well with the task and have a high level of development of communicative universal actions.

In general, we can conclude that at the ascertaining stage of the experiment, the initial level of formation of cognitive and regulative universal educational actions in students of the control and experimental classes is approximately at the same level and is not high. The level of formation of communicative universal educational actions in almost half of the subjects is at a high level.

2.2 Development and implementation of a set of lessons on the formation of cognitive, regulatory and communicative universal educational activities of younger students in the Russian language lessons

At the stage formative experimentwork was carried out on the formation of cognitive, regulatory and communicative universal educational actions of students of the 3rd "A" experimental class in the Russian language.

The purpose of the formative experiment was the formation of communicative universal educational actions of students of the 3rd "A class".

You can find a lot of information about the traditional lesson. But with a change in the purpose and content of education, new means and technologies of education appear, but no matter what reforms are carried out, the lesson remains the eternal and main form of education. It held the traditional and stands the modern school. Whatever innovations are introduced, only in the classroom, like hundreds and thousands of years ago, participants in the educational process meet: a teacher and a student.

Currently, a primary school teacher solves very difficult tasks of rethinking his teaching experience, looking for an answer to the question "How to teach in new conditions?"

Currently, the use of techniques and methods in teaching that form the ability to independently acquire knowledge, collect the necessary information, put forward hypotheses, draw conclusions and conclusions is becoming increasingly relevant in the educational process. And this means that a modern student should be formed universal learning activities that provide the ability to organize independent learning activities. A recognized approach to learning is a system-activity approach, i.e. a doctrine aimed at solving the problems of the project form of organizing training, in which it is important

the use of active forms of cognition: observation, experiments, educational dialogue, etc.;

creation of conditions for the development of reflection - the ability to realize and evaluate one's thoughts and actions as if from the outside, to correlate the result of an activity with the goal, to determine one's knowledge and ignorance, etc.

Routing- this is a new type of methodological product that provides effective and high-quality teaching of training courses in primary school and the possibility of achieving the planned results of mastering basic educational programs at the level of primary education in accordance with the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standard. Learning using a technological map allows you to organize an effective educational process, ensure the implementation of subject, meta-subject and personal skills (universal learning activities), in accordance with the requirements of the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standards, significantly reduce the time to prepare a teacher for a lesson. The technological map is intended for designing the educational process by topic.

Flow chart structure:

· the name of the topic with an indication of the hours allotted for its study;

· planned results (subject, personal, meta-subject);

· interdisciplinary connections and features of the organization of space (forms of work and resources);

· stages of studying the topic (at each stage of the work, the goal and the predicted result are determined, practical tasks are given to work out the material and diagnostic tasks to check its understanding and assimilation);

· control task to check the achievement of the planned results.

The technological map will allow the teacher to:

· implement the planned results of the second generation GEF;

· systematically form universal learning activities among students;

· design your activities for a quarter, half a year, a year by moving from lesson planning to theme design;

· in practice to implement interdisciplinary connections;

· to carry out diagnostics of the achievement of the planned results by students at each stage of mastering the topic.

At the first stage "Self-determination in activity"Stimulation of students' interest in studying a particular topic is organized through a situational task, identifying missing knowledge and skills for its implementation in the context of the topic being studied. The result of this stage is the self-determination of the student, based on the desire to master educational material, on the awareness of the need to study it and set a personally significant goal of activity.

At the second stage "Educational and cognitive activity"the development of the content of the educational topic necessary to complete the situational task is organized. This stage has content blocks, each of which includes a certain amount of educational information and is only part of the content of the entire topic. The number of blocks is determined by the teacher, taking into account the principles of necessity and sufficiency for the realization of the set goal when studying a particular topic.

Each block represents a cycle of step-by-step execution of educational tasks for mastering specific content and includes: at step 1 - organizing the activities of students in mastering educational information at the level of "knowledge" - mastering individual terms, concepts, statements; at the 2nd step - organizing the activities of students to master the same educational information at the level of "understanding"; at the 3rd step - organizing the activities of students to master the same educational information at the level of "skill"; at the 4th step - organizing the activities of students upon presentation of the result of mastering the same educational information of this block.

The diagnostic task by its nature corresponds to the “skill” task, but its purpose is to establish the degree of mastering the content block.

Learning tasks for "knowledge", "understanding", "skill" are formulated taking into account the requirements of logical and informational correctness. Consistent performance of educational tasks creates conditions for mastering the content of the topic, the formation of skills to work with information that correspond to meta-subject (cognitive) skills. Successful completion of tasks serves as the basis for the transition to the development of the next content block. The result of this stage is the acquired knowledge and skills necessary to solve the situational task indicated at the first stage.

At the third stage "Intellectual and transformative activity"to perform a situational task, students choose the level of performance (informative, improvisational, heuristic), the mode of activity (individual or collective) and self-organize to complete the situational task. Self-organization includes: planning, implementation and presentation of a solution. The result of this stage is the execution and presentation of a situational task.

At the fourth stage "Reflexive activity"the result obtained is correlated with the goal set, and self-analysis and self-assessment of one's own activity in fulfilling a situational task within the framework of the topic under study is carried out. The result is the ability to analyze and evaluate the success of their activities. Thus, the presented technology not only provides conditions for the formation of personal, metasubject (cognitive, regulatory, communicative), but also the development of information and intellectual competence of younger students.

To conduct a formative experiment based on the presented learning technology, in accordance with the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standard, a technological map was developed for the subject "Russian language" on the topic: "Secondary members of the sentence", presented in Table 4 (Appendix A).

The developed technological map included teaching methods and techniques for the formation of cognitive, regulatory and communicative universal educational actions of students in the experimental 3 "A" class.

The purpose of this program for the formation of cognitive, regulatory and communicative universal educational activities: to ensure the regulation of various aspects of the development of meta-subject skills, i.e. methods of activity applicable within the framework of both the educational process and in solving problems in real life situations.

It was planned to conduct 5 lessons on the subject "Russian language". Each lesson took no more than 35 minutes, during which a set of teaching methods and techniques was used, aimed at developing cognitive, regulatory and communicative universal learning activities.

On the example of a Russian lesson on the topic “Minor members of a sentence. Definition” we will show that the requirements of the new generation standards for the formation of universal educational activities are already being fulfilled today in the course of educational activities. This process is purposeful, systematic, methodically developed, and therefore guaranteed to be effective.

give the concept of definition, its main properties;

develop the skill of independent work when summarizing the material;

to continue work on the development of students' speech, to cultivate tolerance, a sense of mutual assistance.

Type of lesson: problematic, staged.

Equipment: textbooks, notebooks, reference material, cards for group work, cards - tips of different levels of complexity, multimedia pictures as visual material .. Organizational moment.

Students sit in groups of 4 each. Thus, there were 7 tables - groups in the class.) At this stage, the planning of educational cooperation with the teacher and peers takes place - the definition of the goal, the functions of the participants, the methods of interaction - communicative UUD

Teacher's speech:

We have an unusual Russian lesson today. We have to solve a problem that concerns the topic of our lesson. Open notebooks and get to work (number, class work). Guys, skip one line to add the topic of our lesson later. And to cope with this task, let's check how you did your homework. Goal-setting as a setting of an educational task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by the student, and what is still unknown - regulatory UUD. Checking the house. tasks.

Let's start with the theory.

What is the name of the minor member of the sentence that we studied in the last lesson? (Addition)

What does addition mean? (Thing)

What questions does the add-on answer? (Questions of indirect cases)

And what cases do we call indirect? (All except nominative)

What words in the sentence explain the complement? (Main and minor members of the sentence)

What parts of speech can it be expressed in? (Nouns).

Analysis of objects in order to highlight features (essential, non-essential); synthesis - the compilation of a whole from parts, including independent completion with the completion of missing components;

choice of grounds and criteria for comparison, classification of objects; subsuming under the concept, derivation of consequences; establishment of causal relationships; building a logical chain of reasoning; proof - Boolean UUD

2. Check your homework.

You made suggestions for the schemes at home. Please read what happened. (2-3 people)

_____ ===== _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . (The guys were waiting for the arrival of starlings)

_ _ _ _ ====== _______ . (Bears live in the zoo). Modeling - the transformation of an object from a sensual form into a model, where the essential characteristics of the object are highlighted (sign-symbolic UUD)

And how did you determine in the sentence that this word is an addition? Analysis of objects in order to highlight features (essential, non-essential); establishing cause-and-effect relationships - Logical UUD

III. Vocabulary work.

Game-competition "Who will remember more?"

Today we have to make new discoveries in the lesson, learn a lot of interesting things, and for this you must be very observant and have a good memory. Let's see if you have a good memory. Now let's find out how you memorized vocabulary words.

We turn to vocabulary and spelling work.

... ptek, in ... gon, to ... strulya, quarter ... rtira, zap ... d, tomorrow ... k, k ... rtina, n ... back, r ... chum, r ... wall. Reflection of methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activities - General educational universal actions

Indicate the declension of nouns.

Mutual verification - a way to form communicative UUD

Exchange notebooks and check the written words with each other. Control in the form of comparing the method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations and differences from the standard - regulatory UUD.

3. Acquaintance with a new word.

) Today we will get acquainted with one more dictionary word "good".

Write it down, emphasize it, underline the “dangerous places”. Name stressed and unstressed syllables.

2) How do you understand the meaning of this word? (In the Ozhegov dictionary) Hypotheses and their justification (Logical UUD)

Good - quite positive in its qualities, such as it should be, for example, an employee, voice, character.

) This word is Old Russian, meaning "beautiful" or "pure", it has been known since the 11th century. There are several versions regarding the origin of this word. According to one of them, the word was formed on the basis of the common Slavic root "clean", "removed". According to another, it was borrowed from the languages ​​of the inhabitants of the Caucasus. In modern language, the word is used in the sense of "that which does not harm, that which inspires confidence." Positive attitude to the study of the Russian language, understanding of its richness - personal UUD

) Pick up cognates, synonyms and antonyms for this word.

) Remember the proverbs in which this word is used. Ability to listen and engage in dialogue; participate in a collective discussion of problems - communicative UUD

Good work shines on its own. A good book is a best friend. Good speech is better than honey.

Which one is right for us? Calligraphy.

Let's move on to a minute of cleansing.

) Guess the riddle: The Red Maiden walks in the sky. (The sun).


) Now we will determine which letter we will write in a minute of calligraphy. This letter means in the word "sun" a consonant, deaf, paired, solid sound. Proposing hypotheses and their justification (Logical UUD).

(Letter "C") We will write it with the letters that are its neighbors in the alphabet.

On the screen record: s r t ss r t s R p. Find a pattern and continue recording. What elements added to the chain? The system of tasks that orients the younger student to check the correctness of the assignment according to the rule, algorithm, using a table, drawings in the Russian language lesson - regulatory UUD

Okay, we got the job done. And now we will proceed to the most important thing: you should think and say what the topic of today's lesson is. To do this, perform the following task. New material.

Attention to the screen.

Board: sun, spring, alley, illuminated.--?

) What unites all the words? (has a spelling)

Name spellings, select, if possible, test words (commenting).

) What is the difference between the words? (different parts of speech)

Prove it.

) Look at the board and make a sentence to this scheme (it consists of questions):

What?... 2. What?... 3. What did you do?... 4. What?... Let's write it down in a notebook and on the blackboard. (Under the diagram) - 1 student at the blackboard.

Parse the sentence into sentence members and parts of speech (explanation after completion).

What are the numbers under which the main members of the sentence stand (2,3).

What else do we call them? (Grammar basis of the sentence)

How to name all the other members in one word? (minor)

What famous minor member did we encounter? (Addition)

Is there another secondary term here? Is this an addition?

What minor member are we not familiar with? Who knows what it's called? Summing up under the concept, derivation of consequences; establishment of causal relationships; building a logical chain of reasoning; proof - Boolean UUD

What is the topic of the lesson? Let's write it down in a notebook. Formation of the topic by students

(W. term - definition)

2) We need to collect all the information about the definition. We work in groups. The group will receive an offer. Each of you will work in a card with him, parse syntactically. Teach each other, consult. Then exchange notebooks for peer review. Signal when you're ready. Planning educational cooperation with peers - determining the purpose, functions of participants, ways of interaction; posing questions - proactive cooperation in the search and collection of information; conflict resolution - identification, identification of the problem, search and evaluation of alternative ways to resolve the conflict, decision-making and its implementation; partner behavior management - control, correction, evaluation of his actions

The schemes are written on the board on the reverse side. I open the board, the students take turns coming out and making a conclusion. Monitoring activities in the course or results of completing a task (a system of tasks that orients a younger student to verify the correctness of completing a task according to a rule, algorithm, using a table, drawings)

The long-awaited spring has arrived!

A fox's tail flickered.

Is the earth covered with a green carpet?

Got something to say? Supplement?

Which member of the sentence agrees with the definition in sentences 1 and 2? (With subject)

With what other member of the sentence can the definition agree? (Addition).

Here's what else we discovered for ourselves. Now collect all the information about the definition and try to conclude what is called a definition? Evaluation - highlighting and awareness by students of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation - regulatory UUD


And now the workout. I will name the phrase. If there is an addition in it, we all squat; if definition - clap. The process of self-regulation

Growing in the garden, thick grass, thin ice, get rid of the ice, bask in the sun, have a good day.

Everyone stretched, inhale-exhale. We have concluded the definition, let's get acquainted with the theory in the textbook. Let's open page 83, read the rule and think about whether we were right.

What else did you learn about the secondary member of the sentence - the definition?

Sign of an object or phenomenon.

Denotes a definition.

"Whose?" and which?" the questions are simple.

The only thing missing is a wavy line.. Fixing.

) Exercise 438, find a sentence in which the definition answers the question "whose?". Write it down (with commentary).

The rest of the proposals in rows.

Exchange notebooks for peer review.

) Tell me, please, do we need definitions in speech? Will the meaning of the sentence be clear without definitions?

Let's work with ex. 443 and see what definitions are for. We read without definitions and with them. Working with text material in the textbook, monitoring and evaluating actions in working with texts in cooperation with the teacher, formulating conclusions - regulatory UUD

Let us conclude which text paints the picture more accurately: with or without definitions? And what is the name of the definition that creates a figurative representation of the subject, paints a picture? (Epithet)

) Let's write down a sentence under dictation. Writing as one of the ways people communicate - communicative UUD

Let's find definitions. How are they expressed? What word is being explained? Is there an epithet among them? Name.

) And now creative work. Write a 3-sentence mini-essay using the definitions. You already have the first offer. Creative attitude to the process of creating letters - personal UUD. Think about who will work according to which option: var 1 - I write myself, var 2 - I ask for help, var 3 - I ask for a lot of help. Who will go for option 3? Take hints. Who is 2 var? Formation of one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication (writing). Results.

What minor member did we meet today?

What, besides the adjective, can be expressed definition?

Why are definitions needed in speech?

What are figurative definitions called?

Children evaluate their work using circles of three colors: they want to know more; they know, but they can do more; find it difficult. Evaluation - the selection and awareness by students of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation (regulatory UUD). House. exercise.

with. 83 rule. Ex. 445. Either write a miniature about the awakening of spring nature.

Additional material:

Exercise 452 (verse by I. Bunin)

In general, the developed technological map for the formation of universal educational activities was positively accepted by the students of the experimental class.

Analysis of the results showed that in the learning process there are positive changes in the activities of students:

there is a stable motive for learning, which is characterized not only by the desire to learn new things, but also by the need to study it;

activity, confidence, independence, success of schoolchildren in the realization of their own needs are manifested;

more complex educational material is successfully mastered;

in the speech of students, a free presentation of their own judgment appears;

there is a desire to plan their activities and exercise self-control and mutual control;

there is a constructive communication of the student with peers and the teacher;

the acquired knowledge and skills are successfully used and adequately assessed as part of the development of the topic.

As part of the experimental activities, the effectiveness of new developments as a technological and methodological tool was studied. It is possible to identify the advantages of technological maps that allow the teacher to:

move from lesson planning to designing the educational process within the framework of the topic;

understand the algorithm of work on the topic from the introduction of the material to the final result;

organize a holistic and systematic study of the educational content of the topic;

see the level of disclosure of concepts in a given topic and correlate it with the studied material of the section;

determine the possibility of implementing interdisciplinary connections and the educational component of the topic;

determine skills (personal, meta-subject, subject) and provide conditions for their formation;

to organize conditions not only for independent activities of schoolchildren, but also for the use of acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities;

to carry out prompt and objective evaluation of the results of students in the development of the topic;

provide conditions for adequate self-assessment of the achievements of schoolchildren;

correlate the result with the goal of studying the topic.

2.3 Dynamics of the level of formation of cognitive, regulatory and communicative universal educational activities among students of the third grade

At the third stage, there was control experiment.Its purpose is to reveal the dynamics of the level of formation of cognitive, regulatory and communicative universal educational activities among students in the control and experimental classes. The objectives of the control experiment were to repeat the diagnosis and interpret the results. Also at this stage, the results of the study were processed, summarized and discussed, their quantitative and qualitative processing was carried out; theoretical interpretation of conclusions and provisions was carried out.

1.In the control and experimental classes, a repeated diagnosis of the level of development of cognitive universal educational activities was carried out. Their analysis is presented in Figure 4.

Fig.4. The results of diagnosing the level of development of cognitive universal educational activities at the final stage

The diagram shows that in the experimental class, in comparison with the control class, the level of formation of cognitive universal learning activities is higher: the high level of formation of cognitive universal learning actions in 3 "A" and 3 "B" classes is the same, and amounts to 23%. The average level of formation of cognitive universal educational activities in the control class is 55%, and in the experimental class it is 4% higher, 59%. The indicator of the low level of formation of cognitive universal educational actions in the experimental class is 4% lower than in the control class and is 18%.

Let's compare the results of the primary and final diagnostics of the level of development of cognitive universal educational activities for the experimental class (Figure 5).

Rice. 5. Analysis of the primary and final diagnostics of the level of development of cognitive universal educational activities for the experimental class

From diagram 5, it is obvious that there is an increase in the level of formation of cognitive universal educational actions among students in the experimental class. The number of students with a high level of formation of cognitive UUD was 23%, which is 5% more than in the initial testing. The number of students with a low level of formation of cognitive universal educational activities decreased by 10% and amounted to 18%. The number of students with an average level of formation of cognitive universal educational activities increased by 5% and amounted to 59%.

.In the control and experimental classes, a repeated technique "Test for attention" was carried out.

A comparative analysis of the results of the formation of regulatory ULD in the control and experimental classes is shown in Figure 6.

Fig.6. The results of the repeated methodology to identify the level of formation of regulatory universal educational activities in the control and experimental classes

From the diagram, we see that in the experimental class there is a higher level of formation of regulatory UUDs. In the control and experimental classes, the indicator of the development of regulative universal educational activities is at the same level and amounts to 27%. 50% of students in 3 "A" and 46% of students in 3 "B" have an average level. 4% lower low score in the experimental class compared to the control class (27%).

Let's compare the indicators of the level of formation of regulative universal educational actions in the experimental class at the ascertaining and control stages (Fig. 7).

According to the results of constructing diagram 7, we can conclude that in comparison with the initial level of regulatory UUD in the experimental class, the indicator has significantly improved: from 18% to 27% - the number of students at a high level. Half of the students of the 3rd "A" class have an average level, which is 5% more than the level at the ascertaining stage. Only 23% of students (14% less than at the initial level) have a low indicator of the formation of regulatory universal educational activities.

Rice. 7. Comparative analysis of the formation of regulatory universal educational activities in the experimental class

.Also, in the experimental (3 "A") and control (3 "B") classes, the task "Joint sorting" was organized again (author G.V. Burmenskaya). The results of the task are shown in Figure 8.

Rice. 8. Analysis of the performance of the task "Joint sorting" at the final stage

It can be seen from the diagram that according to the results of the repeated execution of the task "Joint sorting" in the experimental class, the level of formation of communicative universal educational actions for coordinating actions among themselves is much higher and amounts to: 55% (9% more than in the control class) - high level, 45 % - the average level in both classes. At the stage of the control experiment in the experimental class, there is not a single student who could not cope with the repeated execution of the task "Joint sorting". In the control class, this figure was 9% (2 people).

For a more complete assessment of the effectiveness of the complex of works on the formation of communicative universal educational actions, a comparative analysis of the initial and final results obtained in the experimental class was carried out. Let's compare the initial and final performance of the task "Joint sorting" by the students of the experimental class. Graphically, the result is shown in Figure 9.

Fig.9. Comparison of the results of the task "Joint sorting" of students in the experimental class of primary and secondary diagnostics

According to the results obtained, shown in Figure 11, it can be seen that the level of communicative universal learning activities of students in the experimental class has increased significantly in comparison with the primary results: 55% of students completed the task at a high level (at the primary stage - 45%), 45% - at average level (39% - at the ascertaining stage). The number of students who did not cope with the task decreased from 16% to 0%, that is, at the stage of re-determining the level of formation of communicative universal actions, there is not a single student who did not cope with the task.

After analyzing the results of the experimental classes of the secondary school No. 64 in Ulyanovsk, it should be noted that all basic types of universal educational activities are at a high, above average, average level, and only 14% of students with a low level of formation of cognitive, regulatory and communicative universal educational actions.

Analyzing the results of the control classes, it should be noted that after the control diagnostics of the level of formation of cognitive, regulatory and communicative universal educational actions, changes also occurred in these classes, but not as significant as in the experimental classes. In our opinion, these are natural changes, and the improvement of universal educational activities occurs under any conditions.

Based on the statistical findings indicating an increase in the level of formation of cognitive, regulatory and communicative universal educational actions, we can say that they relate specifically to the formative influence itself, and not to background factors, natural development, change errors, etc., since under similar conditions, such changes were not recorded.

Thus, the data obtained on the formation of cognitive, regulatory and communicative universal educational activities based on the developed system of exercises (Technological map), during the formative experiment convincingly show that the developed and implemented activities are effective and confirmed the effectiveness of this approach to organizing the process of mastering universal educational activities. third grade students.

Therefore, we can conclude that cognitive, regulatory and communicative universal learning activities are an effective means of teaching the Russian language.


The relevance of the study of the problem of the formation of universal educational activities of younger schoolchildren is due to a change in the educational paradigm in accordance with the logic of the competence-based approach: from the goal of acquiring specific subject knowledge, skills and abilities by students within individual academic disciplines to the goal of developing personal, social, cognitive and communicative abilities of schoolchildren, providing they have such a key competence as the ability to learn and conducive to their self-development and self-improvement. Achieving this goal becomes possible due to the formation of a system of universal educational actions among students as an effective means of teaching a subject.

The problem of the effective formation of universal educational actions of students is one of the complex and controversial problems of modern pedagogical science. On the one hand, it reflects the need of society, expressed in the educational order for students capable of full self-realization, independent acquisition of knowledge and effective implementation of various activities; reflects the interest of scientists in finding ways to form over-subject actions of schoolchildren. On the other hand, it shows that the modern system of school education with the traditional organization of the educational process and appropriate methodological support is not ready to cope with the objective factors that determine the formation of general cognitive actions of students, and competently, on a scientific basis, ensure the formation of super-subject actions of younger students in evaluation activities.

In the course of theoretical and experimental research, the following tasks were solved.

On the basis of the analysis of psychological, pedagogical, methodological literature on the problem under study and the study of the current state of the practice of education, the theoretical prerequisites for the formation of universal educational activities of younger schoolchildren were determined. The conducted research proved the significance of the problem under consideration and pointed to its insufficient study in the theory and practice of modern education.

A comparative analysis of the scientific literature on the research problem allowed us to clarify the content of the concept of "universal educational activities of younger students". By “universal educational actions of younger students” we mean a set of generalized actions of a student, as well as the skills and abilities of educational work associated with them, ensuring the ability of subjects to independently assimilate new knowledge, skills and competencies, to consciously and actively acquire new social experience, to self-development and self-improvement."

This work is based on the classification of universal educational activities proposed by the developers of the federal state educational standard of the second generation. According to this classification, an integral system of universal educational activities is a group of four interconnected types: 1) personal educational activities; 2) regulatory learning activities; 3) cognitive training; 4) communicative learning activities.

In the course of studying the scientific literature, it was found that the universal nature of educational activities is manifested in the fact that they: 1) are of a supra-subject and meta-subject nature; 2) ensure the continuity of all stages of the educational process; 3) underlie the organization and regulation of any activity of a student, regardless of its special-subject content; 4) provide the stages of mastering the educational content and the formation of the psychological abilities of the student; 5) ensure the integrity of general cultural, personal and cognitive development, self-development and self-improvement of the individual.

The integrative nature of the ability to self-development makes it possible to define the system of universal learning activities as a key competence that provides students with the “ability to learn”. The foundations for the formation of the "ability to learn" are laid during the period of the child's primary education at school: the experience gained at this time largely determines the success of a person's education throughout his subsequent life, his development and formation.

The Russian language as a school subject plays a special role, being not only an object of study, but also a means of teaching all school disciplines. Not a single school problem can be solved if the student has a poor or insufficient command of the Russian language, since it is the native language that is the basis for the formation and development of thinking, imagination, intellectual and creative abilities of students; skills of independent educational activity.

In particular, in the lessons of the Russian language there is an opportunity to most effectively organize the work on the formation and development of cognitive, regulatory and communicative universal actions.

The ability to learn is a significant factor in increasing the effectiveness of students mastering subject knowledge, including knowledge of the Russian language.

List of used literature

1. Federal state educational standard of primary general education of the second generation. M., 2009.

Planned results of primary general education / Ed. G.S. Kovaleva, O.B. Loginova. M., 2009.

The fundamental core of the content of general education: project / Ed. V.V. Kozlova, A.M. Kondakov. M., 2009.

The program for the formation of universal educational actions // Planned results of primary general education / Ed. G.S. Kovaleva, O.B. Loginova. M., 2009.

Types of universal educational activities // How to design educational activities in elementary school. From Action to Thought / Ed. A.G. Asmolov. M., 2010.

Sample Programs for Primary General Education: At 2 pm, Part 1 (Second Generation Standards). M., 2009.

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