Diversity and distribution of organisms on earth. Presentation on the topic “diversity and distribution of organisms on earth” Diversity of living organisms on earth presentation

“Individual development of the body” - Double fertilization. Contains a double (diploid) set of chromosomes. Double fertilization is characteristic of angiosperms. Press conference. Internal fertilization. Lesson objectives. The similarity of the embryos of some animals to early stages development. Stages of embryonic development. A single-layer spherical animal embryo with a cavity inside is called:

“Life activity of organisms” - Oxygen is released during photosynthesis. There are several types of respiration: cellular, cutaneous, tracheal and pulmonary. Breath. The fertilized egg is called a zygote. Oxygen. Sexual reproduction animals. Mechanical tissue performs a supporting function in plants. The skeleton is the support of the body. The process of fusion of germ cells is called fertilization.

“Questions about organisms” - Square with 36 sectors different colors. Why are abrasions and scratches dangerous for humans? Which vegetable should we be grateful for? Which bird is the smallest? Parrot. Game pause. Name the animals shown in the pictures. How many times does your microscope magnify? Beavers. Prove that fish are inhabitants of the aquatic environment.

“Digestive system of the body” - Digestion occurs in the process of moving food through the organs that make up the digestive tract. Fats. Compound digestive system. Processing and cooking lead to the destruction of some of the starch granules. Digestion. Functions of the digestive system. The pancreas is an organ of the digestive system of vertebrates.

“The effect of smoking on the body” - Cataract 15. Smoking. 8. Osteoporosis 9. Emphysema 10. Purpose: Hearing impairment 13. Baldness. Learn about the effects of smoking on the body. If you smoke, the effects of smoking on the body. Skin cancer 12. Do you choose death or life? Early wrinkles 14. Life. It is better to exercise than to smoke. Make your choice. If you smoke, you may have:

“Human Organism” - Habitat of living organisms. “To be healthy and happy, you need to protect nature.” Beauty. Human habitat. Life. Wealth. Pollution (emissions). World of nature. Reshetnyak Lena, 8th grade. Joy. Clean air and nature. Impact of pollution environment on the human body.

Collection of parts earth's shells(lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere) form the biosphere, which is populated by living organisms participating in life processes on Earth.

The biosphere is one of the shells of the Earth, which is inhabited by a variety of living organisms. The biosphere has developed in the process of evolution; it is under the influence of living organisms and is transformed by them.

The biosphere penetrates the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. In total, there are approximately 3,000,000 species of animals, plants, bacteria, and fungi in the biosphere. Organisms included in the biosphere exhibit an extraordinary ability to spread throughout the planet and reproduce. There are several million species of organisms on Earth. Energy flows are distributed on earth in accordance with the state of the biosphere. Plants release oxygen (11.5 ∙ 107 tons per year) and absorb CO2 (1.7 ∙ 108 tons), if plants disappeared, life on earth would die due to the accumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere.

Animals - ecosystems

An ecosystem is a biosystem that consists of living organisms, their habitat, and connections in the system. Animal species make up natural communities. An ecosystem is located on a certain territory, it consists of certain types, it is distinguished by a certain structure and bioproductivity.

The interaction of producers and consumers guarantees the prosperous existence of any ecosystem. Animals cannot live without plant nutrients; predators cannot exist without herbivores. Many species consume other species and themselves become a breeding ground for other members of the eco-community. Birds of prey eat hares, mice, frogs, snakes, and lizards. In turn, snakes eat frogs, mice, and small birds. The bear predator simultaneously feeds on honey, carrion and plants. The fox, as a predator, catches hares, but can also eat fruits. Food chains are very complex; they can easily break down if even one link in the chain is broken.

The richer the biocenosis, the stronger the ecosystem. If the hares disappear from the food chain that consists of plants, foxes and hares, then the foxes will be able to survive because they will feed on birds and mice.

Plants - ecosystems

Vegetation primarily determines any ecosystem. Rainforests, steppes, semi-deserts and deserts are characterized by plant communities. In tropical forests there are special trees, grass, and undergrowth that are inhabited by fungi, microorganisms, and animals.

A forest ecosystem is characterized by a combination of plants adapted to live with each other. The upper tier is occupied by tall light-loving trees, below are small trees, less light-loving, the undergrowth is formed by shrubs, the next tier is formed by grasses. Another layer consists of mosses.

The layering of a forest ecosystem is the most important factor that allows the existence of plants with different needs for sunlight.


Microorganisms are an important link in the cycle of various substances (nitrogen, carbon, phosphorus) in nature. They decompose the remains of plants and animals, helping to cleanse the soil and water. The balance of microorganisms in the human body determines his well-being and health.

The ability of any ecosystem to maintain its connections, structure, and functions determines its stability in any adverse conditions.

other presentations on the topic “Diversity of living organisms on Earth”

“Lesson on the diversity of animals” - Birds. Animals. 15 thousand. Insects. Zoology is the science of animals. Amphibians. Worms. 3 thousand 400. More than 1 million. Echinoderms. 4 thousand. Fish. 80 thousand. More than 20 thousand. 6 thousand. Crustaceans. Variety of animals. Reptiles. Mammals. 20 thousand. 5 thousand species. More than 8 thousand. 1 million 500 thousand.

“Diversity of Animals Grade 3” - Fish are animals whose body is covered with slippery scales. Let's save native nature! The science of animals is called zoology. Insects. Reptiles. Animals. Don't kill in vain! Variety of animals. Amphibians are animals whose skin is bare and tender. Animals are animals whose bodies are covered with fur. What kinds of animals are there?

“Cell diversity” - Smooth muscle cells. Cells of skeletal striated muscle tissue. Diversity of cells. Blood cells (erythrocytes). Epidermal cells. Euglena green From 60 microns to 500 microns. Single layer epithelial cells. Pine tracheids 2000 microns. Human sperm 5 µm - head 60 µm - flagellum. Spherical bacterial cells (staphylococcus).

"Conservation of biological diversity" - The problem of conservation biological diversity planets. Special requirements apply to natural and artificial reservoirs. One of the results of this conflict was a decrease in the biological diversity of natural ecosystems. Armadillos are the only living creatures, besides humans, susceptible to pro-yu disease.

“Diversity of nature 3rd grade” - Breathe. Growing. Nature. The meaning of nature for humans. Bacteria. They bring offspring. Connections in nature. Mushrooms. People cannot live without nature. Alive. Not alive. Animals. In nature, everything is interconnected. They are developing. Nature is amazingly diverse. They eat. Is yeast part of nature? They die. Plants.

“Diversity of the animal world, grade 3” - group 3. Multicellular invertebrate vertebrates. What role do they play in nature? What is FAUNA? Unicellular. Animal world. How are insects different from other animals? 4th group. Definition of signs various groups animals. Continue the sentence: “Today in class I learned...”. Animals (fauna)?.


TOPIC: “Diversity and distribution of organisms on Earth”

Lesson objectives:

1) to form knowledge about the organisms inhabiting the Earth, their diversity and significance, the characteristics of the distribution of animals and plants on Earth, the factors influencing the existence of organisms;

introduce the concept of “biosphere”, “ latitudinal zonation", "altitudinal zonation".

2) continue to develop such personality qualities as thinking, memory,


3) develop interest in the subject, organic world, environmental

4) culture

Lesson type: combined

Equipment: screen, multimedia projector, map “natural zones of the world”, textbooks, notebooks, presentation “biosphere”, definition formulation diagram.

I.Organizing time.

II.Checking homework.

(work in pairs, each has a piece of paper on the table with a task)

Today in class on such a warm and spring day, I wanted to tell you what weather changes awaits us in the coming months, but while I was walking, my newspaper got wet and many of the words are now impossible to read, so I read the Gismeteo message, but I couldn’t understand many of the words, help me insert the missing words :

Gismeteo message about weather conditions spring months for residents of Russia.

Spring! The days become………………, the sun rises………….above the horizon and shines…………. .The change in the height of the sun above the horizon is explained by the fact that ……………. .At the same time, the earth’s axis is always tilted in one direction towards………….the star.

March 21 is the day……….., this is when ………..is equal to……….., but on ……….June the sun will be at its zenith above…………. .And for residents living in the territory of the……………..circle, June 22 will be a polar day, and June 22……..polar night.

But the residents of the ………..belt will receive the most warmth, and the residents of the ………….belt will experience cold and frost. Well, you and I: residents of the village of Gorshechnoye living in the ……………belt will not feel a lack of warmth.

II.Updating basic knowledge

Now let's remember what geographical shells we are already familiar with?

Which geographic envelope shown in the picture? (slides 1,2,3) (hydrosphere, lithosphere, atmosphere.)

The atmosphere is the air shell of the Earth, the lithosphere is the solid shell, the hydrosphere is the water shell, and what kind of shell do we, plants, animals, and birds form?

What is the biosphere? (children’s answers).

And who will answer me, what will we study in class today?

III.learning new material

Communicating the topic and objectives of the lesson .

The biosphere is the shell of the Earth where life exists. Its composition includes not only plant and animal world planets, but also rivers, lakes, oceans, soil cover, the lower layer of the atmosphere. Today we will pay more attention to plant and animal organisms.

Tell me, what are living organisms?


Earth. Some live now, others disappeared, but were handed over to their descendants.

inherit your qualities. Nowadays there are several million species of organisms living on Earth.

We will get acquainted with some of them today in class.

Scientists decided to divide all living organisms into 4 groups or 4 kingdoms: (slide 4) help me determine what other 3 kingdoms scientists distinguish, and in order to correctly complete the task, open the textbook on page 142, take pencils and underline what 4 kingdoms of living organisms scientists distinguish , check with each other whether you completed the task correctly and write this diagram in your notebook. Whoever completes it first, raise your hand. (Checking completed work slide 5)

(group work)

And now you have a task: I give each group an envelope with images of some living organisms, you must guess what it is and most importantly spread them out under that kingdom Which one do you think they belong to? (afterwards the completed task is checked)

What's happened bacteria? Can we see them? Why.

The bacteria are very small. (slides 6,7)

But they are not just small. Their body consists of only one cell! These are the first organisms to appear on our planet. Scientists know at least 2,500 species of bacteria. They are found everywhere. Bacterial spores were found in the upper layers of the atmosphere, and the bacteria themselves were found in drill holes at a depth of 3 km.

Some of them are capable of existing in completely unsuitable conditions for life: in hot springs, in glaciers, on the bottom of the oceans, with a high background radiation.

The meaning of plants huge in the biosphere.

Which main role do plants play on the planet?

Right, main function plants produce oxygen.

Scientists identify about 350 thousand plant species.

Plants are divided into several large groups: algae, mosses, horsetails, ferns, conifers, flowering plants. From biological features lichens, it should be noted their ability to easily tolerate drying out, spreading in all geographical areas and the ability to colonize the land surface as the first living organisms. A representative of the lichen, reindeer moss serves as food reindeer. Some lichens are used in perfumery and medicine. Brown and red algae in the seas form unique underwater forests and meadows. Sailors call such algae “living barriers.” One of the largest algae


Mushrooms are classified into an independent kingdom, essentially

different from plants and animals and currently numbering about 100 thousand species As reserve nutrients Fats accumulate in the cells of fungi, as in animals.

Representatives of this kingdom are widely known to all of you, this cap mushrooms(slide 16,17)

What mushrooms do you know?

Fungi are widespread and have adapted to different conditions environment.

Mushrooms are used in Food Industry for the production of alcohol, wine, kvass, in baking, in the production of proteins and vitamins.


Once upon a time there lived a king

Peas and did exercises every day.

He turned his head around

And he danced in a crouch.

I reached out my ears with my shoulders

And he bent over backwards,

He raised his hands to the sky,

I grabbed the sun.

Animals are the most diverse kingdom.

How can we explain the diversity of the animal world? (Students' answers)

More than 2.5 million species are known. Animals include a large number of species: insects, arachnids, crustaceans, echinoderms, molluscs, arthropods, chordates, reptiles, mammals,

fish. They inhabited three habitats: land-air, water and soil. Life in every environment has its own

peculiarities. And how plants come in a variety of sizes from tiny to gigantic. Single-celled animals form a group called Protozoa. They are widespread on Earth, most of them

lives in water. Amoebas are often found in fresh water bodies (slide 20,21)

ciliate slipper, green euglena.

Other representatives of the Animal Kingdom are well known to you, for example, fish, frogs, snakes, dogs, tigers, etc. Animals feed on ready-made organic substances

Where do most living organisms live?

Analysis of figure No. 92 p. 143 (conclusion is drawn)

Determine the boundaries of the biosphere (slide 22) (from the ozone layer to a depth of 3 km in the earth’s crust)

What is necessary for the life of plants and animals? (light, heat, moisture)

You named the conditions necessary for life, are these conditions the same everywhere on Earth?

Which areas on Earth have more favorable conditions? (closer to the equator)

Look at the map “flora and fauna”, where do the fewest species of animals and plants live? (beyond the Arctic Circle)


Where on the planet is the coldest and most severe climate?

And if you and I go to the equator, what will happen?

There is a change on Earth natural conditions with latitude. In the direction from the poles to the equator, different natural zones are successively located.

(work on a map)

Let's use the “natural zones” map to name what natural zones are located when moving from north to south?

Open the textbook on p.143 Latitudinal zoning, Let’s use the textbook material to formulate a definition of what latitudinal zonation is, and the diagram will help us definition = keyword + essential features ( diagram on the board )(change natural areas from the poles to the equator)

Why is there a change in natural zones, what conditions change? (heat, moisture)

Where else on Earth does it happen? sequential change temperature? (in the mountains)

Read in the textbook p. 143, what is the name of the phenomenon of changes in natural zones in the mountains? (altitudinal zone). Let's formulate a definition of what altitudinal zone?

Imagine that you are climbing mountains that are located in the tropics, what natural areas will you see?

- That's right, well done, now let's play. I ask a question and you answer if you agree, then “Yes”, if you disagree, then “no”:

$1. Can we say that the biosphere is the living shell of the Earth?

$2. What were the first organisms to appear on our planet - animals?

$3. Most organisms live around earth's surface?

$4. The higher you go in the mountains, the higher the temperature?

$5. The upper boundary of the biosphere is the stratosphere?

$6. Bacteria found in boreholes at a depth of 3 km?

$7. Latitudinal zoning is a change in natural zones from the pole to the equator?

$8. The main reason for latitudinal zonality is the change in the illumination of territories from the equator to the pole?

$19. Are the most organisms found in the Arctic and Antarctic deserts?

10. Are the flora and fauna of these zones very poor?

IV.Lesson summary:

· Learned…..

· It was interesting…..

· It was difficult…

· It seemed important to me...

· I realized that...

Lesson…. · Will the knowledge gained in this lesson be useful in later life?

V.Final stage of the lesson:

Student assessment

Homework P.46

What else to read