The role of the silver spoon in attracting money. Grab spoon to attract money

There is never too much money, as they say, but most of us lack it so much that we think not how to send it abroad, but how to feed and clothe our children. In such cases, one small thing can come to the rescue - a spoon. -zagrebushka souvenir for money conspiracy reviews will be presented in this article.

What is a scoop spoon and why does it help?

This spoon is a small silver souvenir that can be bought at any resort town or on the Internet. Its average price in Russia is 300 rubles. There are plenty of photos of scooping spoons on the World Wide Web. As a rule, this souvenir is carried in a wallet, next to the money.

A silver spoon attracts its owner good luck and wealth. It symbolizes satiety and prosperity. After all, just as you can’t hold liquid food in your hands and on a fork, but it’s better to hold it on a spoon, then you will remain full, so money with a spoon It’s good to keep it and add it to your wallet. And without it they will slip through your fingers like water. That’s why the souvenir is called a grab, because it grabs money into the owner’s wallet.

How to use a scooping spoon?

You have to know how to use a spoon like this for it to bring in money.

  • When you buy a spoon, you first need to believe that it will really help improve your financial situation. Without faith, no talisman will work for you.
  • Then you need to clean the raking spoon from negative energy. After all, silver passes human energy through itself and spends a lot of its energy on it. And if they sell a spoon like this on the street, then a lot of people look at it and not everyone has kind views. Keep the spoon in holy water for one night and the bad energy will go away and the spoon’s strength will be restored.
  • Then you need read the spell on a spoon, to activate a powerful attractive force for raking in money. And the words of the conspiracy are as follows:

“Spoon, spoon, row, bring money to me. May I, and my whole family, be rich. Don’t leave me in need - I will be faithful to you!”

  • Or this:

“My raspberry, spoon, my little spoon. I will walk with you, money and success will beckon. Money will flow with interest into your wallet dear. I will not part with the spoon, and I will become rich!”

  • After reading the plot, put down the raking spoon to your wallet, in a separate pocket. It is better not to keep small change together, as it can easily be lost. And in a separate pocket, your talisman will not be seen by prying eyes, and it will not get lost.
  • When you notice that the strength of the spoon has begun to fade, then in this case you need to restore its strength. You need to rinse the spoon under running water and put it, again, in a jar of holy water overnight.
  • So that your money does not decrease, you must not skimp and help those in need. Without a doubt, give it in your heart alms to the poor and do charity work, then the money will come back to you double and triple.

What is a scoop spoon.

Since ancient times, even the most ordinary spoons have been used in money magic. Words that came down from the depths of centuries were spoken at them to get rid of the beggarly lot, to increase well-being and rich life. There are many customs associated with these cutlery. Until the 19th century, it was customary to always have your own personal spoon with you. Even when visiting people in those days, people brought their own spoons.

A spoon has always served as a symbol of the presence of food in the house, large quantity supplies and a well-fed life, respectively, and monetary well-being. Nowadays, a talisman called the “raking spoon” is widespread. This is a miniature spoon, which is usually made of silver. Usually these talismans have rich decoration and beautiful engraving.

A scooping spoon can be a good gift. However, in order for it to act as a talisman, it is necessary not only to believe in its power, but also to give such a gift only from a pure heart, with sincere wishes rich life and financial stability.

The meaning of a talisman in the form of a spoon

Since the spoon in the past was considered a symbol of abundance and a rich table, the main meaning of the raking spoon is to attract material goods. It attracts the energy of money and helps to improve financial affairs, get rid of debts and increase income. This talisman will also be a good helper for businessmen, having a positive effect on the conclusion of transactions, attracting success in business and profitable options for cooperation.

In the past, they believed that silver protects against damage, the evil eye and removes negativity from a person’s life. Since this amulet is made of this metal, it has similar properties. True, they apply exclusively to financial condition its owner.

A scooping spoon not only attracts money, but also protects existing capital from squandering, theft, loss and the evil eye. Old talismans that have managed to truly “become friends” with their owner can even protect against damage to poverty and other similar negative programs.

Reviews of spoon ragrebushka and conspiracies

Reviews about the raking spoon are not always positive. The fact is that just putting a talisman in your wallet is not everything. To activate the scoop spoon, you need to know a special spell, and you should also take into account the compartment of the wallet in which it will be located. The talisman will not work in an empty compartment; in the compartment for small items its effectiveness will be minimal.
So, if you bought this talisman, before putting it in your wallet, say a special spell on the scooping spoon:

What was an obstacle to happiness, I completely banish, I grab luck and money for myself.

Another option:

I had a silver spoon, but this will become a spoon for money,
Whoever becomes friends with her will not bother,
He will live in abundance and have some money left over.
I'm home - and the money is with me!

Now place the spoon where it belongs - in the compartment for large bills, or where you store credit cards. In the first case, she will attract large sums of money to you. In the second - protect against debts, financial fraud and attract success in any matter that involves money.

Overall, the spoon is great, just like purse mouse is an excellent and working talisman that will quickly help you get your financial affairs in order.

If you decide to become the happy owner of this money amulet or have already received it as a gift, first of all, pay attention to the following points:

It is advisable to choose the classic type of this amulet - a miniature silver spoon.

The talisman should not lie anywhere - be sure to give it a place in one of the compartments of your wallet: near large banknotes or plastic bank cards. It is not recommended to place a raking spoon together with small change - firstly, you risk losing it, and secondly, it will attract the same small money to you. An empty compartment is also not a solution; the amulet will not work here.

Have you just got a scooping spoon? Be sure to perform a cleansing ritual before using it. The essence of the ritual: dissolve a pinch of salt in water and dip a spoon into this solution - let it lie in it all night. In the morning you should take it out of the water, rinse thoroughly under running water, and wipe dry. This cleansing ritual can also be used for the purpose of prevention - when the magical effect of the scooping spoon begins to weaken, and cash flow- decrease.

The talisman will not work without activation. Its meaning is to read a special conspiracy.

A talisman that has already been magically prepared for the performance of its duties and placed in a wallet cannot be shown to anyone - the talisman should only be your personal one, hidden from prying eyes. A charged amulet cannot be given to anyone, even a very close and beloved person, otherwise you may lose your material well-being.

For a gift, it is better to buy a new product and teach the recipient to work with it.

How to cast a scoop spoon for money

A raking spoon will manifest itself as a souvenir for attracting money only when it is prepared for work with the help of a special spell. In general, there are several such conspiracies, and there are also special rituals performed with this money amulet.

The simplest and most famous method

Before the raking spoon goes to its home after all the preparatory measures permanent place into your wallet, read this short but effective spell on it:

“What was an obstacle to happiness - I completely drive away, I grab money, happiness and luck for myself.”

For prosperity and good luck

The text of the second conspiracy is slightly longer than the first, but no less effective. It sounds like this:

“I had a silver spoon, but it became a spoon for money. Now I'm friends with her, and now I don't bother. Now I live in abundance, and have some money left. I’m home, and the money is mine!”

And a few more

You can activate the talisman for money using one of the following conspiracies. Choose any one you like:

“Spoon, spoon, help, rake in a lot of money. I will be friends with you, give happiness and joy to everyone.”

“Spoon, spoon, help, increase your money!” Zagrebushka, don’t be lazy and work, work, work. Euros, dollars and rubles you row, row, row!”

“Spoon, live in my wallet, pull the money to you. I will be friends with you, live in happiness and wealth!”

When charming a scooping spoon for money, you need to sincerely believe in the power of the talisman. The stronger and more powerful this faith is, the faster the results will appear, the greater the effect of the money amulet will be.

Spoon raking spell is an effective method of attracting money into the house and eliminating obstacles in business and career. Having a small accessory in your wallet has a positive effect on the whole family. You just need to know how to work with it.

The history of the talisman spoon goes back several centuries. It was a symbol of prosperity in princely times and was considered a symbol of a well-fed life. The logic is simple - if there is a spoon in the house, there is food in the house. To emphasize one’s own wealth, it was customary to go on a visit with a personal spoon.

To attract good luck, they made a special accessory at that time - a small spoon that can be carried near money - in a bag, wallet, or put in a hiding place.

The origin of the accessory for attracting money has not been forgotten. Magical properties made the spoon popular. Today it is made of silver, richly decorated, sometimes encrusted with stones, carried in a wallet or left at home in a safe or other place for storing money.

What magical properties does it have?

The magical properties of the presented item are wide and varied. Its presence in the wallet allows you to:

  • Attract money. Due to special form and material (silver) capable of accumulating monetary energy, the spoon fills the wallet with wealth and creates favorable opportunities for the owner to earn money and additional income. Capable of attracting luck in the lottery.
  • Protect property from damage and the evil eye. Silver allows you to get rid of negative attitudes for money, eliminate envious people.
  • Give the owner self-confidence. People note that having a spoon allowed them to take steps in business that they would not have previously dared to take.

The magic of the spoon works for selected people. The talisman can be used by sincere, honest individuals who are ready to share with loved ones and help those in need. A spoon will not help envious people, swindlers, and swindlers. On the contrary, a talisman can provoke the discovery of a scam and bring a person to justice.

Types of conspiracies

The presented talisman is used for two main purposes - receiving money, attracting wealth and good luck. The latter option is used more often, as it allows you to earn a large sum, as well as improve relationships with colleagues and achieve career heights.

Prosperity and luck

Attracting good luck through raking is not difficult. It’s enough to take a brand new spoon, cleanse it of negativity, dedicate it to the elements, and say: “There was a silver spoon, now it’s a spoon for money. I’m friends with a spoon, I don’t push.” Then they say: “I’m going home, the money is with me.” After this, the spoon is considered activated, you can put it in your wallet and wait for the finances to rule.

How to perform the ritual correctly

  1. Choose a spoon to your liking. Go to the jewelry store yourself or ask a financially successful person for a similar gift.
  2. Having received the talisman, cleanse it of foreign energy through a special ritual.
  3. Activate the product using a spell.
  4. Place the spoon in your wallet. Place it in a separate pocket or compartment with large bills. Do not wear a talisman with coins, otherwise it will attract small money into your life.

After activating the talisman, do not give it to strangers. Even friends and relatives should not see the rake or pick it up. If your family wants a similar talisman for themselves, buy them other spoons and tell them how to activate them. This approach will help preserve magical properties accessory

Simple and well-known methods

There are a number effective methods activation of the scoop spoon. Among these are a spell on a wallet, a spell on the phase of the moon. They don't require special training and can be performed by anyone independently.

To wallet

The plot is read after buying a spoon in a jewelry store and cleaning it at home. It's easy to work with:

  • Take a spoon, look at it carefully, and wish for an improvement in your financial situation.
  • Ask the spoon to drive away the bad from life, remove the obstacle. Tell the talisman to attract money, good luck and happiness.
  • Immediately put the product in your wallet.

To enhance the effect of the spell, place money on a spoon while reciting. It is better to use silver coins. If possible, perform a ritual with money. different countries– euros, US dollars.

Remember, you can take the spoon out again for cleaning. If you notice that your financial situation is deteriorating, it means that you have a lot of envious people - the spoon has taken on a fair share of negative energy. Take it out, perform a cleansing ritual, repeat the spell. Financial position is stabilizing.

To the moon phase

The ritual must be performed on the new moon, when the new moon first appears in the sky. It is important to know what time to read the plot. The best period is an hour after sunset.

Proceed like this:

  1. Take a spoon and show it to the new month.
  2. Tell the spoon to bring you money so that your wealth grows as the new month grows. You need to read the plot once.
  3. Put the spoon in your wallet.

To strengthen the presented plot, take the money out of your wallet and show new month. As the moon grows, prosperity will also increase. To get a powerful boost of energy lunar cycle, leave your wallet, money and spoon on the windowsill so that the moonlight falls on them. Make sure that relatives do not see the talisman at this time, otherwise the spoon will lose magical power.

Why doesn't the conspiracy work?

A person may not notice the effect of the spoon in the following cases:

  • The item was not cleaned after purchase before being placed in the wallet.
  • The owner of the talisman forgot to activate it.
  • The person does not believe in the magical power of the attribute and treats it with suspicion.
  • Magic is hampered by the personal qualities of the owner of the accessory - greed, greed, envy, ill will.
  • Mascots are treated carelessly.

Also, a spoon does not work well for stingy people. For it to bring in money, it is important to often donate to charity, buy new things, and do what is necessary to increase income. Then new financial peaks will not keep you waiting.

Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk about money talisman A zagrebushka spoon is not just an attractive-looking souvenir, it is also an effective amulet for attracting the energy of good luck and wealth. The task of a magical talisman is to attract material wealth to the home of its owner, to ensure that the family lives in prosperity and prosperity. A money talisman can be made of valuable metals or carved from wood. As a rule, it is carried in a wallet.

But in order for a zagrebushka spoon to turn from just a nice souvenir into a magical object that attracts money, you need to carry out a monetary transaction with it. magic ritual. Witchcraft rituals are simple, and you can do them yourself at home.

Use a scoop spoon to attract money to your family

Where did such a money talisman come from - a scooping spoon? It turns out that once upon a time the most ordinary spoons were used in practical magic. They were independently charmed to get rid of their miserable lot, to prosperity and a rich life.
There are many customs and superstitions associated with spoons. In the past, you were supposed to always have your own spoon with you. It happened that people would go on a visit with their own cutlery. Such customs, strange in our opinion, had, of course, a basis. And it was not the simple prejudiced suspiciousness of our grandfathers, but the old ones. So, if today you were given a spoon, be sure that the person who gave you such a gift sincerely wishes good and prosperity to your family and home.

In the old days, a scooping spoon served:

  • symbol of prosperity
  • good life,
  • availability of food,
  • large supplies
  • and a full life.
  • Well, and financial well-being, of course.

And today all this sacred symbolism has been taken over by a miniature silver scoop spoon money. Such money talismans are very attractive and, as a rule, have rich, beautiful engraving.
However, if your spoon looks very simple, do not be discouraged, because the power of a magical object is not at all in the magnificent appearance, but in the power with which he is endowed.

Today you can simply buy a silver spoon and make it your talisman. This magical item will certainly bring you financial success. But, provided that you yourself do not sit idly by, but make every effort to realize your abilities and your potential.

How to use a scoop spoon correctly

A scoop spoon can be a good gift for yourself and your loved ones. However, it would be good to first understand how to use a spoon to scoop up money. To begin with, I will say that if you give a money talisman, then in order for it to act precisely as an amulet of success in life, you need to not only believe in its power, but also give such a gift from the bottom of your heart, with wishes for a rich life to your loved ones And .

There are numerous websites for souvenirs and magical items. positive reviews that the money scoop spoon really works great as a good luck talisman, attracting successful situations into life.

But, there are also negative reviews from those who have already made a plot to grab a spoon.

Why? I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will say - It’s simple: it’s not enough just to put a talisman in your wallet. You yourself need to not be lazy, not waste your time, but really strive for a prosperous life. A rolling stone gathers no moss. And waiting for the gifts of fate, for someone to come and do everything for you, is, to say the least, stupid.

It also matters how you use your personal money talisman. For example, a wallet compartment that will contain your magic spoon. The money talisman will not work in an empty wallet compartment. What will your spoon scoop out there? Emptiness? In the compartment for small items, the effectiveness of the talisman will be minimal.
Now let's see what kind of independent spell is needed on a spoon so that it becomes your assistant. If you bought such an item and put it in your wallet, read a simple spell that will give your talisman a clear program:

“I drive away everything that was an obstacle to wealth, I grab good luck and big money for myself. Amen".

A personal talisman attracts the energy of money and helps to improve matters related to finances at any level: get rid of debts and increase regular income. Magic talisman will be a good assistant for those who have a fixed wages, and those who have . Your personal talisman, the golden spoon, will have a positive effect on the conclusion of transactions, will attract profitable cooperation options and success in business.

A purse mouse with a spoon scooping up money will protect against black witchcraft

In the past, a spoon symbolized abundance and a rich table. Therefore, it is quite natural that the main purpose of the talisman is a spoon or purse mouse with raking spoon- This is the attraction of material wealth. As I already said, this talisman can be made from any materials. But why is it still preferable to have a silver spoon in your wallet? This is where the magic of metals comes into play.

Silver - magic material. The energy of silver protects from damage, the evil eye, and is used to remove different types negative. And, of course, silver will give your talisman additional strength. And this power will extend to material well-being person.

A mouse with a spoon, received as a gift, or bought for yourself in a magic shop, not only attracts money. It can also become a talisman for your money. The magical energy of a mouse with a raking spoon will protect your money from unnecessary spending, theft or other losses. Strong talismans, which have been in contact with their owner for a long time, can even ward off negative energy slight damage to finances and other negative programs.

What conspiracies should be read on a spoon raking

You can create a magic spell for your talisman yourself. Talk to the purse mouse with the spoon and put it in the wallet in the place provided for it. Having received the program, the mascot will begin to implement it. Here is the text magical conspiracy To activate the talisman, use a spoon to rake:

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

“I had a simple spoon, but it will become a money spoon. I will be friends with her, I will not bother her, I will live in abundance, I will have plenty of money. I'm home, and the money is with me. Amen".

You probably understand yourself when to read the plot to grab a spoon. But I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will still remind you that everything independent conspiracies to attract wealth, read on the new moon or on the waxing moon. At the same time, you need a good visualization of how your talisman should work - attract money, help in business.

What else to read