Rituals and rituals for well-being in the family. How to create well-being and financial prosperity in the family ... Or another female way to attract money to the house

When family happiness hangs in the balance, some strong prayers uttered in a special way can restore harmony and understanding.

As a small church Orthodox family considers prayer and fasting an integral part of her life. But no one is immune from discord and quarrels. Turning to the patron saints in sincere prayer can be an effective help.

How and when to pray

Traditionally, a man is considered the core of the family, a guide and protector, and a woman is a protective principle, the keeper of the hearth and comfort. Therefore, prayers for the preservation and well-being of the family will be better received by a woman who lives in her heart.

It is best to ask for reconciliation and resolution of difficult situations, being in a calm state and believing that the request will be heard. Priests do not recommend praying in an unbalanced state or anger at loved ones: this can be harmful and not bring the desired peace.

Prayer to God for family and children

“The Lord Almighty, our Father and Shepherd! I pray for your help humbly and humbly. Save our family from trouble and the sin of divorce, and our children (our child) from life in an incomplete family, without a father. Give us the gift of Love and understanding, teach me, the servant of God (name), to love your spouse even more in front of You and people, teach him to love and respect me, send us family happiness and joy. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen."

Read this prayer with all your heart as many times as you see fit. The best number for repeating prayers and mantras is the number 8, which is associated with many Orthodox signs and traditions.

Prayer to the Virgin Mary for family happiness

“To the Lady of Heaven, Holy Intercessor and Patron! Cover my family with Your heavenly cover, Soften the heart of my husband and lead our children to peace, love and openness to all that is good; do not allow anyone from my family to separation and a difficult parting, to premature and sudden death without repentance. Amen."

Prayer to Saint John the Theologian for softening hearts and reconciliation

“Oh, John, saint of Christ, comforter, intercessor and truth-teller! I beg you, take my family and our children under your protection! Protect us and reconcile our suffering hearts, fill them with joy and love for each other, do not let the sin of divorce and breaking of family ties happen. Pray to our Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Mother His Virgin Mary for mercy and protection! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen"

Prayers to Peter and Fevronia

“Great patrons of families and loved ones, working miracles and instructing on the right path, the faithful Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, guardians and pillars of Murom! I beg you, I come to you for help and comfort, I pray with faith and hope: ask for us, sinful and unworthy, our Lord Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary, ask for peace, understanding and love for our family, softening anger and insults, goodness and purity our deeds, words and thoughts. Do not leave us, weak and sinful, without your help and intercession, enlighten us and lead us on the right path. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen."

This prayer is considered the most powerful of all offered to Peter and Fevronia:

“Oh, holy miracle workers, great God-pleasers, patrons of family happiness, Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia! Hear graciously our request from us, unworthy and orphans, and by your intercession with our Lord, ask us for firmness in faith and good deeds, peace and joy, and the strength of faith, deliver us from doubts, anxieties and sorrows, and let us live in purity and love, and enter the Kingdom of Heaven! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Peter and Fevronia are considered intercessors and organizers of family happiness. It is they who are most often asked for the love and fidelity of a loved one, as well as for life's happiness.

Prayers have long been considered one of the most powerful ways to achieve prosperity, good luck and protection. Our ancestors used prayers and conspiracies to get what they wanted. We wish you strong family happiness, love and fidelity, and do not forget to press the buttons and

Probably, there are no such people who would deny: there is no much prosperity. Especially in situations where more than one person is involved.

The family is exactly that “community” for which well-being cannot be too much.

This does not mean only material wealth.

Any member of a small "community" needs not only "goods and money."

Still needed:

  • warmth of the soul
  • understanding,
  • Attention,
  • sympathy,
  • empathy.

The list is endless, and health still needs to be remembered.

All this can be called one short word"lad".

This is the state to which all people aspire.

It sometimes seems to us that there are "insensitive egoists" who deny the value of mode. Only this is all ostentatious (or superficial).

It is clear, because any person feels better in a comfortable, sincere environment.

How to achieve this, what methods to use? you ask.

So there are methods that help create equal comfort for everyone?

Solve it - a fairy tale.

After all, usually one gives more, so that the rest would be cozier and more comfortable.

This poor fellow, like a sponge, absorbs other people's shortcomings and "needles", sacrifices his interests for family well-being.

Is it necessary to shoulder such a burden?

This is up to everyone to decide.

But, there are small family rituals that allow you to remove all these minor problems and create well-being.

Try it yourself, nothing complicated.

Do you know the day your "little community" was born?

Yes, we mean the date of the wedding.

This is not just a holiday, but also a magical day, fraught with a lot of opportunities.

It is good if this date is not forgotten in your family and is celebrated as the beginning.

And if they forgot about the fuss and running around, then you should shake off the “dust of centuries” from it by conspiring for well-being in the family.

  1. You need to get up before sunrise.
  2. Make sure you roll up the dough.
    • You can bake what you do best, even ordinary bread, even the most complex cake.
  3. When you add salt according to the recipe, then say a few simple words.

They are:

"God! Your will for all things. It is in Your power to give grace or test, happiness or sorrow! Have mercy on my family. Let everything go in Your order. Let harmony and joy multiply, and trouble with grief subside! May the Angels live in the house, protect everyone, guide the way! Amen!"

That is, it is served for breakfast.

For those who are not particularly friendly with cooking, it is recommended not to start anything complicated. Fry the pancakes.

After all, it is very important that all households not only eat, but do it with pleasure and joy.

  1. When a new thin month is born, dial three-liter jar water.
  2. Put an engagement ring in it for one night. (Read the article -.)
  3. Place under the night sky (no obstructions).
  4. Say a spell on the water that attracts well-being to the family.
  5. And in the morning, give each member a few sips to drink.

Letters from our readers

Topic: I have become more money and opportunities, thanks to the advice from your site!

From whom: Svetlana(sv****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky to get rid of constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries .... and a constant lack of money. You won’t buy toys for children, you won’t buy new clothes, you won’t please yourself beautiful dress. My husband also does not have a job.

In general, every month you only think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for current needs.

Of course, we in the family have learned to live with our finances. But in my heart there was always a constant feeling of resentment and pity for myself. Why is that, I asked myself. Won, others have money, bought new car, the dacha was built, it is clear that there is prosperity.

I have already begun to lose hope for a good life. But one day I stumbled across the internet.

You will just be amazed at how much positive changes happened to me! I had no idea that this article would change my life so much!

I got money! And not just a trifle, pocket coins, but a really normal income!

Behind Last year we made a great renovation in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent the children to the sea!

But none of this would have happened if I hadn't found this site.

Don't scroll past. Take a couple of minutes to this information.

You can make tea or coffee on it. In general, make the drink that everyone loves.

Remember, everyone should drink one thing. Everyone is not allowed to make their own dish! Find a consensus.

And the words of the conspiracy for prosperity in the family are as follows:

“The moon is golden horns! You have fun running along the heavenly path. You collect stars of light, with your body you grow every night! Shake a coin from the horns of my family so that the money grows with you, does not decrease. So that the whole family had enough, no one thought that it was not enough! The moon, golden horns, runs across the sky, looks at us, rubbish becomes golden! Amen!"

The spell is cast only on Monday morning.

  1. Take a photo in which your whole family glows with happy smiles. For example, from some common holiday. (Read the article -.)
  2. Tell:

“By the blue sea, strong wind, starry night, bright day, God of Good luck and contentment, take care of my bright house. Surround all members of the clan with your mantle of goodness, let fate bestow and save, let trouble pass by. Amen!"

  1. It is desirable to place the image in a frame and hang it in a conspicuous place.
  2. These words can also be written in reverse side. They will act as guardians.

Choose a frame that is not simple. If possible, then made of silver.

But there is no such prosperity yet, so place an earring made of this metal or a chain next to the photo.

Soon you will have money for a "magic salary" for this.

  1. Buy a poppy.
  2. Go with him to the Temple.
  3. There you need to open a bag of seeds, pray in front of the Icon of the Virgin, ask for her patronage.
  4. Go to the exit, sprinkle a little poppy on the floor with the words:

“A bird collects grain by grain, it is not afraid of work. So let the Mother of God strengthen us in love! Amen!"

The bag of poppy seeds must be placed in a place where no one can find it.

You also need to pour it under the threshold so that all household members step over it.

When they are smashed with their feet or with cleaning, add new ones. They will cherish your love and reverent attitude to each other.

Conspiracies for happiness in the family

  1. Buy a bell.
  2. Tie a beautiful bow on it.
  3. On Friday (for women) or Thursday (for men), walk around the house with him, call, saying these words:

“Seven ribbons of roads, walkers walked with all their might. Fortunately, they strived, they overtook each other. To the heart of the earth, the center of the sky, where the golden sunrise is born, shimmers with all colors! Do not rush walkers along the seven ribbons of roads. Do not run, straining, not sparing your legs. Happiness moved to my house, here it found shelter and peace. It has become accustomed to our family, now it will not go home to the center of the earth and sky. Here his sunrise is intertwined with seven rays. It will stay here forever! And if your feet lead to our house, then we will share with you. Happiness grows with gifts, it does not know greed! Amen!"

Take care of your bell.

Let him find a place of honor in your nest.

When you feel that it is becoming cloudy in the house, be sure to use it.

If there are small children, then together with them you can carry out a ritual for happiness in the family.

Nothing bad will happen to them.

And all other family members will be "infected" by their naivety and openness.

The prayer for prosperity and well-being is considered the most necessary prayer in any family. Everyone knows that abundance and well-being allows you to save your energy and family happiness for a long time. But what if there are problems with prosperity? In this case, prayer is needed. That's just what saints to contact with her, not everyone knows.

Who is Nicholas the Wonderworker, and how can he help in well-being?

Nicholas the Wonderworker is one of the most revered saints in Orthodoxy, so they pray to him for various reasons:

  • Among the people, Nicholas the Wonderworker was also called Nicholas the Pleasant. And he became famous for treating people. They even talk about cases when a dead person came to life with the help of St. Nicholas, hence the name Miracle Worker.
  • When this man died, he was immediately canonized as a saint. After that, families who found themselves in difficult life situations began to turn to him for help.
  • It must be remembered that one can turn to Nicholas the Wonderworker only with faith in him. In addition, a praying person must clearly follow God's commandments.
  • Prayer for prosperity and well-being to Nicholas the Wonderworker can help resolve some financial problems. You can also pray for health.
  • Pray to this saint and students who hope to successfully pass the exams.

How to pray to St. Nicholas for well-being?

If there is a desire to pray to the saint that money appears in the house, this should be done correctly. In no case should one hope that as soon as the words of prayer are uttered, Nicholas the Wonderworker will immediately throw a lot of money on his head. Nothing comes for free, so you have to work hard, and the saint will help in striving and point to a suitable source of income that will make it possible to live comfortably. During prayer, one should not think about anything other than what is asked. It is desirable that the goal be set clearly.

Prayer for prosperity and well-being should be pronounced only with bright thoughts, otherwise Nicholas will not help if evil can be done to someone through the money given to the saints. In order for Nikolai the Ugodnik to hear a prayer, it should be said at least forty times a day. The saint was kind and sympathetic during his lifetime, so it is advisable to donate something to the poor who really need it. It doesn't have to be money, you can give clothes or food. There is no need to hope that the money in the wallet will appear on its own, the saint loves and encourages those who try. It is advisable to pray in front of the icon, which everyone should have Orthodox Christian in the House.

Prayer words can be:

“Oh, Miracle Worker Nicholas, fulfill my prayer, but add money to me in order to raise children and provide everything necessary. I do not want them to need anything, but suffer from hunger. I want to give them a decent education and a happy future. Do not refuse help, and I will not forget your good deed. I will lead a righteous life and do no harm to anyone. I will share with the poor and will not refuse to help my neighbor. Forever and ever, amen!”

What prayer will help achieve prosperity?

There are many prayers that will help achieve prosperity. Few people can say what is the most powerful prayer for material well-being and prosperity, because any words that are spoken with faith in the soul become strong. In order to have well-being in the family, you can turn for help not only to various saints, but also to God himself, who will surely hear the prayer and help those who need it. A praying person can appeal to the Almighty not only with the help of a special prayer. You can apply on your own. The main thing is that every word of prayer comes from the very depths of the soul.

Prayer for Prosperity and Abundance:

“Beloved archangels and angelic hosts, ascended masters!
Thank you for the abundance in my life, for the opportunity to express the divine light in a way that all people can benefit from. Thank you for the peace, happiness, love that you give me. Thank you for the time and strength that you have given me so that I can realize my dreams and desires. Thank you for your financial support of my life. I reverently accept all your gifts and ask that you do not leave me during my whole life. Amen".

What role does prayer for well-being and prosperity play?

Every person should remember God and constantly turn to him with prayer. If an Orthodox Christian forgets about such simple rule, then there may be serious problems in family life.

Prayer for well-being and prosperity in the family plays important role and help you achieve the following goals:

  • Every family dreams of prosperity in the house, so it’s worth asking God for help every day, while bowing your head humbly.
  • Well-being lies not only in money, but also in the fact that spouses are faithful to each other, so a special prayer for fidelity should be said.
  • You can pray for well-being, prosperity, as well as for the health of all relatives and friends, then a person will not be afraid of any problems and hardships, and even envious people will not be able to resist.

What icon can bring prosperity to the family?

The icon should be present in the life of every Orthodox Christian. When a person prays in front of her, she is filled with prayer power, which is why any icon can be considered miraculous. It is important that a person himself believes that God will hear him. If the spouses had a misfortune, and they felt that their marriage was under threat, you should seek help from the icon and pray to her. You can pray to any patron saint, then he can become an intercessor and give wisdom in order to overcome everything.

What icons can you pray for family happiness?

In fact, like prayers, there are a lot of icons that you can pray for happiness and prosperity. So let's focus on the most important ones:

  • A prayer for prosperity and well-being is pronounced in front of the "Unfading Color" icon. They pray for the happiness of the Most Holy Theotokos with the hope that she will be able to take care of prosperity and understanding in the family. She will also protect the family from betrayal.
  • The icon of the Holy Trinity is strong, before which they pray for an improvement in relations between husband and wife, especially if quarrels have begun between them.
  • The patrons of strong family ties are Peter and Fevronia. When saying a prayer, it is necessary to ask the saints that the marriage be strong, and the spouses be faithful friend friend and were able to overcome any grief.
  • A strong prayer for prosperity and well-being is pronounced in front of the icon of the Matrona of Moscow, who has always been a protector from serious illnesses and trials. If you turn to the holy Matrona with a request for the well-being of the family, then the saint will create a real miracle.
  • You should also pray in front of the icon, which is called "Kazan". It depicts the Mother of God, who has always been considered the patroness of small children and, of course, the keeper of the family hearth.
  • You can also pray for the well-being of the Mother of God in front of the icon "Inexhaustible Chalice". Wives who have a drinking husband especially pray before her.
  • The family icon is considered " Burning bush". She protects from various natural disasters and quarrels. With the help of prayer in front of the icon, you can return understanding and happiness to the family.

Orthodox prayers for well-being and prosperity must be said in worship before God, because only saints can keep peace and tranquility in the soul of believers.

How to pray to the Matrona of Moscow?

Saint Matrona lived not so long ago, and there are even witnesses who saw her with their own eyes. The Lord endowed her with great power, so Matrona can heal a person and fulfill any cherished desires. When saying a prayer, it is necessary to ask the saint to help resolve the issue that was difficult. Prayer for material well-being, prosperity is pronounced when trouble has occurred in the house or problems have arisen. It is necessary to pray before the icon and ask that the holy Matrona herself ask before the Lord God for the one who is praying, and then a miracle will happen.

When should you pray to Saints Peter and Fevronia?

They pray before the saints that love, mutual understanding and patience for each other reign in the family. The spouses during their lifetime were faithful and became the standard of a real married couple. If you pray daily in front of the icon, then you can save the marriage from divorce and prevent the spouses from committing treason.

How to pronounce a prayer in front of the icon of Peter and Fevronia?

Prayer should be pronounced calmly, it is desirable to do this as a miraculous verse. In prayer, they ask that the hearts of the spouses become softer, so that the young family will always have prosperity and well-being, and also small children will appear. You can ask for satiety, mercy and kindness. Such a prayer for prosperity and well-being will certainly help young people to get on their feet and not need anything. It is worth saying a prayer every evening, only then the saints will help.

Is it possible to pray for the well-being of the Mother of God?

The Mother of God is the great heavenly queen, who has always stood up for the protection of the family. She especially patronizes women and children. A prayer is said to the Mother of God for well-being and prosperity, therefore, before the icon, you should ask for the well-being of the family, pray for mercy for your children and husband, and also pray that the Lord does not leave in a difficult moment and there is always something to eat on the table in the family.

If you pray to the Mother of God every day, then this will be a guarantee that the family will be able to live happily ever after, and its days will not be overshadowed. It is worth praying to the icon humbly, then peace and tranquility will always be present in the house. A correctly pronounced prayer in front of the icon and with a candle will enable the spouses to be faithful until the end of their days, and their house will always be filled with well-being and children's laughter.

How to pronounce the prayer to the Mother of God correctly

The prayer to the Mother of God for well-being and prosperity is especially strong, therefore it must be pronounced according to all the rules:

  • You should contact the saint not only when there is a need to ask for something, but constantly visit the temple on holidays that are dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. At these moments, her spirit is most powerful.
  • The Pokrov is considered a particularly important holiday. On this day, any request that will be addressed to God and the Mother of God will be crowned with success, but you must humbly ask the Blessed Virgin.
  • A girl who comes to a feast dedicated to the Mother of God and defends the service will be able to receive everything that she asks for in return.
  • It is necessary to read a prayer in the morning, so that later the whole day will be a success and please only with pleasant events. The patron saint will be able to give happy years of family life.

Prayer to the Mother of God:

“Blessed Lady, take my family under your protection. Instill in the hearts of my husband and our children peace, love and non-controversy to all that is good. Do not allow anyone from my family to separation and a difficult parting, to premature and sudden death without repentance. And save our house and all of us living in it from fiery ignition, thieves' attacks, all evil conditions, various insurance and devilish obsession. Yes, and we collectively and separately, openly and secretly will glorify your name holy always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen".

As you can see, there are a lot of prayers for well-being and prosperity, and it doesn’t matter at all which saint to choose. You can pray in front of the icon to any saint so that he asks God to come down and fulfill the request. It is important to set goals correctly and not wait in the end for everything to come true on its own, as you will have to make a lot of effort yourself. After all, only for perseverance and diligence will a person be rewarded according to their merits. In no case should you pray and think about your problems, because God will not be able to hear such petitions, but on the contrary, will refuse to help, because it is important that prayer comes from a pure heart.

You need to pray for your family not only in times of difficulties, but every day - in happiness and prosperity, as in poverty and illness. Prayer for the family helps in maintaining marriage, protects from adversity, protects against betrayal, bestows happiness and completeness of relationships.

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If with all sincerity we turn to the Lord and His saints, then in difficult moments prayer can save a family. They will definitely respond and reconciliation of the spouses will come.

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    What are family prayers?

    Orthodoxy diligently takes care of the family, because it is a small church. Preservation of relationships, love, respect - these are qualities that can and should be developed and nurtured with God's help.

    When the Sacrament of marriage is performed, the priest on behalf of everyone asks the Lord to send down to the couple: “Love is more perfect, more peaceful and help; O hedgehog, keep them in unanimity and firm faith; about hedgehog be blessed by him in a blameless residence ... ". The sacred duty of spouses is to preserve the covenants of love and fidelity, to pray for each other.

    When the family collapses

    It is especially worth praying hard when the family is on the verge of collapse. As soon as disagreements begin, such a situation becomes difficult to control. If you leave everything to chance, do not give in to each other, do not pray, then divorce becomes only a matter of time. Prayers for the admonition of a wife or husband to the Lord, the Mother of God and Saints Peter, Fevronia, Saints Guri, Samon and Aviv will help not only smooth out the conflict, but also become better, improve in some way.

    The problem of many married couples is the lack of patience and humility. Family life rests on these two important qualities. It is impossible to find a couple that would be perfect for each other. You need to ask the Lord to send humility, the ability to see your own shortcomings. The hearts of the spouses will surely soften.

    Prayers will help in the restoration of a marriage when the couple broke up, but the divorce has not yet taken place. Prayer will help if the person praying takes this process seriously. While reading the prayer, it is important to focus on the words, sincerely desire reconciliation, reconcile yourself to the fact that you have to give in, stepping on your own pride.

    Suggested below powerful prayer wife in short time will help to correct the most hopeless situation. It cannot be found in Orthodox prayer books, it is an independent work, written from the bottom of the heart. These words transform the soul of the wife herself, help her become a worthy wife, whom her husband will cherish.

    Wife's prayer for husband's admonition:

    An important skill to develop in yourself is correct behavior during a quarrel. It is important to take a break and not utter unnecessary words. If a person hears insults addressed to him or hurtful words, then a short petition to God: “Lord, help! Lord, strengthen! "- will help to refrain from insulting in response.

    Who Should Pray?

    If this daily prayers, then as part of morning and evening prayers for the well-being of relatives, they ask the Lord and Blessed Virgin.When it is necessary to strengthen petitions, prayers to the following saints are added to them:

    • Peter and Fevronia;
    • Samon, Aviv and Guria;
    • Nicholas the Wonderworker;
    • Archangel Barahiel;
    • John the Theologian;
    • Matrona of Moscow.

    You can add other prayers, for example, to Blessed Xenia of Petersburg, to the saints in whose honor the spouses were baptized, to the guardian angel, to other miraculous images of the Ever-Virgin: Holy Mother of God».

    Selected Prayers for the Family

    Before praying for your relatives, asking for help, health, restoration of relationships, an abundance of blessings, you need to reconcile with everyone, regardless of who is to blame. Having asked for forgiveness from people, they ask the Lord for forgiveness of sins. After that, requests are made to the saints for happiness and well-being. The mercy of God and the intercession of the saints will surely come down to the sincerely praying.

    Lord and Blessed Virgin

    The Christian turns all requests to the Almighty, since He is the giver of all blessings and mercy. According to His good Providence, this person was given as a wife, and not another. You need to live with him all your life, overcoming all hardships together.

    We need to thank the Lord not only for the blessings, but also for the difficulties that He sends to life path. With their help, a person develops patience, learns humility, becomes purer in heart and soul.

    Prayer to the Lord God:

    You can additionally read a prayer for the reconciliation of the warring: “Lord Lover of mankind, King of the ages and Giver of all blessings, who destroyed the barriers of enmity and gave peace to the human race, grant peace to Your servants (names) now, strengthen Your fear in them and affirm love for each other: quench strife, take away all disagreements and temptations. You are our peace and we send glory to you, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

    If a quarrel has ripened in the family, when there is no reciprocity between the spouses and a scandal is approaching, you need to pray to the Most Holy Theotokos.

    Petition to the Virgin Mary:

    miraculous icon called the Semistrelnitsa or "Softener of Evil Hearts" will calm anger, extinguish anger, restore understanding and peace in the family.

    In families where the spouse has a picky, uncompromising character, this icon should be placed in the red corner and pray with him daily.

    Peter and Fevronia

    An example of love and Christian marriage Orthodox Church considers Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom. These holy spouses are the patrons of family happiness. Those who pray to them, honor their memory, live according to the commandments of God - they become reliable intercessors before the Lord.

    In moments of adversity and if there is time, it is useful to read the akathist to the saints. This song of praise with the addition of petitions takes about 20-30 minutes to read.

    Martyrs Gury, Samon and Aviv

    A petition to the saints will help smooth out sharp corners, calm passions, and lead to a calm dialogue. If the family is very emotional, it is advisable to have the icon of Saints Aviv, Samon and Guria at home, which help to eliminate family troubles. They are our quick helpers and prayer books in quarrels and conflicts.

    Prayer for martyrs:

    The most powerful conjugal prayer is that which comes from the depths of the heart of the one who prays. No matter what words a person addresses to the Lord Mother of God and the saints. The main thing is that these words, a cry coming from the depths of the heart, express the whole depth of faith and hope in the Lord.

    Nicholas the Wonderworker

    Saint Nicholas is an ambulance for every need. He is addressed with requests for health, prosperity, success of the event. He intercedes before God also for those in difficult relationship spouses.

    The more often a person thinks about correcting the situation and prays, the greater the effect will be.

    When the bad has already happened and the spouse left the family, do not despair. It is still possible to solve the problem. If love still lives in the hearts of the spouses, a prayer for returning to the family will help. Saint Nicholas miraculously helps ordinary people.

    To reason with your wife, you can order a magpie about her and about yourself if she is baptized. Or use thanksgiving prayer:

    Archangel Barahiel

    Archangel Varahiel is reputed to be the patron saint of pious families. They turn to him so that he personally protects the marriage from all the machinations of the evil one.

    Prayer for family and reconciliation is just one of the means to solve the problem. In order for the family to be saved, the participation of both spouses is important. The more they make efforts to solve the problems that caused their discord, the sooner positive results will be obtained. It is better when spouses pray together for the strengthening and protection of the family.

    John the Evangelist

    For well-being in marriage, they pray to the holy apostle and evangelist John the Theologian. A petition to him helps to eliminate misunderstandings, to extinguish anger. The intercession of the saint helps the couple gain strength to carry their cross, grants wisdom, prosperity, peace, salvation and love.

    When making requests to any saint, you need to get acquainted with the description of his Christian feat. In the multi-volume work "The Book of the Lives of the Saints" or the Reading Menaion, one can read about all the saints of the Church. This book was compiled by Saint Dmitry of Rostov. In addition to the biographies themselves, it contains descriptions of important holidays and instructive words.

    Matrona of Moscow

    The blind-born girl Matrona patiently carried her cross to old age, which earned her special grace to heal the sick and help the suffering. Help from the great intercessor comes very quickly. A short prayer to Matronushka is enough and relief or resolution of the situation will soon come.

    After the Lord heard and fulfilled the request, granted health and well-being, restoration of relations, it is necessary to thank Him, the Mother of God and the saints sincerely, with reverence and fear of God.

    Xenia of Petersburg

    The saint prays for family well-being, marriage, children, and healing. In addition, they pray for the dead (without communion) with despondency and grief, for help and deliverance from passions.

    Prayer to Xenia of Petersburg for family well-being:

    How to pray?

    At home, they read prayers at the images of the Lord, the Ever-Virgin and the saints of God, light candles or icon lamps. Standing before God and the saints helps calm thoughts, directs them in the right direction. Outside the house and the church, you can pray anywhere, turning your face to the east.

    You should visit the temple more often, participate in the Sacraments of Penance and the Eucharist. In the church, you need to offer prayers to the Lord Comforter, so that he will instruct you on how best to proceed.

    In the temple, you can submit notes on the health of all family members, order a prayer service, put a candle near the icons. If the family is collapsing, it is advisable to ask the monasteries to read the Vigilant Psalter about spouses for a long period, for example, six months or a year.

    Valaam Monastery, Pokrovsky Stauropegial Convent (in which the relics of Mother Matrona), Novospassky monastery and many others offer to order trebs online.

    Prayer advice:

    • Prayer requires awareness and a clear understanding of what it says. When some words are not clear, you need to find out their meaning. If this is not possible, then it is better to pray in your own words.

Perhaps those who read more than the first article on our portal will think that I write the same thing for almost every publication. Not literally, and at the same time there is really only one meaning - this is the meaning of faith in yourself and in your strengths - or in the strength of your man)

If a woman has enough faith, then she can work miracles in the literal and figurative sense.

A woman's faith gives her the magical ability to change reality. So arranged by Nature or God - as you like.

One of the tools for creating reality - the one you want - is the use of the word - or rather, the word, prayed for centuries. Exactly the right prayer is one of the most widespread, available and effective ways female magic. If a woman has a lot of inner strength and faith, her prayer will be answered almost instantly! I write my experience and affirm again! Prayer strongly "works" for the result you need. Don't believe? Try it yourself and share your experience with others!

So, in order to attract prosperity, money and prosperity to your family, pray to St. Xenia of St. Petersburg (FURTHER INFORMATION FOR THE ORTHODOX)!

Prayer to St. Blessed Xenia of Petersburg for family well-being and household needs

Oh, simple in the way of her life, homeless on earth, the heiress of the cloisters of the Heavenly Father, blessed wanderer Xenia!

As if before your tombstone fell ill and sorrow
and abie fulfilling consolations, now we (names), overwhelmed by pernicious circumstances, resorting to you, hopefully ask: pray, good celestial,
so that our steps may be corrected, according to the word of the Lord, to the doing of His commandments, and may the godless godlessness, which captivates your city and your country, plunge us, sinful ones, into mortal fraternal hatred, proud self-exaltation and blasphemous despair.

Oh, most blessed of Christ, for the sake of confounding the vanity of this age, ask the Creator and Giver of all blessings to grant us humility, meekness and love in the treasure of our heart, faith in strengthening prayer, hope in repentance, strength in a difficult life,

merciful healing of our soul and body, chastity in marriage and care for our neighbors and sincere ones, renewal of our whole life in the cleansing bath of repentance,

as if all-praisefully glorifying your memory, let us glorify in you the miraculous, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity Consubstantial and Indivisible forever and ever.

PS: Read a prayer daily and there will always be prosperity and well-being in your family in your home. In addition, I also recommend purchasing an icon depicting St. Xenia for your home.

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