Russian air defense systems. Russian air defense vs. American attack aircraft. "Shoot and forget"

November 30, 1914 can be considered the starting point for the existence of air defense forces in Russia. On this day, the commander-in-chief of the 6th Army, which guarded Petrograd, Adjutant General Konstantin Van der Fleet, by his order, announced a special "Instruction for aeronautics in the area of ​​​​the 6th Army." According to the document, for the first time in Russia, "air defense" of the capital and its environs was organized.

After more than a century of history, in the summer of 2015, a new branch of the Armed Forces, the Aerospace Forces, was created. It was created by merging the Air Force and the Aerospace Defense Forces. More than a year has passed since then. The main task of the largest organizational event in recent years in the Armed Forces was to be the creation of a unified system of aerospace defense.

However, in Russia, as it turned out, there is still no key component of such a system - a unified air defense (air defense) of the country.

Reforms and Serdyukov

Air defense troops as a separate branch of the armed forces existed in Russia until 1998, when Russian President Boris Yeltsin demanded immediate structural reforms of the army - primarily a sharp reduction in the combat and numerical strength of the armed forces. Then it was decided to unite the Air Defense Forces and the Air Force into one structure with a simultaneous sharp reduction. However, at that time, the relative centralization of management was still preserved.

Since the beginning of the 2000s, the General Staff, the main commands of various troops and military scientific organizations of the Ministry of Defense began to actively develop options for building a unified system of Aerospace Defense (VKO), but then they did not dare to make the necessary structural changes.

A new wave of transformations in this area began in 2010 after joining.

A campaign was launched to form the so-called unified approaches to building the aerospace defense and creating the necessary groupings of troops in four strategic directions: "West", "East", "Center" and "South", to which the main groupings of all types of the Armed Forces and types of troops.

The so-called operational-strategic commands were established (in fact, with the exception of signs, they are not much different from military districts). The Air Force and Air Defense armies were withdrawn from the direct subordination of the Air Force High Command and transferred to the operational subordination of the "local" commands.

Marshal Ogarkov's experiment

There was nothing fundamentally new in this decision, Colonel-General, ex-Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Air Defense Forces, explained to Gazeta.Ru.

“Exactly the same subordination was already carried out in 1975,” recalls Litvinov. - It happened on the initiative of the then head of Marshal Nikolai Ogarkov. The border separate air defense armies in the western direction were transferred on an experimental basis to the Baltic, Belarusian and Carpathian military districts. The course of the experiment was repeatedly checked by various commissions. The assessments were very different. Most experts were against these innovations. But the general conclusions were presented only in the way the author of the idea wanted - ".

Those who spoke out against it began to have problems, and those who admired Ogarkov's initiatives were rapidly promoted, the military leader clarifies.

According to the results of the experiment in 1980, all border air defense formations were given to military districts. Thus, the unified air defense system of the country and the Armed Forces was fragmented, says Litvinov.

In 1985, individual air defense armies, after unsuccessful attempts to prove to the USSR Minister of Defense the ability of the commanders of military districts to effectively manage subordinate air defense formations, were again returned to their original state, to the 1975 level. As a result, only personnel, financial and material losses remained from Ogarkov's experiment.

The state of affairs shocked

After the abolition of the Air Defense Forces as a branch of the Armed Forces in 1998, and after another 13 years and the transfer of the relevant associations to the military districts, the unified system built over the years collapsed again, says Lieutenant General Vladimir Ruvimov, ex-Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force for armaments.

“The head section of the aerospace defense system (the Moscow Air Defense District in the old days) went to the leaders of the Space Forces, who had never dealt with the problems of organizing air defense before,” recalls Ruvimov. - By and large, their competence in these complex problems differed little from the awareness and literacy in matters of air defense (aerospace defense) of signalmen, sappers, submariners or rear workers.

And immediately, without really understanding anything, having neither the appropriate education nor service experience for this, they bravely set about building an updated air defense system (VKO) of the country.

When the problem of reforming the air defense (VKO) was once again raised at the General Staff, the opinion of experts in this area was nevertheless requested, but never taken into account, Gazeta.Ru interlocutors who are familiar with the reform process assure.

As a result, the combat control of the Russian Air Force and Air Defense armies came under the leadership of the commanders of the four districts and the Northern Fleet.

“What kind of direct control in this case is carried out by the High Command of the Aerospace Forces is still not clear. In fact, it performs the function of combat control only of the 1st air defense-missile defense (special purpose) army, ”

- complained in an interview with Gazeta.Ru a high-ranking source in the leadership of the VKS.

According to him, the Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces exercises direct control only of the Aerospace Defense Forces allocated to him from the districts as part of combat duty and only in peacetime. The commanders of the five armies of the Air Force and Air Defense of the military districts are not even present at the regular Military Councils held in the Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces.

“What unified system of the country’s aerospace defense for wartime can we talk about in these conditions?” - says the interlocutor of "Gazeta.Ru".

As usual, all the shortcomings in the organization and structure of the troops were revealed during the fighting.

On the eve of the armed conflict with Georgia in August 2008, the entire leadership of the Air Force was represented exclusively by pilots, which led them to underestimate the role of other branches of the armed forces - reconnaissance, electronic warfare, air defense - in armed confrontation in the air.

The consequences turned out to be the saddest - absolutely unjustified losses in aviation in the first days of the conflict.

This state of affairs even shocked the Air Force command in the first day of the conflict, recalls the ex-commander of the 4th separate air defense army, Colonel General Anatoly Hyupenen.

“Things could have gone according to a much worse scenario in those days, if not for the urgent transfer of the S-300PS anti-aircraft missile regiment from the Moscow region (at that time from the operational-strategic command of the aerospace defense) to Abkhazia,” says the military leader.

Unforgotten old

In recent years, the Aerospace Forces have seen clear progress in rearmament issues. In 2015, military aviation received about 200 aircraft. The same number of combat vehicles is planned to be transferred to pilots in 2016. A lot of work is underway to improve the entire air defense infrastructure.

New over-the-horizon detection stations are being put into operation, the launch of new military and dual-purpose spacecraft is being actively carried out, the troops continue to receive the latest S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems and the Pantsir-S1 air defense missile system, a new fleet of radars, automated control and communication systems. The quality of operational and combat training of personnel is also growing.

In all this, there is a great merit of the current leadership of the Ministry of Defense and the command of the Aerospace Forces, however, the logistics of the air defense formations after subordination to their districts has deteriorated significantly, the interlocutors of Gazeta.Ru emphasize.

The relevant structures of the districts are primarily engaged in providing the Ground Forces.

Air defense regiments and divisions are still “alien” for them and stand in line for allowances at best second, or even third, and most often last, says a Gazeta.Ru source close to the leadership of one of the air defense armies .

In 2014, when it was decided to send an additional contingent of troops to the Republic of Crimea to ensure security during the referendum, Russian Il-76 military transport aircraft with personnel began to make continuous flights to the airfields of the peninsula. Ukrainian planes tried to interfere with the Russian ones by simulating military attacks, says Colonel General Hupenen.

“It was necessary to tightly close the sky of Crimea. And again, in the shortest possible time, the S-300PM anti-aircraft missile regiment from the Moscow region from the air defense-missile defense command is being transferred to the territory of the republic.

From the moment the regiment took up combat duty, all provocations in the air immediately ceased. No one had a desire to enter the zone of destruction of a modern anti-aircraft missile system. But one can only imagine what the consequences of provocations against our aircraft would have been if an appropriate order had been received from Kyiv,” the general explains.

According to him, the role of air defense systems in the Syrian conflict was also noticeable. Already at the initial stage of the campaign, it was known that in the areas of combat use of Russian aviation, aircraft of the air forces of the countries of the coalition led by the United States were flying. There were warnings from Ankara that if our planes violate Turkish airspace, there will be an extremely unfriendly reaction. However, until the Russian Su-24 was shot down, no measures were taken to cover strike aircraft from the ground.

“In just a day, the S-400 anti-aircraft missile system was delivered by air to Latakia and deployed in a new position area,” says Hüpenen.

Nevertheless, according to the interlocutors of Gazeta.Ru, proper conclusions are not being made about the results of the reforms of the last decades. Modern leaders of the Aerospace Forces still lack the understanding that, in addition to their relatives and close branches of the armed forces, there are others in the new branch of the Armed Forces that are no less significant and very effective in combat. Moreover, a systematic increase in the combat capabilities of air defense groupings in strategic directions due to new types of weapons is not the solution to all problems.

“Today, the creation of a unified system of the country's aerospace defense in the Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces is not even out of the question, apparently everyone is satisfied with the current state of affairs. No one wants to come up with an alternative point of view that contradicts the position of the leadership of the military districts, and even more so the General Staff, ”explained the interlocutor of Gazeta.Ru, who is close to the leadership of the VKS.

The creation at one time under the leadership of Marshal Pavel Batitsky of a unified command and control system for the air defense forces of the country was the first and, most importantly, a successful example of the implementation of the idea of ​​​​forming strategic associations in the areas of armed struggle, the former chief of the Main Staff of the Air Defense Forces Colonel-General of Aviation states.

“Subsequently, this was also implemented in the corresponding automated control systems, and for each element of the created structure, starting from the High Command of the country's air defense, air defense formations and ending with formations, units and subdivisions - up to and including individual companies,” emphasizes Maltsev.

According to him, the extensive experience of large-scale exercises conducted to repel massive air strikes confirmed the success of this system in different conditions, and this finally convinced the air defense leadership that with the outbreak of hostilities, no restructuring of the troops would be required.

The success of the system also consisted in the fact that, depending on the situation, it provided both centralized combat command and control of the air defense forces and decentralized, moreover, in each link of the system in accordance with the assigned combat missions.

"Ministry of Defense of Russia"

Air defense troops appeared during the First World War. On December 26, 1915, the first four separate four-gun light batteries were formed and sent to the Western Front for firing at air targets. In accordance with the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of February 9, 2007, this memorable date began to be celebrated in Russia as the Military Air Defense Day.

Organizationally, these formations are part of the formations, formations and units of the Ground Forces, Airborne Forces, Coastal Forces of the Navy (Navy) and perform tasks in the country's unified air defense system. They are equipped with anti-aircraft missile, anti-aircraft artillery, anti-aircraft cannon-missile systems (systems), as well as portable weapons, of various ranges and methods of guiding missiles. Depending on the range of destruction of air targets, they are divided into short-range complexes - up to 10 km, short-range - up to 30 km, medium - up to 100 km and long-range - more than 100 km.

At the final collegium of the Russian Defense Ministry, held on December 22, Oleg Salyukov, Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces, said that the Russian military air defense is capable of repelling any means of air attack that exist in the world. He stressed that the development of military threats in the aerospace sphere necessitates "the coordinated development of aerospace and air defense systems, taking into account qualitatively new requirements."

The modern armament of the Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces in many respects surpasses its predecessors, has no analogues in the world, which is confirmed by the high competitiveness in the arms market

Oleg Salyukov

Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces, Colonel General

The military air defense is armed with S-300V4 air defense systems (interception range - up to 400 km) and Tor-M1 (up to 15 km), Buk-M1 air defense systems (up to 45 km), Strela-10M4 (up to 8 km ), "OSA-AKM" (up to 10 km), anti-aircraft gun-missile systems "Tunguska-M1" (up to 10 km), anti-aircraft artillery systems "Shilka-M5" (up to 6 km), all-weather tactical missile systems "Tor- M2U" and others. At present, the troops have already formed new anti-aircraft missile formations armed with S-300V4 and the Buk-M2 complex. Re-equipment is underway with the new Buk-MZ, Tor-M2 and the Verba portable anti-aircraft missile system (MANPADS).

New weapons have incorporated the best qualities of their predecessors and are capable of hitting both aerodynamic and ballistic targets, cruise missiles, aerial reconnaissance and electronic warfare equipment, and combat airborne assault forces. Military air defense should not be confused with the Air and Missile Defense Forces (PVO-PRO), which are part of the Russian Aerospace Forces.

The progress of rearmament

S-300V4, Buk-MZ and Tor-M2 are included in the list of priority weapons and military equipment that determine the appearance of promising weapons systems for the Russian army. Lieutenant-General Alexander Leonov, head of the military air defense of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, told the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper that in 2017, the main efforts were focused on equipping formations and units of the Southern and Western military districts with this equipment.

As a result, the following were rearmed and retrained: an anti-aircraft missile brigade - on the Buk-MZ medium-range air defense system; anti-aircraft missile regiments of combined arms formations - on the Tor-M2 short-range air defense system; air defense units of combined arms formations - on the Verba MANPADS

Alexander Leonov

The Buk-MZ air defense system was delivered to the unit of the Western Military District, whose servicemen next year will have to undergo retraining for new systems and perform docking live firing at specialized training centers for the Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces.

In 2018, it is planned to equip two military air defense units with Tor-M2 systems; air defense units operating in the conditions of the Arctic and the Far North should receive short-range air defense systems "Tor-M2DT"; air defense units of combined arms formations - MANPADS "Verba".

Thus, the systematic and annual increase in the combat strength of the troops, the implementation of a complete re-equipment with modern anti-aircraft missile systems will make it possible by 2020 to increase the combat capabilities of the air defense forces by almost 1.3 times.

Alexander Leonov

Chief of the Air Defense Forces of the RF Armed Forces, Lieutenant General

Compared to the systems of the previous generation, it has an area covered from air strikes expanded by two to three times and an increased range of the border of the zone of destruction of air targets. These parameters, in particular, provide a guaranteed interception of warheads of medium-range ballistic missiles. S-300V4 is a modification of the S-300VM system, which has higher performance characteristics due to the introduction of modern computing tools and the element base, the use of new components. The new system is capable of hitting ballistic and aerodynamic targets at ranges up to 400 km. The supply contract was concluded in 2012. The first set was handed over to the customer in December 2014.


The evolution of "Thor"

According to open sources, the first modification of the Tor family air defense system entered service in 1986. Since 2011, a modification of the Tor-M2U complex has been supplied to the troops. The combat vehicle provides all-round destruction of air targets, including the striking elements of high-precision weapons. The air defense system allows you to conduct reconnaissance on the move over any terrain and simultaneously fire at four air targets in a given sector.

The modern "Tor-M2" began to enter the troops in 2016. Compared with previous modifications, it has improved the characteristics of the affected area, the transportable stock of anti-aircraft guided missiles, noise immunity and others by one and a half to two times. It is capable of destroying targets flying at speeds up to 700 m/s, at ranges up to 12 km and altitudes up to 10 km. A battery of four vehicles can simultaneously attack 16 targets.

In 2016, the Almaz-Antey VKO concern began work on the Arctic version of the short-range air defense system - Tor-M2DT. The new version is installed on the chassis of a two-link tracked tractor DT-30PM-T1 (DT - two-link tractor).

In 2018-2019, a marine version of Thor may already appear. This was reported by the press service of the Almaz-Antey concern during the KADEX 2016 exhibition. At the same time, in a number of parameters, the ship version of the complex will surpass the existing representatives of the Tor family.

This issue has been worked out by the concern, and taking into account the experience of cooperation enterprises in the production and installation of complexes such as "Osa", "Dagger" and others on the ships of the Navy, as well as the possibility of using components for serially produced land-based models of the Tor air defense system, we can conclude that the creation of a "marine "Thor versions" in the shortest possible time (the first samples of air defense systems may appear in 2018-2019), and at minimal cost

press service of the concern VKO "Almaz-Antey"

In 2016, the chief designer of anti-aircraft missile systems at the Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant Kupol (part of the Almaz-Antey concern), Iosif Drize (the creator of a number of modern air defense systems, died in November 2016 - TASS note) stated that in the future "Tor "will become fully robotic and will be able to shoot down targets without human intervention. As Drize said, the air defense system can still work without human intervention, but in some cases an operator is needed in conditions of strong interference. In addition, the enterprise is engaged in increasing the capabilities of "Tor" to destroy cruise missiles created using stealth technologies.

New military "Gadfly"

Buk-M2 (according to NATO codification - SA-11 Gadfly, "Gadfly") is considered one of the most effective representatives of its class. Its development was completed back in 1988, but it was only 15 years later that it was possible to deploy serial production.

In 2016, the military received the first brigade kit of the new Buk, the Buk-M3. The characteristics of the complex are unknown, but its predecessor is capable of hitting air targets with solid-propellant missiles at a distance of 3 km to 45 km and at an altitude of up to 15 m to 25 km. In addition, it can destroy ballistic missiles with a launch range of up to 150–200 km. Thanks to the new missile "Buk-M3" is almost twice as superior to previous models and has no analogues in the world. In addition, due to the smaller mass of the rocket, it was possible to increase the ammunition load by one and a half times. Another feature of the complex is the placement of the rocket in the launch container.

In the transport and launch containers (complex) there are six missiles on each self-propelled firing system. Rockets have become more compact, but nevertheless they fly faster, farther and more accurately. That is, a new unique missile has been created, which will make it more likely to destroy air targets

Alexander Leonov

Chief of the Air Defense Forces of the RF Armed Forces, Lieutenant General

In 2015, it was reported that the novelty surpassed the long-range S-300 system in a number of parameters. “First of all, we are talking about the probability of hitting targets, which is 0.9999 for the Buk-M3, which is not for the S-300,” a TASS source said. In addition, the maximum engagement range of the complex has been increased by 25 km compared to its predecessor and brought up to 70 km.

"Verba" for landing

The entry into the troops of MANPADS "Verba" continues. In August of this year, it became known that all airborne and airborne assault divisions of the Airborne Forces had already been re-equipped with Verba. According to the commander of the Airborne Forces, Colonel-General Andrey Serdyukov, "Verba" is capable of hitting tactical aircraft, attack helicopters, cruise missiles and remotely piloted aircraft on head-on and overtaking courses, in day and night conditions with visual visibility of the target, including in conditions of background and artificial interference.

Among the advantages of the "Verba" is the possibility of firing on a collision course at low-emitting targets in the infrared range on the far border of the affected area at extremely low altitudes. The new short-range systems, unlike their predecessors (Igla MANPADS), have expanded combat capabilities and provide high efficiency in hitting targets, despite powerful optical countermeasures.

Compared to previous MANPADS, the "Verba" has a several-fold increase in the area of ​​fire for targets with low thermal radiation and dozens of times - noise immunity from powerful pyrotechnic interference. While the order of combat use of new MANPADS is similar to the order of use of complexes of the previous generation, the Verba has reduced the consumption of missiles to hit a single target and expanded the temperature range of use to minus 50 degrees. MANPADS are capable of hitting subtle targets of a mock enemy at altitudes from 10 m to 4.5 km and at ranges from 500 m to 6.5 km.

Roman Azanov

Svyatoslav Petrov

Russia celebrated the Day of Military Air Defense on Tuesday. Control over the sky is one of the most urgent tasks for ensuring the security of the country. Air defense units of the Russian Federation are replenished with the latest radar and anti-aircraft systems, some of which have no analogues in the world. As the Ministry of Defense expects, the current pace of rearmament will allow by 2020 to significantly increase the combat capabilities of the units. Due to what Russia has become one of the leaders in the field of air defense, RT understood.

  • The calculation of the self-propelled firing system alerts the Buk-M1-2 air defense system
  • Kirill Braga / RIA Novosti

On December 26, Russia celebrates Military Air Defense Day. The formation of this type of troops began with the decree of Nicholas II, signed exactly 102 years ago. Then the emperor ordered to send an automobile battery to the front in the Warsaw region, designed to destroy enemy aircraft. The first air defense system in Russia was created on the basis of the chassis of the Russo-Balt T truck, on which a 76-mm Lender-Tarnovsky anti-aircraft gun was installed.

Now the Russian air defense forces are divided into military air defense, whose units are part of the ground forces, airborne forces and navy, as well as object air defense / missile defense, parts of which belong to the aerospace forces.

Military air defense is responsible for covering military infrastructure, groupings of troops at permanent deployment points and during various maneuvers. Objective air defense / missile defense performs strategic tasks related to protecting Russia's borders from air attack and covering some of the most important objects.

The military air defense is armed with medium and short-range complexes, a military expert, director of the air defense museum in Balashikha, Yuri Knutov, said in an interview with RT. At the same time, the site air defense/missile defense systems are provided with systems that allow monitoring airspace and hitting targets at long distances.

“Military air defense should have high mobility and cross-country ability, fast deployment time, enhanced survivability and the ability to work as autonomously as possible. Objective air defense is included in the overall defense control system and can detect and hit the enemy at long distances, ”Knutov said.

According to the expert, the experience of local conflicts of recent decades, including the Syrian operation, demonstrates the urgent need to cover ground forces from air threats. Airspace control is critical in a theater of operations (theatre).

So, in Syria, the Russian military deployed the S-300V4 anti-aircraft missile system (SAM) (military air defense weapon) to protect the naval support point in Tartus, and the S-400 Triumph system (refers to the object air defense / missile defense system) is responsible for the air defense of the Khmeimim airbase. ).

  • Self-propelled launcher ZRS S-300V
  • Evgeny Biyatov / RIA Novosti

“Who owns the sky wins the battle on earth. Without air defense systems, ground equipment becomes an easy target for aviation. Examples are the military defeats of Saddam Hussein's army in Iraq, the Serbian army in the Balkans, terrorists in Iraq and Syria," Knutov explained.

In his opinion, the lag in the aviation sector from the United States became an incentive for the rapid development of anti-aircraft technology in the USSR. The Soviet government accelerated the development of air defense systems and radar stations (RLS) in order to neutralize the superiority of the Americans.

“We were forced to defend ourselves against threats from the air. However, this historical lag has led to the fact that our country has been creating the best air defense systems in the world for the last 50-60 years, which have no equal, ”the expert emphasized.

far frontier

On December 26, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported that at present the military air defense is at the stage of rearmament. The military department expects that the arrival of the latest air defense systems will allow by 2020 to significantly increase the combat capabilities of the air defense forces. Earlier, plans were announced to increase the share of modern equipment in military air defense to 70% in 2020.

“This year, the anti-aircraft missile brigade of the Western Military District received the Buk-MZ medium-range anti-aircraft missile system, and the anti-aircraft missile regiments of the combined arms formations received the Tor-M2 short-range anti-aircraft missile systems, the air defense units of the combined arms formations received the latest anti-aircraft missile systems.” Willow,” the Ministry of Defense noted.

The main developers of air defense systems in Russia are NPO Almaz-Antey and the Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering. Air defense systems are divided among themselves according to a number of characteristics, one of the main ones is the range of interception of an air target. There are complexes of long-range, medium and small ranges.

In military air defense, the S-300 air defense system is responsible for the long line of defense. The system was developed in the USSR in the 1980s, but has undergone many upgrades, which improved its combat effectiveness.

The most modern version of the complex is the S-300V4. The air defense system is armed with three types of guided hypersonic two-stage solid-propellant missiles: light (9M83M), medium (9M82M) and heavy (9M82MD).

C-300B4 provides simultaneous destruction of 16 ballistic missiles and 24 aerodynamic targets (aircraft and drones) at a distance of up to 400 km (heavy missile), 200 km (medium missile) or 150 km (light missile), at an altitude of up to 40 km. This air defense system is capable of hitting targets whose speed can reach up to 4500 m/s.

The S-300V4 includes launchers (9A83 / 9A843M), radar systems for software (9S19M2 "Ginger") and all-round visibility (9S15M "Obzor-3"). All machines have tracked chassis and therefore are all-terrain vehicles. The S-300V4 is capable of long-term combat duty in the most extreme natural and climatic conditions.

The C-300V4 entered service in 2014. The Western Military District was the first to receive this missile system. The latest anti-aircraft missile systems were used to protect the Olympic facilities in Sochi in 2014, and later the air defense system was deployed to cover Tartus. In the future, the C-300V4 will replace all long-range military systems.

“The S-300V4 is capable of fighting both aircraft and missiles. The main problem of our time in the field of air defense is the fight against hypersonic missiles. S-300V4 air defense missiles, due to the dual homing system and high flight performance, are capable of hitting almost all types of modern ballistic, tactical and cruise missiles, ”said Knutov.

According to the expert, the United States was hunting for S-300 technologies - and at the turn of the 1980-1990s they managed to get several Soviet air defense systems. On the basis of these complexes, the United States developed the THAAD air defense / missile defense system and improved the characteristics of the Patriot air defense system, but the Americans could not completely repeat the success of Soviet specialists.

"Shoot and forget"

In 2016, the Buk-M3 medium-range anti-aircraft missile system entered service with the military air defense. This is the fourth generation of the Buk air defense system created in the 1970s. It is designed to destroy maneuvering aerodynamic, radio-contrast ground and surface targets.

The air defense system provides simultaneous shelling of up to 36 air targets flying from any direction at a speed of up to 3 km / s, at a distance of 2.5 km to 70 km and an altitude of 15 m to 35 km. The launcher can carry both six (9K317M) and 12 (9A316M) missiles in transport and launch containers.

The Buk-M3 is equipped with 9M317M two-stage solid-propellant anti-aircraft guided missiles, which are capable of hitting a target in conditions of active radio suppression by the enemy. To do this, the 9M317M design provides for two homing modes at the end points of the route.

The maximum flight speed of the Buk-M3 rocket is 1700 m/s. This allows it to hit almost all types of operational-tactical ballistic and aeroballistic missiles.

The Buk-M3 divisional set consists of an air defense system command post (9S510M), three detection and target designation stations (9S18M1), an illumination and guidance radar (9S36M), at least two launchers, and also transport-loading vehicles (9T243M). All military medium-range air defense systems are planned to be replaced by Buk-M2 and Buk-M3.

“In this complex, a unique rocket with an active warhead has been implemented. It allows you to implement the "fire and forget" principle, since the missile has the ability to homing on a target, which is especially important in conditions of radio suppression by the enemy. Moreover, the updated Buk complex is capable of tracking and firing at several targets at the same time, which significantly increases its effectiveness, ”said Knutov.

fire on the march

Since 2015, the Tor-M2 short-range air defense systems began to enter the Russian army. There are two versions of this technique - "Tor-M2U" for Russia on caterpillar tracks and export "Tor-M2E" on a wheeled chassis.

The complex is designed to protect motorized rifle and tank formations from air-to-ground missiles, corrected and guided bombs, anti-radar missiles and other new generation high-precision weapons.

"Tor-M2" can hit targets at a distance of 1 km to 15 km, at an altitude of 10 m to 10 km, flying at speeds up to 700 m/s. The capture and tracking of the target in this case occur in automatic mode with the ability to conduct almost continuous fire at several targets in turn. In addition, the unique air defense system has increased noise immunity.

According to Knutov, the Tor-M2 and the Pantsir anti-aircraft gun-missile system are the only vehicles in the world capable of firing on the march. Along with this, Thor has implemented a number of measures to automate and protect the complex from interference, which greatly facilitates the crew's combat mission.

“The machine itself selects the most suitable targets, while people can only give a command to open fire. The complex can partly solve the issues of combating cruise missiles, although it is most effective against enemy attack aircraft, helicopters and drones, ”the RT interlocutor emphasized.

Technology of the future

Yuri Knutov believes that Russian air defense systems will continue to improve, taking into account the latest trends in the development of aviation and missile technology. SAM systems of the future generation will become more versatile, will be able to recognize subtle targets and hit hypersonic missiles.

The expert drew attention to the fact that the role of automation has increased significantly in military air defense. It not only allows you to unload the crew of combat vehicles, but also insures against possible errors. In addition, the Air Defense Forces implement the principle of network-centrism, that is, interspecific interaction in the theater of operations within the framework of a single information field.

“The most effective means of air defense will manifest themselves when a common network of interaction and control appears. This will bring the combat capabilities of vehicles to a completely different level - both in joint operations as part of a joint link, and in the presence of a global intelligence and information space. The efficiency and awareness of the command will increase, as well as the overall coherence of the formations, ”explained Knutov.

Along with this, he noted that air defense systems are often used as an effective weapon against ground targets. In particular, the Shilka anti-aircraft artillery system proved to be excellent in the fight against the armored vehicles of terrorists in Syria. Military air defense units, according to Knutov, may in the future receive a more universal purpose and be used in the protection of strategic facilities.

The possible deployment of elements of anti-missile defense (ABM) in Europe by the United States is one of the reasons for the frequently asked question today, what can Russia oppose to these plans and what domestic means can be used to combat an air enemy? And if the first part of this issue has already been widely covered in print media, on the air and on television, then its second half should be considered in more detail.

ABM and air defense systems (AD) are designed to combat various types of aerospace attack weapons (AAS) by destroying: the first - intercontinental ballistic missiles (BR) ground and sea-based, the second - aircraft, helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles, including .h. BR and cruise missiles for tactical and operational-tactical purposes.

The Second World War showed that a reliable air defense system is one of the main indicators of the combat capability of any state. Underestimation of this in 1939-1940. led to the dominance of German aviation in the air and heavy losses of the Red Army at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. In a letter to President T. Roosevelt, written during the Battle of Stalingrad in 1942, I. Stalin noted: "The practice of war has shown that the bravest troops become helpless if they are not protected from air strikes." As a result of the measures taken, the air defense systems of the Red Army troops by the end of the war destroyed 20 thousand aircraft, over 1000 tanks, self-propelled guns and armored personnel carriers, tens of thousands of enemy soldiers and officers.

As one of the results of the war, the outstanding commander G.K. Zhukov noted that "Grievous grief awaits the country that will be unable to repel an enemy air strike." This is also confirmed by E. Lampe (Chairman of the Federal Directorate of the Local Air Defense System of the FRG until 1956) in the book "Civil Defense Strategy" with the words "Of course, you cannot win a war with the help of air defense, but without air defense you will surely lose it."

These statements confirmed the post-war local wars and armed conflicts, in which the results of the confrontation between the SVKN and air defense systems determined, as a rule, the final outcome of military operations.

Thus, significant losses of American aviation in Vietnam (at least 1,294 aircraft during the period from August 1964 to February 1973) led to the inglorious end of this war for the United States and the emergence of a long-term "Vietnamese syndrome". And vice versa, the inability of the air defense systems of Iraq and Yugoslavia to withstand modern air defense systems was one of the main reasons for their defeat in the local wars of 1991, 1993. and 1999 respectively.

To maximize the use of the capabilities of Russian air defense systems in the new conditions, the concept of aerospace defense (aerospace defense) of Russia (signed by the President of the Russian Federation in 2006) was developed, which is based on air defense (air defense) and rocket and space (RKO) defense systems, as well as electronic warfare (EW).

The air defense system, which is the basis of the Russian aerospace defense, in peacetime, part of the forces and means is on combat duty in order to repel sudden attacks by the enemy's airborne defense systems against important objects of military state importance. With the beginning and in the course of hostilities, all air defense forces and means are transferred to full combat readiness and, together with other branches and branches of the armed forces, fight the air enemy in full. Today, anti-aircraft missile troops (ZRV) of the Russian Air Force, military air defense troops and naval air defense systems of the fleet can be involved in the fight against it.

Today, the Russian Air Force is armed with anti-aircraft missile systems (SAM) and systems (SAM) of various ranges (such as S-75, S-125, S-200 and S-300), which have repeatedly proven their combat effectiveness.

SAM S-75 "Volga"medium-range - the first air defense system of the former USSR. Among his first victories - the defeat of the Taiwanese reconnaissance aircraft RB-57D in the Beijing area (10/7/1959), American reconnaissance aircraft U-2 "Lockheed" near Sverdlovsk (05/01/1961), in China (September 1962 .) and over Cuba (27.10.1962). Many of the approximately 500 air defense systems delivered to the armies of 27 foreign countries were actively used in combat operations in the Middle East, Southeast Asia and the Persian Gulf, as well as in the Balkans. In addition to impressive results in Vietnam, this air defense system shot down several aircraft in the Indo-Pakistani conflicts, a US reconnaissance RB-57F over the Black Sea (December 1965) and more than 25 aircraft during the Arab-Israeli wars. It was used in combat operations in Libya (1986), Angola against South Africa, in Iraq, to ​​fight SR-71 reconnaissance aircraft over North Korea and Cuba.

ZRK S-125 "Pechora"short range was created to deal with low-flying air targets. About 530 air defense systems delivered to 35 foreign countries and used in a number of armed conflicts and local wars demonstrated high operational reliability and efficiency. The combat "baptism" of the S-125 air defense system took place in 1970 on the Sinai Peninsula, where eight Israeli aircraft were shot down and three Israeli aircraft were damaged by this complex in anti-aircraft battles. S-125 anti-aircraft missile systems were used by Iraq in the war with Iran (1980-1988) and in 1991 to repel air strikes of the multinational forces, by Syria - in battles with the Israelis during the Lebanese crisis of 1982, by Libya - to fire at aircraft The United States in the Gulf of Sidra (1986), Yugoslavia - against NATO aircraft in 1999 (according to Yugoslav data, it was they who shot down the F-117A stealth aircraft, and the second one was damaged).

Long-range designed to destroy aircraft at ranges and altitudes of more than 100 km and up to 40 km, respectively. It was delivered to the countries of Eastern Europe, North Korea, Libya, Syria, Iran. After the destruction of the Israeli aircraft E-2C "Hawkeye" at a distance of 180 km (Syria, 1982), the American aircraft carrier fleet withdrew from the coast of Lebanon. In April 1986, Libyan S-200 systems shot down three A-6 and A-7 carrier-based attack aircraft from the US 6th Fleet. Despite the US denial, the fact of their defeat is confirmed by the data of objective control and the calculations of Soviet specialists.

ZRS S-300medium-range and long-range, depending on the modification, is designed to combat various types of manned and unmanned airborne weapons, incl. and cruise missiles. For a long time, the S-300 is on combat duty and covers Moscow, the Moscow industrial and other important regions of Russia. Its latest modification, the S-300PMU2 "Favorit", which has been repeatedly demonstrated at many exhibitions of modern weapons, is highly appreciated abroad and purchased by China, Vietnam and other countries.

Long-range - further development of the S-300 air defense system. It is capable of hitting all types of manned and unmanned aerial targets at ranges up to 400 km, as well as ballistic missiles with a launch range of up to 3,500 km, hypersonic and other modern and advanced air attack weapons. The S-400 system, according to the test results of the end of 2006, was determined as the basic air defense system for all types of the RF Armed Forces and will go into service with the Russian army. In cooperation with the space forces, this air defense system, as well as the S-300PMU2, is planned to be used to combat ballistic targets and conduct non-strategic missile defense in the interests of the country and its armed forces.

Anti-aircraft missile and gun complex (ZRPK) "Pantsir-S1" short-range is designed to defend small-sized objects of military-state importance in any weather, climate and radio-electronic conditions day and night. Its combat capabilities ensure effective combat against any type of aircraft, helicopters, including missiles and airborne high-precision weapons. At present, the air defense missile system has passed state tests and contracts have been signed with the UAE and Syria for its supply.

The main characteristics of air defense systems and air defense systems ZRV Air Force












D hit, km

H hit., km

V targets, m/s

R defeat. myself.

R defeat. BR

R defeat. KR



up to 2800



up to 0.95



over 1200




up to 560


up to 0.3



up to 450




up to 1000


up to 0.9

Troops of the military air defense solve a set of tasks to repel sudden air strikes, carry out combat duty and timely build up efforts in peacetime, and in wartime, together with the Air Force and other means, cover groupings of troops and their facilities from enemy air strikes when located on the spot , when moving, with the beginning and during hostilities. This branch of service, which is based on the air defense forces of the Ground Forces, includes the air defense forces and means of the coastal troops of the Navy and the Airborne Forces.

Today, the military air defense forces are armed mainly with self-propelled air defense systems "Osa-AKM", "Strela-10" and "Buk", air defense systems S-300V and "Tor", air defense missile systems "Tunguska", as well as portable air defense systems of the "Igla" type and their modifications. A number of these weapons have been put into service with many foreign countries and have proven their effectiveness in combat operations.

The main characteristics of air defense systems and air defense systems of military air defense troops

















D hit, km

H hit., km

V targets, m/s

R defeat. myself.

R defeat. BR

R defeat. KR



up to 500





up to 415





up to 830



up to 100


up to 3000






up to 700





up to 500





up to 400



At international exhibitions of modern weapons, domestic air defense systems and air defense systems of military air defense have repeatedly demonstrated their high performance and confidently compete with foreign weapons, and such as the Tor-M1 air defense system and the Buk-M1 air defense system have no analogues in the world. A further increase in the combat potential of the military air defense is planned to be carried out by equipping it with new anti-aircraft systems.

Medium-range is an air defense system of the army (corps) level. Modernization and transfer to a modern element base increased the range (from 32 to 45 km), height (from 22 to 25 km) and speed (from 830 to 1100 m / s) of the targets hit. At the same time, the number of target channels in the anti-aircraft division increased from 6 to 24.

SAM "Buk-M3"- further development of the complex and can be put into service in 2009 as a single complex of military air defense of the army level. New technologies and developments are used to effectively counter possible threats from the air in the next 12-15 years. The Buk-M3 is expected to be capable of hitting air targets operating at speeds up to 3,000 m/s at ranges of 2.5-70 km and altitudes of 0.015-35 km. The anti-aircraft division will have 36 target channels.

A short-range divisional level, with the size of the kill zone, fire performance and ammunition load 2 times higher than those of the Tor and Tor-M1 air defense systems, may enter service in 2008. The characteristics of the new air defense system, presumably, will ensure the defeat of targets, incl. and aviation WTO operating at speeds up to 900 m/s at a distance of 1-20 km and altitudes of 0.01-10 km. One combat vehicle can simultaneously fire up to 4 targets.

In 2008, it is planned to adopt a self-propelled ("Ledum rosemary") and a portable ("Verba") short-range air defense system of the regimental level.

SAM "Ledum"will go to replace the Strela-10 air defense system. Its missile with a laser guidance system will be capable, presumably, of hitting targets operating at speeds up to 700 m/s in the range of ranges and altitudes of 1-10 km and 0.01-5 km, respectively.

MANPADS "Verba", whose missile is equipped with a 3-band optical homing head on the target, should replace its predecessors such as Strela-2 and Igla MANPADS of all modifications. In contrast, the indicators of the new complex in terms of range (0.5-6.4 km), altitude (0.01-4.5 km) and speed (up to 500 m / s) are increased by 20%, 30% and 20% respectively. The reaction time of MANPADS does not exceed 8 s, and the mass of the warhead is increased by 20% and amounts to 1.5 kg.

In order to increase combat capabilities and extend the service life, the existing military air defense systems, as well as the air defense systems of the Air Force, are being modernized.

So, as a result of a complex of works for 12-15 years, the service life of more than 450 BM can be extended. "Osa-AKM" 1976-1986 release, one of the most massive military complex. At the same time, its noise immunity will be increased and the process of combat work will be automated. It is planned that about 100 modernized BM "Osa-AKM" can enter the troops in 2009.

It should be noted that a large modernization potential is a characteristic feature of all domestic air defense systems and air defense systems and is of considerable interest from foreign owners and potential buyers of our air defense systems.

Shipborne air defense systems, as a rule, unified with ground-based air defense systems and missile air defense systems, can also be involved in combating an air enemy in coastal areas."Osa-M"





D hit, km

H hit., km

V targets, m/s

R defeat. myself.

Ground analogue



up to 600





up to 830

up to 0.8




up to 1300





up to 700




up to 500



The reform of the RF Armed Forces to a certain extent had a negative impact on the state of the air defense system as a whole.

Thus, the number of assets capable of covering objects of special importance with the required efficiency has noticeably decreased in the composition of the Air Force ZRV. This shortcoming is supposed to be eliminated by accelerated re-equipment with new equipment, modernization of the S-300PM with the aim of using it to combat non-strategic ballistic missiles, transferring military air defense formations equipped with S-300V air defense systems to the ZRV.

To maintain the combat potential of military air defense, the existing army (corps), divisional and regimental sets of air defense systems should be preserved with active re-equipment with new equipment and improvement of the organizational structure. The presence in their composition of means of various ranges will ensure the creation of a layered air defense system of troops capable of combating modern types of air targets, incl. OTP, TR and aviation precision weapons.

Thus, in the context of a continuous increase in the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the air defense systems, a similar approach should be taken to the means of combating them, considering the presence of an air defense system as one of the main factors in the combat capability of the state, ensuring its national independence.

Since the mid 50s. 20th century Until now, the basis of the air defense of our state is anti-aircraft missile systems (SAM) and complexes (SAM), created in domestic design organizations of OAO NPO Almaz named after. academician A.A. Raspletin, OJSC NIEMI, OJSC MNIIRE Altair and OJSC NIIP im. Academician V.V. Tikhomirov. In 2002, all of them became part of the Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern. And in 2010, in order to combine the scientific and production potential of developing enterprises and reduce the cost of creating anti-aircraft missile systems through the use of unified design and technical solutions based on the Almaz, NIEMI, Altair, MNIIPA and " NIIRP" JSC "Head System Design Bureau of the Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern" was established. Academician A.A. Raspletin (JSC GSKB Almaz-Antey).

At present, the Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern is one of the leading corporations in the world in the field of creating anti-aircraft missile systems for air defense and anti-missile defense.

The main task that the air defense forces and military air defense solve is the defense of administrative and political centers, national economic and military facilities, as well as troops in places of permanent deployment and on the march.

Air defense systems and air defense systems of the first and second generations could effectively combat aircraft and had limited combat capabilities to defeat high-speed and small-sized unmanned attack vehicles. The representative of the third generation air defense system is the family of mobile multi-channel air defense systems of the S-300 type.

For the Air Defense Forces of the country, a mobile, multi-channel medium-range anti-aircraft missile system S-300P was created, capable of hitting modern and advanced air attack weapons at all altitudes. The requirements for the implementation of long-term round-the-clock duty by combat crews at workplaces led to the creation of combat cabins with the necessary overall dimensions, placed on a wheeled chassis. The ground forces put forward as the main requirement to ensure high cross-country ability of the air defense system and to place the system on a tracked chassis for this purpose, which required the use of design solutions that provide a special layout of electronic equipment.

In the early 1990s the creation of a deeply modernized system of the S-300P type - S-300PMU1 air defense system was completed. It is capable of repelling massive strikes from both modern and advanced air attack weapons, including those manufactured using stealth technology, in the entire range of their combat use and in the presence of intense active and passive interference. The main means of this system are also used to build the air defense system of the ships of the Navy. The system was delivered to a number of foreign countries.

In recent years, the most advanced modification of the air defense system of this series has been created and is being mass-produced - the air defense system "Favorite" as part of 83M6E2 controls and S-300PMU2 air defense systems. The air defense system S-300PMU2 ("Favorite") includes:

83M6E2 controls, consisting of: 54K6E2 unified command and control center, 64N6E2 detection radar, a set of single spare equipment (ZIP-1);

Up to 6 S-300PMU2 air defense systems, each as part of the 30N6E2 on-load tap-changer, up to 12 launchers (PU) 5P85SE2, 5P85TE2 with the ability to place four SAMs of the 48N6E2, 48N6E type on each;

Anti-aircraft guided missiles (hardware and software construction of the S-300PMU2 air defense system allows the use of missiles of the 48N6E2, 48N6E type);

Means of technical support of the system, means of technical operation and storage of missiles 82Ts6E2;

A set of group spare property (SPTA-2).

The Favorit system may include repeaters 15YA6ME for telecode and voice communications to ensure territorial separation (up to 90 km) of the command post of the system and anti-aircraft missile systems (up to two repeaters for each direction).

All combat assets of the system are placed on self-propelled off-road wheeled chassis, have built-in autonomous power supply, communications and life support systems. To ensure long-term continuous operation of the system means, the possibility of power supply from external power supply means is provided. It is planned to use the system facilities in special engineering shelters with the removal of the on-load tap-changer, PBU, SART from the self-propelled chassis. At the same time, it is possible to install an OLTC antenna post on a 40V6M type tower and install a SRS antenna post on a 8142KM type tower.

As a result of the modernization, the Favorit air defense system, in comparison with the S-300PMU1 and SU 83M6E air defense systems, has the following improved characteristics:

Increased far boundary of the limiting zone of destruction of aerodynamic targets on head-on and overtaking courses up to 200 km against 150 km;

The approximate near boundary of the zone of destruction of aerodynamic targets is up to 3 km versus 5 km;

Increased effectiveness of the destruction of ballistic missiles, including OTBR with a launch range of up to 1000 km, with the provision of undermining the combat charge of ballistic missiles on the flight path;

Increased probability of hitting aerodynamic targets;

Increased noise immunity from active cover noise interference;

Improved performance and ergonomics.

The implementation of new technical solutions is ensured by the following modifications of the S-300PMU1 system and 83M6E controls to the level of the characteristics of the Favorit air defense system:

Introduction of a new ZUR 48N6E2 with modified combat equipment;

Entering a new high-performance computing complex "Elbrus-90 micro" into the hardware container;

Introduction into the hardware container of new jobs for the commander and launch operator, made on a modern element base;

Modernization of the digital phase computer (DPC), which ensures the implementation of a new algorithm with independent control of the orientation of the beams of compensation antennas;

Use of a new input low-noise microwave amplifier in the on-load tap-changer;

Introduction into the on-load tap changer of new highly reliable communication equipment and the Orientir navigation complex, which uses satellite and odometer channels, as well as radio navigation information;

Refinement of the equipment of the antenna post and launchers, ensuring the implementation of the above measures and increasing the reliability of its operation.

Improvements to SU 83M6E:

Introduction to the control system of the newly developed unified combat control center (PBU) 54K6E2, unified in terms of equipment composition with the PBU 55K6E ZRS S-400 "Triumph" and made on the basis of the URAL-532361 chassis. PBU 54K6E2 was created by entering:

VK "Elbrus-90 micro" with software (SW), including software for control of SART 64N6E2;

Unified workplaces with the use of modern computers and liquid crystal matrices;

Upgraded telecode communication equipment with the ability to transmit voice information;

Radio relay station mm-range "Luch-M48" to provide radio communication between the PBU and SART;

Data transmission equipment 93Ya6-05 for communication with SRS, VKP and external sources of radar information.

The Favorit system is easily integrated into various air defense systems. The dimensions of the area of ​​defense of the Favorit air defense system from attacks by various air attack weapons are determined by the corresponding characteristics of the S-300PMU2 air defense systems, the number of air defense systems in the Favorit air defense system and their mutual location on the ground.

Introduced in the late 1980s new classes of aerospace attack weapons and the increase in the combat capabilities and quantitative composition of the SVNK, which are in service, has led to the need to develop a new generation (“4+”) of more advanced universal and unified anti-aircraft missile weapons - mobile long-range and medium-range air defense systems 40Р6Е "Triumph" for the effective solution of the tasks of the aerospace defense of our state at the beginning of the XXI century.

The new quality characteristics of the 40P6E "Triumph" air defense system are:

Solving the tasks of non-strategic missile defense, including the fight against medium-range ballistic missiles;

High security against all types of interference, recognition of false targets;

Using the basic-modular principle of construction;

Information interface with the main types of existing and developed sources of information;

Integration into existing and future control systems for air defense groupings of the Air Force, military air defense and anti-aircraft missile systems of the Navy.

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 28, 2007, the 40R6 Triumph system was adopted by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The first serial sample of the air defense system was put on combat duty on August 6, 2007. The air defense system 40R6 "Triumph" is being created in various versions (modifications).

The composition of the air defense system "Triumph" includes:

30K6E controls, consisting of: combat control center (PBU) 55K6E, radar complex (RLK) 91N6E;

Up to six anti-aircraft missile systems 98Zh6E, each consisting of: multifunctional radar (MRLS) 92N6E, up to 12 launchers of the 5P85SE2, 5P85TE2 types with the possibility of placing four SAMs of the 48N6EZ, 48N6E2 type on each;

Ammunition for anti-aircraft guided missiles (hardware and software construction of the 98Zh6E air defense system allows the use of missiles of the 48N6EZ, 48N6E2 type);

The complex of means of technical support of the 30Ts6E system, the means of technical operation and storage of missiles 82Ts6ME2.

All combat air defense systems are placed on self-propelled wheeled off-road chassis, have built-in autonomous power supply, orientation and geolocation, communications and life support systems. To ensure long-term continuous operation of the system means, the possibility of power supply from external power supply means is provided. The use of air defense systems in special engineering shelters is envisaged with the removal of hardware containers for MRLS, PBU, RLC from self-propelled chassis. The main type of communication between the means of the system is radio communication; communication is provided via wired and standard telephone communication channels.

The system may include repeaters of telecode and voice communication to ensure the territorial separation of PBU 55K6E and SAM 98ZH6E at distances up to 100 km, as well as portable towers of the 40V6M (MD) type for raising the antenna post of the MRLS 92N6E to a height of 25 (38) m when conducting combat operations in wooded and rough terrain.

The size of the defense area of ​​the S-400E "Triumph" air defense system from attacks by various air attack weapons is determined by the corresponding characteristics of the zones of destruction of the air defense system, the number of air defense systems in the composition of the air defense system and their mutual location on the ground.

The advantages of the export version of the S-400E "Triumph" air defense system in comparison with the S-300PMU1 / -2 air defense system are as follows:

The class of hit targets has been expanded to flight speeds of 4800 m/s (medium-range ballistic missiles with a flight range of up to 3000-3500 km);

Increased impact zones of small targets and targets such as "stealth", due to the increase in the energy potential of the RLC 91N6E and MRLS 92N6E;

The noise immunity of the system has been significantly increased through the introduction of new means of noise protection;

The reliability of the hardware and software complex has been significantly increased, the volume and power consumption of the system's resources have been reduced through the use of more advanced radio-electronic equipment and element base, new equipment for autonomous power supply, and new vehicles.

The main performance characteristics of the S-400 "Triumph" air defense system

At the end of XX - beginning of XXI centuries. new trends in the development of means of aerospace attack appeared:

The mastering by "third" countries of technologies for the creation of rocket weapons, ballistic missiles with a range of more than 2000 km have appeared in service with a number of countries;

Development of unmanned reconnaissance and weapon delivery vehicles with a wide range of flight times and ranges;

Creation of hypersonic aircraft and cruise missiles;

Increasing the combat capabilities of jamming equipment.

In addition, during this period, our state carried out the reform of the Armed Forces, one of the directions of which was the reduction in the number of personnel of the branches and branches of the armed forces.

Parrying the emerging threats required in the current political and economic conditions to solve the problems of reducing the costs of developing, manufacturing and operating weapons in the process of creating modern air defense systems, such as:

1. Reducing the type of air defense and missile defense information and fire weapons, including interceptor missiles and launchers, while increasing their combat capabilities to detect and destroy new types and classes of air defense systems.

2. Increasing the potential of radar facilities while maintaining their mobility or redeployability.

3. Ensuring high throughput and noise immunity of communication and data transmission systems when implementing the principles of their network construction.

4. Increasing the technical resource and time between failures of air defense and missile defense systems in the absence of full-scale serial production of electrical and radio products (ERI).

5. Reducing the number of service personnel.

The analysis of scientific and technical groundwork has shown that the solution of the tasks of creating a new generation of air defense-missile defense anti-aircraft missiles, taking into account overcoming the above problems, should be based on the design of block-modular information and fire systems with an open architecture, using unified hardware components in their composition. (this approach is used by international cooperation of developers and manufacturers of weapons and military equipment). At the same time, the comprehensive unification of newly created weapons systems, as well as the use of unified hardware and software functionally complete devices for the modernization of weapons and military equipment operated by the troops, ensures a reduction in budget allocations and an increase in the competitiveness of promising air defense and missile defense systems in the foreign market.

In 2007, design work was launched a promising unified air defense missile defense system of the fifth generation (EU ZRO), the creation of which should ensure the effective defense of our state facilities from attacks by promising air defense systems while reducing the range of anti-aircraft missile weapons being developed, increasing the interspecific unification of combat weapons, reducing the cost of equipping troops and fleet forces with air defense systems and their maintenance, as well as reducing the required number of personnel.

The creation of a promising fifth-generation EU DRO is carried out on the basis of the following principles:

To reduce the cost of developing and equipping troops with advanced air defense systems, the concept of the basic-modular principle of constructing the EU air defense system is being implemented, which makes it possible, with a minimum type (basic set) of the means (modules) included in it, to equip air defense formations of various purposes and types;

High efficiency and combat stability of air defense systems in the conditions of predictable fire and electronic suppression due to the possibility of operational reconfiguration depending on the evolving operational-tactical situation, as well as providing maneuver with fire and information resources;

The multifunctionality of the EU ZRO, which consists in the ability to deal with various types of targets - aerodynamic (including those located behind the radio horizon line), aeroballistic, ballistic. At the same time, not only the defeat by fire weapons is ensured, but also a decrease in the effectiveness of their impact by the use of appropriate weapons from the unified defense system from the EU ZRO;

Interspecific and intrasystem unification, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the range of developed anti-aircraft missile weapons and consists in the use of the same means (modules) from the EU ADRO in the air defense systems of the Air Force, military air defense and the Navy. The required type of chassis for the means of the system is determined based on the physical and geographical features of the area of ​​​​possible use, the development of the road network and other factors;

implementation of the specifics of the use of anti-aircraft missiles on surface ships of the Navy (rolling, exposure to sea waves, increased requirements for explosion and fire safety, a complex system for storing and loading missiles, etc.), requiring the development of EU anti-aircraft defense systems for the Navy in a special design (at the same time, the level of unification means of air defense systems should be at least 80 - 90% and be provided through the use of unified standard elements and devices of hardware and software and air defense systems of the EU air defense system, complete unification of missiles, communications equipment and other elements);

Mobility, which makes it possible for units and subunits equipped with the means of the EU ZRO to conduct maneuverable combat operations without loss of communication and control, to deploy in battle formation from the march to unprepared positions and bring them to combat readiness without laying cable communication lines and power supply;

The network structure of the construction of the control system of the EU ZRO, which ensures the receipt of information from various sources and the exchange of data between the consumers of the system, as well as the timely issuance of target designations for the necessary means of destruction and countermeasures in real time; integration of the EU ZRO with electronic warfare systems, aviation air defense systems;

High operational reliability throughout the life of the system;

High competitiveness in the world market and high export potential.

In addition, when creating command and control means of the EU ADAM in the software and hardware systems of these tools, the possibility of controlling and information support of air defense systems and air defense systems of early developments is laid, which in the conditions of the phased rearmament of air defense groups on air defense systems and air defense systems of the EU ADAM will ensure the preservation of the combat capabilities of such groups, as well as the adaptation of the means of the EU ZRO to the existing structure of any air defense zone (region) (VKO) without prior organizational and technical preparation.

The following new technical solutions and technologies are being implemented during the creation of the fifth-generation EU ZRO air defense-missile defense system:

The use of active phased arrays in air defense radars;

Unification of the components of the system (receiving and transmitting modules, signal processing devices, computers, workplaces, chassis);

Automation of the processes of combat work, functional control and troubleshooting;

Use of built-in electronic intelligence channels;

Application of base-correlation methods for determining the coordinates of active jammers;

Creation of missiles with inertial-active trajectory guidance and high-precision gas-dynamic control in the final section of the trajectory, equipped with an active-semi-active seeker (for hitting priority targets at medium and long ranges) or optoelectronic seeker (for intercepting ballistic missiles at high altitudes).

All of the above systems, their further modifications and air defense systems (ADMS) of the EU ZRO PVO-PRO will form the basis of the groupings of the fire subsystem of the Russian aerospace defense system being created.

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