Born in early March zodiac sign. March. Zodiac sign according to different horoscopes. Pisces: the zodiac sign that opens spring

People who were born in February, starting on the eighteenth, and March, up to the nineteenth, classify themselves as Pisces. The main influence on them is the planet Neptune, symbolizing the unconscious part of human thinking, therefore, those born under the constellation Pisces are said to have well-developed intuition and have a mystical mindset. But often Pisces suffer because of their imbalance, easily become discouraged and succumb to other people's influence. Their soul for them is at the same time a source of happiness and suffering.

Pisces are refined and subtle, unusually wise, but they do not find nearby those who understand them, therefore they often suffer from this. Pisces especially suffer if they do not find understanding with loved ones, in such cases they are able to hate their loved ones, including themselves. Representatives of the Pisces sign are prone to illusions and fictions, unusual dreams and dreams. They remain a mystery to other people, they constantly get into some strange stories, they are able to bring anyone and themselves, first of all, to a nervous breakdown.
They are very suspicious and like to find signs of various diseases in themselves, but in fact, unfortunately, Pisces cannot boast of good health. They often have varicose veins, schizophrenia, colds. Therefore, despite the name of their sign, it is better for them to live in a dry climate, avoiding dampness and high humidity.
Pisces are prone to mysticism and the occult sciences, are fond of astrology, yoga, palmistry.
Those born under the sign of Pisces often cannot solve even a simple problem on their own. They love to suffer and sacrifice themselves. Humble and vulnerable. They take on a lot of things, but do not bring them to the end.
- Pisces zodiac sign - Zodiac sign Aries

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Pisces women can be devoted and faithful wives and fatal women at the same time. Pisces women dream of a strong protector nearby and do not hide it, they strive to emphasize their vulnerability and vulnerability in all possible ways. Such women love children, kind and attentive, but they lack the strength of character to raise children.

Pisces men can be submissive, silent lovers and treacherous seducers. They do not differ in constancy, they often forget about the promises made, they can change their mind several times a day. From the outside, it may sometimes seem that Pisces does not need mutual love at all, but they are ready to maintain platonic relationships and friendship. If your friend is a representative of the Pisces sign, you should not expect decisive actions from him, he is ready to go with the flow, which sometimes takes the fish to the desired goal. As a rule, Pisces men owe to fortunate circumstances or their luck that they were able to succeed. Surrounding them are of little interest, however, they have many hidden enemies. Pisces men are not jealous, they will more easily give up their happiness than they will impose their society. It is very difficult for fish to start a new relationship, but they also break up painfully.
Sometimes representatives of Pisces come up with a beautiful romantic love story for themselves and live their own illusions until the harsh reality overshadows their mood. Then the saddest times come for Pisces, and they painfully experience a gap and disappointment.
There are many talented people among the representatives of the Pisces sign. As a rule, these are musicians and artists, actors and writers. They completely go into creativity, giving themselves entirely, without a trace. Pisces make excellent teachers, doctors, confessors and researchers, but there are many scammers among them.
Pisces are careless about their appearance, in creating their own image they are guided by their own tastes and fantasies. In clothes, blue, purple, gray and purple colors are considered the most suitable for them.
For Pisces, stones that bring good luck and happiness are emerald, pearl and sapphire.
Wednesday is an unlucky day for Pisces, but Monday, Thursday and Friday are favorable to them.

Pisces and Aries are two different elements, two opposites, the first and last signs of the Zodiac. We will find out what qualities are endowed with people born under the signs of Pisces and Aries.

Aries and Pisces begin and close the zodiac circle. For most of March, people are born under the zodiac sign Pisces.

Fish belong to elements Water. They are soft and flexible, do not achieve their pressure. People born under the influence of this element are dreamy and emotional. They perceive the world through the prism of their feelings, they are dreamy, romantic.

Fish are often unable to swim against the current. They accept the life that fate has prepared for them. Such people can hardly be found as directors, bosses, because power and wealth do not attract Pisces at all. However, Pisces are good friends and parents, pleasant conversationalists, gentle and kind people.

Pisces zodiac sign

March 21, which zodiac sign: Pisces or Aries?

After Pisces, people under the sign of Aries are born. Aries is the exact opposite of its predecessor.

Aries Element - Fire. In addition to Aries, this element includes Leo and Sagittarius. However, in the character of Aries, the fiery element manifests itself most clearly. Fire Children are very sexy and energetic.

However, the element does not save Aries from burns. Often they receive serious burns of fate, the reason for this is their stubbornness and selfishness.

Aries - decisive, assertive, self-confident. These people have a sharp mind, quickly delve into the essence of any issue, boldly take on any business. Aries practically do not see obstacles, do not look for detours. They go straight to their destination.

Aries zodiac sign

March: what is the zodiac sign for men?

Pisces Man

  • The Pisces man is endowed with a unique ability to understand the feelings of others. You can trust him and tell your secrets, he will not give them away
  • Often, a Pisces man achieves success in life not because he goes long and hard towards his goal, but because he is at the right time in the right place.
  • The Pisces man will never be a tyrant in the family, he is ready to give the leading position to his wife. But at the same time, he will love her, understand, protect
  • The proverb “With a sweet paradise and in a hut” is understandable to those who have connected their lives with Pisces. The Pisces husband will fill the union with emotions, kindness, warmth
  • Pisces are talented and have out-of-the-box thinking.
  • Not all Pisces are weak and driven people. If you manage to inspire your loved one to act decisively, he will succeed.
  • The Pisces man is a great father. The kids just love him. He spares no time for his children. Tries to teach children everything he knows
  • Pisces are dreamers. If you make fun of his dreams, you can assume that you have lost this man.
  • Pisces is easy to offend. They do not like to sort things out for a long time and loudly, they simply withdraw into themselves, are silent. Do not try to sort things out at this moment
  • Not vindictive at all. Forgets grievances quickly, remembers only the good
  • Take care of your relatives. Often he takes on the burden of all family members, trying to help them and alleviate their life difficulties.
  • The danger for such men is alcohol and drugs. Pisces often can't resist bad habits
  • The Pisces man is able to crush a lot of pleasure to his partner. However, he does not speak openly about his sexual desires, preferring that his partner guess herself.
  • In relationships, he appreciates stability, is attached to his wife, children, home. Family will not be exchanged for an affair on the side
  • Even if the whole world is against his beloved, the Pisces man will be there, will support
  • Men of this sign like unusual women who are different from others. Pushy and rude women will not be unequivocally liked, but romantic, but at the same time, women with rational thinking are definitely suitable

Important: The most suitable signs for a relationship with a Pisces man are: Cancer, Virgo, Taurus. A dubious union will be with Leo, Aries. Relationships with a Pisces woman are also unlikely to succeed.

Video: Zodiac sign Pisces

Aries man

  • Brave, self-confident, purposeful. He achieves success in his career due to his leadership qualities.
  • Aries is straight forward. If he doesn't like you, you will immediately feel it.
  • An attractive, interesting, versatile woman can achieve an Aries man
  • Aries does not admit his mistakes, so it is pointless to prove anything to him.
  • This man is generous and funny. Humor and a love of adventure are always with him
  • A boring and monotonous life is not about Aries. A woman must go with him in one step, otherwise he will simply run away from her.
  • An Aries partner must live in his interests, constantly praise her betrothed, approve
  • Aries are very fond of praise and compliments.
  • Aries men are very sexy. A woman's sexuality is a decisive factor for a relationship with him
  • In marriage, Aries are too demanding of their spouse. They literally dictate how to dress up, what hairstyle to have, how to behave.
  • Men of this sign can not stand leadership over themselves. In marriage, they are always the main ones. If the wife decides to compete for the championship, there will be scandals and quarrels
  • Aries is faithful to his soul mate, but she must constantly support the fire of their passion and love.
  • If Aries has decided to leave, he will not hide it. The wife is one of the first to know about her husband's new lover
  • Marriage decisions are made quickly by Aries. Each of their love seems to them strong and eternal.
  • Aries cannot stand vulnerable, weak and suspicious women. His woman should be distinguished by quickness of mind, quick wit, humor, passion for everything new.
  • With children, the Aries man can be very strict, but still the children feel support in their father.
  • In moments of failure, Aries needs support. You must be 100% on his side.
  • Aries, under the influence of their tireless nature, work too much, sleep little and may not eat properly. There should be a person nearby who would remind you that it's time to relax.

Important: Suitable signs for relationships are, Scorpio, Aquarius, Gemini. Not suitable for union - Cancer, Pisces, Virgo. Relations with an Aries woman can be bright, but fragile.

Aries man. Aries character

March: what is the zodiac sign for women?

Pisces Woman

  • A woman of this zodiac sign is one of the most dangerous rivals. Her strength lies in her weakness, and she understands this very well.
  • She will gladly give the leading position to her man, and she herself will take a place next to him.
  • She likes it when a man takes care of her like a child. Violent men are not for her
  • The Pisces woman puts her man on a pedestal. She is sure that any man can change the world. And men, in turn, like support, adoration
  • Pisces are always very feminine, wise. They are like deep and calm water. After talking with such women, it becomes calm, warm
  • Mothers from Pisces are too caring. Sometimes excessive guardianship prevents children from harmoniously developing in the future and reaching heights on their own.
  • Women of this sign are indecisive, often doubt the correctness of their decisions.
  • Ambition is almost completely absent. Pisces woman will not achieve career heights if it can cause trouble to another
  • Does not like to be imposed, it would be better to be alone
  • A Pisces woman can be a spender. But if the situation requires it, he will refuse unnecessary expenses.
  • Such women are not at all interested in politics, but their houses always smell clean and tasty.
  • Even in old age, these ladies do not lose their femininity, their movements are smooth, and their manners are pleasant.

Important: The Pisces woman is gentle, fragile and innocent. Many men dream of such a woman. The choice of the Pisces woman herself can be very unexpected. She trusts her intuition and feelings.

Pisces Woman. The nature of the zodiac sign Pisces

Aries Woman

  • Women of this zodiac sign are endowed with a masculine character.
  • They do not rely on male help. It is easier for them to provide for themselves, carry heavy bags, solve important issues than wait for help from someone
  • Aries women can be too selfish, their optimism often softens the situation.
  • Aries often occupy good positions, they are not afraid of work and love their job
  • Despite her masculine nature, the Aries woman looks attractive
  • She can do without a man for a long time, does not forgive betrayal and betrayal.
  • Such a woman should be encouraged with compliments, but not with obvious flattery.
  • If a man does not pay attention to her, she will try with all her might to achieve his love.
  • Very jealous and possessive
  • Good housewife and mother. Her children will grow up to be independent individuals.
  • The Aries woman will not let men choose her. She will choose
  • She is often contradictory: she wants to dominate relationships, but at the same time, she secretly dreams of being weak and driven.
  • A blind admirer and a man who brooks no objections, definitely not for her. She needs a partner with the same strong character as hers. But he will have to give in a little more
  • You can break the heart of an Aries woman by hurting her pride. She herself will never humiliate a man in the company of strangers.
  • If a man decides that after marriage, an Aries woman will devote herself to children, home and home, then he is greatly mistaken. This woman was born for a successful career

Important: Aries woman under the mask of a smile can hide her vulnerability. She is not vindictive, does not like to complain about life and feel sorry for herself. She despises weakness. She needs a knight who can do things for her.

Each sign of the zodiac has positive and negative qualities. Knowing them, it is easier to understand people's actions, build relationships and find the right approach to a person.

Video: Zodiac sign Aries

Classic horoscope and its features

Today, almost everyone knows what sign of the zodiac the Earth enters in March. More precisely, there are two of them: Pisces (until March 20) and Aries (from March 21). Some astrologers note that each sign of the zodiac is divided into three parts, of which the "middle" is more consistent with the characteristics of the horoscope, and the two neighboring ones are influenced by the previous and subsequent signs. Therefore, those born in the first days of March are somewhat similar to Aquarius, and after the 10-12th day - to Aries. March Aries, on the other hand, carry some part of the previous sign - they are softer than April, where this sign "rages" at full power.

How it was in ancient times

If your birth falls in March, the zodiac sign can be the most diverse, depending on one or another horoscope, of which there are a great many. For example, in the horoscope of the Druids there were their own zodiac boundaries. Each sign corresponded to a certain plant. It is assumed that once, when compiling this system, the ancient elders took into account the position of the Sun relative to the Earth, as well as long-term observations.

Einstein was born "under Lipa"?

In March, according to this horoscope, there is Willow (until March 10), Linden (until March 20) and Hazel (until March 31). Willow is considered melancholic, outwardly meek, difficult to know. She is poetic, sensitive, artistic, loves to be near the water. Lipa has a rare charm, combined with calm, practical mindset, loves technology. Easily adapts to different circumstances. "Under the Lipa" was born the great scientist A. Einstein. March ends with the zodiac sign Hazel. These people are outwardly inconspicuous, they understand everything. Personalities of contrasts and original points of view, which, however, are not imposed on anyone. Of the famous people of our time, Sophia Loren can be distinguished.

Poppy or Lily?

The month when nature wakes up from sleep is March. The zodiac sign according to the flower horoscope is represented here by Poppy (1-10 numbers), who is credited with the ability of a diplomat, love for extensive acquaintances, modesty and some uncertainty. Next comes Lily (until the 20th). These "flowers" know what they want and almost always achieve their goals. They are secretive and carefully keep from others what is really important to them. At the end of the month, Digitalis appears in the horoscope. The horoscope assigns good thinking, inner strength, distrust, love for a wide field of activity to this flower.

Old Russian horoscope

For those whose birth fell in February-March, the sign of the Zodiac according to the old Russian horoscope is under the auspices of either Stribog-Kryshen (Aquarius), or Rod (Pisces), or Yarila (Aries). February in the old days was a month with severe frosts, so people believed that they were saved by Kryshen, who was also the bearer of knowledge and thought. The current Pisces are under the sign of the Family - the creator of the Universe. Thanks to him, these people feel their involvement in everything that happens, have developed intuition and the ability to understand the psychology of the unconscious. Yarilo is a person with an open, strong character, temperament, a good owner, a leader.

What do the Indians think about this?

Almost every culture has created some kind of astrological division by month, including March. The sign of the zodiac according to the horoscope of the Indians in this period begins with the Wolf (corresponding to Pisces). He is considered very insightful, receptive and active. Such people gravitate towards peace of mind and material achievements. The end of March is set aside for Sokol, who is a courageous, stubborn man who weighs his strength.

Zodiac signs play a very important role in human life. It is they that allow you to determine the character, temperament, element of a person, the level of his similarity with his sign and a lot of other things. The sign of the zodiac is determined by the day, month of birth of a single person. In this article, we will tell you about what secrets people born in the first spring month hide in themselves.

Astrologer's advice: The level and type of education of a person is always reflected in the possibility of manifestation of certain qualities. The upbringing of a person also contributes to the characterization of many properties of behavior.

Basic march zodiac sign it's fish. It is to this sign that people who were born from February 21 to March 20 belong.

People born under the sign of Pisces have a well-developed instinct, they have a clear idea of ​​​​how to act in a given situation in order to ultimately not only win, but also suffer the least losses. These are extremely romantic, hardworking, impressionable and gentle people. Communication with them is a great pleasure.

Pisces quickly find a common language with any interlocutor. They are the soul of any company. The most important aspect in their life is not material, but spiritual benefits. Everything material for them is in second place. Friends, family - that's what comes first in the life of fish. They always put the interests, preferences, needs of their friends and relatives above their own.

However, as you know, nothing is perfect in this life. Any advantages always hide certain disadvantages.

Astrologer's advice: Keep in mind that for a detailed description, it is necessary to correct the information taking into account the place of birth, date and time. Refined data will help you better understand yourself or understand other people.

The main disadvantage of fish is high sensitivity, irascibility. They tend to take literally every word with hostility. However, the hurt doesn't last long. Their straightforwardness, the habit of telling the truth in person often brings pain to people. Another disadvantage of fish is excessive curiosity. They care about almost everything, even things that have nothing to do with them.

Astrologer's advice: We suggest you look at horoscopes for a month, a year for all signs of the zodiac. Astro forecast will allow you to make favorable decisions on many issues. Curious and helpful. Go to section.

However, fish are not alone who were born in the first month of spring. So what else march zodiac sign?

Aries are independent, stubborn, ambitious, independent, extremely energetic people. On the way to their goal, nothing will stop them. They will overcome the most difficult obstacles, they will move mountains, but they will achieve their goal. They don't like loneliness very much. Communication is one of the main components of their life. They easily meet new people, can find a common language with any person.

Astrologer's advice: To understand more deeply and more correctly understand the nature and properties of the zodiac sign. It is advisable to consider it from different angles and this section will help you -.

Career is the main thing in the life of Aries, their determination, perseverance and hard work help them achieve great success in almost any business. They can successfully work in any direction.

In the dictionary of rams there are no words draw, concession, compromise, all this is absolutely unacceptable for them. The truth should be only on their side, there is no other way. In addition, Aries are aggressive, restless, and not very organized. For them, their own desires and interests always come first.

In terms of love, Aries are extremely controversial. It may seem to you that they are in love with you, but in reality this is far from the case. The only person who is march zodiac sign how Aries truly loves - it is he himself. Here they are the most real egoists. However, Aries do not skimp on the manifestation of their feelings. They are very fond of romance, flirting. They are very passionate lovers.

Astrologer's advice: The characteristic of the zodiac sign can be much more specific if we consider the year of birth and the category of the Chinese calendar will help in this. Go to the corresponding page -.

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Developed imagination, dreams and castles in the air are the natural state of people born on March 14th. Artistic taste, a penchant for creativity and artistry make them attractive to the opposite sex. But love for solitude, inner work, reflections push them to a contemplative lifestyle. To understand everyone and everyone is a rare gift that the elect are endowed with. Along with this, a sense of humor, gaiety, friendliness - so what are they, people born on March 14?

What is the sign of the zodiac?

For each sign of the zodiac, the boundaries of their dominance are determined. Which constellation rules on March 14th? The zodiac sign Pisces comes into effect from February 18-19 and ends on March 20-21. The main feature of this constellation is dreaminess. The symbol of the sign is two fish swimming in different directions. A certain amount of illogicality, the lack of clear means such a symbol.

The zodiac rules on the day of March 14. The element of water gives flexibility, softness to the character. Ability to adapt to people and circumstances.

Congenital delicacy will help to make friends, useful acquaintances. She will not allow sudden, spontaneous conflicts.

Free, elusive Pisces is always in search of an unknown truth. It doesn't matter that every day is different. Truth for Pisces changes with mood, new impression. Therefore, the sign is so contradictory, not always clear to other people.

Characteristics of the Pisces sign

People born under the sign of Pisces have little idea of ​​the will. It is easy to impose any concepts and beliefs on them. They absorb other people's ideas about life, which is why they are so changeable. Bold today, capricious tomorrow, Pisces are always on a spiritual quest.

Patient, charming, they can not stand quarrels. And they prefer to remain silent than to engage in conflict. However, if Pisces is pissed off, their destructive power is capable of demolishing everything to the ground. After calming down, they again turn into friendly, calm people with a good sense of humor.

Pisces are good friends, ready to help, sacrifice themselves. They know how to calm, listen, encourage. They differ in creative abilities, which cannot always be realized in the profession. But, succumbing to inspiration, they are capable of a masterpiece.

March 14

People born on this day are under the influence of Mars. The warlike planet gives active energy to its wards. This is physical endurance, and perseverance, and innate enterprise. Mars governs the will to win, the ability to turn dreams into reality. Therefore, people born on March 14 can be cocky, reckless. Leadership qualities, a penchant for adventurism will give them an interesting, exciting life.

What else will the day of March 14 offer? The sign of the zodiac will bring philosophical contemplation to physical activity. The ability to analyze and reflect will add to these people an understanding of the depths of the human soul. Changeable, fickle, they easily change one point of view to another. A minimum of principles creates an aura of mystery. It is difficult to understand such people, they are too elusive in their thoughts, feelings, affections.


Difficult, multifaceted natures are born on March 14th. This day gives various talents. Deep spirituality, physical endurance, analytical mind - all this is covered with soft charm or bright charisma.

Pisces has the best compatibility with representatives of the water element. Cancers, Scorpios understand each other's hidden essence. They intuitively grasp the commonality of fantasies, the absence of official logic. Their sensuality, rich inner life will make such a union harmonious.

The attractive appearance of Pisces can make them friends with Taurus, Leo, Capricorn. Sympathy, good professional relations are possible. However, they will not understand the throwing of Pisces.

Unfortunate compatibility with Aries, Virgo, Sagittarius, Libra. Principle, criticality, violent emotionality will repel the elusive Pisces from these signs.

Moon calendar

according to the lunar calendar, it falls on the period of the waning moon. This is an unfavorable time to start new business. But to continue the old ones is quite possible. To redo or correct something in already begun cases is the time for analysis, revision of one's beliefs.

The time for general cleaning is March 14th. The lunar day (according to the 24th account) means that, along with dirt and dust, everything unnecessary, negative will leave the apartment.

You should also take care of your body. Do not overload it with fatty, fried foods. Devote a day to a small diet. Drink more water, vegetable broths. Slags and toxins will instantly leave the body.

Aggressive activity is carried. On this day, you should pay attention to your emotions, not succumb to anger. Household chores, diligence should distract yourself from the manifestations of negative energy.

Communication with Pisces

Love for cleanliness, order in the house, frugality gives Pisces the zodiac. March 14 is an amazing day that gives intuition, daydreaming, being different from others. The ability to experience other people's feelings as their own makes these people so diverse. Those born on March 14 are able to understand and realize the thoughts, feelings, actions of others. That is why Pisces is so changeable. They are able to take the place of another person, feel his inner world, understand his fears.

Delicacy, tact, a tendency to compromise will give Pisces many friends, close acquaintances. The openness, cheerfulness of those born on March 14 is striking and captivating.

The tendency to idealize their loved ones can cause Pisces to hold on to an unworthy person for a long time. They can for shortcomings, forgive unseemly deeds. But when the realization comes that the partner does not value their feelings, then a violent explosion is possible that will interrupt the relationship. The fury of Pisces can be terrible. Especially in contrast to their softness and tact.

Those born on March 14 see the individuality, the uniqueness of each person. They try to value relationships. Inner instinct protects them from dishonest, low people. Pisces, gifted with many talents, generously distributes the energy of well-being and happiness.

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