Sak yant for health. Sak Yant - The meaning of magical tattoo symbols - Where to get it done? Places for tattooing Sak Yant

  • Transfer from any hotel in Pattaya and back (individually or in a group - depending on the option you ordered)
  • The work of a professional Russian guide-interpreter
  • Making an appointment with Adjan
  • Insurance
  • Ajahn offering - for each case individually
  • Payment for Sak Yant - from 1500 ... 2000 to 25000 Baht depending on the size of the tattoo and some other points
  • Copy of international passport
  • dress modestly
  • Offering money

What is a Sak Yant tattoo

Sak Yant is a magical tattoo of a special sacredness, which is done mostly in the territory of the Kingdom of Thailand. Similar sacred tattoos can be seen in many, many Thais, for sure everyone who has ever rested in the Land of Smiles has paid attention to this fact. People believe these tattoos that they will help in troubles and misfortunes, diseases, they can protect them from injuries and enemies. Tourists coming to Thailand are also interested in the sacred tattoos of Sak Yant and many would like to go through this ceremony. After all, such a tattoo can bring happiness and wealth to the one who wears it. Especially the popularity of Sak Yant grew after the tattoo of a magical nature was seen on Angelina Jolie. The famous actress decided to make herself Sak Yant in order to attract more luck into her life. After all, would you still like to become happy and successful in all your affairs and undertakings? Of course yes! But everything is not so simple, because in the case of applying a tattoo "at random" or by an inept ajan master, one can attract not so much happiness as problems and troubles.

Sak Yant is translated from Thai into Russian: "Sak" means "stuffing" or "tattoo", "Yant" - "holy", "sacred". The miraculous prayers read when applying a tattoo are called "Kata", or in a more understandable language - mantras. This is a very ancient custom and each of the masters has his own secrets, his own methods of drawing a picture and its conspiracy. These secrets are passed down from the master to his disciples.

Surely you have noticed that there are several types of magical Sak Yant tattoos. They can be black, red, but there are also transparent Sak Yant tattoos. As a rule, everyone chooses the black color of the tattoo, red Sak Yants are much less common. Transparent tattoos are applied with oil. They are made as a rule to children and civil servants in the case when they are forbidden by their position to have tattoos visible to the eye on their bodies. But a transparent tattoo is just not visible to other people, only the carrier knows about its existence. But its strength is preserved, and in this sense, the transparent Sak Yant is in no way inferior to black and red. According to some reports, a transparent Sak Yant tattoo is stronger than its colored varieties.

If you decide to make a magical tattoo on your body, then keep in mind that Sak Yant is not just some kind of abstract pattern on the body, it is actually endowed with magical powers. Therefore, think ten times before doing it: do you really need it? Indeed, unlike the usual tattoos, Sak Yant has the ability to turn fate in a diametrically opposite direction. So - good ... or bad.

Only among real Thai monks are there true masters of Sak Yant who can make a truly magical drawing with sacred symbols. In addition to tattooing, the monk reads Buddhist prayers and special formulas that are designed to bestow blessings. Many offer to get a Sak Yant tattoo for a ridiculous fee, but this will only be a semblance and the pattern will have absolutely no meaning. It will not become a talisman and protection, but will only be a picture on the body, which absolutely any master of a tattoo parlor can make.

All masters speak Thai. For many, this is one of the biggest difficulties on the way to fulfilling the idea of ​​​​acquiring a magical Sak Yant tattoo. After all, in addition to the process of applying the pattern, the monk will also give some mandatory recommendations that must be followed in order for the tattoo to give a result and, by the way, the result is correct, positive. You need to know the Thai language, or use the services of an interpreter. When ordering a service from us - the accompaniment of a guide-interpreter will be included in the price.

How to apply a Sak Yant tattoo

Before proceeding directly to the magical ritual, you should discuss with Ajan what the tattoo will mean, tell him the necessary details from your past life, as well as your aspirations and plans for the future. Then the master will be able to choose a pattern specifically for you. As you can see, in such a case, an individual approach is needed. It is necessary to be as open as possible in communicating with the master and not try to hide even the smallest details, otherwise the tattoo may not work for you or will not be effective at full strength.

For example, Master Koba (who in turn was taught by the famous Luang Pu Nai) who works in Ayutthaya has several albums with basic Sak Yant variants. And also with the amount of the donation after their application. Ajahn can point to the version of the tattoo that he considers the most suitable in your case. And if suddenly he becomes categorically against the drawing you personally liked, then there is no need to object. Here it is better to listen to the opinion of the master and stop at something more suitable.

From ancient times to the present, the technology of applying Sak Yant has undergone few changes, since several dozen generations of masters passed on to each other and tried to preserve the established rules and traditions. The tattoo is stuffed with a bamboo or steel stick. Contrary to popular belief, these sticks are not disposable because each tattoo tool is unique. Before the very first use, special prayers in Sanskrit are said over it - a kind of consecration. Before the ritual, the instruments are treated with alcohol, and other methods of disinfection are not used here.

How long does it take to apply a magical Sak Yant tattoo? It entirely depends on the complexity of its design and the size of the tattoo, it ranges from 20 minutes to several hours. The procedure for applying a tattoo is certainly palpable, but it should hardly be recognized as really painful. At least you can endure it without clenching your teeth and not presenting yourself as a partisan during interrogation by the Gestapo. So forty-degree anesthesia is not required)))

In the end, when the work itself is ready, the master will give advice. He usually asks to fulfill basic commandments, such as: do not kill, do not steal, do not lie and do not commit adultery. These are the rules that play an important role for every Buddhist. If the bearer of magical tattoos does not fulfill the commandments, then Sak Yant will not act. Also, ajahn may ask for compliance with some additional requirements, which even sometimes seem strange or intuitive. However, do this with all seriousness.

How much does it cost to get a Sak Yant tattoo

It is possible to organize a trip to Ajahn Kobu and Ohu in Ayutthaya. During the trip you will be accompanied by a Russian guide-interpreter. The cost of the service is calculated for the entire group (per car). There are also group trips, but then you will be tied to certain days and times of departure. Below are the rates for a private trip.

Man in a group Price per group, baht Will come out of each (for reference)
1-4 people 7000 From 1750
5-12 people 10000 From 850

This includes an individual transfer, an appointment with Ajan and the services of a professional Russian guide-interpreter.

Sak Yant (Sak Yant) in Thai สัก - sak (stuff) ยันต์ - yant (yantra). Yantra is a Sanskrit word that comes from the Vedic culture, literally meaning "that which limits", "tool", "amulet", "mechanism". Sak Yant is an ancient tradition of ritual tattoos that endow their wearer with special mystical powers.

History of Sak Yant

The first mentions of Sak Yant are present in ancient Chinese chronicles and date back to the first century BC. e. Yantras were stuffed in the territory of southwestern China and northeastern Vietnam. In the annals there are references to historical facts, when warriors applied yantras to their clothes to protect them from weapon blows. Over time, the tradition has been transformed, absorbing the attributes of Brahmanism and Buddhism. Today, Sak Yant is distributed throughout Southeast Asia, as far as Indonesia and the Philippine Islands.

Sak Yant is a pattern consisting of mantras (Thai - kata) in the Pali language. Pali is the language of northern India, the birthplace of Buddha, in which the entire canon of the most ancient Buddhist school, Theravada, is composed. The Pali language does not have its own script, so the letters of the Khmer alphabet are used.

The patterns are folded into geometric shapes that have different meanings. Basically, the meaning of Sak Yant is some material goals, for example, it is protection from enemies, strikes with weapons and attracting good luck and wealth. But an ordinary drawing cannot have mystical power. This is what distinguishes a real Sak Yant from a simple tattoo done in a salon.

Meaning and Meaning of Sak Yant Tattoos

Sak Yant can only be done by Buddhist monks initiated into this tradition or Reisi (Rishis are sages in Sanskrit). The place where Sak Yant is made is called Samnak Sak Yant. As a rule, this is a Buddhist temple. Reisi, who has a high level of moral purity, is able to transmit power through Sak Yant. To activate the magical power of the yantra, the monk reads the kata (mantra), thereby filling the image with the power of prayer. For a yantra to work, its owner must adhere to the five Buddhist limiting principles:

  • truthfulness (not to lie)
  • non-violence (not to kill)
  • not appropriation of someone else's (do not steal)
  • do not commit adultery
  • do not take alcohol and drugs

Real Sak Yant can only be done by men, as a monk cannot touch a woman. In addition, women are forbidden to enter many of the most sacred places and temples in Thailand.

Sak Yant for women

Sak Yant Jolie

A few years ago it became known that Angelina Jolie made herself a ritual magic tattoo of Sak Yant. It turned out that the master who made the yantra for her was not a monk. He is a former monk. Yant was made for a lot of money in violation of all the rules of tradition and caused a wave of condemnation among reputable masters.

Real Reisi are ascetics, as a rule, recluses who have given severe vows and live in restrictions and austerities. Through austerities, Reisi achieves inner purity, the reward for which will be superpowers. It is believed that such an ascetic is able to “see” exactly your Sak Yant. "See" your destiny and your future and make the Yant that you need.

Now a lot of tattoo parlors and individual tattoo artists offer their services, which they call Sak Yant, but this will be the most common tattoo. The increased popularity of ritual tattoos led to the emergence of Ajars (Ajarn). As a rule, Ajahn is a former monk, or a tattoo artist who has received some recognition as a person capable of performing the Sak Yant ritual. Such Ajahns make tattoos for everyone and some people believe in their magical power.

Who can do Sak Yant

Reisi (Rishi)- Buddhist monks do at temples or monasteries. It is believed that such a Yant must be earned, it must be given to you by fate. Rishi himself will see your individual Yant, which will change your destiny. Rishi won't take any money from you as he lives in renunciation. Rishi doesn't have a sketchbook, so you won't have a choice. You cannot tell him what to do, as he sees better than you what exactly you need.

Traditionally, the strongest risis are found in monasteries in northern Thailand and Laos. It is there that the centers of Buddhism are concentrated, where traditions are stored and transmitted.

Ajan (Adjarn)- former monks, or masters, quite authoritative in the tradition. It is believed that Ajahn must practice meditation, mantra recitation, vipassana in order to be able to Sak Yant. Some of the Ajahns do it, but some don't. Ajahns do Sak Yant for money or donations. As a rule, Ajahn has a catalog of sketches and you can choose a drawing. Most of them make magical tattoos for women. The word ajarn probably comes from the Sanskrit acharya, which means teacher.

Tattoo parlors. Ordinary salons that are in increased demand for an exotic product. May include the reading of mantras and other rituals in the process of tattooing. Sometimes the process can take place in front of the altar. Whether or not these tattoos have mystical powers is up to you.

Every year in the suburbs of Bangkok, a special ceremony is held to honor the teachers of the ancient tradition of mystical tattoos. This festival takes place day and night, during which people fall into trance states.

The main sketches of Sak Yant and their meaning

  • Ong Phra (Thai: องค์พระ; translation: body of buddha) is one of the most important symbols. Means the Buddha himself. At the top is the Moon, illuminating the path in darkness, and the Sun, illuminating the path during the day.

  • Ha-thaeo (Thai: ห้าแถว; translation: five lines) - The most common yantra, which is five lines of characters. Located on the left shoulder. Usually each line is a spell for luck, health, and so on.

    Ha Thaeo Sak Yant

  • Kao-yot (Thai: เก้ายอด; translation: nine spiers) - Usually located on the back under the neck. It can be of different sizes and complexity.

  • Si-yot (Thai: สี่ยอด; translation: four spiers) - is done in order to have an influence on the feelings and actions of others, and to be protected from this.

  • Paet-thit (Thai: แปดทิศ; translation: eight dots) - provides protection to the eight directions of the universe. Round form; usually located in the center of the back.

  • Sip-thit (Thai: สิบทิศ; translation: ten dots) - version paet-thit, but protects in ten directions.
  • Maha-niyom (Thai: มหานิยม; translation: great advantage) - gives recognition and favor to the owner in the eyes of others. Round form; usually located on the back near the right shoulder.
  • Yot Mongkut (Thai: ยอดมงกุฎ; translation: crown with spire) - for success and protection in battle. Round form; usually located on top of the head.

  • Panchamukhi (Thai: ปัญจมุขี; translation: five faces of devas) - to prevent diseases and dangers.
  • Suea (Thai: เสือ; translation: tiger) - usually in the form of two tigers. Strength and power.

Where to make Sak Yant. Adzhanov addresses

Ajarn Kob. Address: 4/1 MOO 5 Klongsabou Ayutthaya Ayutthaya 13000 Phone: 0815577958. address in Thai: สำนัก สัก ยัน ต อาจารย์ กบ อยุธยา ศิษย์ หลวง ปู่ หน่าย ตำบล คลอง สระ บัว, 13000 Ayutthaya, Thailand

Ajarn Tong (AC Tong). Address: thanon Terd TAI, Soi Petch KASEM 23 (opposite the temple Wat Pleng Temple) Address on Thai: สำนัก สัก ทอง วัด เพลง เทอดไท ซอยเพชรเกษม 23 ปากซอย เข้า ตรง ข้าม กับ วัด เพลง เพลง Ajarn Tong makes Yant intuitive. You will not be able to select a thumbnail. When visiting, you need to take flowers and incense to offer to the deities on the altar.

Pra Ajarn Hlek Dam. Temple address: Wat Nern Patanaa temple, Gong Tuul, Hnong Pai, Petchaburn. Thai address: สำนัก อาจารย์เหล็กดำ, Thailand. Phone: 081-9713514.

Wat Bang Phra Temple. The most popular temple at the moment, which is considered the center of the Sak Yant tradition in Thailand.

Ajarn Pi Bang Grating. Address: 398 Moo 5 Soi Chatone -128 Wat Pra Non Tambon Don Gaew, Ampher Mae Rim, Chiang Mai. Phone: 0826270155 or 0900549985.

Ajarn Terng. Address: Soi Ekachai 109 in Bang Bon 3 , Bangkok 101500

Pra Ajarn Long. Temple Wat Dtrai Ratanaram . Ampher Gleng, Rayong Province.

The origin of Sak Yant began in medieval Cambodia, and later spread to all Southeast Asian countries. Since ancient times, sacred symbols have been inflicted on warriors as protection from injury and death. The shaman "bewitched" the drawing applied to the skin, endowing it with special powers that could protect the owner.

The meaning of Sak-Yant: "Sak" is translated as "stuffing", and "Yant" - "sacred". Yants are yantras, or mantras.

And its popularity among Americans and Europeans sak yant tattoo received thanks to Angelina Jolie, who demonstrated the ancient symbols on her back.

Features of the ceremony

The application of paint on the body and the ritual itself, associated with the reading of a prayer, is strictly observed to this day. Magic Sak Yant can be a kind of amulet or curse of its owner. The point is not only in the tattoo, but also in the commandments that must be observed after application. We are talking only about the Sak Yants inflicted by the monks, with the observance of the entire ritual, from beginning to end. It is a pity that Angelina did not see the true ceremonial.

If you want a tattoo “with true meaning” and are ready to undergo the ceremony, be responsible for the promises made to the master, then your path lies in the temple. The real masters of Sak Yanta live there - ajans, monks who have undergone special training. Only these people have the right to apply tattoos with sacred symbols. The teaching passes from master to student, literally by word of mouth. Random people, therefore, do not happen in monasteries.

First of all, you should talk to ajan, tell about your plans, aspirations and dreams, about what you want to change in your life. Answer the monk’s questions in as much detail as possible, if you don’t finish something, blame yourself. Do not forget, tattoos are really mystical! Based on the wishes heard and the idea of ​​​​you as a person, the master will offer options. You can ask to stuff talismans for self-improvement, for the safety of property or body, as a talisman against any possible dangers, for wealth or fame, for happiness, family and others.

Sak Yant tattoo meaning

Amnaj- for those who need more strength, spiritual and physical.

Ha-thaeo- for good luck, 5 columns are stuffed on the left shoulder. The 1st is a mantra for keeping the peace at home, the 2nd indicates the right path in life, the 3rd protects from misfortunes, the 4th promises good luck, and the last one carries the mantra of true love and mercy.

Kao-yot, or 9 spiers, is a mantra of protection, kindness, good luck, family preservation and well-being. Usually this Yant is the basis for all other symbols.

Maha Sanaeh attracts the interest of the opposite sex, helps to achieve love from a certain person.

Paet-thit, or 8 points, gives protection to the universe. This circular tattoo is placed with an ajan in the center of the back.

Maetthaa Mahaniyom- symbols that contain magic to receive the sympathy of other people. She also develops personal popularity among her surroundings; Everyone wants to help the owner of such a tattoo.

Sathw Himapant- a drawing in the form of mythical animals, which is applied to a person who wants to receive the property of a particular creature. True, the master can warn that such a Sak-Yant is capable of causing obsession, because the spirit of a person is associated with the spirit of the depicted creature.

Kong Grapan Chathrii protected from weapons.

Choke Laap stuffed for happiness and good luck in life. They say that such a Sak-Yant will help you win the lottery, get something effortlessly, even a prestigious job.

In reality, there are many hundreds of Sak Yants, these are just the most popular ones. Any tattoo ends with the application of an unalome and the recitation of a mantra in Pali or Sanskrit. The magic goes into the tattoo with the breath of a monk reciting a prayer. He “talks” the drawing and says parting words that from now on you can’t do it. In general, these are the main commandments: “do not steal”, “do not kill”, “do not commit adultery”, “do not lie”. It is impossible to break this promise, otherwise temple tattoo sak yant will lose miraculous properties and can even harm, according to the Thais.

How and how sacred tattoos are stuffed

The technology of "stuffing" Sak-Yants has not changed at all for many centuries. The body is covered with magic symbols using a reusable bamboo or steel stick, once spelled with an ajahn. They treat it with alcohol or fire, the old fashioned way. It takes from 15 minutes to several hours to create a composition. Magic tattoos are applied only to the waist, do not require special care and heal quite quickly. Sak Yanty is printed with black, red (as an addition to black) and colorless oil-based ink. By the way, many people believe that inconspicuous sak-yant tattoos the most magical, as they are hidden from everyone.

From my own experience, the Syndicate Tattoo studio can say that many people look for plots for their tattoos in antiquity, focusing on sketches that were common among certain tribes, in some religious movements. Such patterns, as a rule, have a mystical meaning, are strong amulets, in addition to this, they look unusual and original, which contributes to popularity. A good example is Sak Yant, a tattoo that deserves a very detailed discussion and consideration.

A bit of history

This tattoo is common among Buddhist monks. According to their beliefs, it protects the wearer from the machinations of evil spirits, physical injuries, and helps to bring good luck and happiness into life. According to ancient beliefs, such decoration of the body is allowed only for those people who are ready to continue to follow certain restrictions, to concentrate on their own spiritual development. Ignoring this requirement is fraught with serious consequences, up to insanity and death.

Experts in the field of historical science are unanimous in their opinion that Thai magical tattoos first appeared in the first century BC. The basis of the technique of applying this pattern is based on numerous centuries-old traditions, which is not surprising, because sacred properties are attributed to the ornament. The finished drawing is formed by “kats”, which in our society are more commonly called “mantras”. When writing mantras, the Pali dialect is used, which comes from the northern Indian regions. This name does not have its own alphabet, and therefore the Thai alphabet is used to designate sounds. It turns out that this picture is directly related to Buddhism.

In addition to sacred sayings, the masters use geometric shapes when stuffing, as well as stylized images of animals, thanks to which the owner of the tattoo must acquire the appropriate qualities inherent in a certain representative of the animal world. In order for the ornament to truly have the properties of an amulet and a talisman, a monk or ajan, that is, a former clergyman who has undergone a long training, has confirmed and proved his skill in practice, must be engaged in its application. This rule is, of course, completely optional. In terms of graphic skills, the specialists of the Syndicate Tattoo salon not only are not inferior to their “colleagues” from Asia, but also surpass them, using more modern equipment.

Classic application rules

If you literally translate the name “Sak Yant”, then it will sound like “sacred stuffing”. The traditional method of application suggests that the monk, while applying the pattern to the body, reads prayers. Of course, the monk does not use modern tattoo machines, the main tool is a stick made of bamboo or steel, which is also an object with magical properties. After each session, the master processes the instrument, but one should not be surprised at the repeated use of it.

The traditional “studio” where you can get such a tattoo is the forest temples lost in the jungles of Thailand. The monks living there are real ascetics, their life is a constant series of restrictions and rules that must be observed. It is believed that all this contributes to spiritual purification, and therefore the masters are able to give the ornament all their energy, endow it with magical properties. An important point for the fair sex is that only ajans, former monks, can tattoo them, since acting monks are forbidden to touch women.

If it is fundamentally important for you that the sign is made by a Buddhist, then you will have to go to Thailand. In such a situation, you can act on your own to save money, but it is much more reliable and easier to use the experience of a specialist. The most famous person involved in this field is the guide and translator Konstantin Anisimov, who has been accompanying tourist groups for 15 years, whose members are united by the idea of ​​getting a tattoo not in Moscow, but in her homeland.

Konstantin himself describes the process of the master's work in a very interesting way. First of all, he talks to his client, asks him about health problems, tries to establish and define the main principles of life, to understand what exactly the person lacks. This dialog allows the master to determine what kind of sign to make to a particular visitor so that he helps in achieving the goals. The reviews of those who made such a tattoo boil down to the fact that the process, despite the visual simplicity and the use of primitive tools, is as painless and fast as possible, and the body ornament itself heals quickly with minimal care recommendations. Why is this happening? Both in Phuket and Pattaya, as well as in Hua Hin, this work is a business and brings a good income, so monks and ajans are interested in quality. The tool is carefully sterilized, and its working area is always kept in the most acute condition in order to have a minimal traumatic effect on the skin. This is noticeable even by the amount of blood, which is almost non-existent.

Main varieties

The ornament is represented by many sketches, each of which has its own meaning. If you choose a pattern on your own, we recommend that you focus on your own feelings, which solution will appeal to you more visually, which interpretation will seem the most spiritually close, applicable to real life:

  • Ong Phra. Buddha body. In this embodiment, the pattern is usually performed on the back, on one of the shoulder blades or between them. The drawing is considered a powerful amulet against the forces of evil and evil spirits, it is able to bestow enlightenment and help in achieving spiritual harmony.
  • ha-thaeo. Five lines. They are applied to the arm, usually in the region of the left shoulder. Such a sketch is one of the most popular and widespread, it should attract good luck to its owner, help strengthen his physical and spiritual health, and help achieve wealth. The lines themselves represent the genus in this case. The first vertical row of symbols is a talisman for the family (genus) and home, the second one enhances the positive qualities of the individual, the third one forms the conditions that contribute to achieving success in a career. The third row performs a similar function, and the fifth is needed in order to open the merciful side in your character. According to the Thais, mercy grants not only success in undertakings, but even invulnerability.
  • Suea. Tiger. It is located on the back, increases the physical strength of the owner, helps in achieving power over other people.

  • Kao Yot and Si Yot. Tattoos with towers, in the first case there are 9 of them, in the second - 4. The meanings are similar for both designs. The pectoral pattern is designed to become a powerful protection against the forces of evil, to help achieve family happiness. The traditional location is the back of the neck.
  • Yot Mongkut. Once this tattoo, visually resembling a crown with a tower, was worn by warriors, it was considered a talisman protecting them on the battlefield. Now its main function is to help in all life endeavors, to assist in achieving success. The ornament is usually placed in the head area.
  • Paet-thit and sip-thit. A tattoo, which is a set of 8 or 10 points, should be located on the back, where it acts as a talisman against the machinations of evil spirits.

The traditional solution suggests that the pattern is made in black, red or transparent ink. As additional symbols used to create a pectoral pattern, it is recommended to use the sun or a dragon, both solutions are of great importance for the followers of Buddhism, their energy can increase the overall power of the tattoo. Similar functions are performed by the image of a gecko, which contributes to the ease of establishing contacts with other people. In some catalogs there are tattoo options, improved with the image of the Buddha or simply an abstract meditating monk, lotus, fire or rune wheel. All this looks stylish and original, so if you plan to decorate your body with something truly unusual and original, it is quite possible to focus on such sketches.

Wearing rules

In order for a tattoo to become a truly powerful amulet and fulfill all the functions assigned to it, wearing must be treated accordingly, the following habits should be categorically abandoned:

  • Lie. It is unacceptable to deceive other people, even if it is a lie for the good.
  • Violence. A tattoo can attract retribution to its owner if he dares to offend the weak, cause physical harm to another person. The exception is self defense.
  • Theft. Buddhism clearly says that you can not encroach on someone else's property, this is a great sin.
  • Adultery. There is no need to completely abandon carnal pleasures and completely go into the spiritual world. Nevertheless, one should be guided by certain moral standards, and reason must be above passion. A magical symbol can punish treason.
  • Alcohol, drugs, and other mind-altering substances affect the mind and are therefore prohibited.

Meanings for men and women

Sak Yant is a tattoo that is equally suitable for both sexes, because it helps each person to discover some new facets of their own personality. If you look at photos of celebrities, you can find a tattoo, for example, on Angelina Jolie, whose back is decorated with characteristic symbols. It is known that Angelina reacted very responsibly to such an adornment of her body, and therefore she got a tattoo in one of the temples of Thailand.

Yes, there are no monks or ajans among the masters of the Syndicate Tattoo studio. Nevertheless, in terms of graphics, we are in no way inferior to Asian specialists, we are ready to implement any sketch, regardless of the degree of its complexity. Numerous reviews about us are clear evidence that the work is able to satisfy the wishes of the most demanding customer. High-quality pigments do not lose their original brightness and saturation for a long time, and strict adherence to the rules of sterility and antiseptic treatment is a guarantee that the pattern heals quickly without causing inconvenience.

From time immemorial, followers of Buddhist teachings stuffed magical tattoos Sak Yant, which attracted luck, happiness, and also protected from evil and physical injury. Ancient images should be applied only to people who are ready to continue to adhere to restrictions and strive for the spiritual, otherwise the consequence will be madness and a quick death.

What are Sak Yant tattoos and how do they look?

Historians find references to magical images applied to the body in documents of ancient China dating back to the 1st century BC. BC e. The application of Sak Yant is based on long traditions, as the images are endowed with a special ritual meaning. Magic patterns are made up of "kat", called mantras in the West. Words are written in the Pali language, which originated in the northern provinces of India, but since it did not have a written designation, the Thai and Khmer alphabet is used. Tattoos are inextricably linked with Buddhism.

In addition to the sacred phrases, geometric figures and schematic representations of animals are drawn, which endow the owner with the qualities inherent in the beast. Transferred to the skin and spoken in a special way by a monk-reisi or a former servant of ajahn, spells bring happiness, wealth and strength. They also protect against physical impact. However, made by an ordinary tattoo artist, Sak Yant has no power, so you need to contact Buddhist monks.

Application rules

A woman monk-reisi cannot get a tattoo, as they are forbidden to touch the opposite sex. But Sak Yant is allowed to wear adjana.

The drawing procedure is usually carried out on the territory of a sacred Buddhist place.

In order for a magical tattoo to gain strength and not harm the owner, it must be applied in a prayer temple of Buddhists. Initiated flights often lead a life of reclusion and strictly observe these vows. Ascetic life involves many restrictions, thanks to which the soul of a monk is purified. Only pure energy can transfer the power of Sak Yant. During application, a mantra must be read. True flights see Sak Yant suitable for a certain person, and also what awaits him ahead. If a monk has chosen a certain tattoo, then practitioners do not advise arguing with him, because such is fate.

Most often, tattoos are stuffed by ajans who used to be monks and have undergone proper training. They have less strict vows, but there are also restrictions and rules. To fill Sak Yant, it is necessary to maintain the purity of the soul and high moral principles. They often come to ajans with a selected tattoo sketch, but former monks can also give advice and dissuade from some symbols that can worsen the wearer's life. Previously, magical symbols were stuffed with a wand, but modern monks use tattoo machines. Practitioners believe that the application method is not important, the main thing is the nested value.

The meaning of the magic tattoo Sak Yant

When choosing a sketch, practitioners recommend focusing on their own feelings and listening to intuition. If a certain Sak Yant tattoo will fascinate, then it should be filled. The most common magical images are presented in the table:

NameTranslationThe most favorable locationmagical meanings
Ong Phrabody of buddhaBackGives enlightenment
Brings harmony to the soul
Protects from evil
Ha-thaeo5 stripesLeft shoulderAttracting luck
Health promotion
Provision of material goods
SueaTigerBackGives power over others
Gives strength
Kao-yot9 towersBack of the neckGuardian from evil
Building a strong family
Attracting good luck
Si-yot4 towersManipulation of others
Control over your own feelings
Yot Mongkutcrown with towerHeadCharm in battle
Success in your endeavor
Paet-thit8 pointsBackProtection from failures and otherworldly entities
Sip-thit10 points
PanchamukhiDeva facesBackDisease protection
Amulet against accident

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