Scenario for a home or friendly party “An unforgettable New Year: memories for the year ahead!”

If you are celebrating New Year in the company of well-known friends and dearly beloved relatives, then you can do whatever you want. Come up with funny, cheerful or sexy costumes for Father Frost and Snow Maiden, depending on the composition of your company. You can make it a condition for all invited guests that everyone present comes to the celebration in costumes, and the funnier and more original they are, the funnier and more fun the celebration will be. You can take the idea of ​​the whole holiday children's party . The best Santa Claus is chosen and he is solemnly presented with a bag of gifts. Then the whole company can call the Snow Maiden and walk in a round dance. To distribute gifts, Father Frost and Snow Maiden ask those present to take turns telling them a poem, dancing, singing a song or doing something else funny and cheerful. The more respectable a person is, the more ridiculous task he can be entrusted with, for example, showing how a bunny jumps. You can prepare cards with tasks in advance and distribute them to everyone present, then certainly no one will repeat themselves, reading the same poems. You can place a comic poster at the entrance: Attention to all adults, Thin and fat, Serious uncles and big aunties! Let's forget about work, Let's throw away all worries, Let's exclaim: Happy New Year! And let's drink from the heart! After the chime, you, as the presenter, can make congratulations in the form of comic poems for the entire assembled company: Happy New Year, I wish you happiness and joy! Everyone who is single should get married, Everyone who is in a quarrel should make peace. Forget about grievances. To everyone who is sick - to become healthy, to blossom, to become younger. Anyone who is skinny should become fatter, Anyone who is too fat should lose weight. Too smart - become simpler, Close-minded - grow wiser. To all gray hairs - so that they darken, So that the hair on the top of the bald heads becomes thicker, like Siberian forests! so that the songs and dances never cease. Happy New Year with a new happiness! May trouble pass you by! Well, just to maintain a cheerful mood, you can hold these funny competitions: Friendly exchange Couples take part in the competition - a man and a woman. All couples are given details: large family pants and a cap (cap, cap). Men wear shorts, women wear caps. To the sound of music, the couples all begin to dance together, as many as they can and want. As soon as the music stops, the couples must quickly exchange props, the men must remove their panties and put on their caps, and the women must remove their caps and put on their panties. And such an exchange is made three times. The couple that does it all faster and more fun wins. Necessary props: large family pants, caps (caps, caps). On the count of three, you need to place a chair in the middle of the room and put a gift on it (at your discretion). Two participants are invited. When the participants stand near a chair opposite each other, the leader begins to count: one, two, three... eleven; one, two, hundred; one, two, three...twenty, etc. The winner is the one who is attentive and the first to take the gift when the presenter says the number “three”. The participant who made a mistake and grabbed the gift ahead of time performs some simple and fun task. Necessary props: chair, gift. Competition with binoculars You need to draw a line on the floor with chalk, or put a string, this will be a path. Participants must walk exactly along this line without stumbling or stumbling from beginning to end, while looking at their feet through inverted binoculars. You cannot take your binoculars away from your eyes. The winner is the one who completes the entire journey faster and without violations. Required props: string, binoculars. Decorate the Christmas tree It is necessary to prepare in advance Christmas tree decorations from cotton wool of any shape with wire hooks and a fishing rod with the same wire hook. Participants are invited to the sounds of cheerful and energetic music, using a fishing rod, to hang toys on the Christmas tree in a certain amount of time. Whoever hangs the most toys on the Christmas tree wins. Necessary props: cotton Christmas tree decorations, fishing rods, Christmas tree or Christmas tree branches. The cap is not sewn in the Kolpakov style. It is necessary to inflate the balloons in advance and prepare paper caps with needles at the ends. The competition is best held during dancing. Everyone puts caps on their heads, and they must use a needle to burst as many balloons as possible in a certain amount of time. The most dexterous one wins. Necessary props: caps with needles, balloons. Incendiary striptease Several people, both men and women, are invited to this competition. Everyone is given rubber band rings with a diameter of 20-30 cm, depending on the size of the participants. The elastic can be made from suspenders or you can use one that is sewn into the belt. All participants wear rubber rings just above their chests. Then, to the sound of slow music and the applause of the audience, the participants begin to slowly and erotically remove the elastic band through their legs. The one who pleases the audience the most wins. Required props: rubber rings. Making a snowman Participants are invited and divided into two teams. Both teams are given balloons and tape. Participants of both teams, at the command of the leader, need to make a snowman out of balls. Whoever comes up with a better and more original snowman wins. Props needed: inflated balloons and tape. Piglets For this competition, participants are invited to form pairs. Some jelly is prepared in advance. All pairs are given toothpicks and the pair that eats the jelly the fastest becomes the winner. Required props: jelly, toothpicks. Gemini Participants are again invited in pairs. The couple is invited to clasp each other around the waist with one hand, and with the other hand, lace a rope around the left leg of one participant and the right leg of the other participant, and tie a bow. The pair that completed the task the fastest and best wins. Required props: laces. Beard All those present are divided into two teams. The presenter invites them to take turns telling the first line of the joke. If someone from the opposing team can continue the joke, then the team telling the joke is given a “beard”. The team with the fewest beards wins. Required props: any item that can be used as a “beard”, for example, candy. Cooks All those present are divided into two teams. Each team needs to come up with as much as possible more dishes with some letter, for example "N". The winner is the team that has the most names of dishes starting with the letter N. Required props: paper, markers. The range of competitions is not limited to this. During the celebration, you yourself can determine enough competitions or add a few more to entertain the guests. It is not recommended to overload the holiday with games and competitions. Perhaps guests will simply enjoy sitting at the table and chatting with each other, or, on the contrary, singing karaoke and dancing to their hearts’ content.

New Year 2017 is getting closer and closer. And if so, then it’s time to start preparing for it. And it's better to start with ideas that will help you have fun with your friends. New funny scenario new year 2017 rooster for fun company, will help you with this. In the script interesting ideas, competitions and games. Watch, choose and play.

Before starting the holiday, I must say introduction. For example, like this:

Game - celebrating the year of the monkey.
The Year of the Monkey is coming to an end and must be celebrated. We spend it remembering all the good things that happened in 2016.
In turn, all the guests remember what happened in the world or in their country this year 2016. Those who could not remember are eliminated from the game. And the one who remains last wins. We present him with a calendar for 2016 in beautiful frame. Let this calendar remind him of a happy year in his life.

Game - fortune telling for the New Year using salads.
Everything is simple here - each guest names his favorite salad, which is on the New Year's table. After everyone has been named, the presenter reads out his predictions for the new year for each salad. If someone named an exotic salad and there is no prediction for it, then you can simply say: sorry, but the year will be unpredictable for you!
Here is a list of salad predictions for the New Year:

The game is one on one!
This game involves two people. They sit opposite each other. Their task is to look each other in the face and at the same time pronounce a tongue twister:
- I see a hill with sacks in the field - I’ll go out onto the hill and straighten the sack
The task here is not just to say this tongue twister and look your opponent in the eyes, but also not to laugh! The one who laughs is eliminated. Although, everyone will laugh, because it’s simply impossible to say such a thing, especially when drunk and looking into the eyes of another!!!

Rebuilding for the New Year 2017.
You need a lot of guests here. If there are few of them, then there are so many. How much. Ideally, each team should have 9 people. Each team receives signs with letters, and from them you can collect the phrase: YEAR OF THE ROoster.
The presenter asks a question, and the teams must answer it, and show the answer with their signs with letters, that is. Make up words.

Video competition.
In this competition we show a video. The video will contain one song - somewhere in this world... and the footage will be from different films. The guests’ task is to name after watching all the films that were in the video. Whoever names the most wins.
And here is the video itself:

Musical pause.
In this game, guests will have to guess the names of the songs. And whoever guessed correctly fulfills it. But he doesn’t just perform, he crows! That is, karaoke is turned on afterwards, and the guest or guests crow instead of words to the beat of the music. It turns out fun and funny.

And now you can celebrate the new year!

Scenario New Year (for a small team (from 10 to 40 people) – Author Poluektov Alexander.
This scenario is mainly for those who sit at the table throughout the holiday with short 1, 2 or 3 breaks for dancing.



The presenter begins:
On your doorstep all gray with a beard
Old year- old, very old,
He leaves us, he waves his hand at us
And wishes you good luck in everything!
But someone came - someone quietly called,
Three white horses at the door,
It's exactly midnight - the New Year has arrived.
Pour champagne into glasses!
I raise my glass - I congratulate you again,
My dears, Happy New Year!
Always do good and give love,
Despite the years and weather!

And now, dear friends, our respected head of the company, Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, will tell us all about how we worked in the old year and with words of parting words for the coming year!!!
(Ivan Ivanovich says a short congratulation, everyone drinks and eats)


Leading:(there is a small break between the first and second).
Dear friends, continue to have a snack, i.e. eat and listen. Now we have all witnessed the farewell of the old outgoing year. The new coming year brings a lot of unknowns and unknowns for all of us.

On New Year's Day, snow is quietly falling outside the window.
Let there be joy and laughter at our table,
Let enviable success await you in any business!
And happiness will enter your bright home without hindrance!

Let's drink to joy, happiness and success for each of you.


Let January dust any trouble with silvery powder,
We wish you all the best in the coming New Year!

I would like to congratulate you on these and other wishes (deputy head of the company, chairman of the trade union committee, or simply the oldest employee of the company)


The old year is passing. Leaves without return
The thread of worries that we don’t need is leaving.
And what we desired will sink into oblivion,
Who was in love and was loved.
Suddenly - unexpectedly, names go away,
Moments, looks, songs.
The times where it was so wonderful are passing away!
Goodbye, Old Year, goodbye, no goodbye!
The New Year is coming to us and making promises!

Dear colleagues, friends, ladies and gentlemen, I invite everyone present to think of a wish, associate it with a number from 0 to 9 and pull out a piece of paper with a number from my hands (about a dozen of each number are prepared in advance, provided that there are 20...30 people present to celebrate, if there are more people, then you need to prepare more leaves, the size of the leaf is approximately the size of a matchbox). After everyone has chosen, the presenter says, “Who has number No. 1” and reads out the horoscope:
1 – act boldly and riskily today. To fulfill your desire you will need determination and assertiveness. It may come true, but you will have to fight for it.
2 – the wish will come true. It will bring joy and a feeling of fullness of life. Nothing will interfere with this.
3 – stands for a clear “NO”. This is also advice to refuse decisive action and not try to overcome circumstances. Nothing good will come of this.
4 – now the time has not yet come for our plan or aspiration. We need to wait, circumstances may change.
5 – indicates that there is every chance of getting what you want. This color inspires hope, predicts success, promises good conditions for what was planned.
6 – categorical “NO” without any reservations. The path to fulfillment of desires is completely closed. What you want won't come true.
7 is the number of luck. But don't interpret it as a definite "YES" to your question. He suggests that a wide range of extremely favorable opportunities will be provided to fulfill a desire. You will take full advantage of them if you show the will and moderate your conceit.
8 - what you wish for may come true, but on condition: for this you need to choose a rational, balanced decision. When achieving what you want, do not act headlong or spontaneously. The voice of reason will give the exact answer. Gossip and intrigue can interfere with your plans.
9 is “YES”, and your wish will come true without any effort. The whole situation has developed in such a way that there are no obstacles to your plan.


Happy New Year, I wish you happiness and joy!
Everyone who is single should get married, everyone who is in disarray should measure up,
Forget about grievances, everyone who is sick - become healthy,
Bloom, rejuvenate. Everyone who is skinny should become fatter,
Too fat - lose weight. Too smart - become simpler,
Narrow-minded people need to wise up. To all gray hairs - to darken,
So that the hair on the top of the head of bald people thickens like the Siberian forests!
So that the songs and dances never stop.
Happy New Year! Happy New Year! May trouble pass us by!

And now, dear friends, girlfriends, colleagues, let’s warm up a little. I suggest you play one without leaving the table old game, "FANTS". For a whole year you carried out all kinds of orders from your immediate superiors, and now please carry out my comic orders. Finally, I waited for the opportunity to give an order to the head of the company himself, and we’ll start our game with him. To simplify everything, I have already prepared forfeits (these are small pieces of paper with execution orders, they are shown below, if possible, you can change them, or add your own :)

Apologize to your neighbor and gain his/her forgiveness
Kiss a neighbor (neighbor)
Sing a very militant song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”
Confess your love for inspection with gestures
Explain to your “blind” neighbor that you are very hungry
Depict Othello with your neighbor
Portray Chapaevets (Petka or Anka)
Have a brotherhood drink with your neighbor (neighbor)
Depict the flight of an eagle
Crow three times
Give (if you can) a penny to your neighbors
Picture a child lost at a train station
Picture an RTI inspector stopping a car
Compliment your colleagues
Say solemnly the phrase “I’ve been sitting at the table for four days and drinking.”
Depict the dawn in the village, after the hayloft
Make a scary face
Impersonate the voice of King Kong or a pig
Depict how you eat last year's cracker
Portray the President of Russia or at least the head of the Buro RTI
Express your love to your neighbor with your eyes or facial expressions
Propose a toast and congratulate everyone on their Anniversary
Depict someone who has been awarded an order or at least a medal for special merits
Try to persuade your neighbor to drink a drink (wine, vodka)

Who do you think completed the task, i.e. with the execution of orders better than anyone else. Everyone chooses the most efficient colleague. He is awarded the “RANK - the most executive in the company” and is given the opportunity to wish everyone a Happy New Year!


The old year is passing, its last page is rustling.
Let the best that happened not go away, and the worst cannot happen again!

Well, it's time for everyone to sing. But we will sing in turns. Let's everyone try to remember a verse or at least the name of the songs for the New Year, about winter, snow, blizzard and frost. The singing competition begins at the table. Conditions of the competition: In a clockwise direction, everyone in turn starts humming or says the name of the song, whoever remains silent is eliminated from the game, while only one winner remains, he is given the floor for congratulations.


I wish that Santa Claus brings you a bag of joy,
Another bag - with laughter, and let the third one - with success!
You put your sadness, your melancholy in his bag
Let him collect it all and take it away as quickly as possible!

It's the turn of the next competition, the POTOV Competition. Every person is a poet at heart, even if he cannot come up with a single rhyme. Don't be afraid, the poems have already been composed for you, you just have to come up with them the last word Whoever comes up with the most ideas gets a prize. All those present participate in the vote counting commission. So let's begin:
1.To do modern makeup,
Acquired by a beauty... (trellis)

2.Nudist club as an application
Accepts thrown... (swim trunks)

3.- I made all the girls fall in love with me at some point
Rybnikov in the comedy... (girls)

4.One can and many jars
The thrush is taking her to ... (market)

5. The milk carton burst
I flooded my trousers and... (jacket)

6. It was known even to children
Under the mask of Fantômas - Jean... (Heat)

7. One blond guy wrote this for fun:
In the column, country of birth... (Angola)

8. Tell me, dear, frankly,
Was it on your part... (betrayal)

9. Russians have a wide range of names.
Voroshilov, for example, was... (Clement)

10. In Lukomorye the cat decided
That he is a local... (racketeer, rowdy, old-timer)

11. Grand stage and screen –
Italian... (Celentano)

12.The government spends billions
For shoulder straps, badges and... (cockades)

13. Once upon a time new faith light
Lighted the Arabs... (Muhamed)

14. Scarier and more dangerous than a mine
For mountain climbers... (peak)

15. For a puritan, erotica -
And sin, and temptation, and... (exotic)

17. Is figure skating familiar?
To the people of the Kingdom... (UK)

18.Publications are stored in the library.
And dominoes and cards... (toy library)

19. Maybe the convict would go on the run,
Yes, not passable around... (taiga)

20.Is Russia now able to collect
Worthy for the Olympics...? (army)

21. I, like a karateka, will not calm down,
if they don’t give me a black one... (belt)

22. Both halves have already expired,
And the scoreboard still shows... (zeros)

23. Sumo champion for cargo
It's good to have a big... (belly)

24. In Salt Lake City, I'm afraid we're lousy
Performed in comparison with... (Nogano)

25. The sports elite is happy
Another one is coming again... (Olympiad)

26. Among sports destinies and legends,
Not everyone has a “happy - …” (end)

27. The wolf, after watching football, finally decided:
“Like me, they are also fed... (legs)

28.The peak was almost conquered,
But the snow... (avalanche) interfered.


Let the glasses clink, let the wine sparkle,
Let the night starfall knock on your window.
On this moonlit night you can’t live without smiles,
Pain and sorrow - away! Happy new year friends!

Let's all drink to the New Year (coming) and take a short break.

During the break, you can hold 3 or 4 outdoor competitions. (I don’t offer competitions, they can be found on various Internet sites)


Smoothing out the wrinkles in our foreheads, let’s make a wish for the holiday.
Let’s forget any bad weather, maybe it’s really not in vain,
Golden hope and happiness comes to us at the end of December!
What does the year have in store for us? So all doubts go away!
It's time to raise our glasses - to our health, love and aspirations!
So Happy New Year, friends! Hooray!


Leading:(usually after the tenth glass, no one listens to the presenter anymore, this is from my experience, at this point it’s time for him to say goodbye and relieve himself of the duties of the presenter, or transfer them to someone else)

Without promising complete success, I hope that the New Year
It will save us all from sorrows and unforeseen worries.
I still hope for something else, and I believe in it fervently,
That happiness awaits us all like never before.

Do you want to celebrate the New Year in a new and original way? Then this section is for you. New Year 2019 is just around the corner and for it we have prepared New Year's scenarios 2019 - funny and cool. You will find here various corporate scenarios for the New Year 2019 for all ages and for every taste. Have a fun New Year 2019!

An interesting scenario for the New Year for a corporate party, in which all employees of the company will be able to express themselves. No bad jokes or vulgarity. Characters: Grandfather, Old Woman, Brownie, Mice. What is needed for the organization: props for competitions, music, character costumes, room decoration, Christmas tree.

Funny New Year's scenario for adults with calm competitions and games. Characters: Presenter, Baba Yaga, guests. What is needed for the organization: lyrics, costumes for participants, material for the quiz, prizes for the winners, New Year's melodies, treats for guests, a decorated Christmas tree, a bag with comic predictions, decorations.

A funny scenario for the New Year with competitions and skits for a pleasant pastime with the work team. This scenario contains a lot of funny characters, exciting competitions, original toasts and good mood. Characters: presenters, Michelle, Dolores, bear, round dance of girl dancers. What is needed for the organization: New Year's songs, banquet table.

Original scenario for New Year 2019 for a corporate party with fun program, entertaining activities and active characters. Congratulations in the form of harmless jokes for employees, funny competitions. Characters: bear, crane, caroling guys. What is needed for the organization: musical arrangement, New Year's table, decorated Christmas tree.

The scenario for a corporate party will be a pleasant and exciting addition to the celebration of the New Year 2019. The main participants in the performance will bring a sea of ​​joy and laughter to the entire workforce. Characters: presenter, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden. What is needed for the organization: fancy dress costumes, souvenirs for the winners, dance tunes, New Year's treats.

An interesting and beautiful scenario for celebrating the New Year in a friendly team with a mischievous host who will hold funny competitions and quizzes. A beautiful New Year's toast. Characters: presenter. What is needed for the organization: a costume for the presenter, New Year's melodies, details, prizes, festive table, decorated Christmas tree.

A cheerful corporate scenario for the New Year with bright and memorable performances, a competition program, comic congratulations and toasts. New Year's games and performances for adults. Characters: presenter. What is needed for the organization: decorations, New Year's songs, a decorated hall, food for guests, a decorated Christmas tree.

A fun scenario for a New Year's party with unusual characters. An exotic, incendiary party with dancing and competitions. Characters: priest, keeper of the hearth. What is needed for the organization: African musical motifs, food for guests, details, prizes for the winners, a New Year tree.

The holiday scenario for adults dedicated to celebrating the New Year is very fun and interesting. Carrying out a holiday in a themed style - African New Year 2019. Each of the guests will be able to feel in warm tropics. Characters: presenter. What is needed for the organization: masquerade African costumes, decorations, festive table.

The scenario for celebrating the New Year 2019 for adults contains a minimum of memorizing the text and preparing costumes for the participants, but a maximum of fun game competitions. Characters: presenter. What is needed for the organization: decorations, prizes for the winners, a festive table, a New Year tree, music.

The original script was developed for corporate New Year's holiday with exciting competitions and favorite characters that will amuse all colleagues present. Characters: presenter, 1st herald, 2nd herald, Winter, Spring, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Buffoon. What is needed for the organization: character costumes, prize souvenirs, song lyrics, musical accompaniment.

The New Year's scenario was compiled specifically for celebration among your employees. No ridiculous or vulgar jokes. Original gift giving, interesting competitions. Characters: Hostess, guests, team members. What is needed for the organization: fancy dress costumes, musical accompaniment, banquet table, decorations.

The meaning of the New Year's scenario for a corporate party is to hold entertainment events. Funny riddles, skits, active competitions for adults. Scenario based on the popular New Year's film. Characters: presenters, mouse, Snow Maiden. What is needed for the organization: decorations, prizes for the winners of the quiz, New Year's songs, a decorated Christmas tree.

The universal scenario is designed for holding a New Year's holiday among company employees with cheerful and colorful characters. Active recreational activities. Characters: presenters, Snow Maiden, Father Frost. What is needed for the organization: musical accompaniment, festive table, decorations, props for competitive program, decorated Christmas tree.

The New Year's corporate scenario is designed to minimize memorizing text and preparing fancy dress costumes. Comic congratulations, interesting competitions. Characters: presenters, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus. What is needed for the organization: gifts for the winners, dance tunes, decoration banquet hall, festive table, gift bags, New Year tree.

New Year's scenario for organizing a corporate holiday with original and exciting games, which will not let you get bored at the New Year's party. Characters: presenters, Father Frost, Snow Maiden. What is needed for the organization: costumes of program participants, souvenirs for the winners, New Year's songs, details for competitions, a New Year's tree.

A corporate scenario for the New Year that will create a fabulous holiday atmosphere. Guests will enjoy quizzes, competitions and fiery dances. Characters: presenter, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden. What is needed for the organization: fancy dress costumes, prizes, New Year's songs, room decoration, props for the competition program, festive table.

Scenario for the New Year for a corporate holiday. An incendiary party in the style of the 90s with competitions, dancing and toasts. Characters: presenters, amateur art groups, rooster, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden. What is needed for the organization: decorations, souvenirs for the winners, a New Year tree, costumes for program participants.

Scenario for celebrating the New Year 2019 in the work team in the circle of your favorite New Year's characters who came to visit with congratulations and toasts. Characters: Snow Maiden, Father Frost. What is needed for the organization: costumes for characters, New Year's melodies, festive table, decorations.

The New Year's celebration scenario is designed for an adult audience and includes entertainment events, calm competitions and games that will create a good holiday mood. Characters: presenters, Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Rat. What is needed for the organization: decorations, gifts for competition participants, musical accompaniment, festive table.

The New Year's scenario for adults involves holding entertaining competitions and dances with a minimum of characters, but with a maximum of good mood. Characters: Unexpected guest, Snow Maiden, Dog. What is needed for the organization: fancy dress, prizes, music, New Year's table, props for the competition program.

The script was written for a corporate holiday - New Year 2019. It has everything: dances, skits, competitions, quizzes, which will always be conducted by an original presenter. Characters: presenter. What is needed for the organization: decorations, gifts for the winners, funny songs, a box with New Year's paraphernalia, a festive table.

Scenario for the New Year for a corporate party with a funny and interesting entertainment program, which will not let any employee present at the party get bored. Characters: presenter. What is needed for the organization: fancy dress costumes, prizes, musical accompaniment, task cards, prizes for winners, treats for guests.

An unusual New Year's scenario is designed for adults with bright and memorable corporate events and funny competitions. Characters: two presenters. What is needed for the organization: costumes for program participants, dance tunes, prizes for competition participants, treats for the team, a decorated Christmas tree, props.

As many companies as there are in the world, there are as many ways to celebrate the New Year. You can follow a scenario that has been planned and established over the years: “celebrate” the Old Year, raise a toast along with the whole country during the chiming clock and continue to raise toasts throughout New Year's Eve, leaving the table from time to time to “shake the pieces” to the music. Or you can take a different path and arrange an unforgettable holiday for yourself and your friends and family: not very sober (who would dare to judge you for that?), completely reckless and very, very cheerful. His friends will not forget him for a very long time.

The question immediately arises: “How is this possible? It will probably take a lot of money and effort?” You can answer this kind of question: “The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing!” The main thing is that there is a desire and (one of the most important conditions) good mood. If this set is available, then, perhaps, you can safely get down to business. First of all, we make a list (where would we be without it!)

1. Guests. There are a few things to consider here important points: do the people whom you plan to invite to the holiday know each other, do they get along well with each other (you must agree that for people who are in a quarrel or simply do not perceive each other, being in one close company for the whole New Year’s Eve will be quite unpleasant and difficult), whether they have a sense of humor, whether there are enough both men and women in the company (one man will be extremely uncomfortable in an exclusively female company, and vice versa). If all these issues have been resolved, it’s time to move on to the next item on our list.

2. Holiday menu . No matter what health advocates and sober image life, our people view holidays primarily as an opportunity to eat deliciously (and a lot) and drink from the heart. Therefore, this item on our list cannot be treated without due attention and even trepidation. If in company more women, then you definitely need to take care of wines and light snacks and sweet desserts if more men- do not skimp on meat and hot dishes, as well as on stronger drinks, since many men refer to champagne as nothing more than “woman’s fizz.” Remember also that the New Year is a long holiday, so there should be a lot of food.

3. Holiday mood. It may seem to you that this item on our list is completely incomprehensible and, in a sense, even abstract. And yet, this is not so. The festive mood does not come out of thin air; it is skillfully and purposefully created by the organizers of the holiday. It is advisable to start “creating the mood” in advance, and beautiful and bright invitations with original text will help you with this, which should be sent to all guests invited to the holiday (even if they live just over the wall from you). Don’t be lazy to sign or make your own invitations and be sure that your guests will certainly appreciate your efforts!

What else to read