Family of faith verbal husband children. Vera Glagoleva: biography of the famous actress. Vera Glagoleva, Anastasia Shubskaya and Alexander Ovechkin

She was 61 years old. She always looked younger than her age. Glagoleva was even called “ eternal girl“- this type of actress was no longer seen on the Soviet screen.

I don’t want to talk about a serious illness today. About how it happened, where Glagoleva spent the last days of her life and how the family is coping with this loss. Today I just want to remember her. Lively, spontaneous, but at the same time very restrained - in emotions, images, in choice artistic means. By the way, it was a style very different from everything that happened with fashion and beauty in the USSR in the 70s - some kind of Nordic bearing, elegant simplicity, lack of cliches. Blonde - it’s impossible to imagine her with any other hair color. Unchanging bob - corporate style and best example on the theme of the new blonde archetype. A sad and intelligent look - no languor, no coquetry. A feeling of intelligence, which, rather, was a consequence of the fact that Vera Glagoleva really was a girl from a good family - biologists and physicists. The family lived with the Patriarchs, since childhood Vera was an athlete, a master of sports in archery, and, in general, became an actress by accident.

By the way, the reason for her success was best formulated by director Rodion Nakhapetov, who not only gave her a professional start in life, but also became her first husband. In his opinion, Vera looked organically in the frame, because she did not strive to artistic career, and therefore did not worry, did not fuss, did not overact and, accordingly, did not make mistakes. The director fell in love with her naturalness and spontaneity.

“I was immediately connected with Vera by a strange combination of feelings and emotions. He gave her screen tests several times. It seemed to me that she had a deep look, there was drama and some kind of truth hidden in her eyes. It was also captivating that she did not intend to become an actress; she was interested in a sports career. Vera was an archer, a master of sports. I thought there was a special charm in her lack of preparation. She is not spoiled by fame, she is natural and easy to communicate with.”


In this marriage, the couple had daughters Anna and Maria. There was no sign of collapse happy family. But in 1989, my husband left for the USA and stayed there forever - new life, new woman. Glagoleva with two children learned to live alone. 2 years after the betrayal of a beloved man, an almost Hollywood happy ending happened: new man, and the saving romance turned into a dizzying love story. He turned out to be, among other things, young, fantastically handsome and rich. Everything is like in the movies. He accepted Vera’s daughters and helped resolve issues of financing Glagoleva’s projects. Their daughter Anastasia Shubskaya is considered the first beauty of Moscow. This relationship was not always simple, but wise woman Vera Glagoleva reacted to all life's difficulties in the same way: patience, silence, a sad look and strong decisions. And up to last days remained an eternal girl with a bob, thin, loud and reserved.

And she starred in several more films of her husband: “Enemies” (1977), “Don’t Shoot White Swans” (1980), “About You” (1981), “The One Following” (1984), “Umbrella for the Bridal” (1986) .

The actress also starred with other directors: in the films “On Thursday and Never Again” (1977) by Anatoly Efros, “Starfall” (1981) by Igor Talankin, “Torpedo Bombers” (1983) by Semyon Aranovich, “Forgive us, first love” (1984 ) Mikhail Yakzhen, “Sincerely yours” (1985) by Alla Surikova, “These... three true cards...” (1988) by Alexander Orlov and others.

Behind main role In the film "Marry the Captain" (1985) Vitaly Melnikova Glagoleva received the title of "Best Actress of 1986" according to the results of a survey of the magazine "Soviet Screen".

In the 1990s, the actress played leading roles in the films “The Executor of the Sentence” (1992), “Oysters from Lausanne” (1992), “Night of Questions...” (1993), “I Myself” (1993), “It is not recommended to offend women " (1999), TV series "Waiting Room" (1998).

Among her roles in the 2000s are leading roles in the films “Another Woman, Another Man” (2003), “Upside Down” (2003), the TV series “Maroseyka, 12” (2000), “Heiress” (2001, 2005) ), "A woman wants to know..." (2008).

In 1990, Vera Glagoleva made her directorial debut with the film "Broken Light", where she played the main role. Then she filmed the films “Order” (2005), “Ferris Wheel” (2006). Vera Glagoleva's fourth directorial work, a drama (2009), won more than a dozen film awards even before its release.

In 2012, in collaboration with Alexander Fraskevich-Laie, she filmed the melodrama Casual Acquaintances.

Vera Glagoleva’s latest film, “Two Women” (2014), based on Ivan Turgenev’s play “A Month in the Country,” was filmed. Besides Russian actors Anna Astrakhantseva, Larisa Malevannaya, Alexander Baluev, the film starred the Frenchwoman Sylvie Testu, the German Bernd Moss and famous actor world cinema, British Ralph Fiennes.

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Vera Glagoleva was involved in theatrical projects. At the Anton Chekhov Theater she played in the production “Emigrant Pose” (1998), in the Mosfilm-TV enterprise in the play “Russian Roulette” (1999), at the Theater under the direction of Oleg Tabakov in the production “Under the Blue Sky” (2006 ).

Glagoleva's work was awarded prizes at a number of film festivals: Pacific Meridian International Film Festival in Vladivostok (2005), Cairo International Film Festival (2009), Window to Europe Film Festival in Vyborg (2009), Moscow Premiere Film Festival (2009), Amur Autumn Film Festival and etc.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Name: Vera Glagoleva

Age: 61 years old

Place of Birth: Moscow

A place of death: Baden Baden

Activity: actress, film director

Family status: was married

Vera Glagoleva - biography

Vera Glagoleva knew her terrible diagnosis, understood that the chances of recovery were low, but she was not going to give up. The actress hid her illness from the press and from the audience: she didn’t want to be pitied or seen as weak. When they asked her about her health, she got angry: “Ask better about films!”

Surprisingly, the talented actress, who played in several dozen films (among them: “Marry the Captain”, “Don’t Shoot White Swans”, “Descended from Heaven”, “Poor Sasha”), did not have vocational education.

Childhood and youth of the actress

As a child, when many girls dream of becoming artists, she practiced archery, and her idol was the noble robber Robin Hood.

Vera became a master of sports, played for the Moscow youth team and planned to continue sports career. But fate accidentally brought her to Mosfilm - the girl came with a friend who was auditioning for the role. Vera didn’t want to act, but when she was asked to play along with her friend, she agreed. For her it was just fun, she didn’t worry, she behaved naturally... Director Rodion Nakhapetov, who was looking for an actress for his new film, immediately realized: it was her.

When she was invited to filming, Vera was confused, she didn’t know whether to agree or not... The director’s personality played an important role in her decision: young, attractive, famous - he captivated the girl at first sight. Rodion also did not remain indifferent to the charm of the touching young lady. Vera became not only his heroine and muse, but also his wife. This marriage produced two charming daughters, Anya and Masha.

Vera acted more and more, not only with her husband, but also with other directors. In 1986, after the release of the film “Marry the Captain,” she was recognized best actress of the year.

Glagoleva found her style, her sound, her image and became an icon of an entire generation. Many girls wanted to be like her heroine, fragile, tender, looking at the world with wide eyes. They copied her hairstyle and way of dressing, but of course they couldn’t copy her character, which combined softness and inner strength.

The family life of Vera and Rodion seemed ideal - they loved each other, their children, their work. They never had scandals, but controversial issues were resolved amicably.

And in 1989, Rodion went to the USA to present his film and... fell in love with someone else. The collapse of the family was a heavy blow for Vera, but overcoming the pain, she behaved wisely: she did not forbid her ex-husband from meeting her daughters, and never told them anything bad about their father.

A few years later, Vera met new love- her chosen one was businessman Kirill Shubsky. They got married, and Glagoleva's third daughter, Nastya, was born. Family happiness returned to her life again. Tired of the dependent role of an actress, Vera decided to try herself in the director's chair and did it with great success. Her films were liked by the audience, and critics rated them highly.

Glagoleva’s terrible diagnosis

Vera always looked younger than her age, even when she became a grandmother. She never complained about her health, so fans had no doubt: she was still long years will delight you with your work. The more sudden, the more terrible the news of her death sounded.

The actress’s health began to fail several years ago. Then Vera Vitalievna was diagnosed with stomach problems and age-related abnormalities in her heart function, and was prescribed strict diet, prescribed treatment. She followed the doctors' recommendations, and everything seemed to be back to normal. As it turned out, only for the time being.

This spring, Vera Glagoleva was admitted to the hospital. She was taken by ambulance in an unconscious state, and doctors kept the actress in intensive care for more than a day. Journalists found out about this, which Glagoleva really didn’t want. Rumors grew, and notes about her serious illness were published in the press. Vera Vitalievna had to comment on the situation.

“I feel great,” she said. “I’m just tired after a long shoot.” At first, when her health deteriorated sharply, the actress herself thought it was fatigue. She was filming New film“Clay Pit”, spent 14 hours a day on the set, did not get enough sleep, interrupted by snacks... There was nothing unusual in this - such is the life of a director. “Probably age,” she thought. “We must take care of ourselves.” And she continued filming in the same mode. The deadlines were pressing, it was necessary to finish on time, and then do the editing. There was no time to go to the doctors.

Glagoleva did meet with doctors when she suddenly lost consciousness on the set. She received a blood transfusion, was given restorative medications, and her condition stabilized. Vera Vitalievna was eager to return to filming and made plans for the future. But the examination showed disappointing results. The diagnosis of stomach cancer sounded like a bolt from the blue.

At first she didn’t want to believe it, she thought it was a medical error and went to another clinic. Alas, the diagnosis was confirmed. Vera Vitalievna was more angry than scared. She was confident that she could cope with the disease, that her spirit was stronger than any physical ailment. Exhaustive treatment began: blood transfusions, medications, procedures. The actress endured them steadfastly, especially since the effect was obvious - she felt better.

I finished filming the film and started editing. And she strictly forbade her loved ones from talking about her illness. Some information still leaked to the press, but Vera Vitalievna assured that everything was fine with her. In his last interview she was talking about the movie The Clay Pit. She praised the actors and invited everyone to the premiere, which should take place in the spring of 2018. She had no doubt that she would see the picture on the screen.

In July in her family biography happened happy event - youngest daughter Nastya married hockey player Alexander Ovechkin. It was a grandiose celebration, and Vera Vitalievna was the undisputed star of the evening. She not only accepted congratulations, but danced along with the young people. At some point, she even joined “Ivanushki” on stage and sang a verse of one of the songs with them. “The soloist is fire!” - fans wrote on the Internet, where the video appeared. Who would have thought then that this energetic, perky and happy woman Just over a month left to live?..

Her condition worsened suddenly, as often happens with cancer. The family tried to do everything possible and found excellent doctors in a German clinic. But they were no longer able to help. Vera Vitalievna barely had time to arrive and undergo an examination - and on the night of August 16, the heart of the 61-year-old actress stopped.

“Our beloved... Unique and only... There are no words and no strength... you are near and we feel it...” the youngest daughter of Vera Vitalievna wrote on her page on social networks. "She was very a bright person“- write colleagues who knew the actress personally. Fans, shocked by the sudden death of the actress, leave her touching declarations of love: “She will forever remain in her favorite films and in our hearts.”

Author of the biography: Lina Filimonova 1699

We will introduce our today's readers to the biography and work of the famous Soviet actress– Vera Glagoleva. In addition to the characters, she played the role of directors, screenwriters and producer. For her services in the field of cinema, she received the title People's Artist RF.

Vera's acquaintances and friends describe her character differently - some talk about constant whims, others note the ease with which she managed to build her life. But everyone agrees on one thing - she was quite a talented actress and director. Despite her outward fragility, Glagoleva was very strong, principled and unpredictable. Those who are familiar with her work still say that she was the most extraordinary on the entire Soviet stage. In addition, Vera Glagoleva was able to show the necessary stamina and willpower when society was going through a difficult period.

Height, weight, age. How old is Vera Glagoleva

First of all, we will present some external indicators of the actress. This will be interesting to everyone, including those who have just decided to get acquainted with her work. Therefore, we bring to your attention exact figures, in particular height, weight, age. How old was Vera Glagoleva when she died? Many viewers ask, who remember the actress’s characters from Soviet times.

There is nothing to hide here - the approximate height of the actress was a little more than 160 centimeters. Most viewers say that Vera had perfect figure– of course, it is very difficult to argue about this. The artist died in the summer of 2017, and at the time of her death she was 61 years old.

Biography of Vera Glagoleva

The biography of Vera Glagoleva begins in the capital of the USSR, in the winter of 1956. The family of the future artist was far from creativity. Father Vitaly was a teacher, as was his wife, and also Verina’s mother, Galina.
When the girl was six years old, the family moved to the city of Izmailovo. After 4 years, the parents go to Germany, and, of course, take Vera with them. After another five years, the family returns to the capital.

The actress begins to practice shooting professionally. She chooses bow as a sport, and for good reason - within a year she becomes a master of sports. The head of the Glagolev family did not like his daughter’s hobbies - he wanted her to become a gymnast. But this did not reassure Vera - she loved wrestling and boyish games.

Filmography: films starring Vera Glagoleva

Glagoleva's filmography begins immediately after graduation, in 1974. It is noteworthy that our today’s heroine is one of those who made it into the world of cinema without the necessary diploma. Then she accidentally saw the filming taking place new tape, and management invited her to one of the roles. She copes with the given character in the film “At the End of the World...”.

Three years later, Vera is again offered to act in a movie - this time, the film “Thursday and Never Again.” The director was impressed by the actress’s performance. Therefore, he invites her to his own theater. In the future, Glagoleva regrets her choice - she refused.

Since the early 1980s, Vera’s popularity has been growing, and she has been invited to appear in various films. Among them, the memorable ones were “Starfall”, “Torpedo Bomber”, “Don’t Shoot the Swans”. The role in “Marry the Captain” also had a good impact on her film career, where Vera Glagoleva perfectly conveyed the feelings and experiences of her own character.

Over the next decade, the actress played many roles in films, playing strong and independent women. The directors say that insidious and negative characters are not suitable for her - Vera’s appearance is “customized” for positive heroines. Since the beginning of the two thousandth, Glagoleva was invited to various TV series.

In 1990, filming of Broken Light ended, which hit theaters in 2001. This film is the directorial debut of a talented woman. Not without awards and titles for his creative achievements.

Personal life of Vera Glagoleva

The personal life of Vera Glagoleva, although not complete, contains all sorts of novels and rumors, but her admirers will be interested in knowing some information.

The actress's first marriage was with a famous director. They met in 1974, and the young couple got married two years later. Having lived together for almost 17 years, the couple divorced and separated.

Vera Glagoleva meets a businessman, and later they decide to formalize their relationship. Since 2005, rumors sometimes appeared about the collapse of the union, saying that Vera Glagoleva and Kirill Shubsky would divorce in the near future. As far as we know, they both lived together until the actress’s death.

Family of Vera Glagoleva

We already mentioned a little higher that Vera Glagoleva’s family was not directly connected with art. Dad was a physics and biology teacher and worked at school. Died in 2007. Mom also worked as a teacher, only in junior school. She died in 2010, at that time she was 81 years old.

The only one creative person in the Glagolev family, before the appearance of a talented daughter, her aunt Lena, who painted pictures and was fond of art. Also, the elder brother of the future actress, whose name was Boris, was raised in the family. However, now it is difficult to say which direction he chose.

Children of Vera Glagoleva

The children of Vera Glagoleva are a topic that has rarely been covered by controversial data. We can say that everything is transparent here, although shortly before his death, the yellow press “threw in” information about third-party children of Vera’s husband. She herself did not comment on this, and was it worth it - Vera completely trusted her husband.

From her first marriage, the Soviet actress had two daughters, who were named Anna and Maria. We’ll talk about how the girls’ fates developed in the future below, in the relevant sections.

In the second marriage of the actress, another daughter was born, named Nastya. It is noteworthy that on this moment, there are already grandchildren of the talented artist.

Daughter of Vera Glagoleva - Anna

Vera Glagoleva's first daughter, Anna, was born in October 1978. Then, the actress was married to her first husband Rodion. The girl decided not to deviate from her creative mom and dad, so she received acting education, and later took up ballroom dancing. Now Anna is performing at the Bolshoi Theater, which is a good achievement.

Mom and her eldest daughter even have joint films in which they starred - these are “Sunday Dad”, “One War” and others. In 2006, the daughter of Vera Glagoleva gave birth to a girl, Polina, who became the first granddaughter of the Soviet actress. But Anna did not live long in her marriage to a young man, the father of her granddaughter.

Daughter of Vera Glagoleva - Maria

The second daughter of Vera Glagoleva, Maria, was also born in the actress’s first marriage, in the summer of 1980. After graduating from school, the girl decides to go to America and continue her studies there. As a result, Maria studies computer graphics. It is noteworthy that after their parents’ divorce, both daughters from their first marriage remained with their mother.

There, she met her first husband. However, there were no children in this marriage, and soon the young people divorced. In 2007, Maria returns to the capital of Russia, where she gets married again. Here two more grandchildren of Vera Glagoleva are born - Kirill and Miron, with an interval of 5 years.

Daughter of Vera Glagoleva - Anastasia

The third daughter of Vera Glagoleva, Anastasia, was born in 1993. At that time, the actress was already married to businessman Kirill. After receiving secondary education, the girl entered VGIK and graduated with a degree in production. Afterwards, she works on her own projects, gradually improving her skills in the film industry.

She starred in several films and TV series. A year ago, Anastasia and Alexander Ovechkin got married. It is noteworthy that, despite its serious illness, Vera Glagoleva managed to organize an event at the highest level. For now, the media is waiting for news about the addition to the newly made family.

Former husband of Vera Glagoleva - Rodion Rafailovich

Ex-husband Vera Glagoleva - Rodion Rafailovich was born in 1944, and as you already calculated, he is 12 years older than his wife. But the age difference did not prevent them from starting a family and living in marriage for many years. The man is an actor and director. He also has several production works and script productions for theatrical performances.

The future spouses met in 1974 - it was at this time that Vera began to develop a film career. On one of the film sets, a man noticed interesting girl, and suggested going on a date. Two years later, the young people are getting married. The marriage lasted more than fifteen years, but in 1991, they separated. In this marriage, the actress’s first children were born - daughters Marina and Anna.

Vera Glagoleva's husband - Kirill Shubsky

Vera Glagoleva's husband, Kirill Shubsky, is a reputable businessman. The age difference was just over eight years, in favor of the actress. The couple met at the Golden Duke, a famous film festival, in 1992. After a little time, they decide to legitimize their relationship.

A year and a half later, the third daughter, Nastya, is born - the birth took place in Switzerland. She always told reporters that she was happy in her personal life. But this did not stop the yellow press from launching scandals related to the “secret” daughter of her husband Kirill. This media behavior did not harm the couple in any way.

Health of Vera Glagoleva: sick with cancer

Shortly before her death, news headlines reported information such as “The health of Vera Glagoleva: sick with cancer,” but this was not given special significance. Already in August 2017, it became known about the death of the Soviet actress.

As Vera’s relatives say, the disease did not appear suddenly - long before that, Glagoleva’s condition was getting worse. But this did not stop her from appearing at various special events, in particular at the wedding of her daughter Nastya.

As soon as the information leaked to the media, fans became seriously concerned - Vera Glagoleva’s health was under threat. After the death of the actress, fans learned that the diagnosis was disappointing - stomach cancer. Most critics called her a legend and argued that Vera’s death was a serious loss for Russian cinema.

Many movie stars appear in men's magazines. Some time ago, a request regarding a photo of Vera Glagoleva in Maxim magazine became popular among those familiar with her work. But the actress did not agree to invitations from glossy publications to appear naked. Therefore, any candid photos on the Internet are not true. However, for those who want to evaluate the actress’s figure during her lifetime, you can find pictures in a swimsuit.

Also, fans were interested in such a topic as Vera Glagoleva, before and after photos plastic surgery. It’s safe to say that the actress did not use such services, but, as she herself claims, great shape helps maintain sports and good mood.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Vera Glagoleva

Social networks are popular among stars of various sizes. Not surprising, because it is convenient and quick way make advertising, attract new fans, etc. Also, it helps to promote your own creativity abroad.

As far as we know now, during her lifetime, our heroine did not maintain pages on the Internet, so Vera Glagoleva’s Instagram and Wikipedia requests often remain unanswered. However, you can find communities of fans of creativity, where everyone can express condolences and leave warm words about the life of the actress. The free encyclopedia contains the main films in which Glagoleva was involved. Article found on

The cause of death of the 61-year-old actress and director was cancer. For a long time Glagoleva fought stomach cancer, but the disease turned out to be stronger. On August 16, 2017, she died in one of German clinics where the examination took place. Yesterday, Glagoleva’s family, friends and colleagues came to the studio of the “Live Broadcast” program to honor the memory of the actress.

Ballet dancer Sergei Filin was the first to share his memories of Vera. He contacted the studio remotely and said that when a misfortune happened to him several years ago (he was doused with acid), it was Glagoleva who was the first to arrive at the hospital. “I didn’t expect at all that Vera could be there at that moment,” he said and admitted that the actress was for him an example of a woman before whom he simply had no right to “step back.”

Sergey Filin

Vera Glagoleva's ex-husband, famous actor and director Rodion Nakhapetov, admitted that he never forgot about Vera, and her death was the hardest loss of love for him. “A month ago I dreamed of Vera. It's very strange because I lost a lot of people, but they didn't show up. And now they don't appear. It appeared and it seemed to me that this was material that was not included in some film. She smiled, she was so joyful. “I woke up and my mood improved because I realized that this was her way of letting me know that she was okay,” he said.

Rodion Nakhapetov in the studio of the “Live Broadcast” program

And here eldest daughter The actress doesn’t dream about her mother. “I don’t dream about my mother, but my sisters do,” she admitted Anna Nakhapetova and said that after the wedding of her sister Anastasia with hockey player Alexander Ovechkin, information appeared that they knew and were preparing for the death of their mother, but this was not so. And Vera herself did not think that she would be gone so soon. “No one thought about such an outcome,” Anna said and admitted that now the footage from the wedding, where Vera Glagoleva gives parting words to the newlyweds, looks completely different, and since her mother’s death she hasn’t even looked at them. “On the day of the anniversary, we all gathered together at the cemetery with those who remember and love her. I hope this will become an annual tradition,” she said.

Vera Glagoleva’s eldest daughter Anna Nakhapetova in the studio of the “Live Broadcast” program

Shortly before Vera’s death, the actress and director began work on the film “Two Women,” the script for which was her close girlfriend Olga Pogodina. British actor Ralph Fiennes, who played one of the main characters in the film, also expressed words of support for the Glagoleva family. “A year ago we said goodbye to Vera Glagoleva. It was an irreparable loss. Now, a year later, I think about her entire family, about all her friends who were lucky enough to know and work with her. And although this is a terrible grief, we must continue to remember her great soul, which gave me amazing moments in life. I am grateful to fate that I shared them with her, with her family and all her friends. And I am glad to honor her blessed memory,” the actor shared his emotions. He was unable to appear in the studio and recorded a video message.

Ralph Fiennes

The program also showed Glagoleva’s godson Mikhail, the existence of which few people knew. Boy's father Andrey Renard said that the actress often gave the child toy bears, which she brought from all her trips abroad.

Vera Glagoleva with her friend Andrei Renard and godson Misha

Let us remind you that on the anniversary of the death of Vera Glagoleva, the daughters of the actress honored her memory with archival photos with their mother. Thus, Anastasia Shubskaya published a joint photo on her microblog on Instagram, succinctly signing it (the spelling and punctuation of the authors are given hereinafter without changes. - Note ed.): “How I miss you...08/16/17.” Anna Nakhapetova also shared an archival photo of her mother, signing it no less succinctly: “August 16. A year without mom..."

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