Download keepass in Russian latest version. Instructions: how to create a new password database

KeePass Password Safe is a program for securely storing passwords and grouping them into different groups. Allows you to fill in the fields for authorization in programs and on web pages with one click.

Despite the fact that the application is free, its developers guarantee super security. According to them: “It is more likely that the sun will burn out than someone will be able to crack the program.” And it seems that there is no reason not to believe them. The AES encryption algorithm embedded in the software in question is considered the most reliable today. You do not have to worry about keyloggers (programs that steal passwords) and hackers - they will not be able to get to your data.

How KeePass works: setup, by and large, comes down to creating a base and a multi-key. After installation, you will be required to create a main folder in which all passwords will be stored and come up with a master password for it. As an additional protection, it is also proposed to use a key file - you can specify the path to one of those located on the computer or create a new one using the generator.
After that, you will be able to add logins and passwords to the database, entering them into the sections "OS", "Internet", "Mail", "Games" and others. You can also create additional categories - for example, "Social networks", "Messengers", "Forums", "Credits". Each of the keys will be in a separate file, and you can designate it with one of the dozens of proposed original icons.

Now, when opening a program or site that requires authorization, you just need to open the database and click on the appropriate icon. The data will be copied to the clipboard and you only need to paste it. In addition, the developers have provided for auto-typing - after entering the multi-password, the forms will be filled out themselves, without user intervention.


  • creation of one or more bases;
  • division into categories;
  • password generator;
  • search by records;
  • choice of icons;
  • import and export of TXT, XML HTML, CSV formats;
  • autodial, which works in all browsers and in most applications for Windows;
  • changing passwords, including the master password;
  • transferring the database to the "cloud" storage Dropbox.


  • strong AES-256 encryption;
  • restoration of the base after partial damage;
  • connecting plugins;
  • support for "hot keys";
  • free distribution of KeePass - users of Windows versions 7, 8, XP can download this manager for free.

Things to work on:

  • the recovery system is inefficient if the first bytes are corrupted;
  • the level of security may decrease when third-party plugins are connected;
  • The KeePass interface in Russian is available only after installing the crack.

It should be noted that in terms of the main functionality, KeePass is not inferior to paid counterparts. Moreover, the program takes into account user preferences more. So, unlike LastPass, it does not automatically save the created or modified database to the "cloud". You can decide for yourself whether to do it or not. Although we would recommend that you sync your passwords with Dropbox in case your computer crashes, goes viral, or gets stolen.

The program will be useful for those who often encounter authorization on sites and applications. If you forget passwords easily and don't want to enter them manually every time, KeePass will definitely come in handy - the reliability of this software is not in question.

Russification requires download Russian.lng and place it in the folder with the program (by default it is C: Program FilesKeePass Password Safe), then in the "View" item, select the "Change Language ..." item

KeePass Password Safe
- Convenient password manager. Stores passwords or other sensitive data in a highly secure database, while allowing them to be sorted into groups. With the help of the program, if necessary, you can print the database, export it to other formats (TXT, HTML, XML, CSV, ...), import it into other formats (Password Safe v2 TXT files, CSV files, ...) , open and quickly insert a login / password on a web page, search the database, create hack-resistant passwords and perform many other operations. The databases are encrypted using the best and most secure encryption algorithms (AES and Twofish). Plugin extensions are supported.

Key Features:
Open source!
High Security.
Improved security system (encryption algorithms AES, SHA-256, protection against guessing a password, protection of databases from hacking).
Portable (does not require installation), supports various operating systems (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X).
Efficient organization system (time field tags, attachments as files), supports various methods of data exchange (clipboard, drag and drop, plugin support).
Powerful password generator.
Multilingual (support for more than 40 languages).

New in version 2.34:

The version information file was digitally signed and started to be downloaded via the secure HTTPS protocol.
Added option to lock the workspace when minimizing the main window to tray.
Added option to minimize the main window to tray instead of locking the workspace.
Added hotkey Ctrl+Q to close KeePass.
Added UIFlags parameter to disable the check for updates menu item.
The installer now creates an empty "Plugins" folder in the application directory, the portable version now has a new folder too.
Plugins: Added support for digitally signed information files.


Plugins are now loaded from the application directory or from subfolders of the "Plugins" directory.
Improved startup performance.
When the database is closed, KeePass searches for and removes temporary files that might have been created and forgotten by MSHTML when printing failed.
CHM Help File: Improved support for high resolution screens.
Numerous code optimizations.
Minor improvements.

About Portable:
The portable version of the program is presented by the developer, it works without installation on a computer.

1. Install the program.
2. Copy the Russification file Russian.lngx to the folder with the installed program.
3. In the settings, change the language to Russian and restart the program.
- View -> Change Language...-> Russian 2.34 -> Yes (the program will restart).

The portable version is Russified in the same way as the installation version.

KeePass is a convenient password manager that allows you to significantly increase the security of your personal data. This program is necessary for those who constantly surf the Internet, communicate in social networks, have several mailboxes, and are also registered in several payment systems. As you know, to ensure security, it is necessary to specify different passwords for all these services. In practice, a person uses 4-5 passwords, which alternate with each other. If any of these passwords is stolen by attackers, then he can gain access to several resources that you visited at once. To increase your security, you must use a password manager. This is a program that stores all your passwords in encrypted form. To access the database, you need to type only one password, and you will see a complete list of all the passwords that you use, indicating the site or program in which this password must be entered. You can easily edit this list by adding an unlimited number of items there. Also, access to the database can be made using a key file, which virtually eliminates the possibility of hacking or stealing the database with passwords. In addition, the database is encrypted using the most advanced data encryption algorithms.

- Open source.
- Ability to create an unlimited number of items in the database.
- Ability to set password protection.
- Ability to set protection in the form of a key file request.
- Convenient user interface.
- High degree of data protection.
- The most advanced algorithms are used to encrypt the database.
- Low system requirements.
- Does not conflict with third-party utilities.
- Support .

- Processor with a clock speed of 800 MHz or higher.
- RAM 32 MB or more.
- Free hard disk space from 7 MB.
- 32-bit or 64-bit architecture (x86 or x64).
- Operating system Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

Password Managers: Comparison Tables

The name of the program In Russian distributions Installer Popularity The size Index
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 3 MB 100
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 22.4 MB 100
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 0.9 MB 98
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 30.5 MB 94

KeePass Password Safe is a free open source program (TrueCrypt) that stores your passwords in a secure database, distributed under the GPL license. The utility was created not only for the Windows operating system, but also for Mac OS X, BSD, Linux and other Linux-like systems by Dominik Reichl (in German: Dominik Reichl). KeePass uses Advanced Encryption Standard and Twofish algorithms for secure password encryption their own databases (they are also used by banks). The password manager is a portable program and you can not install it, Russified. Export to such formats as HTML, TXT, CSV and XML is available, and import is possible from many other formats.

Windows version of KeePass: Professional Edition - contains many features and requires the installation of the .NET Framework and Classic Edition - a simpler version.

How to use Keepass

Before you start using the Keepass program, you need to install, configure and Russify the password generator.

Installation. You need to download and unpack the latest version from the official site. We recommend you a portable version with installation on a flash drive.

Russifier. Download the Russian version of the language file program from here and then copy “Russian.lngx” to the root directory of the program. Then you need to run KeePass → View → Change Language → Select Language → and Restart KeePass.

It is also desirable to configure the launch of the program at system startup.

Service → Settings → Integration → Launch KeePass at system startup.

And we will make it always open in a minimized and blocked state:

Tools → Settings → Advanced → Run in minimized and blocked state.

It is very convenient that AutoType (Auto-selection) is present in Kipas by default, by pressing the key combination Ctrl + Alt + A (USERNAME) (TAB) (PASSWORD) (ENTER).

Instructions: how to create a new password database

KeePass will store all passwords in the created database. So, for this you need to create a database -> select "File - New ..." in the main menu or click the left icon on the toolbar. A window will pop up asking you to enter the master password or disk key. Your password database will be encoded with the password you type here. Then press .

You are now in the main window. On the left are password groups, and on the right are entries about passwords.

Now you can store your first password in this password database called KeePass! Right-click in the right window and then select "Add entry ...". The following window will pop up. In it you can edit the entry: enter your own name for it, username, link, password, etc. When you are done, press .

Now you can see your newly created entry in the password list on the right side.

How to use the recording

Now you have created an entry in your password list. What can be done with it?

You have several different options. For example, you can make a copy of a username from an entry in the Windows clipboard. Once you have copied it, you can send it and use it in any other program. Works, and copying passwords.


KeePass has such an architecture, extensible functionality by third-party modules, the so-called plugins. The most popular plugins can be downloaded from the KeePass homepage (export or import from various data formats, database backups, automation, password manager integration with browsers, etc. are available). You also need to be aware that plugins can compromise the security of the KeePass program, since they are developed by independent programmer authors and have access to the KeePass database. It encrypts links, logins and notes.


  • Highly high security. In addition to technical details such as the caching and encryption algorithms used, the support for two-factor authentication is also important to us.
  • The source code is open. There is an opinion of developers and programmers that reliable and good cryptographic software simply cannot be closed. KeePass is an OSI Certified program.
  • Full cross-platform including all operating systems for mobile devices, with the exception of Symbian and webOS.
  • What is striking is the free program of this level, power and functionality.
  • A huge plus is portability. Kipas does not need to be installed, it can easily work from a flash drive, it does not create or store anything in the system.
  • No installation required by strict instructions. Two download formats are available: installer and zip file. The service has a built-in password generator.

KeePass analogs

KeePassX- a password storage program. It is a cross-platform port of KeePass.

LastPass- completely free, also to store password, created by LastPass. It is developed as a plugin for Google Chrome (Chrome), Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari and Opera. There is also a LastPass bookmarklet for other browsers.

RoboForm- for auto-filling various forms on websites. Distributed under a Shareware license.

Keychain(translated from Russian: Keychain) is a function (technology) due to which, in one place on Mac OS X, in an encrypted and reliable form, the user's personal data is stored: logins and passwords. And last Password Safe, iMacros.

KeePass (full. KeePass Password Safe) is a free, cross-platform password manager (the program runs on Windows, macOS, Linux, including mobile platforms Android, iOS, etc.).

KeePass will help you create for each account (social networks: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook and others; e-mail; login details for various websites, and so on) your own unique, complex, and extremely hack-resistant passwords, and most importantly - you don't have to keep them all in memory.

All your passwords will be stored in an encrypted database, protected by a single master key or a special file.

Main features and features of KeePass

  • Using AES and Twofish algorithms to encrypt password databases;
  • Encryption of the entire database (not just password fields), including usernames, notes, etc.;
  • The master key is hashed using the SHA-256 algorithm;
  • Process memory protection - your passwords are encrypted while KeePass is running;
  • Secure in-memory streams - when loading the internal XML format, passwords are encrypted using the session key;
  • Keylogger protection;
  • Export password list to various formats such as TXT, HTML, XML and CSV;
  • Import data from CSV files (all): , KeePassX, etc.;
  • Database protection with a master password or file key (can be used simultaneously);
  • The presence of a portable version -;
  • The password database consists of a single file that can be easily transferred from one computer to another;
  • Powerful internal viewer / editor of text files, images and documents;
  • Automatic clearing of the Windows clipboard some time after you have copied one of your passwords;
  • Password generator;
  • Support for plugins that expand the capabilities of the program;
  • Multilingual localization - Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian and other languages ​​are supported.

How to work with KeePass in Russian

By default, the program interface is in English. In order to work with KeePass in Russian, you need to download and install the appropriate crack. Next, extract it from the archive → place it in the program folder → run KeePass View → Change Language → select Russian.

Download KeePass for Windows

Please note: the Windows version of KeePass is offered by the developer in two versions - this is the Classic (light version) and the more functional Professional Edition, which, unlike the classic one, requires the Microsoft.NET Framework () installed in the system.

KeePass (full KeePass Password Safe) is a free, cross-platform password manager.

Version: Classic 1.37 / Professional 2.43

Size: 1.88 / 3.16 MB

Operating system: Windows

Russian language

Program status: Free

Developer: Dominik Reichl

Official site:

What's new in version: List of changes

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