Download the presentation on the Komsomol Reserve. Presentation "Specially Protected Territories of Russia and the Khabarovsk Territory." white goose, guillemot, guillemot


The work was carried out by: Veronika Sergeeva and

Herod Ksenia, students of 9th grade B

Head: Vlasova Irina Anatolyevna

Goal of the work: create an idea of ​​the types of protected areas in Russia and get acquainted with the main reserves of the Russian Federation and Khabarovsk Territory; compile a data bank about nature reserves to prepare for the OGE in geography.

Main objectives of the study:

  • 1. Study the history of conservation in Russia and establish the main categories of protected areas.
  • 2. Consider the features of the reserve system Far East and Khabarovsk Territory, characterize the region’s reserves, especially the Komsomolsky Reserve.
  • 3. Conduct sociological research to determine the degree of knowledge of school students about nature reserves in Russia.
  • 4. Conduct a cartographic study to determine the distribution of Russian reserves by economic regions.
  • 5. Compile a database of characteristics of nature reserves to complete task No. 6 of the OGE in geography.
  • 6. Draw conclusions and make recommendations based on the results of the work and research.

HISTORY OF THE RESERVE CASE Commandment in Rus' and in Tsarist Russia

  • The word “reserve” has been known in Rus' since time immemorial (even in “Russkaya Pravda” (11th century).
  • Monastic lands . Some modern nature reserves arose on the site of former monastery forests.
  • Royal hunting grounds . One of the most ancient and famous hunting grounds is Belovezhskaya Pushcha.
  • Ship scaffolding. The first state decree of Peter I was a decree ordering an inventory of forests suitable for shipbuilding. Unauthorized felling was punishable by a fine or hard labor.
  • In accordance with the resolution of the Council of Ministers of Russia

“On the establishment of rules on hunting reserves” in 1917, the first Barguzin Nature Reserve in Russia and the Kedrovaya Pad Nature Reserve in the Far East were created.


  • The first official state reserve in Russia is a reserve in the northeastern Transbaikalia.
  • Established by decree of the Irkutsk Governor General

HISTORY OF THE RESERVE CASE Nature reserves in Soviet times

  • In 1919, the first Soviet reserve was established - Astrakhan .
  • Then, until 1924, another 5 nature reserves V different regions Russia : "Ilmensky" in the Urals, " Krasnoyarsk pillars" , “Forest on Worksla”, “Crimean” and “Caucasian” ».
  • In 1921 it was signed Decree “On the protection of natural monuments, gardens and parks.”
  • In the 70-80s. Nature conservation in the country began to develop again. One after another, new reserves were created - and in the Arctic, Siberia, and the Far East - Wrangel Island (1976), Taimyrsky (1979), Ust-Lensky (1985), Putoransky (1988).
  • The first marine reserve in Russia opened - Far Eastern Marine (1987).

Astrakhan Nature Reserve

  • Astrakhan State Nature Reserve - a nature reserve in the Volga River delta
  • Established April 11, 1919

Far Eastern Marine Reserve

  • Located in the Far East in the Sea of ​​Japan, in the Gulf of Peter the Great

Inhabited by arctic fox, polar bear,

wolverine, walrus, seal, bearded seal,

white goose, guillemot, guillemot,

Bering cormorant,

white wagtail, etc.




and musk oxen.

  • Wrangel Island is a “maternity hospital” for polar bears.
  • There are up to 250 dens on the island.

Great Arctic Nature Reserve

  • Established on May 11, 1993. The main territory of the reserve belongs to the subzone arctic tundra, and most northern sections- to the Arctic desert zone.

HISTORY OF THE RESERVE CASE Commandment in our time

  • A new, very powerful wave of the creation of nature reserves was observed in the late 90s of the 20th century. Thus, in just 5 years, from 1993 to 1997, 20 new reserves were created.

Types of specially protected natural areas (SPNA) According to federal law dated March 14, 1995

The PA system today includes

  • 105 state reserves (area 33.8 million hectares),
  • 40 national parks (7.74 million hectares),
  • 69 federal customers(12.54 million hectares),
  • 28 natural monuments(34.3 thousand hectares),
  • about 12 thousand regional reserves, natural monuments and natural parks (469 natural monuments are World Cultural and Natural Heritage sites);
  • 56 botanical gardens
  • 24 dendrological parks administrated Russian Academy Sci.


  • 25 nature reserves, 3 national parks, 13 natural parks, about 140 nature reserves, about 765 natural monuments, 8 botanical gardens and arboretums, 20 health centers.
  • The subjects of the Far East differ significantly in the number of protected areas - from 28 in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug to 280 in Khabarovsk Territory(Primorsky Territory - 236; Yakutia - 232; Amur region– 190; Kamchatka Territory – 153; Sakhalin region– 76; Magadan region – 42; EAO – 38)

SPNA federal significance:

State natural reserves - 6 objects

National Park - 1 object

SPNA of regional significance:

  • reserves - 21 an object
  • natural monuments -
  • 69 objects
  • natural parks -
  • 2 object

Bolshekhehtsirsky Reserve

The territory of the reserve occupies most Greater Khekhtsir ridge and is enclosed between the river valley. Ussuri and the Khabarovsk-Vladivostok railway. All rivers of the reserve belong to the Ussuri and Amur basins. The most large river– The Chirka is 82 km long and flows, extremely winding, along the foot of Khekhtsir from east to west.

Botchinsky Reserve

The reserve is located in the northeastern part of the Sikhote-Alin ridge, in the river basin. Botcha. The reserve was created to protect the northernmost group of Amur tigers, valuable spawning grounds salmon fish and forest ecosystems of northern Primorye in all their diversity. (lady's slippers grandiflora and spotted, Schisandra chinensis, pointed yew; birds - black stork, black crane, fish owl, etc.)

Bureinsky Reserve

The reserve is located at the source of the river. Bureya (Right and Left Bureya), in the system of the Aesop and Dusse-Alin mountain ranges, the Khingan-Bureya Highlands, in the Verkhnebureinsky district of the Khabarovsk Territory. The reserve was created to protect the practically undisturbed typical mountain taiga ecosystems of the south of the Far East and their flora and fauna.

Dzhugdzhursky reserve

Dzhugdzhursky Nature Reserve is located in the Khabarovsk Territory, in the mountains on the coast Sea of ​​Okhotsk. In the Dzhugdzhursky reserve, 480 plant species are registered, 18 rare species, two species are protected. The fauna is rich. The most common mammals are elk, brown bear, sable, fox, wolf, wild reindeer; There are bighorn sheep, musk deer, and black-capped marmot. Seals live in coastal waters - sea ​​hare(beard seal), larga seal, striped seal (lionfish). Of the 166 birds living in the reserve, 126 nest on the territory of the Dzhugzhursky reserve, eleven are protected


  • was created on November 18, 1997. It is located in the lowest part of the Middle Amur Lowland - Lake Bolon. The reserve is located in the Amur and Nanai districts of the Khabarovsk Territory.
  • The reserve was created primarily for the purpose of protecting the wetlands of the Amur region - nesting sites and migratory concentrations of many bird species.

Komsomolsky Reserve

The Komsomolsky Nature Reserve is located in the basin of the Gorin River, a large left tributary of the Amur River, in the Khabarovsk Territory. The fauna in the Komsomolsky Reserve is rich; sable, brown bear, elk, reindeer, musk deer, and wild boar are typical. From rare species Far Eastern forest cat, Himalayan bear, harza, badger, fish owl, black grouse, and blue magpie are found here. Siberian grouse, tangerine, black stork, Steller's sea eagle listed in the Red Book of Russia. On the Gorin River there are spawning grounds for autumn chum salmon and pink salmon.

Study 1. Sociological survey “What do I know about protected areas in Russia and the region”

  • What year was 2017 declared to be? (year of ecology)
  • What types of specially protected areas do you know? (State natural reserves, including biosphere reserves; National parks; Natural parks; Wildlife sanctuaries; Natural monuments; Dendrological parks And botanical gardens; Medical and recreational areas and resorts)
  • How many nature reserves do you think there are in Russia? (101 reserves)
  • What nature reserves in the Khabarovsk Territory do you know? (Bolshekhehtsirsky, Bureinsky, Dzhugdzhursky, Botchinsky, Bolonsky, Komsomolsky reserve)
  • Why are they created? protected areas? (environmental, scientific, environmental and educational significance, as examples of natural natural environment, typical or rare landscapes, places where the genetic fund of flora and fauna is preserved)

Study 1. Sociological survey “What do I know about protected areas in Russia and the region” CONCLUSION

  • 61 people (9th grade students) took part in the study, of which only 9 people (less than 15%) know that 2017 is the Year of Ecology and Conservation in Russia
  • Of all the variety of protected areas, students, in addition to reserves, know only such species as national park, 7 people (11%) wrote about this
  • There are 101 nature reserves in the Russian Federation today, and many people also had no idea about it.
  • As for the reserves of the region, few remembered such reserves as Komsomolsky (mostly), Botchinsky, Bolshekhehtsirsky (only 2 people). 90% of students did not name a single nature reserve in the Khabarovsk Territory.
  • Among the main values ​​of protected areas, they mainly indicated: conservation of species (30%), protection of rare species of plants and animals (19%), and for tourism (2%).

Study 2. Distribution of nature reserves by economic region (analysis of atlas maps)

As the second stage of the study, we decided to make a sample of nature reserves on the territory of Russia, namely, their distribution across economic regions.

  • The largest number of nature reserves in the territory Russian Federation located in the regions of the Far East (Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories) - 25 nature reserves and Siberian regions ( Krasnoyarsk region) – 22 reserves.

Study 3. Creation of a task bank (task No. 6, OGE in geography)

  • As a source, we took a selection of questions for task No. 6 of the OGE in geography from the “I will solve the OGE” website “FIPI”, answered these tasks and questions and formed the result in the following table, which we recommend using in classes to prepare for the exam in geography, and also in geography lessons



Answer and Explanation

A group of tourists from Finland wants to see with their own eyes the unusual nature of the Russian steppes. Which of the following reserves do they need to visit for this?

  • Kurilsky 2) “Wrangel Island”
  • 3) Orenburg 4) Kostomuksha

A group of schoolchildren from Orenburg wants to see with their own eyes the unusual nature of the tundra. Which of the following reserves do they need to visit for this?

1) Gydansky 2) Oksky

3) South Ural 4) Mordovian

The Orenburg region is located in the south of the Urals. A significant area of ​​the region is represented by steppe landscapes.

Commander Islands in the Pacific Ocean - The fauna of marine mammals is most clearly represented on the islands



Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Slide description:

Natural Reserve "Komsomolsky" Completed by: E.V. Bibartsev, 6th grade student of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 62 Checked by: N.V. Terentyeva, geography teacher

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The Komsomolsky Reserve was organized by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated October 3, 1963 No. 4297 and owes its name to the proximity of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, a large industrial center of the Far East. The reserve occupies the mouth of the Gorin River basin, a left tributary of the Amur River. In general, the outline of the reserve territory has the shape of a quadrangle measuring approximately 20 km from north to south and 30 km from west to east. In the south, the territory of the reserve includes a 100-meter strip of water area of ​​the Amur River.

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Protected area, with a total area of ​​64 thousand hectares, includes mountain ranges and riverine lowlands, and the mountainous part of the reserve is significantly larger in area than the plain. Mighty rivers give the natural complexes of the Komsomolsky Nature Reserve their unique appearance. Gorin, in front of the Amur property, flows for approximately 20 km parallel to the latter’s bed, separated from it only by a small strip of land, in some places no more than a few hundred meters wide. In 1935, at its narrowest point, a canal approximately 200 meters long, called Prokop, was manually dug. The lowland river part of the reserve is characterized by oxbow lakes and numerous islands covered with lush meadow vegetation.

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80% of the reserve's area is occupied by forests. A total of 680 species were discovered in the reserve higher plants, of which 8 plant species are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation: pointed yew, Japanese bearded yew, smooth iris, true slipper, tall belly, thin coleanthus. The sheath flower is small, the peony is obovate.

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Root of life, root man Scientific name– Panax comes from Greek word panacea, which means a cure for all diseases. Ginseng Ivan - tea It’s not a fire - It’s the flame of Ivan - tea Burning there with chamomile in half. A. Alien Lily.

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Diverse animal world reserve. More than 200 species of birds have been identified. 16 of them are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation: white-tailed eagle, Steller's sea eagle, osprey, golden eagle, fish owl, Far Eastern white stork, black crane, grouse grouse, mandarin duck. 47 species of mammals have been recorded. Among the predators are the usual: brown bear, Himalayan bear, weasel, sable, fox, raccoon dog, lynx, otter, mink; rare and endangered species - wolverine, tiger. The order of artiodactyls is represented by: elk, roe deer, musk deer; there are also wapiti and wild boar.

The game was recorded in the village of Bichi, which is located in the zone of the state Komsomol reserve of the Komsomolsky district. Only employees of the reserve now live in this village. This game is reminiscent of the Russian game "Running over bumps". “Jumping over Bumps” was played by the Nanai children of the Bichi camp, who in the process of this game learned to quickly and deftly overcome difficult bumpy areas of the terrain.

"Duck Hunt". One of the favorite games of Nanai children was “Duck Hunting”. This game brought children a lot of joy and pleasure. Akim Samar - teacher and poet who died in the Great Patriotic War near Stalingrad, he recalled his childhood in this way: “Each of the players tried to be like a duck, and when we ran to an imaginary lake, we got the impression that these were real ducks flying. To the side, hiding from us, the “hunters” sat impatiently waiting for their “prey”.

Traditional Nanai games are of particular value. Their effect on the body of the children of the Amur people was distinguished by a wide range and was truly universal. With their content and focus, the games aroused children's interest in the crafts of their parents. With the help of games, health developed and strengthened, vital motor qualities and skills were formed, honesty, courage, mutual assistance, will, love of nature were cultivated, and a certain spiritual mood was created.

Water area: 4,488
Area of ​​protected territory: 9,831
Location: The reserve was established in 1963 for conservation and study
natural complexes Lower Amur region - weakly disturbed cedar broad-leaved forests, dark-coniferous and light-coniferous taiga.
Located on the territory of the Komsomolsky district of the Khabarovsk Territory, 40 km
northeast of Komsomolsk-on-Amur.
Consists of one plot with an area of ​​64.4 thousand hectares, including the area
water area of ​​the river Amur is 4.5 thousand hectares. The area of ​​the security zone is 9.8 thousand.
The reserve has 4 controlled territories: a natural monument
regional significance "Silinsky Forest" with an area of ​​50.8 hectares, a federal nature reserve
meaning “Udyl”, reserve of federal significance “Olzhikansky” and
nature reserve of federal significance "Badzhalsky".

Climate: The territory of the reserve is located in the zone of influence of the Far Eastern monsoons. Monsoon
The climate is characterized by a change in the direction of air flows to the opposite from winter to summer.
In winter, air currents prevail over the Lower Amur, directed from land to sea and having
low temperatures and low moisture content. In summer, streams of moist air from the sea bring
cool rainy weather. During the warm period, 80-90% of annual precipitation falls, often in
in the form of showers. The driest month is February, the wettest month is August. Temperature
differs significantly from the average for these latitudes. In Komsomolsk-on-Amur, the average annual
the temperature is 6 degrees below the average latitude. Average annual temperature district
reserve 0.8 degrees. WITH, January average-25 degrees C (minimum -50), July +20 degrees. C (maximum
+35). In spring and autumn, cold arctic temperatures may penetrate air masses, and development
late spring and early autumn. frosts. Winter is usually cold, with little snow, and lasts
more than 5 months; spring is short and dry. Summer is cool and rainy, but in some years
Droughts are possible in early - mid-summer. Autumn is short and sunny.

Soil: The soils of the reserve are divided into mountainous and flat.
In mountainous areas, mountain brown-taiga, mountain brown-taiga illuvial-humus and brown mountain-forest soils are common.
Mountain brown-taiga soils are found under mountain coniferous forests, are characterized by weak
dismemberment of the profile, low thickness of horizons and a high degree of rubble. Mountain
brown-taiga illuvial-humus soils are found under spruce-fir and spruce
forests on mountain slopes. They are characterized by low power, acidic reaction, heavy
mechanical composition. Brown mountain forest soils are developed under coniferous-broad-leaved and
deciduous forests. They are formed under conditions of good drainage on loose eluvial solution. Their profile is characterized by an intense brown color, more pronounced
division into horizons.
Lowland areas are characterized by brown forest podzolic, floodplain brown, meadow
gley, swamp and floodplain layered soils.

Flora: The plant cover is formed by representatives of three floristic
complexes - Amur (Manchurian), Beringian and East Siberian.
The Manchurian complex near the mouth of Gorin is at the northern limit
distribution. To the north and northeast of this area, only
its individual species, and they are found there sporadically and soon
disappear completely. For the reserve, of the Amur elements, the most
Characteristic are Korean cedar, Japanese and lobed elms, ash
Manchurian, Amur velvet, Eleutherococcus senticosus, Schisandra chinensis,
Amur grapes, Actinidia kolomikta and others. Typical representatives
Beringian flora - Ayan spruce, white fir, Middendorf weigela and
Clintonia uda; East Siberian - Cajander larch, sedge
harsh and black-headed rosemary, wild rosemary and wild rosemary, birch
spreading and others

Fauna: swimming birds are most numerous during spring and autumn migrations.
Since the Komsomolsky Reserve faces the Amur and is located on
a short distance from the Evoron-Chukchagir depression, where there are many reservoirs,
attracting ducks and geese, its territory is crossed important ways movements
migrating birds. Among migratory ducks, pintails and teals predominate
whistle and kloktun; of the geese - white-fronted and bean goose. During nesting time, more often than other ducks
There is a killer whale, and a large merganser lives along the fast rivers - tributaries of the Amur.
Scaly-tailed merganser was also recorded on Gorin. Fish nesting is very likely
eagle owl. Almost everywhere in the reserve where there is woody vegetation,
There are chipmunks and squirrels, but in the cedar forests the number of these species is significantly
higher than in fir-spruce forests and larch forests. The most diverse
the habitat is inhabited by the flying squirrel; this peculiar big-eyed animal with
twilight and nocturnal activity, able to cover the distance from tree to tree
with a special gliding flight, common in the Lower Amur region. Among ungulates and predators
animals, the central place in the communities of the Gorin basin belongs to musk deer and sable,
moose and brown bear. “Southerners” from among the predators - Kharza, white-breasted bear and tiger are extremely rare or appear only intermittently.

Role in nature conservation: The reserve was established to preserve and study the natural complexes of the Lower Amur region -
slightly disturbed cedar-broad-leaved forests, dark-coniferous and light-coniferous taiga
Protected species: The animals of the reserve listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation include:
far eastern turtle,
white-tailed eagle,
Steller's sea eagle,
golden eagle,
fish owl,
Far Eastern stork,
mandarin duck,
Siberian grouse,

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