How long to cook brown rice. How to cook brown rice fluffy? How to cook delicious? Soup with brown rice

Each housewife has her own, special secrets of cooking certain dishes. Thanks to them, the same dish is obtained differently by different culinary specialists. However, there are a number of products that require a common processing technology - at least at the initial stage of working with them. An example of this is brown rice.

White and brown: what's the difference?

The white groats that we buy most often are polished. It cooks faster, but it also contains few useful microelements. Its brown “brother” is unpolished, each grain is in its natural brownish shell. That's why he looks so ... not quite nice, dirty. It doesn’t matter, because it is this cereal that is considered the best, it contains vitamins of group B, iron and magnesium in almost perfectly balanced form. But carbohydrates are much less than in ordinary rice. Therefore, unpolished is equated to dietary products and is recommended for a healthy diet. Now the question arises of how the difference in varieties affects the preparation of cereals. i.e. how to cook

Little tricks

We will immediately reassure young, inexperienced hostesses: there are no special differences, there are only small nuances that should be remembered once, and then everything will be done automatically. Firstly, in order for the bran shell to soften better (and, therefore, the grains themselves become softer faster during cooking), be sure to soak the cereal in cold water in the evening or at 5-6 o'clock in the afternoon. Check it out first. Before cooking brown rice, drain the water in which it was soaked, and rinse the grits well several times. Then pour it into the pan, pour cold water again, let it boil and cook for 10 minutes. Then remove from fire. Probably, for someone, the instruction on how to cook brown rice resembles a kind of sacred ceremony (this is how it is among Eastern peoples). However, the task of the cook is to preserve the useful properties of the product as much as possible and at the same time try to boil the grain well so that it is not half-cooked and hard. Because so much fuss cereal and requires! However, this is a classic version of how to cook brown rice, exemplary. Next, your attention will be offered several recipes, where everything happens much faster, and the result is no worse. So, rinse the rice again, add cold water again and now cook for 15 minutes. And only then turn off the fire, wrap the cast iron and leave the rice to simmer for about another hour. Then it will turn out to be moderately soft, crumbly and very tasty.

Porridge with butter

And now the promised recipes. The technology of how to cook brown rice correctly is somewhat different here, but the first two points (long soaking and thorough washing) are strictly observed! Yes, one more note: any cereal is best cooked in a small cauldron or cast iron, thick-walled, which warms up evenly. Porridge in it will not burn, will not stick. And even if such a nuisance happens, the dish will not have an unpleasant smell. And then it is much easier to clean the dishes than, for example, an enameled pan. But back to the recipe! Pour water into the cast iron (at the rate of 4 cups of liquid for 2 cups of rice) and add 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil. It is possible instead of it and creamy - who loves with what. Immediately put salt and 1 teaspoon per specified amount of cereal. When the water boils, pour rice into the pot. Make the fire quiet and wait until the cereal thickens (the water does not disappear from the surface of the porridge). Now turn off the gas, cover the cast iron with a lid, wrap it with warm something and leave the dish to “reach”, to cook (for 50 minutes). It is this recipe that answers the question of how to cook brown (in an accelerated way).

Rice with tomato and cheese

This is another unusually tasty and satisfying dish that you will pamper not only your family, but also your guests. For cooking, you will need: for each glass of cereal, half a glass of tomato sauce (prepare in advance), 40-50 g of grated hard cheese, 3-4 tablespoons of oil. Along the way, another useful tip on how to cook brown rice. The proportions of cereals and liquids are taken approximately 1 to 2, since the main essence of its preparation lies precisely in heating it without fire, and not in bringing it to full readiness on the stove. But back to the recipe again.

Boil rice (without oil, but in salted water). Prepare tomato sauce (you can use canned natural juice with pulp or dilute tomato paste or ketchup with boiled water to the desired consistency). Then boil it in a pan, adding salt, sugar, bay leaf, allspice and hot pepper to taste. Put the cooked rice in another pan, season with oil and gently fry over low heat, stirring until it is lightly browned. Then pour hot sauce, sprinkle with cheese and leave covered for half an hour. After that - serve, separately cutting the greens and sprinkling with it.

- this is unpolished, unpolished rice with the bran shell preserved (sometimes called "brown rice"). It can be both long-grain and medium-grain - respectively, belong to both hard and soft varieties of rice. At the same time, regardless of the variety, thanks to the preserved bran shell, useful and nutritious substances remain in brown rice grains, and the rice itself becomes a pleasant light caramel color (hence the name). You can learn more about the properties and features of brown rice on the Catalog page, which also provides information about Kuban rice and other types of products manufactured by Agro-Alliance.

How to cook brown rice in a pot?

In order to calculate the required amount of rice, keep in mind that one cup of raw grain makes three cups of boiled rice. Rinse it until the water runs clear and put it in a saucepan. If rice is soaked for 40-45 minutes before cooking, water will penetrate into the outer layers of the bran shell, it will become more elastic, and boiled rice will have a beautiful appearance.

The recommended water to rice ratio is 2.5 cups of water to 1 cup of rice. If there is less water than necessary, the rice will burn; if more, then you will have to use a colander to drain excess water from the cooked rice.

The recommended hot processing time is half an hour from the moment of boiling, although many housewives advise cooking rice for about 45 minutes. This is because those who say 30 minutes are dealing with soft rice, while 45 minutes may be required for long grain rice. However, it is still not worth digesting brown rice - it will not work out of a velvety creamy texture: the shell will burst, releasing starch, and turn inside out. In addition, intensive hot processing of brown rice for more than 30 minutes will significantly increase its glycemic index, which eliminates the beneficial properties of rice as a whole.

How to cook brown rice in a slow cooker?

The recipe for brown rice in a slow cooker, as well as in the case of tips for processing rice in a saucepan, is slightly different from the usual recommendations for preparing polished rice, for example, Kuban rice. Experienced housewives also advise taking two and a half parts of water for one part of rice - then it will turn out not only fragrant, but also crumbly. The operating modes of the multicooker can be called differently, but most often it is either “rice” or “cereals”. The cooking time is the same as when cooking in a saucepan - half an hour after boiling water. Please note that the pre-set rice cooking modes in multicookers are most often set to 45 minutes of processing, i.e. to work with long-grain rice, therefore, in the case of using soft varieties, turn off the multicooker 15 minutes earlier.

On our site you will find more than 50 different recipes with fragrant and crumbly brown rice, as well as many interesting articles about the history, properties and types of rice.

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Various cereals are an important part of our diet. We cook milk and sweet cereals from them, add them to soups, use them as a side dish and even for baking. But at the same time, not all cereals that can be purchased in a classic supermarket are healthy. So in ordinary white rice there are practically no useful elements, all of them left it during processing. And as an excellent alternative to such a product, nutritionists recommend using unpolished or brown rice. Let's clarify how to cook brown rice and not just, but cook friable? How to cook brown rice delicious?

How to cook brown rice fluffy?

In order to cook friable rice, you need to perform a number of preparatory operations. The first step is to rinse it thoroughly. Such manipulation is extremely important. When washing with cereals, all particles of dust and dirt that could get on it during cultivation and transportation are eliminated. In addition, washing reduces the amount of substances used to process rice. Rinse the cereal in cold water until the water runs completely clear. Then scald the brown rice with boiling water and rinse again with cold water. Then proceed to boil it.

In order to cook brown rice delicious, be sure to soak it in advance. Put the cereal in a deep bowl and pour a significant amount of ordinary cold water. It is quite possible to carry out such a manipulation in the evening and leave the rice all night, or soak it before going to work. The minimum time for soaking cereals is five to six hours.

The prepared rice should be transferred to a cooking dish and poured with cold water. For one glass of cereal, you need to use two and a half to three glasses of water. Pour salt into a saucepan and put it on fire. After boiling, cover the rice with a lid and boil over a fairly high heat for five to ten minutes.

Next, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook the cereal for half an hour without lifting the lid. Then turn off the heat and leave the rice covered for ten to fifteen minutes. This will allow the remaining water to soak into the grains.

How to cook brown rice deliciously:

To prepare a fragrant dish, you need to stock up on one glass of brown rice, one lemon, one head of young garlic and a bunch of parsley. Also use three tablespoons of olive oil, a quarter teaspoon of pepperoncino or paprika.

Prepare rice as described above. Peel the head of garlic, chop the cloves into smaller pieces.
Heat the olive oil in a fairly deep frying pan, fry the garlic in it a little. Finely grate the lemon zest and add to the garlic.

Put the rice in the pan, stir. Add pepperoncino and turn off the heat.
Chop the greens into smaller pieces, add to the rice and mix again.

Brown rice with shrimp

To cook rice deliciously, we use the following ingredients: one glass of rice, half a kilogram of shrimp, a medium orange, four tablespoons of olive oil, twenty grams of almond petals, half a glass of raisins, two hundred and fifty milliliters of yogurt, half a teaspoon of ground zira and one clove of garlic. Also use some salt and chili depending on your taste preference, a couple tablespoons of lemon juice, and five to seven green onions.

Rinse the rice thoroughly, send it to a deep frying pan, where you have previously melted the butter. Stir, add salt, fill with water (in a ratio of 1: 2) and cook under the lid on a fire of minimum power until the liquid has completely evaporated.

Heat up a frying pan with a couple of tablespoons of olive oil. Fry the shrimp for one minute on each side. Transfer to a plate.
Peel the orange from the zest, and the slices from the films.

Put the orange zest, finely chopped green onions, raisins, and almonds into the pan. Fry for two minutes. Add shrimp rice to these ingredients, salt and pepper, depending on your taste preferences. Cook for three minutes.

To prepare the sauce, combine yogurt with a couple of tablespoons of olive oil, lemon juice, salt, cumin, finely chopped garlic and chili pepper.

Serve the rice garnished with orange slices along with the sauce.

Fragrant rice with vegetables

To prepare such a delicious and fragrant dish, you need to prepare a glass of rice, six hundred milliliters of chicken broth, one medium onion, a couple of cloves of garlic and one petiole celery. Also use one medium carrot, some basil, sweet paprika, chili powder depending on your taste preference. Also stock up on three tablespoons of ketchup and the same amount of olive oil.

Cooking deliciously fragrant rice with vegetables is not difficult. Chop the onion, celery and garlic into small cubes. Heat a frying pan with olive oil and fry the prepared vegetables until the onion is translucent. Next, add carrots to them, also chopped into cubes. After a couple of minutes, add rice, mix, cover with a lid and leave for two to three minutes. Gradually pour in hot chicken broth.

Rice will cook in about thirty to twenty-five minutes. Ten minutes before it's ready, season it with basil, paprika and chili. Stir, add ketchup and mix again.

Brown rice is an extremely healthy cereal worthy of taking its place in your daily diet.


There are three “breads” in the world: wheat, corn and rice. It just so happened that the Asian cereal crop came to Europe rather late. We got acquainted with rice when it was already “powdered” for the buyer, that is, cleaned and polished. Few Europeans know what an ordinary grain of this cereal looks like. And it, like wheat, is in the amniotic membrane. Because of this, the rice grain has a sloppy dirty brown color. But in Asia, they have long figured out that brown rice is much healthier than white. There, raw grains are used to prepare food for the elderly and children. True, such rice is cooked much longer than its polished counterpart. Yes, and the taste is due to the shell specific. Therefore, another type of rice became known - parboild. Unpeeled grains are steamed, all useful substances and taste qualities of the pericarp are transferred to the nucleolus. Then the rice is cleaned of the unnecessary shell. The grains turn slightly yellow, but cook very quickly - within 15 minutes. In this article, we will talk about how to cook brown rice properly. This is very interesting and educational!

Is sanding good?

Rice is certainly a useful cereal. But did you know that the lion's share of the substances necessary for the body is contained in the amniotic sac of grain? Scientists from Harvard conducted research to determine the difference between white and brown rice. The benefits and harms of these two types of cereal are described in The Independent. It turns out that white rice increases the risk of diabetes. And his brown counterpart, on the contrary, reduces this risk by 16%. And in terms of calories, it is slightly lower - 111 versus 130 (per 100 grams of product). But not in the nutritional benefits of brown rice. Thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folic acid, iodine, copper, phosphorus, zinc, the most important amino acids for health are found in excess in the pericarp. Brown rice only loses in one way to grain refined by polishing: shelf life. Due to the fact that the nucleoli are covered with an oily peel, they cannot be kept for a long time.

As we have already found out, this is exactly the case when coarse and unpolished cereals are more useful than beautiful white grains. However, due to the skin and the taste of the finished dish will be very different. And such grain is cooked for about half an hour - longer than its white counterpart. But the risk is reduced that instead of pilaf you will get porridge. But no matter how long we cook brown grain, it will still remain somewhat hard. By the way, many do not like this variety of rice for its specific taste. And in vain, you just need to know how to cook it correctly. And combine with the right products. Then you will have a wonderful independent dish or a spectacular looking and tasty side dish. So how do you cook brown rice? The recipes below will enrich your knowledge of the use of this useful product.

General rules for cooking grain

Unpeeled rice can be used in all dishes where white varieties are used: in pilaf, cereals, casseroles, cabbage rolls. It turns out similar, only a slight nutty flavor betrays that unpolished grain was used. To make the rice softer, more tender, it is soaked for two to three hours. If you keep the grains in water all night, then the porridge will cook in fifteen to twenty minutes. The proportions need to change a bit. For a glass of cereal you need to take three times more water. Rinse brown rice before cooking. We continue this process until the flowing water becomes completely transparent. If you want to cook crumbly porridge, you first need to fry the rice a little in olive oil. After that, it is necessary to pour the cereal with cold water, mix once and leave on high heat. As soon as the liquid boils, you need to reduce the heat to a minimum, salt the dish to taste, close the lid and leave until the water is completely absorbed. It is also worth giving the rice time to rest on the edge of the stove after turning off the gas for about 20 minutes.

Greek casserole with feta and zucchini

Brown rice (100 g) cook until tender, as described above. Cool it, add one egg and 100 g of grated cheese varieties. We mix. We grease the form with butter and lay out, tightly tamping, the base for the casserole. We put in an oven preheated to 220 C for five minutes. We rub a small zucchini or a young zucchini, squeeze the juice. Two hundred to three hundred grams of feta knead with a fork. Add zucchini. We beat in two more eggs. Knead with finely chopped yellow sweet pepper and herbs (dill, mint, green onion, parsley). We dilute the filling with 70 grams of cream of 10% fat content. Salt, pepper. We spread the filling on the rice base. From above, lightly pressing, place the whole cherry tomatoes. We set the oven temperature to 200 C. We cook the casserole for half an hour.


Finely chop the onion and celery stalk. Fry in vegetable oil, squeezing two more cloves of garlic into a deep frying pan. When the onion becomes translucent, add finely chopped carrots. After a couple of minutes, add brown rice (a glass), mix and leave for two minutes under the lid to steam a little. Pour 0.6 liters of hot chicken broth. After a quarter of an hour of cooking, add spices under the lid: basil, sweet paprika, chili pepper. We mix. After two minutes, put three tablespoons of ketchup. Cooking for another ten minutes. This dish can be an independent dish, or it can be a side dish of fried or baked chicken.

Iranian pilaf with brown rice

First, we sauté on a spoonful of olive oil finely chopped onions and carrots. Pour 180 grams of brown rice. Stir, fry for a minute. Add 50 grams of crushed dates, a spoonful of grated zest, 400 ml of broth and half a glass of water. Pepper and salt the dish, bring to a boil, reduce the heat to a minimum. Cover and cook brown rice for 45 minutes. When all the liquid boils away, add a spoonful of lemon juice. We leave under the lid to reach. Sprinkle the finished pilaf with green onions and serve.

Warm salad with cauliflower

Hot main courses are not the only thing you can cook brown rice with. Recipes give us many options for salads. Here is one of them, Mediterranean. We wash and boil the brown rice to make 200 grams of crumbly porridge. Finely chop the onion, and cut the red bell pepper into small pieces. Boil two small heads of cauliflower in salted water, divide into inflorescences. We steam a handful of dried cranberries, rinse, strain, dry a little on a napkin. Roast the same amount of pine nuts. Mix all the ingredients in a salad bowl. It is desirable that the rice is still warm. Salt and pepper. Make dressing in a jar with a lid. Shake three tablespoons of olive oil and lemon juice together. Dress the salad with this dressing.

Cereal maneuvers

Don't be afraid to experiment with brown rice. It can be used in place of white grains and produce dishes with a slightly different, nutty flavor. On sale there are many cereal mixtures, which includes brown rice. Reviews highly recommend trying a "cocktail" with Parboild. Parboiled grain cooks faster, so the whole porridge will be cooked evenly. A mixture of parboild and wild rice is especially prized. By the way, the last species came to us not from Asia, but from North America. They have long been eaten by the Indians, and they began to cultivate it only in the 50s of the last century. Aquatic zest (as wild rice is scientifically called) has an intense black color and a rich, sweet, nutty taste. It is best to cook exotic dishes from such a mixture of cereals: curry, with coconut sauce, walnuts, tarragon.

Cereals in the human diet are necessary for the body to receive complex carbohydrates that contribute to proper metabolism. But it is very important to be able to properly cook this or that cereal in order to preserve all the beneficial properties. For example, many housewives have heard about the benefits of brown rice, but are afraid to cook it because they do not know how to cook brown rice correctly. This process does not require special skills - let's learn!

Brown rice is an unpolished grain. What is the benefit of such a product? The fact is that the usual white grains are the result of processing brown cereal. But in the process of cleaning grain from bran, rice loses a lot of vitamins and useful minerals, while brown, that is, unprocessed cereals, retains the entire set of components. Among them:

  • B vitamins that affect the health of the nervous system;
  • vitamin E, which preserves the youthfulness of body cells;
  • coarse dietary fiber that improves intestinal motility;
  • potassium, which positively affects the work of the heart;
  • magnesium, necessary for brain function;
  • zinc, which is of great importance for balancing the human hormonal background.

As for white rice, these substances are contained in it in much smaller quantities. But as a result of processing, starch, proteins and vegetable fats are completely preserved.

How to cook brown rice properly?

To make brown rice as useful as possible, due attention should be paid to the preparation of the product before cooking.

  • Rinse the cereal well with cold running water - this will free the grains from impurities and dust.
  • Clean rice must be soaked for at least 4 hours in cold water.
  • After the first boil, the water must be drained, pour the cereal again and cook until the rice swells.
  • Before serving the dish, it is worth giving him about 20 minutes to walk.

Of course, these tips can be neglected - the taste of rice will not change much from this, but the percentage of vitamins and minerals will decrease significantly.

Read also:

Cooking fluffy rice in a pot

The main rule for cooking brown rice in a pot is that the grits must absorb as much water as possible in order to become juicy and soft. To do this, it is important to observe the proportions of rice and liquid.


  • 1 st. brown rice;
  • 2.5 st. water;
  • table salt (to taste);
  • 50 g butter.


  1. Rinse pre-soaked rice again.
  2. Pour into a wide saucepan so that the grains are evenly processed during cooking.
  3. Pour the cereal with cold water.
  4. Bring to a boil, after 10 minutes drain the liquid and again fill it with cold filtered water.
  5. We put the rice on the fire for 20-25 minutes, salt.
  6. Turn off the stove, add oil and wrap the pan with a thick towel for 20 minutes.

Let's use the slow cooker

For those who prefer to cook in a slow cooker, it will not be difficult to cook brown rice in it. It only takes half an hour to prepare. How to cook brown rice in a slow cooker?


  • 1 st. brown rice;
  • 3 art. water;
  • salt (to taste).


  1. Put the pre-soaked rice in the multicooker bowl.
  2. Fill with water.
  3. Salt to taste (you can taste and add salt if necessary 5 minutes before the readiness).
  4. Select the "Rice" mode and cook for 30 minutes. The finished dish will be a great addition to meat or vegetables.

With a little addition to the set of ingredients, you can make a delicious vegetable pilaf. To do this, before adding rice, you need to stew chopped carrots with onions and spices (curry, turmeric, dried herbs).

Cooking in a steamer

Those who don't like to spend a lot of time in the kitchen will love this recipe for how to cook brown rice without soaking it. Only for this you need a steamer. How to cook brown rice in a steamer?


  • 1 st. brown rice;
  • 3 art. filtered water;
  • salt (to taste);
  • spices (curry, ground pepper, turmeric).


  1. Thoroughly wash the rice through a sieve.
  2. At the bottom of the steamer bowl we put a sheet of foil with holes made with a toothpick.
  3. Rice is mixed with salt and spices, poured onto foil and poured with water.
  4. Cover the steamer with a lid and turn it on for 1 hour. If the device is low-power, then set 1.5 hours.

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