How long do fish live in an aquarium? How long do aquarium fish live at home? How many years do goldfish live?

To people who are far from aquarium hobby, it may seem that fish are strikingly different from other pets - they are unemotional, do not wag their tail and do not show great joy when their owner appears. However, fish owners become very attached to their charges, and many representatives of the aquarium world reciprocate their feelings. Naturally, an aquarist is interested in the question of how long fish live in captivity. You always want your favorites, even though they are so unusual, to be around for as long as possible. And, of course, it is important to know how to extend this period.

Despite the fact that everything is individual, there are average indicators of how long certain fish live:

  • in baloo sharks, common loaches, and piranhas, the lifespan usually does not exceed 10 years;
  • Metinnis, Nimbochromis, Malawian cichlids, angelfish, cockroaches, sturizoms, panacia - more than 10 years;
  • in apistograms, guppies, swordtails, platies, iris, gourami - the life span does not exceed 5 years, most often the cycle is only 3-4 years;
  • cardinals, neons and mollies usually live no more than 4 years;
  • tetradons, squirters, wedge-bellies, synodontis, congos, otocinclus, mystus - a 5-year life span is measured;
  • tetras and lalius live about 5-6 years;
  • life expectancy of zebrafish and corydoras catfish is 5-7 years;
  • in labeos, barbs, black morulis, and rastobors, this period varies from 4 to 10 years;
  • Angelfish and glass catfish live on average about 8 years;
  • the life cycle of plecostomus, banjo catfish, and frontoz is 7–15 years;
  • cichlazomas and botia live from 10 to 15 years;
  • astronotus, discus and severum - from 10 to 18 years;
  • Long-livers are often found among goldfish - they live from 10 to 30 years.

Life cycle of marine fish

Marine inhabitants are not as common among aquarists as freshwater ones, but many aquarium enthusiasts gravitate towards exotic species and acquire unusual fish without fear of difficulties. The lifespan of such individuals will be longer if they live in water with a balanced level of salt.

It is important to provide them with quality care - often fish die in the first year of life from diseases that arise due to poor living conditions. The following marine species have short lives:

  • butterfly fish;
  • tangerines;
  • Moorish idols;
  • bulls;
  • triggerfish;
  • damselfish fish;
  • Napoleons;
  • surgeon fish.

They live from 2 to 4 years. Small Sea Horses from the tropics are also short-lived, their life cycle is only 3-4 years. Life expectancy of lion fish, clown fish, eels and sea ​​bass in aquarium conditions it is 8-10 years. But for marine angelfish, this period takes about 20 years or more.

What is the lifespan of fish associated with?

The owner, when choosing a population for his aquarium, can focus on various criteria, including taking into account their life expectancy. Perhaps a person’s plans do not include long-term maintenance of a tank, or perhaps this is his favorite thing, and he cannot imagine life without underwater inhabitants.

It is important for professional breeders to consistently produce offspring, therefore, the more spawnings they carry out, the better. Duration life cycle fish is associated with the following factors:

  • size of individuals;
  • temperature conditions;
  • nutritional disorders - overfeeding or underfeeding;
  • livability and neighborliness;
  • tank volume.

In some cases, just because of one violation, the fish cycle can be significantly shortened.

Fish size

This is one of the main criteria. As you know, everything is vital in the body of small animals. important processes progress faster, which is why they live shorter than their larger relatives. The shortest life is found in fish whose size does not exceed 5 cm, for example, “swords”, “gupeshki”, neons do not often live to see their 5th anniversary and often die after 1-2 years.

Zinolebias fish found in reservoirs turned out to be unusually small South America. The length of their life cycle is directly related to the rainy season. As soon as it stopped and dry days arrived, the resulting reservoirs dried up and the cinolebias died. But this type did not die out - during its entire 6-month life, the fish managed to spawn eggs. It took them six months to be born, reach puberty, leave offspring, and die.

Medium-sized fish live about 10-15 years, but among them there are also long-livers; for example, the lifespan of piranhas can reach a quarter of a century. Naturally, such inhabitants will stay around longer, and this is important to take into account when introducing them. Interestingly, females live less than males, and often the difference reaches 1.5-2.5 years. In some species, females die immediately as soon as they give birth to offspring.

Of course, not a single aquarium fish is immune from diseases and unsuccessful births, but most often this occurs in viviparous guppies and swordtails.

Temperature indicators

The water temperature has a significant influence on the duration of the life cycle of the inhabitants of the aquarium. The peculiarity of cold-blooded creatures is that they are not able to independently regulate their body temperature, so water performs this function. The temperature of the water in the tank is the same for its inhabitants.

The warmer the aquatic environment, the more active the metabolism in the fish’s body. This leads to faster wear and a shorter life cycle. In some cases, the life of fish becomes shorter by more than one year.

Water quality

Practice has shown that when the water in the tank is rarely replaced, the concentration of harmful, toxic components in it significantly increases, which negatively affects the quality of life of the inhabitants and its duration. When replacing, it is recommended to use only settled water that contains an acceptable level of chlorine. Due to being in bad water, fish often experience problems with the respiratory tract and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Diet and feeding regime

Another important aspect that affects the life of aquarium inhabitants. As a rule, fish can suffer from both overfeeding and lack of food:

  1. Overfeeding. Obesity is a common pathology that occurs due to owner mistakes. Often, fish eat more than they should when the family does not have a clear schedule - they feed everyone who remembers about them, give food “by eye”, without worrying about the portion size, or allow them to give food to children in order to please the latter with a funny spectacle.
  2. Underfeeding. If fish are undernourished, they become deficient nutrients, vitamins and microelements. They become lethargic and inactive, as they lack strength.

If the owner doubts whether his charges are getting enough food, you can sniff the water - if too much food gets into it, it acquires a specific smell. It is best if it does not emit any foreign aroma. You should worry about overfeeding your fish in the following cases:

  • if the water in the tank smells rotten;
  • quickly loses transparency and becomes cloudy;
  • a film appears on the surface;
  • plants and decor become covered with an unpleasant, slimy layer.

The main rule of feeding any pets, including aquatic ones, is moderation. According to generally accepted rules, fish should receive as much food as they can consume within a few minutes of starting their meal.

Smart neighborhood

Often, in pursuit of the aesthetic beauty of the aquarium, novice owners miss this point. In such situations, a common tank turns out to be a not entirely comfortable place for all inhabitants:

  1. Large predators begin to eat smaller neighbors - what are the chances of the latter living all the time allotted to them by nature?
  2. Territorial fish clearly monitor their zone - they firmly drive away everyone who invades it. And then what should the rest of the inhabitants who prefer to live in the same layer do? aquatic environment? Just feel stressed and hide.
  3. Phlegmatic fish with luxurious fins constantly suffer from hooligan, hyperactive neighbors - they will definitely bite and rip off tails and fins, while the victims not only experience stress, but also often get sick and do not live long.
  4. Many representatives of the breeds cannot stand their own brothers. For example, just a couple of cockerels can turn an aquarium into a constant battlefield, and these betta fish not only until first blood.

These are not all unfortunate combinations of creatures forced to live in the same territory due to the “light hand” of the owner.

Video about why fish die in an aquarium

Overcrowded reservoir

It is important to take into account the needs of the inhabitants for free space - for swimming and zoning. If you place more fish and other aquatic creatures in a container than required, you may encounter the following problems:

  • living creatures will not have enough food;
  • increased competition will arise - the fish will sort things out at the slightest provocation - over food, territory, different characters. Of course, about full, peaceful life there is no speech;
  • the oxygen regime of the tank is disrupted - this is one of the most common causes of death of aquarium inhabitants;
  • the incidence of fish illnesses increases - they feel unwell. In addition, many diseases begin to spread, affecting more and more individuals;
  • aggression increases - intolerance towards neighbors can arise even among completely peaceful and calm inhabitants - and who would like constant interference from the outside?
  • individuals with leadership inclinations will fight for the place of leader and leader - harshly, uncompromisingly, oppressing the weaker along the way. In a rush, cocky fish are capable of killing an opponent.

Any of the above situations causes the death of the inhabitants of the artificial reservoir. It is important that each fish has its own “living space”, and the needs of an individual of a particular breed in the volume of water should also be taken into account.

Fish is a creature sensitive to everything that surrounds it. It is very difficult to notice her illness, discontent or hunger. Proper care behind her is the only way to prolong and simplify her life.

How long do goldfish live?

The lifespan of a fish depends on many factors. There is a certain pattern: small inhabitants of aquariums live 1-5 years, medium-sized ones (5-10 cm) - 10-12 years, large-sized ones - 15 - 35 years. Catfish, carp, sturgeon can even outlive humans. Egg-laying carp-toothed representatives, for example, Nothobranchius, live in puddles, die immediately after the reservoir dries up, the eggs survive. Even if you breed them at home, they will only live for a few months.

Most experts are inclined to believe that the average age of a goldfish is 4-5 years, in good conditions and with professional care, a pet can live 10-15 years. There is information that in one of the Moscow zoos the fish lived for 34 years, in Great Britain - 43 years.

Factors that influence the life of the “golden” inhabitants of the aquarium

How long aquarium goldfish live is directly affected by water temperature. Fish are cold-blooded animals, that is, their body temperature is almost equal to the temperature of the water in which they are located. Warm speeds up metabolic processes, the body will wear out faster. The color of older individuals is more colorful compared to young animals.

Improper feeding can also kill your pet faster. Remember, it doesn't have to be just dry. Overfeeding is more harmful than underfeeding. Must be done periodically fasting days for the “golden” beauties.

The population of the aquarium and its size are important for the normal existence of the fish. Before purchasing individuals, make sure that they are compatible and will not outlive each other. Don't forget to change the water. Professional aquarists say that a container with a volume of 150-200 liters is ideal for fish.

Following these rules will significantly increase the chances of your pets becoming long-lived.

How long do fish live?

How long do they live? aquarium fish- this is a question that worries many novice aquarists. In fact, the life of aquarium fish, like any other living creature, depends on the species, the comfort of the habitat and proper care.
In addition, the lifespan of fish significantly depends on the population of the aquarium. If you make compote from an aquarium, then the life expectancy of aquarium fish will be sharply reduced. You should also remember about the compatibility of aquarium fish: incorrectly selected fish do not live long.

It is also worth remembering that fish are cold-blooded - their body temperature is equal to the temperature of the water. The higher the water temperature in the aquarium, the faster metabolic processes occur in the fish’s body, and their life progresses faster.



How long do they live? SHARKS BALU- 10 years;
How long do they live? APISTOGRAMS- 3-5 years;
How long does he live? ANGEL FISH PIMELODUS- 8 years;
How long do they live? ASTRONOTUS - 10-18 years;
How long do they live? BARBUS - 5-10 years;
How long does he live? COMMON LINE- 10 years;
How long do they live? BOTSIE - 10-15 years;
How long do they live? GIPPY GUPPY - 3-5 years;

How long do they live? GURAMI - 4-5 years;
How long do they live? DISCUS - 10-18 years;
How long do they live? DANIO - 5-7 years;
How long do they live? GOLDFISH - 10-30 years;

How long do they live? CONGO - 5 years;
How long do they live? CARDINALS- 4 years;
How long do they live? SPECKED CATFISH Corydoras- 5-7 years;
How long do they live? LALIUS - 5-6 years;
How long do they live? LABEO - 4-10 years;
How long do they live? Sword bearers - 3-5 years;

How long do they live? METINIS - more than 10 years;
How long do they live? MISTUS - 5 years;
How long do they live? NEON - 4 years;
How long do they live? MOLINESIA - 4 years;
How long do they live? NIMBOCHROMIS - more than 10 years;
How long do they live? PECILIAS - 3-5 years;
How long do they live? OTOZINCLUS- 5 years;
How long do they live? PIRANHA - 10 years;
How long do they live? MALAVIAN CICHLIDS - more than 10 years;
How long do they live? PLECOSTOMUS- 7-15 years;
How long do they live? RASTOBORA- 5-10 years;
How long do they live? SINDONTIS- 5 years;
How long do they live? SEVERUM - 10-18 years;
How long do they live? SCALARIA - more than 10 years;

How long do they live? CATFISH BANJIO -7-15 years;
How long do they live? TARAKATUM - more than 10 years;
How long do they live? GLASS CATFISH - 8 years;
How long do they live? TETRAS - 5-6 years;
How long do they live? CICHLAMOSES BLACK-STRIPED 10-18 years;
How long do they live? FRONTOSIA - 8-15 years;
How long do they live? CICHLAMOSES -10-15 years;
How long do they live? BLACK MORULIS - 4-10 years;
How long do they live? TETRADONS- 5 years;
How long do they live? STURIZOMES - more than 10 years;
How long does he live? FISH BRYZGUN - 5 years;
How long do they live? WEDGE-BELLIES - 5 years;
How long do they live? IRISH - 3-5 years;
How long do they live? PANAKIA - more than 10 years.

Many novice aquarium hobbyists have a question: how long do aquarium fish live? It should be understood that the lifespan of any living creature depends on its type, proper care, and comfortable living environment.

In an aquarium, the lifespan of fish is influenced by the degree of its population. If there are a lot of fish, their life expectancy will decrease accordingly. In addition, do not forget that only species of fish that are compatible with each other can live together for a long time. Remember that aquarium fish are cold-blooded: their body temperature directly depends on the temperature of the water in which they live. The warmer the water, the faster the life of the fish proceeds due to accelerated metabolic processes in their bodies.

The lifespan of fish also depends on their size: the life of small fish is short - from 1 to 5 years, medium-sized fish can live up to 10-12 years, and large fish live 15 years or longer.

Rare changes of water in the aquarium, as well as overfeeding, lead to a reduction in the lifespan of fish. Moreover, overfeeding has a much worse effect on fish than underfeeding. The older they get, the more they are susceptible to stress and various diseases.



tetras, neons, minors 4-6 years

piranha, pacu - 10 years


danios, barbs, labeos, cardinals, bala sharks 5-10 years

gold fish— 10-30 years


Angelfish, frontosa, Malawian cichlids (labidochromis, pseudotropheus) 8-10 years

Cichlazomas, astronotuses, discus, severums 10-18 years

Apistograms 3-5 years


guppies, mollies, swordtails, pecelia 3-5 years


gourami, lalius, cockerels 4-6 years old



Loach, botia 10-15 years

How long do they live? SHARKS BALU- 10 years;
How long do they live? APISTOGRAMS— 3-5 years;
How long does he live? ANGEL FISH PIMELODUS- 8 years;
How long do they live? ASTRONOTUS — 10-18 years;
How long do they live? BARBUS — 5-10 years;
How long does he live? COMMON LINE- 10 years;
How long do they live? BOTSIE10-15 years;

How long do GIPPY GUPPIES live? — 3-5 years;

How long do they live? GURAMI— 4-5 years;
How long do they live? DISCUS — 10-18 years;
How long do they live? DANIO — 5-7 years;

How long do GOLDFISHES live? — 10-30 years;

How long do they live? CONGO- 5 years;
How long do they live? CARDINALS- 4 years;
How long do they live? SPECKED CATFISH Corydoratus— 5-7 years;
How long do they live? LALIUS — 5-6 years;
How long do they live? LABEO — 4-10 years;

How long do Sword bearers live? — 3-5 years;

How long do they live? METINIS— more than 10 years;
How long do they live? MISTUS- 5 years;
How long do they live? NEON - 4 years;
How long do they live? MOLINESIA - 4 years;
How long do they live? NIMBOCHROMIS— more than 10 years;
How long do they live? PECILIAS — 3-5 years;
How long do they live? OTOZINCLUS- 5 years;
How long do they live? PIRANHA - 10 years;
How long do they live? MALAVIAN CICHLIDS— more than 10 years;
How long do they live? PLECOSTOMUS— 7-15 years;
How long do they live? RASTOBORA— 5-10 years;
How long do they live? SINDONTIS- 5 years;
How long do they live? SEVERUM — 10-18 years;

How long do SCALARIA live - more than 10 years;

How long do they live? CATFISH BANJIO - 7-15 years;
How long do they live? TARAKATUM — more than 10 years;
How long do they live? NET CATFISH- 8 years;
How long do they live? TETRAS — 5-6 years;
How long do they live? CICHLAMOSES BLACK-STRIPED 10-18 years;
How long do they live? FRONTOSIA— 8-15 years;
How long do they live? CICHLAMOSES10-15 years;
How long do they live? BLACK MORULIS— 4-10 years;
How long do they live? TETRADONS- 5 years;
How long do they live? STURIZOMES— more than 10 years;
How long does he live? FISH BRYZGUN- 5 years;
How long do they live? WEDGE-BELLIES- 5 years;
How long do they live? IRISH— 3-5 years;
How long do they live? PANAKIA- more than 10 years.

Species living in salt water

How long do aquarium fish live that they prefer? salt water? Despite the narrow distribution in home nurseries and the difficulty of keeping them, some fanciers still try to provide them with everything possible conditions life. A balanced level of salt in water can prolong life, proper nutrition and the corresponding volume of the aquarium. Most saltwater fish live in public aquariums, where they live in best conditions. Many sea ​​fish succumb to illness early in life due to poor care.

Some species that live in brackish water live from 2 to 4 years. Among them: butterfly fish, mandarin fish, Moorish idol, gobies, blennies, Napoleon, monodactylus (swallowfish), triggerfish, surgeonfish, degu. Most small tropical seahorses live in aquariums for 3-4 years. Larger seahorses may live longer but are rarely available for the home aquarium.

Fish belong to one of the most ancient groups of vertebrates. This species is more than 300 million years old. They are adapted to life in a wide variety of bodies of water throughout the Earth. It means huge variety species of fish.

Since ancient times, man has sought to domesticate various animals and use them for his own purposes. Pisces were no exception.

There are whole fish farms , where fish are raised in artificial conditions and then sold. But fish is not only food for humans. For many, these scaly creatures become beloved pets and best friends. At home they most often contain exotic species fish Externally they are very bright, beautiful and unusual. But they are all warm water and cannot tolerate temperatures below 20 degrees.

Aquarium fish have already fully adapted to life in an aquarium. They can even reproduce in such conditions. But a person needs to try very hard to create an environment that is close to natural. In addition, this situation is individual for each type of fish. Feed should also be given Special attention. How many varieties of complementary foods exist now! It is necessary to choose a varied and balanced diet. And only if all these conditions are met will aquarium fish grow the right size and acquire their characteristic color.

Fish Relationships

Before purchasing different aquarium fish, find out about their compatibility. The fish should be approximately the same size. Otherwise, larger individuals will eat the small ones. Aggressive fish must live separately from others, or together with more large species. Sedentary and active fish species are also incompatible.

Many people are hesitant to have pets because of their short life expectancy. And unfortunately, fish don’t live forever either. But their maximum possible age depends solely on the person.

So how long do aquarium fish live? And what determines their life expectancy?

First of all, the deciding factor is the type of fish. More often than not, the maximum age depends on the size. Little fish live no more than 5 years, larger fish are about 10 years old, and very large individuals can outlive their owner.

Every owner of aquarium fish tries to raise the maximum number of fry. IN wildlife happens all the time natural selection: weak and sick fry never survive. In artificial conditions everything is different. Even the weakest representatives of the species have a chance to exist. Therefore, you should not be particularly surprised when you find the corpse of a fish in a well-kept aquarium. This means that she was weak and incapable of living. But still worth it check the water temperature and the presence of infection.

It would be useful to raise the question of how long goldfish live. Some say they don't live to be 5 years old. Others talk about goldfish, living up to 20 years. This means that it’s all about proper care for scaly pets.

Goldfish are not called goldfish for nothing. They need careful care and comfortable conditions.

  • One fish needs at least 50 liters of water.
  • Goldfish love to rummage through the pebbles at the bottom. Choose stones carefully - they should be round, without sharp edges.
  • Plants for an aquarium with goldfish should have large leaves. Dirt picked up by fish from the bottom soil will settle on the small ones.
  • The water temperature should vary depending on the season. In winter it is low - 16 degrees. Then it should be gradually increased, bringing it to a maximum of 24 degrees in summer.
  • Everyone has long known about the need for a filter in water. Oxygen saturation is abundant. Acidity for gold pets is about 7.

How much feed do they need?

Goldfish one of the most voracious creatures. They always remain hungry, no matter how much they eat. But you cannot give in to their persuasion. Frequent feeding causes illness. Feeding once or twice a day will be sufficient. Portions should not be large.

For goldfish, live food is preferable and plant food, sometimes you can pamper him with dry food. Live food should be purchased frozen, this is the only way to avoid various infections. Experts advise feeding them with cereal porridges cooked in water without salt.

If you follow a feeding regimen over a long period of time, goldfish will be able to survive even a two-week hunger strike(for example, if you are going on vacation).

The main thing is to take care of your beloved pets! If you love them with all your heart and take care of them, you will be able to find out from your own experience how long aquarium fish live. And you will be surprised how long and happy their life can be!

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